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tv   [untitled]    February 3, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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speaking films, yes, because they will sit these jury members anyway, and i would like them to be made public, because i am more than sure that it is quite possible that there will be extremely interesting discussions between ms. oksana and mr. albert, i i wish mrs. oksana victory in these discussions, although in this respect i have absolutely no doubts about her. well, regarding berlin, but i will say that yes, i will remind you, it starts on february 15, it is also one of the most significant, such a cinematic event in the world, and if we talk about politics, then yes, last year there were actions in support of ukraine, and there were also those bear eyes, their logo, yes, they were clinging to clothes there, and those bears were yellow and blue last year, but at the same time, there are also a lot of different political actions, that is, it is not wrong that ukraine was simply in the center of the then berlinale, well , i want to say that there and at... and at many
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other festivals, trade with the russians continues, especially it is vivid at cannes, well maybe ms. oksana and there is something for the organizers will tell, well, in any case, we will observe, we only have a short time to wait. then there is another good news for us, finally roger waters got rid of the contracts, but if we are talking about cancelling, then it is certain that roger waters, he finally met in germany, broke up with him. contractley , which is called, which is called bmg, it is one of the biggest labels, all because roger waters, the musician, he got involved, finally, he used to say a lot of unpleasant things about ukraine, and all this was also included russian influences of russian propaganda, he is clearly used by the kremlin, well, that's my opinion, and he is now also noted for his anti-israeli statements, for example, he said that israel was significantly inflated. in the consequences of the attack by hamas, they say
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these things about genocide that they say, about all this cruelty, it was all made up, he also spoke about ukraine with the beginning of the war in 2014, but he also spoke at the un security council last year , where he joined via video link, and there too he had enough pro-russian narratives, he said that russia's attack on ukraine was not unprovoked, that is, by ukrainians. somehow provoked, and in general he constantly talks about some provocateurs that we have here, that they are provoking something here, but he can never say specifically who they are. there is also good news: we had an award in britain, because there they awarded our chornobyldor opera, one of the most outstanding ones who got into it in ukraine, that well done, that's why we were lucky, the prize of the royal philharmonic.
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royal philharmonic society this opera received a nomination, we can now see excerpts, or rather we can even listen to excerpts from this opera, so that you simply understand what modern ukrainian opera is. you will see, my mother, how engaged to drink, you will see, my mother. how can i live without my daughter, i am here, to the heavens.
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in general, a new opera and composers ilya razumeyko and roman grigoriev, it seems to me that this is just a phenomenon in our musical life, these are extremely talented people who make very interesting music, because illyameyko specializes more in the electronic part, roman grigoriev is more there on classical instruments, and when they are combined, it turns out very... very, very interesting, if you are abroad or in ukraine to see their performances, their operas, be sure to go, because along with the fact that their the music is quite complex, modern, progressive, it is also quite understandable, because their operas, their performances, they are usually quite spectacular, and that is why i always observe that people who are not even aware of something about modern opera there, do not listened, don't know, still they get pleasure from watching, listening, well, we have yet another victory at a... in
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the field of visual arts, the museum of finland, which is called the athenaeum, is the largest museum there, finally the one there. the workers recognized ilya repin or rypin , it should be said, as a ukrainian artist, because in 2021 they held a joint exhibition with russian museums where his paintings were, and there he appeared as a russian artist, but for two years our, our activist, in particular the journalist anna lodigina, proved to them that no, no, he is ukrainian, he was born in ukraine, and here... two years later, the museum officials finally admitted that it was true. let's listen to anna ledygina, she wrote the material of her time on ukrainian pravda culture. and how did she act, why did everything take so long? let's listen to it. my request transformed into
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a conversation and correspondence, during which we discussed the ethnicity of the artist. in one of the letters, he sent a link to his material, which indicated that repin's parents were russians born in the moscow region. i turned to olga shevchenko, the deputy director for scientific work of the repin museum in chuguyev, to send copies of the metric books of the artist's family, as proof that his roots are ukrainian, not russian. well, let me remind you that previously our artists ivazovsky kuindzhi were also recognized as ukrainian by the metropolitan museum, as well as dyga's painting, which once was. which was once called russian dancers, was renamed to a dancer in ukrainian clothes, which is also a victory, but we remember that it is very difficult to give to people who still take to convince the museum staff, because they need a lot of evidence, and this
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is due to the fact that the whole world has always believed that there is a great russian art, a great russian culture, which to a large extent consists of a great ukrainian culture, and now we have to... to prove it all, but as you can see, everything works if, if you approach it well and persistently. well, now we go to the main topic of our program about petrov and ivanov, i think you know them, but the problem is that a lot of people in ukraine are starting to watch some new bloggers, new content, and they don't understand what happened in the past to these bloggers, these authors, this happened with these two, in particular with volodymyr petrov, because i personally know a large number of people, and many of them - these are the people for whom the war came precisely in 2022, before that they did not follow political events very much, and now they began to see such cool bloggers as volodymyr petrov and serhii ivanov, they
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began to watch them, some even began to go they are visited by well-known media people, a then it started to appear that these people are somewhat dirty, i want to concentrate now myself. on volodymyr petrov, because serhiy ivanov is, i believe, his, such a partner, who showed himself much less as a bad boy, but as for volodymyr petrov, he was always such a black political technologist, now he makes fun of all the reproaches to my address, that yes, i was a black political technologist, and he is trying to turn it all into some kind of irony, but i will remind you that black political technologists, they are engaged in... not supporting political candidates there, who they are hired, and by denigrating their competitors , he worked, was involved in such a phenomenon as titushki, for example, he spoke actively and negatively, as it were, about
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the maidan, unfortunately, i cannot quote these phrases, because there are many obscene language, but in one word, he did not hide the fact that here... he does such bad, bad things, as i said at the very beginning of the program that this is what he said, that he is capable of everything except pedophilia, yes, sex with minors, men and murders, that's actually how he acts, and his image is based on this is being built, that is, it should be like that according to the idea, i remember when my colleagues and well-known bloggers, emma antoniuk and yana brenzei, came to him, to serhiy petrov, and there they found out: that serhiy venov turns out to be a little sexist, well, i'll put it mildly, but already during the program itself, after it the girls realized that damn, who did we come to, and this happens to many people, and now it is possible due to this scandal that is currently raging , the situation
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will change a little or not, i don't know well, let me remind you that alina dorotiuk, a journalist, is also a blogger, she has a popular channel on youtube. she was thrown excerpts from their next show, they host a show on youtube, it's called their black gap, and they sit there and in their opinion, i don't know, something there... from bloggers of various content that they find on the internet, and so they found an interview of alina with another blogger, whose name is lyuda from hollywood, and this is how they made fun of her, alina posted this excerpt on her instagram with such words of indignation, which further led to such a of the grandiose scandal that is happening now, let's listen to these excerpts, and what do you think bloggers have the right to broadcast during the war, and what they don't
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? at first, when the war started, it seemed to me that we had no right to anything, and alyona, alyona bought herself glasses, or that they were something with her eyesight, or what happened in general, and i understand that this presenter, i keep forgetting how her name is, she stupidly specializes in stupid, in short, visavy, and that's an old joke, find a girlfriend scarier than you, that's an old women's trick. well let's be honest, in this case it is difficult to do, but, but, but what she is trying to do, it is necessary to somehow recognize, recognize and encourage her, yes, let's try, you can, you can try to search somewhere on the heat lines, that's where i think that someone worthy can be found, well, i don't know if you find such jokes funny, i don't really like them, although i like dark humor, but here somehow not, then they also hurt alyona, alyona, well, of course they picked on her. well, this is also such a standard story, remember, we had one a few months ago with an acting
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of the holodomor museum and zelesia khasedjak, who was also picked on on the internet, saying that with such a weight you cannot be the director of the holodomor museum, she is completely delusional, and she filed a lawsuit and even said that a person who actively harassed her in social networks , came to her to ask for forgiveness, this is klym bratkivskyi, his name seems to be so. whether he calls himself a lawyer or if he is really a lawyer, that's it, but ms. lesya said no, i 'm suing. alyona alyona also announced that she would file a lawsuit, and so on rushed because a lot of people, public people with a large audience, they supported both alina and alyona, maria yefrosinina also spoke out, because they also spoke not very well about... and very, very many different bloggers came to protection of girls and began to emphasize
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that criticism is permissible, of course we can criticize people for their actions, for their failures, maybe interviews or blogs or anything, but you need to understand that constructive criticism is one thing , and bullying there too digging into the appearance, or there is a comparison with sex workers there or... something else, this is already crossing the limits, and actually further on, stories also began, which, well , we will talk about them with alina dorotyuk, who is now in direct contact with us , and we will talk about this whole situation, why it arose and what it can lead to. alina, hello, and olenochka, hello, i’m glad to welcome you, you look perfect, and we are so beautiful together, yes, well, you... i hope you understand, here you received a lot of words of support, and alyona alyona also, they say, no
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pay attention to what they said, you have great looks, they say that on purpose, and it's all understandable, because well, i wouldn't either, if they said that to me, i wouldn't take it seriously either, because these are two bloggers who just make their own image on some images, often made up, they live on it, they are like that. but i wanted to ask you because, well, clearly they got to you not because of your appearance or because of anything else, because usually they are either working off some other black political technology, or they feed on some kind of scandals, they are provoked, can you say that you or someone there may have said something bad about one of them once, or that something happened, why why did they pick on you? well, look, i analyzed. and in principle , i am not as stupid as they said about me in their previous debates, because this
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is not the first debate in which they mentioned me, and in the very first debate mr. ivanov spoke the thesis and touched on my interview with emma antoniuk, which you mentioned, by the way, before adding me to the ether, i asked emu how she, being a feminist, defending... or certain principles and narratives, radicalism and categoricalness at her level, could go to the sexist ivanov for an interview, the fact that he is a sexist, he is not... that's why i it seems that the legs just grow from there, ivanov didn't like being called what he really is, but i thought it was a compliment to him, to be honest, because people are so bold about who they are and what they are in to our
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mediaptor. how do you think this will affect them? the whole scandal, that... what is really non-seitian there , everyone is speaking out as usual here, i think it will continue for a few more days, but i generally thought that they did not care that they were criticized, they are doing their own thing there case, but in the end , they deleted this passage that we showed about you, so i was somehow afraid of something, something, or something, but in the end, how do you see this situation in the future, well, how should some of their kenseleng, or people, take place. .. should stop visiting them , at least they are decent, what is your purpose, because yes, we are at the beginning, and you are there, and alyona said that they are waiting for some kind of apology, but i think that there will be none, and do you need this apology, if not an apology, then what will satisfy you in this situation? yes, well, i am an impulsive, emotional person, i immediately started consulting
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with lawyers, with lawyers, what can be done in this situation? unfortunately, the institution of reputation in our country is ineffective, it is not for me to explain about it, i do not expect an apology, even if i would bring them to some responsibility, well, this is an administrative fine, and it will take a very long time of my nerves, strength, i'll be honest , i haven't made a final decision yet, i really don't like what's happening now in this story, that's how they cut that piece, immediately after a few hours it was already gone, that is, this indicates for me personally about the fact that the boys admitted that they were wrong, but they don't want to apologize publicly, well, that is , they admitted, because a piece of kostrubato is cut out, if you look, it's already there , there is no precedent for removing this
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video from youtube either, because not in the video the relevant subject, er for... some further court decisions, it seems to me that you rightly said at the beginning that they include a lot of adequate, respectable heroes of our time, and if at least some of these people who were going to go to them on interview, or repeated, or at all they were negotiating with them, and they were going to refuse to promote their channel. at the expense of myself, my opinion on certain situations in our country, it will already be a victory, for me personally that's for sure, and also for me, i might add, quickly using by the way, i really don't like the way the emphasis is shifting now, for some reason we always start the apology with the words "i'm
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helping the armed forces of ukraine", and i just read people's indignation. well, the guys are helping the armed forces of ukraine. come on, people, helping the armed forces of ukraine in the context of modern realities is normal. not helping is not normal. all of us who live in ukraine, who are citizens of ukraine outside its borders, help the armed forces of ukraine, in one way or another, and justify our worthlessness and shameful attitude towards other people by the fact that i help with... the armed forces of ukraine, well , it's not ok for me, and to shift the emphasis from what they have already forgotten, it seems to me that they insulted me, they shifted the plane to a more media alyona alyona and hyping as much as possible on this topic, and people also already forget and start supporting them, and you're like that,
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so the best punishment will be that if at least some audience admits ... that they do more harm than good, it it will be ok for me personally that's for sure. i want to note again, because i follow this story and this, as you say, shift in emphasis, but i would like to note once again that the criticism is of the content, for example, of your interviews, it may well be there, but there for example, when they talked about this interview, about this piece, they went on to criticize your guest for saying that, well, i'm promoting products and... what companies are there that haven't left russia, and well, what can i do? alyona alyona, they also criticized for the fact that she is masha in the interview frosini said that it is not possible to advertise about... products to bloggers, products of companies that have not left the russian market, well, the state does nothing for us, they are sold, so, they say, we can also advertise them, although
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again, i doubt that this is any kind of active civic stance, but it's a completely different story that they're not doing it correctly, they're doing it offensively, they're starting to turn to weight, they're starting to turn to appearance, and that's where our problem is and complaint to these bloggers, plus complaints to theirs of the past, because a person who worked there against the maidan, against freedom of speech, against independent media there during yanukovych's time, now speaks as a patriot, i will remind you that petrov was once hired to work for the rada tv channel, and then he was expelled because he compared angela merkel to a pig, it was already an embarrassment, even for the rada channel, which was criticized at the time, and now they are acting as such patriots against everything russian for the ukrainian language, and i think that... i find it all very funny watch, but tell me later how you are you see, in general, the development of this situation, how
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it all happens, who might be interceding for them, who, maybe they have some supporters, people who agree with them, you read their comments under there in their social networks on youtube, unfortunately , i probably won't be the only one if i say that now... a difficult situation in our country, and a lot of hatred, rage, and it's true, it reads very strongly, and when we can't somehow settle, relations at the front, i don't i know the right way to call it, so everything that happens, people need to put this person somewhere, and maybe i really read the comments, and i was very surprised at how many were adequate, when i went to the avatars of these people, women, even... they wrote this and that obscene language against us, women like you , that is, you
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are doing everything right, guys, and there are a lot of such comments, i think that firstly, people need to send their people somewhere, i guess this is how i state it somehow for myself, secondly, in the end, i see that our society is experiencing now... a certain break is not only at the front, we are fighting not only for our own territories, we are now fighting for our own dignity, for being called ukrainians in the world with pride and dignity, that is, these are all soviet narratives, i am the last letter in the alphabet, then i write a lot of interviews with women who suffered from domestic violence, and i also read the comments, especially of women during these interviews, and when they write, and what you say, i was always beaten by my husband... my daughter is beaten by her husband, and my neighbor is beaten, and it's the norm, and you think, people, what's wrong, we have this great opportunity right now to break the system, to start
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to live in a completely new world for yourself, and you yourself tolerate it, well, that is, you understand elena, what i am leading to now, that people themselves are ready to tolerate even shaming, sexism, misogyny and all these new fashionable ponies. that appear in society, they don't want to change anything , they don't understand that without changes in our internal consciousness, in the first place, changes in the future are impossible, at the beginning you asked the question, how do i see the result and is there anyone who cares need, well, who needs it, i don't want it now, i don't appeal by some facts, it seems to me, if they feel this way... the impunity of ivanov and petrov, then someone definitely needs it in our state, now at this stage, maybe to distract from some more urgent problems,
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i don’t know, it’s already every reasonable a person will draw a conclusion for himself, well how to see, i already said, i don't want to repeat myself, if only i saw that there were more than 2000 subscribers unsubscribed from their main channel, if only a few more people will realize the harm... the bottom line these two, it will already be a victory on the way to our better bright future. alina, thank you very much, well , i wish you strength of inspiration with alyona alyona, i would really like to see some kind of legal action, because well, i always want to see some results from these, we have not had many precedents like this, when we filed for the defense of our honor, dignity and all that other stuff, i'm curious to see what will happen with ms. lesi's lawsuit. sijaks, in any case, let's deal with what we will talk about people who are considered many so respectable, patriotically.
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but they are considered so only because people do not delve too much into the biography and what these or other people, bloggers or anyone else did before that, and well, i will also say that i think that the victory will already be what people who really, i personally respect, will stop going to petrov ivanov, many military people go to them, although earlier about the military, at least petro expressed himself that way. and that's why these are the cases, we'll keep an eye on the next scandals, i think we have them anyways will happen next week, talk about them next saturday, have a nice evening and stay with the espresso. bleeding and inflammation.
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channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. attack drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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i welcome you, dear viewers, to the broadcast of the espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important events of this week and, of course, we will try to predict what the next days will bring us. our guests today, oleg hrybachuk. and colonel vladyslav seleznyov. oleg hrybachuk will be working on espresso tv channel now. former head of president viktor yushchenko's secretariat, former vice-prime minister for european integration, co-founder of chesno movement. glory to ukraine, mr. olezh, i congratulate you. glory to heroes, death to enemies. and then we'll talk. we understand that it is not just a personnel matter, it is a political and possibly geopolitical matter. the foreign press writes
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a lot. more and much more precisely, in much more detail than the ukrainian press, and we understand that most likely a big, big internal conflict is brewing, which they will try, of course, to stir up from all sides, well, first of all, it is about our enemy, so what do you think what is happening in the case of the head of the zaluzhny and president zelenskyi? i immediately publicly reacted to this situation, and i was like to a person who knows... banking, these processes , how it happens there, it was clear to me that the question of resignation is only a matter of time, that is, the inevitability of resignation is absolutely clear to me, and to the logical question, how come, so what they think to themselves there, i can say that every politician has the constitutional right in ukraine and in the world to choose the path of political suicide.


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