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tv   [untitled]    February 8, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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and the whole structure will change, so such an example shows how much everything must be done and coordinated in time, and the americans are not so stupid that they do not subordinate, say, the same commander of an aircraft carrier wing to the captain of an aircraft carrier, and i spoke for both and they normally perceive it absolutely, because they see the only tasks in coordination in the overall system. and if this system works, if there is provision, and there are also provision ships, and the whole avinocarry group that provides it, there are ships that supply, then, well, the base is there, if that whole system works, then it's fine, but if one of the links goes down, then i think that creates a certain vulnerability in that system, so i'd really like for us to... not
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received from the enemy the vulnerability of our system, and one more subjective one, as a citizen of ukraine, sooner or later i would like to hear some conscious explanation, because with all due respect to general syrsky, general zaluzhny, to many, by the way, no only generals, to soldiers, officers, armed men forces of ukraine, it's not about, it's not about the name, why the general appears. in the magazine, why does president volodymyr zelenskyi appear in the magazine, it is the ukrainian armed forces, the ukrainian people, and in this way, well, they show, once they even put the ukrainian people on the cover, that is, at certain stages, each time it is personified by certain people, but these people are not eternal, and in principle, on the one hand, on the other hand, each story will give its due, only the problem
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is that we ukrainians do not have time for to wait to see what history will say, we have a question of the survival of the country and our personal lives, so i have many questions, in fact, to this particular moment, why is it that at such a moment, when russia is pre-attacking us, we are actually making changes in to the system of management of the armed forces of ukraine, here i am... i cannot understand how a person is not a military man, not an expert, therefore, not an expert in this field, so i would still like to hear this answer, everything else is already a question, which will really decide history one day, well beyond any doubt, zelenskyi had the legislative, legal right to fire the bad guy, i didn’t have enough justification, and how much better is syrsky, better than the bad guy, in fact, and why am i talking about this, if we are talking about change, if they... are
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now officially talking about change, something will be different, yes, the dynamics at the front, if they worked together, general zaluzhnyi, general syrskyi, they, general syrskyi, were responsible for a more important direction, that is, what changed, why should the tactics, dynamics change then, what would change it from the fact that the people of one practically a school, and the general just right syrsky was still graduating from the soviet union, general zaluzhnik... after all, he already had some kind of transition of education, yes, i don’t understand what will change then, let him explain to me anyway, our government will give optimism, i don’t have enough of these, you know , some kind of optimistic messages so that all of us , the ukrainian people, feel that everything is really going in a good direction. well, you see, always, when they talked about zaluzhnyi, they talked about the fact that he graduated from the university, already... of the ukrainian
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independent higher military education, and you correctly noted syrskyi, he graduated in 1986 graduated from the moscow high command military school and was born in the russian federation, but he is a ukrainian general , he is a hero of ukraine, he commanded the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, but this is an unsettled, unexplained fact, sooner or later it will play against president zelenskyi in that number, because... if there is no such dynamic, which they are talking about during the 24th year, then the responsibility for this will be borne not only by the head of the armed forces of ukraine, but also by the supreme commander of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, he will have to distribute this responsibility, which he previously divided between himself and the other party, well, i wouldn't want to, i'm not a political technologist, i'm just speaking as a citizen of ukraine, but from the point of view of my specialization, international relations.
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it is obvious that there were discussions in russia on the eve of this, and in principle , they said such a moment, i always tell the truth, that is why they said that... for yerasimov, the one who commands in russia, in principle, is a diligent general, he, as they think, quite predictable, as for general zaluchny, also gerasim, and then they said that in order to change something in the dynamics, we would come up with something like this, change the war to a maneuverable war, this decision was not made, i normally treat general syrsky with respect, he did it even before. but even now he has done many things and very successful ones, i am not up to that, i am just saying that this does not in any way signal a change of approaches, but i do not see how it can signal a change of approaches, they worked together, both generals and together together
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they developed all these operations, and one more moment, after all, this decision goes beyond the scope of some kind of rotation, changes in... the armed forces of ukraine, there will be many more consequences, and i do not want to give details now, there will be no external big ones, because in principle , officially, everyone will speak , that this is your right, your decision, the americans found it out personally, here on a visit, they all heard everything, other partners too, i just want to wish general syrsky to be... in the conversations, that's how the negotiations will be conducted, there and it is necessary to speak correctly with them in english, that he uh, if he understood, that there is a background story, and now it is very important that general zaluzhnyi does not shy away from
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helping our armed forces, i would very much like to ask him, now using this opportunity, to give his advice. because no one has such experience, such an understanding, such an understanding of our partners and our goals, such nuances , simply by position, the president has it, volodymyr zelenskyi, none other than the previous president, who during the war was petro poroshenko, they have their own part there, but it is precisely in the general staff with partners , and with the troops, and from this experience, which... we really need to be further now, if, how he will find this solution, to advise our generals, i do not know, i understand that in such a situation you can smile, shake hands there, by the way, for which i am also grateful, that all this should also lead to everything being calm
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in our country, but nevertheless, i understand that him, a person who well, without explaining the reasons, but in principle. fired, it can break anyone's will, i'm sure everything will work out for him, and i really hope that all the advice will be heard and useful for the armed forces of ukraine. well, in the meantime , a message appeared from volodymyr zelenskyi that another 100 ukrainians are at home in ukraine, he wrote on his facebook page, the national guard , border guards of the armed forces of ukraine, most of the defenders of mariupol, all of us, all of us are back on our homeland, we are working for each and every one and don't stop. until we get everyone back, and we, let's go back to the situation in the united states of america, because you already said that the senate of the united states of america, voted for consideration of an agreement for 95 billion to help
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ukraine, israel and taiwan, i understand that this is a procedural vote, that is, to start considering this issue, i understand correctly, i was a little ahead of the curve. events, again, it's a procedural vote, it's pushing if the senate vote would go on, because it could have delayed it there for months, but now it 's delayed, i think, for two weeks, caused by other, well, what exactly now there is a pause in the work of the senate, then another vote is needed, 60 votes, and already upon the approval of the document , well, i looked at this new package, i looked at it quickly, there are certain reductions, what is fundamentally important is that it does not quite reflect this budget aid for
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ukraine, in terms of military and technical cooperation there remain the main positions, i would call this package not helpful. support for the national security of the united states in the context of the russian war against ukraine. there is a lot of talk about strengthening the american army. space forces there, the navy, well, that is, all of them military forces are being strengthened, well, plus there are separate funds for weapons for ukraine, that is, in principle, it is more concentrated on military and technical issues than what was previously considered, but this is what we need as a priority, but i remind you once again that even when the senate will make such a decision, which i really hope for, because there is already a lot going on. which was from the very beginning to follow a different path, but now we have followed what was
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more obvious from the very beginning, and now the house of representatives is like this, where there are no democrats, that is , there will be problems, and in principle the profitability of blocking is very high, so we need to look less at what is happening in the us congress, the main challenges. too much news fell on the heads of our ukrainians at the same time, and i really hope that the understanding of the total war against russia, that it involves all the forces of society, the understanding of what is now, if we speak like an adult. a difficult moment, let's say, although i am optimistic for periods later, now it is
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a very difficult moment, russia is essentially going to, that is, setting the maximum sy, he is making a bet now, it is obvious, he does not tolerate this a bet for the 25th year, he is making it now, he is ready to participate in an american company, he, judging by everything, will make his bets. russia will act aggressively, including in europe, i.e. they will do everything in order to consolidate their territorial conquests this year, this is most likely evidence of this recent activity and concentration of efforts, so we also need to understand in matters of timing, well , the most important thing, lest we forget, we are concentrating on the usa, today the largest to... ukraine took first place in the european the union, and the head of the foreign policy
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of the european union was there, spoke in the parliament, and the european union accepted a package of 50 billion for four years, and germany, and now on the eve of the visit of german chancellor scholz to washington, there will literally be meetings tomorrow, as i understand it already at the highest level, and french statements, british statements. that is, i think that we need to look at all these things in the complex, and all of these things shape our defense capabilities, that is, the key is the internal capability, and we need to look for the own production of weapons, the maximally simplified procedures, the fact that we do not squeeze out the last penny from the business, we will have to plan further, at least for the short, then for the medium term, many things. which, at the same time, we are forced to decide, so i really hope
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that we will get out of this difficult period, well , at the very least weakened, let's say so. you asked about scholz, who went to washington today, before leaving for the united states of america, he warned about the dangers russia's victory if ukraine's allies do not increase military support and financial aid. listen to what scholz said. germany has made a very big contribution by deciding on the budget for 2024 and the commitments we have made for the following years, but it will not be enough if there is no years, but it will not be enough if there is not enough support from the , and now is the time for us to do what is necessary, which is to work together to enable ukraine to defend itself and at the same time send a very... signal to the president of russia that he cannot count on our support to wane or to last
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long. this is the message we all need to send in the coming days and weeks. so , mr. valery, with regard to scholz's meeting with biden and the negotiations, it is obvious that it will also be about the fact that germany will be more involved, even more involved in aid to ukraine and... obviously, these negotiations may also be about long-range missiles, as far as such a scenario is possible, and such meetings, they usually... end with some certain results and they are symbolic, or not so? of course, germany is the most powerful economically, and now germany has really woken up, the risks for european countries, central european nato countries have increased,
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which is now being really considered, i will say as i communicate and they tell me, they... are strategically deciding where to stop russia , that is, whether on nato’s own borders or in ukraine, and actually stopping it in ukraine requires a completely different concentration of efforts that were at certain stages of this war, and in principle, the dynamics, the speed of supply, so they will say, i understand, one one to exchange as they see possible. because in principle, joseph biden made a political bet, and this is a good signal, that is, he made it forced in many ways, because donald trump positioned him in such a way that he is responsible for the campaign in europe, and thus it will become part of the already election campaign
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of joseph biden , support for ukraine, well , no longer support for ukraine, but more opposition to russian aggression, it will be done. now the role of the euro-atlantic partnership, that is, they will talk to each other, will be distributed as well in the conditions when the dynamics in america are sagging, how can germany and other countries, which were also emphasized by the chancellor of germany, join this, that is, in principle, this is a very important meeting for the coordination of the euro-atlantic alliance, on the eve of the nato summit in july, the jubilee month, well, i i think... that it will not end with us hearing what you say there about some specifics, but we will feel a lot in terms of moods, and joseph biden , of course, will also inform his european colleagues, because i have no doubt that after there will be calls from both the us president and the german chancellor to their colleagues explaining the situation, and they, i mean coordination
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of efforts, i think this is a good chance to properly plan the future. actions, but i emphasize once again, external support, all determination, in conditions when they have their own strategy and their own vision, this is, well, let's put it this way, a necessary but insufficient factor for our victory, the victory of ukraine, well, i do not use epithets, because i believe that justice is violated here, because these countries have to fight with us together, because putin... attacked nato, and only ukraine is fighting. nevertheless, they help us with weapons , financing, support for macro-financial stability, and monetary issues, this is a huge support, so we will thank them, but now we must understand that ukraine needs joint production of weapons, its own production of weapons, we must accept a lot of fast, non-bureaucratized solutions,
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that is, here i am already. i'm not talking about quality, our quality, to be honest, i look, our quality depends somewhat on speed, according to the law about mobilization, i see that what was brought quickly , what was longer, the same thing, that is why speed is needed now, dynamics, speed of reaction, concentration of forces, because this is also necessary with our partners after their meeting , a very important conversation between the president of ukraine and the president usa and with the chancellor of germany, very important. without delay to hear the positions, to coordinate the actions, because now is actually one of the most critical moments of this war, the long war, the 14th year, but now in the 22nd year there was such a moment, and now, i think, not it will be less difficult in the coming months, so there are other reasons, other factors, but this will be such
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a moment, that is why this meeting is important, i hope for its positiveness, i hope that they will not... simply declare further support for ukraine as much as necessary, but about specific, quick help in the near future. there is one more thing i wanted to ask you, mr. valery, about the statement of polish president andrzej duda that he is confident that trump will end the war in ukraine in 24 hours, as he promised. let's hear what duda had to say and then move on. based on your own in the personal experience of a president who once worked with president trump, what he promised me was fulfilled, so if i got any ... promise from trump, if he promised me something, it was fulfilled. the question was about the promise to end the war in
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ukraine, under what conditions can trump do it? well, first of all, the key phrase was: "if trump promised me, he kept it." that is, and now, you know, as the election day approaches, there will be a lot, you will hear a lot from active politicians. corrections regarding donald trump, well, it's clear, everyone is putting their eggs in different baskets, because really, the elections in the usa are not predictable, and i think that not everything is clear there, and we don't know the result, but politicians are already starting to try a little, you know , not to focus on one candidate, i don't know if it's right, but regarding... what is sometimes stated, you have to understand that every phrase, it has a material embodiment, in this regard, the president of poland, as well as the government of poland,
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they in principle , a clear position in support of ukraine is always maintained, if now angela dudi will be able to, after these statements, somehow influence donald trump so that he actually, well, in fact, he blocks aid to ukraine so that he does not... then i would ask the president of poland to do it now, while there is an opportunity, because later, when there are 24 hours, yes, after 24 it can be warsaw , it's that simple, i'll remind the president, poland, that they let rockets into their territory, what's going on now is that russian missiles flew in without being able to shoot them down, and now it's about a conversation with the prosecutor's office in poland, and it is constantly brought up now at least a couple of fighter jets in order to... prevent such an outcome, that is , that is why i think that we will be grateful to anzh duda if he influences donald trump, in order to be democratic, now the initiative to support
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ukraine has found, not only the republicans have some support, but also donald trump personally and in this group, who are now blocking the vote to help not ukraine, but help the world. another topic that will be obvious. over the last, or the next, and the last and next months, it's an election putin, i don't call the presidential election, because it is putin's re-election, or putin's re-approval, or the extension of putin's powers , putin is going to hold elections in the occupied territories of the ukrainian state, that is, in those territories that they have already included in the constitution, declared russian. is this a reason for ukraine to question the non-recognition of putin's legitimacy
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as the president of the russian federation, and for him to eventually receive the self-proclaimed president of the russian federation, volodymyr putin, well, since the world treats lukashenko, you know, the world treats lukashenka better than putin. putin actually received, well, if we speak in our internal language, a suspicion or there is an international verdict, well, not a verdict, still a suspicion, yes, of an international court, he is a criminal from the point of view of international justice, so here it is not about the image that even lukashenka has belarus, therefore, in principle, i think that the recognition of the elections in russia will, of course, be part of the countries, they do not send... watchmen, because they absolutely do not believe that any procedures can be ensured, by the way, this is evidenced even by the fact that the russians, i mean this top, they were even
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scared of what they themselves had organized, they launched one of the candidates there, for him to show that he can do something, another opinion that does not claim that this war is the right one. the exit of the development of russia, but when he began to collect even votes for the fact that a certain number of 1000 is needed, it seems, to become a candidate, his last at the moment, they all threw off the whole train, because they understand that he can then gain more than those, in principle, pocket or should i say such manipulative communist parties. there are three parties that they have now admitted to the elections, that is, they planned five candidates, even they could not do it, so in principle it is clear where
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the situation will turn. there will be no such recognition, of course there will be in some countries, which even now play along with russia, unfortunately, in the world, including large countries, they give the opportunity russia, to do exactly that, but after that there will be , i think, a serious separation of canvases in the kremlin itself, because their task now is to seize another 6 years of power, i mean the wider circle of putin's entourage, what will happen after that, enough it's hard... to sniff, because they also roughly understand at what price, including theirs, not that their wallet, no, they have another level there, yachts, planes and billions, but they calculate so that everything- after all, there are 20 billion, well, i gave two, well, five, well, seven, well, it's already much further, so there will be interesting processes, and until this day
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there will be nothing interesting, the most that russians can do... uh, the protest is capable, it is to postpone the voting for 12 hours, more precisely, to come to the polling station at 12 hours, and not the first time, that's what what they called now, well, what can i say, they, they missed their moment when they could influence, and that's why the situation will be like this, but the external, external assessment, as you ask, well, to change something and call the to another, i would... call there self-proclaimed, maybe so, but here it is a criminal who unleashed a criminal war in europe. well, yes, here beyond any doubt , the status of a criminal is much more important than the status of a self-proclaimed president, or a president who rigs elections there, because no one canceled the order of the international criminal court, there were decrees on the release of zaluzhny and the appointment of syrsky, i
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will tell you , that... that the decree of the president of ukraine on the dismissal of zaluzhnyi does not state the reasons for the dismissal, simply to dismiss valery fedorovych zaluzhnyi from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, i.e. zaluzhnyi did not leave of his own free will, because i think that it would have been indicated in the decree , as far as i understand it, and syrskyi was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, here accordingly, too , well, what is the reason, there is no reason, but in zaluzhnye there is no reason for dismissal and this is a question in principle. was left open and obviously this question will be put to president zelensky later, and we will actually finish our big conversation, thank you for being with us this evening and thank you for the interesting conversation, the information day and especially the evening regarding resignations and appointments to the higher command of the armed forces of ukraine, i would like to remind you that today
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president zelenskyy dismissed valery... from the post of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, a decree has already appeared on the official page of the president of ukraine, and a decree has appeared in parallel on the appointment of the colonel general of the armed forces forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi, the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, until now syrskyi commanded the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine, he is 58 years old, he was born in russia, graduated from the moscow higher military command school, after school he worked in ukraine, well then still in the ssr. then in independent ukraine , well, actually, he became a ukrainian general, a hero of ukraine for the defense of kyiv, well, we will follow how and what general syrskyi will talk about after his appointment and in his new status, and we will wait for some explanations from volodymyr zelensky, which became the reason for the resignation of valery zaluzhny, because this question will obviously be asked to him more than once. this, friends, is the end of our conversation, thank you all for it
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those who were with us today, i wish everyone a good evening, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye sirskyi, instead of zaluzhnyi, president zelenskyi replaced the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, how it happened, we tell on the bbc live from london, i am yevgenia shytlovska. general valery. servant commanded the ukrainian army for more than two years, the president thanked him, dismissed him and immediately announced the appointment of a new commander. about what may happen in the ukrainian military command such changes have been talked about for a long time. president zelensky announced, as he said, a reboot, and it actually happened. deservedly.


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