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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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rotations that can take place in ukraine, to what extent they can change the situation, worsen, improve the history of these five or six managers of zelensky, and maybe he will also dismiss these five or six managers from their positions? well, the question here is not at all about the manager and not even about the effectiveness or not of this or that manager. the only question is that now zaluzhnyi is tall. which can be transformed into political influence, well, this is the main problem, well, what are we going to come up with here, and this is confirmed by the fact that now, and not now, for the last year or so, various sociological polls have been circulating, commissioned by various structures and carried out by various firms, and they show the model of the elections in the event that they take place, and here is the result that the zaluzhny has high ratings . his party, which does not yet exist,
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may take a more prominent position than zelenskyi's current party. this is the whole problem. and that's why any government, it tries to see what will happen in the country a few moves ahead, if there will be, for example, somehow will be held, elections will be held, they see that there is a person who poses a threat to the political monopoly of power, and they are trying to remove this person from office, and here is another thing... the story with ukrainian voters is very interesting, but if you ask me, what the position of zaluzhny, for example, on questions of the economy, on questions of social policy, on questions of international policy, i cannot answer you, and no one can answer, because, well, zaluzhny will not have the opportunity to talk about it in his position, because it is it is not necessary to talk about his appointment in the position about such things, and but, but people endowed and still endow... him with high trust, because
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they associate some kind of change with him, well, the irony, you know what, that at one time zelensky was elected also endowing him with some ideas about , that he can do something positive, and now the ukrainian voter endows the hard worker with such qualities, we do not know what these qualities are, from the word at all, because he is not a politician, but if he is suddenly released, then he will have the opportunity to speak and about your views. people on the economy, and on social issues, and on international politics, well, of course, if he is fired at all, for example, he will not be in the army, which i doubt, to be honest, that will be the case, but maybe he will have much more opportunities to talk about it, and then , ironically, he there will be more opportunities to be present in politics, so in fact this is all, these are all the maneuvers around how to release the hard worker, because he has a high rating, it can have... the opposite
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consequences, because as a result he will have more opportunities to talk about those issues that can actually be called political, so it will not solve the main problem, but it is obvious that the attempt to somehow solve it and prompts such strange maneuvers with the dismissal of a whole cohort of officials, which cover the dismissal of what it was all done for, well, in general, history it's not very good as it is, because if we talk about politics, then it already... if it has to come back, then it has to come back in the conditions when there is no martial law, it has to come back in the conditions where there are no restrictions on freedom of speech, when there is an opportunity to hold political competitions there, when there are no such conditions, then these are political maneuvers, they are dishonest, and they are perceived very badly in society, and they undermine trust in general in all state power structures, so i would like us to talk about other things, but you see, we have to talk about political maneuvers in the conditions of limited political freedom. and
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that is why, for example, such a question is raised around the figure of zaluzhnyi, but again , the biggest problem is that it is difficult for the authorities to imagine a politician who theoretically, it can take more or more serious ratings than the current government, this is the main problem, everything else is the same, it is only a formality. we are talking about the likely resignation of a tyrant, in that it depends on who will be at the head of the ukrainian state. the future of ukraine, including the political future, because when we talk about a potential politician or a political figure, we must understand that as a political figure, he can only appear after the end of the war, after our victory, otherwise simply any political activity of a soldier in uniform is impossible, if he leaves the service, he can of course engage in politics.
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but we, you are right, mr. serhiy, that we don’t know a hard-working politician, just as we didn’t know zelensky a politician, in the 19th year people voted for zelensky... i don’t know how he was called the ukrainian macron, but it’s not exactly macron was, that is, in the current situation, zaluzhny can be a political figure, if he is a conditional third force, which yevhen marchuk wanted to be in 1999, here is the third force, a strong general who can take the situation into his hands and bring ukraine to power. well, to some certain victory or to some order, mr. igor, why is zelenskyi’s team so concerned with zaluzhny’s ratings, because it is a trust rating, and zaluzhny’s trust rating is probably a trust rating including the armed forces of ukraine, that is, not
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only the policy of zaluzhny or to general zaluzhny, it is obvious that we are talking about the fact that he heads the structure... on which the future of ukraine depends, which has the highest rating trust in the country, well, he personalizes it in the first place, and that is why he really has such a high rating, although there is a significant part of his rating, which is related to his surname and the actions he takes, regarding such the picky attitude of the president's office in general to the rating of meritocracy, here the problem is different, the office of the president is generally picky about any people who get into it. rating and trust and confidence in which, well, it is either commensurate, or even worse, more than that of the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi. that is, in this in the context of zelensky, well, he is very dependent on such ratings in general. this , by the way, is a common practice in many democratic countries, so as not to go too far,
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we can mention the two terms of the presidency of bill clinton, he was called the president of opinion polls, that is, he checked all his actions for a long enough period of time, focusing exclusively on sociological ones. polls, ratings of trust, mistrust, or the attitude of citizens to those initiatives with which he spoke. zelenskyi has a similar, well, problem, probably why, because, why does it happen a problem, because it is possible that some part of his entourage starts on these ratings of trust, lack of trust, well, to speculate and in principle to screw the president, talking about the fact that someone can pose a certain threat to him in the future, this is the first moment, the second moment, why i remember the entourage itself, because, well , sometimes one gets the impression: at least it used to be clearer, now it may have faded somewhat, that the president’s entourage is more interested in the fact that he ran for a second term than perhaps himself the president, and definitely, for example, not the president's wife, who allows herself to say in an interview that she doesn't really want it, and
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she doesn't like this idea very much, and those around her understand that without the president, they won't be anything to represent, they have no political future, accordingly they need to do everything to ensure that the president is elected a second time to the... position after the end of the war, and accordingly they pay attention to potential competitors, as soon as the meritorious person began to be placed in these ratings, to things, some of them put on the initiative of the same office of the president who ordered, they saw this dynamic, it alarmed them so much at first, and then when several polls simply hypothetically measured some kind of conditional party of the hardworking or hardworking as a presidential candidate together with zelenskyi and they saw that the current head of state would lose, well , everything changed accordingly. and they began to treat the commander-in-chief so meticulously, but there is a third point, he is probably the most important, i think that at first it was probably him, and then the ratings were added, because it arose before these ratings appeared, zaluzhny most likely, and what we know from his public statements, which are very rare, he has a different
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vision of what is happening at the front, he sees differently how ukraine should fight, and this is very different from the vision, too optimistic, it seems to me, which was partly ... and maybe even in the office of the president today, stories about the counteroffensive, about , that we will liberate all territories, we will drink coffee in yalta and so on further, they were not disseminated by the military, it was done by representatives of the authorities, and accordingly it is clear that sooner or later this vision, which was very different, came into conflict, and apparently, at some meetings , the commander-in-chief did not agree with the president, took some position of his own, and this led to what it led to, then the ratings rose, a political component appeared, these hypothetical polls appeared, measurements of who would become president, who would not become president, and as a result, we saw all those games which are happening now, well, it seems clear to me that this is bad for the country, because it seems that the hard-working man is almost being pushed into this politics, almost being forced to somehow
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engage in this political activity in the future, although i absolutely agree with the fact that it is impossible to do this as long as the war waged against us by the russian federation continues in the country, it was presented... that there , after a hypothetical release, the zaluzhny generally leaves the military service and begins to engage in political activities there, well, for example, it is difficult for me, because it is very then it will hit his rating hard and the attitude can change very much. just in the negative, yes, because his main association is that person who does a lot to protect the country. mr. vitaly, if zaluzhny will be dismissed, and this is probably a matter of some time, maybe a day, two or three, i don't know how long. if zaluzhny leaves this position, does zelenskyi's team realize that they will have to take over. this responsibility, well , because anyone who comes after zaluzhny will obviously be associated first of all with
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president zelenskyi, with his team , with this rotation, and zelenskyi will have to be number one in this story and not talk about what the military will tell me there, i will do what the military will submit in the law on mobilization, that's what we will decide, is there such a risk, of course there is. and so it will be , i think that anyone who would be, who would come to the position of the central committee, will obviously be associated with the bank, this will be the political responsibility of the president, there will be a final concentration of all resources, powers and leverage of the country in of the presidential team, these managers that we are talking about today, and this is accordingly the responsibility of the president, and i am already predicting, predicting that in april and may we will face a political crisis, and... i don't know if the president will respond to this political crisis crisis, what are the possible options
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for responding to it, since we see that contradictions are accumulating within the authorities, the power architecture, how many lines of tension are accumulating, it is a line of tension not only with one head, but it is a line of tension with the mayors and leaders of the local self-government, it is a line of tension with business, it is a line of tension with the military, not the generals, but... officers and soldiers, when we talk about the rights of the soldier, yes, it is a question of mobilization, which is impossible to be carried out within the framework of those proposals that transmits the ministry of defense, by the way, is a tension with certain interest groups in the country, these are social groups that fall under the knife, the cutting of social expenditures in the country, this is fiscalization, and accordingly such a line... tensions that undermine the foundations of ukraine's stability, therefore in the president ahead
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a very turbulent period, and now, removing the center on which he could hang certain troubles, certain negativity and try to translate them, he actually gets rid of this center and takes the military command into his hands, no matter who will be at the head or at the head, accordingly he takes on all the negativity. the baggage of the confrontation between the president and the indebted, on the one hand, on the other hand, he is forced to show something, to prove his ability to be, well, at the very least, not better than the indebted, but at least to be appropriate, that is, it is a risk of some kind reckless operations, risk, some actions that can be directed to show some quick result, right? and these are all losses, these are all great dangers, threats
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, eh, that's why it seems to me that this strategic helplessness, which we saw at the time at the big press conference of the president, in the powerful team, it persists even now, and they don't have any strategy for how to go through this difficult path, how to get out of it in some positive way for themselves, i wouldn't worry too much about ratings in their place. well, absolutely, as soon as possible zluzhne will cease to be the commander of the armed forces, not much time will pass when high ratings will decrease, some new figures will appear, and if he still remains in the system of the armed forces, then by the time the political process thaws, well, he can be one of, and not the main opponent, yes , but this is what paska 20 is all about, leaving a hard-working person. if you don’t do it, it will be worse, yes , for the president, this is also in the fact
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that it is no longer possible to leave a hard-working person in the position of head committee, because the level of interpersonal conflict , no institutions, and the interpersonal conflict has already reached a certain limit, after which only resignation is possible, the president communicates with glavkov only on the pond, and this is a form of formal communication, if we are talking about the fact that... the lack of any activity on the part of a hard-working politician, then by itself, the processes that took place around him, especially the article in cn, already made him a political figure. and the bank cannot not react to this either, paska 22 cannot and cannot not release, but well, the situation must be resolved, because it is already a crisis situation, a peak, threshold situation, and it is obvious that the situation will be resolved in a maximum of two weeks. thank you, mr. vitaly, colleagues, we have to go for a short break,
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this week in the collaborators program. sport is out of politics. who exchanged the football army? to the army of the russian federation. train at zenit schools, train with champions. but how can a player who was called a traitor now report to the zsu. i am very happy to return to shakhtar. on tuesday, february 6 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. vasyl's big broadcast winters two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and... the world is alive, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become a native language for many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day for two hours, vasyl zema's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso.
1:49 pm
greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. frankly and impartially. you draw your own conclusions. this is the verdict program , my name is serhiy rudenko, we are continuing our broadcast, i remind you that during our broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you, friends, whether you are satisfied with the work of the head of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, yes, no, on youtube everything is quite simple, either yes or no, write your opinion in the comments below video, and don't forget to put,
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like this video so that it goes up in youtube trends. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone if you trust the handyman, or rather, whether you are satisfied with the work of the handyman, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, a reminder that today we have vitaliy kulyk, igor rytyarovych and serhiy taran on the air, before our break vitaliy said that there might be a crisis, a political crisis, in a few months, i think so i understand... in the spring, vitaliy klitschko began to comment on the possible resignation of zaluzhny, he said that ukraine is fighting, literally fighting for its own. existence, so it is worth stopping political intrigues and internal struggles , i quote klitschko: "in many respects, thanks to the brave ukrainians, they really believed in our armed forces, which today enjoy
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the greatest trust, as a military man, during the war, general valery zaluzhny went through many difficult moments , only he himself knows how much in reality, and unfortunately, today is the moment when politics can prevail common sense and the interests of the state, and this moment does not depend on the tyrant, i hope the authorities understand the seriousness of the steps that..." and is taking full responsibility now, vitaliy klitschko, he definitely understands that if zelensky's team removes the tyrant , sooner or later he will return to him, because we have seen these attempts for five years to remove klitschko in one way or another from the position of the head of the kyiv city state administration, or... the mayor, mr. igor, can it be considered that klitschko - this too one of zelenskyi's potential competitors in the presidential elections, and klitschko is now
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advocating for a hard-working one, because he understands in principle that zelenskyi's team will then look for the next potential competitor for zelenskyi and from zelenskyi , including, well, partly i think so, but ... the cap is another problem, now kyiv is simply more interested as a city with a large budget, a city that, well, in principle supports the processes of decentralization and the mayor of kyiv supports the processes of decentralization, and this is somewhat disturbing the office of the president to engage in the policy that they have been actively implementing since the 22nd year, that is, precisely the policy of maximum centralization, an attempt to capture all local resources there and transfer them to the central budget and dispose of them accordingly. therefore, i think that this statement by klitschko, well, on the one hand, is a tribute of support, probably to the commander-in-chief, and also an understanding that the political processes have accelerated in
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the country, and they are clearly not going in a very positive way, let's say, you know, the scenario, and indeed kyiv sooner or later and the position of the head of kyiv, they will also be in the focus of attention, for example, in the verkhovna rada, accordingly, and a commission there, a temporary investigative commission is being created, yes, to check what kyiv is doing there , this is also a certain element, well, on one side of control, on the other side of pressure, so i think that the call will see some more certain statements, publicly, not publicly, that will be made, well, in the context of possible changes in the commander-in-chief, because well, everyone will now start looking for themselves in the new then reality, with a view to the end of the war, and to some already normal, adequate political processes, political struggle, which sooner or later will return to ukraine. thank you. mr. serhiy, can zelenskyi’s team solve this negativity, which will be one way or another after zaluzhnyi’s release, if they
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propose some formula for the creation of some kind of government, technocratic, let’s call it, not a government of national unity, because i think it scares zelenskyi’s team, a technocratic government, a change of prime minister, and an obvious division responsibility, including political responsibility, and in this way... zelensky will gain, conditionally speaking, the support of other political forces, and neutralize other potential candidates for the post of president, well, as they say, there are two big differences in odesa, the technocratic government and the government of national unity, because a technocratic government is a government without political ties, but it is actually such a government to a large extent, because it is united. the link that exists in the current government is a link to zelenskyi, there are no other links, well, it is unlikely a classic technocratic government, but at least it's a government where there are no last names. if
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we are talking about a government of national unity, then it should be formed by political parties, there should be joint political responsibility. in principle, this step would have been very correct at the beginning of the war, and it would have demonstrated to the society the true national unity. by the way. also dividing the political responsibility for what is happening in the country, and the party simply did not even have a reason to criticize each other, because they would all be in the government and everyone would be responsible for this, so they could criticize, except themselves, and now to create such a political government, well, in principle, it would also be possible, it is never too late, but i do not see the desire of the authorities for such a government now, i it seems that they are not ready for this, which, by the way , would also help the country and them so much, because it would also share the responsibility for everything that is happening in the country, but they are not ready for this, so i i don't even consider such an option as realistic or correct
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or wrong another issue is that the authorities are not ready for it, that is a fact, so i do not think that it will somehow be possible to settle this negativity, which will inevitably occur after the possible, possible resignation of the worrier, although, you know, right now, if talk about the success of the theoretical elections after the end of martial law, although it is too early to talk about it, but if we are already talking about political processes, we are already forced to talk about it, then it will largely depend on those. results that will be in ukraine at the time of the political return processes, and the results can be very different, we have to be ready for this, it may not be the result that we were told about in a single marathon, it may be a huge victory, but it may also be that there will be some temporary victory, i would call it mildly, and these results will influence the elections, even these ratings,
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which are now... of course they matter, but the most significant factor influencing the election results will be the results of this truce. i do not believe, by the way, that any truce will bring us final peace as long as we have such a neighbor as russia next to us, but it is possible that some kind of truce is theoretically possible, especially after a theoretical change of power in the united states. i think that in the fall there will definitely be some kind of bidding on a geopolitical scale, some may be held. option, and this option, so that it does not happen, this will be the decisive factor that will finally determine the fate of the elections and answer your question, whether it will be possible to catch the negative from a possible resignation, thank you, mr. serhiy, mr. vitaly, one and a half minutes, what would you advise the authorities in the current situation in order to avoid this political crisis that you mentioned? well, first of all, to show sincerity, to say that we really have a conflict
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, let's solve it somehow, we see the solution of this conflict in this way, and to address this not to the western mass media, but to the ukrainian people through the ukrainian media, with a direct appeal, with perhaps even an interactive appeal, but maybe it would save, let's say, reduce the risks for the government, this firstly, secondly, this is a dialogue, the marathon has exhausted itself, we need to talk about debates, elements of the political process, they will return in one way or another, i am more... the more convinced that the political process will return in one form or another, as it were we tried to say that this is impossible during martial law, that is, no, it will return, and we are all already observing the elements of this political process, there are already the formation of certain pools, there are already launch companies, the toolkit is still weak, but the political process is recovering and closer to the month of may , again, it will be accumulated as much as possible , it will enter, the political process will break through, so i
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would call now. in the bank to be honest, but this is wandering in the desert, because there is not there now, they have not said goodbye to big risks and a big rating. thank you, mr. vitaly. vitaly kulyk, ihor reiterovych and serhii taran were guests of our program today. during our program, friends, we conducted a survey, we asked you whether you are satisfied with the work of the head of the armed forces valery zaluzhny of ukraine, the results of our television survey where... yes 5% no to espresso on our youtube channel espresso 96% yes 4% no, thank you to everyone who voted, thank you to everyone who watched, don't forget, please put your favorite , if you continue to watch us on the youtube channel, it was a verdict program, conducted by serhiy rudenko, i say goodbye to you, i wish you all the best, goodbye.
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greetings to all viewers of espresso, i'm naeva melnyk and it's time to learn about the most current events. martial law was extended in ukraine for the tenth time and mobilization for another three months. this legal regime will be in effect at least until may 13 of this year. the parliament supported the draft laws introduced by president volodymyr zelenskyi to the council the day before. 335 people's deputies voted for the continuation of martial law, 323 voted for mobilization, the deputy from the "hol" faction informed.


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