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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

7:30 am
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7:31 am
hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. it korabelny district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format. more analytics, more. more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on , the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. dear friends, i return.
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on the air, let's continue our roll call, now we'll move to odesa and tell you about what's happening there and serhiy sizonenko will tell us about it, about how the night went, he, in fact, we'll ask him about it while we join him to ether. well, we, in the meantime, the interview of tucker carlson also came out yesterday with i already made a small announcement by putin, and we will also talk about it today, probably, well, putin for 20 minutes. told that tucker carlson, the pro-trump propagandist, who was fired even from the republican fox news channel for being unscrupulous as a journalist, he is no longer an official journalist, well, in short, he gave him an interview, and for 20 minutes he told again his vision of history, which ukrainians follow, that is namely, that the russians, at least those who live on the left bank of ukraine, and these are all originally russian lands, and that ukraine will come up with it. the austrian general staff, in a word, all
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his madness, he repeated it again, but already 20 million views, which means that this will be such a serious propaganda promotion the views of russian president putin and his perverted view of history, anti-historical , well listen, just like hitler had an absolutely wild idea about biology, and that there are some advantages of certain races, and that was completely unscientific, but many, many people back then 100 years. then believed that there was something in it, and so it is with us today, when social networks have spawned a bunch of idiots who believe in a flat earth, or, for example, that reptilians rule the country, countries through 5g, well, you know, just idiocy is on the scale again in this ends on the beginning of this century, and that's why, of course, although it seemed that people already have so much such access to information, they can learn without relearning, so many books, so many things and... both in video format and in
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audio format, as you like, but nothing helps humanity to be wiser, probably because with information you need to be able to use it. serhiy sizonenko is already with us, a deputy of the odesa district council, mr. serhiy, good morning, how was the night in odesa? good morning ukraine, good morning studio, the night in odesa has passed it's more or less calm, but of course it's not calm in odessa, because of all these... recent situations, let's say, that happened in kyiv, regarding the removal of valery fyodorovych zaluzhny, all of odessa is talking about it at the moment, and so are we, someone watched, someone spoke about the interview of carlson tucker and the bloody dictator, so from the point of view of the attack of our insidious enemy , it is more or less calm, but from other points of view ... let's say, there are some
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misunderstandings in society. and what do they actually say about the dismissal of the servile and the appointment of the assyrian? in fact, they talk a lot about this, there is no understanding, there is no explanation from our authorities, any such clear explanation, you know, because talking about some kind of reboot and something else, it's all very good, but we don't hear any specifics, people are surprised, people outraged, odesa believes valery fedorovych, and fully supports him, everyone i see. with whom i communicated during this time, so there is no understanding, there is no understanding, why such actions, there is no understanding, why, let's say, they are trying to change horses at the crossing, why change a combat general who is very, let's say
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yes, he manifested himself powerfully and is manifesting himself, a person who was not involved in any corruption scandal, then... that is, for there is no understanding among odessans, there is only surprise and some kind of rejection of this in general , rejection of this, but on the other hand, how can i tell you , one professional general was replaced by another, it won’t get worse, well, we ’ll live and see, but you understand, everyone... i understand that it is the exclusive right of the president of ukraine, the supreme commander -in-chief to appoint or change the commander-in-chief, but how about mine personal opinion, failed in general, this communication with society
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, it has completely failed, that is, there were these insights about what they are planning to change, leaders of political opinions, some bloggers in the office said that it was all rubbish, it is not like that... everything is inflated, it is some kind of ipso , but we see that it was not ipso, that it was such insights, and somehow, in my opinion , communication by society was completely failed. the economist magazine is the most authoritative british weekly edition, probably in the world they wrote about what, what , i quote, what actually doomed the relationship between mr. zelenskyi and general zaluzhny is a change in the president's views on how the war will determine what kind of country ukraine should become, that is, how do you understand this phrase? in fact, this phrase, in my understanding, is about meanings, it is about what
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we are going to, it is what we are fighting for, of course, ukraine is fighting for the preservation of statehood, but what values ​​will our guys defend on the front lines. are these eggs at 17, are these some global cardinal changes, are these, let’s say, european approaches, are, let’s say, decent such an approach to situation and to the one we see in the future, is it a continuation of these schemes, some unclear ones and in the future, that is, what path will we choose for ourselves in general, we... it is understood like this, well, actually, this path is outlined by the economist in such a way that ukraine will the winner of this bloody conflict, if it will be a prosperous, democratic, western-oriented country, or the actual liberation of the most valiant, most popular commander, who enjoyed
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enormous authority among the military, primarily lived the glory of intellectual a leader and a general who cares about the lives of his soldiers, how is this resignation... despite the opinion of the military and the opinion of ukrainians, because i will remind you that 2/3 of ukrainians, according to a survey, were against the resignation, without communication with society, does this resignation bring us closer actually until this moment, when ukraine can be called prosperous, democratic, oriented towards the west? i say, unfortunately, unfortunately, i don't see it, because in my opinion the communication was failed, firstly, secondly, let's put it this way, some... the opinions of society were not really taken into account attention when making this decision, they did not communicate in any way, and well, in my opinion, any such global decisions that affect the morale of society,
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the morale of the military, they must communicate very well, there must be some kind of explanation , not one thing, but actually some kind of communication program to lead society in general for... very important decisions, especially during the war, but unfortunately, i did not see it, mr. serhiy, thank you, odesa, have a good day , and so, and so. there is enough news to worry the mp serhii sezonenko of the odesa district council was with us, and now we are joining the deputy of the zaporizhia district council alisa sysoeva, we will talk about what is happening in the zaporizhia region, ms. alisa, good morning, good morning, congratulations, what news, how did the zaporizhia region sleep? zaporizhzhia itself slept peacefully today, we have probably been here for several weeks, a couple for sure. there are no explosions, there are no flights over zaporizhzhia itself, unfortunately, the situation in zaporizhzhia region does not change,
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it was loud there, a little later we will be informed whether there were victims or victims, we hope that they will not be there, on the positive side, local residents in tokmak report that today they were noisy, that there were flights, it is certain that we will also wait for official information about the occupiers, but already, local residents report this in... . the media, not official, of course, say that people can evacuate to lviv and khmelnytskyi from those settlements where it is very dangerous, do people take advantage of this opportunity, how many such people are there, but alas, here we are informed, which is not much people leave as they would like, in general, in principle, the main part has already left, others are still persuaded, we have such cases when... they come to the territory where there is constant, very, very shelling, it is usually zaporizhzhia there
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district, and vasylivskyi district, well, on the border where there is no occupation yet, holyapole, orikhiv, but unfortunately there are people who stay there, mostly they are elderly people, currently there are no families with children there, elderly people, well, they say , that they will already live here, that they have nowhere to go, and of course we understand that very it's hard to stay there, well... but you can also understand these people a little, because, well, where few people want to change their lives, it's not old age, and people stay in these dilapidated cities, they say that they have nowhere to go, a difficult situation, of course , let's also talk about what is happening now in e temporarily occupied territories, is a bit of a news report, in particular the so-called governor of the occupied part. yevhenii balitskyi of the zaporizhia region said that melitopol will most likely
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remain the capital of the zaporizhia region, even if it is possible to capture it completely russians? well, probably the balytskyi still do not believe that they will be able to capture it, because we understand that it can be very difficult for them, in general, from the very beginning they chose melitopol for some reason. its administrative center, well, because we understand that certainly of these places that are in the occupied territories , melitopol, after all, it was the most developed, besides, there was very good logistics there specifically for the occupiers, but in general , balytsky's statements, well, i don't i think that it is worth listening to them seriously, because each his statement is, first of all, a solid effort to serve his russian curators, and what... what he has been saying for the past two years, well, it always does not correspond to reality, there is a situation, there are
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of course difficult battles, here we are today reported that our armed forces, again they repelled the attack of the western recruit, well , let's hope that balytskyi's words will remain words, in the end these territories will be de-occupied, of course, we understand that this will probably not happen quickly, but sooner or later there ukrainian flags they will fly to... this week , rafael grossi, general director of the magate agency, visited the temporarily captured zaporizhzhia as, what news is there, and what do you think of this visit, which is not his first? well, in general, if you know, look like an average citizen at the fact that nadia is in general, well, there are no longer such hopes for them as there were at the beginning, i remember how we watched your speech on the subject. when they first went to the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, they hoped that there would be some appropriate actions
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on the part of the occupiers, because after all, this representatives of international organizations, but then they came once, they came twice, then we saw a photo of magata representatives hugging the occupiers, well , i don’t know how effective their visits are, well , in particular, officially, this is what we are told, for example, baked the head of our military administration, ivan fedorov, at his first press conference, he announced that, after all, thanks to the efforts, including that of the magathe, it was somehow possible to contain the invaders there. seems to be able to at least attract attention of the world, but in general the situation for almost two years of a full-scale invasion, it has not changed much there, the zaporizhia nuclear power plant is also a military facility of the russians, and their equipment and personnel are also there, as well as a large part of the workers , unfortunately, she is still in russian captivity, part of the workers, she
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passed through the russian prisons, those who did not want to leave cooperated. and we were told the latest news that just a few days ago there were more than a hundred workers they were not allowed to work at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, well, because they also did not want to cooperate, did not want to take russian passports, and therefore the situation there remains essentially unchanged. there is also information about ivan fedorov, the head of the actual regional military administration and the former mayor of melitopol, whether he remains the mayor of melitopol at the same time, i can’t tell you for sure, probably yes, he reported that in melitopol plan to create an army center the training of the youth army, the occupiers , where the children will be taught, this is melitopol, and melitopol will provide, but in berdyansk there will be a center for military and sports training and
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patriotic education of young people, a soldier based at the iskra health camp, which was a children's camp in... that's it voluntary military and sports training and patriotic education of young people will also be prepared there, that's how they write, well, of course, in the spirit of russian propaganda and that's exactly how, you know, even in general, what the occupiers have been doing since the very beginning of the full-scale invasion, this is, in principle, they took care of our children, they washed bridges, we all understand. that for them it's not like there's flowering, it's not the future, but it's just what they want to grow even at the youngest age, and what they create from schools is not news, it's not the first news, because maybe there are some new names from appeared, and they have been doing this for two years, you know, also
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this week there was such a very vivid photo, as to already to... students to students of higher educational institutions, well, if you can call them that, we understand, to occupied educational institutions , are coming russian soldiers and urge them to take academic leave to go fight and kill ukrainians, well, we all understand that for them, people are primarily a mobilization resource, and children are also, they want to grow from them, their russian soldiers, whom later just throw it in the lap, unfortunately. ms. olisa, thank you. thank you for the news from the zaporizhzhia region that is already available. alisa sysoeva, a journalist, deputy of the zaporizhzhya district council, was in touch with us, we are now going on a short break, then we will return and continue our roll call and ask about how things are going in the dnipro and dnipropetrovsk region, stay with us.
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7:52 am
hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. broadcast by vasyl zima. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. gentlemen, our marathon of the informational tv channel espresso continues, we thank everyone who watches it together with all
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ukrainians who watch this marathon, and there are actually many of them, we espresso for the 10th month in a row receives the top prize among informational tv channels that cover events in ukraine and the world, this is a pleasant, in fact, a pleasant result, and this is... the result of trusting you, first of all, i would like to remind you that the espresso tv channel, not only the espresso tv channel, this also applies to the fifth and direct channels, is disconnected from most of our digital networks, accordingly, we broadcast in limited capacity, only on cable networks, and also with the help of broadcasts, for example on youtube, and nevertheless, the fact that even with cable networks alone we still hold the palm of the championship, it says a lot and about yes... also about the situation, by the way , there is a threat to freedom of speech in the country, but as long as we still have this freedom of speech, we use it to convey the truth
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to citizens, because this is the most important thing in our case danylo miro, a deputy of the dnipro city council, joins us, we are waiting, we are waiting, mr. danylo, by the way, in dnipro yesterday, after all, there was a story with those policemen from the special forces union. many of them are former members of berkut, who participated in the crackdown on euromaidan in their time, and then were able to re-certify and have already returned as a regiment of special agents of the special rapid response and so on, i don’t know what it is called correctly, but in the end it all doesn’t matter anymore, because their comments, which were published on the network , that they explained in russian that they and so they have already given health and are not going to fight and are not going to fight, let the armed forces fight. from the armed forces, she caused indignation among the leadership of the national police in kyiv, and in a word, the entire regiment in its entirety decided to count, to count among them now
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they will be disbanded, and yes, and they will transfer, all of them will now be transferred to the assault brigade, well, either, or there is an offer for them to resign, but they immediately receive a summons, because if they have no options, they are offered anyway. go to fight at the front , well, after all, this is a regiment of special forces who swore an oath to protect the people of ukraine, and i don’t see it here, i understand, i don’t know there , they decided to send the entire kyiv philharmonic there in full force, this is wildness and it is not clear why do, but if it is a regiment of appointees who have trained all their lives, how shoot, beat and kill, even peaceful demonstrators, some of whom it affected , maybe it is... they have it, then i think that in principle these are people who are definitely trained and prepared, and have a good psychotype to fight, so what gentlemen, well, we have
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the main one. for the whole country, you know, in our country moskal usually does not let us sleep peacefully , but for many, i think, i am sure, it was difficult for many to fall asleep yesterday after a sleepless night after the news, and actually, let us remind in the story what the path of the combatant was general valery zaluzhnyi, to... valery zaluzhnye was determined from an early age, because he was brought up in a military family, already at an adult age he passed all stages of his dream career. in july 2021, the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi, appointed valery zaluzhnyi as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. zaluzhny became the face of our struggle and the main terror of the russian occupiers. from the beginning, the invaders invented fables about the disappearance and death of zaluzhnyi. since
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2014. the general took part in the battles in donbas and even then was sure that a full-scale russian offensive was inevitable. the american media politico wrote that the commander will become a legendary figure in the history of ukraine, because the successes of the ukrainian army surprised the whole world. american general mark milley was of the same opinion. when the history of the war in ukraine will be written, zaluzhny will play a prominent role there. he was part of the ukrainian leadership that spent. years to transform the country's army from a clumsy soviet model to a modern fighting force, hardened by years of fighting russia on the eastern front, he belongs to a new generation of ukrainian leaders. zaluzhny, the first ukrainian commander-in-chief without a soviet education, his vision of the ukrainian army meets nato standards, so western colleagues and partners especially respect the ukrainian general, consider him a strong and influential
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ally. in october 2000, on the 22nd, general zaluzhny was listed among the hundred most influential people in the world according to the version of an american magazine, although he is called an iron general, the ukrainian military respects and trusts him. everyone in the family is friendly, you and he and i, our father is industrious, with ssu, family. we have a powerful spirit, the gods are in our heads, zalushny will give an order, we will be in moscow. here is such a portrait of valery zaluzhny, i think that many ukrainians have re-read his biography, and now they will get acquainted with the biography of mr. syrskyi, who is accused, well, at least by russian
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propagandists, who seized on it, that... he was born in russia and it seems that his parents are staying there in russia, will this have an effect on the ukrainian army, of course, we will see, there are many people, ukrainians, who were born in russia, but are the best ukrainians who were born in ukraine, it is not about the place of birth, it is about the affairs that stand behind the person, in the end we will see what will be the affairs of mr. syrskyi. in front of me, well , and we are now slowly coming to the end of our information hour, which means that it is time for news, for the release of fresh news, which was prepared by our information editorial office, the information service, and will present it, and present these news, kateryna shirokopois, she already has a fresh selection, let's see what happened in ukraine and the world in the last hour, katya, i congratulate you, you word, congratulations, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you
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about what is known about... my chief commissar, and also, what was so hot there at night in moscow? greetings, time of news on the spresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. 10 shaheds were destroyed. our defenders of the sky this night, drones were shot down within mykolaiv, kherson and kharkiv regions, the air force reported this. in total , the russians launched 16 drones from the temporarily occupied crimea and the kurdish region. one person was injured as a result of a night attack in the kharkiv region. the russians hit with shaheds on civil infrastructure of the zmiiv community. a large-scale fire engulfed the hotel and restaurant.
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the building burned to the ground. it was reported.


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