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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EET

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we are starting the information day on the espresso tv channel, the news is on the air, khrystyna porubiy is working in the studio. the russians shelled the fire-rescue unit in pokrovsk , donetsk region. as a result of the attack, windows were broken, doors and exits from garages were damaged. fortunately, people were not injured, the state emergency service reported. the number of flu patients is increasing in the country, and the epidemiological threshold in zhytomyr has already been exceeded. khmelnytskyi and chernivtsi
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regions, the chief state sanitary doctor ihor kuzin said. still at five oblasts revealed an increase in the incidence of acute respiratory infections. according to kuzin, children under the age of 17 get sick the most, but there is currently no reason to introduce quarantine in ukraine. but if the situation worsens, the mandatory mask regime may be returned. let me remind you that schools in kyiv, poltava, and zaporizhzhia regions have already switched to the distance learning format. a new word is being studied in russia: blackout. in the evening , there was a massive power outage in bielgorod. several streets in different districts remained without light. local government stated that they have everything under control, the light went out simply because of a technical failure in the network. ukrainian companies make 5,000 fpv drones per month, russian companies make several times more. - said
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maksym sheremet, the founder of the dronespace company. at the same time, in the conditions of ammunition starvation, which arose due to the lack of aid from the united states, drones allow our military to continue combat operations. how ukrainian drone pilots destroy enemy positions with new technologies, further in the story. the russian army of occupation storms every day positions of the defense forces of ukraine on the front line. our infantry is supported by pilots. track down, attack the enemy's equipment and personnel . to become an fpv drone pilot, you need not only to be able to operate a joystick, but also to master engineering and even collect ammunition. military serviceman yuriy says that drones provide the most intelligence data, including from the distant rear of the enemy. birds allow us to know and understand what the enemy is doing, where the enemy is doing, where he is concentrating. as invariants, it
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helps us make our decisions. drones scare the occupiers, says serviceman vasyl, which is why enemy equipment stays away from the contact line. since there is a lot of work now in the half, all the heavy equipment is mostly hiding in the rear, so we are looking for exactly this heavy equipment and trying to hit it. however, unmanned aerial vehicles. it is difficult to use in adverse weather conditions, aerial reconnaissance is very dependent on the time of year, first of all, in bad weather there are boards that do not fly at all, there are boards that cannot go out because they cannot go high go up, nothing will be seen, there are brots who will not return in bad weather. according to military personnel, a large-scale war of drones is currently unfolding at the front , although they say that the creation of an army of drones is not happening... as quickly as it should,
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i think, as we are a small country against russia, we have fewer people, fewer resources, we must use precisely, more technical capabilities to oppose him, precisely some novelties, new combat techniques, unfortunately, the russians are making more and more drones and blocking ukrainian uavs for with the help of radio'. throne fight. however , drones remain a powerful weapon for our military. as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces , valery zaluzhny, noted in a recent message, unmanned systems, along with other modern weapons, are the best way for ukraine to avoid being drawn into an opposition war. and the collection of the espresso tv channel continues. our soldiers need vital equipment. please help to replace the engine in. evacuation vehicle, to purchase
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an optical sight and a mavic for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special forces operations each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. our goal is uah 480,000, and the account already has more than uah 340,000. get involved, your help is very important. you can see all the details on the screen. tried to smuggle out 124 archeology items. chernivtsi customs officials discovered cultural values ​​in a car that was going through the porupnysid checkpoint to romania. it is about the elements of horse weapons. isosceles crosses, household items and byzantine glass. the driver forgot to declare them, expecting that the customs officials would not will notice they came close to signing the agreement. ukraine and france held another round
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of negotiations on concluding an agreement on security guarantees. this was reported in the office of the president of ukraine. the partners finalized the project and agreed on individual positions. document elements. now the final decision on the signing of guarantees is expected. 39 people died as a result of the attack of the united states of america on iraq and syria, among them 16 fighters and medics of the state security forces of iraq. earlier, the country announced the deaths of civilians, reuters reported. in syria 23 guards of the attacked objects became the victims of the attack. instead, the director of the us joint staff. douglas 7 stated that the strikes were successful and the military leadership was aware that people would die. let me remind you that on february 2, the usa announced the start of a campaign in response to a deadly attack in jordan. three babies with half-kilogram tumors
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were born in one month in lviv. all three: sacrococcygeal teratomas. specialists of the st. nicholas children's hospital successfully removed the babies in the first days of their lives. birth formation, happy stories of saving babies in our story, and then already at the routine screening, the doctor diagnosed a teratoma, i was then taken to the head of the department, who also confirmed this diagnosis. at the 20th week of pregnancy, evgenia learned about the future diagnosis of her child, a teratoma, which is a benign tumor that is determined genetically, doctors in kharkiv, where the girl comes from, suggested terminating the pregnancy. and evgenia saw a story about a successful operation to remove a teratoma, so she immediately turned to the st. nicholas children's hospital in lviv, where they had already successfully performed similar surgical interventions and saved children. halyna vasylivna said that kryzhova kuprykava is not an indicator for termination
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of pregnancy in any case, and the fact that for more than 10 years they have been successfully operating on such children with such a diagnosis, and it calmed us down, so i am calm. her pregnancy was already coming to an end. doctors recommended yevgenia to move to lviv a month before giving birth. matvijko was born in the maternity ward of st. nicholas hospital. after several days of observation in the intensive care unit, the newborn was taken to the operating room. removal of teratoma occur in several stages. first , the tumor is removed, then soft tissue plastic surgery is performed. so, thanks to only one operation, doctors managed to completely correct the congenital defect. you don't have to give up, you have to search. st. nicholas has such specialists, and we were very surprised that we have such a level of medicine in ukraine that children with various pathologies have been operated on and operated successfully for many years, the child is born and receives
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the correct surgical treatment, is discharged healthy and there are no deviations from their own peers almost at the same time as matvii, surgeons operated on two more babies with terato. yarynka and zlata. both girls also had successful tumor removal operations. after rehabilitation at the age of one month, they were discharged home. in total, the doctors of the st. nicholas children's hospital in lviv have already successfully operated on 16 children with such a diagnosis. children were born in december and early january. unfortunately, all of them had about half a kilogram or more. they were born full-term, because their pregnancy... was monitored, they behaved in the postoperative period according to the rules and protocols, and operated on today are discharged, satisfied and gaining weight. doctors emphasize that such a rare defect in the development of babies as a teratoma can be removed surgically and give the child a long and
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happy life. the action application did not pass the eurovision test. in the application. there was a technical coincidence during the voting for the favorite of the national selection contest, which started in the evening. the developers recorded a record number of login requests - 15 thousand per second. said minister of digital transformation mykhailo fedorov. and this at 20 times more than during voting last year. the application could not withstand such an influx. therefore, the winners of the selection could not be announced. voting continued today, and social networks exploded with memes about how eurovision crashed the action. let me remind you that 11 finalists are competing for the right to represent ukraine at eurovision 2024. this is the end of the episode, read more on our website, also on our social networks,
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join, put your favorites, next on the air, welcome my colleagues oksana vysochanska and roman chaiko, don’t switch, stay with the espresso team. good morning, congratulations, thank you for being with us at such an early hour, we will try not to let you down, and we immediately remind you, traditionally, that while we engage our guests in the conversation, while we ask them about what is happening where , we analyze the situation in the country, the world and on the fronts of the russian-ukrainian war, we ask you to support our defenders 140. the first brigade is now waiting for our help, we want to collect a million hryvnias for
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various things, from scopes and rangefinders to binoculars and various small things like batteries, we already have almost uah 270,000 in the account, thanks to you we managed to collect about uah 70,000 this week, we ask you to continue donating, because the million is still, unfortunately, a bit far, but we understand that the 40,141 brigade is not the only one that needs our help... on the other side of the border in the former ukrainian lands, which is now the belgorod people's republic, the ukrainians in russia and others have finally switched to a mode of solidarity with the ukrainians, that is, they want to understand how we were last winter, and they have a third of the city blackout, with what you and congratulations a dark country, so a dark country in all senses of the word, and what about our
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side of the border, we will now find out from the deputy chairman of the sumy district council, the commander of the third company of the eighth volunteer formation of the territorial community, volodymyr bitsak, in connection with our studio, mr. volodymyr , thank you for being with us at such an early hour, glory to ukraine, glory, good morning, you are greeted by the northeastern outpost of the defense of our state, as from your side, because that side of the blackout from... from our from ours, thank god, there is all light , it is warm, so for now everything is fine, let's say so, if you look at the situation from this point of view, and that's fine, mr. volodymyr, 5 km is a strip along the border, to the iron border between sumy region and russia, and the territory that has now been separated and people have been asked not to drive there by cars, any other civilian transport, because it is dangerous. do they drive, do they not drive, do they follow
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this rule? indeed, according to the order of the commander of the north, the passage of the five-kilometer zone was also prohibited, but not along the entire five-kilometer border zone, but on the 23rd sections of roads near certain settlements . well, what exactly are there constant attacks or raids on rgotsi? as a week ago, a brother came to his sister in the city of sumy, and they decided to go to the village of andriivka to bring their relatives for the morning. peaceful residents, therefore, for such reasons, there is a ban on movement, especially in these places, in other places it is allowed. movement from 80 to 17 hours, in the summer period it will be from 80 to 80 in the evening, such and such a routine, and
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the situation becomes somehow more dangerous at night, they fire more at night, why so, well , they are really twitchy, when they come in as much as possible and ask, of course at night, that is why it is dangerous at night, that is why the day plus or minus is controlled the situation, at night, of course , they are more exposed to danger, people themselves have to think whether they... if it is so important, can a little guesswork work, mr. volodymyr, having one of the longest borders with the russian-fascist federation. so tell me there was such a thing, we know what they are shelling across the border everywhere and in chernihiv oblast, sumy oblast, and kharkiv oblast, but there was such an interesting thing, we tracked when the armed forces of ukraine clearly worked out a counter-battery and not only, well, in particular on the border region, and before that, bilopyllia
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also suffered like many others communities from the shelling, will the russian-fascist... invaders learn their lessons or not, for example, when the aunt received a beating in response, has the situation changed, for example, for the border community, that is, they learn the lessons of counter-battery strikes can't stand ours? no, of course, when they are given a hard time, then the work schedule that they attacked, they decrease, and as far as i have information, there are no more peaceful residents in the settlement of tyotkina, they have all been evicted. ugh, that's why, as they say, when you bite the teeth, there is a result, yes, well, well, as they say, a tooth for a tooth, that's how it was in the old testament, although in principle, they have nothing in common with christianity, well, nothing , well, what is happening with you, because we started reading about the sumy city council, we see there they fired the city mayor's deputies
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, dissolved the executive committee , what kind of internal-city war do you have, well, i would... it's not a war, but a redistribution of power from one political party to another, unfortunately, it took place thanks to, including banned deputies of the banned party from the opz, a redistribution was carried out, let’s say so , we have what we have, we’ll see, let ’s see how much it was a right decision or a wrong one, time will tell, and what do they say, mr. volodymyr, and what do the latecomers say, well, viktor fyodorovych left , he is doing well in dubrovka. and everything was taken away from them, what they generally say is that they come running in the morning from vyshyvan and shout: "glory to ukraine." how do your survivals look like? well , those who went to fight, let's say, will atone for their guilt with blood, those who say that we help and volunteer, such, well, that's all, as
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they say, we'll see later how true or false it was, uh, in me in... to say , about, if it is our external enemy, then of course, there is shooting, then it is already visible, yes, but on the offensive, last week the security service detained, including me took part in the organization of this detention, a 54-year-old resident of the city of sumy , who was recruited last year in the summer, and he took pictures of objects where the military was gathered, where military equipment was gathered. transferred to and fro, he was paid for it in crypto-currency, let's say so, and you can't look at him without tears, he's so small, puny, but he's unremarkable, and why, it's very bad that you need to be accurate so that people are as vigilant as possible, they looked after the people who are dividing the kremlin opinion, write their own kremlin
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narratives in the accounts, and therefore report such cases to the security service. in order to make it impossible to fire rockets directly into those cities from which these bad people shoot, yes, mr. volodymyr, you took them together with the sbushniks, and why are you surprised that it is small, well, simon petlyura warned that they are not so terrible moscow fleas, like ukrainian lice, lice , they are such small nits, eyes, they are, that’s how it is, you actually emphasized a very important thing, that you should not look at any the external characteristics of a person, but looking at his activities, how did they manage to find this particular person, did the sbu work that way, or did the local people help, or did the average sums to be found, well, i think that, look, the security service well, she analyzes everything there, well, accounts , people who write, this one directly , this marozina was discovered during the analysis, how he communicates with his classmates,
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his narratives, what he wrote, and then the work began on him. they were monitored and found that there are indeed such facts, v correspondence was found on his phone, and all these things that unquestionably prove his rightness and there will be, i hope, life imprisonment, well, especially i would, i would, if possible, introduce the death penalty for traitors to my country, sir volodymyr, do they involve locals, either in sumy or in the region, in such things, in order to identify someone. some traitors, identify collaborators, perhaps additional patrolling of the territories, if we are talking about the border, maybe not about those 5 km from the line from the border, but... closer to the russian border, do they have the opportunity the local population to somehow help to be useful
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, to do something to protect our country in the flesh, well, even if you leave, mr. volodymyr, even if you leave the experience of the 22nd year, after all, people have been in the occupation in one way or another, someone scared them and they were afraid as sumy partisans, someone went to the circles of functions, these functions are performed by us... the volunteers of the sumy territorial unit , well, the otgshniki, then we stand on the spot, yes, these shots just show that we perform this function, what you listed means and security and facilities infrastructure, if there will be, well, some specific task and security at the entrances, patrolling , control at the entrances to the city of sumy, this function is performed by volunteers, well, ordinary people of sumy. or a builder , in the evening he takes a weapon and sets it up, stands in for duty , so these functions are all performed , uh, of course, well, that is, and we mean, all
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the locals know each other in smaller communities, in larger ones, they knew well who cooperated with the russians, knocked on them, then they went around the houses quite deliberately, caught people, threw them into pits or took them interrogations by the fsb, so they all suffered already... punishment or who ran away like mice , of course, since the trastyanytsk community there were many cases, the village of bobryk also had many such traitors when they immediately showed themselves during the occupation, they went around telling stories, some were hunters, some served in the ato all their filth has already been removed and they are sitting in places specially designated for them behind bars. thank you, glorious sumy region. was the commander of the third company of the voluntary formation of the territorial community and the deputy chairman of the sumy district council volodymyr bitsak, mr.
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volodymyr, we would like to thank you, but we will take a short break, but we can still show something interesting, after the break we will show something interesting, we will talk about the north, about our borders, we will stay with this topic, because it is important, there are discounts on acc lon 15 in podorozhnyk-bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on pshyk, 10% in podorozhnyk-bam and oskad pharmacies. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's make better roads, even better. will be with us, special view of the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, well, norman, we can imagine it, all this in
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the information marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion. abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, as well as feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our
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future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. war. created many challenges for us ukrainians, and more more, for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you can get any information about disability and medical services. and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. this is where you get support.
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advice and true friends. together we support each other, share useful things information and learn new things, together we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enablem. we are hiding and, as promised, we have something to show. we will talk about the northern boundaries later, because they are actually under a reliable lock. the defense forces of ukraine are conducting complex exercises on the border with unfriendly countries, we understand who we are talking about. hundreds of national guardsmen, border guards, military and security forces regularly practice joint actions in case of re-invasion of ukraine through the territory of belarus. why the usurper lukashenko should think 100 times before joining
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russia's legal war, see further in our material. these are not battles in the east of ukraine. yes, our defenders are training to defend the borders in the north. shot. soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, together with border guards , national guards and the security service, conducted exercises close to real combat operations. the goal is to give a break. the occupier in the event of a repeated invasion attempt from the north of the country. we will demonstrate one of the options for action against the sabotage reserve during special measures for the search and elimination of sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the enemy. as we can see in our scheme, these are groups covering the boundaries of the state border, groups of cover that are deployed at the borders in separate directions and groups of cover that
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carry out cover. directions in complex exercises, not only infantry and armored vehicles were used, but also powerful guns. gun! shot! she worked miracles in general. we worked well on it. oh, the battalion, which was in positions, helped out, it was able to be successful and impressive. and enemy fortifications, these are dugouts, machine gun nests. yuri, like most of those involved in the training, are not newbies, they all went through fierce battles at the front. they went through the rigors of war in the south and east of our country, have considerable combat experience, so they fully implemented it during these trainings.
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training maintenance measures in the northern operational zone. are conducted on an ongoing basis, the process is managed by experienced teams. anton is 18 years old, but he has already visited in hell, participated in the counteroffensive in zaporozhye, has his own opinion about the battles for the south. bad planning, bad management of the battle, well, it's a banal attack of a smaller number of people against a larger number of people from well-prepared positions, well, that is... and this is a volunteer from japan, although he is a real ukrainian in spirit, he likes fat and destroying the occupiers. this war is very difficult for ukraine, because russia has strong systems and uses a lot of human resources and ammunition. so we, ukrainians, really need support from western countries. previously, opposition politicians
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the belarusians declared about... the willingness of the potato dictator lukashenko to deploy troops against ukraine, and according to the center of national resistance, the russians are recruiting belarusians, however, our defenders are ready to give them a decent rebuff. artem lagutenko, oleksiy kutsuk, espresso tv channel. we thank our colleagues for the plot and understand that we should not wait for a surprise from the north, because there is someone there to... stop, if someone suddenly wanted to somehow illegally cross the ukrainian border, and we are now, as promised, going to kharkiv oblast, with us to contact halyna kuts, member of parliament kharkiv regional council, mrs. galina, we welcome you to our airwaves, congratulations, mrs. galina, you can hear from the eastern part of the region, one of the three...


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