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tv   [untitled]    February 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm EET

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in the morning, let's look literally several times, let's look together. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. unconstitutional provisions and corruption risks. the controversial bill on mobilization was passed in the first reading. peculiarities of the government's information policy. drainage tanks against journalism. who will be responsible for the pressure on zmi? 61 billion on konu the us senate may fail a bill with aid to ukraine. why are trump and the republicans playing along?
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we will talk about this and other things for the next hour with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine yaroslav yurchyshyn, journalist tetyana nikolayenko and volodymyr tsibulek, a political expert. in an hour we will have political scientists olek sayakyan, maksym rozumny and oleksiy holobutsky. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching the video of today's consequences. terrorist of the russian attack on kyiv, fragments of rockets hit a high-rise building in the holosiivskyi district, four people died, about 40 were injured, footage of the aftermath of the attack, let's see.
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that everything shook, i look up , the chandelier is shaking , my brother runs into my room, he says, we have a window broken from the other side, here i go, everything, everything is broken, everything is in pieces, we were at home, come again , there were explosions. it was heard how it flew on the vedak, let 's go down to the basement again, and then we heard a rush of smoke, all the glass suddenly flew out and so the refrigerator covered everyone, everything was revealed so that they sighed, all the katsaps what?
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friends, for those who are currently watching us on youtube and facebook, please like this video and also take part in our vote, today we ask you... about this: do you support zelensky's idea of ​​a power reset? yes, no, please, everything is quite simple on youtube , either yes or no, if you have your own opinion, please write in the comments below this video, support this video on youtube, and if you watch us on tv, take to hold a smartphone or phone and vote if you support the reset of power under zelensky 0.800 211 381 no. 0800-211-382.
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all calls to these numbers are free. at the end of the program, we will sum up the results of this vote. and we have our first guest, yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy of ukraine, chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on freedom of speech. mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you. thank you for joining our program today. good evening. so, today the verkhovna rada of ukraine passed in the first reading of the government bill on strengthening mobilization 10.449 and the day before the anti-corruption committee of the verkhovna rada recognized the updated bill on mobilization as containing corruption risks, there were comments on this bill both in the specialized committee and in the commissioner of human affairs, regarding the constitutionality of some provisions of this bill, are you in favor of this bill, i understand you didn't vote or did you vote, did you vote? three of them voted, all
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others did not vote. explain the logic of those who those who voted did not vote either. those who did not vote had every opportunity to speak. about the imperfection of the draft law, about the fact that certain of its norms, which were mentioned by mr. lobinets, do not correspond to the constitution, as they restrict constitutional rights, and in accordance with our constitution, but i want to emphasize the peacetime constitution, if the laws currently specify a certain age for mobilization, then... reading the constitution, directly downgrading this bill is debatable from the point of view of the constitution, since it limits rights, and with the argument of this position, why this norm actually exists, this position of the ombudsman is debatable,
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well, firstly, the constitution directly determines that during the state of war, in which the country is now, certain rights can be limited, and... secondly, the ukrainian constitution will operate only in those territories that will remain under the constitution, under the jurisdiction of ukraine. in crimea, donetsk, luhansk, unfortunately, the constitution is not valid now, and mobilization is in full swing there, but unfortunately, those who will fight with us. ah, actually, whatever my colleagues who voted against wanted adequate work of the government, adequate. work of the general staff, this draft law should have been appointed and presented by the minister of defense, he was present, but his chief of staff was not present, and this is quite logical, because if there are no longer rumors, but actually facts that the chief of staff will be changed, well then i'm sorry,
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but what is his role in this process in principle, so it's just... a scapegoat, it's logical that he wasn't there, in fact, i'm quite positive that this draft law will get a sufficient number of votes in the second reading, predicts that there will be a lot of amendments, my logic to vote for is connected with only one thing, and now the mobilization is severely slipping, we saw the events in space, and we now we, we will now watch these events, because that's what it's for. very important, let's see and then you comment on what happened in kosmocha, this is a story that happened in kosmocha, a woman was driving with a child and the women of the potential mobilized blocked the road because they thought that
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she was like what, what she seems to be a gunner from the tsk, i.e. military commissars, they stopped her and started talking... about the fact that she should be responsible for the fact that she came there to hand over their men, some noises, some sound is coming in parallel, turn it off, please, please , well, this is the story , this woman was not beaten, or she was beaten there with cerebral palsy, they beat the little girl, the daughter who was there, well, that is, this evasion riot, it took place in space, far from the border with russia and from the front. but this is the obvious thing that can happen after the adoption of this bill also or not? sergey, this happened before the adoption of this draft law, i am not connecting it with the draft law that was passed in the verkhovna rada, i am talking about the fact that what kind of
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reaction the law can cause already in the form of a law, let's be as sincere as possible and not well, that is, regardless of what i presented. the political class of our state is there , i would like to say, we have run out of volunteers, all the people who had the good will to go to defend the state are already there, some have died, some are wounded, forced not to serve now, although most likely they would opportunities immediately return to the front, now the overwhelming majority of people left in the country in very minor cases, who need to be additionally... motivated, what could, how could the government do it, and special companies, such as, for example, the mobilization company for the third of the assault brigade , which has now filled practically the entire media
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space, where it is shown that service in the army is both status and respect, and, in principle, an opportunity to write oneself into history, this is... additional training courses so that people who are afraid, but it is assumed that they are ready to fight, they went prepared, and understood when, how, in which camp they would fall. to the armed forces, that in fact they will be able to defend themselves, they have enough weapons, they have enough training, and the third thing, which is extremely important, is the clear terms of demobilization, this is what the government bill is most criticized for, it is about the fact that mobile demobilization prescribed for 36 months, and in principle those who went to serve in the 22nd year in february can already... calculate that there is not much left, well, although, of course, it will always be a lot, but there is
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such an additional, additional circumstance that the final decision is made by the bet, and this is already a problem, because the bet may accept, it may not accept, there are no categories that, relatively speaking, if it did not accept at 36, then a maximum of 42 , demobilization automatically occurs, and a person can completely... after agreeing with the leadership of the military unit , leave the combat positions, because really people should recover, but - why is it extremely important that the new law on mobilization be, first, we we are already talking about him quarter, despite the fact that mr. zaluzhnyi repeatedly said directly that he needed additional forces, he did not mention the number, at least at open meetings. but he very clearly said that if we want, it is not even a matter
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of deoccupation there by 1991, but of holding the borders and providing the opportunity for a high-quality negotiating position, when and if the peace plan offered by ukraine is still on the agenda, and the world will force putin to sit down at the negotiating table so that we have favorable positions, for this... we need we need equipment, we need weapons , but unfortunately, we need a human asset, so new rules of mobilization are necessary, and accordingly , now we have to give a lot more material for russian propaganda, that the verkhovna rada once again ordered mobilization, well, maybe someone is ready to take on such responsibility, i i am ready to take such responsibility that if this draft law, to which there are many questions, is not improved before the second reading, then it will not receive the required number of votes, mr. yaroslav, but why am i the leader of this process
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is not the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine? well, mr. serhiy, for me this is one of the biggest questions, even i would say more that when there was a discussion about the fact that people have the constitutional right not to serve, but to occupy... the economic front and the like, now it is expedient, well there i will not quote verbatim, but some such things slipped through the cracks , you know, well, for those who are actually called holyants, it was such a huge sign of the type, yes, we can, we have the right to fight for our rights, and the only thing that prevails most is a very good analogy, of course any historical analogy, you know, is going to falter, but there it is. and once upon a time , the peasants of kholony yariv, who actually did not
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go to fight with the rebels of cold yariv, but at times surrendered the rebels of cold yariv, to the soviets, soviet troops, then were forced to eat their children. i would really like it if in kosmocha, in other cities, where there are currently discussions about the constitutionality, restriction of rights and the like in the process of mobilization, it will not prove... to mobilize as many had to to mobilize in february 22nd, when katsaps stood under their cities, then it was possible to mobilize easily within two months, to turn from an army of two hundred to an army of one million, but why? because the threat did not come from missiles, but the threat came from the fact that your house literally within a few days there could be occupied and... i would not want it to happen to us, and then there would be no discussion about the constitutionality of this process, then again
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there will be cars, folding sides and machines for simply showing a ukrainian passport, if we want it, we can continue to discuss whether mobilization is needed or not, if we want it, we can have a long debate on whether anti-corruption or anti- corruption or anti-constitutional articles can be amended between the first and second readings. by the way, almost the entire composition of the anti-corruption committee , led by the chairman, voted in favor, clearly stating that we have comments, so we will submit amendments so that this law does not include the second reading. corruption norms, let's remember this norm about demobilization, because the author of the alternative draft law on mobilization, a member of the european solidarity faction, oleksiy goncharenko, criticized the government bill precisely for the lack of settlement of the issue of demobilization , let's hear it, it has become even worse than
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the last bill, because the key rule is the rule about the term of service. determine it, i have been fighting for it for almost a year, and during this year i heard no, no, no, no, no, no, you can never, then they said, well, 36 months, and now they added 36 months, but dismissal for a separate bet decision, which can be waited for years, as those unfortunate conscripts are already waiting, who are also being deceived by this bill, it is a bill of lies, you cannot vote for... a lie. mr. yaroslav, according to yaroslav zheliznyak's preliminary calculations, this law will enter into force if everything goes as planned in april. so, what will change in the army, in the state, and what will happen to all of us who fall under the law on mobilization, starting from april. i don't have
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as much confidence as mine. a colleague who did not vote for this draft law, that it will be possible to gather votes without changing what oleksiy honcherenko said there, so that they are clear terms, without changing the fact that corruption risks or anti -unconstitutionality should be properly regulated where it is really clearly regulated, so it is optimistic that it is april, but in fact so far according to the way the law was prepared, it is already the third, in fact its model, how poorly the authorities listened to the proposals realistic enough, in particular about the terms of demobilization, the demobilization procedure, and i predict that there will be a lot of amendments, that it will be extremely difficult to go to the second reading at the end of february, and again we remember that
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this bill is very important so that was presented by someone who actually has... respect in society, i would very much like mr. zaluzhnyi to have remained the head of the general staff at that time, i.e. the commander-in-chief, and he could have gone out and presented so that all these obscure , obscure things would have been removed, but something to me suggests that this will not happen, and that is why i do not predict that anything will change critically in april, as of now, the adoption in the first reading has not categorically changed anything, the only thing is that... they removed the possibility in russian propaganda to manipulate the that the verkhovna rada for the third time, it was not able to adopt a law on mobilization, well, it is not about the fact that we do not have mobilization at all, there is mobilization, there is simply no draft law, i think this is the eighth or ninth time that it has already been extended for two years, well, the terms of mobilization , so, in principle
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, there is nothing to speculate here, because the mobilization in ukraine is going on anyway, for... well, you know very well that russian propaganda, as before, soviet or tsarist, in principle, does not need anything to manipulate and, we call it black and white and the like, but it is fact-fact, that is, if the verkhovna rada fails the law on mobilization, in the general information space, what does this mean? that's right, mobilization has failed, ukrainians cannot, do not want, have no desire to go and defend their state, and this completely closes the thesis that earlier tens of thousands of cities... were mobilized, now thousands of people are mobilizing, and many of them voluntarily, that is, it really is such a rather long process, i really hope that now this period is without hope of counterspell, and this one the period will not be spent again on pushing a decision, because the world is moving, but constructive
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work will be established and amendments will be taken into account, because i emphasize once again, there will be many, many amendments and... even if it is possible to get to some reading in the committee , which very creakingly, despite the majority of representatives of the majority in the national security committee , adopted this bill, so far from being unanimous, so, for the second reading, i am not sure that it will be possible to gather votes, if all the issues that are not settled they are reasonable, will there be a lot of populism around this, there will definitely be, on... politics has returned, and now very often you can't see the trees for the forest, as well as the fact that the mobilization that will be held in our country until now is being carried out, is being carried out. mechanisms of civil time. since the full-scale invasion, our mobilization mechanisms have not changed once. we accept the continuation of mobilization, but we use
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the mechanisms that were in place before the full-scale invasion. volunteers, volunteers, already at the front, honor and praise to them. in the rear, mostly those people who either hesitate or will expose the kosovar women from the fence remained. and not go to mobilize , can peacetime mobilization provide at least a reserve to replenish what the ukrainian army is losing, it is necessary to have a reserve in order to be able to win back our territories, well, that is a big question. zaluzhny spoke very clearly at the conciliatory meetings, now this procedure does not work, a new procedure is needed. did he talk about the procedure described in the law? no, because no describe his role. procedure, this is the role of the government and politicians, whether he is satisfied with this procedure, i think we will hear in the near future, when he will be able to talk about it, but
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the fact that without changing the quality of this law, it will be much more difficult to gather votes for it, and here it is unlikely there will be three approaches to this, i can guarantee you that, thank you, mr. yaroslav, another question about biguus info and about the report. the kid on this issue regarding the monitoring of the team, the bigusinfo journalistic team, will this report, well , the carpet, relatively speaking, be for the kid in verkhovna to the council of ukraine, how do you see this situation now? in fact, it was supposed to be today, because according to the regulations, it is called for the next meeting, but here there is a certain and, let's say, trick, because we are, in principle, sitting in the format of one meeting. that's why, but purely technologically, if the majority there wants to or does not want to listen to the head of the sbu, for whom they
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voted, then in principle they can say, well, we have the next meeting of the next session, they have such, by the way, there were already technological things there, but today we are from the faction, because it was our initiative to invite mr. malyuk, they asked the chairman of the verkhovna rada with a question, so... the answer was that the resolution was sent to the security service of ukraine, they were warned that when the conciliation council of factions and committees is decided, there will be a hearing accordingly, i really hope that in the 20s on the dates when we should logically have the following meetings, we will hear mr. malyuk, and the answer to the key question, who ordered it? who do you think should resign in this situation? here, in principle, an analysis
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of the situation with more data than we have is needed. ah mr. malyuk says that the resignation of semenchenko , the head of the department who actually carried out the surveillance, whose employees carried out the surveillance, has already been fired, well... the big question is how he was fired, and, that is , whether criminal proceedings have been opened for the recovery of his official position there, since , as the sbu says, this surveillance was illegal, and is it, as is very popular in our country, a personal statement, and without a report, without any explanation as to why it happened, that is why the first question is for mr. malyuk , no one is questions... the importance of the security service of ukraine, the heroism of the employees of the alpha unit or those who carry out assassinations on the territory of the aggressor country, whether
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he works in the rear there to minimize the influence of the so-called moscow patriarchy, but did mr. malyuk himself know whether it was made to bypass him, here he should be maximally interested'. in order to cut off such incomprehensible influences , as many of your fellow journalists, especially journalists and investigators, are now saying, this could not have happened without, let’s say, coordination with by the curator of the law enforcement structure in the president's office, the infamous oleg tatarov , who is still known from the days of the maidan, who told me from and... the ministry of internal affairs that the maidanites shot themselves there, that's why there are more questions than answers, in fact, why the parliament and should have shown his subjectivity and invited
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the head of the security service of ukraine to... submit a report, but this story from bigusinfo, actually, it reminded me of another story about a possible wiretapping of the office, attempts of a possible wiretapping of the office where zaluzhny was supposed to work, and this there was, if i am not mistaken, in the month of december, when there were spooks peeking out of this office, and they publicly announced that someone wanted to eavesdrop on someone there, that is, there are a lot of questions, and if, for example, the same kid... of the security service of ukraine did not know what was being done in the department for monitoring the press, or what it was called there, well, it is the former fifth department of the kgb of the ussr, which was always engaged in security, yes, well, security, if he did not know that, then this is also a question for the head of the sbu, if he, if he does not know what something is happening in his department, so he is also in principle responsible for it, that is,
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no one is underestimating the role of the security service of ukraine today'. war and security service employees of ukraine, they proved themselves as fighters at the front and outside the front in the enemy's rear, but in this situation the editors of the bigus-info project simply took and undressed all of them, this security department, that is, how did it happen, didn't it? we have such weak personnel in the security service of ukraine that the journalist team. just during there a week or two they just took and prepared them, well, once or twice. well, there is an explanation that you want to believe, and there is an explanation that is most likely realistic. i want to believe that the best personnel of the security service are now fighting russia and its agents, and therefore in this department
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the national defense. from journalists , investigators, yes, they were engaged in, well, the worst of the worst, in reality, it seems to me that the very formulation of the tasks of this department, i.e. trying to find enemies of the government, assumed that there would be people in it, well, who are not very effective showed themselves to others directions, those who are ready... to take on any case, but for us the key question, mr. serhiu, is exactly what you said, is it self-indulgent, and then mr. malyuk and the sbi, who are currently investigating this case, have show why such self-activity is possible in the structure of the security service of ukraine and should definitely bear managerial responsibility, well, at least the deputy who supervised this department, or... the situation
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will be even worse if the security service will continue to try to find some fantastic explanations, except that they followed there behind some big drug cartel and the like, although in fact this is the jurisdiction of the national police and clearly not the security services of ukraine, but by chance they actually got into the hands of journalists, well, we will understand that... unfortunately, since the murder of heorhiy gongadze, not much has happened changed in the law enforcement structures, because let me remind you, the first version after the discovery of george's body was that he was killed by drug addicts, because they did not share, they were looking for a dose that supposedly should have been in george, also hinting at the fact that all journalists are fathers , they are drug addicts there, you can't trust them it's worth it, understanding the trust in george,
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there... there were many versions, and they are not among these versions. thank you, mr. yaroslav, for the conversation, it was yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the parliamentary committee on freedom of speech. friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who are currently watching us there, please do not forget to like it, it promotes our video in the trends of youtube and facebook, and of course, take part in our voting, today we ask you about... do you support zelenskyi's idea of ​​restarting the government? yes, no, if you watch us on youtube, it's pretty simple, either yes or no, and accordingly, write a comment if you have a different opinion, if you watch us on tv, if you understand what it's about, which zelensky's power reset, 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211


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