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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EET

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hryvnia and 36 kopecks, we still need 569 hryvnias in order to reach the mark of 476 and say that friends, we did it, we collected 200 thousand, but we are missing for those 200, the record, well, drop a couple of hryvnias there, qr code will appear, and you stay with us, there will be news later, anna yavomelnyk, she will tell you, and we say everything is fine. greetings, dear tv viewers, i am anaevamelnik and this is news: two people were injured by the russians in the kherson region, two guided air bombs were hit nearby.
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a 43-year-old man suffered a facial injury in the monastery village. in at the time of the impact, he was in his own yard. a 67-year-old man suffered shrapnel wounds to the head, the head of the region oleksandr prokudin said. also, the russian aviation bombarded one of kherson's medical institutions. the internal premises and the heating system were damaged, and the enemy dropped explosives in a golden beam from the drones. there the house caught fire. more than 3,000 internally displaced persons currently live in kyiv region alone, where as of march 1, the majority may remain without state aid. the government has adopted a resolution that will change the rules of aid payments for idps. what categories of immigrants will be without cash payments and about their life in our material? we were leaving via vasylivka, zaporizhzhia, we were leaving. 5 days,
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it was very difficult for us to get to zaporizhzhia, and in zaporizhzhia we were already sheltered by the church there, we stayed there for a day, and then all of us were taken by volunteers to kyiv. kateryna from skadovsk in the kherson region, together with her family, stayed in the occupation for almost six months. russians came to the woman's place of work, checked her phones. in the city , the invaders kidnapped people. kateryna also took care of her two sons, so... they decided to leave, it wasn't difficult due to the climate , it was very difficult to walk down the street and that means you can already talk, well, no one will stop you, they won't shoot you from behind with pistols, with submachine guns, it was scary that you can talk, well and well, it was very, well, it was scary , and everything was very good in terms of the climate, well, when they came to us for the last time in skadovsky to work and started lining up our phones and...
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they said that there would be children, well , if we don't go to their school and they will take us away family, we already left then. now the family lives in erpin, where they were able to get a small modular house, it has two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. such a house is designed for four, the woman says that now her family has no problems. now kateryna is actively looking for a job and most of all wants to return to her native skadovsk with her family. i really want to go today and kiss the ground, and now everyone in irpen, which also suffered from russian aggression , has more than 24,000 registered displaced persons and people who have been forced to leave their homes. continue to go to the city , two modular towns were created for them, in which more than a thousand people already live, we have a modular town in dubki, the first one that was settled in us, it is like a dormitory, in each module
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there is a children's room, a sports room , we have two types of houses there, we have polish ones, there are eight houses with eight apartments, and there are finnish houses, they are one-story, with three apartments. the state financially supports more than 1.5 million displaced people, and since march 1, people who have been forced to leave their homes, will wait for changes. the government of... approved the list of persons whose payments will be extended automatically, these are pensioners, if as of january 1 the amount of the pension does not exceed uah 9,444, people with disabilities of the first or second group, children with disabilities under the age of 18, as well as children, orphans and those who are deprived of parental care, everyone who does not fall into these categories must contact the relevant authority and submit an application for...
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when the displaced people there from the 14th year they were and are displaced people, they were paid benefits for all those years , well, that is, they were. such as permanent, but now the payments have become temporary, and they are appointed for six months, probably with the possibility of extension, but the concept itself has changed, these are not lifetime payments. as of today, there are almost 5 million people in ukraine who are considered internally displaced, half of them will receive payments from the state. currently, this amount is uah 200 per month. last year, for such help from... dmytro didora, oleksiy kutsuk, yuliya belska, espresso tv channel. seventh in kharkiv oblast fighters of the offensive guard brigade destroyed another steel border enemy long-range observation complex
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muromp. it became the seventh complex destroyed by the military of the 15th mobile border detachment since the beginning of this year. the invaders remained. without the ability to adjust artillery in certain locations and track the movement of the ukrainian defense forces, the wall is equipped with a thermal imager, a camera and can record everything at a distance of up to 10 km. he learned about his dismissal from the military. today , the ex-commander of the united forces of the ukrainian armed forces, serhiy naev , thanked for selfless service, coordinated work and joint efforts for trust and support in your telegram channel. he has held the position of commander since 2020, this is one of the most difficult periods in the history of ukraine, but our country has preserved its freedom and statehood, and this is to the credit of each of us, - said the lieutenant general. nayev emphasized that the enemy must be destroyed,
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de-occupy our lands, and evil must be punished. ukrainians know how to create miracles, so the day of victory will surely come. they wanted to go to moldova, for one. eight men tried to cross the border illegally. they used the services of the internet messenger. laying the organizer of the route cost from 40 to 80 thousand hryvnias for each. the border guards detained the men a kilometer from the border. administrative reports have been drawn up on the persons, the cases have been referred to the court, the state border service reported. the defense army discovered a network of tunnels hundreds of meters long. under the headquarters of the united nations' near east agency for palestine refugees in gaza. at a depth of 18 meters there was an office space with steel safes, most of them were open and empty, one had computer servers, the other industrial
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battery packs. the israeli military believes that the terrorists received electricity through this facility. the organization claims to have left the headquarters. october, 5 days after the start of the war, and learned about the find only through the media. a real miracle and a thirst for life on the island of mindadao in the southern part of the philippines survived a three-year-old girl who was under rubble for 60 hours due to a landslide. the child was considered missing, rescuers found her after a long search. whether in a blanket and connected to oxygen cylinder, then brought to the hospital. the girl has no visible injuries, the rescue of the child gives hope to the rescuers, said edward makapili, a representative of the emergency situation agency. let me remind you that the landslide in the philippines happened on tuesday evening. it
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destroyed houses and swallowed three buses and a jeep. 35 people died. these are no longer toys. a russian woman was accused of... discrediting their army because she asked to give children fewer military -themed toys in kindergarten, according to the local media, natalya from irkutska expressed her point of view to the teacher of the group where her child went, and she wrote a report on the woman in response. the court found natalya guilty of defaming the russian army and imposed a fine of almost $350. snapped tricolor in the donetsk direction , two border guards found a russian flag while repelling a storm of invaders, with which the invaders allegedly marked their territory, fighters risking their lives, took the enemy's rag and threw it away. video confirmation was published by representatives of the state
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border service, but they did not specify when it happened and which settlement is in question. the military command awarded. that's the way things are at the moment, i'll see you at 6 p.m., then watch the project own names with myroslava barchuk. good evening, congratulations, my name is myroslava barchuk, this is a program of my own name, a joint project of ukrainian foam and the espresso tv channel. so, literally in the next few weeks we will celebrate two such very dramatic anniversaries. for our country, for society, it is 10 years since the beginning of the shootings
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on the maidan and on the institute, during the revolution of dignity, and the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion, this is such a time to draw certain conclusions, to understand, to speak, to manifest something that we could not stop at, being at such a frantic pace, and today i will try to do it with my guest, yevgeny hlibovytsky, member. storivska group, director of the newly established frontier institute, my guest. yevgeny, congratulations. good day. thank you for agreeing to come and talk. i know that the ukraine-2024 forum, dimensions of sustainability, took place quite recently. actually, the institute of the frontier from partners organized this event. and it was really an event that had such a publicity, more than 100 leaders of opinions, environments tried. to find the question of where we are now, in what state, where are the limits of our stability, and so on. let's
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start with how do you feel about the times and mood of today's society? i think that he is probably alarming, and if at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the ukrainians very clearly handed over the mandate... to the state and with the recognition of all the imperfections of the state , they said: okay, we fully support what the state is doing and are ready to fit into whatever management decisions there are, already in 23 we see a pullback from this position, in 24 i think we see an even bigger pullback, probably the easiest to see. through the institutional trust indicators, which
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the polling companies constantly measure institutional trust, we see that trust just reached unprecedented highs in 2022 and started to slide again in 23rd-24th, and institutional trust is very different from, for example popularity, because it actually defines level of influence of one or another state institution, and it determines with what force of persuasion and with what level of authority this institution can appeal to society, and actually ukrainians mostly took away institutional trust from the state, because they were wary of the toxic influence of the state on their lives, due to the fact that independent ukraine did not emerge as a result of the victory of the national... liberation movement, as a result of this unique compromise
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between the democrats and communists in 1991, in fact the entire soviet the system of state institutions along with all the legacy, including the legacy of the extermination of millions of ukrainians, and ukrainians have been wary of state institutions from that time to the present day, they actually learned by taking away trust. to weaken the state and thus actually knock out the teeth of those institutions they were most wary of, and then feel relatively safe. the 22nd year is the return of trust, the 23rd-24th year, society saw that the advance of trust did not lead to a fundamental change in the quality of governance, i.e. not there was more of... there was no less corruption and
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so on, that is, as a result of what society began to do, it began to weaken the state little by little from the middle, by taking away this trust, this process is on the one hand logical, on the other hand very dangerous, therefore that it is dangerous, because we are in the process of war, and excessive weakening of the state will not increase the security of the citizen, on the contrary, it can lead to the collapse of state institutions, and as a result, we are now in such a precarious situation. very unpleasant situation, we are sure we don't know, as a society, where there are limits beyond which you can't advocate, we don't understand what these levels of trust are expressed, for example, in some numerical indicators, there, for example, 12 or 15 or 22, but we understand very clearly that the current trend requires principles from all subjects, from the authorities, from the opposition, from
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a large part of the subjects that serve them, for example, the media and so on and so forth. changes in behavior and actions, which are not based on an empty declaration, on actions to restore trust, but i understand very well what feeling you are talking about you are talking about trust in the authorities and state institutions in the 22nd year, this is when for the first time, perhaps in the entire history of our lives, we felt that the state is not a stranger, that it is ours, that it protects, that we can do something ... to do this together, and we all began to trust the state and put in our efforts, the resignation of the industrious, which took place a few days ago, it was also about the credit of trust, so it is industrious, it is trust, it is our own, it is a representative, power, a representative of the state, who
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is ours, and here is this person in society. which was trusted by many people, without regard to the fact that whether he was really effective or not, but he had tremendous trust, and here this person is taken away, what are the consequences, how dramatic can the consequences be? i think that at this point it is too early to talk about what exactly the consequences will be, because there is also a certain amount of trust in general syrsky and those who will now be in charge. positions, i think that the great, high level of trust in commander-in-chief zaluzhnyi was largely caused by the fact that he appeared to ukrainian society as someone who feels the pain of ukrainian society, and this empathy, it is probably a very important
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component of building trust, we have a very traumatized. society , the one who empathizes, the one who demonstrates his empathy, the one who demonstrates, if you will, respect for pain, he will gain additional credibility, and accordingly, this demonstration was, on the part of zaluzhny, it was very different within the armed forces, we now we see how very different stories are leaking from the one million ukrainians who are currently in the army, huh. into civil society and stories about empathy, mutual aid, brotherhood or sisterhood on the line of fire, some fantastic stories of help, mutual aid, but also stories about indifference, about stupid deaths, about victims that could be avoided and so on,
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that is, we have both soviet and non- soviet the interface within the armed forces, this is a very patchy story, it looks very... different, and since there are to a large extent these extremes that are in competition, in opposition to each other, the question arises whether the change will lead to the strengthening of this more modern one, so trend, which is aimed at increasing dignity, which is aimed at preserving human lives, actually during the forum, there was such a very good formula of human-centered militarization, actually, as a description of what we need to move towards, and the real question arises whether more human-centeredness, or on the contrary, we retreat with a new leader, or, on the contrary, we retreat to a state where a person becomes a resource, an expendable resource, a resource that, for example, in
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soviet times could simply be reprimanded'. him with this zhukovsky formula of women and what offends them and so on, and here i see that there is a significant level of anxiety, and this level of anxiety, it either converts into mistrust, or vice versa , converts into trust after we see already here, i would say, the first actions that will allow us to talk about the fact that, for example , the handwriting of the new commander-in-chief looks like there... of course, the stories we hear from within the armed forces are disturbing, an equally disturbing fact... is that there is no frank conversation with society about why exactly such a replacement is needed. that is, if we speak archetypal, then we have a situation
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between zelensky and zaluzhny, which is very similar to the relationship between kuchma and yushchenko. that is, on the one hand, we have a popular figure that society does not really know. society largely did not know who yushchenko was, and society largely did not know who luluzhny was. due to objective and subjective factors, on the one hand, due to the fact that we have the media restrictions that we have now, on the other hand, due to the fact that the peculiarity of the actual army figures is that they are less public, but the consequence is that people project their expectations on this figure, and then, as happened with yushchenko, when at a certain moment the expectations did not come true, they actually led. to his crushing defeat in the elections in 2010, and the similarity of archetypes does not mean that we necessarily
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have to move in this canvas, that is, history can in some cases follow precedents, in some cases set precedents, but it would be much better for society , if society understood what is happening and in general what we see and what is disturbing is this that there is... some built-in desire within the state apparatus to objectify people, to objectify society, and it manifests itself in many factors, 30 sbushniks who monitor journalists, this is a very bad signal, and it is not the head of the department who is fired allows this, the head of another department is fired, and when we talk about relations in general. state with society, then we do not see a frank, albeit closed, but frank conversation between the sectors, that is, the actual forum, which is about the fact that the military,
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business, churches, civil society , think tanks, universities, could talk to each other and compare their views, compare their visions, and here i have, and here i have a very skeptical question, i saw these conversations, i understand what it is about you said , yes, a lot of thoughts and ideas were generated from there, and there was such a wonderful metaphor of a liner that was captured by pirates, and someone on this liner is already fighting with pirates, someone is buying weapons from other liners, someone is sitting and drinking coffee or playing in the orchestra there, and i forgot who of the participants very well said that it resembles a meeting. heads of condominiums of a burning ship , so my question is skeptical, whether five or six effective
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managers of a bank will listen to these heads of condominiums, well, actually, i do not even have such a task, that is, it is not , conventionally speaking, a gathering of people so that they write some kind of appeal and this appeal is somewhere out there, it means it got in and so on, is it more of a test of a common language, do we from different sectors understand each other? whether we can feel what the other is saying, and whether we can translate it into our own language, and here too such, i would say, mixed feelings, because business speaks in a business way, there are think tanks in their bird language, civil society in their own language, politicians who were present and government officials who were present in their own language, some participants have s... bi-trilingualism, which allows them to translate, but some do not, and if we compare the russian system, for example, and the ukrainian system, then the russian system is vertically hierarchical, it is united
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around vertical shearing, the ukrainian system is so strong, we are talking about a network society, how strong is the connection between those who are on the horizon, and what we saw is that these connections are very important to develop, including if we want to get democracy in the country, and keeping democracy... we can put an equal sign between maintaining democracy and maintaining independence, because if we maintain democracy, democracy is a system that is sensitive to the voices of minorities, it means that every person within the country has a chance to have their vote will be important, will be heard if we leave this model, then suddenly there are those who say, wait, wait, wait, this is not my system, i don't have to... defend it, and there are evasions, refusal to take part of the responsibilities, refusal to to take
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part of the risks and so on and so on and so on. therefore, this attempt to build horizontal communication is actually very important from the point of view of the stability of the existence of the ukrainian state in general, although it may not look like that from the outside, well, if you think about it , a scientist cannot get along with a businessman, well, i just believe that a scientist and a businessman will get along, but i don't understand the mechanism of how these network connections and this about... understanding can affect the plane, which the crew, yes, and the captain of the ship leads into acute pique down, for example, yes, or where simply in the captain's cabin they don't hear these voices and the work of all these think tanks and so on, that is, i don't understand how in the conditions, as you very correctly said, of a single telethon, surveillance according to
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journalists from... the release of military commanders and not only , but ministers and so on, without any explanation, yes, that is, in a situation that looks like the principle of building a dictatorship and totalitarianism, so how to combine it and how to save the state, let's say so, i would make a disclaimer here, and any democratically elected wartime leader will strive. centralization, so what may look like a simple desire to turn the system into an autocratic one may be part of a natural reflex that arises when there is a need to have a more manageable situation in a crisis conditions second, i'm absolutely convinced that, uh, if we're facing any consequences of a totalitarian culture, it's
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an echo. from the past, we do not have political players who would seriously like to establish a totalitarian regime in ukraine, well, at least not from the ukrainian side, that is, the russians establish the totalitarian rules of the game, but there is not a single ukrainian subject, there is neither a servant of the people, nor the eu, there are no other parliamentary forces, they are ready in one way or another to use the imperfections of the system, but mo... it is not about destruction millions of people, we are not talking about such harsh things, so that is why, in order for the discussion not to be shaken and not to go to extremes, i try to do the same and urge , i try to be strict myself, i call on others to be strict in these discussions, because otherwise we actually burn out this trust, and later, when we cry wolves one more time, others will not know if they are wolves or if we just want to draw their attention, and so
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on and so forth. if we talk about why it is important to get along horizontally, then the answer is simple, because in this way we can transfer the mandate to each other, transfer trust, transfer social capital, because the concentration of social capital in ukraine is of great importance in order to determine who shapes the agenda, and the agenda can be shaped by those who have relevant authorities, if they have a sufficiently... high level of trust, but if they do not have a sufficiently high level of trust, then the initiative in shaping the agenda will be with civil society, will be in the church, will be in someone else's, and actually the question arises as to who has more influence on the agenda, who defines it, and in civil society there is a lot of anxiety about what is happening in the state, because it is very easy to ensure
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each other. the action of all parties, when the administration is popular, 70-80% support its actions and so on, but we encountered the first serious defeat with the failure of the counteroffensive, and the expectations for the counteroffensive were inflated, they were heated by the miracle that happened in the kharkiv region in the fall of 22, they were aggravated by the fact that this... a global coalition in support of ukraine and so on was being built, and when we did not get the result we expected, suddenly changes began in the attitude of citizens to the fact that says the state, the number of people wanting to come, for example, to military bases has sharply decreased, and the level of trust in state...
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institutions has started to creep downward, that is, we...


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