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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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defense industry developed at a rapid pace. these were the main results of this program. stay tuned to the espresso channel. greetings to all espresso viewers, i'm anneva melnyk and the news team will tell you about the most current events: the russians killed four people, in kherson, the enemy shelled the city again with artillery, a car caught fire due to the impact of a shell. the rescuers extinguished the fire, and found the bodies of two dead people in the cabin. another victim of the russian attack is a 66-year-old woman. she was outside during the shelling. he was also mortally wounded 60 years old. local and one person injured,
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the city military administration said. in general, during the day, muscovites fired more than three dozen projectiles at the regional center in the very center of the city, the ponivychena building of the holy assumption cathedral. debris cut the facade of the temple, windows and entrance doors. muscovites also targeted the residential quarters of the ship district, damaged power lines. here is the glass, well, here is the glass, the dog with its paws. injured, at 3 o'clock in the morning there was a good arrival alone, well, it's like how there was a double bang, it was at 3 o’clock in the morning, we weren’t sleeping at all, i looked out the window on the veranda, i see that the neighbors have a two-story house, and on the second floor something is burning, some glare, i immediately called the fire department, and for in order for there to be less shelling from the enemy, our soldiers need something vital.
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equipment, we are asking for help to replace the engine in the evacuation vehicle, to purchase an optical sight and a mavic for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. every donation you make helps it is more effective to destroy the enemy in the eastern direction. our goal is 450 00 hryvnias, we already have 405 00 hryvnias in our account. join, you can see all the details on the screen. i thanked him for his protection. awards , volodymyr zelenskyi visited the training center for mobile fire groups, got acquainted with the operation of specialized classes of multimedia simulators, the bassoon atgm and the igla manpads. the president was informed about the status of brigade staffing and was shown practical shooting exercises. zelenskyi also presented state awards to military personnel of the east territorial defense and operational forces eastern command. he fought for the sake of ukraine
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and his family, he left despite the fact that he could not get to the front three times. the history of the military with the call sign boxer. our correspondents will tell you how his life changed after being wounded in the war. 35-year-old soldier denys abdulin, nicknamed boxer, is now learning to live anew, because he lost his sight on the front line almost two years ago. all his life he wanted to be engaged in military affairs, completed his military service, at first... in 2014, matoos sought to defend his native ukraine, passed large-scale studies in 2016, but never got to the front line. on the anxious morning of february 24, the husband sent his wife and children to the village, tverdo himself decided to go to the military commissariat. there were a lot of volunteers right away and it was clear that there were healthy queues, we went, first in line in... but
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the man did get into the 115th brigade, he and his comrades went through training and gradually advanced to severodonetsk. the military man remembers that the enemy was merciless, covered with mortar and artillery fire from aircraft. on that fateful day, denis was at position, but for the first time he did not hear how a russian drone flew by, and later a shell. 120 mines flew out, and they fell behind me. 4 m, then five of us were killed at once, but all of us survived, all three of us, well, only i got hit on the head, ugh, a fragment went under my tailbone, under my left ear and exited through my right eye, pierced my head sideways, it turns out that all two eyes, one eye fell out immediately, and one was damaged.
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a few days later, denys called his wife, who was abroad, according to the woman, she i immediately rushed to return to ukraine with my two children, came to him, saw him all wrapped up... muddy with blood, bearded, hairy, and then our, our such an expensive treatment began, i immediately kissed him, he is a fishing line, a defender already he has undergone many operations, his wife is always by his side, despite all the difficulties, denis managed to stand on his feet, now he goes out with a cane, father and son are happy about the success. at first they didn’t understand how he couldn’t see it, the elder would bring books, look, read, denis says, papa doesn’t see, he himself says that there, denys is waiting for another operation, he dreams of mastering a new profession as a massage therapist, that is why he is actively taking courses,
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as well as opening his own office and buying a dog handler, the man goes about his daily life on his own and goes to the shops near the house, he says, he will learn every ... the house is expensive, but he complains that the white church is not at all adapted for blind people, but despite all the difficulties, denys does not lose his positivity, constantly jokes and loves his family very much, believes that together they will overcome all difficulties. as a reminder of his military past, he carefully guards the chevron brigades and pixel form. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. no boys, in panties and pregnant children in the restaurant of the occupied fox. killed the so -called minister of emergency situations of the quasi -lpr. on february 3, the armed forces of ukraine carried out a targeted attack on an alleged bakery in the occupied city. russian media said that 28 apparently civilians were killed, including a child. today, the same journalists
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write that the victim was a pseudo-minister. new ways to escape. state border service ukraine detained a group of men who tried... to enter romania illegally. in bukovyna, a few meters from the state border, they were caught by law enforcement officers along with a service dog. the evaders overcame a difficult road along mountain paths, all were brought to administrative responsibility, one malicious disobedience was threatened with criminal punishment. 14 kg of explosives were discovered in georgia. she was allegedly taken from ukraine to russian voronezh. this was announced in groz'. security services. it is noted that a cargo with six explosive devices was found in a minivan, which belongs to a citizen of ukraine. he traveled from odessa through romania, bulgaria and turkey. according to local special services, seven georgians, three
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ukrainians and two armenians were involved in the importation of explosives. andriy sharashidze from odesa, who has georgian roots, allegedly became the organizer of this scheme. an explosion occurred in yerevan, as a result of which two houses collapsed, at least two people were injured, said the press secretary of the head of the ministry of internal affairs of armenia, narek sargsyan. he did not provide any other details. according to the media, it happened on the 34th street of noraresha. currently on rescue service personnel are working at the site. there could probably be people under the rubble. recognized offender. the un international court of justice has ruled that russia has violated two conventions on the fight against the financing of terrorism and the prohibition of all forms of racial discrimination. at the meeting , a smaller part of ukraine's demands were met, the majority were rejected, and human rights activists consider
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the results positive for ukraine, because the russian federation was recognized as a violator. let me remind you that ukraine's lawsuit against russia was referred to the international court of justice back in 2017, and the collection to... started in 2014 these war crimes according to our only documented cases already more than 50 00, i.e. we already have more than almost 60, there are only two conventions according to which in principle the state can, well, three conventions that the state can to appear against the state in an international court without russia's consent, because russia's consent is usually required, that's why ukraine is a lawyer... creation of a special tribunal for aggression, because there is no instrument in international law. these are the cases at the moment the news team is working, we are monitoring what is happening in to ukraine and the world, we will tell you about the most important thing in the next news release already at 3 p.m.,
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then my colleagues marta olyarnyk and antin borkovskii will pick up the information relay. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, thank you to anna eva melnyk, thank you to the news editor, well , let's pick up the baton and inform you about all the most important events of this day. in the espresso studio, marta olyarnyk and antin borkovskiy, we remind you about our collection, an important collection, together with the foundation of iryna koval, our colleague, we are collecting a million hryvnias in order to purchase a lot of everything necessary for our boys and girls of the 141st brigade, who are currently performing tasks in the orichiv direction of zaporozhye. oblast, we know that the situation in the south is not easy now, to put it mildly, so
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if you have the opportunity, please help, there are no small donations, you have the opportunity to contribute to our victory, thanks to the qr code on the screen, their there are both, yes you can see them now, there are also bank card numbers if you are more comfortable contributing thanks to bank cards cards, not a qr code, then you can do it too, well, if you have a modern smartphone, then literally a few clicks... 1 2 3 and that's it, and you've already made your contribution too, so please have the opportunity, then join, you will be very grateful and grateful to you on the occasion and for our previous meetings, which we closed precisely thanks to you, our viewers who watch us and who hear the requests of our military, so thank you marta, well, dear viewers of espresso, you are cool, you really are you help our military, and you have closed more than one gathering, and if you have opportunity, well, if not today, then tomorrow, maybe it will be possible there... to save for some reason, then transfer it to this common fund, let's cover all the needs
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of our military as soon as possible, we are now adding dmytro snegiriev, a military expert, co-chairman of the public initiative , to our marathon the right thing." glory to ukraine, mr. dmytro, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, powerful activation of the enemy, every day, the russian attacks are not weakening, but first of all we would like to ask you about lemano-kupiansk. all that is there we can see on the maps that the enemy is quite there activated, and even the approximate number of armored vehicles and personnel that the enemy has in those directions is announced. let's start with the number of armored vehicles and, accordingly, the personnel. it is worth mentioning that this is not new information, information about the warning on the kupynsk-limansk direction of game grouping with the number of up to 120 thousand. personnel, we voiced it, i voiced it on your air a few months ago, therefore
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, in my opinion, it is not possible to separate the kupyan direction from the lyman direction the word absolutely is worth it, because the occupiers are trying to combine their efforts at the moment of the breakthrough of the defense of the armed forces of ukraine in several directions, so it is not by chance that kupyansk-lymanske is united in one direction, and it is worth mentioning that the number is 40 thousand. there is a little even an underestimated number, but the events that are happening in the kupyansk direction, the efforts after the capture of krokhmalnoy prod to push the positions of ukrainian troops, the tabayvka area, are less. tabaivka itself is located in a lowland, a swampy lowland, therefore, accordingly control over the settlement itself, even at the time of its, let's say, certain tactical advances by the occupiers. due to the control of the dominant heights by the armed forces
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of ukraine, it does not give any advantages to the russian invaders. i emphasize once again, there are two dominant heights, and accordingly the village, by the way, is quite a small village, it is completely under the fire control of the armed forces of ukraine. the main task of the armed forces of ukraine is currently to maintain control over these commanding heights and provide an opportunity. advance by the occupier, respectively the same situation in the shenkivka area, as long as the armed forces of ukraine control the dominant heights in the area of ​​the settlement, all attempts of the occupiers to capture the settlement, or to break through the flanks, respectively, are neutralized due to several factors. the first is precisely control over the dominant heights, the second is close fire control by the armed forces of ukraine, plus, accordingly, mini. we took into account the experience of the war, and currently the armed forces of ukraine are moving to the character of total mining
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of the terrain. fighting in the senkivka area. it's worth it to say that the occupiers have certain tactical successes, namely, in the area of ​​the settlement, there the formation of a new so-called gray zone directly in senkivki. the task of the occupiers in the future is to try to push the defense of the armed forces into... the country and, accordingly , go directly to the kupyansk- kupyansk line. the occupiers focused on this direction. of the second army corps of the lpr, it is these forces plus, these and, accordingly , the akhmat units, they are trying to break through positions of the armed forces of ukraine in the region of bilogorivka. bilogorivka, again 12 km from the settlement to the key bases of the occupiers in
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the area of ​​lischansk, siverodonetsk, rubizhny, which allows the armed forces. to keep the entire rear infrastructure of the occupiers under fire control. a vivid example is the infliction of a pinpoint, high-precision strike, i emphasize on the adriatic cafe in the city of lisichansk, during which the leadership of the ministry of the so-called emergency situations of the self-proclaimed lpr, including the minister, plus several dozen died high-ranking officials of the occupation administration. we are talking about employees of the prosecutor's office and law enforcement agencies, this is a rather serious indicator of the successful work of the local resistance movement, which reported the coordinates of this coincidence, and, accordingly, the armed forces of ukraine at the time of the targeted strikes, therefore , control over belogorivka is key for the armed forces of ukraine at the moment further
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successful attacks on the rear infrastructure of the occupiers. in addition, control over belogorivkaya gives the opportunity to keep the positions of the occupying forces under fire control troops, respectively, in serebryan forestry, in the terna region. the occupiers have certain advances in the area of ​​terna, this creates certain threats for the armed forces of ukraine. regarding their further advancement in the direction of the estuary and, accordingly, the possibility of creating an operational encirclement of ukrainian troops in the siversk region. therefore, it is no coincidence that the simultaneous strikes from several directions in the area of ​​bilogorivka, and accordingly from the donetsk region, from the occupied village of vesela in the direction of precisely the northern direction, but at the same time it is worth noting the successful character counterattack of the armed forces of ukraine. in the last
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few days, it was possible to reduce the activity of the occupiers. moreover, there are certain tactical successes of the armed forces of ukraine in certain areas of the front. mr. vladyslav, mr. dmytro , excuse me, mr. dmytro, i just wanted to read mr. vladyslav seleznyov himself, because i will now ask you about the scandalous situation that has been going on since last week, this is actually the possible resignation of general zaluzhny, and actually mr. vladyslav seleznyov said, that the lion's share of military and technical support of the ukrainian army also takes place at the expense of direct communications. between the head, his apparatus and our western partners , there is such, you know, folk wisdom, horses are not changed at the crossing, as you think, but we actually understand that somewhere plus or minus it will be obvious that zelensky can praise the decision to resign zaluzhny , if we do see him in the near future, don't you think that we
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may face additional problems, both in terms of supplying us with weapons and in terms of planning. certain military operations, because, well, the new person will most likely still be forced for some time, as they say, to enter the course of affairs, well, how do you, as a military expert, evaluate such a rotation and in general this is all the top management that zelensky plans to change, as much as he can influence the course of hostilities, and in general, our strategic vision of what will happen next? well, let's talk about the fact that, first of all, it is a high authority of the dedicated army, that one of the generals from... accordingly, even more so, the head of the main intelligence department budano of the ministry of defense, who is projected for the post of lieutenant, does not enjoy such authority, and the authority of the commander-in-chief is , accordingly, the moral and psychological climate of the armed forces of ukraine, when the commander is trusted, accordingly, it is understood as expertise and
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professionalism in decision-making, respectively, if it will be ... oleksiiovych budanov, there were more than enough questions about the expertise of this person, because actually, not having the appropriate education, he did not graduate from the academician of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, according to under the normal conditions of the functioning of the state apparatus, he could at most command a battalion, this would be the maximum career growth, well, less, however, answering your question, the personal authority of the serviceman, this is, accordingly, and... the nature of the material and technical supply of the armed forces forces of ukraine, including, accordingly , high-tech weapons. i will remind you, during my... few interviews, and there were only five of them. zaluzhnyi gave precisely the programmatic, fundamental problems of the armed
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forces of ukraine regarding the material and technical provision and, accordingly, of the list of weapons that the ukrainian army needs to carry out a successful counteroffensive, whether it is operations related to active defense and, accordingly , they listened like a professional. his authority, at a fairly high level among our western partners, what are the threats? let us recall with you the experience of ukrainian history, centuries ago, the personal conflict between pitliura and balbachan, one of the most talented ukrainian commanders of the time of the first liberation struggles, did not lead to tragedy even balbachan or the pytlyurs, i will remind you... balbachan was arrested and then shot, he led to the defeat of the ukrainian republic. currently, there is a question of the rub, the very fact of the existence of ukrainian
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statehood, if we do not draw conclusions from our own history, then, accordingly, we are taking certain steps towards those events of a century ago, and i will remind the society, the ukrainian army and the government in exile. and winter campaigns with the goal of liberating ukraine from communist occupation. we want to follow this scenario, repeating the events of that ancient time. that is, questions are no longer enough. there is not even a single question here, as in personalities. there is a balanced organization of the armed forces of ukraine, there is a permanent vertical of subordination, which is based on the unconditional authority of the commander-in-chief, who was able to build this vertical in the conditions of a difficult, extremely difficult confrontation with
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the russian aggressors, and this factor cannot be ignored. another issue is that the army becomes a hostage of political games, and when , accordingly, certain decisions of the military are made under the political guise... i will remind bahamian operation, it does not lead to the corresponding military results. when zaluzhny is accused of an unsuccessful counter-offensive, i have a question about the political component, and why, six months before the ukrainian counter-offensive , companies of numerous degenerates who are considered military had to be on the airwaves of national tv channels. to talk about the possible offensives of the armed forces of ukraine and the possibility of a scenario of deoccupation of the captured lands, and then
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reproach the zaluzhny that in those directions it turns out that the russians have built a line suravikina, let's talk about the plans of the armed forces in general in open sources, and for the 24th year, that is, questions more than before... enough about the informational component of the attack on zaluzhnyi, starting, respectively, from the blocking of the bill on mobilization to the relevant ones, let's say , informational attacks directly on himself, i have now opened ukrainian pravda, there is such a ukrainian information resource, and the interlocutors also added there, anonymous in... ukrainian pravda also added the surname of the chief of the general staff general shaptala's armed forces of ukraine, so before that, what was the function of shaptala, what is his
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current mission and why are people talking about him? the head of the general staff, which is responsible for the planning and operation of the armed forces of ukraine, is one of the key positions, a person who definitely trusted zaluzhny, it is not by chance that zaluzhny actually told today's report. thanked shaptali for his impeccable service at the time of the defense of ukrainian statehood, that is, it is said that there is already a question of not only the resignation of zaluzhny, but the entire team, and these processes were started when they removed accordingly, the commander of the special operations forces, unfortunately, i also have basic questions about what... all this informational hysteria in the ukrainian media is actually a reflection of russian narratives of the actions of russian special services. on january 24
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, the ex-president of the russian federation , at the time of the downing of boeing 76 in the sky over belhor, said that it became possible as a result of internal political clashes between the military and political leadership of ukraine. so it was said that they tried to set up these episodes in the first place zaluzhny, which is supposed to be a weapon... by the forces of ukraine, accordingly, the general staff made a decision to shoot down the il-76, which was supposedly transporting guided missiles to the s-300, so here is a question for the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense, which defended these versions, who advanced them to you this information about the possibility of using this aircraft at the time of transportation of the s-300, and accordingly
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further narratives that... emphasized medvedev's statements regarding the presence and disagreement with the military-political leadership and on making decisions regarding the downing of the il-76, which apparently, according to the version of the russian special services , the exchange of ukrainian prisoners of war was to be put on hold, which is a sensitive topic for the president of ukraine zelenskyi. of the president on national security issues, jake sullivan , that is, ukrainian media mostly quote him in a shortened format, so i watched the full comment, well, in general, he says that the americans do not care, so to speak, with his advice on personnel appointments, what is the position of the states in this history, non-acceptance of zaluzhny's resignation, and zaluzhny even communicating with american colleagues, on what his authority is based on, showed
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subjectivity. decision-making by the ukrainian general staff, this also applies to the complex nature of actions regarding strikes against the infrastructure of the russian occupying forces in crimea, you remember, at that time there was a previous statement by the united states that they considered it inexpedient to strike against the military infrastructure of the russians in crimea, and it was the harsh answer of the tyrant: the ukrainian side will itself make... have a decision regarding the nature of the deoccupation of ukrainian lands, and after that was no less clear the answer of the american side is that they respect the subjectivity of decision-making by the ukrainian general staff. this is an indicator of respect and trust in decision-making by ukrainian commanders in chief on the part of our western partners. therefore, they clearly and emphasize, they do not approve the decision regarding the resignation of the employee, but when it comes to the fact that
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ukraine is still a subject in decision-making, and we are an independent and sovereign state, then accordingly dictate the conditions for staying on the position of military leadership , the american side cannot. thank you dmytro snigerev, a military expert, co-chairman of the public initiative rights of the cause, mr. dmytro mentioned that ukraine is the subject of the decisions made, but ukraine is also the subject of responsibility for these decisions, and this must also be understood. now we're going to take a short break and then we'll be back in our studio, the espresso information day is in full swing, so stay with us for a few minutes and we'll be back. there are discounts on citramondarnytsia, 10% in the pharmacies psyllanyk, bam and oskad. there are discounts on urulisan 15% in in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. from
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