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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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greetings to all who are from espresso, this is news, i'm a journalist and i start this issue with the fact that in the city of oleksandria in the kirovohrad region , explosions rang out during the air raid. - said the head of the region andrii raykovych. he also assured that there were no victims or destruction of civil infrastructure. and the names of the dead family in kharkiv became known. the prosecutor of the vovchan department of the chogoiv district prosecutor's office, olha putyatina, her husband and three sons died as a result of a hostile attack by terrorists. the eldest was seven years old, almost on average four, the youngest is only 10 months old. it was reported to the prosecutor's office.
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35-year-old olga from kharkiv region was on maternity leave, the whole family was burned alive in their own home. in total , seven people died as a result of the enemy attack in the nemyshlyan district of kharkiv. in addition to the young family, the fire took the lives of a woman and her paralyzed husband in another house. at night, the occupiers hit the local oil depot with mortars, the fuel spilled and a fire broke out on an area of ​​more than 35 m2. 15 private houses were built. february 11 was declared a day of mourning in kharkiv. terror cannot remain without a just answer, and russia must pay for every life destroyed and destroyed by it. only then can security for all become part of reality again. with these words, president volodymyr zelenskyy reacted to the enemy shelling of kharkiv, which took the lives of seven people. president. he added, the terrorist country
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must lose in this war, and expressed his condolences to the relatives and friends of the victims. four guided aerial bombs were dropped by the russians on the druzhbiv territorial community of the shostky district, the regional military administration. according to their data , residential buildings, a fire department and an enterprise were damaged as a result of the attack. previously , people were not injured. anger and anger that the russians generate among us can be turned into donations. the collection of espresso tv channel for fpv drones for a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aviation complexes of the state special transport service is underway. these powerful soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to drones, they successfully destroy a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and personnel strength so we have a goal - to collect one. hryvnias
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for flying weapons. remember, the best investment in our freedom and independence is a donation to the armed forces of ukraine. the president of hungary, katalin novak, has resigned, writes euronews. this happened after a wave of protests in budapest. thousands of people took to the streets demanding that the country's leader step down. the reason for the outrage was novak's decision to pardon people. who was convicted of concealing a case of sexual abuse of children in the orphanage. to hungary on a recent mattress in transcarpathia border guards detained an evader who tried to get abroad through the tisza river, for this he even put on a wetsuit. the two men accompanying him were to check if there was a border outfit nearby. for such services, the hot runner had to pay 4 thousand dollars. offender. they were detained 500 m
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from the border, in their car they found an inflatable mattress and the dodger's pump, they drew up an administrative report, and the actions of his assistants were reported to the national police. scandal in kosmachi , ivano-frankivsk oblast, day after day, locals blocked the road in anticipation that the village is visited by tsc. instead, the driver fell under the hot hand. of the neighboring village and her child. the victim says that the angry crowd mistook her for a gunner of the army. my colleagues managed to listen to all sides of the conflict. this is ivanka grepenyak. the other day, a woman came from the village of brustori to nearby kosmach to the post office. upon entering the village, she was met by local women who blocked the road. they talked, after which ivanna drove on, the victim says. when
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they were already returning on the same road, the mood of the women was much more aggressive. they are already were more angry, enraged, they stopped me, they started shouting with their mothers again, there were some people intoxicated, and again, where are you from, who are you, why did you come to our village, and a fight started word by word . quietly, quietly, quietly , quietly, but on this video you can see how one of the women is trying to put her hand into the car through the lowered window, the other is holding a bat in her hands, according to the victim, after such a trip, she has a closed brain injury. when i was held by the hair, the bat
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enters the car and just like a child, i didn't see what? i then started shouting loudly that i had a child in the car. the local women explain the incident as follows: they say they received information, which later turned out to be false, that cars with tck employees were allegedly going to the village, according to the locals, they repeatedly forcibly took away men in the army, so the kosmak women suspected that the local soldiers had asked for a driver from a nearby villages to find out information and record on the phone. at first she stood, taking pictures of women, the women below her stopped her and said, who are you, what, well who are you baby, why are you filming us , to which she said that i want and i am filming , they say, show the video that you filmed, where you will throw it directly, and she also told us those women that i want to personally and all our residents of kosmach, to remove this stain from
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us, the stain that was put on us by the blogger, that we did it at the behest of the military commissariat, and we stood in order to block the road and prevent our boys from entering. to fight, that's not what we stood for, we stood for fair mobilization, we wanted to talk to guys from shopping center meanwhile , the regional police of prykarpattia took over the investigation. the law enforcement officers are currently clarifying the details and are waiting for medical examinations of the victims. clashes took place between citizens, in which a minor and two women were injured. they were taken to a local hospital. the police officers held explanatory talks with the residents. and soon the people dispersed. the police are waiting for the results of medical examinations, after which the issue of providing legal qualifications for the event will be resolved. however, according to the lawyer, in this case, we can also talk about additional legal qualifications. i see in the actions of a group
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of persons who stopped a car with a woman and a minor child and caused bodily harm to them, other signs of a criminal offense, namely... self-righteousness, as well as the intentional purpose of bodily harm. a few days after the incident, the kosmat community came to a meeting with representatives of the regional tsc to discuss mobilization. there was no constructive conversation. the participants of the meeting were with each other, were interested salaries of military personnel, suggested that summonses be issued to women. only you will conduct business on our ... people convinced us that they were not against mobilization, but demanded that it be fair. literally, since the beginning of the war , about a hundred people from the kosmat community went to the front to serve, six heroes died. currently, more than fifty soldiers
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from the kosmat community are on the front lines. ivan haruk, volodymyr voloshchuk from prykarpattia for espresso tv channel. steamy ice water to the rescue. dog in vinnytsia, during walks along the embankment, the dog ran out onto the thin ice and fell. its owner rushed to help his four-legged friend without hesitation, but almost went under the water himself, the state emergency service said . passers-by called rescuers, who pulled both of them out of the reservoir, the man was warmed up and taken to the hospital, while he will be treated by a dog, and will be taken care of by the state emergency service. the capital zoo received 26 tons of professional fodder from belgian colleagues. because of the war in ukraine, there was an acute problem with such mixtures. and they are extremely animals need, especially during the period of preparation for the birth of offspring, because these
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dry dry feeds are enriched with necessary vitamins and minerals for each species. such help became a real gift not only for permanent residents of the capital zoo. and for more than half a thousand animals from the war-torn regions, which were sheltered here. now there is a big problem with dry fodder in ukraine, because... the enterprise is either destroyed or the guys are at war, but right now in the spring we need to feed the baby, the one that will appear this year, and here we are asked our colleagues from the german zoos to provide us with such help, they separately donated a ton for our elephant khorez, because khorez was born in the berlin zoo and next week, february 14, is his birthday. see you at 21 in the news in the week's results, and right now
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the saturday political club with vitaly portnikov and khrystyna yatskiv. congratulations, friends, the saturday political club is on the air, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov, as always we will talk about the most important events of this week and try to look into the week following. the change of military leadership in our country, everything that is happening in the united states and a little bit of the balkans. this is about the first part of our conversation. in the second, as you understand, we have a conversation with vitaly portnikov. and now we welcome our guest in connection with the studio, this is dmytro snigerev. expert, co-leader of the public initiative right matters. mr. dmytro, congratulations, glory
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to ukraine. kudos to the heroes, congratulations, thank you for the invitation. congratulations, mr. dmytro, so let's start with these resignations. as you see the reasons for resignation, not only valery the top military leadership of the country can be said to be deserving, because the chief of the general staff, serhiy shaptala, has also been dismissed. in principle, this is how you see the real reasons for this decision of the president, if you can, either from a military-technical or from a political point of view. consider, well, let's talk about the fact that from a military point of view there are no grounds for the resignation of the commander- in-chief, it is said that those accusations against him, that the front line is stable, look quite strange, considering the fact that since october 23 th year the full-scale offensive of the russian occupiers on the positions of the armed forces of ukraine continues, and on all sections of the front without exception , and accordingly, when the russian occupiers... have no success on the battle line and the front line is more or less stable, it is worth
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saying that the occupiers are only successful at the tactical level, to blame it on the commander-in-chief, well, it looks, at least , not a good idea, eh, and the main thing is to say that the resignation of the zaluzhnogo is a complete failure of communication with ukrainian society, when there is no explanation as to what exactly caused the resignation. commander -in-chief, all the more so since zaluzhny represents an institution that is trusted by up to 90% of ukrainians, namely the armed forces of ukraine - the highest indicator of trust on the part of the ukrainian people, but dear presenters and dear tv viewers, i will also express my version of these events to you, this is about the fact that both the resignation is necessary and the current information attack on syrsky, this is an element of a special operation. russian special services. i will explain what i am talking about. currently, the russian federation,
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in particular, its so-called talking heads stated that the resignation of zaluzna did not cause the effect of the snow commune that they had calculated, that is, disagreements between the military and political leadership, which should have had consequences in the form of either mass protests or other actions that would... demoralize and the armed forces of ukraine and, accordingly, primarily ukrainian society. it is worth mentioning that the resignation of zaluchny was prepared precisely by the russian side, because actually the first element of the fact that a special operation was being prepared for zaluchny was the statement of the ex-president of the russian medvedev's federation on january 24, at the time of the downing of the il-76 in the sky over bilhorodchyna, when he said that the downing of this... ilse is an internal, intra-political showdown
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between the military and the political leadership of our country, that is, the foundations of a possible further scenario were laid in this way regarding the compromising of his meritorious removal from office, and finally i finish, the campaign of discrediting syrsky in the russian media, which is currently taking place for the last two days, shows that this scenario was being prepared again in advance. we calculated the possibility of appointing her successor zaluzhnyi, and currently the main task is not even zaluzhnyi syrskyi, introducing an element of her distrust in... decision-making by the top military leadership of our country, i.e. the main target audience is servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine, demoralization of personnel and accordingly , there is an element of mistrust in the acceptance, well, in the implementation and adoption of certain decisions. mr. dmytro, i understand what you are talking about now, at the same time, today we are standing at the threshold of
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entering the relevant offices of the new team, and according to ... the statement, for example, yuri butusov, it looks more or less encouraging, that is , some extraordinary update did not happen, many of these people also worked in zaluzhny's team, worked with syrskyi, in general understand the specifics of the russian-ukrainian war, the expectations that the president has already voiced and the points that the new head of state singles out for himself, how irrational does all this look to you now? well, let's talk, it is not at all clear to me those first tasks, which placed in the general committee, this is the appropriate audit of the armed forces of ukraine. it is emphasized that currently the number of the armed forces of ukraine is 1 million servicemen, and, accordingly , there are up to 300,000 on the combat front. but dear tv viewers, dear presenters, then explain
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to me the informational hysteria surrounding the adoption of the law on the strengthening of responsibility. information about mobilization measures and , accordingly, hysteria over the mobilization of another 400-500 thousand personnel, when the main explanation was personnel rotation, and now it turns out that it is necessary to conduct an audit and the armed forces of ukraine have enough personnel to carry out this rotation, then explain, and what was it then? month? the whole country watched the incomprehensible political games surrounding the law on mobilization, the corresponding claims against zaluzhnyi regarding the mobilization measures, but the main society should say that the figure of ukrainian budget expenditures for the mobilization measures increased in a strange way, if the guarantor called
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the figure of 500 billion hryvnias, then the figure is already sounding, the podlasa voiced it as 700... where does the increase actually come from by 50%, but the main company for understanding the mobilization measures on the territory of the occupying country, according to forbes, should cost the russian budget 7.5 billion dollars, and this is according to the account of the national bank, it is approximately 300 billion, so explain to me how the mobilization measures of occupying ukraine are twice as cheap for the russian budget. than in ukraine, where they should cost the ukrainian budget 500 billion, but it turns out that it is already 720 billion. and tell me, mr. dmytro, after all, the verkhovna rada is working on a law on mobilization, this story is not over, of course not, but mr. vitaly, let's talk about
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the fact that even if this bill is voted on, it will enter into force only from month of april and then what to do with the rhetoric regarding staff rotation and, accordingly, social justice in this matter. i would still like to understand how you imagine, in this case, there is a further mobilization process, that it is still a rotation or mobilization of new military personnel? first of all, mr. vitaly, it is the absence again. communication with ukrainian society , because it is necessary to explain that mobilization activities, these 400-500 thousand, is not a one-person, non-simultaneous action during the month, accordingly , it is the plan that the armed forces of ukraine need to replenish personnel, that is, it can extend to a year, and for two, this should be explained so as not to scare
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ukrainian society, but it seems to me, mr. dmytro, that when you talk about a year and two, you are already scaring. society, because in many of us believe that this will all end in the coming months, at least by the end of the 24th. mr. vitaly, well, i am not a barista , according to that, like him, budanov, who promised us coffee on the yalta embankment, that’s right, i ’m the same, mr. podolyak from the president’s office promised that, budanov promised that we would go to the crimea, and the hurivtsi really are there visited, where they visited, well, this is a separate topic, let's talk about the fact that there the statement was completely different. bohdanov spoke specifically about the yalta embankment, but less about that, let's talk that according to stoltenberg's estimates , which have been made so far, it is necessary to prepare for... a decade ahead for a possible military confrontation with the russian federation, that is , it is not even about a war in ukraine, but a mozhlysk conflict and a direct
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confrontation between nato countries and the russian empire, this is worth talking about, these are real assessments of reality, and it is no coincidence that the largest military exercises since the cold war are currently taking place in europe, involving 90,000 personnel, and the legend of these exercises is about... confrontation russian aggression in the same suvalsk corridor, by the way, the scenario of which absolutely does not foresee any kind of gurmov, moreover, skibytsky comes out and says that, well, there is no possibility of escalation of tension in other parts of the russian federation at the moment, except for ukraine . mr. dmytro, let's talk about the actual situation at the front, because the latest reports tell us about... simply insane pressure and even certain such tangible advances of the russians on the front line, this applies in particular to avdiyivka, there is already
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a certain percentage of the population as a whole is under their control and there are already battles in the private sector, besides, at the time in the klishchiivka area they also managed to push their troops forward, as they say, maryinka novomykhaivka is not... too cool for us news, the story seems to be stabilizing for us in the robot, but in the complex, taking into account the situation at the front, in your opinion, is the currently chosen tactic of mobile defense, which was noted by the ex-head of the army, effective, and most importantly, will syrsky adhere to this tactic, accordingly, it will be, because let's talk about the fact that syrsky is a member of the team. he didn't get anywhere, not from anywhere, and when actually tsarsky, let's say so, is currently being told that he is the creator of victories in the kharkiv region,
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in accordance with the successful nature of the defense of kyiv, then i have a question: where was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine then, hard-working, wasn't he he actually planned this nature of the operation, syrsky is his subordinate, but what is happening now, that is, the appointment of syrsky , will absolutely not affect the plans of the armed forces of ukraine regarding further actions on the front lines . this is an active defense. the only thing worth noting is that, once again, the nature of the tactical advances of the russian occupiers in the avdiyivka area became possible thanks to the fact that the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense slept through the tactical maneuver of the russians, namely the use of a 2 km long drainage pipe, which they entered into the rear of the ukrainian group in the tsarska okhota area. several cities. this operation was being prepared, welding and drilling were being carried out works, bc hiding places and equipment were being made, at this time kyrylo oleksiyovych gave numerous
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interviews about how we will counterattack in 2024, currently facing the threat of the main, key points of defense in avdiivka, this is a zenith and , accordingly, a chemist, so the fact that is currently taking place in avdiivka, it is fighting directly in the urban development, it is, accordingly, private. sector nezalezhnosti street, respectively, where high-rise buildings, soborna street, chernichevska street, high-intensity battles, and the armed forces of ukraine are forced to grind operational reserves in order to neutralize further russian advance in the area of ​​high-rise buildings, because then the bakhmut scenario will actually repeat itself, and what is currently happening in avdeivka is an attempt by the occupiers to directly take control of the locations. of the armed forces of ukraine, they did not storm avdiiv koksakhim head-on, as probably the ukrainian servicemen had hoped for it,
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flank coverage, respectively, steppe bardichi with access to the swallows, on the second - this is an industrial avenue that gives the opportunity control over locations, the distance to the location is up to 1 km, this is the truth about the events taking place in avdiivka, but you agree from the point of view of western... military experts who say that even the capture of avdiivka is a purely political effect that will not lead to any tangible changes, even on the front line in the donetsk direction. mr. vitaly, i agree with the statement of the classic, do not read, paraphrase, do not read the western press, because when the western press reports that avdevka's capture must be tamed to the presidential race of the russian federation, i would like to hear the opinion of russian, oh, sorry, western experts about who would actually compete with the russian dictator in case of tactical defeats or successes directly on the line of battle. in my opinion, similar theses, and moreover, they
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sound. rather highly respected western media, aim, on the contrary, to legitimize the dictatorial regime of the russian federation, to show the possibility and presence of political competition in the russian federation and the so-called free expression of will, i.e. pluralism of opinions. why are such omissions from the western press? explain to me thank you, thank you, mr. dmitry. dmytro snegerov, military expert. the co-chairman of the public initiative of the law of the case was on the air, we will literally take a break for a couple of minutes, but you should stay with us.
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we continue saturdays. news, summaries of the week. after almost two years of full-scale war, president volodymyr zelenskyy decided to replace the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. ice from the chair. the us senate is close to considering a bill that provides. aid to ukraine. zircon is the newest weapon of the russian federation. what is it and did they hit kiev with a missile and what other wunderwaffes does russia have in its arsenal? about this and not only. look at espressoo 21st. we continue the saturday political club on the espressakh tv channel. khrystyna yatskiv.


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