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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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we are succeeding there, well, we can see the losses for the period from october 10 of last year to today, they lost more manpower in the avdiiv direction than the soviet union lost in the entire afghan war, that is, during the 10 years of the war, the soviet union lost approximately 14,500 servicemen, near avdiyivka, the russians have already lost 17 servicemen, i.e. not comparable losses, crazy losses for the russians, but if there is a political basis, of course they... will not understand and will continue to throw storm-w, storm w. from the north, from the donetsk people are attacking there in the afternoon, the donetsk people's republic, their armed forces, well, the so-called donetsk people 's republic, there is the spartak battalion, the roasted petuch battalion and so on, that is, these units are conducting combat operations there, that is why these people have a particularly great desire to destroy these troops, that is why we will be there to stand
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as long as there is an opportunity to keep the momentum there and destroy the enemy, there are no other tasks there, and the russians, of course, on the contrary, this month will definitely be extremely stressful, especially for odeivka, well, by the way, for the kupins to kupinsk there too and we will also talk a little, i understand , i'm just saying that these two directions will be there, well, at least they announced that these two directions should be freed, as they say before the start of the presidential election, before the vote, we'll say so. .. here and there there will be very powerful offensive actions, well, we will see what they will succeed in, but we must remember that, first of all, we have a hunger for shells, a hunger for ammunition, and not such a large number of military personnel compared to by the russians, who still have everything there is enough equipment and shells, and ammunition and people, and there are not just enough people, there is an insane amount of them, let's remember that now in the russian-ukrainian war there are almost half a million and a half million of the russian army. therefore, compared to
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our military personnel, those who hold the defense, well, it is many times more, many times more russians, well, tell me, and if we talk now about what, well, we are talking about the fact that it is necessary to strengthen the ukrainian armed forces in some way precisely at these key points in avdiivka, well, that is, it is not about what to somehow move away from there and it will solve something, it will not solve any issue , of course, but... if we talk about strengthening, what can this strengthening be, that is, what should be there, because, well, there were and are not badly equipped positions , nevertheless, there is a sufficiently high saturation of drones, of course there are not many drones here, but nevertheless there are many of them, objectively speaking, what else could be done to make such breakthroughs impossible, or at least when they became... possible fast enough
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to knock out the russians from there, well, first of all, we have certain reserves, that is, we have not used all the reserves that are deep in the country, well , it is obvious, if we used all the reserves, then it would be an extremely dangerous situation, we are tightening the reserves reserves have been drawn up in some areas in the kupinsky direction, there is no open information about whether reserves are being drawn up to avdiivka, but i am sure that our garrison is being strengthened little by little there. what needs to be done in order to hold the enemy, well, you know, these are quite simple answers, but the difficulty lies in the fact that they are so simple the answers are not theirs to provide solutions to such questions, seemingly simple at first glance, well , it is extremely difficult, sometimes almost impossible, that it is necessary, first of all, to build, it would be necessary to build, well, the first or second line,
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if the first line breaks through, so that we can withdraw to the second or third line. well, the russians managed to do this while we were preparing our spring offensive, the summer offensive, or rather it became, during the spring and summer of last year they built, we remember, we remember these surovykin lines, these are the two first, third, second lines defenses, and they built not just dug a trench and put dragon teeth, they made reinforced concrete structures there, that is , there are dugouts that are two, even three floors underground, there are many underground communications, that is, they made powerful, if i am not mistaken , i may be slightly wrong in the figure, but they made something like 600 km of trenches and did not just dig them with a tractor, but made them equipped, that is, with pillboxes, with reinforced concrete and with very well fortified trenches, well, those cities where they have to defend, unfortunately, behind avdiivka, behind
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kupinsky such powerful fortifications, well , we didn't have time to make them so powerful, and we didn't have the possibility of such and such equipment. people to be able to do this, there is something, there are some fortifications , but they are inferior to the russian ones, and therefore, as long as there is time, while there is a hold on kupinsk and near kupinsky and near avdiivka, and we understand that if the russians settle we will have to leave, well, we need to have somewhere to leave, we hope, i hope that it is being done now, what else is needed, well, we must more... people, because, in addition to weapons, there must be people who used these weapons, that is, if the russians are outnumbered by multiples, then in order to gain defense, well, skillfully hold the defense, it is necessary to have at least, well, that not so much, there are much less russian
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soldiers than russian ones, well, a platoon cannot hold the defense if divisions are advancing, well, it is obvious here, i am not saying that there is such a difference, but there in some areas it is... approximately so , what else is needed, we need shells, definitely, first of all, we need them projectiles to enable anti-battery warfare, destroy enemy artillery, and of course what you said , more drones, more means of radio electronic warfare are needed, drones cannot yet completely replace artillery, but well , they could help significantly, well , it would be good, of course, well, these are already such big, distant prospects, it would be good to have more aviation, we are for... suffering from russian cabs and this is a serious problem for everyone, it is being done in the trenches, now we just have to go for a small commercial break, we'll be back and already there we will talk in detail a little about
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bakhmud, a little about kupyansk, so stay with us after the commercial, and now a little small commercial on the espresso tv channel. there are 20% discounts on tizin bio and tyzinc sylo in pharmacies plantain for you and save. there are no potatoes, you can bring them, but something has caught on right away. i remind you, apply dr. tice's vitreous ointment and get back to work. ointment with comfrey is a german ointment for joint and muscle pain. returns, movement. from pain in the joints and muscles - a natural ointment. lively from the doctor thaisa also try dr. tice's comfrey warming cream. proven tool. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and disturb you. a special complex of active substances of dolgita antineuralgia helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit
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and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. we continue the chronicles of the war and continue the conversation with oleksiy hetman , a reserve major of nsu. and denis nagorny also joined us. major of the national guard, chief of staff of the artillery of the 4th rubizh brigade. i congratulate you, mr. denis. good evening, studio, good evening, dear viewers, denis, well, let's ask you a little about what is actually happening under bakhmut, and well , you know, there were reports at the beginning week, that there is a little bit near bohdanivka, they managed to knock out the russians from some positions, but it is not completely clear, did they manage to gain a foothold there, what can you say about it in general, were there really any advances there now are there today? ours, if you take it in general , where our fourth brigade
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of operational frontiers is defending, it is a little bit further north, and in general the whole line, the line is somewhat static, like such towns, for example, the same bohdanivka, they can no longer be considered existing, as well as the same bang, bang, because it's just being sterilized , uh, the line itself is not moving yet, but in some places the enemy continues to... actively concentrate efforts, this is in particular the same bohdanivka, these are the same klishchiev heights, zaliznyanske, fun and a little above controversial, that is, he tries to probe the line in those places where he thinks he will be successful operationally, while using a large number of personnel, it is mainly stormz units, it is mobilized units, it is ... some use of armored vehicles from closed firing positions,
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that is, it does not approach the line of combat collision, and the same with the mass use of artillery and tactical aviation, why tactical aviation, because every day, according to our calculations, the number of strikes by baboons, kababs, from umpk, as well as strikes by drones, the number of drones at the moment... the moment on the line of contact is very large, both on our side and on the side of the enemy, which gives, for example, certain results, but if we take it in general, if we take it in general, on a certain part of the front in bakhmut, yes , let's take, for example, this is the northern flank, in a month our drones, drones of the defense forces took out an entire artillery division, i.e. 18 guns went into the ostensibly, let's call it that. that is, there are successes , but you cannot abandon artillery in general, because
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it is the main means of supporting the infantry, that is, in any case, well, i just thought, you are an artilleryman after all, so you are probably competing with the drones a little for targets. , on which you can hit, but you know, well, everyone points out what happened, well, there is a certain projectile one. all these conversations are, well, and can you somehow compare, maybe for a little longer perspective, if you compare with the summer of 23, with the fall of 23, how much this projectile hunger is so directly critical in general, and it is growing exponentially, uh, let's put it this way, for example , for defensive operations at the moment, roughly speaking, there are enough shells, plus they are compensated by the same joint actions with minesweepers, that is, companies of unmanned attack
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systems, but if you add all this up to a certain... to a certain heap, let's call it rough yes, for tactical actions, for example, the same offensive or repelling certain positions, there, for example, on the front of the battalion, this is not enough, the enemy, for example, if we take, for example, the army of the russian federation, they have an advantage in this, they concentrate a very large number of forces and means of fire, artillery. mortars, aircraft, drones on certain sections, due to which they sometimes succeed in knocking us out of position, and then these positions are also difficult to return, sometimes if they do not have time to rush the infantry there, that is
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, the main sine of the lock is to destroy the enemy's infantry before it approaches the front edge, but... the war has reached such a stage that if you take the 23rd year, the 22nd, then every day the number of artillery shots from both sides is decreasing, the military industry, even of such a large country as russia, is currently unable to take such steps to the number of fired shells, which are 20-30 thousand shots, as it was last year. if we take the ratio now, it is somewhere between 3-400 shots from from our side and somewhere up to 10 thousand shots from the russian side in general. well, it’s still very big, you know, it’s still a very big retained advantage for them, of course, but it’s all compensated by the use of drones, ugh, that is, gradually moving from the use
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of massive artillery to... point strikes by drones, which we, to things, we collect, if there is an opportunity in the studio, and we collect not only for drones, but also for reb devices, if there is an opportunity to place a qr code here, i will be very grateful, well, if there is one, well, if you if you give it, we will of course be able to publish it and join your collection without fail, but now we simply draw your attention to the fact that the fourth frontier brigade is collecting nadron. and please, friends, find an opportunity, find the fourth brigade in social networks, join this gathering, because guys, well, in an important direction and on the first line, and well, this is really very necessary, mr. denis, and one more such question, you know , you have already started to talk about it a little, and about the fact that there is no way without artillery anyway, but tell me how realistic it is to carry out in general, well
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some offensive actions, at least limited, that is, the reflection of certain positions. just using drones and infantry, how much can we afford it at all? eh, absolutely realistic , quite realistic, because there are certain cases when an entire platoon stronghold was knocked out with the use of drones, and the infantry could enter there without problems, but i still emphasize that there is no way without artillery, this is a symbiosis of troops, same as rap, same as air defence. just like other forces and means that are used, troops cannot fight there purely by infantry purely by drones, this is a complete set of measures that must be carried out for an offensive, for example, to take the same consolidated stronghold, you need to conduct reconnaissance, you need to release the same reconnaissance drones, see when
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people come, when they leave, how many they have accumulated there, when the reserves are suitable. eh, what a time it is in the advance of the reserves, fire to prohibit the advance, to prohibit the deployment , here, i say, it cannot, it cannot be said that they took purely infantry, took purely drones and everything, occupied a certain, certain area there , that is, while we do not have that number of drones and while we do not have her, unfortunately , so far, that amount of ammunition to do such... actions it is difficult, it is quite important, well, i am also mr. and oleksiy i also want him to speak on this matter, because look, what concerns... this is precisely this direction that denis is talking about, bakhmutsky, it seems that at least there, now, well, no, the russians are not particularly capable
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of conducting an offensive actions, nor our troops can conduct offensive actions, and if in for the russians, this may be due to the fact that they are conducting offensive actions in another place, so for us it is primarily not enough, as i understand it, there are simply enough forces, neither artillery, nor, well, ammunition. that it was very nice to hear from a person who directly conducts combat operations in bakhmut, i have been there many times, i am also from the national guard, only from the 27th brigade, i was there once, they immediately smiled, they know what i am talking about, i was a commander in the kovchytsky barracks fire support company, so i have a great understanding of what it's all about mines, what is this, well, we didn't have artillery, but in short, that's what they came for, the fact is that now the russians are accumulating additional strength. to bakhmu near bakhmut, they almost doubled the number of troops, well , according to official information , the number of troops there is from 40,000 to
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80,000, will it allow them to advance further to the chasvar, well, we understand where they want to go, by and large they want to go to kostiantynovka, because we all know how important this is, we have traveled on these trains many times, well, not in self-defense, but when it was necessary to go there urgently to kyiv and back, that's why... okay, they came again, that's because whether they will succeed or not, well , the problem here is that they use the groups that we and they storm groups , they have a reserve, this is a so-called tactical rotation, that is , a group can come, it was torn, it left and a new group in the same one goes, well, well, for example, on a certain area there, some 100 m there, for example, 20 - 25 people, well, they tried to pass there, the groups did not pass and were repulsed and... they are trying to take them out so that the russians take them out so that they do not even come close physically to these newest assault groups, and the newest group is leaving, it is fresh, that is, it is full of bk over there
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, they are fully equipped, and they were repelled, they are coming back to us again these are the same people holding the defense, that is, such tactical reteration of so many people that we don't have to do it, that's why it's exhausting both morally and psychologically, well, what a colleague. tells about, well, not a colleague , it’s better to say to a sister-in-law, well, well, when they fall asleep, well, right away, yes, it’s very important to every shot hit the target, well, the russians do and take sectors, take squares , start to cover them and it's just, well, how is it, where do we have to leave, of course, and then if they made it and we managed to leave simply. to withdraw from under fire, to get out from under fire, then of course, if they saw it through their eagles there or in some other way, that they somehow had to withdraw, they
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can quickly drive their infantry there, and then we already it will be necessary to knock them out of there, but we cannot pour them like that artillery, like them, that's why there are certain difficulties, regarding drones, well, you know, well , people are starting who, well, human beings have just become friends, only very... he explained perfectly that drones are also important, artillery is important, well, that is, this a large, serious complex in order for a battalion, a squad, or even a platoon to take any action, it is necessary that orders be written there, that it be written down how to do what there, i am silent about what the reports are, the journals still need to be filled, well then so, some person comes out who is somewhere very far from the line front and begins to tell, now we are there with drones or something else there and that's it... will we win immediately or on the 16th will the planes bombard everyone there, well, well, listen, well , this annoys the guys who are there, when a self-confident person starts talking
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about how he was only a visitor in the army, starts talking about how to conduct military operations, that everyone there is stupid, and she is like that, or he is so smart, well, it’s just that i don’t know, it’s so annoying that i i can't even, well, many of my friends come, you know, straight there from those some people have started. on vacation , well, because of my health, even, well, no, for 15 days, but we meet all the time, i ask what is there, i ask me, i was kicked out of the army for bad behavior, well, age, in short , i have reached a chronic age, a year ago they told me everything, goodbye, i speak, and i can still, goodbye and everything, well, goodbye is a date, and here people come, tell, i say , what is there, there is misorovka, how was it, i say, no, there is no more misorovka, there is already a blender? everything is there it got much worse, so, well, you know , it’s better, let me tell my brothers, because i, well, i’m watching, i only know the story of such brothers from kiev, well, i analyze it, i look at documents a lot, but
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man... . directly sees, he can better tell what is happening there because he sees it with his own eyes, i think it is better to give him more time than me. mr. denys, then let's give one more thing, you already said a little about the fact that now mainly in your direction there is no technology, well , this is really true, because we see when these here are their technical breakthroughs, it is there in the area of ​​bilogorivka, in the area around kupyansk, in the area of ​​avdiivka again... there are bunches of them, you say, they destroy armored vehicles by the dozens, because they mostly do not have the equipment you have , but do you see the accumulation of this technique, or as mr. oleksiy said, they will still accumulate and try to advance towards the temporal abyss, or do you already see some signs that this may happen? absolutely support the words of my brother, of course,
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there are many such nuances, especially regarding meat grinders and in terms of rotation, the people remain the same, and the orcs are new and new, that is , it is a little difficult, well, morally, morally a little difficult, but i will say, we soldiers are waiting for war, so we have nothing to fear from the 14th year , well, that’s it, i’ll say that they simply can’t catch up with the equipment to the front edge, left... drove to the line of deployment of joint columns, worked out, left, the tank left, it doesn’t approach the direction of the gunfire, it fires from closed firing positions, they also do not allow that simply on the distance of defeating our anti-tank means or its defeat by those fpv means
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that are available, of course... they do not accumulate, they keep the equipment, roughly speaking, at a low start, but away from the front line so that it is not affected as much as possible, because the dear accumulation of technology there at once , so to speak, draws out the stars and into the eye, and these people, people stir, run, it is all on fire, we like it, everything is wonderful, well, so that they accumulate, yes, they have a lot . there is an extremely large number of personnel here personnel, and the main operational task for the russians at the moment is this , that is, let's call it that, this is the donetsk fortress - this is bakhmut, this is chasivyar, konstakh, druzhkovka, slavyansk, kramar, kramatorsk, siversk, that is, this fortress for them, it is somehow a matter of pride for obtaining all of donbas,
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and... and most likely they will drive the majority of the people here, i.e. continue the same tactics of wagner, it has not changed here at the moment, if you take bohdanivka, where group 15 , 20, 30 people, well, how many there is not enough fp, artillery is needed there as well, the main means that my colleague commanded is a fire support company, these are the guys who immediately... who are given sometimes, and the artillery is delayed, we are very proud, who is, it is over nowadays, thank you to mr. oleksiy hetman, thank you to denys nagorny, i remind you to support the fourth brigade of rubizh, find mr. denys, or his brigade on social networks, they are collecting for drones, they really need them near bakhmut in order to protect time and believe, in order to actually to be able to hold positions near bakhmut, our time is up, more news.
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accept them in the studio, and see you in a week in this format. oleksandr syrsky made the first statement, he.


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