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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EET

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columnist for cnn emphasized the problems with ammunition at the front, in particular due to the imperfect system of weapons production in ukraine, which zaluzhny wrote: we remain limited by the imperfect regulatory and legal framework in our country, as well as the partial monopolization of the defense industry, this leads to production bottlenecks , for example, ammunition, which further deepens ukraine's dependence on allies in matters of supply, well, ukraine. informed allies that it was facing a critical shortage of artillery shells as russia daily uses three times more firearms at the front , bloomberg has already written about it. the question of ammunition, the question of weapons is quite relevant in 2024, no less than the question of mobilization or the question of the future commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, observing the latest decisions of the european union. and our
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western european partners, what can you say, mr. oleksandr, whether the ukrainian army and ukraine will not fall into these scissors of political struggle, including in the united states of america, and whether it will be enough all in order to restrain the russian invaders, because this is what we are talking about now, first of all, it must be said that... after all, there will be an increase in the production of shells and ammunition in europe, well, this was confirmed by the head of the european commission, ursula funderlein , she said clearly that additional contracts are still being signed and production will be, that is, at least when we talk about europe, a demonstration of the efforts of the countries of the european union, that they are really increasing production volumes, and this is confirmed, that is, this question, it remains on... the agenda, the only
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thing that should be understood here is that the issue of increasing production and increasing it is always a matter of time as well, and this is a moment, unfortunately, from which there is nowhere to go, because in order to in order to systematically increase it now, it really takes a certain amount of time, and you see that the plans that are there, they are calculated on the basis that next year the production of more than 2 million projectiles, this year for... projectiles by european countries, that is, in fact, it can be extended for 3 years, and in the future it is possible even up to 3 million, this is only in to the european union, well , the ordinary united states is also important here, because if we are talking about 200 million for this year only by europe, well, if the united states joined with funding with all the possibilities, maybe it would be 500 million, and that’s already too, well, let’s say so with... a completely different number and further
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on the build-up, that is, this process is ongoing, we have now entered a difficult moment, when we received a large number of weapons that were in warehouses in european countries, and we used them, well, to a large extent , because the war is quite intense, we all know that, but now the moment when it starts, production has already started and we have to wait, that's how they build up, and, by the way, we are now competing with the aggressor state, with russia. because they declared an increase in the production of shells, but putin is going to north korea, that is, putin will ask for shells in north korea, because their production is also not keeping up, and we are competing, we have now also entered the stage from the point of view of the competition here , who will increase faster, in total europe and the usa are able to do it faster than russia and north korea, but of course for that right now... the key
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issue still remains the united states and the $61 billion aid package, because in the usa there is a significant production of 155mm, but now that's an issue, well we know, it's the same as funding and politics , and south korea, if the united states could be convinced, it is now the top, it is among the top ten producers, this country, in particular , of shells and other types of weapons, which we would also need, by the way... today, politicians wrote publications about the fact that ukraine has also announced that it will increase production shells, well , this is also what the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general zaluzhnyi, says, that it must be done, well, we all understand, obviously, there is no need for any argument here, why it must be done, the difficulties of transitioning to 155 mm are the same, we didn't use before and we didn't produce 155 mm, but now it... it has already started, well
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, actually since the end of last year, since the beginning of this, well, there are many questions, why did we not prepare for this, this is the first, there is another question to moreover, why is europe like this? did not wait and why europe did not think that it would be so big war, and that they may have to fight with russia, as they are now saying, that is , we have taken all the stocks of ammunition in western europe, or part of them, and their production does not have enough ammunition to even supply themselves, that's how you can explain the way special western intelligence services could not predict this. well, what's the point? the point is, you understand, that everything is very simple, no one calculates, the europeans still do not calculate that they need exactly artillery as a means of determination. they know well the plans of the cold
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war and know that a breakthrough in europe was possible, and soviet plans provided for the use of tactical nuclear weapons. without the use of tactical nuclear...weapons , the soviet union did not consider the possibilities and chances of actually breaking through the line there in the corridor in the area of ​​fulda in germany and also breaking through to the exit to denmark, as they planned to block the baltic sea, and then to the south actually through the balkans and further or to france, that is, they did not consider the scenario that it would be impossible to break through otherwise than with the help of tactical nuclear weapons, so the event considered the scenario. the active use of aviation in the doctrine of airland battle in order to counter and strike, where did the idea come from to produce a10 attack aircraft, warthogs, the so-called american ones, it was an idea that the west decided that they could not compete
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with the soviet union at that time in artillery and in tanks, and it is necessary to compete with air strikes, and therefore they considered that if the soviet union resorted to... thrusting tactical nuclear weapons, for example, with its tulips, artillery means, west will respond with tactical nuclear weapons , aviation, and will strike at them, and accordingly, you understand, all the concepts that followed, they did not envisage the large use of artillery, so they did not produce, that is why it was planned like this, the introduction of hostilities, but i will tell you that history shows that this is exactly the... the approach that i was talking about, that the west monitored and assessed the degree of threat earlier in the cold war, and now they're assessing differently, and they're rethinking, and they are able to quickly and flexibly adapt to changes, that arise, and therefore, if now
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the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general zaluzhnyi, writes that drones play a role, and, for example, robotic systems play a role, they also read this, they also watch, they monitor, they are you. ukrainian experience, and they will adapt it in themselves, and they will produce more, it's just a matter of time. and one more short question, if you can in a minute, give me an answer, the dprk ordered, kimchinin in kander ordered to intensify the preparation of the navy for war, or possible development there? now no , in fact, the activation is clear, they are waiting for putin and... and the dprk now wants russia to help them improve their own fleet, especially in terms of submarines, anti-submarine programs, underwater torpedoes and missiles that can potentially carry nuclear warheads , and it seems to me that it is precisely in this context that it is now a check,
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an assessment, because they are waiting for serious help from russia, precisely in this regard. thank you, mr. oleksandr, it was oleksandr musienko. friends, we are working live on the tv channel. also on our youtube and facebook platforms, if you are watching us there now, please like this video, subscribe to our pages and vote in our poll, we are asking you today if there are problems with freedom of speech in ukraine, this the poll will be in the second part of our program, now we will look at the interim results of this poll, 87% yes, 13 no - these are the results of the television poll, in the second part of our program we will have a journalist club, as guests... we will have bohdan butkevich, oleksiy mustafin and tetiana vysotska.
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i welcome you, dear tv viewers, to the broadcast of the tv channel. west studio program. we will analyze the most important events of this week and, of course, we will try to predict. what our guests oleg rybachuk and colonel vladyslav seleznyov will bring us in the following days. oleg hrybachuk, the former head of president viktor's secretariat, will now be working on telespresso. former vice-prime minister for european integration, co-founder of the honestly movement. glory to ukraine, mr. olezh, i congratulate you. glory to heroes, death to enemies. and then we'll talk. we understand that it is not just a personnel matter, it is a political and, perhaps, geopolitical matter. the foreign press writes much more and much more precisely and in much more detail than the ukrainian press. and we understand that it is more likely to ripen. a big, big internal conflict, which will be tried, of course, to be stirred up from
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all sides, well, first of all , it is about our enemy, so what do you think is happening in the case of the head of the zaluzhny and president zelenskyi? i immediately publicly reacted to this situation, and it was clear to me, as a person who knows banking, these processes, how it happens there, that the issue of resignation is only a matter of time. that is, the inevitability of resignation is completely clear to me, and to the logical question, how come, what are they thinking there, i can say that every politician has the constitutional right in ukraine and in the world to choose the path of political suicide, and the president has this is a right, this is his constitutional right, no matter how much you and i analyze here about and cons about a year ago, as they said. connoisseurs from the inner circle of andriy, well, this is the same andriy yermak, drew the attention of the president and all
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his friends to the ratings of the hard worker, and they were right, and somehow we did not think, but really , look at what is being done, and now a year has passed and the whispers have ended a completely natural result, to count , to try to convince her, to hope for some kind of miracle, i would not, well, because, well, let me repeat... because this is the constitutional right of the president, he has such a right, and as the western media write, conflicts between the highest political leadership and to the higher military - this is practically inevitable, there are different cultures, different ambitions, different understanding, but in such conflicts the military always loses, well, because the president is the president, he appoints. he fires , here we have nothing to add, public opinion,
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appeals to western partners, western partners reacted, with the mouth of the spokesman of the white house, well, we fully expect that this is your internal ukrainian problem, i already had more than one conversation, but literally in front of you , i talked there with a correspondent from paris, had several conversations with westerners agencies, that's how they understand, they are alarmed, but they have approximately the same situation, that this is a problem that is internal to ukraine, and they hope that this problem will be solved with honor, we also understand the risks very well, but i repeat, we are here with you like that, we are so smart, we are so smart, weevils are sitting here, i think that there are also, well, no, no, or not all are stupid, i have one question, what did they not foresee in... the option that is useful will refuse to play along and submit an application, an application to the table,
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i do not understand this for sure, to note there communicators, pr people are all from god, because if there is a leak, if it happened, i have no doubt that the conversation took place, if such a conversation took place, well , it was not possible to predict that the meritorious person would refuse and do not take this week, about which cnn says that this resignation will happen this week , in a word... it's clear to me that the scenario probably didn't go as smoothly as we wanted, it's clear to me that it's a political mistake, i have no doubt about it , i don't understand, to be honest, what they hope for people who say, maybe they will lose their minds, who will lose their minds and what they will lose their minds about, as you can imagine, you are the president, i am your military man, your military right-hand man, the chief... on the issue of defense, you call me, tell me about resignation, i refuse
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, and then we continue to cooperate as if nothing had happened, this does not happen, this does not happen in much more mature political institutions, and obviously this cannot be the case in the current banking atmosphere it reigns in this ermachatnik, which started a year ago to talk about ambitions, and again in ukrainian history, the history of ukrainian presidents... such a situation was repeated many times, when , for example, tymoshenko's conditional imprisonment in prison obviously promised to be a downfall for yanukovych, and he is. miv, because i told you once, he told me for a long time, before he was prime minister, what mistake kuchma made when he put his opponent in prison, well, we don't talk about prison with an addict, but we do about how you act as president with someone you don't like, and yanukovych then he clearly said that the best way to neutralize tymoshenko is simply not
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to touch her, because she is like a plant without sun withering in... an information blockade, but then he became the president, put her in prison and that was the end of it. the situation with yushchenko and kuchma is very similar. when i had a conversation with pinchuk, when it was already clear that it was about resignation, i told him: well, listen, well, you are resigning the prime minister who liked being the prime minister in resignation, now a couple of months will pass, the parliamentary elections are starting, well, we let's go to the parliamentary elections, we will definitely win these elections and then yushchenko will be the president, why are you doing this? what seemed clear to me was not clear to them, but this story repeats itself, i'm not saying that the hard-working man will necessarily make a political career there, i don't even know what kind of politician he is, he's not very public anymore he is enough, he is like that, he, he is like that, well, the creator of our imagination, and in ukrainian history lutsenko often became like that, then there, well, i don’t know, then
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tihipko was such a leader, klitschko was, arrested was a year ago, that is, you see that there are unknown trajectories, so you and i cannot project the future fate, but what makes this situation particularly expressive, we have a war? we cannot afford to measure this situation only in the categories of the political process, well, because de facto our political process is quite stable, it is almost non-existent, that is, there are issues with the government, issues with the office and so on and so forth, so it is not about politics . it is about certain functions that are performed, but the question of war, the question of responsibility, which will rest on very specific people who would dare to assume this responsibility, well, in any case, we understand that in addition to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine there is also the supreme commander-in-chief, and this is where
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questions may arise, in particular in our partners, well, it is obvious that this event, well , first of all, when we a... to our partners and say: good people, what are you doing there, how long can you agree on something there, avoid escalation, the war is already breaking out in your door, and you are doing something stupid, that's how the war is we are already at home, and we do not deny ourselves the opportunity to engage in internal nonsense, as such, as such, created in a fairly equal city, but again, if we analyze the western partners, then so diligent... has great authority among the military leadership, but in the western military it is in principle a taboo , they understand these rules, the western military, we are no no not latin america, we have a junta, juntas are not practiced, our practice is excellent, and therefore the western military will work with whoever comes to the place
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meritorious, that is, even if they don’t like it, but what is happening now is this ... the key moment in the war with all these american dances, to whom we give arguments in favor of supporting, not supporting ukraine, surely we, as always, create a problem not for our own opponents, and we create a problem for our friends, this is also our infamous tradition, to make life difficult for our friends, during discussions in the congress, all kinds of orbans with fizami in the european union, it takes a certain time to revive these relations, it takes a certain time. in order to this cooperation between the new commander-in-chief and his colleagues among the nato countries has worked effectively again on a personal level, we need time, which we do not have, and this is happening at an almost critical moment, when a decision is made tomorrow about the financing of ukraine by the european union there, i think that it will inevitably be positive, i
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have become more careful with forecasts of american aid, because it is already open there. they began to speak, not without masking, they began to openly say that we cannot sign this agreement, because it is a gift to biden, but it is better to wait until trump becomes president , he will come and solve everything, they have not even begun to hide it, i do not know how it will end, but a week ago there were more optimistic scenarios, there were signals that an agreement was almost reached, and there was such an impression , that american politicians are really competing for the one who is better able to deal with the challenges of illegal migration there, and it turns out that we are not talking about migration at all, we are talking about the fact that it is impossible to give such a trump card to a political opponent, if we are such a trump card for him, then with why should we go to the elections, that's when... approximately the logic of the american political elites, republicans, not only that, but i was absolutely killed by the decision of the state committee of the oklahoma republican party, which
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threatened its senator for publicly supporting the need for a treaty and the introduction of an aid package to ukraine and others, as treason against towards candidate trump and threatened to stop funding him, well, that's it for me... it's already called, get out, there is still a beautiful people's governor of the state of texas, and accordingly 25 other governors who are his supported him in his unstoppable desire to use the american constitution for its purpose, whose border is this and whose power is that, whose power is that and the border, and we also understand that the situation in the states is much less stable than we would like or think, let's project to what, before? that trump actually, having lost the elections in the 20th year, still did not recognize the results, now he actually threatened that if his victory
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is not recognized, then these 25 states, this national, that is, he actually threatened to split the country , this is no no no civil war, as rusnyak tries to say there, but having undermined the foundations of democracy and not being punished... because he actually supported the coup d'état, treason on january 6, now trump is already openly calling on his supporters with weapons in their hands to defend their truth , and his truth is this, you all know that the victory was stolen from me, and further on in the text, that is why the situation now appears when we are going to the elections and regardless of what will happen in the elections, you can confidently predict what will happen next with american democracy. and american democracy did not have such risks, well, probably since the founding of its state, during the time of abraham rincoln, there was no such thing, such
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a very serious split, and here and there in the current situation of american turbulence, we have unstoppable emotional initiatives, well , i still bigger, maybe an optimist, i want to believe that somehow it will not go according to the scenario that mykola described at the time. gogol, an outstanding ukrainian writer, in his outstanding work, how ivan ivanovich and ivan quarreled nikifurovich. yes, you remember, and no matter what was done, the rift deepened, but this can have consequences in the attitudes of the so-called military command, generals. generals are people who perceive the situation through the prism of war, through the prism of death, through the prism of provision and... and trust, well, it must be said that this factor, including openly analyzed in the western media, is that among ukrainian the authority of the military
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officer is very high, for various things, again i don't know him, you don't know him, he doesn't public, but obviously you and i are not in the armed forces, we do not feel this style on our own skin, but they do, and they say in particular that there are attempts to put the commander of the ground forces there, this is an absolutely unacceptable situation, although it is a favorite, in particular of the office president and the same fair, and this is a serious issue, because i don't think, again, we are not latin america, our military, they are as patriotic as possible, they will fulfill their obligations, but the peculiarity of the model of the current government, this team, which came... to the bank, that she almost did not, not almost, but she measures the public mood every day. and, of course, they have a certain program there, where it will be developed
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according to such a scenario that after the release of zaluzhno, there will be a whole information campaign, a storm, i don’t know, an informational typhoon, which will try to translate to the team, not only zaluzhno , on his... command, because there his deputies always go after the dismissal of the chief, and there will be this attempt to shift responsibility, and society is ready for this attempt, and the government is preparing for this attempt, but the moment of trust is definitely not on the side of the government, further, sooner or later we will have elections, i once again affirm that our military, they will be faithful to their oath, they will not undermine the defense capability. countries, they will defend their freedom, protect their families, their lands, but the moment will come, the moment of elections, and here in ukraine, since
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this french colleague of yours tried to me. ask if i am not afraid of authoritarianism, the return of authoritarianism in ukraine, and i will honestly tell you that i am from the time of yanukovych, especially, personally i was not afraid, i saw that many ukrainians saw, not that we did not underestimate, we understood the threats, but for us it was not a question of backing down, because authoritarianism threatens responsibility in every democracy, you have to go to the elections and you you have to get a vote of confidence from the voters, here i have: serious problems, serious questions, i don't know how it will end from the point of view of military tactics, well , hypothetically, well, maybe, maybe something will be better, because you and i understand, that there are enough problems in the ministry of defense and the military they will tell you how many things are being done wrong, but we are talking about the fact that responsibility will not succeed, it will not be possible to transfer it to any faraway people there or fairs will not be able to transfer responsibility from the side
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of... politicians to the shoulders of the military, that's for sure will not be accepted by society, because everyone understands that the military, in order to fulfill the tasks set before them, must have these resources, if you set them the task of knocking out the enemy from the territory of the country, and not providing them with resources, then somewhere there it was in one of the publications that the enlisted man directly told the minister of defense, well, what is your task, but provision is your political task, my task is to fight with those... resources that i have at my disposal, and the military understands this perfectly, and here there is no other way to interpret it, the general staff cannot, the military cannot take on the problems of providing resources, mobilization, military, political, everything can be done when you work as a team, and i repeat, since there is no such team anymore, then i simply i can't imagine the possibility of theoretical cooperation between the supreme. istanbul,
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what could be happening in istanbul right now because putin is going to erdogan in the coming weeks, right? well, we understand that they will talk not only about the affairs of the caucasus and not only about the affairs of the middle east. we understand that putin will try to use erdogan for his own purposes, yes. and accordingly erdogan will try to do something. trichne and putin will, of course, also talk about the black sea transit. well, what can i say, yes, erdogan, he probably secured his last presidency, i don't think even he thinks he can go for that term again, it was the hardest race for him, and he is politically calm, that is, he can take risks, what else can putin offer him, and i don't know god , but i know what
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america offers him, for example. america offers him to sign contracts for the supply of f-35s, which the americans have now sold there to turkey's staunch partners, the greeks , nato partners, and in exchange, the americans expect that those s-400s that erdogan bought, i think there are eight or so divisions , which he bought from in russia, and which turned out to be far from a miracle weapon that these institutions. may end up in some third country, and then end up in ukraine. this is what i see, i see what america is offering, and what erdogan has to consider, and i do not understand what such a putin would offer him, where he would have advantages, because i know the mentality of turkey well, i, in my time he headed the turkish-ukrainian governmental, intergovernmental commission there, and the turks are very pragmatic people, for them integration is
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expansion. trade, they think in categories, promoting their own business, their own interests, the expansion of their own markets , and kill me here, i don’t understand what putin can offer such a thing, that is why a serious struggle has begun here, and we already see what is being proposed, we see that on the eve of putin’s visit to ankara, frank information about the possibility of erdogan fulfill his dream, purchase the most modern aircraft, sign profitable contracts and... and get closer, if not politically, then commercially with the european union, and improve our relations with nato, this is what i see, on the other hand, putin, he is not yet about peacekeeping, it's not about peacekeeping some initiatives of erdogan, i now very weakly imagine why erdogan, what, well, what erdogan can add.


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