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tv   [untitled]    February 9, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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namely, the moscow higher military command school and began a military career. the new commander-in-chief passed all levels from platoon commander to deputy chief of the general staff of the armed forces. started in 1986 as the commander of the motorized rifle platoon. already in 2002, he was appointed to command the 72nd mechanized brigade. as of 2013, he was the first deputy chief of the main command center of the armed forces of ukraine and was involved in cooperation with... nato. thus, in november of the same year, sirsky on behalf of the ministry of defense at the headquarters nato discussed changes in the ukrainian army in accordance with alliance standards. with the beginning of hostilities in the east of ukraine, sirsky headed the ato headquarters. he was one of the commanders during the battles near debaltseve and uglehirsk. he also coordinated the bars group, which covered the withdrawal of ukrainian troops and debaltseve himself. for this operation, oleksandr syrskyi was awarded the order of bohdan. khmelnytskyi of the third
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degree and later he received the rank of lieutenant general. in 2016, he headed the joint operational headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine. and in 2017, he commanded an anti-terrorist operation in the east of ukraine, which was later changed to a united forces operation. from may to august 2019, sirskyi was the commander of the joint operational headquarters of the armed forces of ukraine. on august 5, 2019, he became the commander of the land forces. troops of the armed forces of ukraine. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, it was syrsky who was responsible for the defense of kyiv, for which he was awarded the title of hero of ukraine. in the fall of 2022, syrskyi was one of the commanders of the counteroffensive in kharkiv oblast. the ministry of defense of ukraine named his name among the creators the victory of the zsu, the atlanteans, who hold the operation on their shoulders. in 2023, sirsky commanded the eastern group of troops, which fought the hottest battles. areas of the front. at that time, he
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called the offensive battle near bakhmut, where thousands of ukrainian soldiers died, a matter of principle and a matter of honor. syrsky said that the armed forces could surround the city captured by the russians, but this did not happen. from the fall of 2023, he led the khortytsia operational-strategic group, which is responsible for the section of the front near kupyansk and lyman. the russians are powerful here are attacking, and the ukrainians are defending. oleksandrskyi often goes to the front line and personally meets with fighters at the hottest areas of the front, in order to analyze battle tactics in the city, identify problematic issues and support the fighters. well, this is how the military results of the day ended, and here he is, general oleksandr silsky. good evening, we are from ukraine. there is still
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a lot of important and interesting information ahead, today we will have an important conversation with an investor, with a businessman, with an entrepreneur, with a philanthropist, there will be information from yulia fizar, especially for us i wonder what is there in the united states of america with aid to ukraine, money during the war with oleksandr morshchavka, which products rose in price last year, lina chechenina with another scandal and news from pogoda from natalka didenko, and now about the most important events. today i will tell you in detail. a bipartisan delegation of the united states congress, led by the chairman of the intelligence committee, mike turner, made an important visit to kyiv. ambassador bridget announced this on the x social network brink. she added that the delegation includes congressmen french hill, jason crowe, abigail spanberger and zach nunn. promoto visits or planned meetings have not yet been announced. they met and discussed the minister
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of defense of ukraine rustem umerov held the first working meeting with the newly appointed commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general oleksandr syrskyi. they discussed the detailed action plan of our defenders for the year 2024, the department reported. during the meeting, it was also discussed about setting up the logistics system and on time meeting the necessary military needs. the focus was on an effective system of rotation and rest of units. special attention was paid to the new species. troops of the armed forces of ukraine, created by the decree of president zelenskyy to the forces of unmanned systems. and in ukraine, an industrial defense committee was created. his main task is to establish systematic work between weapons manufacturers, military leadership and independent experts. prime minister denys shmehal informed about this during the government meeting. he stated that personally will head this committee, and the ministers of strategic industries, defense, finance, as well as the head will be involved in the work. ministry of internal affairs and security service. our
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task is to bring the ukrainian defense industry to a new level, to form a unique support system for manufacturers, to give more. incentives to increase the level of interaction with international companies in this field. we will also invite local authorities to join this work. in general , it is important for us to involve local authorities more in supporting the defense of our country. even more powers were given to employees territorial centers of procurement, said the representative of the verkhovna rada of ukraine in the cabinet of ministers, taras melnychuk. the government allowed representatives of the military, well now... it is called the tsc to consider cases of administrative offenses and impose fines, as well as organize periodic medical examinations and psychological examinations of conscripts and reservists, and the tsc can also keep records of vehicles to be transferred to the armed forces, during mobilization and in wartime, the work of the centers was switched to
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a 24-hour mode, but now it is only important that there were enough employees to work around the clock, we understand that someone who works from morning to evening will not be able to work, then from evening to morning, so i hope that the financial support of these people will be at the appropriate level, because again people do not work for free either, if all this is provided, then we wish success to tsc in this important work. the government appointed oleksandr porhun as the acting minister for veterans' affairs. until now, he held the position of first deputy minister, and parkhun is also a participant in hostilities and hero of ukraine. he replaced yulia in this position. putin, who was dismissed by the verkhovna rada of ukraine the day before, and before that she wrote an application for dismissal. to help the military, ukrainian youth
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knit, knit, paint, or otherwise try to support our army. rhythmic gymnasts from the white church depict unusual patterns on anti-tank tubes. how did their illustrations impress our film crew and what will they impress us with? let's see. educators of the children's youth sports school, yunist, kateryna and daryna they decorate shell casings with patriotic drawings. the girls invest meaning in each of them. according to volodymyr kornienko, the director of the usa dance, he is very proud of his rhythmic gymnasts, because he really liked the idea with the story illustrations, says the permanent school. volunteers and helps the military, and the initiative probably came from the fact that our polish friends at the beginning of the war sent us humanitarian aid and there were drawings of polish children in support of ukraine, and this probably inspired our girls to do something like this
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here's the initiative, they're good guys, they 're very talented, talented in sports, talented in art too, they're super good guys, it all started with a small sleeve. which was given to the girls by a volunteer they knew, they decided to decorate it, after which they showed it to the benefactor, the husband liked it, so he brought two more tubes for a test, and later the collection became as many as 14, as kateryna says, 3-4 of them can be used for one job hours, but it all depends on the complexity of the picture, female athletes are inspired by current events, as there is a war going on in our country and very it is important for everyone to remember. to ask about it thematically , that it was from the east that these sleeves and tubes were transported, and it is on them that we, through creativity, somehow try to convey to people that we need to contribute, we need to help, that every act
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is important, there are no small actions, if it all brings our victory metal objects are painted with acrylic paints, but first the surface is prepared, on oaks. you can see famous figures, sayings, etc., for example, here is the work of serdyuchka with everything known from ukraine, a handsome muscovite, the expression of the song is let there be spring, also steel flowers or crimea is ukraine, in addition , others are not inferior in exclusivity, there is a tube with the signatures of the soldiers of the 72nd brigade, they asked the soldiers to sign, write some pleasant words, or their call sign, a lot of soldiers responded, some of them. the beads will later be given to volunteers, others will be auctioned to raise funds for the armed forces. the girls also have a minigame where everyone can, with their eyes closed, randomly point their finger at any city written on the tube, that's where they'll go man after the victory, we also decided
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to try, well, you say, yes, after the victory, i have to go to volnovakha, lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. a wonderful initiative, wonderful works and a very noble cause, you should only support such initiatives and be happy for those people who do it, well, you can’t be happy for the people, obviously, who are blocking the borders, but again, the issue is difficult, and not here what to be happy or sad about, you need to understand what is happening this time, because the ukrainian-polish border was unlocked they are blocking again, a total blockade, polish farmers started strikes again on the border with ukraine, starting today... they blocked traffic at one of the checkpoints of medic shagyna. the actions of the farmers are taking place within the framework
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of the all-polish protest of farmers across the country. at the same time, the minister of agriculture of poland, czeslaw sekerski , stated that such farmers are the children of the farmers, and the actions of the farmers are justified. more details in the material. a bonfire is lit, dances are held and firecrackers are thrown. about 100 polish. on tractors gathered in front of the checkpoint doctor sheghini. the protestors' demands are reduced to two main ones, says roman kondruv, the organizer of the action. the first is blocking the arrival of agricultural products from ukraine. the second concerns changes in the green course and climate policy of the european union. we sympathize with you, but we cannot watch how the oligarchs use you and us in that political game. it is they who earn huge money, they become rich and increase their capital. and you
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are poor ukrainians, and we poles, polish farmers, suffer because of this. hostages of these protests are ukrainian truck drivers who are actually forced to live in these queues, because the drivers are responsible for the goods they carry, so they cannot simply abandon their trucks. no one needs it anymore, it's a war now, they just don't feel it. it seems that their life is wonderful, they want to live even better, and they do not need ukrainians, at least 250 trucks are waiting to enter ukraine. previously , polish farmers promised to allow vehicles carrying fuel and humanitarian goods out of the queue. however , more time is needed to analyze how this is really happening, - says the spokeswoman of the lviv border guard oleksandra kuchkovska. this applies to the entire category of transport, namely trucks, buses and passenger vehicles,
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from the information we have, the participants of such actions on the territory of poland will allow one type of vehicle per hour in one direction. two more crossing points grebene rava ruska and dorogusk yagodin are also blocked. the situation there is better than at the checkpoint. a doctor - says the spokeswoman. polish colleagues reported that the same actions began in front of the ravarusk ridge checkpoint. but at this checkpoint, the blocking will apply only to cargo vehicles that cross the state border. pre-passing of such categories as buses and cars will be carried out in the usual manner. poland's minister of agriculture czeslaw sekerski explained that... poland and other border countries were the most affected by the eu's decision to liberalize trade. we
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understand the help. the poles provided it very much a lot and from the bottom of my heart. we are conducting bilateral negotiations with ukraine about the fact that we want to establish certain quotas, volumes that we will control. if there is too much of a certain product, there will be a blockade. the polish government is trying to reach an understanding with the farmers, but so far without success. the authorities are trying to work out a mutually acceptable formula for the two countries, for effective cooperation, and not for creating problems. - noted ambassador of ukraine to poland vasyl zvarych. the diplomat emphasizes that a free border is a matter of ukraine's defense capability. because ukraine is now in a state of war, we are defending ourselves from russian aggression, we need forces, we need resources, we need to fill the budget, we are very dependent on our exports abroad and whatever. the limitation of our export opportunities has a very painful effect on our economy and our
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defense capability, therefore we hope that certain understandings will be reached between the polish government and polish farmers in order to limit this protest as much as possible in time and to work out such bilateral cooperation mechanisms that would make it impossible blocking the border in the future. the blocking of the border may continue until the beginning of march, as announced by polish farmers, it is not only about the already blocked three... checkpoints from february 12 , traffic may be complicated for trucks through the poplar checkpoints in stilukh and urginiv dolgobychiv. all. the tester talked about oligarchs who make money, but in fact small and medium-sized businesses suffer from this, businesses close down, collapse because they simply cannot receive goods on time, and ordinary ukrainians suffer mainly from the fact that the border is blocked, words about oligarchs, you know, it is very good to hide one's ambitions and not talk about them, it always works very well, but it is not always true, and we include
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konstantin zhivago in the conversation, he is investor, entrepreneur, philanthropist, mr. kostyantyn, i congratulate you. do you hear me, happy to see and hear? i understand that we have certain problems with communication, but now we will restore it. what are we going to talk about? it is very important to understand the opinion about the help that can be provided to ukraine, the senate of the united states of america, i would like to remind you that yesterday a vote was finally taken in the upper chamber of the ukrainian, russian, russian, ukrainian, american legislative body. for the consideration of the financial aid bill for ukraine, it is about more than 60 billion dollars, well , but this is only the beginning of the story, it is good that they, as they say, opened the door, but further we have to enter this door and do some work. konstantin zhivago joins us, mr. konstantin, congratulations, vasyl, congratulations, good evening tv viewers, well, actually, i briefly said that i reminded our viewers that yesterday the senate
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finally voted to consider the bill on financial assistance to ukraine, then we will have to consider the project in the senate, then in the palace. representatives, well, there are certain risks that we may not wait for this help, what consequences will it have for our country and how much percentage do you give, as a person who knows how to think and count on the fact that we will still get a positive result? vasyl, thank you, this is a very important question now, we understand that it depends on how we are the united states, whether they will provide aid or not, we are all waiting for it, and we started talking about it at the beginning of autumn, even... not to mention winter, and you remember that in one of our interviews from our interviews we talked about the fact that the united states is still reducing and reducing and reducing aid to us in monthly and weekly tranches, and this was actually a bad signal when we initially had 1.5-2 billion in aid there billion dollars in a tranche, after that we started to finish 125 million, 175 million, 200 million in
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tranche, i.e. these were signals from the beginning in reality. in the fall of 2023, that the united states has its own internal problems in order to provide funding, to provide technical, military, and economic assistance to ukraine, so today we already have february, and february is already the 15th, that is, it is the middle of the second month of the year, we do not have any solution, we do not have a single penny, not a single cent of our aid, either military or socio-economic aid, which ukraine needs so much. what is our budget and our people need, if you asked me how important it is, it is very important, very important for our stability, to be able to defend our territory from aggression, our people and actually control the war, not in any case not to have a situation where we are weak on the front , this is a very unexpected and very undesirable situation for us, we all
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understand this, and definitely help is very important, because without this help... the risk is the help of the international monetary fund, and also the help of the so-called ticket agencies, i.e. of our bilateral creditors who add aid when the united states adds aid and the imf gives. to your question, how much percentage do i give for this, unfortunately, today , as i see all this happening, i give only 25% of what we receive at all in any aid from the united states this year, that is, we are so a whopping 75% chance and i'm not the only one. this is how economists, brokers and including investors all over the world evaluate it, be it london, new york, tokyo or hong kong, they evaluate it the most in 25%, and they, together with me, are still optimists , there are a lot of people who say today that the agreement will not come at all this year from the united states, and ukraine will have a huge hole from the united states and from these so-called bilateral
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, that is, the bilateral creditors, which, together with the united states, unfortunately will not... provide aid to ukraine, and this is very bad, bad from all points of view, it is very bad for the war, for the military situation, first of all, because without military aid, i i don't even want to to think what might happen at the front, i am afraid and frightened to think what will happen to the amount of blood that may be spilled, and it is definitely a different situation, the second post-war situation, what will happen to the budget, what will happen to our national unit, with inflation, which... will occur with the exchange rate of the hryvnia to the dollar and all other hard currencies. well, ukraine received clear assurances that there will be help, we know that biden warned putin not to give... give it, because we will give help, to support, sanctions and so on and so on and so on, well, it will be a shame if we do not get exactly what we had hoped for, because actually ukraine would not have started, well, i don’t know, maybe the situation would be different if
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we understood that at some stage we simply will not have weapons, we will not have money, but in any case there is money in the world, there may not be as many weapons as in the united states of america, but there is money, well, it is possible plan b for attracting funds, it is possible to borrow this money on the domestic market in ukraine, and it is possible to borrow them from those. people around the world who also have this money, are these not options , because we will not find such cheap money, but what about plan b, does it exist or not, please, thank you, vasyl, you know, there is no question , this money is cheap, this money is expensive , that is, today the question is whether they will give it to us at all, or whether they will not give it to us, that is, it is a question of the value of money, this is a secondary issue today in these circumstances, i generally very much agree with... vasyl, your statement that we would probably have behaved differently if we had understood what resources we can count on, and what arguments do we really have in this conversation,
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the military conversation, which we have with the aggressor country russia, i definitely do not like it very much, and it is not credible, in fact, i believe me, how scared such countries are today, like south korea or japan, when they see that the united states cannot help ukraine, then they ask questions and scratch their heads and say, what will happen if tomorrow china, according to its ambitions, together with russia, god forbid, attacks on south korea or attack japan , and then what can we expect from the united states, because what the congress and these so-called crazy republicans are doing today, who are so far-right, who do not give the opportunity to vote for aid to ukraine, and they are all republicans like that ochmanili, that is, there are 10-15 of them there, but in fact today they are in favor, that is, they are holding the entire congress. as i.e. the state national parliament, the state legislative body, as such, cannot vote for aid to ukraine, although it is in
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of the largest and, in fact, strongly in the interests of the national security of the united states of america, that is, america presents itself as not a credible, credible country that promises something, then cannot fulfill its promises, and this is generally bad for america, first of all, because a lot of people in the world will rethink. how to conclude which military alliances by the united states and after that, how to count on these alliances, because believe me, you remember, as soon as this aggression, the war with the russian federation began, we have received clear signals from the world and from the united states, as the leader of our one world, that we will get as much aid as we need, and we will finance the war as much as we need, and it is not even limited to any time, how much... for what is needed and after a year of war, a year and a half of war, after the so-called partial, excuse me, some
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confusion in this situation, that the war does not end, additional costs that the budgets of various countries bear, we came to the statements of america that we will you to support as long as we have the money, and today we ended this conversation with biden and the leaders of the united states saying that we can't... we can't support you because the basket is empty and we don't have the money for you to support you it's really, as i told you, very unfortunate for us, and i hope that the united states will find strength after all, it's a great, great country, it's really the leader of the free world, it's a great country that sets democratic rules in the world, that is actually a model of democracy, which is, in fact, democracy all over the world. hugs, and i am sure that she will find all the strength in herself to overcome these so-called republicans, who have their own daily political, that is, their situation and their
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agenda regarding the elections of the united states, they will still provide assistance to ukraine and taiwan , and israel, and in general to all those countries when they have already, that is, announced that they will provide aid, only in order to support democracy, democratic values ​​in the country, that is, so that these countries. by no means became dictatorships, because you can imagine what we risk as ukrainians, in relation to how we fight with russia, what south korea risks, looking at everything that is reflected in north korea, we understand what is happening and can happen in taiwan, if tomorrow there is an aggression against them and they are attacked, god forbid, china, which , unfortunately, no one in the world considers democratic, it is very unfortunate, so in this situation, answering your question , do we... get help, i said what interest, unfortunately, only 25, i hope that after all , america will live up to our expectations and, in general , the expectations of the whole world, that america was and
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will remain a leader. free world , democratic world, but in this situation, we definitely have to have a plan b, and plan b for us, it's not very easy, it's not very easy to implement, and it will actually involve a lot of such difficult decisions and very unpopular decisions regarding the budget, and regarding the budgetary sphere, and regarding business and taxes, but if we want to survive, i want, if we want to meet your anniversary. and not only the 35th , but also the fortieth, and the 50th, and the hundredth anniversary of ukraine as an independent state, we should go all out for it, and what we should do, of course, is what the government understands, we will have to increase taxes, we are about it said last time, and i guess we should raise taxes on both income and wages, and make it so that businesses that are working and making a profit are even
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forced to buy war bonds for... some percentage of their profits in order to in order to to finance the armed forces, secondly , it is definitely, we will have to cut, whether we want it or not, government spending, that is , the spending that we have today, we will have to cut, it is not popular, but we see what happened in previous years and on the 22nd and 23rd, there are a lot of things that in fact we would rather not finance, finance the army, but we did it, and it has to end, if we don't have money and help, then in this situation we have to... with blood and sweat to do everything so that we win in this country, protect ukraine, protect our sovereignty, protected our people, the ukrainians, and the third issue, which we will definitely have to do, is to try to borrow somewhere on the domestic foreign markets, it will be impossible to do this on the foreign markets, and this is not what i said about the value of money, we can pay more for it , and it’s generally just the availability of money, when no one finances us in this
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situation, because in our country... and we are financed only by interstate programs, like between states, and these are bilateral, that is, international financial institutions like the imfa, so financing will be possible only on the domestic market, but it is limited, we cannot take more than what we have in the market today, the banking system has some liquidity, the population has some liquidity, that is, money to invest in bonds, but i am sure that it will not be able to happen although would be even a third of what we will lose if... they finance us in the united states together with other financial institutions what we are counting on, so in this situation there are difficult decisions ahead, but a plan b must be had. well, you are ahead of the curve my third question, i just wanted to ask how to increase budget revenues, you actually talked about it, i am very brief, please tell me, is there a threat that the standard of living will decrease significantly, the purchasing power of the population will decrease significantly, it can jump.
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and usually only the exchange rate of the national currency goes up , as it can be a serious shock , because you know, some people understand it, but a lot of people in ukraine live thinking that there is nothing like that, they will be very surprised when they see some inflationary processes or something the dollar is no longer at 37, but at some other price, vasyl, you are 100% right, and these issues are the main issues that concern society, today the first issue that concerns us is security and... and security, that is a list of all the issues we have, but secondly, even under these conditions, we have to survive, we have to somehow feed our children, we have to somehow support our families, we have to live, because we have been at war for two years and almost two years of war, war and war, and we will now have this anniversary on february 24, 2024, and we understand that life, unfortunately, is...
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that is, it does not pass in one minute, wars continue and we have to live even during wartime, and in this situation, in order to feed countries, feed families and do everything that is necessary, yes, of course, the government will be forced to reduce spending, that is, we may face the fact that my jobs in the public sector will be reduced, and wages there will be frozen, in some cases even reduced. we will watch and see a situation where the government will be forced to print money, as it was at the beginning of the war, if in we will have a deficit in our current account, i.e. the budget financing obligations account, approximately between 20-22 or 18 or 17 billion, this means for me that we will have to print somewhere approximately another 400 billion uah, which were printed at the beginning of the war by
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the national bank of ukraine and... it's roughly 10 billion dollars, right?


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