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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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well, we understand that there are different cases, and it is simply easier and faster for a person to explain it, for example, in russian, for various reasons, that's why it happens, in principle , the situation is, let's say, ambiguous, but i think that , as they say, time will put them in their place, of course, they are special forces, and in principle, it is partially clear that if they all go, then who will remain for the right, well here for protection in the dnipro, but for when the decision was made, that who, who will transfer to this... brigade
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people, i think that in principle it was discussed and it was understood that it is the policemen who go there and the representatives of state bodies, let's say, well, either you go, or you, or you get a report for dismissal, as the statistics say in connection with the fact that now only in the transcarpathian region, as far as i know, there is no curfew, and the rest in... how many crimes there are now, and the police themselves say that crimes have decreased due to the fact that that people do not frolic, i will say so, at night, and what about this situation in the dnipro itself they say whose side they are on, on the side of these special forces or on the side of those who say... they should join this assault brigade, on
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whose side, well, you know, you can't say, here are the statistics, let's say, from is silent on this matter, because in order to provide statistical data, it is necessary to conduct a survey, let's say so, but uh, well, again, there are two opinions, the first opinion is, of course, that they have... to leave, but the second thought is that who will remain then, if they all leave, who will be here, on the farm, let's say this, and it is very difficult to say who is more, because we see that in society in principle, in general, in general, there are many times, i heard that i will go to war.
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only after all the deputies go to fight , but we have deputies who are fighting, we have fighting deputies, and people's deputies, and the children of deputies, well, that is, the mayor and former mayors, so this is, to put it this way, my reluctance to close with these expressions, of course, you can cover yourself with anything. but if you understand that it is in the first place all the same special forces like that, special forces units, sorry morning, they have , let's say, a better chance to understand what's happening on the battlefield, to save their lives, because you 're training them.
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they come training, as one of my professors at the university once said, it is hard to be a scientist, easy to be in the heart of defeat, but if you draw such an analogy, then of course society is more inclined to this opinion, what is needed, what is needed, of course, what is needed, but here are such cases that stand out... from this mass, those who remained, or let's say, such odious personalities, and they don't go to fight, and society sees that they are free, and such, in principle, everything is fine, then of course these thoughts arise, and then why should these guys blow for there are people like these heathens, so there is no clear answer, of course, that... the answer is, i think that
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yesterday's video from kosmach, ugh, where the woman was decided that she was targeting a military commander, one thing is that... if she learn about russian missiles, here they learn about military commissars, well this, well this is just trash, i'm sorry, but this just cracks, but you see, these are such similar stories, at least one story from one end of the country, and the other story from the other end of the country, they are very similar, not very similar, but the only thing is that, well, there are different discussions here, but their b should start to be conducted in a legal way, because somewhere at the level of some comments in some public all these discussions. of course, it is not spoken in one way or another, the question is that there should be some kind of informational conversation, an adult conversation in society, because it is just now to push through some law on mobilization, which actually it solves very narrow tasks
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, it's not clear by what means at the moment, although there has to be some kind of consensus, there has to be some kind of social contract, er... maybe, you know, there could be this thing that people in space say, what we have to go and die somewhere in the donbass, it’s very far, yes, people there also speak russian, they don’t look like us, it’s true, and then they, and they watch the video and say, even the police, special forces in the dnipro , they don't want to fight there near the front, but what about us we have to go, from here to the carpathians, you see, and this shows that, in principle, there is unity in society. about which they told, it really does not exist, and if it does not exist, then the stories that were told about, they were built on lies, does this mean that this unity is impossible, i am sure that it is possible, otherwise there would not be so many people volunteers in the first days of the war, it means that this unity exists,
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but around what should it be built, and what should be common to all. it also requires their concept and understanding of the situation talking, not so, as you know, in our country, patriotism was replaced by bayraktarshchyna , cultural policy was replaced by minister tkachenko, and so on and so forth, and they want to change the law on mobilization, electronic bandages, the question of mobilizing the state, society and economy, this not the same thing, and unfortunately, in this absence of this... and adult conversation, as you say, power, i mean, in principle, power, any power, loses, let's say, its authority in in the eyes of the people, and simply that
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something big is happening, a chasm is being built with your own hands. between the government and the people, and the further this goes, the more, more and more it will be, so we have to do something about it, and first of all, this is , of course, exactly what from such adult dialogues, from explanations and from the absence, in the absence such, er, blanks, which will work, er... at the hand of this, let's say, injustice, ms. khrystyna, thank you, that's how we talked about dnipropetrovsk oblast, and in general about what worries all of ukraine, khrystyna kalyushik, coat, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council was with us, now we will have our next
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guest on the phone, let's talk with him, but there is also interesting news spread by the holodomor museum, the one for which there was not enough, for the construction of which there was not enough money, that is, there was money, it was from partners, but this was vetoed with the fact that you cannot spend this money during the war, even though this money was from our partners and it could not go to our army, because there is a clause that says that it is money not a military purpose, nevertheless, if you look at, for example, ireland, which has a similar history to ours and which also... survived a famine, a great famine, it was of a slightly different nature, nevertheless, they have their own museum of famine, which they, where they take all foreign tourists, and i with the help of which they tell about their history, about
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their country, so the holodomor museum reported that two new streets have appeared in dnipro, named after those people, and... you can see them on your screens if you face the screen on the left - this is james mace, and the name of the street is named after him, who is he? lonya holikova is a kind of pioneer hero. this is the head of the commission of the us congress on famine issues, and an american historian who did everything to ensure that the famine was talked about, and robert conquest, the one who was involved, academician kislovsky street was named after him, robert conquest is american historian, author of the well-known book skorobota's harvest, the soviet co... and the holodomor, these are the people, remember their faces, their names and thank them that
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we, perhaps we, and now the whole world will gradually learn what famine which arranged by russia. our next guest is volodymyr bitsak, the commander of the third company, the eighth dftg, the voluntary formation of the territorial community, the deputy chairman of the sumy district council is joining us. mr. volodymyr, good morning, i don't know if i said the accent in your last name correctly. correct me , please, yes, everything is correct, the eastern outpost of the defense of our country welcomes you, mr. volodymyr, what is the situation in sumy oblast, this night the russians somehow shelled the sumy community in particular, please tell me what the consequences are, if to analyze the last week, on february 5 , about 300 explosions were recorded in the area, especially the city was bombarded with hail. where a man was killed, his mother was also wounded, and a neighbor,
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a transformer substation was damaged, and if, if we look at last night, february 7, more than 150 explosions were recorded, three guided aerial bombs were dropped on the bilopolsk community, on yunikovo the village of podinovska otg, four aerial bombs were also dropped, injuring one woman. damaged farm the farm has 11 tractors, two combine harvesters, there are seeders worth millions of hryvnias , there are losses from this, if you analyze the situation in general, as i analyze for myself, what the rashists have been throwing at the border recently, then i see that again as in the 23rd year of the beginning these guided aerial bombs appeared, which are released somewhere , well, 20 km from the border, then... again, aviation appeared on our borders and, unfortunately , such drones also appeared, which we
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use against them, and they use them against us in pythia as well drones and vogs they began to drop also intensively, that is why resolve, including, is also being improved not only on the front line, as i am told , a lot of this also appeared in it, and also in our direction, that is also the case, that is, in fact, they fire these attacks first of all. ordinary private houses, as well as some kind of, i don't know, infrastructure, that is, what is the point of this, just to make the border areas in the region uninhabitable, well, i believe that this is done like such a disorderly, disorderly fire in order to to have nightmares our border areas, in order to keep border guards at these places, some forces of the armed forces of ukraine for countermeasures. this, well, this, these actions of theirs. i, well, as commander naiv noted
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, in our section, this is the chernihiv-sum region, there are no strike groups, well , you understand, if only the length of the sumy region, 564 km, plus chernihiv, then 2,000 rashists per border, this is a small number on such a border length, and i also ask about the situation with shelters in the city, because i read a report that no district or the neighborhood is not 100% sheltered, what does this mean in principle? well, as the head of the military administration, mr. drozdenko, noted, these shelters are not completely completed, as far as i know and am informed, the authorities are doing everything to ensure that this year, yesterday, for example, there was a meeting on this matter. where the places that will be in this were determined, well, the maximum number of places, to
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divide the city into sectors and so that in each sector there were, well, holes, well, let’s say, evenly distribute, which this year it is planned to repair the shelter, so, well everything is being done in order to fulfill this, to carry out repair work on shelters and provide residents with normal such conditions, normal. i also read that there are about 1,500 unemployed in the sumy , are they all unemployed, or are there some who are not even registered so that they are not suddenly... not called, well, there are several factors, let's say, again, borderline ones , which are the forced migrants, whom i, among other things , urge to relocate from the five-kilometer zone, and there are also factors, of course, from the central committee many people take refuge in the so-called khyliants, there is also this factor, well, and also,
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since, well, let's not say that some industries have curtailed their work, then, of course , the number of labor positions that could be, unfortunately, has decreased i hope that after our victory everything will return to normal, and jobs will appear and everything will be fine. mr. volodymyr, tell us more about these special permits that apply to a five-kilometer zone in the border areas, what does this mean, what does this five-kilometer zone mean? well, look, not everything is as clear as such information is spread, the ban is a five-kilometer zone. there are 23 designated sections of roads, near these, let's say , we fire at them as much as possible where the drg entered, and these, for this reason , traffic is prohibited in all 23 sections, in the rest, in the rest of the five-kilometer zone of permission for traffic only from the 80th until
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now until 17:00, in the summer from the summer period. traffic will be allowed until 8:00 p.m., thank you for the information volodymyr bitsak, commander of the third company, voluntary formation of the territorial community, deputy the head of the sumy district council was in touch with us, now we are going for a short break, then we will return and move to mariupol, stay with us, we are tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strongy saw. just for you, you can easily cut trees and bushes with it, it is so convenient to use it for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1499, also a reliable battery is included, call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check at
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, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep abreast of economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who to many they became relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours, big. well, dear friends, we are coming back, and now we will move with you to mariupol, dmytro zabavin, mp mariupol city council, join us, you can already see it on your screens, mr. dmytro, we congratulate you, good morning, financial times did an investigation about construction companies. russian ladies who trade in mariupol, i don't know if you have seen this investigation or read this material, it is already laid out, it is translated
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into ukrainian, if you have read it, share your impressions, if not, maybe you were a commentator in this material, well i read the summary about what is happening with the so-called... temporary employment in mariupol and in general on a temporary basis in the occupied territories, and here is what recently appeared there from the side of the occupiers, who say that in 2024 they will build as many as 147,000 and put into operation 147, m2 of mortgage... housing on the territory of the temporarily occupied territory of donetsk oblast, and if we simply figure the number sounds so much 147,000, if we divide
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it by the average number of square meters of an apartment there, and then also houses, then it will turn out to be about 28, 28 houses, and it is declared on such a large scale, but if we let's make a comparative characterization that the occupiers in mariupol damaged and destroyed more than 200 multi-story buildings, well , that is 1.5% of what the occupiers destroyed in mariupol, and moreover, we are talking about mortgages, and recently there was information that that the occupiers in the very center of mariupol started. destroy the communication building, which they destroyed back in march 2022, and
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there are a lot of rumors among the residents of mariupol that residential construction will be done there, well, that is, this is the red line in mariupol, this is the central avenue, the avenue peace, and there will be... building high-rise buildings, respectively, for their sale , and regarding what is generally happening with these construction companies, i.e. there are a number of buildings nearby, for example, the house with the clock, which all mariupol residents know well, its occupants also demolished and they build there under a mortgage, so it's all about making money. the occupiers in the temporarily occupied territory, i.e. the people who lived there, are not going to be given housing, they are given housing, as a rule
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, on the outskirts of the city, where they build barracks in the literal sense of the word, i.e. three-story buildings, imagine, which are not connected to the central sewage system, they are, well, they are really barracks, and in which even the doors do not close after... for the installation there, well, that is, there was subsidence on the house, because there is only one name from the foundation , that is, so that everyone understands that the building regulations are there, compliance with some construction regulations, in general, there is no such thing in the construction of so-called social housing, and the same thing, what is there... in the so-called mortgage, there is also a complete non-compliance with
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construction regulations , so... whatever they are there they are building now, after the deoccupation it will have to be demolished, because it is dangerous to live there, $100-1,200 per square meter, not bad, this is a lot, i would say, in my opinion, i read that in moscow, such and such prices , and you do understand that the picture that the occupiers create in their propaganda plots and to whom is this propaganda and plots directed? they rely on their internal consumer, and the main buyers of these low-quality square meters are the very citizens of terrorist russia, that is, those whom they bring them there to work, they also tell them about how it is good to invest in real estate on the coast of the sea of ​​azov, that is , what goal they set before themselves, the first
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is to earn, the second is to win. the father-in-law of those guest workers, their obedient slaves, whom they brought from various remote corners of their terrorist country to mariupol in order to replace the local population and at least equalize it, i.e. 100,000 remain local, 70,000 are already foreigners, they want to increase this number to 100, to be 50 by 50, and accordingly, how you can tie a person. having given her a mortgage loan for 20-30 years, and they will pay this mortgage and live in the temporarily occupied territory, and they do not understand that this is all, let's say, the occupiers do in suitcases, because they have no confidence that they they will be there for a long time, taking into account how much and how much flooding is happening both in mariupol and in
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the mariupol district. if we talk about the elections that are approaching in russia, they will be a little more, or in a month , and i understand that in mariupol it will be allowed to vote even with a ukrainian passport for president putin, how is it possible in principle, we have two minutes, at least a little less, i understood, well, look, what is happening there is complete profanation. there you are, i wouldn’t even call it an election process, these are some gatherings, that is, the same way they collected signatures, the same way they conducted past pseudo-elections, where there is no mass at all, that is, they were unable to show even in propaganda stories the mass of that that the people of mariupol are going to vote, that's why they said even there that
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will vote and come. or guest workers , well, that is, to create, they only need a picture for the internal consumer, they understand that these elections are not only illegal, which no one recognizes, it is just a crime, well, what they do is in international law crime, and therefore they do not need any vision regarding the recognition of the election process there, that is, it is just a picture for the internal consumer, but even this they are not able to do and there is already... information that those collaborators who undertook the implementation of this so-called of the electoral process, well, that is, they are not coping with this task, i think that after those so-called elections, many heads will fly from local collaborators, and well, someone accidentally seems to be in a car accident and so on and will end their inglorious existence there, regarding the electoral process, i advise all mariupol residents do not
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participate. even if they want to vote against the main sinkhole of russia, do not take part in this farce, because it can be dangerous, because the russians will arrange provocations themselves to then tell how and why there were no mariupol citizens, because it was very scary, because provocations are being organized, mr. dmytro, thank you, dmytro zabavin, deputy of mariupol. dear friends, he told us some news from occupied mariupol, and now kateryna shirokopoyas will tell us news about ukraine and what is happening in the world, she is ready with a fresh selection. katya, i congratulate you on your word. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the statements of the white house regarding the financing of defense assistance to ukraine and updated information about the trial of former intelligence officer roman chervinskyi.


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