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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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greetings to our viewers, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and in this morning's stream we will talk about the attack of russian forces with missiles and drones on kyiv and mykolaiv, about the explosion. also reported in lviv region and dnipropetrovsk region, what consequences we will tell. we are also talking about the following topics: dmytro lubinets wrote nine pages of comments to the government bill on changes to mobilization, and then he met with defense minister umyerov and urged the parliament to vote for the law in the first reading. is it possible to take into account all the shortcomings? document and why they cannot agree on the order of mobilization in ukraine. the prosecutor general's office instructed the sbi to conduct a pre-trial investigation.
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following up on the bigusinfo case, and the head of the sbu , vasyl malyuk, regrets that during the work of the anti-narcotics service, there was a leak of domestic materials, why the sbu does not admit involvement in the surveillance of journalists, who could have given such an order, and whether the customers will be punished. in dnipro , the special forces of the national police refused to join the lut assault brigade and declared that they were ready to fight only as part of his unit. the national police noted that they are investigating the circumstances of the conflict, details and consequences. let's talk, comment, subscribe to our channel, share your observations about what is happening, from which city you are watching us and what is the situation in your city. russian forces attacked ukraine this morning with cruise missiles and rockets, explosions were reported in kyiv, kharkiv, mykolaiv, lviv and dnipropetrovsk regions. the mayor of the capital vitaliy klitschko reported on the fire in an apartment building in holosiivskyi. three are known
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injured, two injured in the dnipro district, cars and service station premises are on fire there, the heat supply main on the left bank of kyiv is damaged. the city of mykolaiv was attacked by attack drones and air-launched cruise missiles. as a result of the shelling , a man was killed, he died already in the hospital, the mayor of mykolaiv ova, vitaliy kim, informed about this, and at least 20 residential buildings were damaged in the city. oleksandr senkevich, the mayor of mykolaiv, joins our broadcast. mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you. thank you for joining. tell us what the situation is like in the city now, what are the consequences of the strikes by russian forces? actually, today at about 6 o'clock in the morning , russian terrorists attacked mykolaiv with mortars and air-based missiles, there are two locations of damage: the residential sector, this is the private sector of residential buildings and an infrastructure object. residential buildings are actually residential. houses have already been damaged, more than 30
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private houses that we have counted, a rocket hit the road, a large gap was formed, these houses were blown to pieces by the blast wave, private houses, their roofs and walls were destroyed , one of the residents was seriously injured, he was immediately hospitalized, but unfortunately, around 8 o'clock in the morning, he died in the intensive care unit, he had severe landmine wounds, and also had a brain injury. a few more people received light shrapnel wounds, they were given help on the spot, a gas pipeline was also damaged, the utility workers are currently eliminating all the consequences, right away, well, actually in our team, since the beginning of the invasion, it has become such that there is another, system of night shifts, immediately after the explosion, we found out where this place is, and my deputy left, who... today is on duty, everyone
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coordinated all actions, our services immediately arrived, brought osb plates and so on, to help people now shelter their homes from the cold , from frost. well, the second location. the territory of the infrastructure facility, there was a fire in a technical building, the fire has now been extinguished, actually, the firemen and emergency workers are greatly honored and praised, they promptly extinguished everything. mr. oleksandr, in general, what is the current trend in these cities months, have russian attacks increased or decreased? you know, in the very place, we haven't had any attacks for a long time, people are used to silence, thanks to the armed forces. the forces of ukraine began to shell us less, currently there are no military groups in the city, or let's say, forces and means, that is why they stopped shelling mykolaiv, because in fact the security service of ukraine is still working, identifying those
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who communicate and cooperate with terrorists from russia, well, actually they give out different places of arrival, i don't think that any... they again struck, now they will write that they did not strike houses, but again some military object, i want to emphasize, this is the private sector, there is a lot of private sector in the city of mykolaiv, there are no military objects around this place, thank you, sir oleksandr, those who joined in this difficult morning for mykolaiv, including oleksandr senkevich, the mayor of the city, was a guest of svoboda ranok, i would like to remind you that today on our broadcast we are talking, among other things , about... the consequences of the russian attack this morning yuriy ignat, spokesman for the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel, is now joining our broadcast. mr. yuri, i welcome you to our broadcast. good morning, i greet you. tell me, mr. yuriy, what is possible, what is known at this moment about this russian attack, how many
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means, what missiles, how many drones, how many drones attacked ukraine? well, yes, while we are preparing the results, i think you will see them in the usual mode, and the commander-in-chief will inform, and we are here. resources about what, how many, which types flew, well, beforehand we can say that there were about fifty missiles of various types, it is clear that there were also uavs the day before, the general staff had already informed about this that 12:15 was destroyed from 11 to 3 in the morning, well, you must have already tracked the morning attacks by our reports, what was reported about the launch of missiles from the caspian from... from different directions, also from two and other missiles that flew along a ballistic trajectory, we will now count and see exactly
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where, how many were destroyed and how many were intercepted by other means, so we have the opportunity... we have the opportunity now to analyze and understand how many and in which direction they flew exactly where, and regarding the telegram channel, you saw that the cruise missiles were constantly changing their course, constantly maneuvering in the western regions, especially such maneuvers towards the polish border , and in the opposite direction, i.e. usually this way dwarf rockets attack the entire territory of our state, there are already preliminary results. i will remind you once again, wait, we will publish them soon. yes, mr. yurii, i wanted to ask you about that, because really telegram channels wrote that the rockets are headed towards poland, i’m just wondering, but you say that this is how the russian forces use such a scheme, how much of a risk is it for the russian forces, or does the rocket clearly know the direction
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and clearly knows what is at the border poland needs to turn around, well, the missile is programmed on the eve of the strike, it is clear that it will fly. to a specific, specific place where it is assigned, makes a turn, which is also embedded in the programming, to the left to the right, can change course, thus can change times their course, well, they actually flew to the sambir district, it is not so far to the state border with poland, about 50 km, let's say so, then it turned in the direction of lviv, then turned again in the direction of the ternopil region. well, such maneuvers were carried out in ivano-frankivsk, ternopil , and lviv regions, and in particular they went through the vinnytsia region, in fact, these rockets bypassed the regional center from the south, and the rest was a repeat attack, it was from the direction
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of the sumy region, they attacked the capital is the city kyiv. i thank you, mr. yuriy, for promptly joining our broadcast and informing about the situation, yuriy ignat, spokesman of the air force command of the armed forces of ukraine, was a guest. i encourage you to write in the comments from where you see us, what is the situation in your city, how do you feel in such a situation. we are indeed following reports from official sources together with you, and as you can see, we include people live in this broadcast who can also report on the situation in the city, we have already talked about the situation in mykolaiv with the representative air force, and currently mykola povoroznyk , the first deputy chairman of the head of the kyiv city state administration joined our broadcast, mr. mykola, i congratulate you, this is such a difficult morning, tell me the details, the details, what is known now about the russian attack, what they attacked, how many means . and most importantly - are there victims and in which districts of the city? well, what was the attack, how many means
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were, let's say, used for the attack on kyiv, you spoke with the previous speaker, i 'll tell you, or according to the interviewer, i'll tell you what is happening in kyiv, we have damage to the residential sector in two districts, this is the dniprovskyi holosivskyi district, er, in dniprovskyi , several houses are more damaged by age, in rolusivskyi there is a hit directly into a house, extinguishing is going on there now. fire in the area of ​​the 11th, 12th, and 13th floors in an 18-story residential building , the residents are being evacuated, rescuers are working, doctors are working on these two bushes and the damage, accordingly, operational headquarters have been created in order to provide people with appropriate assistance as quickly as possible , except in addition, there is damage to electric power lines, this is the left bank, damage to the high-voltage line by debris about ... 30,000 consumers are now without electricity, according to
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experts, we will restore the supply of electricity by the end of the day, in addition, 30,000 consumers without electricity are on the left bank of the dnieper , mainly the left beri, the left beri, these disappearances of light that happened in places of the bush, this is the fault of the automatics during the attack, now the whole city is mostly closed, except for those bushes about ... that i said, except in addition, there is damage to heat networks, specialists are also now assessing all this damage in order to understand what is happening there, now only there, not only that, but specialists continue to work, emergency workers are working, doctors, at the moment there is already information about nine 10 victims, one of them received help on the spot, eight were hospitalized in a city medical institution. mr. mykola, thank you for joining. and informed us about the situation in the capital, mykola povoroznyk, first deputy chairman of kyiv city state
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administration, was a guest of svoboda ranok. next , let's talk about changes to mobilization, the updated draft law on mobilization must be adopted in the first reading, ombudsman dmytro lubinets wrote about this on his facebook, although a few hours before that he published another statement, regarding the draft law , he has many comments, and corrections, according to him , it can take nine pages. lubinets explained his decision by the fact that in the evening there was an urgent meeting with the minister of defense of ukraine rustem umyerov, during which the commissioner was convinced that the draft law must be adopted by the parliament in the first reading. according to lubinets, comments to the draft law can be settled before the second reading. among the caveats he describes, in particular, is a regulatory incident regarding the travel abroad of men aged 18 to 60 who are on or excluded from military registration. unfortunately, the implementation of measures to combat organized drug crime led not only to
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receiving information about the involvement of one of the editorial staff's operators in the distribution of narcotics substances, as well as public distribution of video materials. unfortunately, holding events, besides, according to the mayor, the obligation to register in an electronic cabinet, which means to use the internet, does not comply with the constitution of ukraine, the question of granting the right to representatives of the tcc to events contradicts the constitution. check military registration documents of citizens, because only national police officers and personnel of the state border guard service of ukraine can carry out such checks. i will add that the day before the head of the committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on national security, defense and intelligence, yehor chernya announced on the air of the national telethon that the verkhovna rada can support the updated government bill on mobilization in the first reading. cherniv expressed his hope that the document will be truly balanced by the second reading and explained that there are still many questions to... the draft law, and not all recommendations to the previous version have been taken into account, and according to cherniv, the specialized
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committee will consider the draft law on mobilization at a meeting today. to our broadcast yevhen dyka, expert, internationalist, scientist, veteran of the aidar battalion, joins. yevhen, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, here is the ukrainian ombudsman, as he noted nine pages of comments on the government's draft law on mobilization, but he... still called on the deputies to adopt it in the first reading, and what comments do you have on the government's proposals, which is blatant , what exactly needs to be changed, removed? uh, well,... let's start with what i also think is not it is possible to play again with transferring, withdrawing the draft law, etc., but this is very bad, very imperfect, it must be adopted in the first reading and further refined in the mode of parliamentary amendments, but to be honest, you are asking what still needs to be removed from there, and i'm talking about something completely different, you know, maybe it's better to write that, i'm just talking about
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the fact that, on the contrary, there is a lot to add, but i'm afraid that our deputies are definitely on it. are not ready, and that is why i am, unfortunately, very sad and skeptical about this draft law. actually, he is not you, he decides one of the two key problems, and without solving both of them, i believe that the mobilization process will not change much compared to what it is now. two fundamental things would have to be changed. in fact, what is the choice facing the average person now. the choice is as follows: either put on a pixel and... go to serve, it is not known for what term, actually buy a one-way ticket, if the war is still for a year, well, lucky, if the war is for another 10 years, well, then not lucky, or pay 1700 hryvnias fine for evasion of military registration, on in my opinion , both things should have been balanced here, a maximum term of service should have been established, even during the war, and
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a real punishment for evasion of military registration should have been established, if the maximum term of service... fortunately there is in the draft law, but without there would be nothing to talk about at all, but fortunately this norm exists, in my opinion, the norm is written imperfectly, it needs to be improved, but here we are talking about improvement, in general, it is still the key, well, it is really groundbreaking, compared to what we have now is what is introduced the maximum service life even during the war , that is 36 months, and the figure of 36 months itself is not... just a compromise, it is the minimum figure that we can afford, that's all the talk about 24 months, about 18 months, everything is absolutely cheap populism, that is, the person who proposes to introduce 18 or 24 months should simply say, okay, i have 700,000 recruits standing right here right now, with whom i am ready to replace the 7,000 that we have to immediately
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release in one wave, if we adopt 18 or 24 months, i think that no one has 7,000 new recruits of people's deputies are trained and lined up, so 36 months in total is the minimum norm, just permissible, but it is clear that the authors of this draft law have never served or fought at all, but for them, in principle, life is divided into service and not the service, and 36 months of service, for example, in the uzhhorod tsk, or 36 months of service as a clerk of a military unit, for them it is absolutely the same as 36 months in avdeyevka, in real life it is a very different 36 months, that is why this norm on mine the opinion should definitely be supplemented by the so-called combat coefficient, i.e. the total service life of 36 months, but it is precisely at the zeros that direct participation in hostilities should be counted as two or three days, and
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then this rule acquires a generally deep meaning, here then it will and about justice. it will also be about the fact that, in reality , it is precisely those who fight at zeros who need to be replaced faster, just that they wear out faster, well , in the end, this will also happen, it will also make the mobilization stretched over time, that is, it removes necessity, if not now then in a year, but still demobilize 700,000 people in one wave, but if you enter the combat coefficient, at zeros, everyone served their time, which is different from the others, accordingly , demobilization is also for everyone... it will be in its own time, and this, it will allow us to prepare normally replacement, i.e., the very fact that the rule on the deadline is introduced is very important, but it needs to be improved so that it works properly, but as for responsibility for evasion of military registration, i'm sorry, in this draft law it there is simply no, but the same 1700
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uah fine remains, everything and everything that tells about the repressive nature of this draft law, about the fact that there... some terrible repressions, punishments, there are no punishments at all, neither terrible, nor not terrible, there are temporary educational restrictive measures, i emphasize temporary, because they automatically stop, as only a person, so to be, volunteered to bring, excuse me, his ass to the tcc and appear there for registration, there are temporary restrictive measures, here and more nothing, at least there were in the first version of the bill. then serious fines, that's all, they are gone, they are gone here, well, let's see if they will appear, during the time when the deputies are gathering in the parliament, you yourself can see in which direction they are going, in general, you know, i ... to me, this whole story seems very sad, people have generally confused what , what to be afraid of, people are really afraid of offending the dodgers and have stopped being afraid
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of the occupation by orcs, on the one hand, on the other hand, mr. yevgeny, such a situation when the deputies do not can decide there with the government, regarding what it should be, what the rules should be, and society sees all of this, this is also a big question, i want to ask you about the initiative. the president about the decree even about him, he announced yesterday that he signed a decree on the creation of unmanned systems forces as a separate type of military, tell me about it, how necessary it is from a military point of view, how it will strengthen the army, no, and i am not ready for it to answer that, i also saw the decree just yesterday and it doesn't tell me anything yet, it's real, here we are let's see how exactly this decree will be, while i see the creation of a new kind of army, from which a whole series of general positions will automatically flow, let's say some more. let's say, administrative, that kind of thing , in fact, what will it give compared to the current one, for example, the management of unmanned aviation in the general staff, well, let's see, maybe there is
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a deep meaning in this, but just because the decree came out, well, excuse me, i don't know yet nothing to say, huh, well, that is, it cannot be said that it will somehow increase the production of drones there, will increase the production of drones for the armed forces, it is not it depends on that, and why should it increase the production of drones, well, more centralized, so to speak directed, or the fact that people are profiled. in our country, the navy produces ships, and the infantry produces kalashnikovs, well, here the release, the release is generally to komyshin, to the ministry of strategy and industry, excuse me, but it’s not, it ’s about use, not about releases, yevgeny, but such an initiative of the president and such a decree, where does it coincide with the vision of valery zaluzhnyi, who in his column on cnn wrote about a new strategy, and you did not want to ask it in valery zaluzhnyi? you know, i would like to ask, but do you understand that if there is such an opportunity, let's do it, okay, then i will return to the topic of mobilization, in the new draft law, the government officials propose to abolish
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armor for civil servants, they also propose to call them into the ranks of the army, it is also about the national police in the context of the situation in the dnipro, i and we saw the video on social networks, we will talk about it later on the air with a representative of the national police, so in this context, in your opinion, this norm will strengthen the armed forces and again yes or no will be there will be such a global opposition in the entire national police, well, by the way, i will clarify, it does not remove, let's be correct in the wording, the reservation rule is not removed, the fact is that under the current legislation there is an automatic postponement for all law enforcement officers, the father is removed, and instead it is introduced, for example, for employees of critical enterprises, the reservation of a part of specialists, and the exact percentage, how much can be reserved, will be determined by the cabinet of ministers, this... it can be the same as 100%, but it can only be half, or or, for example, a third, that's why let's be precise, what exactly is changing, but, it seems to me that this story in the dnipro, it showed not only
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that there will be resistance, and that people who are ready to receive for years salaries from our taxes, which are actually ready to receive not only salaries, directly, let's say, most of our law enforcement officers are in one way or another involved in non-salary forms of financing. yes, there are people who are ready there, dozens, dozens of operatives, for example, to follow the journalists of bigus, that's it further, that these people are absolutely not ready to defend our country from an external enemy, moreover, this story in the dnipro, it also showed that, and not the fact, that this is their country, if you, if you watched this video, by the way, i highly recommend showing it to our viewers, it’s not only about big, pumped-up men with... excellent physical training, which they regularly pass, who are afraid to go to the front and shout that they are not zseushniks, despite the fact that they are zseushniks now , excuse me, these are combiners, these are bartenders, these are
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itishniks, but they can storm something landings, they can hold the defense in the trenches, but these healthy bullies with a wonderful physique, no, they can't anymore, it's not just about that, it just so happened that one of the policemen who came to the police station was actually talking to them. in the wake of these non-pseudo-reforms of the avakovs after the revolution of dignity, and as a result, as soon as he starts to put pressure on these bugai to go and fight after all, he hears in response: and you are generally a nit from mayda, and he goes on about that that they defended the country with golden eagles on the maidan, yes, it's actually true, they really defended the country on the maidan, from us, from those who defended the country. and in fact, in fact, they have a country in their head. and we saw it perfectly in kherson, we saw it in melitopol, how the entire public perfectly switches to the side of the occupier, immediately offers them their services,
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immediately. walks, and taking advantage of the fact that all these years they lived here among us and received our money, how they with their knowledge went around and betrayed atoshniks, went and betrayed all the underground in kherson, exactly local eyes, excuse me ments, that is because visiting thesbeshniks would have had to organize the agency work for a very long time to find out everything, here it was all given to them on a turnkey basis, that is, in our country , a fifth column has been nurtured, which still dreams of a country in which the golden eagle , but i'm here, i wouldn't... that the viewer perceives this as a generalization of the entire police force, you mentioned, for example, kherson, and there, it seems, there was a case in kherson when a police officer, he died at the station when evacuating people during the russian attack, for example, and these are people who every day and a profession that protects us every day and in civilian life, just so you know, there was no such generalization, let's say yes, yes, if it didn't go to the same police, there are a lot of people who, especially in the patrol, many people who came after the revolution of dignity, when...
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they believed that there would really be a reform and at the level of the patrol police the reform was indeed carried out, but the reform of the patrol police covered up the preservation of all this, in particular in this berkutna, in particular, excuse me, well, i have enough communication with by law enforcement agencies, so unfortunately, yes, i am just generalizing, and just the exceptions are faster in the other direction, just the exceptions are faster in the other direction, we actually have a fifth column from this berkutna, from such trackers as i have seen elsewhere somewhere in the east of ukraine, in kyiv, in which she... in the 17th year, there was a bust of dzerzhynsky in the office, and only when it was explained to him that he would not pass the re-certification, he hid the bust and passed the re-certification. this avakov re-certification, in fact, preserved this fifth column, and therefore, honestly speaking, i would say that we are now skeptical about it, i understand, not just skeptical, it is a danger, it is a serious danger, you see, you and i keep people with our taxes who are at least not
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too loyal to this. let's put it this way, to say the least, and we now have a unique opportunity. your opinion, i heard your opinion , i hope that in this broadcast we will be able to include a representative of the national police, and also talk about how they see this situation, because they promised to investigate, it is really interesting to get, you know, established the circumstances where it happened, yes, it is possible to make an offer, after all, instead of what we took time, excuse me for unmanned aviation, which was not agreed upon, he can still agree on what, really, on my opinion is important, so now we have a unique... a unique opportunity, we can drive them all across the front, we can make it so that they all go through the mandatory order, well, just not through the service, because they all are convicts, by the way, they all served so well that in the 13th year on at the checkpoints, they harassed the volunteers there, we know it all very well, no, not at the checkpoints, namely at the front, but we have the opportunity to do such a de facto re-certification that only those who will remain in the law enforcement agencies who have at least one six-month
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i will resume the rotation... in order and then, this is a unique chance lost in the 15th year, now we have, we can think of two, thank you for joining in, expressing your opinion, evgeny dyka, international expert, scholar veteran of the battalion aidar was a guest of svoboda ranok. this is svoboda ranok, subscribe to radio svoboda, be sure to post your thoughts and write your questions to the speakers in the comments. in the lviv region, there is a hit at an industrial facility, the hit happened in drohobych, a partial hit was recorded. the destruction of the building on an area of ​​about 300 m2, the fire continues , and firefighters are working on the spot, and as of now there is no information about the injured or the dead, - said the head of lviv ova , maksym kozytskyi. and that is why i also encourage you to subscribe to the radio liberty channel, there is operational news, including from our you can see the broadcast. next, let's talk about the noisy business around running. the case of
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surveillance of journalists will now be investigated by the sbi. the press service of the office of the prosecutor general of ukraine reported on such a decision the day after the publication of the investigation by the bigusinfo team itself, in which the journalists established that they were being monitored by sbu employees, in particular employees of the national statehood protection department. and here is the statement of the prosecutor general andrii kostin. violations of journalists' rights are unacceptable and subject to careful consideration and proper reaction. the prosecutor's office has an obligation to guarantee. protection of journalists from any forms of pressure and harassment, and journalists to receive information about this work. the head of the security service of ukraine, vasyl malyuk, commented on the involvement in the monitoring of journalists of the bigusinfo project and employees of its department. he called the actions unacceptable and said they led to a series of personnel decisions. malyuk, malyuk reminded that earlier, at his request, the president fired the head of the department of defense of the national statehood


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