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tv   [untitled]    February 6, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EET

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unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport. the viewers of the espresso tv channel are asked to join the fund-raising of krona i technical equipment for our division. thank you. glory to ukraine. to the heroes. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. shot. freedom life from.
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you draw your own conclusions, good evening, we are from ukraine, operation цтдл, what exactly did the armed forces of ukraine blow up in the black sea, will it be accepted by ukraine? in the united states of america, trump opposes and puts pressure on his deputies, and maryana bezugula was excluded from the faction of the servant of the people party, what will happen to the political career of the hater of general zaluzhnyi, and in both cases the president also explained why they can be removed well done, we will talk about this and other things today for the next hour and 46 minutes, but we will start with the announcement of the fundraiser. defenders from the 141st brigade, they perform
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tasks in the difficult orich direction, this is the zaporizhzhia region, infantry and aerial reconnaissance for the successful execution of combat missions, they need high-quality and often expensive equipment, we plan to buy radios and batteries for them, sterling, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, detectors for detecting drones and many other equally important things at the front: every hryvnia is important and thanks to you we have already closed more than one collection, we will close this one too, so please go... get our military, all funds will be transferred to those people who will buy everything they need, and we will definitely show it to you, our wars will definitely announce it. we ask you to join iryna kovel's collection for the needs of the 141st brigade, we really need your help. glory to ukraine, glory. well, let's do it as soon as possible, and we start a conversation with oleksiy holobutsky, a political technologist. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you.
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congratulations, i wanted to start from a different point, before the very issue there was news about the expulsion of the servant of the people maryana bezholo from the party, if i may briefly, the news is there asked to be excluded, ms. shulyak granted her application. but she said that it will not affect her work in the verkhovna rada, she will not fill the mandate, they parted ways with the servant of the people, as you see, her political career will fade away, or will she still continue to work, with whom is it interesting? well, it's hard to say, because i don't know how ambitious she is, but it's clear that she was given the green light for her activities during the last six months, yes to the maximum. she really became known already to the general public, which before she was basically, well, we knew her statements are an activity there, but this is all for a narrow circle, then the last six months of her mastery, if you can say so, diligently
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and everything else, it naturally brought it to another level, and if we now list the brightest personalities, the most famous servants of the people. she is somewhere in the top three, it is definitely in the top five, so we lost contact, in my opinion, we will now try to contact our studio with mr. oleksiy again, because we want to hear everything, well, actually, maryana bezugla said that she was out of place there with many rumors of the people, she talked about her differences, you know, in ukrainian politics somehow not even... you don't want to write someone off prematurely, because that way you can wave your hand and think: that's all, and maybe not all, ukrainian politics is rich in peculiar characters who seemed to disappear, then appeared, then reached great positions, and influenced many events, so for now
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mrs. bezugla will not be like that with the servant of the people, well, but in any case, we perfectly understand that the servant project the people will also be probably reloaded, as many want reboot in the president's office and... the new entity that will be created, obviously, with or without the participation of investors, first of all technologists, servants of the people, can shelter or even take the same maryana bezukhla into the top three , in ukrainian politics, unfortunately, not everything is foreseen , the war pushed this policy into the background a little, but as we can see, politics still tries to climb to the forefront and cover up not only the war itself, but also the generals, but now in we'll be back in touch, i'll wait i'll tell you what we're talking about. we are saying, after the statement of volodymyr zelenskyi, during the interview he gave to the italian tv company raia1, where he said that this is how we are preparing the reset of the government, we want to change the leaders of the country, well people, as far as i understand, translating the words of the president, the text is close to
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the legislation, the people who are responsible for certain areas, so, let me remind you, we have four branches of government, the president, the executive branch, the legislative branch, the judicial branch, and who calls journalists the fourth branch, i... that's what they say , there are four, in fact three branches of government in ukraine, well, obviously , the heads of certain units, certain directions are planning to change, and today they already started after the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky said about it, people from the president's office started talking about it and from the cabinet of ministers of ukraine. they explain that there is nothing wrong with a reset, although again we do not understand how large-scale this reset should be, the military-political leadership of the state, if it is a question of leaders of the country, well, relatively speaking, general zaluzhnyi does not lead. he leads the armed forces of ukraine, this is part of the state , yes, well, again, the country and the state are different things, the country is a territory, the state is a certain system, yes, which works, so we say the obvious about the heads of the state, yes, because it is very difficult for the conditional denys shmyhal to manage some old woman's branch from near rivne, yes, well, that's why he manages the forests in
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volyn, so again, a country is a territory, a state is a certain system, yes, which one works, power system, system vertical and horizontal connections. therefore, the president probably meant the leaders of the state, so it is very, very interesting to understand, once again, general zaluzhnyi, whom you see on the screen now, it is difficult to say that he is the head of the state, he is, again , the head of the armed forces of ukraine, which are conducting work to protect the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of the state and to expel the enemy from the territory of our state at the front, this is, well, we can obviously say that he is one of the top leaders today, because today is a war, well, here dmytro koleba... said that he is responsible for the foreign policy, well , his own sphere of work, and he says that the reset of the government will not affect relations with the west, says the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba, that is, after
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the president's statement, there is an impression that the members of his team, well, it is globally his team and the cabinet of ministers, yes, because this cabinet of ministers is appointed by his majority in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, yes, this is also the office of the president, here 'at-six me. about which said the president, these are other politicians who can make, politicians, officials who can make certain statements, so dmytro kuleba, having immediately received such an indulgence from the president, also starts talking about it. because it was not talked about before , thanks to zaluzhny, everyone is thinking how, when , for what, why, who will replace him, and how it will affect it, but there was silence, anonymous telegram channels, uh, well, private individuals who have their own telegram channels have expressed certain opinions, yes, so again, these are private individuals, so their opinion, that's interesting, but at the level of a private person , well, everyone has already spoken, because the president told the first that this is how the reset is planned, and mr. koleba says that the reset: the government will not affect relations with the west, that is, we can change someone here, oleksiy
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holobutsky returns , mr. oleksiy , congratulations once again, let's continue, then, well , by the way, i understand that we have already finished, we'll see where the curve of her career destiny turns, but statements began to appear about a reboot authorities, i am stood up to dmytro kuleb and mykhailo podolyak also from the president's office made his statement, that is, this decision has been made, does the work with the population begin or what? well, of course , it is necessary, so to speak , well, so that it does not look like a pr action without any content, yes, well, roughly speaking, they changed the ministers there, even i, a specialist there , do not know the names of many of them, the functionality of the cabinet of ministers is greatly reduced, and its political participation, yes, to which we are... to the parliamentary-presidential
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coordinate system, it no longer exists, it has not existed since the 19th year, but since the beginning of a full-scale war, it has already become here, and the cabinet of ministers is, well, let's put it this way, a structure that is third- fourth in decision-making, in order for it to look very serious to everyone, some new faces are needed. to promote some directions in a new way, the president has already clearly said, yes, new challenges, new circumstances, new people are needed, well , let's see what is meant here, very interesting, very interesting, well, well, when i would say that the reset of power will not affect relations with the west, it sounds very global, the reset of power, which power, executive, judicial, legislative, only about the cabinet of ministers. well, what else , it is impossible to reset the presidency
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, it is impossible to reset the parliament, i just don’t even see why, for example, to change stefanchuk there, for example , if you make some personnel changes there, well, no, i don’t see any sense, yes, but to reset the entire parliament, well, that's impossible, and only the cabinet remains , well, actually, well, obviously, obviously, the military leadership, that is, the general is diligent, it's clear, it's... clear, it's, it's, so to speak, it'll go with the kit , judging by, well, here he already expands this topic for discussions , the field for discussions, mykhailo podolyak, adviser to the head of the president's office, he says that the purpose, why it would be possible, let's say, to talk about replacing the incumbent in the position of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, in order to avoid stagnation and freezing of the conflict, well, he goes on to say that the war has been going on for two years now, people are tired, it is necessary to pay attention to the psycho-emotional state of society, partners are also getting tired, although. partners, macron says we are ready to give the most modern weapons to ukraine, borel comes and says we
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will not sell ammunition to anyone else, we will only work for ukraine, scholz is expanding factories there, building, that is, i do not think that europe is tired, - i understand , on the contrary, how important this war is and how important it is to help ukraine, but this is the stagnation and freezing of the conflict, as to translate the words far away in simple words, we do not have positive news, let's change it with diligence, well, yes, well... perceive perceive that we want some successes at the front, these successes are not particularly present now, something needs to be changed, here they propose to change the commander-in-chief , you see, there is logic here, here if you don’t include the political context, you hear me, and yes, i hear, i hear, yes, if, if you don’t include the political context, then in principle the situation is quite ordinary, if really, again, do not enter in... this coordinate system in which someone there is fighting for the future presidency or in
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some such perspective, he is the commander-in-chief, he is subordinate to the supreme commander-in-chief, the supreme commander-in-chief does not want to see him in this position, and he has all the opportunities and rights to do so, and they would probably , if zaluzhda was not so popular in ukraine, they would have done it a long time ago, but they take into account that it could be, well, let's say that the resignation of zaluzhda. and it is not yet known with what replacement, yes, well, who, who will replace him will come, so it’s a good bet to see how much the reaction will be, how unpopular or popular the decision will be, so far it looks like... this is an extremely unpopular decision, but i repeat once again, zelensky must do something about it, because he and in the eyes of the west and in the eyes of its citizens and in the eyes of its surroundings, well, it looks, well, probably not du well, well, i repeat once again, it is his full prerogative, full right to remove, but it is necessary , it is necessary to make decisions and then be for them finally responsible. thank you very much sir
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oleksiy, joined by oleksiy holobutsky, a political technologist, in short, yes, because the situation at the front is really not easy here. that the replacement of the veteran will give positive results from the front, and if they are negative, or there will be even more threats to ukrainians, to ukraine, to ukrainians, well, of course, you can't blame anyone here, you yourself, you wanted, is responsible, and responsibility, unfortunately, in our country, certain persons avoid, i won’t say, they are afraid, they avoid, well, actually, they avoid responsibility, or they do it deliberately, but in the united states of america the battle for money is unfolding again, and for ukraine also 60 billion, it is about them, will trump be able to slow down? consciously or for the sake of political ambitions, we will talk about this now with igor eisenberg, he is a professor at new york university, mr. igor, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, mr. vasyl, i congratulate all the viewers, well , i will immediately say that joe biden appeals to congress to pass a bill to strengthen security on the us-
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mexico border and provide assistance to ukraine, we we are waiting, i understand that there will be a broadcast now and we will be able to hear. another address by joseph biden is live, he already asked, yes, he already said, i don’t say asked, he already said, in your opinion, what are the chances that johnson in a tie with trump will slow down, and what are the weights of influence on this situation , how can it be passed through the congress - this is an important decision for ukraine? i unfortunately see since last night that the chances have become less than i had hoped, at least until last night, why, because... there were two events yesterday in the evening, american time, trump gave an interview to the newsmax tv channel, well, such an ultra-right propaganda tv channel, where he categorically spoke out against this bill, that it is bad, that it is that the democrats came up with this bill, that it is a trap they created for the republicans, he
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urged the republicans not to pass the bill, moreover, he implied that ... republican senator lankford, who was the chief negotiator, negotiator on the republican side, when he was preparing the bill that he, it will have a bad effect on his political future, i.e. trump hinted that he will nominate someone in the primaries when he will be re-elected against him, well, and the second event, this happened yesterday, the meeting of the republic was closed. factions in the senate and all of the media reported late last night, citing some senators who were involved, that senate republican leader mccone said there was no need to support this bill unless the democrats would allow it to
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be passed further changes, that is, in fact he, although he did not say that... it is necessary to vote against it, but he did not point out very transparently that it is not desirable to support this bill, there will be a vote in the senate on wednesday, ah, and it should be several votes on any bill, but the first vote for it to be considered requires 60 votes, what is known at this point is that there are three democratic senators who do not want to vote for this bill. but not because of aid to ukraine, there are three democrats with more leftist views, let's say senator sanders, he opposes unconditional aid to israel, and then there's senator padilla and the same senator sandes, who don't like the concessions the democrats have made on immigration legislation, and
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so we have... 48 democrats who are going to vote to support this bill, in order for it to be considered, there must then be at least 12 republicans out of 49 who support it, whether those votes will be there or not is hard to say, i was of the opinion that if senate votes for this bill, it will have an impact, at least on moderate republicans in the house. representatives, in the house of representatives there is a point of the regulation, which allows, in principle , to put a bill, an agenda , bypassing the speaker, even if the speaker does not want to dissolve it. days you can collect 218 signatures and then the bill will be forcibly included in the agenda can be considered, but it would make sense if the senate
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voted for it, but i don't know how the senate will vote at the moment, i still hoped that yesterday on the day that the senate will be able to support this bill, and now i cannot say that, that i am sure of this, because of the news that i told about, well, i remind our... viewers that we are waiting for the address of joseph biden, of the president of the united states of america to congress with a call to pass a bill on strengthening security on the border between the united states and mexico and providing assistance to ukraine, it is important here that a very small amount of those 60 billion will go directly to ukraine, and most of the money there, more than 40 billion, will remain in in the united states of america precisely for the manufacture of weapons, well, or the sale of weapons there, that is, there is an opinion that, in principle, during this short time that remained, well, no one canceled the talks. by phone, short meetings can affect that part of the congress, well, you just told more about the congress there, in principle, johnson may not put it to a vote, that again it is possible to bypass his will to put him there
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ad hoc, that’s the way it is, but it is the representatives who are powerful, the representatives of the military - of the industrial complex, who will say: listen, people, this jobs, it's money, it's taxes, and actually, it's an opportunity to destroy the military potential of russia, which is recognized, and you. a threat to the united states of america, can it affect? the problem , you see, is that the far-right, the republicans, that part of the republican party that is the far-right, they don't consider russia an enemy at all, they don't consider russia an enemy of the united states of america, as the far-right propagandist, tucker carlson, says, he is, he is now in moscow, by the way, he repeated many times, russia is not our enemy. ukraine is not our friend, and this is the position of such far-right republicans. and with regard to the military-industrial complex, well
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, you are absolutely right, because this same money, a much larger part of this 60 billion, it will simply, will go to the american economy, precisely the military-industrial complex, because if, if weapons or ammunition are transferred to ukraine from the pentagon, which means that the administration orders. for this money, weapons and ammunition to restock pentagon bases if new weapons are ordered, which is made specifically for ukraine, so again, money goes to the military-industrial complex and new jobs are created, that is, even from the point of view of the american economy, it is profitable, here i was early this morning, when i was going to work there, i was watching tv when i had breakfast , for a whole hour on... and those guests who were there, they said that the republicans who do not
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support aid to ukraine, they support putin, they support the dictator, they are going against american values, against the fundamental american values, that there senator king, an independent senator who is a member of the democratic party, also spoke. faction, he says that this is it, if aid is not allocated to ukraine, it will be historically a very big mistake of the united states as a country, that it will absolutely undermine the confidence of the united states as an ally by all allies in all countries , and nevertheless, as the first ukrainian president said, we have what we have, well, by the way, about carlson tucker, he is now there on... he went to the show of pavlo volitky , a pro-russian showman, on the pro-russian to the gazprom tnt channel , as far as i understand, it was tnt, and he was also invited
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to join the union of russian journalists, which is headed by this vladimir silaviov, their propagandist, he almost said otherwise, the propagandist, well, i wonder if carson will join the russian union of journalists will not join, but in any case, well , it looks completely idiotic, that is , well, in the states, people should understand a person who... trump saw as his vice president, meaning carton tucker, the ex-host of fox news , who is now in russia, he is actually in the league a terrorist, an enemy, a murderer, a bandit is sitting, and this and his boss, let’s say, trump, well , today actually blocks aid to ukraine, is it, as this kiselyov said, the one that, dmytro sovpadenie, i don’t think so, please, taher carlson said it himself, and many times. repeated everything, russia is not our enemy, and ukraine is not our friend, and therefore there is no need to support ukraine, in general he, what he did not blame ukraine for, imagine, this is what i
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heard, i just heard it myself. he, he got fired from fox, he has his own show now just in the former twitter, he was given a platform by elon musk, and he accused ukraine , for example, of persecuting christians, so any- any actions, so very soft, i would say, actions against the moscow patriarchate in ukraine, yes carlson interprets for the americans who listen to him that this is the persecution of christians in ukraine, so what can we expect from him? the problem, the problem, you see, is that the republican party, well, absolutely, it is under trump, even that part of it, let's say, the same mitch mccone, the leader of the republicans in the senate, a classic conservative politician, very experienced, and who, by the way, has always supported ukraine, what he says that he supported this bill yesterday, the day before yesterday
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, yesterday already after he said no, he says that some changes should still be made there so that it can be made there, otherwise it is not necessary to support it, this, i will tell you, is a shame, it is a shame, i don't know, i'm just ashamed, you understand, it's a shame for united states, although, here you know, most of these stories, if, i will say the end, i thought so for myself, if you look at the confrontation that has been going on for many years, many decades. between the usa and russia, as two antagonistic systems of life , politics, it is a pity that russia has its own people, in fact, well, people who sympathize with it, maybe not their own, who actually play into its hands at the top of the us government, and there is no one from the usa of those who could influence putin's policy, well, who is winning here, here the question is very, well, and everything is obvious, everything is absolutely obvious, despite the fact that, let's say, the usa is now helping to circumvent sanctions and money earn for the dprk, they cannot help us.
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it's banal, well, in a word, we believe that they will be able to, what will happen, we will hear biden's address , i have to put a full stop, thank you very much for joining, thank you for your comments, igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, was with us on yazku, we are waiting, again, i will say, biden's address to the congress, you will hear it on our air, and there will be a translation, of course, but now you will hear and see serhiy zgurets, the director of the defense express agency, and the host of the military summaries of the day column, sergey, congratulations, please congratulations, vasyl, congratulations to our viewers, today in our section, expectants. according to biden, we will talk about the supply of ammunition to and for ukraine against the background of the visit to kyiv of the representative of the european union in matters of foreign policy security, as well as about the situation in certain areas of the front, in a conversation with our military, about this in a moment. today , a high-ranking representative
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of the european union arrived in kyiv for a visit. issues of foreign policy and security policy jose borel, so i will start our military column with european history about shells for ukraine, more precisely about the fate shells, because we remember that european countries promised to transfer 1 million shells of 155 mm caliber to ukraine, but by march at best they will be able to supply only half, so just before arriving in kyiv , the representative of the european union, josep borel, said that the eu has not fulfilled.. . own plans to supply ammunition to ukraine is not because the eu country lacks production capacity, the matter is different, the fact that he says, we can produce, but an important part of our products is exported to third countries - said boreli, therefore it is better to let eu countries negotiate with their customers and redirect these products to ukraine, that's how i see two conclusions in this story:
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the first: why didn't the eu do it earlier?


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