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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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a terrorist organization in lebanon, and there are still iranians sitting there, and they are training drone operators to bomb ukraine later. meanwhile , the 90th hour has approached, this is when all of ukraine remembers the dead in this russian-ukrainian war. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of ukrainian military and civilian... ukrainians who died in the war started by russia.
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my greetings, this is the freedom of the morning, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and we are talking in this stream. about such topics. the new head of the armed forces appointed his deputies and introduced the commander ground forces, but ihor plahuta, who, according to activists, worked in the ministry of internal affairs during the revolution of dignity and allegedly participated in attempts to clean up the maidan, became the commander of the turkish defense forces. let's discuss the known changes in the country's military leadership. in russia, they started a campaign to discredit the new head of state, the center for countering disinformation reported, saying that they are trying to impose the image of the soviet party in syrskyi. of a russian person, what is
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the goal, who do they want to influence in the russian federation? polish protesters block again the polish-ukrainian border, and near the dorogusk checkpoint, ukrainian trucks were damaged and grain was spilled from them. why has the blockade resumed and will all checkpoints be blocked today? the freedom of mornings with you every weekday from 9:00 on espresso tv. in order not to miss important streams on the radio liberty channel. subscribe and ring the bell. the government allowed the territorial centers of staffing and social support, i.e. military mothers to work 24 hours a day, the permanent representative of the government in the verkhovna rada of ukraine reported. taras melnychuk. according to him, such a right is granted to the tsk during mobilization and the operation of the legal regime of martial law. in particular, recruitment centers are allowed to review cases of administrative violations 24 hours a day and impose administrative fines, organize medical examinations and psychological examinations.
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medical commissions, keep records of conscripts, conscripts and reservists, as well as records of vehicles to be transferred to the armed forces. i will remind you that in the parliament in the first reading previously they also voted on the government draft law on strengthening mobilization, just like the previous version, this document is criticized by lawmakers and obtusmen for anti-constitutional norms, and so now the people's deputies are preparing amendments to this draft law, it is expected that in the second reading the draft law... will be voted on by the end of this month . there weren't even any other candidates, so the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi introduced their new leader, oleksandr pavlyuk, to the personnel of the ground forces. before that, pavlyuk worked as the first deputy minister of defense. the decree on his appointment was published on the president's website the day before. syrskyi mentioned preparations for a full-scale invasion of russia, training and exercises which... quote were not in vain.
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and this is not the only personnel change in the zsu system that took place this weekend. as announced by volodymyr zelenskyi. he revamped the army's management team. in particular, the president dismissed maksym myrhorodskyi from the position of commander of the airborne assault troops and appointed the post of his deputy ihor skibyuk. in addition, zelensky appointed ihor plahuta as the commander of the territorial defense forces, and yury sodul as the commander of the united forces of the armed forces of ukraine. it is interesting that the previous commander of the united forces, lieutenant general serhii naev, said that he learned about his dismissal from social networks, but regarding the newly appointed commander of the teroborona forces , igor plahuta, social networks are writing about dissatisfaction with this personnel rotation, because, as with it turned out that during the revolution of dignity, plahuto headed the administration of the south territorial command of internal forces of the ministry of internal affairs. this was reported to the anti-corruption center, and there they say that plahuta allegedly took part in attempts for...
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the maidan. and block plahuta told journalists about the injured berkut residents. in january 2014, he was a spokesman for the ministry of internal affairs, and on february 18, 2014 , he assured journalists that there would be no storming of the maidan. however, it was on this day that they started the most tragic events of the revolution of dignity. at the same time, there are posts in social networks in support of this appointment. military officer maksym gromov writes that plahuta is a man of business and says that working in the maidan part of the imf system. however, he was, i quote, reasonable. i would like to note that in addition to these personnel changes, zelenskyi also dismissed the chief of the general staff of ukraine, serhii sheptala, and appointed anatoly bergenvych to this position. vadym ivchenko, people's deputy of ukraine from the
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batkivshchyna faction and member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning everyone. mr. vadim, i want to start this conversation with the first news we read. these are changes in the work of the tsc, which in practice means such a change in the work schedule that now they will work there around the clock, and you know, the verkhovna rada voted a law, a new law on military registration, and in fact today all men, according to this law, which proposed by the government, must undergo re-identification, i.e. in electronic office to get or in the electronic office or... or in the tsk or in the tsnapa there in various forms to get a certificate of the defender. this means that there must be such an influx of people, and this means that the tsk must work around the clock from the point of view of a, to make this new
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identification, and the second is, you know, we are talking about smart mobilization, as someone said, a this means that this military registration is needed. to choose those people who can serve in certain units, in certain branches or brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. well, if you are a pilot in the past, then you don't need to send assault brigades, if you have a good understanding of software, it, and so on, then you may have a battalion of uavs, and many other things that will allow you to select those who will perform certain combat tasks on the front lines from the military records of the shopping center. that is, it means an improvement in this selection, as far as i understand you, and does it mean an increase in the number of people working in the tcc, because it has to be processed now and this information comes out during the day and at night, well, i would not say that it will be an improvement in the selection , we
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everything was done so that the legislators could still improve the selection, now it will happen in the tsc and how will the work of the tsc be formed, how will the head be, how? the chief manager will set this job, how they will choose people, how they will notify them and so on, all this depends on, well, actually on the picking centers, so let's see and we will observe together how and how efficiently they will work, well, i think that staffing is already a question that is not up to me, well, for sure, as you say, for sure there should be a slightly increased number, only some people will work during the day, others at night, and is it possible that men will be sent to the shopping center around the clock and such events can take place at night? yes, then we will really observe how you say, now i would, i would, i would say so
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, you know, well, for now the law in the first reading, to which the deputies submit amendments, he, we, we think so, must regulate so that the tcc... does not drag people out somewhere at night and does not, well, actually direct them to the military headquarters, he must regulate, but let's see, so far there is no such law, and this allows them to summon people, including at night, accordingly, ugh, that is, there may be such a variant of the development of events, well, we will really follow for today one more urgent topic for conversation, this is the topic of rebooting in to the military leadership, in general, this is what is being said in political circles about the new deputies of syrskyi and new leaders. directions, ah, you know, well, this is my subjective opinion, and due to the fact that i communicate with many people, including the military, ah, well, first of all, after all we want to change the military leadership, because, accordingly, some changes must take place,
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and these changes must definitely take place regarding the fact that we will quickly win back ukrainian territories, we believe in that. politicians, the military, everyone believes in this, but when the military society is not told why we fire one, and why we appoint others. if we release one, then why do we give a hero of ukraine? if it's political stuff, one team goes out and another team comes in, and it looks like more loyal people are put, then society has questions, of course, we would like to see how the commander-in-chief and all heads of departments will actually differ if the president has set the task of submitting... a military strategy for the 24th year, and to make clear rotations from the front line, directly to the rear
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, and so on, you and i should see this soon after the appointments of the relevant leaders, and then we will analyze if this does not happen, if the society will not see, and why the previous ones were changed managers, on the contrary, there can also be contempt, respectively, well, let's say in the atmosphere of the military a... and i will give an example of the same head of the sso kharenko, who was dismissed, a professional with a capital letter, a general, but he was dismissed, it is not clear for what, he was appointed a colonel , unfortunately, i don't know him, but at the same time there is such an atmosphere in the forces of special operations that for some reason leaders are chosen from the large side, and put, let's say, people who have not yet earned that trust among the teams. what were those the generals who led before that, and one and
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the other, in principle, one was taken there as the deputy head of valpo, so let's wait, i would like all these appointments to go directly to our advantage and we won faster, and to communicate better, yes, but according to your information, people learned about their appointment, as well as the ex-commander of the united forces, lieutenant general serhiy naev. on social media, you know, well, it's definitely not for me to comment, unfortunately, it's wrong when the head of the joint forces receives information about his de facto dismissal from the mass media, no one thanks him, i mean from the state leadership, political leadership, no one meets him, no one actually transfers him to any other directions where he can be... more useful, he says so himself , therefore, unfortunately, i have to state that such
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a situation needs to be corrected with such people, heroes, who in the most difficult time for the armed forces of ukraine, i want to say right away, in the most difficult, 22nd and 23rd years , they led and they did incredible things, so of course it is necessary to communicate, and the main thing is that such people were actually involved unequivocally in... and according to the message of the activists during the revolution , what do you know about ihor plahuto, who worked for dignity in the ministry of internal affairs and apparently participated in attempts the cleaning of the maidan, and i don't know him , and of course there are things that cannot be forgotten, there are things when people were shot during the revolution of dignity, when the country was changing, do you remember that then there was a party of regions, the clans sat, then the country with ... revolutions dignity began to change, as quickly as possible, democratic elections
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were held, many reforms were made in the first term of the president, now another president is also making many reforms, that is, the country, if you look at the 13th year, it, well, it has changed incredibly in all areas, and here, you know, people remember who did not allow changes in the country, if there are such things, if this ... scientist actually led and so on, then for sure, as you said, it is necessary to communicate with society, maybe he really talented, maybe he really is a person who today is needed by the armed forces of ukraine for territorial defense, and you and i need to involve such people in the war, and i pay more attention to it, since there is such publicity about this leader, i pay more attention to it, which is true, but there is a lack of communication you and i cannot clearly... understand why exactly this person, and not hundreds of other generals that
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we have today, was appointed to the territorial defense forces, well, let's see, maybe the president will explain after the fact, after all the appointments, these changes and argues them, thank you mr. vadim for joining, questions like always more in this topic than answers, so far vadym ivchenko, people's deputy of ukraine from his homeland and member of the committee on national security, defense and intelligence was a guest of svoboda ranok. in russia , they deliberately discredit the new head of the armed forces and try to impose the image of a soviet and russian man on general syrsky. this was reported by the head of the center for countering disinformation of the nsdc, lieutenant andrii. kovalenko, here he says that in the russian media they are actively looking for relatives, friends, youth and families of syrsky, from whom they take the necessary comments and distribute them in the information space. kovalenko notes that the main goal is to reduce public trust in the armed forces through such a campaign. the leader reminded that general syrsky worked in valery zaluzhny's team and took part in successful operations of the armed forces of ukraine, in particular, the liberation of kyiv region
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and kharkiv region. and syrskyi's new team is a young team that has gone up for promotion, he says. head of the center for countering disinformation. after general syrsky was appointed to the position , various messages and videos about relatives began to spread on social networks commander-in-chief living in russia, at the same time western media, including politicians and the new york times, citing anonymous sources, published critical articles against the new commander-in-chief. ilya yevlash, the head of the press service of the operational and strategic group of vojsortytsya, joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. congratulations, studio slava. the russian media is trying to impose the image of a soviet and russian person on the new head of the armed forces as a hero, so they say in the center of countering disinformation, is it possible to syrsky to say that he is a general of the soviet model, if not, then tell me why? thank you for the question, well, first of all, i want to immediately refute this information, since colonel-general oleksandr syrsky, he is
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a pronativ general, since he headed one of the commissions back in the 13th year. on the implementation of nato standards in the armed forces of ukraine. in addition, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi has quite a few generals, friends, acquaintances, among whom are general cavoli and general clothier, the former commander of nato ground forces in europe. and bengojes, by the way, who also made a statement yesterday that the appointment of general sirski will be quite unpleasant. a surprise for the russians, moreover, the soviet generals, they constantly adhered to the principle that do as i say, colonel-general oleksandr syrsky, on the contrary , professes the principle of do as i do and with his example sets an example for all the rest of how to do, how to act to your subordinates , of course, that this
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is also not true, due to the fact that the commander, now the commander-in-chief, colonel-general... oleksandr syrskyi, he well, even his operations speak for themselves, the way he beat the russians near kiev, the fact that he conducted the kharkiv counter-offensive operation, during which the most territories were liberated during a full-scale invasion and several battalions were taken by enemy heavy equipment, of course, everything this proves that he is a ukrainian general, he is, he graduated from the higher military school in moscow, which is located in russia, but he took the oath in ukraine and serves the ukrainian people, all his positions from platoon commanders to the commander-in-chief were in the armed forces of ukraine, and of course, many people who lived there at that time in the soviet union, now they are ukrainians and serve ukraine, this is clear to everyone, in addition
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, i also want to emphasize that the commander, he constantly holds various asymmetric actions , which, by the way, this training in mosvok gave him , he knows the tactics of the enemy, he knows how the enemy works, he reads them, and it is precisely all this, all this knowledge, all this information that gives him the opportunity to conduct such brilliant and dynamic operations on the battlefield, i am also quite sure that this replacement will have a qualitative effect on the introduction of hostilities, and for the enemy it will be very, very... already an inconvenient, unpleasant opponent, what do you know and what can you tell about the people who are now became syrsky's team, who have combat experience, who do you possibly know, with whom did you manage to work during this time? well, of course, in addition to the former commander of the ground forces , colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, with whom we spent two years side by side in the zone of responsibility of the khortyts axis, i am very well
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i know the chief of the general staff, now major general anatoliy bargelevich, this is a great answer. a long-range general, who during the defense of kyiv was in charge of one of the defense sectors of kyiv, then colonel-general tsirsky decided to divide kyiv and the capital region into sectors, which increased the defense capability, in order to improve the defense, and major general anatoliy bargelevich, he stood precisely on in the direction of gostomylo, on one of the most dynamic and tense directions, where the gostomylo airport was, where powerful... together with the cadets of the zhytomyr military institute at that time, he personally participated in the conduct of hostilities, he was personally with the cadets on the front line, there is even a film made by our team, it is a cool hostomyl border , who hasn't seen it, i recommend watching it it was also broadcast on the national media, there everything is told in detail from interviews with eyewitnesses, with
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direct participants, with cadets who were there, they remember those events and describe it all in sufficient detail, that is why the appointment of such combat-experienced generals, officers, so it is very important, we can say that the front-line boots entered the kyiv parquet, if you can put it that way. these generals, they were also involved, well, for example, anatoly bargelevich, he was also involved in the planning of the kharkiv operation, that is, it took place under his planning, his coordination, they were engaged in the conduct of the bakhmut defensive operation, during which one of the largest groups of private military of the wagner company, which ultimately led to the putsch and prigozhin's trip to moscow, that is, it is very very... they are so experienced, you know, they are practitioners, not theorists, if you can put it that way, besides, i am personally familiar with colonel lebedenko, who will be responsible for
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the introduction of innovations, technologies, this is a very experienced colonel, an officer who was responsible for communication, communications connection is the nerve of combat operations, it is very important, which answer requires a lot of knowledge and such a subtle approach, it is necessary to understand how the enemy can act, how to be safe. from intercepting information and what trends, trends, needs are the most important at the front, because communication is the main thing, without communication, if there is no coordination at the front, these units, they are blind, so this person directly has experience, understanding, knowledge of what is needed, and i think when such people will in one of the highest positions, at the highest level, they will effectively carry out their tasks, especially in interaction, when one team will speak together with one voice. with brigade commanders, otu, ouv commanders, osuv commanders and, of course, with the general staff, this is extremely important. thank you, ladies for such details, but we still have a minute,
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literally tell us about the current combat situation at the front, is it important? well, currently the number of shellings has significantly decreased, which is interesting for me personally, because a few days ago there were 800 shellings only in the lemano-kupian direction, now it is already in the entire line of contact of osu khortytse, which k'. bakhmutsky , 617 shellings were recorded, i.e. , the number decreased significantly, this is probably also due to bad weather, but the enemy continues to press on the bakhmutsky direction, in direction near the settlement of bohdanivka, there he shifts his reserves, his assault groups and puts pressure on our positions, our defenders hold on, all necessary measures are taken to repel the enemy's attack, reserves are drawn up and fire damage is inflicted on the enemy's assault groups. thank you for joining in, ilya yevlash, head of the press service of the operational strategic group of the military, was a guest of svoboda ranok. it
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freedom of the mornings, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and further on this broadcast we will talk about such topics. report for discharge or service in the luty assault brigade in the dnipro, the special purpose regiment is being disbanded, all special forces will be transferred to the armed forces, so reported. in the national police, whether police officers should fight in the armed forces and perform combat tasks, we will discuss further. polish protesters block the polish-ukrainian border again. near the dorogusk checkpoint , ukrainian trucks were damaged and spilled from them grain. why has the blockade resumed and will all checkpoints be blocked today? what is happening in ukraine, what is the situation at the front, every weekday morning from 9:00 am we talk about important events and statements. subscribe to the radio channel. so as not to miss important broadcasts. in dnipro, a special purpose regiment is being disbanded after refusing to transfer to
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the lut assault brigade. all special forces will be transferred there automatically, but those who refuse will be forced to write a report for dismissal from the police. this was announced by the deputy head of the national police of ukraine oleksandr facevych this is the reaction of the police leadership to the video that went viral last week. in the video, the deputy head of the main department of the dnipro national police. argues with special forces who refuse to transfer to the rage assault brigade. in an interview with radio liberty, deputy head of the national police facevych said that the police received an order last year to form and expand a brigade of people for this expansion, there are weapons and everything necessary, and special forces who refuse, they say, should not serve in the police , says facevych. the national police, and ukraine in general, does not need such. the special forces, which is not ready to defend the state, because such a decision was made, then the personnel that will be transferred, they will be armed, equipped, trained, and that... the personnel
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that will be ready to perform tasks will be deployed no earlier than , than there for a certain period of time, which is needed for training and training of personnel, deployed to the area of ​​hostilities to perform tasks as part of a brigade of people with their recruits from other units of the assault brigade. in last year, the task of forming an assault brigade was set, and this is logical. to centrally perform and take part in military operations as a full-fledged assault brigade, and to perform these tasks as combatants, that is why such a decision was made, and accordingly the brigade has an armament, and artillery, and a tank unit, etc., that is, it is logical for that in order to perform tasks
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and help more efficiently. armed forces, today i cannot say the number of defectors who do not want and have resigned, but we , i think that people will consciously understand that their place is in the national police, because they are specially appointed, trained, and they can and should perform as part of the national police, the issue of mobilization, so police officers take part in combat operations , policemen take part in combat operations as part of the people's brigade, the people's brigade is increasing, it will be increased, and it is currently undergoing, partial recovery is underway after intensive hostilities, and well, part of the brigade is located directly in the areas of hostilities, and that is why we count on people, we count on policemen, volunteers, we count on civilian youth who are ready to come to the assault memory of people, so the question of mobilizing the policemen directly, that is how it goes
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inside where... the staffing of the assault brigade directly national police. but about whether police officers should fight in the armed forces and carry out combat missions, whether they are more trained than civilians, and how to deal with the fact that some police officers refuse to take part in hostilities, we spoke with serhii knyazhy, former head of the national police of ukraine, current adviser to the head of the national police, and now a senior sergeant of the 72nd separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. this is what he told mine. colleague oleg galev. serhiy knyazum, commander of the department, senior sergeant of the 72nd separate mechanized brigade of black zaporozhets, head of the national police of ukraine in 17-19 years. it is with us, actually. i welcome you. i congratulate you. thank you for joining. well, still , maybe from the dnipro event, if you have any the reaction to what you've seen on social media, and the police, the police leadership itself has promised that conclusions will be
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drawn after that about the protest. police officers, at least, as they write about it in the conspiracy against the inclusion of people in the brigade, how do you evaluate it and what are your general impressions of what is known so far? the entire staff of the police understands, ukrainians understand, that we are in such a state now, whether our state will exist, not the political system of our state, in general, the existence of the state of ukraine on the world map, and therefore to defend our dear ukraine, the police are mostly all obliged and they will go, some voluntarily, some there on a rotational basis, there these measures are already being developed by the national police, and if there is such a demand from the nsdc or there from the general staff, it will definitely be fulfilled, i know the position of the minister of internal affairs, the head of the national police, and therefore it is impossible to discuss it, there is no need, i would even like
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to make a remark like this, the video... which appeared, this is the emotion of the policeman who was present at this meeting, and the police, officers not the police were afraid to put it on the network, that is , they did not agree with certain remarks of some officers of the special unit, i want to add that the national police has been dealing with the defense of our state since the 14th year, i can say this on my own example, because... november in the 14th year, i served in donetsk region, where i came voluntarily, and even today i deliberately came to the nearest police station, so i am now talking to you from the nearest police station in donetsk region, which is 8 km from the kurakhovske contact line the police department, where i want to show with him that police officers carry out their duties as well as civilian ones.


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