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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 9:30am-10:00am EET

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but if the same western press is to be believed, already then there was tension between the political and military leadership. the president's office was worried about the extremely high popularity of zaluzhny among ukrainians, as evidenced by closed opinion polls. after the failure of the ukrainian counteroffensive in the summer of 2023 , the situation only worsened. outside. the conflict began to emerge in the fall after the publication of zaluzhnyi's article in the economist magazine. in it , the headman declared that the war had reached a dead end and had entered a positional phase unfavorable for ukraine. in the president's office to the general denied zelensky himself refused to comment on the alleged conflict. why should someone help and develop this topic? i have a good working relationship. he has.
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to be responsible for the result for the result on the battlefield as a commander together with the general staff, there are many issues there. at the end of 2023, public attacks on zaluzhnyi were launched by a people's deputy from the servant of the people maryana bezugla. it was she who at one time headed the tsk, which had to prove that the president and the head of his office, andriy yermak , were not involved in wagnergate. scandal regarding of the aborted operation of the main intelligence agency to detain the wagnerites in the summer. of 2020. offensive posts by bezuglai on facebook started to be used by hostile propaganda against the head committee. the opposition and even most of the people's servants demanded her dismissal from the position of deputy head of the committee on national security and defense. however, the leadership of the parliament, contrary to the regulations , blocked these attempts. this week, rumors about the dismissal of the stalwart gained a new dimension. on january 29, a number of politicians, journalists and
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telegram channels began to spread the topic about the resignation of the head committee, which seems to have already taken place. according to ukrainian media , zelenskyi did indeed meet with zaluzhny and offered him to write a report on his dismissal. he refused. the same evening, after rumors of his resignation, zaluzhnyi published a photo with chief of the general staff serhii shaptala. later, a number of western media reported that by the end of the week, the resignation will definitely take place, and the armed forces of ukraine. instead of zaluzhny , either the head of the gur kyrylo budanov or the commander of the ground forces, general oleksandr syrskyi, can lead. among the reasons for dismissal were called disagreements about mobilization. the president publicly says that he sees no reason to mobilize an additional half a million people and the suspicions of the president's office about zaluzhny's political ambitions. on friday , zelensky collected the stake of the supreme commander-in-chief, at which, as claimed by journalist yuriy. butusov planned to get
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support in the issue of changing the head of the committee, but after its completion, no personnel decisions were made. neither zelensky nor zaluzhny have commented on the situation. gololovkom, in principle, rarely gives comments to zmi, a the president, amid numerous rumors about zaluzhnyi's resignation, never once neither denied nor confirmed them in his evening addresses. thank you to my colleagues , they put this whole week together, you know everything now, but political technologist taras zahorodnyi understands better, he is in touch with our studio, mr. taras, congratulations, thank you for being with us on sunday morning, but yesterday we had i had the opportunity to talk with ihor tyshkkevich, well, from the institute of the future, and he convinced us that there was no need to resign now, because so much firewood had already been cut that there was nothing else to do.
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way, how to do it, but what do you say, is there still another way, well , there are always, always ways, there would be, if there was a will to find them, well, look, well, theoretically everything is possible, nobody here can rule out any scenario, but the problem is that... zelenskyi can fire zaluzhny, no one disputes this, but the question is how this will be explained to society, because after all, zaluzhny has a lot of trust as a society , as well as from the side of the military. you know, i recently watched an interview with mr. marchenko, he is a general who defended mykolaiv, well, he was organizing the defense of mykolaiv, that's where he is.
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explained the logic of the military clearly enough that he is not sure who will take on such a job now, whether there is anyone among the generals willing to take on such a huge responsibility and because the work that is being carried out by the alkaline, well, it is just a huge, million-strong army, and one and a half 15 kilometers of the front and a lot of other issues that are simply not visible to the naked eye, but the military understands what it is about, so here such a question is quite slippery, without proper... communication here it is not known what the consequences will be, mr. taras , you know, sooner we will populate mars than proper communication will appear in ukraine, so it was not there, it is not there, that is , there is nothing at all, it is the end of the week, there are some
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publications of the western press , that by the end of the week the decree, which was in place but was not made public, will be applied, well, a week has passed, sunday, nothing. there was more to drag it out and laugh that valera and maryana would write something on facebook, well, this is not an option, this is not communication, no, of course, there is another one right there, another one the person who should start the process of resignation, and the resignation happens due to the failure of the minister of defense, because we also often forget about this thing, you know, when we often say that some sources. which informed the western media such, such, such , well, you know, something very small circle of sources who could have reported such and such, and here again the question is whether mr. umere is ready to take such a step, because in fact the responsibility for the removal of the lien, it will be on
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ms. mr. umer, because he has to submit an application, ugh, are you not considering option when these are actually those sources, right? who allowed information to appear in the western zmi, worked as if in anticipation, so that, for example, they announced plans, or probable plans, to prevent their implementation, and in general, this whole atmosphere of such uncertainty, will release, will not release, silence and no statements direct from the president, why is this, what consequences can it have? well, the state of uncertainty, of course. very bad, because it is not clear what is happening, and this is unacceptable during a war, and therefore either or here, either you say that nothing is happening, or you need to take a step in this case, but i said that it will have consequences, and all the more so that we have also repeatedly
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discussed on your broadcasts that the very figure of mr. zaluzhny, she already much wider than just commander-in-chief. we now have two institutions in the country that enjoy the trust of people, if you look at the polls of the municipal commissions and various ratings, rating companies, these are the ones responsible for the safety and protection of people, this is the army at 97%, in second place we have the sbu at 71%, all other civilians, civilian authorities, to put it mildly... or far, far behind, so of course, when mr. zaluzhno is in charge, he is a personification, including the army, well, a media personification, although in reality he does not give any interviews so widely, he is sure that it will be considered as
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a question of who will come instead, whether he will perform, as well as functions that will cause public trust and a lot of things, well, me in general. i believe that if there is some kind of person in the bank, they should throw out mr. zaluzhnyi, thinking that he is not, in order to reduce his political influence, then i think that the one who whispers this to zelensky is doing him a great service, why, because in this case they will push zaluzhny into politics, even if zaluzhny, well, theoretically, theoretically yes... let's assume will resign, will just be silent, sit and sign his memoirs, he will still be a heavyweight, oh, mr. taras, this, you are now exactly what i wanted, as a home-grown polytechnologist, to ask you as a professional, we remember , as
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the third in the hierarchy of sociology was a person, you remember the great-grandfather of the dangerous and clever aristovych, and then he even announced that i would be the next president. well, this was his last extreme statement before he fled from ukraine and his rating was generally at the level of plintos, and they inflated him due to the distance and hype to number three in the 22nd year. yes, in this case, when we did not hear any statement about political ambitions from the central committee of the armed forces of ukraine, zaluzhny never declared, that is, they are taking such actions, they are collective anti-zaluzhnians, they are pushing him into politics, and here the question will be whether he will go, whether he wants to, because we have never heard anything like that, it is some kind of game, with many unknowns it turns out, let's not be like that.
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said, it would be good to remain silent, yes, well , just let's also, well, objective factors, i 'll keep silent, and this will be enough for him, his weight to grow, he will remain silent, because judging by the fact that he.. . doesn't give interviews so often, how often he emphasizes that the war is not a show, then he won't say anything, and will do the right thing in the given case, so i wouldn't compare here the situation with aristovych, because zaristovich had already said a lot of things that were the exact opposite of what he had said before, and therefore, in reality, at the time when he went to see him, he had because of those, because of those factors that were around him, he... had a rating sufficient to enter the parliament, after he started saying the
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exact opposite there, then of course there is no point in talking about the future, well, if only as a kind of theoretical torpen, and the situation is completely different with regard to zaluzhnogo, i, too, you and i are somehow on the air discussed, i believe that the hard-working is already a part of the national myth, the heroic epic of our state, well, look how many poems are composed? prozaluzhny, i can already see the poems of prozaluzhny, they are not written by steam guns, they are written by people, well, they are so rare, you know, atomman is lazy , voivode trushny, given to ukraine by god , rather condemned to hell, valeriy the lazy, the end of the russian empire, yes , these are not steam guns, political technologies were written somewhere, relatively speaking, well, this is already a state of the people, it is a part of folklore. it's completely different from him, different statuses, so i wouldn't compare the situation here, because, as i told you, does
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zuluzhny want to go into politics, i don't think that he really wanted to go into politics, because he was appointed by deletsky instead of hamchak, remember , that in the 21st year, trajan was finally expelled, and so on, but he was a military man, he is here by coincidence. with the course of circumstances, well, he becomes a political figure, as naro said, i told you, this is the people's mig already, yes, by the way, we are talking about elections, yes, we are talking about elections, you know, such a mess happened yesterday, and it is still going on today everything is still working for some people, i checked, but many acquaintances, i see on social networks, complain that the action failed, it does not work, for some it failed after they tried to vote somewhere, so that is why it failed. the action fell, and as you think
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, the fact is that the action did not cope with such a competition, and with this function, when a large part of ukrainians wanted to use certain functions at the same time, which indicates whether it is possible to use or whether the action is ready to to use it in some larger projects, for example, like the elections look at... the use of electronic systems has been talked about for a long time, we have electronic voting in this form, as beautiful as it looks, only in russia, and by a strange coincidence, how long was the introduction of electronic voting, even in moscow, the opposition simply could not pass, although some opposition candidates for the state duma did pass there, it was used like this, the formula was formed by this base, then they looked at what should be added, what should be done and so on. as comrade stalin said, the main
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thing is not who votes, how, who counts, this is the first thing, in its pure form, electronic voting actually does not exist anywhere in the world, well, except for estonia, and even then with large tolerances, there you need to get a separate permit, let’s not to register at the police station and many other things for everyone. in other countries , including europe, electronic voting does not exist, how often do they start to promote in our country, this is the first thesis, the second thesis, i think that the issue of electronic... voting was not closed yesterday, after it happened with by kyivstar, well, look, just kyivstar took it and went to sleep, well, let’s be honest, it didn’t work for three days, imagine that, well, purely theoretically , electronic voting is held in our country, well, the russians, well, they can, they will strain, they will be able to do everything for
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for the system to fall down, and as a result there will be a large uncertainty. who still won the election, with what percentages, and there, you know , 0.5% can solve the problem, 1. can solve the problem, which is not immediately defined, the situation in the country immediately begins to shake up, and in many other ways, yesterday's situation with the action, well, in addition, it also added to the argument that, well, that electronic voting in our conditions, well, it's fine. speaking , problematic, and has a lot of uncertainty and plus trust in the system itself, how transparent it is, especially since i think that you, who are older, we have already grown up a new generation, they do not remember such a term as transit server in 2004, when ulyuyev and shufrich remember,
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yes... well, it's us old schoolers who remember, consecutively, so it grew generations who no longer know such terms , and for them it seems like, you know, it was in the 19th century, because time passes quite quickly, well, we will remind our viewers for a second that in the elections of 2004 , a very cunning system was used for the election of viktor fedorovich yanukovych, the data entered one electronic system, and it was necessary for the election center to transfer it to other servers. and then it turned out that somewhere on this chain there is another server, and such strange things happened there that the scumbags won't let us lie, the numbers were changing right in front of our eyes, that's why in this case, in this case, the risks of action, they were additionally manifested, of course, that technical, i am sure that the technical overload of the system can be solved
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, it is possible, well, to buy additional power, to place servers abroad and so on and so on and so on, but it's not one thing when people use the action in household things, there's a passport, there's documents, payment of fines there and so on, it's another thing when it comes to politics, here big questions can arise, in a word, we thank eurovision for making an additional stopper for these ee... super ideas. taras zahorodny, the politician was with us this morning, thank you, mr. taras, until the next meetings, and we will talk about eurovision itself, we already have igor with us kondratyuk , producer, tv presenter and volunteer , welcome to our air, mr. igor, good morning, mr. igor, i won't say who you voted for, but because of the action, no, i voted because of
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the action, i think i was one of the first to understand, that the action hangs, no, i... my vote for melovin, i'm not giving up on mine, melovin used to be my protege in the x-factor and the victory factor, and that's why i think his song is competitive, as is probably the song of the duo jerry hale and alona alona, ​​i think they will be the leaders of the vote, without a doubt , this will be the first two, exactly a couple of days ago we talked with melvin, and we talked with melvin, exactly a couple of days ago, he was just talking about the song dreamer, as he wants to talk. history of how the moscow-fascist occupiers destroyed ukrainian artists, in particular on example of ivasyuk, and he actually told this, yes, but will it fly in europe, because i heard our other candidates who said, oh, we have calculated everything, marketing moves, we know what is needed for the european music market, our song
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is la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la-la-la, this is just the best, it turns out that in europe no one did the song la-lala. the last 100 years, well , in short, cringe on the one hand, talented songs on the other, so what will become of it? i don't know what will come of it, as the performance will always show, as always the minimum task for of every participant from ukraine is to get to the final, eurovision, as they say, is not predictable in the sense of the jury's vote, but the only thing that can be unequivocally predicted is that the audience will most likely put ukraine in a high place, because they continue to support ... the audience ukrainian performers, because the audience supports ukraine, and in this sense , for all the haters, as they say, isn't it time to hold such a... bright concert, well, quite bright, i'll say it straight and a good concert, respect, by the way, to the public, which seized the initiative from stb, which began, as a matter of fact, to make such
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cool national selections, which are becoming a phenomenon, but the action confirms, confirms that this is a phenomenon for the ukrainian viewer, even during the war, and for all the haters, i say that to show ukrainian young, talented girls and boys in europe, at the moment it can... even more important than the trips of many diplomats, not all, but many, to europe to talk with those who rule europe, because they rule the voters, and if the voters they will forget about what is in ukraine the war, about the fact that there are troubles in ukraine , to put it mildly, for the population, and people are dying, and there is an invasion, they can forget about it a long time ago, and i'm sorry, even the euromaidanchik, the eurovision, is important to me, as and some people, i read there in my facebook feed, did not like that there was no song like jamal's victory song, 1944, which,
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well, had a political connotation, remember, they didn't even want to take it, or in my opinion, there was a statement against russia, which at that time was still a participant in eurovision, there were no such texts, well, whatever to say socially oriented. socio-civic orientation, well, maybe you can think about maria theresa somehow , but really, one song, a song, i say so, in the diminutive, because it is not known how much this song will become a hit, it still lacked, but in general it was all decent, and i hope that the ukrainian representative will perform in a dignified manner.
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the translator, who is now in the lower right corner, who really just ripped, so she ripped everyone and now even the musicians are professional, wins, wins on to the national eurovision selection , please look at it, it really looks fantastic and you want to watch, watch and admire, i filmed ruslan from the very first performance on the computer and posted it on instagram, and after that i saw that i was not alone, i saw this
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... professional musicians, our stars write, listen, who should be sent to eurovision from ukraine, it is necessary to send the winner, but for zabankina to stand on the stage and do sign language translation for european viewers, those who have hearing problems, it will be first of all, know-how, secondly, she is really , well, cool, classic, well, well, a cool girl, i wrote a clothespin to me that zabutkina , well, immediately there was a hype on facebook, what kind of participant is another one, no cool, cool, she was in a hit yesterday, i'll tell you honestly, maybe she 's always like that, i don't really follow court interpreters or translators, but yesterday, well, she gave a great performance at my place, i think that she can be cast, there can already be six participants. for example, melovin was alone, if melovin goes, let him take zabutkino, this will definitely add points to him, i would already returned to the issue with political overtones, i am remarking this rather quickly, because i
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noticed for myself that quite a few songs, and more than one text actually contained the words la-la-la, and it seems to me that it had already been heard somewhere before, and it there were little echoes in the whole world and in europe, exactly these three la-la-la, the day before everyone wrote that already this saturday, february 3, it will be known who will go, it was not known on february 3 , they promise that it will be known on february 4, that today will continue in the evening, is this mess with the action, this is the biggest mess this year national selection, and will there not be any falsification, no, no lies, and so on, no , well, first of all, i think that the grenjuls in the second will not go with it 100%, because no matter how they twist here, look, the story is that... in our selection, of course, there was a bad job of actions, yes, unfortunately, there was a mistake, i also saw it very, very immediately, as soon as i started
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voting, look, my, i just... not for a long time could fall asleep, i voted somewhere at one o'clock in the morning, the action worked, at that time there were already 600 34 thousand votes, this a sufficient sample to, say, say that the audience vote took place, but now when i came to you on the air and i went into action, it was funny, and what was funny was not the action, but the voting itself, now i will show you, no i know you are a survey, but if you now go to... i am now trying to look at mine, show me that it is constantly working, that is, morals, well, for me, even 600 thousand is enough, on the other hand , the presenters already told you yesterday that the decision of the jury members was enough for the ukrainian the representative was selected , as for the level, well, look... there was quite a variety
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of musical content, there was also rock, there were a few ethnos, there were indies, there were non-pagan compositions, plus or minus it's all fine, i caught myself thinking, maybe not i am the only one who, after the adoption of a tougher law on mobilization, which will really save our army and all of us, who will only be in the next election. girls, i still had an idea that i thought that of course it is necessary to book the services or at least to send the services of our young talented artists, because if you don't save it, it's a pop yes, but still it's a musical cultural layer, then what are we fighting for, what are we fighting for, helping the army, that's a big question, er... i think that
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everything will be fine with the participant, the selection took place, everyone, well done, to the court, to the jury , there are no complaints, if you saw, they were very kind yesterday, it doesn't always happen, but but, well, one more thing about this point of view, you actually quoted a british world war ii leader, what are we fighting for, it's about allocation of funds. tongue but well, then let's hold a vote, we are ready to give ukraine to russia and you are almost 62 years old, what do you care about or not, i am sure that there will be a very big advantage for igor, but at the same time we
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keep in touch and even from time to time. we see how from the front the officers allow our musicians from various bands to come there to play a concert and return to the front line, and a lot of musicians, rockers, including those on the front line, well done, igor, thank you for analyzing our ukrainian part, interesting, as always with the adventures of selection for eurovision, ihor kondratyuk, producer and volunteer was in touch with us, well, what a time. the majority shows nissan skyland , happy owners of nissan, we congratulate you, well, now is really the time for news about the fireworks of democracy in russia, how it all looks, in a few minutes khrystyna parobiy will tell.
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thank you, colleagues, russia continues to be attacked by drones, i will tell you more about this in the issue, and the russians, meanwhile, are raising protests, all this will be discussed in a moment, wait. 10 o'clock. it is also time to find out what is happening in ukraine and the world. at this time , khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. one person died and four were injured. a fatal car accident occurred in the village of pluhiv in the lviv region. the driver of the car lost control and crashed into the wall of the bridge tunnel. as a result of the injuries received, one of the passengers died, the police reported. causes of the tragedy.


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