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tv   [untitled]    February 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EET

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because with modern medicine, vitiligo is not contagious and not scary, knowledge about complex things is important, and vitiligo knowledge saves lives. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. russian troops entered the northern outskirts of avdiivka. established themselves on
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one of the streets, military correspondent yurii butusov reported. according to him, street fighting continues there, the situation is critical for the armed forces of ukraine. holds the defense 110 mechanized brigade, but the enemy's forces are several times superior. at the same time , the military points out that the situation is not hopeless yet, because there are our infantry reserves in avdiivka, which have experience of fighting in urban areas. no official information. not yet from the general staff. a trip to the front line: volodymyr zelenskyy visited the zaporizhzhia region, which is located close to the front line. the president visited the positions where the 65th separate mechanized brigade is stationed. he announced this on his page in the social network. president talked with the defenders, thanked them for the defense of the country and presented state awards.
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"i have a great honor to be here today , to support you and to reward you, guys, you, our warriors on your shoulders, such a difficult decisive mission, to repel the enemy and win this war, i wish you this victory, i want to reward you, and i want to do everything. so that this victory is faster, so that you are supported by family, friends and all civilian citizens of ukraine. during a trip to the zaporizhzhia region, president volodymyr zelensky presented the newly appointed head of the region, ivan fedorov. previously, he was the mayor of melitopol. the head of state also held a meeting on the security situation in the region. he listened to the reports of the military command and the heads of law enforcement agencies. it was discussed, in particular, about the defensive actions on avdiivskyi.
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direction of the situation in the robotyny region and other areas of the front. the meeting also discussed the protection of critical infrastructure facilities and the defense-industrial complex in the region. at least one person died, two more were injured due to the russian shelling of toretsk in donetsk region. the injured were taken to the hospital, informed the head of the region, vadym filashkin. he noted that the invaders hit the city around one o'clock. day artillery hit a residential building. the russian occupiers once again attacked vovchansk in the kharkiv region. the city was covered with artillery fire, the regional military administration reported. as a result of shelling , four private houses were damaged in the city. also, in one of the administrative buildings , the windows were blown out and the facade was damaged, in the local police station enemy shells damaged the roof, ceiling and windows. fortunately, people survived. do not be silent,
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captivity kills, in at least 14 cities of ukraine actions were held in support of prisoners of war. in particular, the defenders of mariupol and azovstal, who have been in russian captivity for over a year and a half. among the participants of the event are mostly relatives and relatives of ukrainian prisoners. they say that they are waiting for information about the downfall of the russian ill-76 plane. after all, they are very afraid that this situation will not be similar to the one that happened in olenivka. according to the organizers, now about 2,000 defenders of mariupol, including about 700 fighters from azov, are in russian captivity. in transcarpathia, border guards detained five evaders who tried to escape to hungary. the men turned out to be residents of different regions of the country, but all through social media. went to carriers who
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promised to transport them across the border without any particular problems. when the men arrived in transcarpathia, they were gathered in one car and taken to... a known direction, then the evaders were informed that they would have to cross the river on a rubber boat, on which they were discovered by the border guards. ukraine can sign security guarantees with germany in munich, the german publication writes. according to the source, a draft version of the agreement is already ready. no details of the document have been disclosed yet. the german government does not comment on the information about the conclusion of the the document can be created within the framework of the declaration on security guarantees for ukraine, which was adopted at the nato summit last year. it provides for cooperation in the defense sphere. in january , great britain became the first country to sign such an agreement. the aggressors were not invited.
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government officials from russia and iran were not invited to this year's munich security conference. as noted by the head of the forum, christoph heusgen, due to the reluctance of putin and the iranian authorities to conduct peace negotiations, the german publication doychevele reports this. the event will be held from february 16 to 18, and will be attended by about 50 country leaders and 100 ministers. the national artistic swimming team of ukraine won a silver medal at the world championship in... water sports, which is held in qatar. athletes from kharkiv won an award in the acrobatic competition. this medal was the 25th medal won by our synchronized swimmers in the entire history of performances at the world championships, the federation of synchronized swimming of ukraine reported.
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after the full-scale invasion, the athletes were forced to move to germany for training, because their pool in kharkiv was destroyed by russian missiles. three babies with half-kilogram tumors were born this month in lviv. all three have sacrococcygeal teratomas. specialists of the st. nicholas children's hospital successfully removed the congenital ones in the first days of the babies' lives formation. happy stories of saving babies, see below. and then already at the scheduled screening, the doctor is a diagnostician. to the head of the department, who also confirmed this diagnosis. at the 20th week of pregnancy , evgenia learned about the future diagnosis of her child - teratoma. this is a benign tumor that is determined genetically. doctors in kharkiv, where the girl is from, suggested terminating
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the pregnancy, and evgenia saw a story about a successful operation to remove a teratoma, so she immediately turned to the st. nicholas children's hospital in lviv, where she is already conducting... were similar surgical interventions were successful and children were saved. halyna vasylivna said that the sacral coccyx of wateratton is not an indicator for termination of pregnancy in any case and that for more than 10 years they have been successfully operating on such children with such a diagnosis, and she did not calm down, so i calmly reached the end of my pregnancy. doctors recommended yevgenia to move to lviv a month before giving birth. matviyko was born in the maternity ward of the hospital of st. nicholas after several days of observation in the intensive care unit, the newborn was taken to operating room teratoma removal takes place in several stages. first, the tumor is removed, then soft tissue plastic surgery is performed. so, thanks to only one operation, doctors managed to completely correct the congenital defect. you should not
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give up, you should look for specialists who can help. and so there are such specialists in st. nicholas hospital. and we were very surprised that in ukraine we have... such a level of medicine that children with various pathologies have been operated on and successfully operated on for many years, the child is born and receives correct surgical treatment, is discharged healthy and does not have any deviations from his peers. almost at the same time as matvii, surgeons operated on two more babies with teratomas, yarynka and zlata. both girls also had successful tumor removal operations. after rehabilitation at the age of one month, they were discharged home. in total, the doctors of the st. nicholas children's hospital in lviv have already successfully operated on 16 children with this diagnosis. children were born in december and early january. unfortunately, everyone had a tumor somewhere within the limits half a kilogram or more. they were born full-term,
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because their pregnancy was monitored, they were treated in the postoperative period according to the rules and protocols, and they were discharged today. satisfied and gain weight. doctors emphasize that such a rare defect in the development of babies as a teratoma can be removed surgically, and give the child a long and happy life. singer skyler, a participant of the eurovision 2024 national selection, withdrew her candidacy from the vote. she explained her decision by the fact that due to a failure in the application, the action the vote count may be incorrect. she also noted that in such contests it is important to vote at the moment, i.e. immediately after the performances, and this cannot be returned. let me remind you that on the eve of the start of spectator voting in the national selection for eurobak. 2024 the action application failed. in this regard, voting for the winner
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was extended until this evening. voting lines will be closed approximately at 19:05 and then the winners will be announced. and in the meantime , the ministry of digital policy assured that before the failure in action, which occurred during voting for the favorite at the eurovision national selection. hackers are not involved. the department explained that the system simply could not cope with the excessive number of requests from those willing to cast their vote. according to minister mykhailo fedorov, compared to last year, the operation has increased capacity five times, while requests have been received 20 times more than last year. and i have to add that the espresso tv channel continues to collect. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces urgently needs to be replaced. engine in the recovery vehicle, and for a successful one carrying out combat missions, buy a
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mavic quadcopter and an optical sight. we ask you to join the collection, because every donation helps to more effectively destroy the enemy of the eastern direction. our goal is uah 470,000. we already have uah 365 in our account. you can now see all the details on the screen. thank you for your donations, our team works to ensure that you are the first to know all the latest news, so expect a news release in less than an hour, read more on our website and on our social networks and watch us on youtube.
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good evening, congratulations, my name is myroslava berchuk, this is the own names program, a joint project of the espresso tv channel and ukrainian foam. today, you and i will talk about state awards, in particular about state awards, whether state awards can be independent from the state, from the ukrainian authorities in our political culture, when the authorities at all times did not shy away from... pressuring or somehow trying to influence on the jury, on the committees and in some way determine their people for awarding. i have yuri makarov in my studio, writer, journalist, former chairman of the shevchenko prize committee. congratulations, yur! hello! tamara gundarova, literary critic, cultural expert, doctor of philological sciences, who currently teaches ukrainian literature at harvard university, will also join us in the conversation, but it will be... in a few minutes, we will start talking about
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the shevchenko prize from the same state prize, which is yuri, as far as i remember shevchenkovka, there were always suspicions around her that the committee was bribed, or suspicions that the authorities are somehow putting pressure on the committee, or something is wrong with that... with this award, and in the end even you were forced to resign as the chairman of the committee a few years ago, please tell me, i was forced to leave resigned, because i made a fool of myself, now you will tell everything, so, let's start with what happened in your specific case, and what kind of curse hangs over the shevchenko prize and the state prize, let's tell very briefly what happened eh? then the year is already in winter
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it is clear that there will not be laureates in all nominations, and we simply did not have worthy people who applied, because they applied already during the war, and eh - many people left, many people were thinking about completely different things, there is no no it was not about the prize. and when we looked at everything that had already been thrown at us, it was clear that we have two awards, and... in march of last year , volodymyr oleksandrovich zelenskyi convened a meeting of cultural figures with the entire sinklit, which means that the head of the administration was also there, office sori, and the minister of culture, the actors are different, there
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were 20 people in this holy of holies, and in... the operating room of the president's office, finally i joined, and there were many people on the video call, and there was a proposal that we should give a special award, additional nominations for the contribution to the victory, and then just now, it doesn’t sound so sharp anymore, and then just then there were a lot of such... manifestations of cultural diplomacy, in the pure form of cultural diplomacy, when simply the presence of our artists on international platforms influenced public opinion and accordingly, to literally help ukraine from the west, i can cite as an example when the kyiv kyiv symphony orchestra played
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the summit. heads of nato countries, played berezovsky and skoryk. and it was so obvious. you see, here, well, here is the point where the destinies of the world are decided, and in front of these people, directly, the ukrainian collective of ukrainian composers is playing, and boris johnson is standing there. jumps up, macron stands there, sticks in and enjoys, that was obvious. and when it sounded, i said, well, let's go, huh why not, actually, and it came out of the mouth of the minister of culture, that's right, it came out of the mouth of the director of the odessa opera, and the minister picked it up, and i in turn picked it up, well, i
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call it, how to put it so delicately about... stuffy , and in this way, and in this way, it gave arguments, yes, to those people who always suspected, yes, that is, this inertia of suspicion about the shevchenkovskyi committee, yes, it worked here, and you immediately began to suspect that you were working with the authorities , the power of tys, yes, and i then, of course, what i am for and the main thing what was delayed in connection with this was delayed by me, and i... did not have the opportunity to consult with my colleagues, i later realized that there was a certain combination, it was not for nothing that this proposal was made, but it was not for nothing that i picked it up oleksandr tkachenko, well, that is, but i am all these
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combinations, i do not buy them either live or ... i picked it up because it seemed right to me, but in fact it was wrong, and when my colleagues resisted and ka and they began to say that from the committee, yes, and all the people there are very difficult and very independent, and on it is simply impossible to pressurize them, i repeat it all, and it is repeated many times, these are very worthy people with bad characters. in the best sense of the word with reputations, they said: no, this is wrong, because we are undermining the trust in the award, which is already very weak in the society. and here is my question: do you think this is the fate of these state awards, that there will always be, there will always be arguments from people who
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suspect, there will always be these suspicions, or if you had not made this mistake, eh? the premium would continue to be reputationally intact beyond suspicion and it would have functioned properly, because the previous awards, come on, i was there in the previous composition under the chairmanship of yury mykolayovych shcherbak, a holy man, i am absolutely without any irony there , a holy man, he is a diplomat, he very... so intelligent, methodical, precise, and at the same time highly moral, and he made sure that there were no, well, such, well, inconsistencies, but there were different people there. in that committee, but well, i was not ashamed of any of these decisions of the previous composition, to what i joined, but well, it was possible to place
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slightly different accents, and when our group of such, you know, revolutionaries arrived, then we began to brawl, we began to promote avant-garde projects, not by the totality of merits, but by what exactly drives today ... ukrainian culture, well, the way i, uh, understand it, and there were many insults, there was an insult that, let's say, the third round of roma balayan, our brilliant director, who shot, well, not his best , did not pass there tape, but how could you offend a living classic, or how could you not to give a prize there, say, to grabovsky, a composer, a representative of these and that. of the ukrainian musical avant-garde of the 1960s, and these are the works that were presented, they were already, they were already, so to speak,
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inertia, instead, things were heard that, perhaps, in another context, would not have been heard, such as valik vasyanovych, this is atlantis, or is it, i don’t know, a program, actually a production program, modern ukrainian music in the ear, well, and many more, but each of these awards caused the power of the universe to be so furious, and well, a bad piece of rage, it’s just that, well, hate, in the pure and original meaning of this word, because... on the one hand, it is embedded in this award, specifically, because there is
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a flavor of the soviet award that was born, however, it was born in the times of the league, it is called the stalin prize, not the stalin prize, it is, if not that, then it is the khrushchev prize of the 64th, i think it is the 61st, but the first laureate and i think korniychuk was. by the way, from literature, well, no, well , it’s, well, it’s soviet, the tail is not easy, the tail is very difficult, but the main thing is that, ah, there is there are always suspicions that something is moving with us from, from the mountain, and there is always a suspicion that any of the public figures can be either bent or bribed. this is spread in society, and i , when, that is the year, when i, therefore, gave up my authority, i had such a marathon,
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a micro-marathon of interviews, and i am constantly asked, well, tell me, what are you there, on you were influenced from the office, and i say, well, i wonder how i can be influenced, well, what can you offer me, if i... how in the previous years, so to speak, i did not acquire anything, so in what way, well what? look, that is you are now saying that the mentality of our society is the same, any state award will always be under suspicion under a scandal, and there will always be people who will not trust, and if it is not a state award, then they will say that it is a joke, there are laureates , except that for some reason it is a book. bbc , well, because it is the bbc brand, it does not cause such a doubt, but anyway, well, they say, people, well, they agreed among themselves, of course, that
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there are their own, of course, that there is what was once called a russian word groupism, where will you go, because we are all, all cultural figures, one way or the other, they are stomping on the same platform, and you know everyone, or at least because of... one handshake, you once worked with someone, you once were in the same room with someone, you could find a desire, that's all, but, but when it starts, especially when you touch on these steel type hierarchies, how did they hate us in the writer's union? how they hate us in the composers' union, about the old hierarchies. we will definitely talk more, because this is a very interesting story, this is a collision of new and old worlds, but in fact there is a lot who among the people who are watching us now
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understood that the conversation... about state awards is not only a conversation about the shevchenko prize, but first of all our conversation, our dialogue here is connected with the translation award, with the oldest, very authoritative translation award the maxim rylsky prize, and which is more than 50 years old, and which, as they say, is stagnant even at the time when the shevchenko prize was given there for works of socialist realism, the prize... maxim rylsky was equally received by very worthy people, very worthy translators, i.e. this the award is very important, very authoritative. and last week, the maksym rylsky award committee announced the names of the 2023 award winners. the prize was awarded, in particular , to dmytro drozdovsky, a scientist, literary critic, and andrew shepard.
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to the translator from russian for the translation into english of the collection of texts by the irpin children, irpin is my home. the problem is that literary critic, researcher of the institute of literature dmytro drozdovsky was accused of plagiarism more than once, and there is a conclusion of the commission of the institute of literature that in one of his scientific works 60-64 drozdovsky works of the irpin children, is a translator really from russian and is the editor of the journal of the british-russian society east-west review, this publication is a reflection of the views of the so-called good russians, that is, until now it leads. nya remains
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a platform for the representation of russian culture abroad, and we have tamara gundarova in touch, as i promised you, tamara gundarova is a literary critic, cultural researcher, doctor of philology, a professor who currently teaches ukrainian literature at harvard. ms. tamara, welcome, good evening, good day, please tell me how you felt. and this is the decision of the maksym rylsky award committee, i must say that i was not surprised, because the fact is that this story with rozdovsky, which began four or five years ago, is not over, and i have this impression , that in fact it is like a cancerous tumor, it spreads, and in our society it also covers different spheres, because here we are not talking about... only about
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borrowing, let's say, but also about scientific reputation, about the reputation of the translator , the editor of the universe, which remains, remains druzdovsky, you understand what is the matter, when this story with plagiarism began, at our institute, i will simply remind you, during the discussion of dmytro drozdovsky's dissertation, which was completed in of our institute, the fact of borrowing was discovered, a whole commission was created, which included not only us as employees of the institute, but also, but also in the same way, we invited our colleagues from other higher education institutions, from other universities, and we, in fact, we not even suspected in general what awaits us, in fact we can say that this is such a unique fact of such total, total, total
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plagiarism. the whole work, in fact, when you talk about or mention 64% of borrowings, in fact the situation looks like we have analyzed 64% of this work, you understand, the manuscript is more than 300 pages, and there are actually 90% of those borrowings, that is, this borrowing that it can be called total, here it is not about borrowing some pieces, you understand, of the text, of other people's texts. here it goes about articles, for example, articles published in western publications in english, rather poorly translated, which from the beginning, from the first line, from the first word to the end, are inserted as a section of drozdovsky's dissertation, you can imagine, so that ee right here it turned out that you understand, this is some kind of...


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