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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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get. news time is approaching now, time to learn about the most important things. in the last hour , iryna koval is already ready to share this information. irina, congratulations, you have a word. thank you, oksana, well, literally in a moment in the issue i will tell you about the trip to the front line of the president, about the situation in avdiivka and sumy oblast, and what control and inspections poland will strengthen on the border with ukraine. wait. it's news time, on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all viewers and now to the most important events. russian the troops entered the northern outskirts of avdiivka and took up positions on one of the streets. this was reported by military correspondent yuriy.
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butusov, according to him, street fighting continues there, and the situation for the armed forces of ukraine is critical: the defense is held by the 10th mechanized brigade, but the enemy's forces are several times superior. at the same time , the military points out that the situation is not hopeless yet, because there are our infantry reserves in avdiivka, which have experience of fighting in urban areas. there is no official information from the general staff yet. a trip to the front line: volodymyr zelenskyy visited the zaporizhzhia region, which is located close to the front line. the president visited the positions where the 65th separate mechanized brigade is stationed. he announced this on his official page on the social network. the head of state talked with the defenders, thanked them for the defense of the country and presented state awards. it is a great honor to be here today to support you. and
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award, guys, you, our warriors on your shoulders, such a difficult decisive mission, repel the enemy and win this war, i i want this victory, i want to reward you, and i want to do everything to make this victory faster, so that you are supported by relatives, friends and all civilian citizens of ukraine. they did not break through. the russian drg tried to cross the border with ukraine in the sumy oblast. our defenders discovered ten saboteurs on the approaches to glukhivska hromada. the shooting battle lasted for an hour and a half, serhii nayev, the commander of the united forces of the armed forces of ukraine, said. despite the loss, the russians stubbornly tried to break through and for this they changed their tactics, dividing into two groups, and our defenders managed to throw the saboteurs who survived beyond the border. the ukrainian
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border. at least one person was killed and two others were injured due to russian shelling of toretsk in donetsk region. the injured were taken to the hospital, informed the head of the region , vadym filashkin. he noted that the occupiers hit the city around one o'clock in the afternoon with artillery, hitting residential buildings. oboyak died for ukraine, the world and european champion in power-lifting, oleksandr bilokon - the honorary president of the greco-roman federation struggle of ukraine vadym kysil. he said that oleksandr was one of the strongest people in ukraine. back in 2017, in the center of odessa, he set a ukrainian record for moving a tractor with a trailer full of people. oleksandr was born in a white church in kyiv region, he was 32 years old. light is the hero's memory. he dreamed of his own bookstore and...
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he was not destined to visit it. mykola rachok died at the front, saving his comrades from another brigade. his family undertook to realize the military man's dream of owning his own business. they for several months, they carefully selected high-quality publications, made repairs and studied entrepreneurship. they did everything according to the instructions in the diary that the soldier kept during his life. what came out of this, let's see further in the story. high ceiling. velvet sofas and pleasant music, stepping around the corner, as if you find yourself in one of the rooms of the british palace. this is it, the bookstore of the dreams of 27-year-old serviceman mykola rachko. he wrote it down in his diaries, from the 15th year, kolya, we have all his diaries in full, and of course we reread, reread, suffered, cried, because certain , well... we found answers to certain questions
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, yes, when we did not understand, for example, what was difficult for him, difficult, he did not want to share, burden, yes, now we know it, but he also wrote down his dreams there. he had a kind of list of 21 items, among them was a bookstore, and in the color navy blue, in the british style, he liked this color very much. mykola was not destined to cross the threshold of his own bookstore, the man died on july 19, 2022 in the east. together with his brothers, he gave battle to the occupiers saved the lives of guys from another brigade. mykola was a graduate of the kyiv-mohyla academy, spoke several languages, loved to travel and take pictures, wrote poems, engaged in martial arts, dubbed korean tv series. relatives recall that the ukrainian word and ukrainian literature were important to mykola. he liked that when he introduced people to something so
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cultural, different places or events, and that people were delighted by it, he liked it very much, he wanted to share it, he wanted it to spread to the masses, so that people... .... were more educated, so alive to life, in general, i am very glad that i was lucky enough to meet him. the family spent 10 months looking for premises and setting up a bookstore, everything was done at their own expense and state payments, but before that mykola's parents helped with setting up one of the kindergartens at the expense of payments from the state. he always spoke with such, you know, sensitive heart about kindergartens, about children and... especially, especially this was after he was in kyiv, buch, virpen, and, well, they worked there, and he often talked about these bombed-out schools and kindergartens, and he says that nothing impresses you, except for the tears, those
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huge ones that you see where the children's group was. diana from vinnytsia buys books mostly online, and after learning the history of the bookstore, she couldn't pass by. you looked at this bookstore, i love different books, but i think you can find any genre here, in general, everything you like, and it is very cozy here that you can see that they put their soul into the bookstore. it is very important to open such institutions, because they preserve memory about heroes, about people who do not protect. 30 publishers are represented in the bookstore, here you can find quality literature in the ukrainian language, including books written by soldiers. the family of the fallen hero wants the memory of mykola to live on. in their plans. not only to sell books in ukrainian, but also to hold creative evenings in the institution and coffees with pages of poetry. anastasia holoshivets, oleg smakovsky, from vinnytsia for the espresso tv channel. in transcarpathia, border guards detained five evaders who tried to escape to hungary.
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the men turned out to be residents of different regions of the country, but all of them contacted the carriers through social networks, who promised to transport them without any problems. across the border when the men arrived in transcarpathia, they were put in one car and taken to an unknown destination. then the khylyants were informed that they would have to cross the river in a rubber boat. border guards discovered them on it. poland will strengthen control and inspections of goods at the border with ukraine. the minister of agriculture spoke about such intentions of the government czeslaw sekersky of poland. he noted that he visited... the border crossing point of medyk and korchov and after that he announced the strengthening of inspections of trucks carrying products from ukraine. according to him, the excessive import of agricultural goods that do not meet eu production requirements threatens the competitiveness
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of polish farmers. the collection of the espresso tv channel of the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces is urgently underway. replace the engine in the recovery vehicle, and for a successful one carrying out combat missions, buy a mavic quadcopter and an optical sight. we ask you to join the collection, because every donation helps to more effectively destroy the enemy of the eastern direction. our goal is uah 470,000, and the account already has more than uah 360,000. you can now see all the details on the screen. and we thank everyone who supports the armed forces of ukraine and thereby brings our victory closer. read more news on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch us on youtube. then the ether is continued
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oksana vysochanska and roman chaika. we 'll see each other at 5 p.m. anatoly viktorovych, mathematics teacher from kharkiv. during the first months of the great war , he moved to cherkasy, but within two months he realized that he had to return to his hometown to teach children not only online. the man says that his students took the zno and nmt with very high scores, more than 190. it is much easier to achieve such results with face-to-face learning, because only by the child's face can you understand whether there are difficulties with the material. the first thing i do when i... when a new class comes to me, the first thing i do is to prove to them that they can definitely
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do it, maybe at first it is a simplified level of problems, maybe a slightly overestimated assessment, but the main thing for me is to give them faith that they can do it, because there is students who in the seventh-eighth grade already say everything, i didn't know mathematics , i won't know it, it's not mine, so the main thing is to convince them that everything... will be fine, that it's all real and nothing will be complicated. thanks to his colleagues, mr. anatoliy found out about the morning dawn award. he decided to apply to her in order to share his experience with others teachers and return to the rhythm of life that was before the war, with conferences for teachers and communication. the prize from the ranok publishing house is intended to support ukrainian teachers who care about the future generation, despite the difficulties brought by the war. we live in difficult times. and the task of the ranok publishing house is to support teachers, the country should see its heroes,
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the teacher is in his place, this is very important, and this is really a person who does his work inconspicuously, and we want to draw the attention of the whole country to the stories of teachers and tell about it publicly. 2024 is the year of the debut history of the award, so far there are five non-nation competitions, which take into account the innovative approach of teachers to learning, the results of their students, the support of children and the indomitability of teachers , this year the prize fund of the award is more than uah 100, but the organizers hope, that sponsors will join the competition and morning stars will be able to tell the stories of star teachers every year. any awards, any contests, they raise motivation, and most importantly, when they are covered in mass media information, it raises... the prestige of teaching work, because among teachers there are extremely brilliant personalities who,
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by the way, in these difficult times of war, showed flexibility and ability to help children, to fight with these educational losses that appeared in children , due to relocations, due to constant study interruptions, due to anxiety, distance learning and so on, male and female teachers accept... participate in the competition, tell about yourself, tell about your school, about your students, a teacher is really important. the organizers hope that the competition will be able to attract as many teachers as possible. if you are a teacher in a ukrainian school and work on the books of the ranok publishing house, join the contest, follow the link on the screen or fill out the questionnaire on the site of the ranokiv zori award. applications will be accepted until february 9, 2024. yuliya zubchenko, oleksandr burlevich, tv channels. well, we are coming back,
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roman chaika, oksana vysochenska, and traditionally we already call on you to support our defenders, for the 141st brigade we are gathering, and that moment, and this is the moment when we we can safely allow ourselves to say hello to nigao, ugh, because we will talk about the affairs of china, china. ukrainian, we know that relations between our two countries have been difficult for the past few years, and when they will be easy china, now there is an additional moment, yes, because china supports, openly supports the russian federation in the war against ukraine, of course not for us i like it, and that's why we talk about it often and a lot, and for this reason, we now include our next guest, vita holos, in our conversation. chairman of the board of the ukrainian association of chinese studies we are already in touch, mrs. vito, we welcome
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you. congratulations. well, then, come on, you, we see this constant and stable, double, or maybe triple game, on the one hand, china denies its direct to direct assistance to the russian federation in its aggression against ukraine, and on the other hand, it calls on ukraine to exclude its companies from the list. sponsors of the war, although we have an absolutely huge evidence base that they are sponsors of the war, and what to do with it, thank you. the question, it is really very voluminous, you need to understand in what way china helps russia, because they say that we support the territorial integrity, integrity, sovereignty of ukraine, we respect all the rights of all countries, we are for peace, for negotiations, but what we see is that they support russia economically and are getting closer to russia in terms of
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military exercises there, and it really worries us. until there is confirmation that china supports russia with weapons, lethal weapons, we will talk to china, we will try, we will try to build this dialogue, we need to talk to it. for today , what was published by the reuters agency, that china calls for their companies to be removed from the list of war sponsors, this is the information we received from the source of the agency agent. there is no official information, this information was not confirmed at the briefing of the ministry of foreign affairs of the people 's republic of china, to the journalist's question, they answered that our position on ukraine is fixed and clear, it does not change, we support the territorial integrity of ukraine and call on both sides to negotiate, that is, this the same routine that we see already during, i would say,
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the last nine months, the last 9 months, we hear the same statements from... side of china, but at the same time, ms. vito, look, at the same time, we are watching how our diplomats are trying one way or another to attract the chinese to certain platforms, whether it is this peace formula promoted there or some other attempts at meetings at international forums, and we consistently see how official beijing avoids these meetings in one way or another, and moreover, the ambassador agrees. says that if you include our companies in this list, it can harm bilateral communications, on the one hand they block these communications, and on the other hand they are trying to shift the responsibility to ukraine, again, we did not see the ambassador's statement from official sources, we only saw from the publication of reuters that it seems that the ambassador met with someone, these are anonymous sources, well, i
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think that such negotiations are really underway, and what else it is interesting that this list was... published in the middle of january, and reuters gave this publication only now, there are 48 companies on this list, 14 of them are chinese, and there are 82 chinese citizens on this list, and not only companies engaged in the military sector, there and ali-baba, there are also energy companies, large chinese giants, i do not rule out a meeting. the ambassador of ukraine to china , mr. ryabikin, with the deputy minister of foreign affairs, sun waidong, also discussed this very issue, but neither on the website of the embassy nor on the website of the chinese ministry of foreign affairs, there is no information that something is required of us, so we must understand that the conversations are are conducted and they are really natural, but today we
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see that these companies are on the list, and we continue such... we say pressure, these are completely normal processes, the situation we have now in europe, when european countries conduct exercises simulating an attack by russia on one of the nato countries, something similar is now happening in the eastern part of the world, actually taiwan conducts exercises, and what is the legend of these exercises, it seems that china conducts exercises, and during these exercises , regular training. carry out a real attack on taiwan, well, and simulate accordingly already during the taiwan exercises, how they will repel, work during explosions, simulating the whole situation, how powerful this signal is from taiwan to china, that is, what do they want by this to signal readiness for what?
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since the russian invasion of ukraine , taiwan has been studying the ukrainian experience very carefully, and we can see... both at the level of the government, and at the level of ordinary people, and at the level of volunteer organizations, and this experience is actually, it is not only studied, it is also applied at the level of exercises, and this is what has been happening in the taiwan strait for many years, it only means that taiwan will defend its position, currently this position, it has more or less become, after the election, we see that... this is a desire for the status quo, and even more radical democrats, and the new president, he still removed the word independence from his election campaign. currently, we see a democratic president and a speaker of parliament who is chinese or loyal to china, this is an ideal formula, that is, i believe that in the following periods,
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let's say, in the short term, we will still observe such a balancing act, i hope that the us side will not such active steps will be taken, as was the case with nancy pilosi, but the parties will not want, are not prepared for such a heated ... confrontation, and what we know, also from american, american intelligence sources, the chinese military is not ready for a full-scale invasion, they have such an americanophobic sentiment inside, but there is also a sinophobic sentiment inside america, that is, it is such , let's say, a paranoid story, i would say, but the parties are preparing, because the situation in the world has really escalated and america is present in almost all conflicts. as a global leader, and well , the chinese can't help but see that, yes, but in china, the chinese communists have absolutely mirrored ambition, and we see
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, on the contrary, a huge difference between mainland communist china and, for example, the authorities in taiwan, our colleagues conducted an international journalistic investigation, the insider, such a corporation, because there is such a story, under sanctions, russia is an aggressor country , does not have high accuracy now. of these machines, they are under sanctions, they cannot work with them, in particular in order to bomb ukraine, the chinese ones turned out to be inaccurate, well, that is , such as, as they say, chinese its quality, but taiwanese machines are perfect, and taiwanese machines were brought to russia to circumvent sanctions, the authorities in taiwan immediately imposed sanctions against russian companies that so cunningly imported taiwanese machines, here are two worlds, two ways. to respond to the russian-ukrainian war, and in this case, if this conflict between china and taiwan is being modeled for now, there are other models
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that we want to ask you about, not for nothing very often so randomly as if some kind of world map is lit up in an official's office, and we understand that he did not print it himself and he showed it not without permission, but there are authentic chinese names. their bridges, well, those that the russians call some kind of khabarovsk and others, but we understand that there are already territories and everything else, looking at how china entered russia after the introduction of sanctions, seizing, in particular, whole segments of the market there, well, for example , cars or electric cars, and looking at how russia is dumping and giving everything away, even in russia there are no... voices that say, listen, what kind of second army are we there , if we are a raw appendage to the communist party of china, what's up with that? everything will happen, because it has been going on for years
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, will putin really manage to build allied relations, or will they simply be, as the chinese plan, 100, 1000 years in the future, a raw material-territorial appendage of great china, here in your question there are a lot of small sub-questions, regarding sanctions and whether they work and regarding the actions of taiwanese companies, which, contrary to the official policy of taiwan, nevertheless cooperated with russia, this was such an unexpected discovery, and it really says that despite such a large support of the western world, the democratic world, companies still look first of all at their own profits, and this applies to china and many companies, by the way, the list. it is published on the zk that russian weapons contain components of many countries of the world, produced in many countries of the world, and
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the usa is in first place, so we must be very careful not only about individuals and legal entities that cooperate and seek their profits, but also about financial institutions , which serve such transactions, and it is biden's law of the 22nd december, it's aimed at sending... control and discipline of financial institutions that work with third world companies, servicing transactions in cooperation with russia, and it's a really effective mechanism, it's only introduced and it's worth watching, it's clearly there it is said that such intermediaries are turkey, the emirates and china. ugh. next, with regard to the russian market, it is really filled with chinese goods at the moment, and the fact that... china is currently in such a severe economic crisis and medium-sized companies small and medium-sized companies are looking for new
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partners and not only that. as for electric cars, they fill the niches that have become vacant after the withdrawal of western companies, how does the chinese government feel about this, it welcomes it, because really, well, it sees, it does not see any contradictions in this, and as for what should concern us, it's not support specifically in the military industry, and the us department of commerce has published commodity codes that have to be... strictly controlled, these codes apply to both military weapons and military components, and there are instruments, tracking and everything related to satellites, and it is these codes that will be strictly controlled by financial institutions, i believe that this mechanism is currently very effective, it is only introduced and it will have its results, well, in a word, you and they didn't say, after all, in russia, the prospect of becoming a huge raw material addition to...
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china, or whether to refrain, to retain subjectivity after the war? we are watching the rhetoric inside russia also, in relation to china, they call it a turn to the east, finally, those who were engaged in they have been criticizing china for a long time, that it should have happened much earlier, that we were not ready, that we lack infrastructure and resources there, because we need to adapt to china, there is a lot there. of such technical points, well, on which they are currently working, i can only say that china is taking advantage of the situation of this chaos in the markets, it is buying up oil, gas, buying goods, because now the prices are acceptable, the conditions are acceptable, how will china behave in going forward, he will behave in a way that will benefit chinese interests, if that is the case profitable, if it will be, let's say, not in the plan,
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but... the alliance, in the plan of economic benefits for its economy, for its, let's say, strong geopolitical image, ugh, ms. vito, thank you for the clarification, detailed analysis , vita golud, head of the board of the ukrainian association of china studies, i always said that dealing with the chinese is always difficult , difficult, we will continue to talk about this, but in a completely different direction, we will talk about how to survive... about the history of free ukrainians . a couple of border guards in love, alina panina and ilya muzyka, they were in prisoners of the russian invaders. ilya was taken from ilyich's plant in mariupol on april 12, 2022 , and alina was taken from azovstal a little later, on may 17. their service dogs remained in the territory occupied by the russians. they became a symbol of this couple's relationship. to experience the captivity of the history of free ukrainians. this is a special project
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of the tv channel. about our community. who went through all the circles of hell in russian prisons. we look at the story of a couple of border guards who survived russian captivity. they were united by service and love for dogs. volhynians alina and ilya met at work in novovolynsk. the bride and groom work in the border service of ukraine, together with their own. paws partners. before the russian offensive, the couple served in the donetsk border detachment. the morning of the full-scale invasion, alina met in the mariupol sea trading port, where together with her dog sonya, she was inspecting sea vessels. we arrived at the unit, re-armed ourselves, if only we had received some of the tasks that were set for us, and set out for the defense of the city of mari. on
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the azomash plant with her unit, those terrible circumstances separated them, after the second attempt on the night of april 12, alina and her unit broke through to azovstal, where they were under constant fire for a week, at that time ilya was already holding the defense at the ilyich plant. at the moment when i turned on the phone, ilya called, he said that everything was fine with him, he asked if i was fine, because we did not know where we were. we did not understand at all where we were . on april 15, the commander in the bunker informed us that our unit was captured on the territory of ilich. the guys who were with us they, you can say, there was a little bit of a small panic, but then we sat down, thought among ourselves, talked and...


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