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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EET

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to get citizenship, this is really about there are discussions, and politicians have already promised, and this government, which is now, it promises to change some legislation during this year in order to make it more difficult to get citizenship, and also, maybe there will be in in this context, some of the changes in relation to those, somehow, have one or two citizenships, the community. in russia and finland or somehow, that is, let's put it this way, to tighten the policy of issuing visas for flights and from vienna, well, visas for a stay, thank you very much, thank you very much, mr. arseniy svynarenko explained to us, sociologist, lecturer at the university of helsinki about what is happening in finland, now we will talk about history, because vasyl pavlov will appear, i hope, a military man. historian, i am not convinced that we
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will only talk about the war, the history of wars, but simply about history as such, good health, mr. vasyl, thank you for finding time for us, thank you very much, it is especially valuable on sunday, so , so my difficult but also simple question, first, after mr. putin told mr. carlson... that the cossacks wrote something there, khmelnytskyi wrote something there, they said something there about friendship with russia, i thought, if we go this way, then the united states in general belongs to the british empire, or that russia, because russia then belongs, i don’t know here, i’m lost, you maybe you know better, or mongolia, or kazakhstan, or... because the horde
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also captured modern moscow many centuries ago, and they ruled these lands, this russia, muscovy, the united states until the 1770s. they were also part of the british empire, come on then this is how we will share, remember what greece was like. ancient rome, ancient mesopotamia , who belonged to whom, big, by the way, i don’t know how they would say it in the caucasus, there was such a country, for example, big armenia, it had a very large territory, so what does it mean that putin spoke , you, you, you, you believe that he believes that, that's just such a, such a question, i 'll allow myself one short remark, you said that we will ... talk not only
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about the war, and not only about military history, literally two days before putin's interview, v one central german newspaper published a large article about history as a weapon, in fact, in putin's speech, or in his interview, we saw that russia uses history precisely as a weapon, and the moments you mentioned are very interesting here. that in fact, in this cluster of his interview, putin denied the right to exist to any state that at one time in one way or another left the empire, or in one way or another gained its independence, was looking for its place under the world, and if you answer to your question, he really believes in it, just like him believed that the ukrainians would not resist. because he himself and his
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environment created a false picture of the world, false ideas in many areas, including false historical ideas, because well, to be honest, russian historical science has long had such passages to itself does not allow, there are a lot of studies in them that evaluate these events absolutely adequately and operate on documents, here is the opinion of a person who lives in his own paradigm and in his own vision of all processes, well , including history, mr. vasyl, i with you i would agree and would expand further, my daughter, she graduated from the history department in kyiv, now she is studying in different european countries, and she says that when she uses this word, which i dislike more and more, narratives, they are just... ..
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rooted in our heads, because russia was the main thing, there is no history of the baltics, there is no history of poland, well, we don't talk about ukraine at all, we don't talk about belarus, we don't talk about moldova. because everything was imposed and all exchanges between apparently students, between professors, in the era of the ussr, all through the prism moscow, through the prism of the history of russia , as russian and soviet historians understood it at the time, and so on and so forth, and then i have a question for you, is it possible to somehow overcome it, i obviously understand that it is possible, but for this it takes dozens, and even hundreds of years, and that's in principle. can speed up this process, when europeans will begin to understand that not only russia is in the east of europe, there are a lot of different countries, we are already in the caucasus, there is also central asia , there are eastern european countries, in short, here there are some, some medicines, well in fact, there is medicine here
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two directions: it is necessary to treat the patient himself, and it is necessary to treat those people who are around. so that they do not receive and do not take over this contagion, and accordingly, well, i really do not like the confusion in the word education and enlightenment, but one should still engage in the enlightenment of the russian people, try to convey the true history of russia to those who are still able to think to the fact that it is not as monolithic as putin and his inner circle try to portray it there... the peoples of the north, the peoples of siberia, there are a lot of elements here, i've already started
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to talk about history, well, what do they call the former soviet republics, it's really for them, they don't even know the history of their north caucasus, i'm not saying anymore. there about the history of georgia, armenia, you mentioned greater armenia, or the history of albania, as azerbaijan used to be called, yes, i agree, the history of ukraine for them, well, in general, it is not such a big thing for belarusians, they, or lithuanians, let’s be honest, they do not perceive us as something separate at all, there with the ukrainians, they at least thank god, considering us some kind of... slandered, disputed, but still more or less separate, they do not identify belarusians in any way at all, and this will be a big problem for belarusians, and for the west , the question of creating such scientific
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centers as there is, for example, the ukrainian institute at harvard, and it should be noted that the same serhii plohyi for the last, well, for 5-7 years he... did a huge job of popularizing the history of ukraine at many levels, not only, let's say, at the level of the popular science general course there, as the same gate of europe, but somehow there narrow problems, whether it is the russian-ukrainian war, whether it is the biography and death of stepan bandera, or the chernobyl disaster itself, that is, he tries to show ukraine and tie it to world events. and in the same way, it is very difficult to solve it, it takes a very long time, for this you need experts, and time and sources in order to frame that history, well, let's say russia, because it is easier to perceive that way, the one that is not there now, the one
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that they actually destroyed for centuries not so much in the form of written books or devoured how many people are carriers of memory, because... we also have such a flawed moment that we perceive russians as a single whole, here it is necessary to understand that a great many of them are the descendants of those peoples which were once conquered, those peoples who lost their war, those peoples who lost their own identity, those peoples who were first for, well, erased, then included in there. the all-russian paradigm and now they are the very instrument of the policy that russia pursues, well, for example, in relation to to ukraine. mr. vasyl, one more thing, what caught my eye personally, is, well, apart from the fact that here is the history of the usa, which belongs to
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britain, as i said, and russia belongs to mongolia. second, second, so to speak, in terms of meaning, for me, the thesis is a kind of sacrifice. i did not think that such a thing could happen, because russia is so proud, we are so cool, we are so, we are so cool, we captured everyone, ukrainians in... no, well, in short, power, and here a person talks for two hours , we were tricked, we believed, we had a hard time, and this was some small russia back then will turn into something so meager , this sacrifice, you, you somehow noticed it, and whether this is the character of the russians, i am not, i am confused, because i always saw russians pounding their fists on the table and shouting, we are the strongest, we are the coolest . we can see in advance who the enemy is, what are the intrigues against us, here man, oh , we were deceived here too, and here we were promised, here they did not
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fulfill, i am sitting, but where is your power, where is your big kremlin, big weapons, everything is great, what do you say, well, i would not use the word sacrifice, but the word inferiority, they just here they tried to jump on it, which for them i really agree with you, is not very typical. but here the question arises, well, for me personally, if we consider this interview technologically, who was preparing for what and what they wanted to say, and whether putin said what was really being prepared, or maybe at some point he simply switched gears and began to say what he wanted, because there are just too many moments for this, it is not, in my opinion, a historical trauma. a russian or a historical trauma of russia? there is a lot here moments of historical traumas of putin personally
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, as, if you recall, this phrase of his that there, the termination of the existence of the ussr is the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century, and so it is here, that is, we see that treaties are mentioned, which then no one began to observe, russia is the very first, hitler mentions the history with poland, mentions these... well, alleged deceptions and alleged promises that the west allegedly gave, either to the soviet union, or to russia in the first years of its independent existence, and i think that this is precisely well, such an attempt to appeal to the american audience, which there in business relations, in business relations used to trust there word, word of honor or some kind of promises, maybe. there was such an attempt, but like so many in this interview, fortunately for us, it didn't
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work, i hope this, this is the last such question, literally two minutes, but that 's enough of putin's interview, and and an interview with baby carlson, baby carlson, because the little one, i already said yesterday, is a gift to ukraine, or a triumph of the kremlin, how to characterize the consequences in general. interview, if we can use it, it will be ours very beneficial, but it is clear, this is not the kremlin's triumph, this is its failure. okay, thank you very much, vasyl pavlov, the military historian, we were just talking about the most recent, most recent history of russia, which was miraculously released by mr. putin, who serves as the president of the russian federation, who, according to... at least to my understanding and history, absolutely i am nothing i can understand that if britain is still
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the metropolis of the united states, and russia, and mongolia is the metropolis in relation to russia, then okay, well, that's the story, nothing here you won't do it, by the way, i would, i would create some kind of conference as a joke, a humorous conference, in order to broaden the perception of people, especially historians, about what is in putin's head, but if we go further, what other countries do we have , we are not independent , but dependent, yes, where, where do they extend, yes, indeed, albania is the territory of the former, former azerbaijan, which we talked about today, but it is not the same, not the one that is located there in europe on... . shores, i don't remember which sea anymore, well, there near croatia, near,
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near montenegro, in short, all this enough, enough, quite strange, i would ask if we have anton, anton korinevych, an agent of ukraine, good evening, but i just didn’t hear, i guess something in my voice, we have anton korinevych, it’s the first time in my life i'm talking to a person whose official name is... the agent of ukraine at the un international court of justice. i'm just not a lawyer, so i don't know what you are, i thought that there were agents only if he was in the sbu, worked, well, or in the cia, there, well, no... i don't know, that's what it means, anton kyrynevych, agent of ukraine at the un international court of justice, ambassador from special instructions of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. good health, mr. anton , thank you for finding time for us, and good evening, but look, we are terribly not, well , those who do not know about jurisprudence,
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especially european, we were very, well, i would say , disappointed with the activity. of the ukrainian delegation in gas, which, where russia's lawsuits against ukraine and ukraine against russia were considered and so on and so forth, and if there was not enough evidence, they said in the judge, ukraine was poorly prepared, well, that's what the experts are already saying, the court the un partially satisfied, but it did not satisfy most of the accusations against the russian federation, because it goes on and on and so on, and who is right, it is certainly you now... as an agent , you will say that you worked correctly, well done, and your counterparties will say, you didn't work properly, you didn't do well and so on, what can you say about that, please , well, once again, congratulations, there really is such a position, or rather, rather, the function of a state agent when he represents the state in
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the un international court, this is the definition from statute of the international court, as a matter of fact, regarding the case itself and regarding the... from the two decisions, the result is good, the result is worthy, regarding the first decision that you mentioned now, i will note that the un international court ruled that the russian federation violated both conventions under which ukraine sued, and the convention on combating the financing of terrorism and the convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, the international court also separately committed two violations of the order on temporary measures, i.e. , in the first case, we have four violations russian federation. which are established as a violation of international law in a decision of an international court. of course, we submitted more lawsuits and this is absolutely logical. the party always tries to submit the maximum number of claims and, accordingly, so that the international court can choose from these claims those that it can satisfy. so four violations for the first case, we
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think this result is worthy. regarding those quotes, or almost quotes, that you gave, it is important to say about... the second part, about which the court noted that , unfortunately, ukraine, like international monitoring missions, does not have access to the temporarily occupied territories, in particular the autonomous republic of crimea, the city of sevastopol, certain areas of the donetsk and luhansk regions for almost 10 years, and therefore it is significant, let's say , it became more difficult to prove the facts of violations in these territories, since no one except the occupying state has access there. so on the first matter, again, of course, you always want more, and that's right, but we think that the result is worthy, and the question is, as you pointed out, the quality of the work of the delegations, it seems to me, does not arise either with us or with our international partners, regarding the second case, it is important that it has moved to the stage of consideration on the merits , that is, it continues this consideration by the judge,
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and most importantly, the order remains in force of the international court of justice of the united nations on temporary measures dated march 16, 2020, and you remember that this order ordered the russian federation to stop all military operations that it had started on the territory of ukraine on february 24 , 22, so if the case did not go further this order would not apply, the order continues to apply, and every day of its war , the russian federation violates this order, and we will certainly raise these issues during the consideration of the second case on the merits, and what are the consequences of not complying with ... russia of this order, do they exist , will we decide after the war, well, well, we know the russians, you say, we don’t care about your un, your ukraine, your courts, your experts, your lawyers and so on, we will do what we want, and the court will actually decide what to do with non-compliance
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of this order at this next stage of the case, the merits of the case. it can be like the court establishing a violation of international law through non-compliance with the order , so it can be, in particular, reparations, compensation to ukraine for the damage that the russian federation caused by non-compliance with this order, starting from the first day of its existence on march 16, 2022, so of course , the court will decide this issue, but we will present all possible facts and evidence to the effect that the responsibility of the russian federation was as tough as possible. one more question, mr. anton, they have worried me from the very beginning, even since march 20 of the second cursed year, i discussed with... lawyers understand me more, and although i am not a lawyer myself, politicians do not understand at all that i i mean, i mean the concept of genocide,
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i understand the connections between ukrainians and russians and even president biden, who also used this word a couple of times, but in the courts, genocide and the words genocide by some politician are annoying genocides, and lawyers told me, that in... the region it is difficult to prove genocidal acts, genocidal actions, why, because it is necessary , as they explained to me, an established group of people, as they once said, yes, that is, it should be, well , relatively speaking, ukrainians, and the russians say, but you see, we found him, we killed him, that is, we, we, you accuse us of genocide, but here is the passport, he is russian, he is not ukrainian , it means that there is no purity anymore, it means that we do not kill exclusively ukrainians, and so on, and there can be a lot of such moments that they say that yes, yes, because genocide is, as it were, a group
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of people who are exterminated or limited, but this a certain group of people, these are not all the nationalities of the world, we know german, fascist germany, yes, jews, roma, madmen, homosexuals, but that's what they could say, this is a homosexual, and this is not a...sexual, we will kill him , and we will not kill this, genocide, but how can we prove it in our international multidimensional apartment or country, and the russians will always surrender and say: this is not genocide and that's all, and the court will say, well, indeed, if it was genocide, but not exactly genocide, what do you think, well, as for this matter that we are talking about now, it is not a matter of genocide as such, but about accusations. are liars that led to a full-scale invasion, that is, that it was russian politicians, in particular the president of the russian federation, who used
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the term genocide many times with the meaning of genocide, which ukraine allegedly committed since 2014 to justify its full-scale invasion. and actually, when we talk about genocide as such, what you are talking about now is indeed a crime that means the deliberate destruction of one of the four protected groups. persons of national, ethnic, racial, religious, that is, in our case, it is necessary to prove the destruction of ukrainians as a national group and the presence in the russian head, in the heads of russians, in particular of those people who make decisions with a special intention, the fate of specializations for the extermination of ukrainians as a separate national group of persons. regarding this concept as such and the prospects of court cases, the main thing to note is that genocide is first of all a crime. and individual criminal responsibility is provided for him, and not the responsibility of the state, because the nurberg tribunal also ruled that international crimes are committed
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not by individual states, not by abstract entities, but by individual natural persons, people, therefore, regarding genocide, we need unconditional verdicts of the national courts of ukraine, and in particular specifically on the article genocide, we need an indication of the crime of genocide, a direct mention of it in documents between days of organizations. we need arrest warrants, particularly from the international criminal court, not only for war crimes, but also for the crime of genocide. and then, of course, we can also think about whether we talk about what we are we can submit, in particular to this court, the international court of the un, a complaint regarding the commission of genocide as such. all of this should definitely be done, this is all important legal work, but the international court of the united nations should definitely not be the first element here, it should be after... the key element in this path, oh, that was very interesting for me to hear from you, so that i also said that genocide is definitely also on the list, but it is very difficult to prove, i
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even came up with such and such a word, which i think in jurisprudence i was pointed at and twisted at the temple, passport genocide, that is, if you have a passport of ukraine and it says that you are anyone, it doesn't matter, ukrainian, russian, pole and so on, well, since it is obvious what i said at the beginning, that russians can... well, they are definitely us we understand, now we have exactly genocidal actions against the crimean-tatar people, well, that's what i'm saying, and they will kill a certain russian right there in the crimea, a patriot of ukraine, and they will say, this is not genocide, we are not only tatars we put crimean tatar representatives in prison, but you see one russian, so this is no longer genocide, but my the question is different, so to speak, so to speak, but tell me. please, how legal services, that's what i'm reading is
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covington. maybe they overpaid, but how is it done, that is, the state of ukraine says, we are ready to sue, then we are looking for more reliable lawyers in europe who have experience, who have some positive case wins there, we turned to them. do you turn to them, or the ministry of foreign affairs, or the ministry of justice, invite them, they say, yes, we can take over this case, so-and-so, so-and-so our fee, and we will, therefore, be, yes , such, such an algorithm, correctly, i understand , well, the fact is that in all international judicial instances the state is represented unconditionally, first of all, by international, first of all, state bodies , that is, the international court of the un, for example, this is the ministry of foreign
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affairs, european. human rights court, this is the ministry of justice and so on, but of course, there are always procedures absolutely within the framework of the current legislation, procurements, and with regard to the procurement of legal services, that is, and this is done by absolutely all, all states that are primarily represented by state bodies in international relevant courts, and have such procurement procedures in order to hire the services of international lawyers, which actually help a lot. preparation of documents and this is an absolutely general practice, this is what other state bodies of ukraine do, in particular the ones i just mentioned, the russian federation itself, which also has international lawyers in its composition, now mostly, of course, from iran, china, and france , with african, shall we say, origins, but everyone has these international teams anyway, so it's a common practice, so there's
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nothing here. extraordinary, everyone acts like that. and maybe the last question, but it is important, if you can just take a minute, it is not so little, by the way, and the funds, and here you say legal services, procurement, and these are also internationally determined amounts of fees, well, i would know , that some ukrainians, not all of them are far away, but some like to count money in other people's pockets, and they would close, why don't we have our own, why do we have to give 45 million, it's better that we do something there let's do something else, explain this, this position. well, certainly there are certain, standard, let's say , notional numbers that are practiced for these purposes in the international legal space, but again, there are law firms that have much higher numbers than the one that you talked about now in in your question. it is
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also important to understand. that the second case, which is now moving to the substantive stage, the case of accusations of genocide, is a pro bono case, that is, it is a state-related case, there are no funds for it from the state budget at all, yes, that is why it there are no extra events that take place only in ukraine and only with the ukrainian legal team, these are general practices, and once again i will repeat, the second case is a trial, thank you very much, anton korenevych. agent of ukraine at the international court of justice of the united nations, ambassador on special assignments of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine. with this, i end my part of the evening on the tv channel, i would say, on the excellent tv channel espressoo tv, and i say goodbye to you with the best wishes for victory for ukraine and ukrainians. thank you for your attention, all the best.
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operational information from the general staff, what is currently happening at the front, whether payments will continue for internally displaced persons and follow the syrians. the russian federation is not recruiting fingers for the war against our country, what is their fate in ukraine? good evening, this is the final news release and the espresso team talks about the most important thing for today. the russians do not stop terrorizing dnipropetrovsk region. during the day , nikopol, marganitska and pokrovsk communities were attacked by kamikaze drones and artillery seven times, the leader said oblast serhii lysak. three private houses and a farm building were damaged.
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fortunately for... and there are no injured.


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