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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EET

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congratulations chas news on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. the man received a shrapnel wound as a result of the shahed's night attack on odesa. this was announced by the head of the regional military administration oleg kiper. also to drones. shelled the izmail district. information about the consequences of the attack is currently being clarified. at night, 15 private houses burned in kharkiv due to enemy shelling. five people died. there may be two children among them. there are also victims - reported oleg synigubov, the head of the region. occupiers hit the local gas station with shahedes. due to spilled fuel, a fire broke out on an area of ​​more than 3,500 m2 in...
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non-combatants managed to save four people, and fifty others were evacuated. search and rescue operations are currently ongoing. the russian military, according to preliminary data , launched a uav of the shachet type from the territory of the belgorod region. as a result of this launch, at about 11 p.m., three rocket-propelled grenades hit the critical infrastructure facility. which is located in the myshlyansky district of the city of kharkiv. present the object was destroyed. the karsian aggressors are destroying our city. the city of kharkiv is a hero. but we will survive, but we will win. russian soldiers attacked a residential building in bilozerka, kherson region. a 45-year-old man was injured in the blow, he was hospitalized in serious condition, the regional military administration said. the information is currently being clarified. the last month of assistance for
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internally displaced persons. from march 1 , not all categories of immigrants will receive money. the reason is the lack of budget funds. according to the head of the ministry of social policy, one month of aid payments for idps costs the state more than uah 6 billion. previously, changes in the social program were announced on february 1, but were later postponed for another month. on march 1 , we automatically continue payments for such internally displaced persons as pensioners with low pensions of less than 9 00, people with disabilities of the first and second groups, children, orphans and those deprived of parental care, as well as on applications, but we calculate housing assistance for families, where there are children under 14 and where there is no education, online education, and one parent has to look after, but the requirement for the other parent to either register as employed or be...
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settled, these are the basic basic things that we're introducing now. return migrants. every year, ukraine loses 10% of its pre-war gdp due to population emigration abroad. the birth rate also fell by 30%. at a time when from poland, when in poland , 82% of all foreign babies are ukrainians. during the forum, we will achieve victory, from the resilience of citizens to a state of gratitude, said the people's deputy. the state must do everything to take care of these people and think about how to return them, return them not by force, as proposed by our government, not by threats, but by creating conditions and building a democratic society in which you want to live, this is a difficult task, but it's...
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that we are what we have to decide, simply to survive, exist and win. it is about the fact that you can take each direction, yes, there is demography, yes, about what, what mr. mykola said, yes, there is veteran history, medicine, and it doesn't matter, education, yes, science, everything needs to change, the world has completely changed, the country has completely changed, and everything simply needs to be restarted from scratch. the senate voted to begin debate on the relief bill. ukraine, the hill reports. 64 senators voted for work on the document, 19 voted against it. after discussions and possible amendments, its final version will be put to a vote. let me remind you, we are talking about financial assistance in the amount of more than 95 billion dollars for ukraine, israel and taiwan. german chancellor olaf scholz met. in washington with
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the us president, where they discussed further support for ukraine, reuters reported. the parties resolutely confirmed their position in ukraine's struggle against russia. in particular, joe biden. praised germany's contribution to the defense of our country, scholz, on the other hand , said that he hoped for financial assistance to the country from the american congress. metropolitan epiphany visited bukovyna the day before. the visit of the head of the orthodox church of ukraine had an important mission. he presented the newly appointed head of the united chernivtsi-bukovyna diocese. why is this decision historic and how? bukovyna, let's see in the next material, a historical decision, that's what the primate of the orthodox church of ukraine calls the unification of three dioceses of the ocu in bukovyna into one. according to the decision of the holy synod, three separate dioceses are united into a single
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chernivtsi-bukovyna diocese. if we have strong local dioceses, then this happens in general accordingly. on the approval of the ukrainian orthodox church. bishop feognost bodoryak was elected to lead the newly created central district. i want to thank everyone for their great work and call everyone to unite, as the ruling bishop of the already united chernivtsi-bukovyna diocese, i invite everyone to work together, to love, to peace, to victory. the bishop assures that the church will always remain open for... everyone, and regarding the training of future clergymen, he noted: chernivtsi national university will be able to help in the preparation. we will call our students, young people to study at faculty of theology, chernivtsi
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national university named after petkovich, we will all work together on this, and there is nothing to divide, we are now united. for the people of bukovyna themselves, such a decision is quite important, after all. year coincided with the fifth anniversary of the abolition of autocephaly, the fifth anniversary of the enthronement of our blessed one, the tenth anniversary of the revolution of dignity, and such important events, it is really important for ukrainians to talk about positive events as well. we regard the visit of the blessed epiphanius to bukovina with such a mission as an extremely important push, a push for the formation of a single organizational and institutional structure, a post for other territorial communities. reason and, in accordance with the current legislation, make decisions about transitions. in honor of the unification, metropolitan epiphanius performed a service and reminded all believers that it is faith in god that today helps the nation to stand against the enemy. the leadership of the region is sure that this visit
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of metropolitan epiphany is an impetus for changes in the spiritual life of both bukovyna and ukraine in general. from chernivtsi, for the tv channel espresso. tv channel. expresso is calling to join the collection of fpv drones for a separate platoon of unmanned air systems sapsan of the state special service of transport. these courageous soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to fpv drones, our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor. so we have a goal to collect one million hryvnias for flying weapons. the account already has about 150 thousand hryvnias. remember, the best investment in our freedom is a donation to the armed forces of ukraine. for now, that's all the news for this hour, stay tuned to our website and our social media for more updates. join, put your preferences. next, my
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colleagues lesya vakalyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting for you on the air. don't switch, stay with espresso. azimuth 120 altitude 180 range 16 target in the zone. this is how the ukrainian defenders of the sky work for enemy targets. recently , drone and missile hunters have received the necessary equipment that helps them to always be in touch and react even faster. on the enemy attacks, the strengthening of air defenses speeds up the reaction of anti-aircraft missile units from a few minutes to a matter of seconds. modern means of communication make it possible for us to transmit information
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about the location of the enemy quickly and in real time with a delay of seconds. the air command center received new equipment as part of the pack the sky, pump air defense project, which was jointly implemented by the charitable foundation. come back alive and company new post. in 7 months, the organizers accumulated uah 330 million. in these shots , an ordinary suitcase. however, inside there is a mobile command post with telecommunications equipment. the cost of one wearable communication and control complex is more than a million hryvnias, and it has everything necessary for rapid deployment in the event of a missile or drone hitting a stationary one. each workplace is equipped with everything necessary: ​​computers, keyboards, loudspeakers, ip-telephony. in september of last year, the organizers of the project already handed over special backpacks with everything to the military necessary types of communication for mobile fire groups. this equipment helps to set up a permanent connection. anytime and anywhere. at the beginning of january , air defense units received complex
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hardware communications, that is, equipped trucks accompanying anti-aircraft missile systems. this project should become the basis, the gold standard for the development of communications in the air force and ground forces. stationary command posts of our air defense are priority targets for russian invaders. at the same time, the equipment developed by the return to the living fund. together with the military, it is quickly deployed and can easily change its deployment, with such advanced means, the ukrainian air defense forces will be more protected and even more effective. good morning, dear friends, we wake up, turn on the espresso, and we begin our
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marathon, we will continue, or rather we have continued it for 717 days, that's how long the russian large-scale invasion has been going on, i would like to tell you some good news to begin with, but alas, alas, russia attacked ukraine today, attacked kharkiv oblast in particular, and there there are dead, we will talk about it now, we are starting our roll call and actually starting it. from serhiy zhukov, a member of the kharkiv regional council, an employee of the center for strategic communications and information security, we will ask about the latest news from kharkiv region, what is happening there, we are waiting for his appearance on our airwaves, there is already mr. serhiy, mr. serhiy, good morning, good morning, very disturbing and terrible news from kharkiv region, tell me. what is the latest information about the hits of shaheds in kharkiv oblast? well, yesterday, somewhere, 111 in the evening, in
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a series of explosions rang out in kharkiv, at least four explosions, and we quickly learned that it was an attack by shaheds on the city. in principle, not only the city was under fire, but its own population was also in front of the fire. point of the region, but residents, well, at least myshlyansky, slobitsky districts could observe a huge fire, and in the end , we learned that it was a gas station hit, one of the gas stations in the nemyshlyansky district of the city , 15 private houses burned down, these shots, what you see now in the video is footage. remove by our regional prosecutor's office, they vividly demonstrate the consequences of this terrible
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hit, because i repeat again there was a gas station, a large amount of flammable materials, fuel and so on, that is , there was an evacuation, of course the rescuers quickly drove through somewhere there, 50 people were evacuated, including and... there were people from burning houses, including children, children, at least seven dead, as of this morning it was known, including small children seven years old, four years old, and a baby also died, and this, this, this scary information because, well, information can be updated and the number of dead can... increase, so we are, so to speak, for now, well, of course, not
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that we are shocked, unfortunately, such news have already become quite common, and for the whole of ukraine and for kharkiv in particular, but none the less, uh, none the less, you remember that just this week another child died in the region, as a result of s-300 shelling, er, kharkiv... region, this , it's scary, of course, to talk about it, but unfortunately, we have to remind the world about it first of all, a two-month-old baby died like that, a baby on... was born in december and the date of death is february, it is very scary, i am the mother of this baby, what is her condition, mr. sergey? i don't have the information as she is now, i know that she was, let's say, at the time of the shelling, there were two women there,
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they, i mean that previous shelling, they were given medical attention and... how always our rescuers, our emergency medicine doctors, a big, big always thank you and thank you to the earth, they worked quickly, they always do their job in kharkiv, qualitatively, quickly, and what's more, despite the fact that these things happen in us regularly, similar shelling, and despite the great stress in which he works. these people, they always remain people, well , i don't know how to say it, it's more correct, but they show great humanity to the people they help, actually mayor terikhov said that the attack was primarily on ordinary civilian infrastructure, such a massive an attack on
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civilian infrastructure that it may target. well, again, we can talk for a long time about the purpose of the russians' attack civil infrastructure, but given the fact that these are systematic strikes, this is a systematic story, that is, these are not some excesses, as if, if we were to believe, god forbid russian propaganda, which says that it strikes exclusively at the military objects and that hitting civilian infrastructure is some kind of random er... or such excesses, but this is absolutely not true, they regularly attack civilian infrastructure, civilians are the first to suffer, civilian houses are destroyed, civilian objects objects, there are objects civil infrastructure, namely the provision of the city, and this is done, in my opinion, with the aim of such tactics of terror against
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the civilian population and intimidating people, in order to create in society some kind of... i don't know, for peace at any price, yes, let's do something to make an agreement there so that this chess simply stops, well, although again in kharkiv they are trying to pump up such sentiments, including through there telegram channels of russian origin, which are not suitable for local, but kharkiv, residents of the region, they they remember well what the occupation is parts of the region with constant shelling. not only from sheikheds or s-300, yes, but from barrel artillery and jet artillery, which simply wiped off the face of the earth certain residential areas, directly in the city of kharkiv, and what terrible crimes were revealed to us after the deoccupation of part of the e-e region in the fall of 22- th year, in particular, mass burials in raisins, they became
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known to the whole world, and not only to the residents of our region and our city, which he knew... well , for the most part , yes, in the kharkiv region, they knew what a raisin was, now he knows the whole of ukraine and beyond know what the city is like, unfortunately, because of such tragic events, this attack by the shaheds, why did so many of them actually fly to the target, there they report that, for example, the day before, they shot down some mines with a rifle with kalashnikov, that's for sure. well done to that soldier who did it, but kalashnikovs are not the best way to shoot down shaheds, er, well, look, we see two such two trends that the military reports on official channels, and including this is information that eh, so to speak
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it is also published about... that on the one hand, our military already has the ability and has repeatedly demonstrated the ability to shoot down shaheds almost without damaging them, possibly using some new electronic warfare systems, on the other hand, the number of shaheds shot down has decreased, i.e. despite the fact that mobile fire groups are working in our region. well, as in principle in other regions of ukraine, and their number, so to speak, has been increased recently, the number of knocking down manholes is decreasing, because manholes are now... let's say yes, the russians have changed the tactics of their use , and some technical characteristics of these shaheds may have been changed, because they can now fly on more complex
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trajectories, and this complicates the work of our military. mr. serhiy, thank you for the information from kharkiv oblast, which today experienced a massive attack by russian shaheds, and unfortunately, there are many victims as a result of this attack. serhii zhukov, kharkiv deputy. of the regional council, an employee of the center of strategic communications and information security was in touch with us, we are going on a short break, we are coming back and will continue our roll call , so please stay with us, there are discounts on acc long, 15% in psylshynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies, there are discounts on afida max, 10% on psyasnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. every week, the saturday
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political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. want to understand how our today will affect... but tomorrow, watch saturday's political club, every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and even feedback, you can express your opinion on the day of the day using the telephone survey, turn on. and join the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. an unusual look at the news.
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good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america too they say, let's make better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some kats on the border of kyiv. and beyond, what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon. live now where you are.
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so, dear friends, we are coming back, continuing our roll call, now we will move with you to vinnytsia and talk about what is happening there in the city, vinnytsia, by the way, she topped the regional ranking. centers according to the level of financial assistance to the armed forces of ukraine from the city budget, we will ask olena verlan kulshenko, a deputy of the vinnytsia city council, how they manage to do so, ms. olena, congratulations, here is this rating, you can see it on your screens, vinnytsia in first place, in second place, lutsk, followed by chernihiv, ivano-frankivsk, zhytomyr - these are the top five, followed by lviv, cherkasy, kryvyi rih, ternopil, odesa, and in 15th place is dnipro, this is the ranking . actually, what does ms. olena think about this. mrs. olena, good morning. good morning, i'll start by saying that the people of vinnytsia have been
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working hard for a long time. in order to stimulate the city authorities to transfer funds to the armed forces. because even in the summer we were among those cities that handed over only uah 300 to the armed forces of ukraine. and that's why over the past six months, such activation was primarily associated with numerous appeals from citizens, then with a change in the city government's attitude to the procurement process, and the city council went to the tender, and not just for help. from there the allocation of certain funds by the decision of the city council went to the tender and let's say in conclusion it gave such a powerful result when in the budget of the city council there are funds for the armed forces and for defense actually for fortifications on the territory for the construction of fortifications on the territory of the city and for directly allocated funds for the armed forces for equipping
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them and for ... the inhabitants of the city carried out the work, what does it mean? they went out with pickets of some kind, they went out with pickets, with numbers, they appealed that all funds go to the armed forces of ukraine, they spoke during the at the beginning of the session of the city council, pickets gathered at the entrance to the city council, well, it must be said that it was actually a stimulus... and the external evaluation that we saw, when it turned out that the city council was among the last cities that did not allocate funds for the armory forces of ukraine, and it is clear that this also became a motivation for the movement and for activity on the part of the authorities. ms. elena, what was that , maybe not exactly what was in line with the times, because the city hall wanted to allocate money,
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i mean... now i don’t mean the zsu, but there, i don’t know, the sports complex, you know , are going now heated discussions among the public that large funds are allocated for asphalting , for buildings, construction of new construction complexes, and the community is not very, not all members of the community are not very supportive of such decisions of the city council, saying that we will guarantee all these things after military operations , but if in... in general, there are those, let's say, there are those shifts that are important and necessary for the city itself, this is the insulation of kindergartens, this is the construction of fortifications near educational institutions, those that really need action from the city side authorities, unfortunately, not all of them have been implemented since last year, we have four suspended fortifications that the city government promised to build near schools, they are still being built. although
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the funds were allocated and it was promised that by the middle of the 23rd year, until the end of the 23rd year, these processes were suspended, but at the same time it is clear that it would be worthwhile to allocate funds for this, the funds allocated for the residential building , social were supported by the community, but the allocation of funds for the improvement of the streets is still accepted there. ambiguous it is clear that the residents of the streets want this , in fact, the majority of the community says that we will return to this after the military operations, well, this is really cool information, we can show it by the way, and we have just shown the schedule, such a good schedule, and i just why didn't i find something in kyiv, where did i live, and where did i live in kyiv at all, well, there you see, the first ten, then comes the 15th, dnipro, maybe kyiv is somewhere between the 10th and 15th. it is possible that
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kyiv actually did not perform very well in terms of percentage, but in some such aggregate ratio it may have performed not bad, because, but the very fact that vinnytsia allocated uah 655 million, even in monetary terms, which is more, for example, than the same dnipro, and much larger, but with a much more modest budget, this is powerful, almost vinnytsia allocated 10% to the armed forces of ukraine, liv, for example, allocated a whole billion, that's strong, but, at the same time, it is only in sixth place, well, gentlemen, i know what else you wanted, ladies, you are talking about fortifications, fortification, fortification, including some fortifications structures around the city or not, no, these are fortifications that should give the opportunity to become storage facilities,


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