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tv   [untitled]    February 5, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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offensives, therefore, here, so to speak, the situation is such that, as it were, assumes the importance of direct participation in hostilities, although the guys have the opportunity to rest, too, sometimes, it will be obvious, well, but it depends on their commanders, sir dmytro , thank you very much for the explanation, for what you are doing for our country, for our defense, i will remind our viewers that it was dmytro lazutkin, the head of the public relations service of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, which is currently defending avdiivka. these were the main ones military highlights of this day, and more international and economic news, later on vasyl zimi's big broadcast. these were the military results of the day with serhiy zgurets, and i thank him and thank his guest. good evening, we are from ukraine. well, we are starting
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the second hour of the great ether, there is a lot of interesting and important information ahead, the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, it is very important to understand what is happening there in the united states of america and why putin removes opponents in the elections, money during the war with oleksandr morchivku, will there be older ukrainians with pensions, also today's sports news, and the weather from natalka didenko, bad weather is coming to ukraine, when it goes to wait for it, well, now about the nakedness. i will tell you about niche news in detail, and there will also be the inclusion of our correspondent dmytro didor regarding the embezzlement case in the ministry of defense, there will be a conversation about mr. liev. there will be more planes, the netherlands has decided to transfer six more f-16 fighters to ukraine. this was announced by the minister of defense of the country kaisa olonger. thus, the country will provide the ukrainian army with 24 aircraft. minister noted that air superiority is necessary for ukraine to counter russian aggression.
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let me remind you that 18 aircraft are used for the f-16 training center in romania. well , it is interesting that moldova announced today that there is no logistical movement of f-16 aircraft through its territory. in ukraine, it is meant. they are looking for enemy drgs in the obolon district of the capital. measures to detect subversive intelligence groups of russians are ongoing, special operations are carried out by the territorial recruitment center, tiroborona, and the national police. and the defense sector, it was noted in to the obolon regional territorial assembly center, probably because of this, the people of kyiv could see new mobile checkpoints and people with weapons in the micro-district. unfortunately, the russians killed four people in kherson, the enemy shelled the city again with artillery, a car caught fire due to a shell, and rescuers extinguished the fire. unfortunately, the bodies of two dead townspeople and one more were found in the cabin. the victim of the russian attack is a 66-year-old
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woman. she was on the street during the shelling, and a 60-year-old woman was also fatally wounded a local resident. one person was injured, the city military administration said. in general, during the day, muscovites fired more than three dozen shells into the regional center in the very center of the city, the mutilated building of the holy assumption cathedral. it belongs to the moscow patriarchate. the church's facade, windows and entrance doors were also covered with muscovites. in the residential quarters of the shipping district, they damaged the power lines, there was glass, well, here the glass is lying, the dog attacked him with its paws and injured him, at 3 o'clock in the morning he was one good arrival, well, it was like a double such a clap, it was at 3 o'clock in the morning, we were not asleep at all, i looked out the window on the veranda, i look, the neighbors have a two-story house, and on the second floor something is burning, some reflections, i immediately called the fire department. agents
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of influence are being created, russia is more active, introducing propaganda in european countries, analysts of the institute of innovative governance stated this. experts have discovered almost 360 pro-russian narratives in germany, france and italy, they believe it is connected with the upcoming elections to the european parliament, which may be reflected in further support for ukraine. which in several, literally russia she is. has changed the ways of influencing these countries, the european union, they do it either so hidden that we cannot follow it, or they do not do it at all, they rely on this long-term game, and the only way, in fact, how to fight with all this propaganda - this is fact-checking, this is a refutation of all these narratives, the head of the ministry of veterans' affairs yulia...
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putina has written a resignation letter. application have already been submitted to the verkhovna rada, and will be considered at the next plenary session, said speaker of the parliament ruslan stefanchuk. let me remind you that the parliament appointed a latin ministry. in veterans' affairs in 2020 , she is a counter-intelligence officer, a special agent, a candidate of psychological sciences, a major general of the security service of ukraine. well, yes, and now the promised direct inclusion, ex-head of the department of military-technical policy, development of weapons and military equipment of the ministry of defense, oleksandr liev, publicly passed a polygraph and a detector. no, let me remind you, his are suspected of creating a criminal group, which, according to the investigation, stole almost uah 1.5 billion for the purchase of ammunition. our correspondent dmytro didura knows what questions oleksandr liev answered, he is with us live. in touch with a colleague, congratulations and we are waiting for details from you. i congratulate vasyl,
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and i also congratulate our viewers. so, if this public polygraph test took place, i want to immediately note that it took a long time. it is more than an hour long, and not all issues have been resolved today. i would like to note that the polygraphologist's conclusions, which i voiced today on the air, they were made beforehand. oleksandr liev said that he passed the polygraph on friday, and the polygraph expert noted that it was correct to initially pass it without irritants, which may be outsiders who... are in the room during the lie detector test, and several times today we had to interrupt the question and start again, waiting for silence in the office and also a calm atmosphere, because
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the specialist who conducted today's survey insisted on this, hence the question related to the case in which oleksandr liev is suspected and... several questions to which he answered, i want to say right away that oleksandr liev refused one of the questions, the polygraph said so, and therefore they were, there were several questions, lists questions, there were also subsections in these questions, that is , they considered the version, checked the version of oleksandr liev himself, which he voiced to the polygraph examiner before passing the test, and therefore whether he received it. he unlawfully obtained benefits as a result of the concluded contracts with the lviv arsenal, oleksandr liev answered no, and the lie detector said that this is reliable information, but he was not familiar with the head of the lviv arsenal,
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this was also confirmed by the polygraph, and with the head of sevotech harashayev, he was also not familiar, which was confirmed by the polygraph, and whether did oleksandr liev know what? the contract will not be fulfilled, his answer was no, and the polygraph said that this is reliable information, but whether he received instructions from the management to conclude a contract with the lviv arsenal, oleksandr liev answered: no, and the lie detector said that it was a lie and unreliable information. regarding the answer to this question, oleksandr liev commented personally after passing the test. i was really at that moment under quite strong pressure from the command of the armed forces of ukraine and from the leadership of the ministry of defense, this does not specifically concern the contract with anyone,
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but it specifically concerns the supply of ammunition. there were also questions today. as to whether penalties were included in the contract , whether oleksandr liv insisted on the inclusion of such a clause in the contract, he said yes, the polygraph says that it is true answer, and he announced today that he wanted it to be written in the contract that one day of delay in the contract, that is, non-fulfillment of the contract, would cost the customer uah 13 million to the suppliers, and therefore? regarding his trip abroad, he also commented today and answered this question in a polygraph, said that he planned to go and get, bring to ukraine two cars for demining, but confirmed that it was before the weekend and wanted to leave with his wife on the weekend
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the border to romania and meet there with their own friends, however, on monday he planned to pick up the cars and return to ukraine, and to the question of whether... uh, did you go abroad for the purpose of hiding from the investigation, he answered: no. the polygraph says that this is reliable information. in general, there were a lot of questions for oleksandr today. and regarding the supply of ammunition, regarding this matter, he says that he cannot divulge much, but he says that none of the baltic countries supply us with ammunition, a legal way, but there is such ammunition in our country, i will only remind you that his are suspected of creating a criminal organization , which, according to the investigation, stole 1.5 million budget funds and did not bring
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combat projectiles to the armed forces of ukraine, and the prosecutors asked and chose to choose the left preventive measure, detention and bail, but the court refused the request of the prosecutors. this is all the information i have time to tell you today. thank you very much, dmytro, dmytro didora told us about how oleksandr liev passed the polygraph today. let me remind you that this is the former. head of the department of military and technical policy of the ministry of defense, of the development of weapons and military equipment, who is suspected of having created a criminal group that stole 1.5 billion hryvnias from the state, we will continue to follow this story, but now i will add to the conversation yuri fizer, the world about ukraine, and today there is a lot of important sensitive information, yuriy, good evening, please , good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined our broadcast today, so help from the united states of america, the chief hungarian diplomat told lavrov about what he condemns. an invasion, well that is at least according to peter sijarto, well, a serious intrigue from sweden, my name is yuriy fizar, this is
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world about ukraine, and i will start in a moment. well, let me start with this: ukraine will be able to receive from the united states of america military and financial aid in the amount of 60, even a little more than billions of dollars, but only if... if first the senate and then the house of representatives approve the proposal proposed by the upper house of the american congress project, these are package agreements on providing aid to ukraine and israel, as well as strengthening control over the us-mexico border. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell said republicans couldn't get a better deal, while senate majority leader chuck schumer said that while... the priorities in this bill are too important to allow the police, this is his quote, to stand on their
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way. well, he says: the united states and its allies face multiple, complex, and sometimes coordinated challenges from adversaries who seek to undermine democracy and expand authoritarian influence over to the whole world that is, i repeat, this is only a bill that will be passed this week, first by a signal vote. and then, if the signal does not pass , to hold a normal vote in the upper house of the american congress in the senate, and the american president joe biden, commenting on this decision of the american senators, said that the senate, quote joe biden, has done its job, now it is the turn of the representatives of the lower house , the house of representatives, also do their work, well , we'll see, but there are many... but before that, even if the senate agreed with the republicans this bill, but in
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the house of representatives there is a completely different mood , the leader of the republican majority in the house of representatives, mike johnson, was quite critical of the proposed bill, and this despite the fact that the republicans in the senate, as i said, agreed on the text of the bill. according to mr. speaker, package compromise agreements on providing aid to ukraine and israel. as well as increased control over the us-mexico border are doomed to failure. mr. johnson believes they are turned out to be worse than the republicans thought, followed by a short quote from him. i've seen enough. this bill turned out to be even worse than we expected. he didn't even come close to ending the border disaster that president joe biden created. do you understand? this is some kind of dissonance, there are republicans in the house of representatives, there are republicans in the senate, in
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the senate the republicans agreed with the democrats and agreed on the text of the bill, in the lower house the same republicans, well maybe not the same, maybe there are more of them, who is influenced by donald trump, but they said, oh my god, no, it's a terrible document, we're not going to vote on it, so there's going to be a very, very, very serious debate between the ... representatives of the us congress, i think they will end in our favor, at least i would very much like it , and i would also very much like them to end as soon as possible. it will be symbolic. thus, in a comment to politico, several european diplomats described the 13th package of anti-russian sanctions, which is currently being worked on in brussels. according to the words interlocutors of the publication, the deadline set for the development of the next restrictions is too short for any significant measures to appear among them. in the new package, emphasis will be placed
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on combating the circumvention of sanctions through third countries. in addition, it is known that restrictions also apply. aluminum imports and the movement of russian diplomats within the schengen zone. restrictions will also apply to imports. at the same time, aluminum plays the most important role in the production of aircraft and in construction, and in this connection the idea of ​​banning the import of this metal from russia is likely to face serious opposition. oh, this damn business. how he sometimes puts sticks in the wheels, when a very important decision is needed and it is needed as soon as possible, well, but we see some kind of 13th package, well, it will be something like that, it is not entirely clear, well , they will prohibit russian diplomats from moving through the schengen zone without to open visas for each country to which they will go, so what, but let's move on,
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polish defense minister władysław kosinia kames does not rule out the threat of a war that... russia will start. poland should prepare for such a war - he said in an interview with the daily newspaper superekspress , when asked whether he considers a military defeat of ukraine and a direct attack of russia on poland possible, the conservative politician replied, this is his quote. i anticipate all scenarios and take the worst of them very seriously. this is the task of the minister of defense in the situation in which we find ourselves today. this is the end of the quote. well, the head of the polish ministry of defense also emphasized that he did not... just say these words on the spot, but carefully weighed them, even more so, the ministry headed by him has already started specific preparatory steps, for example, studying the branches of polish armaments. more and more such statements are coming from europe, after all, there is some intelligence information, such
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statements are based on this intelligence information, and according to these reports, putin is up to something. in his sick old head, unfortunately. the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, peter sijartom, is always in conversation with the head of the foreign political department of our north-east sorry, while the neighbor talked about his attitude to the war in ukraine. peter siyarto said this in an interview with the vrt tv channel. when asked if he had ever spoken to his russian counterpart, sergei lavrov, about the need for an end to hostilities . in ukraine, sijarto said, quote: "i have always made my position very clear to everyone, i made it clear to sergey lavrov and our russian partners, saying that we condemn war. war is bad, for us, for ukrainians, for europe, and we want to stop the war.
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well, it seems not bad, well, i want to believe that he said that, but then in the same interview he said about that. how to stop this war , but simply stop giving money and weapons to ukraine and sit down at the negotiating table, i.e. , come on, even as if he is saying some serious things, but everything can save everything, well , let’s move on, i was intrigued, in the near future it will be announced in sweden decision in the case of sabotage of russian gas pipelines, nord stream one and nord stream two. well, i will immediately remind you that september 20... 2, 2022, for their three explosions occurred in the threads , which led to serious damage, as a result of which one gas pipeline even stopped working, and the second one has not yet been put into operation, and today, in a comment to the swedish newspaper expresssen, prosecutor max juqvist promised to make certain news public, further his quote: i do not i can say whether it will be tomorrow, wednesday
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or thursday, but the decision in any case is on the way, this is the end of his quote and ... the prosecutor has not yet commented on whether he will prove whether it is about the closure of the investigation or a violation criminal case, but also the swedish investigation is being conducted in close cooperation with the german prosecutor's office, well , denmark is also conducting its investigation there, in a word, i am really waiting for the announcement, because you must agree, i wonder what will happen, peace, the mayor of the capital of poland, warsaw, rafalt shaskowski , the elected candidate... for the post of president of the commonwealth of independent states from the civic coalition political association, the leader of which is the current prime minister of the country, donald tusk. this is in an interview with a radio station. radio. the speaker of the senate confirmed that this is the upper house of the parliament malgozhata kidava blonska. answering the question, is prime minister donald tusk himself not going to run for
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president? the speaker answered: "not at the moment." the largest opposition association in poland, the civil coalition, in the parliamentary elections on october 15, received 157 deputies' seats in the 460-member sejm, the local sejm, and jointly. formed a coalition with other opposition forces for a parliamentary majority. well, now we go a little further, we cross the atlantic ocean to the united states of america. nine months is a long time. during this time, we have every chance, unfortunately, to start the third world war, because someone does not cope with his responsibilities. it was a quote from the 45th president. donald trump's usa. he said this in an interview with the fox news channel. the ex-owner of the white house, who wants to go there once again, did not stop there and, as usual
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, began not only to criticize the current president, joe biden, but also to openly insult him. according to donald trump. everyone in the world is just laughing at joe biden and not respect him well, that is, we see such an evolution in donald trump. if before he said: "choose me." and i will stop this war, now he says: oh, this war can even turn into the third world, it is interesting what he wants to do with those messages, i don’t know about somehow, to provoke the announcement of the impeachment of joe biden or how, well, i don’t know , but there is very little time left for all this, we'll see, and no intrigue from beyond, the central election commission of our north-eastern, unfortunately, neighbor has discovered by... in signatures collected and presented by the so-called non-military candidate boris nadezhdin, by the way, he is the only one criticizing putin, so it is obvious that
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more than 50% of the signatures collected by him were rejected. well, according to the constitution of a terrorist country, the detection of 5% of unreliable signatures is grounds for refusing to register a candidate. the announcement of the final decision is scheduled for wednesday morning, but nadezhdin has already promised. to complain about not being allowed to participate in the elections, if it happens first at the cec, and then says he will even go to the supreme court i think, in principle, nadizhdin should be grateful that it was just the signatures that were rejected, and not that he was rejected, well, in fact, and these people all expressed that i would go to court, to whose court, to the same court as this cec emma pamfilova, and by the way, i want , if any of our viewers have some other, i don't know, maybe hope that nadezhdin is really an opposition candidate. who can change something, let's listen to a short quote from him, what he said in one of the programs on russian television, several days ago blitz, war or svo? well, svo,
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of course, i'm in russia. whose crimea? krymsky is putin a great leader or a tyrant? putin is an outstanding politician of the 21st century, whose reputation will be determined by what happens next and how he leaves. is the military conflict in ukraine a crime or a mistake? error. borys nadezhdin is going to the elections to? to win? and why do we still need to go to the elections? well, that is, you saw, we can put an end to this candidate, whether he passes or not, we fully understand his position. military conflict is a mistake. putin is an outstanding politician, crimea is crimean. well, it’s good that at least for the russian and... a candidate from the cprf, if i’m not mistaken, there is a candidate from the ldpr, in my opinion, well, that is, they are there, well, vasyl, well
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, we all understand that his most likely even won't be missed, on wednesday i will follow it, you will be the first to know the result , it won't be missed, it doesn't matter what the parties are, and it's clear that it won't change anything in russia , but still for the world, first of all, it will once again demonstrate putin's weakness, because, well , strong putin at one time was not afraid, not even sobchak allowed for elections, in my opinion at the time, well, i don't know, vasyl, well, you can argue a lot about this, but it's just such a russian policy, russian, well , that is, i was simply knocked out of the track by these answers of his, so i, i just see that , what's happening, i'm in russia, and i'm in russia, that's why we put an end to it, hopes, well , let's see what will happen on wednesday, well, that 's all i have in the column world about ukraine, that's all. for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, that's why don't switch thank you very much to yuri fizer
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for the information about the events outside ukraine , and now we have a story for your attention, now i will just find it and offer it to you, so many wounded ukrainian soldiers are in germany, there defenders receive qualified medical treatment for various injuries help and recover. with our soldiers in the land of bavaria. yuriy is from transcarpathia, before the full-scale invasion of the enemy, he participated in the operation of the united forces. he recalls that they began to prepare for the great war in another two weeks, there was no doubt that it would be a few days before the start. combat vehicles were put in order, loaded with shells and left in echelons. it was not known where the soldiers were going. the guys arrived at their destination
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on the night of... february 24, and then they heard the first explosions, then there was already some awareness that something like war was really starting, but not everyone understood what it was yet, no one understood specifically actions, what to do, vorox came from different corners, so to speak, there was no clear plan of action, the boy's unit was defending volnovakha and... the soldier received the first shrapnel wounds in the shoulder, the next in the kherson region during the counteroffensive, that day everything went haywire, - yuriy recalls. we started, well , we start, as it were, shooting, and immediately they, i do n't know, the drones launched everything, immediately they were maximally prepared and immediately with, i don't even know what, they hit me with a chip.
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was it from a mortar or something else, the boy was most struck by the loss of his finger, when the projectile hit, i found that there was no finger and i look like this, as i also began to have a strong panic, although i could see that my stomach was torn open, the unconscious soldier was taken to the kryvyi rih hospital, and he regained consciousness in vinnytsia, then there was long-term treatment in lviv and zakarpattia, later ... german specialists agreed with serious damage to internal organs, so yura has been receiving treatment in bavaria for six months. and this is nazar, a 20-year-old volhynian who has been fighting since he was 18. the boy signed a contract immediately after graduating from school. the fact that russia is inevitable will attack, the military understood, - shares the soldier. at the time of the invasion, the boy's unit was based in makarov and irpen in the kyiv region. there was an alarm at the training ground for 5 hours, and we already
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had everything. loaded, we just got into the car and drove. i was wounded on july 13 in berestov, which is 10 km from bakhmut, there was a close contact, we repelled it, and the artillery barrage began, and it happened, i was wounded, a shell flew by. currently, the boy is undergoing treatment in germany, and is now waiting for another operation. i threw up in the middle of my nose, i had... the beginning and the end of my nose i had skin and cheeks transplanted on my nose in ukraine, well, they pulled it like that, and here they have to do it already inside the nose, so that there is healthy breathing, and well, nothing got in the way. after the treatment, the boy plans to return to ukraine to the front. he says that right now we are choosing the future for our children. olga dutko, from germany for espresso tv channel. there are
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