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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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the strategy of launching the war , which zaluzhnyi admitted, was a mistake, mykola, we must finish, thank you, mykola malomuzh, general of the army of ukraine, was with us, at 9 o'clock we will all honor the memory of ukrainians who died due to russian aggression, with a minute of silence. let's honor with a minute of silence the memory of the ukrainian military and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in... the war that was unleashed by russia.
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greetings, you are watching svoboda ranok, my name is oleg galiv and we are about to start. the verkhovna rada adopted the government's proposal in the first reading the draft law on changing the rules of military service, mobilization and military accounting, voted for the servants of the people and several deputy groups. the opposition parties did not support the document because they consider certain norms to be unconstitutional, so what will happen next and when will the mobilization in ukraine take place according to the new rules? the us senate failed to vote for a bill to strengthen the migration policy, which included additional funds for ukraine. israel and
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taiwan. of the required 60 votes , only 49 senators spoke in favor, which means that that ukraine will remain without aid. conflict in the village of kosmet in prykarpattia , a resident of a nearby town complained that she and her young daughter were beaten by a group of angry women who decided that she allegedly cooperated with the tsk and, i quote: came to the village to surrender their husbands. the police have already started criminal proceedings under the article of hooliganism. more in the broadcast later. i remind you of the importance of your likes and comments, this will allow this video to become popular on the network and be seen by more people, and also subscribe to the youtube channel radio svoboda, if you haven't done so yet. the probability that the provisions of the updated government bill on mobilization will not comply with the constitution is close to zero. oleksiy danilo, secretary of the national security and defense council, said this in an interview with ukrainian truth. according to him, the president and deputies, who bear
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political responsibility, will not allow anti-constitutional norms to be in this law. this law should be fair and understandable for the whole society, it should not have interpretations that some people read on the left, others read on the right. it should be simple and clear so that every person understands what it is about. the verkhovna rada approved the document in the first reading without the committee's proposals, notes mp yaroslav zhelezniak. he added that 14 days are provided for the introduction of amendments, that is , until february 21. then there will be a second reading the fatherland faction, which did not support the updated draft law, the day before during the vote in the council insists on the creation of a working group to finalize the document before the second reading. even before entering of the draft law for a vote in the council, ukrainian obbutsman dmytro lubinets stated that the law still contains contradictory norms, which he wrote on nine pages, in particular, regarding the issue of men aged 18 to
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60 traveling abroad and the obligations mandatory registration of the conscript's electronic account, but then after a conversation with the minister of defense umyerov lubinets still recommended approving the document in the first reading. i would like to remind you that a number of changes are proposed in the updated draft law, including the lowering of the mobilization age from 27, as it is now until 25 years old. mandatory registration in the electronic account of the conscript for all conscripts between the ages of 18 and 60. the list is also being shortened. persons who will have the right to postponement and reservation is allowed, in particular, the mobilization of those who are getting a second education and postgraduate students who are studying on a contract basis. at the same time, the bill maintains a deferment from mobilization for people of all disability groups, but those who registered for disability after february 24, 2022 will have to undergo a medical examination again commission oleksandr fedienko, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people faction, member of the committee. on national security, defense and
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intelligence is joining our broadcast right now. my greetings to you. good day, country, good day studio. thank you for the opportunity. well, actually, i want to talk to you, because there are a lot of questions, how about... the representative of the pro-government faction, mr. oleksandr, the draft law on mobilization adopted in the first reading contains unconstitutional and contradictory norms, about this is in his conclusion, for example , obutsman lubinets noted, this was also insisted on by individual deputies, why did your faction vote in favor and, in fact, why was the voting procedure so fast, well , the voting procedure was not fast, i still want to remind you that this the first iteration, the second iteration of the draft law of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine came out, as far as we remember, the first one... which the cabinet of ministers himself withdrew, because really the people's deputies simply did not want to vote on the first draft bill, because it was generally ee unconstitutional, let's call it that, and had enormous discretion in relation to many sections of the population and to many militaries, both in the west and in the east.
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the second version of the draft law of the cabinet of ministers has already taken into account for the most part all those proposals that were submitted by all groups, all factions of people's deputies of ukraine, and... but really, as of today, there are still those norms that, in the opinion of the deputies of ukraine, and members of the committees, members of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, they are controversial, this is what concerns the restriction of the rights of citizens, which are enshrined in our constitution, so, of course, the people 's deputies and deputies who submitted alternative bills, yesterday at the committee meeting during the consideration of this bill in order to comment before the first reading have already... drawn attention to this, and are already preparing appropriate proposals and amendments in order to remove these norms from the draft law, which has now already become the object of a legislative initiative so that after all the deputies start considering it and vote. the problem is that we are in a time crunch, on the one hand, deputies have
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a representative mandate of society, that is, according to the constitution, and on the other hand, we understand that there is a state of war, and we must go to unison head on. who says to the people 's deputies that look, i am at war, and you provide for my war, both economically and with the help of mobilization resources, but can the people's deputies violate the constitution despite this, as some elected officials insist, i would like to stop with you on certain points of this draft law, in particular on those norms that your colleagues from the opposition factions call debatable, for example the electronic office of the conscript, what do you think, in this context , will there be any changes and, in particular , amendments that will be influenced by people's deputies, or can they somehow affect this norm? yes, of course, look, again, first of all, well, i personally submitted amendments, i am submitting amendments, for example, to exclude any restrictions at all, that is, restrictions on private property should be completely exclusive, this
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in my opinion, yes, i am submitting an amendment with the fact that i have already filed, i am preparing amendments regarding the actions of the court, that the tsc, when it appeals to the court, the court renders a unilateral decision there without... there is an appeal, but it comes later , than the decision of the first instance comes into force, this is so absurd, so of course it must also be regulated, cleaned up, regarding the mandatory registration of the defense attorney's office, no, we will also change it, it will be a voluntary story, because i understand that firstly, not every citizen of ukraine has digital skills, not every citizen of ukraine maybe he wants to validate himself, deficate himself in the network. it's his right, look, we can't force him to do it, but at the same time we leave the other mechanisms of serving summons that exist today. the term of demobilization of 36 months, which was previously, actually proposed by the draft law, are there any changes foreseen here , because, according to this draft law,
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again, only the rank of the supreme commander will decide, actually, whether he will be able to be released from military service or not, whether there are any provisions here changes, there will be, perhaps, amendments to you, your colleagues? look, this is quite a sensitive issue, it happens quite often at the front, i understand two issues: the first is rotation, which, by the way, is not provided for in this draft law at all , there should be rotation within the armed forces of ukraine, and this is discretionary, when, for example, a military in the east , one stayed for two years, and some military man in the west also spent two years, and the same demobilization cannot be the same, or if there is no rotation between these military men, so we will discuss it. but at the same time i want to emphasize once again that at the front strategically, operationally, strategically, it is fought by the general staff, the commander-in-chief, and of course, given the situation, we are obliged to listen to the advice from the commander-in-chief, but once again i want to emphasize that this issue will be discussed, a few more norms that are
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contradictory according to your colleagues, in particular, regarding the care of persons with disabilities, in fact, where the right to a postponement can be canceled, as here, will they also apply? changes? well, look, you yourself said that the right remains on postponement first, second, the third, that is, we do not touch them, there were debatable norms, who will be the caretaker. for the disabled, so now the law in the draft law provides that he himself will determine from the first second link, the closest relatives, you understand, well, that is, because sometimes, when they came from the ministry of health, when they were still considering the first part of the bill, then there it was found that there were dozens of caregivers for one disabled person, i understand that not everyone wants to fight, but as they say, both the head and other military personnel, that it is not necessary to fall into the first of the front line, i understand that it is quite physically and emotionally, psychologically demanding, i myself have been there many times
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, i understood what i am talking about, but there are enough military vacancies in the armed forces of ukraine, on the territory of ukraine, which can be headed by a reprimand for the disabled in the first , of the second and third groups, from what post-graduate students write about, the contract form of education, will there be any changes here as well, so look, as far as i remember... all scientists with scientific titles, teachers who work by 0.75 and those who acquire the next education, that is, if he was a master, and a bachelor acquires a master, but at the same time, as far as i know, the education committee will also submit its proposals, we will discuss it, in general, the work will be structured as follows on the basis of the national security committee , we take, for example, the anti-corruption block, ms. radina comes with the committee and we work on this issue, the medical block comes mr. radutskyi with... we work on this issue, that is, sectorally, all issues that concern
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education, medicine, corruption there, something else, digital issues, every committee will pass, we literally have a minute, we understood it, two more important issues, if you look at the voting, your fraction, which is considered a monomajority, gave only 178 votes, from yes, without the support of other deputy groups, in particular those narteps who were once, for example, in the currently banned in ukraine opzh, this bill would not have passed in the first reading, that's right, there were some previous ones. it is possible to agree with the deputies that the draft law will be finalized, but give it votes that he passed in the first reading, if you know anything, no one agreed with me, such agreements, well, at least i personally did not and i did not hear. i want to emphasize once again that the commander-in-chief turned to the deputies at the committee and said: look, friends, we can still delay, but i have to fight, so i ask you to help me in this matter so as not to waste time again. well, from our conversation with you, we can also understand that the draft law is not ideal, the one submitted to the cabinet is already the second, this second the case with... the bill, on a ten-point scale, how do you rate the government's bill on mobilization, which has actually already been
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voted on in the first reading? i think it can be rated a solid six. i thank you for explaining what is happening , how the work will look like in the parliament in the future, oleksandr fedienko, people's deputy of ukraine, servant of the people, member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence, guest of our broadcast about the bill on mobilization, we said the police of the ivano-frankivsk region started criminal proceedings under the article of hooliganism, due to, as they say, a fight in a hairdressing salon, refer to the events that took place on february 6, when a crowd of women blocked the road in the village and attacked a car driver, because she allegedly handed in their husbands to the tcc. this version of events was told by the victim woman herself and posted a video on the network. the footage shows how a crowd of people surrounded her car. one of the women holds a bat in her hands. as a matter of fact, the attackers grab the driver and take the keys out of the car. at that time he was in the car. another woman, as well as the driver's six-year-old child.
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the woman also said that the attackers allegedly... hit the child on the nose with a bat, and samoi had a concussion. the video does not show footage of the child being beaten, but the woman published a photo of her daughter with bruises on her face. the police confirm that the doctors diagnosed the girl with a contusion of the soft tissues of the nose, and her 24-year-old mother with a probable closed craniocerebral injury. according to her, familiar fellow villagers who witnessed the situation helped the woman to escape from this environment. this situation caused a stir in social networks, in comments and posts, people demand... to punish cosmetic attackers not only for attacking a defenseless woman and child, but also for trying to disrupt
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mobilization in wartime. what was it and how to react to this event? let's talk next with our guest andriy yatsky, head of the communication sector of the main administration of the national police in the ivano-frankivsk region. my greetings to you. i congratulate you. please tell me, thank you for joining in, what has been established so far regarding this incident in kosmachi, what updated information do you have now? on about the events in kosmocha, i can say the following that on february 6, line 102 received a message about a conflict with the participation of local residents in the village of kosmish, kosiv district. in place immediately. the leadership of the regional and district police and the investigative team left. the police officers found out that the residents had received false information that was distributed through fake groups in social networks. about a hundred people arbitrarily blocked the local road and did not allow vehicles to pass . clashes took place between citizens, in which injured a minor and two women. they were taken to a local hospital. soon after
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, a message was received from the local hospital on line 102 about a request for medical assistance from two women and a minor child. doctors. a six-year-old girl was diagnosed with a contusion of the soft tissues of the nose, and her 24-year-old mother probably had a closed craniocerebral injury. the police interviewed the victims, the investigators started criminal proceedings under the second part of article 296 hooliganism committed by a group of individuals of the criminal code of ukraine. investigation continues, within which all the circumstances of the event will be established and the guilty persons will be held responsible according to the law. please tell me whether it was possible to identify those who were said to have suffered, as she wrote. in facebook, he could actually strike, that is , do you know who these women are, and who did it? well, at the moment the investigation is working, within the framework of this criminal proceeding all the persons involved in this event will be established, as of now, there is an understanding of who will be handed some suspicion within the framework of the criminal proceeding, will not be handed over, are there any previous arrests, and to what extent does the article on
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hooliganism correspond to the actions that took place? well, the investigators qualified this event according to the second part of article 296, and within the framework of which such persons will be identified who participated in this event and will be prosecuted according to the law. they wrote about at least 100 people in the network, do you know the previous number of people who were actually at this so-called block post. yes, these are all local residents, the police on... are currently working with them, and already later we will give more information about those persons who participated in these hooligan acts. at the beginning, you said that the information is false, it was spread on social networks, it is actually about the fact that somehow people were gathered, rallied for this block post precisely on social networks, or what did you want to say? well, it was a self-organization of the local
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residents themselves, but it will already be established as part of the criminal proceedings. the police, what exactly was the message that was spread, and more information will be available after the further actions of the police investigators, but tell me please, just for the understanding of the viewers who are watching us and for our general understanding, to what extent it can be authorized to block the road by people, actually without a previous request, or was this request sent to the police, that women will block this section of the road there, will conditionally install a roadblock, how did it happen, how long? this checkpoint was, where was the police, where was the local government , to what extent was all this sanctioned, so explain to us what in this context, yes, well, to say that this is a checkpoint, it was not checkpoint, it was a spontaneous gathering, yes , well, it was a spontaneous gathering of people who blocked this section of the road and did not let people in, checked uh, according to their words, uh
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passengers and drivers who would be related to uh tcc or to other e. structures, but the police did not receive an application for the fact that the police did not receive applications to the police there, as it was spontaneous, but is there any preliminary understanding, how long did these women block this particular section of the road? well, it lasted for a certain period of time, they arrived at the place the police officers, who have already talked with these citizens, who with those women who blocked the road, and they separated, requalified. actually, articles under which the criminal proceedings can be continued, it is possible, right? well, currently the second part of article 296 is registered, it is hooliganism. i can't talk about requalification yet. and tell me, please, at this place, on this section of the road where it happened in kosmocha, will there be additional patrols by law enforcement officers in order to
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prevent the next possible such spontaneous incidents gatherings, because, as you yourself say, people self-organize and it is not clear , events will develop, well, in general , the police carries an enhanced option of carrying out service at such events, and in the future will carry out service in such areas, where possible, in such communities, and will work with people and also with the community to prevent such cases in the future. and you said that the law enforcement officers communicate with the participants, how do we understand this spontaneous gathering, and how does this communication take place, they invite them to the station, maybe there is a message that that they should... appear at the station to explain their actions, this is happening in this settlement, as it looks like, as part of the criminal proceedings, all participants will work with investigators, will be questioned. and no, and a decision will be made later on bringing the people who are guilty of this event
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to justice. and finally, about the condition of the victim, has it possibly changed from what was known in the morning? it has not changed, what was established, diagnosed by doctors, that is how it is at the present time, what i talked about a bruise on the soft parts of the child's nose and... also a possible brain injury in the woman, the child's mother. i thank you for what you explained, andriy yatskyv , head of the communication sector of the main administration of the national police of the ivano-frankivsk region, a guest of our broadcast, we talked about the incident that took place a few days ago in kosmech , ivano-frankivsk region, more news in minutes . hello, below is a short summary of important and interesting news. the taras shevchenko national award committee has determined the laureates of the state award honors in five. seven nominations, the names of the winners have not yet been announced, usually the prize is awarded before the poet's birthday, but this did not happen last year, when our colleague, radio liberty columnist and publicist
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vitaly portnikov, became the laureate of the prize for journalistic articles and speeches in recent years. ukraine, ukraine took seventh place in the mixed relay of the 2024 biathlon world championship. for the first time since 19 years, the world champions in the classic single mixed relay have changed. ukraine put on the race. dmytro pidruchnyi will join artemma in the foursome yulia dzyma and iryna petrenko. for the first time , the blue-yellow team competed in such a composition in the current season and in the history of performances at the world championships. the camel is a symbol that gives a feeling that cannot be described. camel breeders compete at the camel beauty festival in the united arab emirates. it is an annual celebration in abu dhabi. but in 2021, there was a scandal at the competition. then dozens of animals received a botox lift. and hormones that strengthen muscles, which is prohibited, then 40 camels were excluded from participation. that's all for today, more news search in our social networks, these are facebook,
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instagram, tiktok and the x network . this informative morning was diluted with light news in a minute, but today, on february 8, the united states senate will consider a bill on aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan without migration reform, the ambassador of ukraine to the united states reported oksana. markarov, the day before the senate voted for a bill to strengthen the migration policy, which provided for aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan, this bill was called a compromise for both republicans and democrats, and the procedural vote was supposed to speed up the consideration of the document. however , 49 senators supported the bill, and the support of 60 was needed to start consideration. after the vote, us president joe biden criticized republicans for blocking the bipartisan deal. he said, quote , "i never thought i'd ... see anything like what we're seeing now and accused his opponent, former president donald trump, of calling and threatening lawmakers with retaliation if they supported
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the package," biden said. cnn it's very is confusing and depends on many factors, as the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba commented for radio liberty on the issue of voting on the aid package. everything is very complicated, depends on many factors and can move to... left to right, everything is tangled in such a knot that they just need to sit down, untie it and make the necessary decisions. voice of america correspondent tetyana voroshko will tell what will happen next and what the united states senate has plan b for voting, especially for radio liberty. so, after this one if the bill does not pass, the speaker of the senate promised to bring another bill to the vote, that is, to go the other way. republicans said they could not vote for aid to ukraine without a border. now they say that they cannot vote for
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ukraine along with the border, so today i give them a choice. first, i will bring to a vote a bill that includes the border reforms that republicans have been demanding for months. and if republicans block the border bill , i'll give it to them later today the opportunity to vote for the aid package. without border reforms, this document will not be much different in general, it will have significant funding for ukraine, israel, civilians in gaza and the pacific region. in a comment to cnn, white house spokesman henry beitz said that, of course, for president joe biden, the issue of border security is very important, but he supports a bill that contains three priorities without a border, including support for ukraine, the text of which is... of the project has already appeared on the website of one of the senate committees. previously a leader senate republican mitch mcconnell has made it clear that he supports chuck
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schumer's plan b. i think that in the end, even though the bill was approved even by our border council, which also supported president trump, but the majority of our party members believe that this document has no chance of becoming law, and if we have no chance of passing the law, they don't see a way forward, but there are other extremely important items in this bill, it's ukraine, israel, taiwan, i think we still have to deal with the rest of the issues because it importantly. not that the border isn't important, but we just can't get it done here, so i think that's what our next steps should be, and senator schumer has to figure out how to repackage all of this. tatyana voroshko, voice of america from washington. well, the former american tv presenter takar kalson announced the release time of an interview with russian president putin. the release will take place today at 6 p.m. washington time, which is at
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1 a.m. kyiv time. he wrote about it. in his own instagram, he says that for the sake of the interview came to moscow, carlson explained his decision by the fact that after two years of war, most americans, they say, have no idea what is happening in russia and ukraine, according to him, this is the first face-to-face conversation of a western journalist with putin after the start of the full-scale invasion of russia to ukraine. american and european journalists were outraged by carlson's statement that until now none of the western journalists wanted to hear putin's version of the reasons for the invasion of ukraine, and the journalist himself is called a propagandist. many journalists were taken an interview with putin, who also often gives widely covered speeches. carlson's interview is different in that he is not a journalist, he is a propagandist who has historically helped autocrats hide corruption. carlson's work in russia may lead to him being in conflict with the european union and subject to sanctions, newsweek writes, citing european deputies in the white house, who also
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reacted to... the fact that carlson met with putin and recorded an interview. john kirby, white house national security coordinator during briefing called this interview unnecessary. i 'll add that tucker carlson was a fox news anchor in 2016. he was fired in april last year after the channel was ordered to pay more than $700 million in damages over the anchor's false claims that the 2020 election was rigged. the american cnn channel called carlson one of the presenters who actively spreads. audience information about theories of language. last fall, former us president donald trump, who intends to run for the us presidential election, said that is considering tucker carlson for vice president if he wins the election. vladyslav faraponov, head of the institute of american studies, analyst of internews ukraine joins our broadcast. congratulations. good morning, congratulations. well, regarding the us aid to ukraine, let's start with whether the
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failed vote is really to blame. what did biden accuse him of, or is it possible that the reason is something else, what do you think? well, of course, not only because of trump, but because the republicans in the senate, yes, because after all, we are talking about a bill, which is starting its life now in the senate, they realized that if the republicans in the lower house of congress, in the house of representatives, do not support it, or if speaker johnson does not bring it up for a vote at all, then ... accordingly, there is no point in particularly supporting that the version that was proposed because according to the republicans in the house of representatives, these immigration rules are not changed enough, not as tough, as drastic as they would like it to be, or as negotiated and so on, so they decided that if anyway this will not go anywhere further, yes, that is, for the successful
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passage of... the project needs a successful vote in both chambers of the congress, that is, in the senate , it needs more than 60 votes, because it is not a simple majority, it needs not 50 plus, because it is an allocation funds, in the house of representatives, it can be a simple majority, but the republicans have a very shaky majority, so actually - speaker johnson did not really want to put it to a vote at all, and even if he did not bring it up, the fact that... that the votes would have been found , if it were not so common a compromise, that's why it's actually so complicated, and a lot of things are tied up, and to speaker johnson, the trumpists are threatening to initiate the issue of his resignation, trump really intervenes and says that let's wait anyway, let's wait until the election, to get all the political dividends from... this
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issue, but...


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