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tv   [untitled]    February 10, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EET

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will the situation on the battlefield change due to reshuffles in the country's military leadership, with what miracle weapons are the muscovites threatening ukraine and our homes? several soldiers managed to be returned from russian captivity. greetings espress viewers. annaeva melnyka is with you and for your attention the news, summaries of the week. bars instead of a volunteer. after almost two years of full-scale war, president volodymyr zelenskyy dared to change the commander-in-chief. before this news , society had been preparing for several months the official reason for valery zaluzhny's replacement oleksandr syrskyi was never announced at the bank. why could the supreme commander make such a decision? and whether it will lead to
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significant changes on the battlefield in our material. on the evening of february 8 , the same photo appeared on the official pages of volodymyr zelensky and valery zaluzhny in social networks. in his office, verkhovny shakes hands with the chief. zaluzhny shows his trademark gesture of victory. both are smiling. this was the finale of the information campaign for the change of leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. from today to the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine i'm starting a new one. management team, i want the vision of the war to be the same for our soldiers in robotics or avd, as well as for the general staff and adjuncts. information about the possible dismissal of the commander-in-chief first appeared in the media last fall. the authorities chose a strategy of uncertainty. officials neither confirmed nor denied the rumors. later, people's deputy and servant of the people maryana bezugla attacked zaluzhny. criticizing the activities of the head committee
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, she quickly turned to humiliating personal reproaches, and when colleagues began to demand the release of bezugula, the leadership of the parliament and the "servant of the people" faction came to her defense. during this time, society came to terms with the idea that the resignation of the popular general is possible and even probable. and when it took place, the president did not dare to say: "i decided to fire the headman." i suggested to general zaluzhny to be in the ukrainian state together in the future, i will be grateful for his consent. today i decided to update the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. in the evening address on the day of the dismissal of the head of state, the president spoke about the need for a realistic war plan for 2024, rotation on the front lines, improving the quality of training of military personnel, and the reasons for the dismissal of the veteran zelenskyy stated only to a small group of journalists at a closed meeting. the lack of explanations gave scope for...
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a wide variety of interpretations, both in ukrainian and foreign media. there are two versions in total. the first: the commander-in-chief had serious disagreements with the president regarding both mobilization and the strategy of the war, which, according to zaluzhnyi, had reached a dead end. some media reported that the actions of the head of the time of the summer counteroffensive are not satisfied in the pentagon. the second version: at the bank , they were allegedly irritated by the too high level of support for the industrious among ukrainians. which was evidenced by the closed data of opinion polls and they were afraid of his decision to enter politics, no matter what, zelenskyi and zaluzhnyi decided to part ways gently and without scandals. in farewell , the president presented the dismissed head with the title of hero of ukraine. i am grateful to everyone around me, the team of the general staff, the ministry of defense, the president of ukraine, i am proud of everyone and everyone in the armed forces of ukraine, who protect the future of our children. to all
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soldiers, sergeants and officers, i bow my head to all those who gave their lives for ukraine and freedom, we will remember and take revenge for everyone. the president appointed the commander of the ground forces , colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, an officer with an ambiguous image among the military, as the new head of the armed forces. behind him is the successful defense of kyiv and a brilliant counteroffensive operation in the kharkiv region, as well as the defense of bakhmut, which is among many. there are many military personnel questions about the justification of high losses. syrsky is bringing a new team with him. according to the official notification of the ministry of defense, he has already discussed the detailed action plan of the armed forces of ukraine for 2024 with minister rustem umyerov. maintaining a balance between the execution of combat missions and the recovery of units and units with the intensification of training and training of personnel remains as never before. relevant introduction of new
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technical solutions and scaling of successful experience, for example, use of unmanned systems, modern means electronic warfare is one. from the future vectors of building victory in our war of liberation. changes in the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine took place on the eve of the second anniversary of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine. the situation at the front is difficult. the army lacks ammunition and its commanders publicly admit this. instead of publicly telling the washington times about the critical staffing situation. there is an acute shortage of soldiers on the front lines. in the comments to the american edition. some commanders suggested that at some point the front might just collapse. despite such sentiments, the verkhovna rada is in no hurry to adopt a new law on mobilization. the president removed himself from the process, because you cannot gain popularity on this topic. the servant of the people faction claims that
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it is difficult to find a balance. we have to balance the interests of the military command, business and citizens. the task is not easy, there will be a lot of work. the majority of observers are of the same opinion. a change in the leadership of the armed forces is unlikely to lead to decisive changes on the battlefield in the near future. for this you need system reforms in the army, effective mobilization, increasing western aid and increasing domestic production of weapons. but the risks of interference by the presidential office in the operational activities of the military have increased significantly. after all , the president is the supreme commander. and to appoint and dismiss the head of the armed forces. forces of ukraine is his constitutional right, as well as personal responsibility. volodymyr zelenskyi has changed the composition of the supreme commander-in-chief and the national security and defense council, the president's office informed about it, the composition of the supreme commander-in-chief and the national security council included
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the new commander-in-chief oleksandr syrskyi, instead valery zaluzhnyi and the already former minister of veteran affairs yulia laputina were brought out. now the draft law is closer to passing the supreme chamber. on february 9, the senate of the united states of america passed another decision to further approve the bill with additional funding for ukraine, israel and allies in the indo-pacific region. 64 votes out of the required 50 took this procedural step with the possibility of making amendments. against you'. 19 senators were killed, the document provides allocation of 61 billion for our state in the white house are convinced that the suspension of funding for defense assistance to ukraine by america will cause a shortage of ammunition in the armed forces at the front, and the russians at that time
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use the moment to attack ukrainian positions and peaceful cities more. no limits when it comes to military aid. there should be no restrictions on training weapons or spare parts in ukraine. such a statement was made by the head of the ministry of defense of the netherlands, kaisa olongren. she emphasized that the security of the netherlands depends on this. the minister also criticized one of the deputies of the kingdom, who said that supporting ukraine is a provocation for russia. in her opinion, this is only an echo of what kremlin dictator putin himself says. let me remind you that the netherlands announced at the end of november. about plans to provide additional assistance to our state in the amount of 2.5 billion euros. dozens of caesar artillery systems and shells for them. france provides new aid to ukraine, this will take place within the framework
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of the artillery coalition initiated by france and the united states of america, he said president emmanuel macron during a telephone conversation with his ukrainian counterpart volodymyr zelenskyi. the heads of state discussed the current situation on... combat and defense needs of ukraine, as well as the preparation of a bilateral document on security guarantees for ukraine. and while the states do not vote for aid, ukrainians are dying from russian missiles. seven people were burned alive in kharkiv. the russians attacked the city with mortars and hit an oil depot. 15 houses caught fire from the fuel that spilled over the neighborhood. they could not get out of the fiery trap. two families a couple and a family with three small children. in these shots, the first minutes after the attack, rescuers are trying to tame the flames, the fire engulfed 15 buildings at the same time. mrs. lyubov lives at the end of the burned part of the street,
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says that she ran outside immediately after the first explosion. i had already laid down to rest, and suddenly a terrible woman, that's all. it was shining here, what was i doing, i jumped outside, ran , took the documents, the dog under my mouse, and jumped out, her house burned before my eyes in a matter of minutes, the baby tried to hide in the bathroom room, and the father and the middle son were
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in the kitchen. in the morning, they were able to get their bodies out of the burnt house, but dna tests will have to be done to identify the victims, the police said. the fire was so powerful that residents of all nearby streets were terrified. when the explosions started, the children ran out of whatever they were standing in, but we ran out to my place, stood on the street, and there was a fire on that side, and there was a fire on that side, and i was standing. but the police came, and the children were put in the car, everything was put out until four in the morning, they stood, waited, now fifty are homeless people, the city hall emphasized, no one will be left on the street. we have several apartments in the reserve fund, which is reserved for the present, in addition to this, we have the opportunity to accommodate people in dormitories, a lot of people are resettled now. according to their own, be it relatives or acquaintances, and if necessary
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, we will resettle them in more or less comfortable cities, of course, these are not their own houses, which we had with them, but we have such an opportunity. the russian military hit an oil depot, one of the tanks remains full, the military said administration, it may be necessary to evacuate people from the nearest houses, but the locals themselves are considering whether to move away from the fuel warehouses? it was very difficult, because the first time they ran away, because when the aviation bomb hit the halfway house, and now it was as if it was already calm, calm, i thought it would be better with the children here than somewhere else, and again it is not known what is better to do, the rescuers managed to localize the fire at the oil depot , but they continue to tame the flames. for the espresso tv channel from kharkiv. terror cannot remain without
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a just response. russia must pay for every life destroyed and destroyed by her. only then can security for all become part of reality again. with these words, president volodymyr zelenskyy reacted to the enemy shelling of kharkiv, which took the lives of seven people. the head of state added: the aggressor country must lose this war, and expressed. condolences to relatives and friends of the deceased. four guided aerial bombs were dropped by the russians on the druzhbiv territorial community of the shostky district, the regional military administration reported. according to their data , residential buildings and a fire station were damaged as a result of the attack part and enterprise. previously, people were not injured. and odeshchyna was attacked three times by the occupiers during the night. three people were seriously injured, another man was hospitalized with shrapnel wounds. this was announced
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by the head of the region oleg kiper. in izmail , the russians hit the civilian infrastructure. as a result of the impact, a fire started in a private house. industrial and service facilities were also destroyed. it was not the first time that romania raised f-16 fighter jets due to the night attack of the shaheds on odesa. this is about it. in a statement from the romanian ministry of national defense, there they noted that an air alert was announced in tulcea and galatsi counties bordering ukraine. they did not record a violation of their airspace, but they are checking the border area. the department also added that it condemns russian attacks on civilian infrastructure in ukrainian danube ports. the shelling is unjustified and seriously violates the norms of international humanitarian law. the statement says. ukraine has become a
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testing ground for western weapons. the russians also do not neglect to check their supposedly superpowers developments during attacks on our peaceful cities. on february 7, fragments of an unknown rocket were found in kyiv. according to research by monitoring groups, ukrainian forces apparently managed to shoot down the enemy's newest hypersonic cruise missile zircon. officially. ukraine has not confirmed this. the air force reported that it had eliminated only the kh101 and caliber cruise missiles. so, is this the newest weapon of the russians or another scarecrow? details in the plot. such missiles have never been seen in the world, this is how dictator vladimir putin describes russian developments. one of the last is the zircon rocket. ministry of war the russian federation calls it a promising hypersonic proto-ship missile. it is supposedly twice as fast as a kenzhal. zircons can strike from naval ships at other ships or at coastal
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targets. in russia, they began to be developed after 2011. demonstration tests. the zircons were held there in 2021, shortly before the full-scale invasion of ukraine. among the carriers of this missile, only the frigate admiral gorshkov and the nuclear submarine severrodvinsk are currently known. ukrainian experts are very cautious about those super-possibilities zircons, which the russians claim. indeed , it was probably first used for strikes on ukraine, it does not have the indicators that they declare, because it misfires. and now we simply cannot even determine whether this missile is in service with the russian federation at all, because there is no real evidence that it has passed the entire cycle of tests so far, so in any case the enemy is trying to use, apparently, the latest developments , but they break through our anti-aircraft defenses. but the main pride of russian
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defense industry, according to the occupiers , the kinzhal hypersonic missile is invulnerable and super accurate. the ministry of the russian federation accepted it. into service in 2018. the dagger missile is launched from a mig-31k fighter jet. after the note, the missile rises to a height of about 20 km, and then falls on the target, like a conventional ballistic missile, has its own homing system and high accuracy of damage. it can also maneuver in flight, so it is difficult to intercept anti-aircraft and anti-missile defenses. the russian defense industry now has the rate of production of these rockets. within the range of 10 missiles per month, this was said by our military intelligence, and the previous stock of these missiles was estimated at 40 samples, that is, we can talk about the fact that within the range of 50-70 missiles of this type russia can store at its bases. the kremlin's statements about kenjal's capabilities are traditionally somewhat exaggerated. russians began
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to use daggers en masse after western partners handed over the first to ukraine. the patriot complex, the news that the patriot had successfully shot down the russian dagger came as a surprise to both the russians and the americans. daggers, by the way, are not so accurate lately, we see that they fly into the milk, as they say, and therefore, into the milk, it means that it can fly anywhere, if they hit some defense enterprise, or to a military facility or another, yes, a critical infrastructure facility, it does not mean that it did not get into the neighboring house, this must be remembered. the russians actively threaten with their other developments. in 2018, vladimir putin officially announced the creation of another russian miracle weapon. it is about ballistic the sermat missile and the burivesnik cruise missile. the sermat is an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads and hypersonic warheads. its declared
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characteristic is flight range and the ability to overcome american anti-missile defense. she is supposed to be able to destroy. a country the size of france, but prototypes of this missile usually failed tests. the only full-fledged launch of the sermet took place on april 20, 2022 from the plesetsk airfield. at the same time, to adopt a missile of this class into service, it is usually necessary to carry out a series of from at least ten successful launches. however, in october 2023, putin already boasted that the work on sarmatian was actually completed and all that remained was to finish. what are the administrative and bureaucratic procedures, after which to proceed to mass production and putting on combat duty. this year's goal was to put this missile complex into service in muscovy. putin's statement about burivesnik's successful test was an even bigger surprise. it is a long-range cruise missile with a small nuclear reactor. its flight is accompanied by emissions
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radiation such an engine could allow the rocket to fly around the planet several times and go around. air defense system, however, one of its tests in 2019 ended in a radioactive disaster with officially five deaths. so today, russia only has mock-ups of extremely powerful weapons, and the zircon and dagger samples do not correspond to the capabilities claimed by the kremlin. stop the blockade. polish strikers unblocked the traffic at the checkpoint of the doctor sheghini. travel is currently allowed there. 220 trucks are waiting in line in both directions, the state agency said border service. currently, only two checkpoints remain blocked, ravaruska, grebene and yagoda. the road in the latter , the largest number of vans is recorded. the number of trucks waiting to enter ukraine at the krakow checkpoint has increased. traffic
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was not blocked there, so drivers chose it to cross the border. now there are more than 800 cars. voice of my soul, ukrainian artist ivan marchuk presented the largest exhibition of his works in vienna. the exhibition contains approx. works of different periods of creativity, from early paintings from the last century to watercolor compositions created over the past year and a half. the oldest work is from 1965, the author completed the newest a few days before the opening. the organizers also plan to celebrate the winners of the children's drawing competition based on the artist's works. the competition was held among students of the ukrainian saturday school in vienna. because of the war, about a thousand children study there. we will work. will take a place among the general exposition, there are about 10 different marshuks, because each cycle has
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its own technology and its own materials and so on, and it is presented here, i am very happy, works from the 60s of the 20th century are presented. this is an absolutely wonderful event that is important not only for ukrainians in austria, this is an event to which all austrian friends should be invited, this is the art and culture that should be shown, glorified, told about our geniuses while they are still alive, given to them joy to many visitors at the exhibition, and he himself enjoys what is happening here. another child was returned from the occupied territories. she was taken out of the zaporizhzhia region and given to her parents, the ministry of reintegration said. at the beginning full-scale war, the girl was visiting
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her grandparents there. they could not leave right away, as the grandmother was seriously ill. when she was gone, the granddaughter managed to be saved as part of the way home project. this week, another 100 ukrainian defenders returned from russian captivity. among the rescued soldiers. more than 80 soldiers of the national guard, border guards, soldiers of the armed forces and teroboronov, defenders of azovstali, and the rest performed tasks in the donetsk and luhansk directions. this is the 51st exchange since the start of the full-scale invasion, in total 3,135 people returned home. president zelensky emphasized: ukraine will do everything to ensure that exchanges continue and that our people are at home.
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this is how the espresso team saw this week, we appeal to everything that is happening in ukraine and the world to be the first to tell you about it, and read more. on the espresso tv website, subscribe to our channels in social networks and of course you can watch all episodes and special projects on our youtube channel, stay close and see you, there are 20% discounts on helpex in pharmacies for travelers... and savings oh, there are no potatoes, will you bring them? and already, and from the son, something caught. i remind you, apply dr. tice's vitreous ointment and get back to
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collection of trona posts. and technical equipment for our unit, thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes!
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friends, my greetings, today we will talk about topics related to culture, which were the most widely discussed this week, well , i think that of course, the topic is eurovision, the second topic is klaudia petrovna and masha kondratenko. oh god, is it one person or not? if you hear these names for the first time and it doesn't mean anything to you, then i think you will also be interested, because in our show business and among people who are interested in ukrainian music, there was just an incredible fight, an incredible intrigue that interrupted indeed, this whole scandal surrounding eurovision, alyona.
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jerry hale, mother of teresa, of all that we had going on when the national selections started. well, let's start with eurovision, but i, friends, will not concentrate on the songs of alyona alyona and jerry hale, because, well, you know, i haven't, well, let's just say, been involved in the debate of who should go, whether it was the right choice or not, because after all, music is very subjective. , and... always remember, every time we chose a eurovision participant or participants, someone always didn't like something, but as it was repeatedly pointed out, for example on twitter, in every case when our girls, because in general, our participants go to eurovision directly, everyone starts rooting for them, and i would like to note one thing: i dream when we will finally reach that level, i think we are already
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close to it. when, even if our members,


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