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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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greetings, it's news time on the spresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. volodymyr zelenskyi publicly for the first time. confirmed the intentions to release the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny. in an interview with an italian tv channel, the president said that he is considering the replacement of not only one person, but probably also a complete reboot of the state leadership. in particular, this applies to the army. let me remind you that at the end of the week, a number of ukrainian and foreign media reported on the possible resignation of the head of luzhny. however, the ministry of defense then denied this information i... i'm thinking about this
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replacement, but you can't say that it's just about one person, if we want to win, we have to push everyone in the same direction, we are convinced of victory, we can't lose heart, give up, we have to to have the right positive energies, that's why i'm talking about a reboot, about a replacement, i mean something serious that is not about one person, the direction of the country's leadership. five people were injured in an accident in kyiv on obolon, including a seven-year-old child, the capital's police informed. according to law enforcement officers, the accident happened in the evening near the heroiv dnipra metro station. previously, the driver of the fort mustang flew into the oncoming lane at high speed and crashed into another car. both
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drivers, as well as passengers from two cars, had to be hospitalized. russia again complains about the attack of drones, the ministry of defense of refia announced the downing of at least four drones over the bryansk region. the attack was allegedly repelled at night. videos of flashes and explosions in the sky were also published by local telegram channels. the authorities assure that there are apparently no victims. everything was traditionally blamed. ukrainian armed forces. the wreckage of the missing mi-8 helicopter was found in russia. they were discovered in onesky lake, 11 km from the shore at a depth of 50 m. previously, the helicopter fell into the reservoir during the accident, broke through the flight and went to the bottom. let me remind you that the previous evening, a rotorcraft belonging to the russian mmne disappeared from the radar while flying over karelia. there were three people on board. the ministry of emergency situations noted that
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the helicopter was operated by an experienced crew with thousands of flight hours. us president joe biden called for a vote on a bipartisan deal on national security as soon as possible. the document has already been presented in the senate. the american leader once again emphasized that if the kremlin's appetites are not quenched now, putin will go further, and the united states will have to spend much more on security. i... let me remind you that the senators have published a draft law on the border, which is related to the allocation of additional funding to support ukraine, israel and taiwan. the total amount of this package is almost 120 billion dollars. in particular, more than 60 billion dollars. a vote on the agreement is scheduled for february 7. in finland, a factory for the production of munitions has increased
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production volumes by five times, the work is being intensified because of the war in ukraine, local publications write about this with reference to the management of the factory. the enterprise in the city of sastalama produces shells for artillery shells. the company plans to build a new plant this year. since it is shells that play a key role in finnish aid to the armed forces, this year the company applied for participation in the project to increase production. he was dreaming about his own bookstore, but he was not destined to visit it. mykola rachok died at the front, saving his comrades from another brigade. a military man's dream of owning his own business was realized by his family. for several months, they carefully selected high-quality publications, made repairs and learned entrepreneurship, followed the instructions in the diary that a military man kept during his life. let's see what happened in the next story. high ceiling, velvet
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sofas and pleasant music. crossing the threshold, as if you find yourself in one of the rooms of the british the palace this is the book. the dreams of 27 -year-old military serviceman mykola rachko, he wrote it down in his diaries since the age of 15 , kolya, we have all his diaries in full, and of course we reread, reread, suffered, cried, because certain, well, we found answers to certain questions, yes, when we did not understand, for example, what was difficult for him, difficult, he did not want to share, burden, yes. now we know it, but he wrote down his dreams there, he had a kind of wish list of 21 items, among them was a bookstore, in the color navy blue, in british style, he liked this color very much. mykola was not
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destined to cross the threshold of his own bookstore, the man died on july 19, 2022 in the east. together with his brothers, he gave battle to the invaders, which saved the lives of the boys from the other side. reptiles mykola was a graduate of the kyiv-mohyla academy, knew several languages, loved to travel and take pictures, wrote poems, engaged in martial arts, dubbed korean tv series. relatives recall that the ukrainian word and ukrainian literature were important to mykola. he liked that when he met people from something with such cultural, different places or events, and that people are excited about it, he liked it very much, he... wanted to share it, he wanted it to reach the masses, so that people would be more so educated, so alive from life, and in general, i am very glad that i was lucky enough to meet him. the family spent 10 months looking for premises and setting up a bookstore, everything was done at their own expense and state payments, but before
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that, mykola's parents helped with the arrangement of one of the kindergartens at the expense of payments from the state, he is very kind, you know, always talked about kindergartens, about children with a tender heart, and especially, especially after he was in kyiv, in buch, virpen, ah, well, they worked there, and he often talked about these bombed-out schools and kindergartens , and he says, it doesn’t impress anything, except for the tears, those huge ones that you see where the children’s group was, diana from vinnytsia buys books mostly online, and after learning and... i like different books, but i think that here you can find any genre, in general, anything you like, and here you can see very comfortably what in bookstores put their heart into it, it is very important to open such institutions, because they preserve the memory
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of heroes, of people who protect us. 30 publishers are represented in the bookstore, here you can find quality literature in the ukrainian language, including books written by soldiers and their families. the beleaguered hero wants the memory of mykola to live on. their plans are not only to sell books in ukrainian, but also to hold creative evenings in the institution and coffee with poetry pages. anastasia holoshivets, oleg smakovsky from vinnytsia for the espresso tv channel. and continues collection of espresso tv channel. our soldiers need vital equipment. we ask you to join us with help. buy to replace the engine in the tow truck. optical sight and mavic for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. each of your donations helps to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction more effectively. our goal is uah 480,000. the account already has more than uah 388.
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just a little more to complete this collection. get involved, your help is important. you can now see all the necessary details on yours screens for now, this is all the news for this hour, you can find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks. join, put your preferences. my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air. don't switch, stay with espresso, we 'll see each other in less than an hour. anatoly viktorovych, mathematics teacher from kharkiv. during the first months of the great war
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, he moved to cherkasy, but within two months he understood that he had to return to his hometown, to teach children not only online. the man says that his students passed the zno and nmt with very high scores. more than 190. it is much easier to achieve such results during face-to-face learning, because only by the child's face can you understand whether there are difficulties with the material. the first thing i do when i'm with... when i have a new class, the first thing i do is prove to them that they can definitely do it, maybe at first it's an easy level of problems, maybe a little overestimated, but i the main thing is to give them faith that they can do it, because there are students who are in the seventh or eighth grade they already say everything, i didn't know mathematics, i won't know it and no, it's not mine, so the main thing is to convince them that everything... will be fine, that it's all real and there won't be anything complicated. thanks to his colleagues, mr. anatoliy found out about
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the morning dawn award. he decided to apply to it in order to share his experience with other teachers and to return to the rhythm of life that was before the war, with conferences for teachers and communication. the prize from ranok publishing house is designed to support ukrainian teachers who care about the future generation, despite the difficulties that brought the war we live in difficult times. and the task of ranok publishing house is to support teachers, the country should see its heroes, the teacher is in his place, this is very important, and this is really a person who does his work inconspicuously, and we want to draw the attention of the whole country to the stories of teachers and tell about it publicly . 2024 is the year of the award's debut history, so far there are five in the competition. nominations that take into account the innovative approach of teachers to learning, the results of their students,
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support of children and the indomitability of teachers. this year, the prize fund of the award is more than uah 100,000, but the organizers hope that sponsors will join the competition and morning stars will be able to tell the stories of star teachers every year. any awards, any competitions, they raise motivation, most importantly, when they are covered in mass media, it raises. the prestige of teaching work, because among teachers there are extremely brilliant personalities who, by the way, in these difficult times of war, showed flexibility and the ability to help children, to fight against these educational losses that have occurred in children , due to relocations, due to constant interruptions in education due to anxiety, distance learning and so on, teachers and teachers at... take part in the competition, tell about yourself, tell about your school, about your students,
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teacher - this is really important. the organizers hope that the competition will be able to attract as many teachers as possible. if you are a teacher in a ukrainian school and work on the books of the ranok publishing house, join the competition, follow the link on the screen or fill out the questionnaire on the website of the ranok prize zori applications will be accepted until february 9, 2024. yuliya zubchenko, oleksandr burlevich, tv channel. good morning, dear friends, wake up, turn on the espresso, we are starting our marathon, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, in this studio today we will work for you, traditionally ours. begins with a roll call by regions, thank you to everyone who joins us, write about your impressions of
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our broadcast under our youtube broadcast, leave your comments there, also respond with likes, well, when we will announce about our collection, respond with hryvnias and donations, and roman vlasenko, the head of the north donetsk district military administration, will join us now , let's talk about mr. roman, mr. roman, good morning. good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the heroes, mr. roman, what news from severodonetsk region and from luhansk region in general? in the military sense, the situation is very difficult, very tense, since the beginning of the year there has been a very high intensity of use of the occupying army, artillery, and aviation, and this continues. in fact, in all directions and bilogorivka and serebryanska. snytsy and the kupyan so-called matchmaking direction are active
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combat operations, assault operations, somewhere the occupiers have local successes, somewhere our guys are putting up a good fight back, counterattacking, destroying the occupiers, we are trying to work with the reserves, we see what is happening where and what happens if by... peaceful, the situation is more or less unchanged, where they managed to do something, there is conditionally posivyronetska, there are people with heat and electricity. the situation at the lysychansk frontier is much worse, there are actually no promises, completed, and by the end of winter people are without heating, with bare roofs , in the humanitarian sense the situation is also the same, there are also problems with humanitarianism, in principle it is significantly
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limited, the only possible thing is that it is during the elections, well, in this sense, which is very active. preparatory measures for putin's elections, the youth are involved, the military is involved, administrative resources are involved, so the situation is plus or minus like this, and how do they involve the youth, who goes around, distributes trinkets? well, there are several aspects, yes, it goes, where is the propaganda work, in relation to the student work young people, ptu students, are trying to agitate them, go to the polls. now there is information that falsifications involving young people are also being prepared, the very fact that the elections will last for several days makes it possible to arrange carousels, they are trying to register military personnel who are in the occupied territories and who are not directly involved in hostilities, so that they took part in
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the elections right here, increasing the turnout, and plus giving an opportunity... for falsification, students were also actively involved in collecting signatures, on the basis of universities such propaganda rooms, circles where there is an additional washing of the cities, some kind of conditionally educational, enlightening measures regarding political processes, mourning was announced in the occupied lysichansk after the results... in the shelling, which is blamed on ukraine, it was reported that the bakery was shelled, in which for some reason there were 28 people died in this bakery, but other sources say that it was not quite a bakery, but it was a restaurant, now it seems to be called atlantic, where among the dead, in particular
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, for example, the so-called minister of the lpr oleksii poteleshchenko. mr. roman, do you know more about this situation that happened in lysychansk? well, yes, there is a lot of different information, a lot of propagandists use this event precisely in order to denigrate the armed forces there, in fact , as far as i know, we are talking about the cafe restaurant adriatic, there died, well, a total of 28 or 29 people, i know on... that there were representatives of the watchers from the russian federation, it is known that there were representatives of the security forces, the so-called lpr, well, i don’t know who the minister was, it was a former minister there, he a representative of the ministry of emergency situations system, they say that there were also prosecutors and some deputies, well, if you generalize, you can say that it was
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some kind of gathering of the name of some well-known local collaborator. and in fact , representatives of the occupation authorities and collaborators of the place died there, they no longer celebrate it. mr. roman, have you heard anything about the fact that the occupiers are going to restore railway bridges in luhansk region, they will repair something there, restore it after shelling, well, i have already said several times that... a new structure has been created in the occupied territories railways of navorossia, which are supposed to replace the national railway , they are trying to restore primarily passenger traffic, because it was such a transport and logistics plus or minus, but in fact the security situation does not allow them, well, it is powerful
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to do all this at a sufficient level , regarding the restoration of the railway. well, there is an understanding that the russian army in logistics focuses precisely on railways and roads and the use of railways for them is a priority, we saw it in the donetsk region, we see it in the crimea, well, luhansk is not so bad for them profitable in this sense in terms of the fact that the main artery goes very close to the line of contact through... there markovka plus or minus starobelsk, that direction is closer to luhansk , in principle they also used what was already happening there. well, i say that they are trying to accumulate military reserves, using logistics, both road and railway. thank you, mr. roman, roman
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vlasenko, the head of the syardonetsk district military administration, with him we started today's informational morning, 712 days of the russian large-scale invasion, today we continue this treatment, as we do every day. we are going to take a short break, next will be askata shurbekov, we will talk about what is happening in zaporizhzhia, and also temporarily. occupied territories, stay with us. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium. normalizes heart rate , increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are discounts on lactiale 10% in plantain, bam and oskad pharmacies. stiffness in the joints and spine, osteochondrosis, gout, radiculitis, arthritis and arthrosis. with all these problems, you will find the means for external use of decrasin useful. consultations by phone. 0800-215-349.
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we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, societies. and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey, turn on and tune in, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. a separate set of unmanned aerial systems sapsan of the state special service. transport appeals to the viewers of the tv channel with a request to join the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine!
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heroes! glory! kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals. which interpret and comment on the most relevant public discussions, what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and who will actually be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, the topics will definitely be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 on espresso. well, dear friends, we are returning to the air , we will continue our roll call, now we will move to the zaporizhia region, and there are changes there, president zelensky visited there, introduced the new head of the military administration, we will ask askad shurbekov about this, how the president was received in
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to the zaporizhia region, what he said there, we will ask the deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, who is already appearing on your screens, mr. askade, good morning, first of all , tell us how the night passed, and secondly , how it passed yesterday's... day off in the zaporizhia region, which turned out to be rich in news. last night, that is, passed peacefully for the regional center as well, basically all enemy activity was traditionally in the communities on the contact line, in fact the enemy was on the civilian infrastructure of the frontline communities, zaporizhzhia in particular survived this night relatively calmly, probably the key, the key topic there last week, probably for zaporizhzhia, probably for several months, is the visit of the president, in fact the president visited the front line, near the line of contact in the robotino region. this is very symbolic, and of course, important news for the system of power in the zaporizhia region is the appointment of a new head of the regional military administration.
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well, in principle, we seem to have known mr. fedorov for a long time. and even from his inclusions in ours ether, what can you say about the new leader ova, what expectations are connected with him? well, in general , there are quite positive expectations among representatives of local self-government and among the active public , because ivan fedorov is an experienced person, in addition to the fact that he comes from local self-government, the mayor of one of the most successful cities of the zaporizhzhia region, he has a lot of experience and understanding of the very system of work of bodies power, this is very important, because today we need... consolidation of local self-government and state power, well, that's a plus we must understand that at one time he already worked in the position of the first deputy head of the regional state administration, back in peacetime, i think it was the 20th year, so it is precisely the expectation that the work of local self-government will be more consolidated, more consolidated about unification of territorial communities, pooling of their resources for the purpose of helping the military, greater coordination to support idps, and in general, let's say, a more professional level of training in general for such... well
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, for sure, what can be said about bureaucratic work, but work with planning there , with recovery, in general , of the functioning of the system of local self-government, therefore expectations are only positive, time will tell how it will be, but today we see that in fact , the fact that it is the exit of the zaporizhia region can make it become such a point of consolidation, a point of unity local groups of influence, political groups around the common interests of the zaporizhzhia region, well, you know, there is another factor here, that with each new head of the regional state administration in... local self-government, the local population has great expectations of positive changes, we hope that this the appointment will be just as positive for the zaporizhzhia region. to make sure i'm not mistaken , i seem to be the fourth head of ova since the beginning of the great war, no, the third, the third, the third, yes, but the fourth, it seems, since the 19th year, as, if we also take the regional state administration, in fact for the zaporizhzhia region, yes, there is a big personnel problem, because, well, the last, for sure, what
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i think, four and ivan fedorov, the fifth head, were in their positions from six to nine months there, well, that is, in fact, there is a big kolodoscope management changes on at the regional level, and this is actually a very big systemic problem, because it does not contribute to, let's say, any long-term policy, that is, representatives of all key divisions of the structures understand that the very rapid turnover of power due to this makes it very difficult to plan something for the long term, well, i have attention to long-term, and big projects... big things there, they are not done there in six months, it is very, very unfortunate that there was such a change of power. we see, as in chernihiv, or in sumy, the appointment of heads of the military administrations that could not find a common language with local deputies, they eventually led to, well, that is , the regions themselves are actually suffering from this, there are some confrontations, how are you now as a deputy
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of the regional council, how do you see it? functions of the regional council in general local self-government now during the war, are they too narrowed, how long should this last? well, in fact, yes, of course, war requires some clear, more coordinated actions, but a large number of normative acts, laws, it is still oriented towards local self-government, and it is not possible to simply erase local self-government with one regulatory act that is in force there during the war, because a large number of economic issues are actually today , well, because there is no consensus between, let's say, there is not always a consensus between the state branch of government and local self-government bodies, often this happens even due to legal conflicts, because not only the harmony but also the inadequacy of some law-making and law-making acts, therefore, of course, today local self-government needs more attention, it needs more coordination, probably it should not always be only directive, because sometimes there are such things that
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are needed. there will be a more pedantic approach and why are there still positive expectations with the arrival of the new head ova, that after all, there will be a model where local self-government can be used as much as possible so that it is useful for the state government and, above all, useful for the military, because today there is a large amount of resources, they are actually used, well, not always correctly and not it is always possible to accumulate these resources to help the military, if we talk about the regional council, it is certain that the key task for the zaporizhia regional council today is still the renewal of sessional work, because without sessional work a large number of issues are stalled, and it so happened that the legislative there , without session decisions, it is impossible to dismiss the heads of communal enterprises, and for a large number of communal enterprises it is impossible to appoint them, and we have 120 communal enterprises, these are regional hospitals, these are large medical institutions, which today in including those who serve in the military, so for us sessional work is the key, and we hope that this balance...
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authorities and understanding of the system.


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