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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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the operation was for the liberation of kharkiv oblast, but then the factor of suddenness was really used, we discovered the enemy's weaknesses, launched such offensive strikes, and the enemy was actually not ready for them, and then, well, if you remember, tens of kilometers were liberated in a few days those territories occupied before that, and in fact the whole... kharkiv region was liberated, but i think that during this period of time we will gather ammunition again, that is, we will form units, prepare them, we will discover again, well, again, an endless enemy in such tempo will not be able to attack, it is known that these attacks are dedicated precisely to those elections, the so -called presidential elections. of the russian
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federation, which will take place in mid -march, well, and then, i think, we will see what and how, really, really, well, the key to victory, i think, will be to determine the most painful spots of the opponent and hit them, and by the way , the crimean peninsula can be such a very interesting city, and we said about this at the beginning of our conversation with you... that this city is very important, it solves a lot of military issues of the russian federation, and it has a very serious, the peninsula has a very serious ideological significance for putin personally, and competent military actions can lead to a very serious success, which will then be the beginning, let's say, of future victories, thank you, andriy ryzhenko, the captain
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of the first rank of the naval reserve of the armed forces of ukraine, a strategic expert of the sonata company, was in touch with us. now we will take a short break in our broadcast, after which we will continue to talk about important topics for crimea. kratal contains natural ingredients that take care of your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes it. purity of heart contractions, increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. bleeding and inflammation of the gums. my advice. lacal-active. lacal active actively overcomes bleeding gums, protects against periodontitis and visibly tightens the gums. lakalut aktiv - an action that you feel immediately. novelty. lacalot active++ with two-phase technology and plus active ingredients. for even more active protection lacalot active plus. there are discounts on tablets templegin 15. in pharmacies plantain for you and
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bam and oskad are available in pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov. and guests of the project: we are bored,
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because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world, trump's second presidency will be terrible about... a project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. and we continue the joint project of the tv channel and the atr tv channel, together with beraber, ayder muzhdabayev and khrystyna yatskiv with you in this important conversation. well, we will probably continue to talk about what is happening in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, quite interesting things are happening on the eve of the march elections, so to speak, well, for the example of the last program , we already informed our viewers that
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konstantinov, the eternal number two, as they say, steps on the fifth, number six, in fact , well, i don't know, although 26, steps on the fifth aksyonov and in fact. on february 2, he started such a tour, visiting citizens on his own behalf, and the ministry of labor and social protection of the republic of crimea, the ministry of health , the so-called ministry of health of the republic of crimea, the ministry of education, youth science of the republic of crimea and so on and so forth, well, that is all what is in the department directly of goblin aksyonov, something konstantinov now... wants to step on the fifth listen, aksonov studied at school, i just don’t know, goblin, he manages everything, the entire education, you understand correctly, no, he doesn’t manage education, he manages the crimea, but either he pretends to manage, the question here is that this week, it was announced, of course
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, by the russian special services, that not only were other attempts on aksyonov being prepared, is this happening? that is, the staging of such attempts occurs when aksyonov really needs to demonstrate how important he is, how often such provocations are against him, most often, most often attempts on aksyonova is a hangover attempt, i think that's how they have meetings with everything, and yes, well, they really, they know who they are in principle, who they are, and they are waiting, well, not without reason, because our special services are working, but i it seems that this is all, in fact, these, how... he will be , then he will be, for sure, not like this, you know, someone will scare him there, why treat him, he was already scared like that in the 90s, well, that is it is very similar to the fact that he is simply trying to acquire such a reputation and capital, his importance, that even the ukrainian service
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the security forces of ukraine are hunting me, dear vladimir vladimirovich, please don't forget about me when you win the elections again, listen, well, why is he there for so long, why is he there in sevastopol , the so-called... the goblin is just there as the monument stands, i immediately said, he is simply close to putin in terms of class, that is, he is as he once was, well, in leningrad, among the bandits, that is, he is a class-close, socially close element to putin, that is why he also pretends to mach putin is also trying, well, let 's try to talk about what is happening directly. in crimea and in contact with us right now is askander bariev, the head of the crimean tatar resource center, which, by the way, is recognized as an undesirable organization in its functionality, also, in my opinion, this week on the territory of the russian federation, and
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a member of the midjulis of the crimean tatar people. eskander, congratulations, glory to ukraine. good day, gerava, salam aleikum. aleikum salaam. let's do it. what do you know, what are the feelings in relation to these local brothers appointed, so to speak, in the crimea, can we we say that not everything is in order between them and, most importantly, we can take advantage of this, because any discord between them is always a plus for us, well, let's say that, as for, i heard a little of your previous the conversation, as far as it is concerned, he is just... really very, well, let's say, comfortable, i would say so, for putin, and that's why he, he still remains there now, aksyonov is a thug who in the 90s was a goblin and, well, he remained a goblin, was a racketeer, and as for
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aksyonov, by the way, he got, he himself from transnistria, and he received military service. education, and as for konstantinov, he is also a bandit, who is, well, who tried constantly and... a lot of things are connected with construction, and really, what and on this money, which he later earned from it, he just tried to control the construction business in crimea, well, as for the situation with them, well, first of all, they are working out what they need now. to work elections on the territory of crimea, because the time is now first of all
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to hold elections in march on the agenda elections of the president of the russian federation to demonstrate that the people of crimea are actively participating in these elections and that they are voting for putin. and that is why they are already starting to warn, first of all, it concerns municipal institutions, it concerns state institutions, it concerns schools, when parents start to be told that they should actively participate and that all this will be under control, and therefore i will say, that some people, our compatriots , about... ukrainians are thinking about how not to participate in these elections, i.e., well, maybe on
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this period, either not to be in crimea, or to leave crimea for a while, that is, such thoughts also exist, and someone starts to leave, because it will be very difficult to simply hide, because they really need to demonstrate, well, such activity in the elections crimean it's interesting how the situation is developing there in general, i don't know how, well , i think that your center has the most extensive information about what is happening there, and i always wonder how much, how much the pressure on the population of the peninsula has intensified and is intensifying recently, because i it's just, well, i don't, it's not how to say, i don't collect systematically like that, but you collect. someone is constantly forced to apologize there,
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someone is released, someone is searched there, what are the general trends that your center is currently observing, recording, monitoring, well , first of all, when we talk about persecution in the crimea, starting from 2022, they started to create new tools, i.e. in addition to what they used there... first there, hizbu tahrir involvement there on february 26, there involvement in the middle forest, and there for organizing some sub-levels there actions, then in 2022 they recognized the battalion named after nomanovychan as a terrorist organization, and indeed, according to our data, everything is said in the numbers for the last 20 years, 2022-2023. which up to 35 people were arrested on this, well, on this
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accusation, then such articles appeared both in the administrative code of the russian federation and in the criminal code, this is discrediting the armed forces of the russian federation, in addition, they use such, i would say would, civil structures, like bloggers, like public organizations, and... what they follow all these events related to the crimean tatars and try to find something pro-ukrainian there and then they start , let's say, to create such an information fund, and therefore then to these people, people who participated there or who is the owner of that institution where this was held the event or the organizer begin to come in addition. they monitor social networks very actively, and indeed, after every explosion that
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takes place in crimea, if it is found there on social networks, it immediately comes to them, then they use such and such a scheme, first the representatives of the tornado come, yes, now they are very proud of the fact that they have such and such a tornado, and begin to threaten and torture. and then they start talking to the camera, apologizing or singing the anthem of the russian federation or saying that putin is the world president, but all the same in relation to these people, they open administrative proceedings and either there is an administrative arrest or a fine, that is, every person passes through the saint, the second other trend that we all we are observing more and more already in 2024, so first of all, a lot
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of them now, well, let’s say, or you... , yes, the neighbors did not hear, then they carry out with these people, well, let’s say, such preventive work, let’s say so, and these people are very afraid to provide information, and as our activists give us information, unfortunately, such cases are becoming more and more more. well, besides that, here is the last one for example, they have provided us with information , but for now they are afraid that we will make it public, but there were also arrests of activists of the crimean tatar national movement in yenichevsk district, and among them, very recently, there was an arrest in feodosia of a father of five children, who was
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sentenced to nine five days of arrest, but iskander, iskander, unfortunately, we don't have more time, it's called... gulag, that is , they actually built a gulag system in the crimea, that's all they can do, and i thank iskender, the center that he manages, for the fact that he carefully monitors everything, and informs society and the international community. skandar bariev, the head of the crimean tatar resource center, a member of the mejalis of the crimean tatar people, joined the together beraber program. and finally, let me remind you that you and aydera talked about the situation with tavria national university literally last time. in the end, as it turned out, the reorganization of the vernats name has been abandoned so far , it is good, i think, because destroying the very essence, the very essence of this project of the crimean, crimean project is higher than the coolest, the only thing i want to note is that we actually have to already to talk about the fact that this university, the main
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ukrainian crimean university, cannot be called tavrya university, because it is part of tavrya tavrya, these names are fake. pseudo-greek, not greek, in fact, they are part of the greek project of catherine ii, who sought to colonize the crimean and ukrainian lands as the fastest, which she did, this part of decolonization should also be in the names, and this should also be thought about and not be overlooked in any issues related to russian colonization of our lands for many centuries. well, we are glad to include serhii kovalskyi, co-coordinator of the civil. of the euromaidan crimea movement in 2013-14, a public activist who was involved in the work and efforts to communicate in general, in particular with the ministry of reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories, regarding the fate of tnu so far. sergey, congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations to the heroes, glory. in fact, congratulations on the victory, it was strange to follow the initiative to liquidate
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tavria national university, you with such a history, how about you? was headed by vernatskyi, who understood what he was doing even then the soviet government with the education system, and so on. in a word, we congratulate you, but literally a few words about the aftertaste regarding this story, will the quality of education at tnu improve, and will they not make another attempt to reorganize it, so to speak? certainly i think the attacks will continue, i don't think that is their ultimate desire. tories, but you have already pointed out correctly, it must be said that both the public, the public, and experts from the presidential office, mustafa dzhemiliev, the leader of the crimean tatar people, appealed to the president, to the cabinet of ministers, with the need to preserve the university after all, this is the only university, the only crimean university,
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which we are trying to restore, it must be said that , of course, we would like to and we see how... the public as experts, for this university to become a socio-political project with a specific role, not only a higher one, which would be targeted and included in the general policy of reintegration of the occupied territories, in particular crimea, but here it must be said that there is a huge problem in the ministry of education with the fact that incentives and work with students, children from the occupied territories. incentives for them to enter the higher education institutions of ukraine, it never worked, although there was a project, although there was an effort to do it , we see that tnu can become... tavreskyi university can become that basis, and i would like that here we must say thank you to mrs. yerina verishchuk, who nevertheless took the side of tavria
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university, mon did not want to involve the ministry of integration in this process, did not want to consult with the public, this is exactly what they noted in the explanatory note to the document regarding reorganization, and in fact liquidation of tnu on kamma. which they submitted, but we still managed to raise this topic, and moreover, i will tell you that our editorial office received this document based on the draft resolution of the cabinet of ministers, we turned to the rector of the university, uh, asked if he knew about it , that they are trying, there is an attempt to liquidate the university, to which he said that he does not have such and such information, and the fact is that... he also learned from the mass media that there is such, there are such, let's say so, the plans of the mind, that's it
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in general, the situation looks a little, well, to put it mildly, unclear, since, if there are any complaints against the university, communication in ukraine is not the strongest place, let's be honest, the friend of miscommunication, it is customary to say, normal communication between people, but... we are very sorry , there is little time, i would still like to sum up, at least for a certain period tnu is not in danger, well, we will join in and on february 15, the first meeting will be held, the reintegration center, which after all was created on the initiative of the rector pritana, and precisely the goal of these experts and civil society. and scientists who will be involved in this meeting will develop a certain vision regarding the strategy of reintegration, firstly, in general, the strategy of development and the university and in general the strategy
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in the field of education and recommendations to the authorities, because we are necessary, we, we have to create incentives for children from the occupied territories to enter ukrainian universities, and not as it was before, excuse me, well, 200-300 people. per year, this is nothing, this is at a time when there are 8-9 thousand students every year they enter crimean, well, they enter different universities from crimea, i personally know some people who wanted to enter anyway, but of course there is a full-scale war here , it helped a little, but what did they do, they entered local universities, what a study the occupier will give our children, first of all, unfortunately, but well , we hope for the effectiveness of increasing the overall work of ukrainian universities of crimean origin. thank you sergey. serhiy kovalskyi, co-coordinator of the euromaidan civil movement, crimea, 2013-14.
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a public activist was in touch with us. so. we didn't have time to say much, but next time then. yes, let's talk about important things. stay with the baraber project. together, the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel work together for you. be with us. tired of heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is for you, with it you can easily cut trees and shrubs, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is the perfect tool for your home or garden, and the price starts from 1490. 9 uah. a reliable battery is also included. call just order now. free delivery is available. check with consultants: cut branches, cut timber,
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12:00 pm
thank you for your trust. greetings, it's news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio. kateryna shiropoyas works. the whole family was burned alive by the russian attack on kharkiv. in one of the burning houses, the rescuers found the bodies of a man and his wife and their two children. the body of the baby is currently being searched. the head of the regional military administration, oleg synigubov, said. a married couple, a 66-year-old man and his wife, died in another house. also three people were injured. occupiers


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