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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EET

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we would like to ask you briefly about your vision of the next phase of the war. we understand that extremely powerful changes have taken place, in particular, the replacement of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. there have been powerful changes in our general staff and further and further along the lines. this means, well, certain new priorities have already been announced by the new chief sirsky. as you can see in general, how much, how much it will be ma'. good change and in general, what do you think we should expect from the spring military campaign on the part of our enemy? well, i don't think that you can expect anything from the enemy, they have one position left, they want to seize at least one or two settlements so that they can report to their leader, on the eve of the so-called elections, that is, until march 17, we will see. .. in fact, the same thing that we
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have been observing for the last several months, starting, probably from november, that they are trying to advance somewhere in some directions, to seize avdiivka, to go to kupyansk, and nothing new in this plan, so cardinal, from our side, i am i don't think that we will be able to drastically change any directions, because, first of all, i don't believe that... the team that changed, it came from nowhere, after all, it is all military personnel, part of i served with them and worked in the general staff, and they understand the situation, they understand our capabilities and capabilities, so i think that everything will be fine, if it changes, it will preferably change for the better, but not some drastic changes. ugh, mr. viktor,
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if we understand correctly, then also some breakthroughs on the part of the occupiers should not be expected, and if we talk about the prospects for this year, then it will rather be a positional war of some low intensity, or still high intensity. it will be an oppositional war, we currently do not have the opportunity to break through something there and advance somewhere, unfortunately, you can see the situation with help, i think that the accumulation of resources will go on. certain possibilities regarding some local operations will be considered, perhaps the situation in the black sea basin of military operations will develop for the better, it is clear that everyone is focusing on unmanned systems, hoping that we will be able to strike deep in the enemy's rear and... all this in the complex will
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deal him a terrible blow in terms of logistical capabilities, if they are depleted, depleted in them it cannot be, the enemy cannot be in constant tension regarding the offensive, at some point they will be forced to either stop or somewhere, maybe even retreat, because well, just like that in such a way in such an intense way special decline'. i just can't, so we'll see if ours will be able to seize this moment and use it to our advantage. mr. major general of the reserve of the security service of ukraine, i would like to ask you to give an assessment of carlson's rendezvous with putin, so we understand that it is not for nothing that putin chewed on the same topic for almost two hours, i think that in terms of the number of mentioned ukraine, well, it could be compared there only poland. so, on the one hand
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, we hear conspiracy theories, on the other hand, it demonstrates a certain fixation of putin on the others to a single idea, his unwillingness to step aside from what is called the mainstream, his fixation and so on, well , the story is much more serious than it appears at first glance, it is clear that everyone who could so to speak snarled in the direction of carlson and putin , but here is the key story, what is happening in the head of the kremlin patient, well, and your observations, where he, so to speak, made conscious omissions, where the omissions were, so to speak, unconscious, but due to a certain impulsiveness of his character, where there was direction, where there was no direction, and to what extent everything that putin said should be taken seriously, because he was speaking, so to speak, not to the facebook community, ukrainian or european, but rather he was trying to broadcast certain messages.
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to our overseas and european military allies and friends, listen, well, i don't know who i didn't talk to in the west, they... didn't see anything serious in what he said, first of all, you have to understand that those messages , which he threw, he primarily tried to work for some huge carsen audience there, hoping that the americans do not know much about history, and having such a repeater, they will take at face value the fact that he does not...
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understand that he wants negotiations, that he wants negotiations, negotiations first of all with the states, and they really hope for victory trump , they pray for her a lot there, they hope that they don't think that they hope that trump will be a pro-russian president, they just hope that with the arrival of trump , the vector of american politics will change from the outside to the inside. and the united states will not until of ukraine, and then they will finally be able to turn the situation around and take it under their control. all the rest, all the rest, it was like that, i don't know, some kind of nonsense, i just don't understand how a person who graduated from a university
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in the times of the soviet union can carry such rubbish. well, maybe age changes are happening, well, but that doesn't make it easier for us, we remember how... a full-scale invasion began, yes, that is, well, there was little logic there, but there was cruelty, there was treachery and so on according to the list, so to speak now about the seriousness of the situation on the continent, yes, mr. major-general of the security service of ukraine, how seriously should such scenarios be considered, for example, aggression or a major military provocation against nato countries? well, this is a divine idea. can really play a joke with russia, because i think that within the next six months, sweden may become a full member of the alliance, and the baltic sea will be closed to russia forever, that is, the baltic
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fleet will simply turn into an unnecessary toy, what will they do with it , no i know, let them think for themselves. but their problem is that to organize even in the direction in which everyone is talking, namely on the baltic states, to be just the end for them, the end of everything, because first of all they are impersonating themselves, i think the answer is simply the enclave called the kalinin region will be destroyed, and russia... it will forever lose the so-called european privilege of entering the ocean into the atlantic ocean, if they go for it, well, i emphasize this again, madness, because before this is being prepared, and it is being prepared very seriously, and
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if the concept existed before, i already told you, until the 22nd year, the concept was that russia would attack it... and about a month later , all nato forces would enter to liberate the occupied territories, that is, in if some kind of strikes are not preemptive, then there is a question of a powerful preemptive strike, and not only on those positions on which they can concentrate, and the fact that they will concentrate, it will be immediately visible, and also on the so-called decision-making centers , an estimated strike of up to 500 missiles at each other, or will it hold up like this? strike russia with high-precision missiles, i don't know, it will be just as interesting for me, so we'll see how it ends, well, but we understand that even the latest statements of trump, who is a candidate for the presidential seat, he can win in november
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this year , it still worries us, and we understand that this pre-emptive strike may not happen, because trump even encouraged russia. to attack countries that do not pay, as he says, their bills, so to the alliance, and in such a case, stoltenberg says that we should be ready for a war for decades, maybe to stand... to stand with russia, is the alliance ready to resist, is there unity in the alliance now and can this unity be shaken in the event of trump's victory, and actually , what about us, we are not a member of the alliance now, but we hope to become a member of it and we hope that the nato umbrella will cover us in the future, that we will be members of nato, that's for sure, it's another matter in what form we will be, will we be able to win back our territories? or us shall we join nato in such a state, in which cyprus came at one time? i don't want such situations.
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and the fact that there is unity, unity is primarily among the military, and this already says something about the fact that if politicians are still philosophizing somewhere on some lines, then such statements as trump's statement, they very quickly sober up a lot of people, and whether trump wants it or not, it adds up. certain dynamics in the development of all these situations related to both financing and the deployment of new systems and the introduction, you see, a lot of countries are returning to conscription, there is a question about expansion of the armed forces in other countries, great britain actively began to work on restoring... its military capabilities, in germany, italy,
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well, france was always in such a more prepared situation, they had foreign missions, so they were ready, maybe not to such an extent, but everything, everything goes where it should, so i think that what putin would like to agree on, of course, is the key story, well, we understand, it's not for nothing that he spent almost an hour on the ukrainian topic. that is, the key story for him is ukraine, not only she, of course, well, but what do you say about this? well, this fixation on ukraine , it really lets him down, because it, it speaks of those fears that ukraine does not give in, ukraine does not surrender, and some of their internal, their political technologists say that we are on... having officially included a part of the territory of ukraine in their territory
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, they allegedly let a cancerous tumor into their territory that we allegedly cured in russia, and the ukrainian ukrainians, who were supposed to be there for us in the russian-speaking regions, like them they call something else, by the way, this was also observed in the crimea in the same way that they... brought something completely different into politics and secretly undermined some of their technological things, and there are manifestations of these or other things that are not incomprehensible to them there like the same partisanship, the same acts of sabotage, sabotage, it comes... primarily from those people who do not agree, and it spreads throughout russia, we
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once looked at the proportions, such as where it all happened in russia, and it actually from of the occupied territories is expanding throughout russia with such a fan, and it does not stop, and a process begins that they cannot control, it is a process when the national republics ask the question, what are we doing here? and why do we fight for them, and why do we pay them, and so on and so forth, and all this in a complex stretches their forces and resources, which they should all throw at the front against ukraine. it will spread every year. thank you, mr. viktor. viktor yehun, sbu reserve major general, deputy chairman sbu in 2014-15, was on the air of espresso. we are now taking a small break, traditionally. a few minutes and we're back to discussing the most important thing, so stay with us.
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in the occupied territories? under the protection of our friends, russian soldiers. but to whom did united russia entrust the fake mandates? the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always resonate. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on tuesday, february 13 at 5:45 p.m. on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso.
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well, in the meantime, construction of a new one is starting in germany. to the rain metal concern, which will increase germany's capabilities in the production of art projectiles and ukraine will receive several hundred thousand projectiles this year alone, writes about it. the facility is under construction, that is, not in the plans, it is already being built by a defense contractor in the town of unterluss, located between hanover and hamburg, where the company already has production facilities, the construction of a new plant for the production of artillery ammunition is taking place against the background of increased demand. well... metal general director armin paperger told tage spiegel that after the completion of the construction of the new plant germany will be able to produce 200,000 artillery shells a year, and ukraine will receive several hundred thousand shells from us this year alone, as well as several dozen armored personnel carriers and tanks. well, what is important?
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valery ryabikh is already in touch with us. yes, valery ryabykh , a military expert, director of development, is in touch with us. information and consulting company defense express. glory to ukraine, mr. valery. glory to heroes. good day studio. good day, dear health. well? ryne metal has already started, we understand, if, if, you know, we've had our fill of promises about taurus, shmaurus, and so on and so forth. when they promise to plan something there, that's one thing. but the construction of a new plant of the rain metal concern is starting - this is already serious. and accordingly, they promise. this year, several hundreds of thousands of artillery ammunition, which we are in dire need of, mr. valery, your professional comment, and the key story, how long will they build, then... will they allocate the appropriate artillery shells to us when they finish everything, or they are already in process while they are building, can they give us artillery shells from the already existing, built
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facilities? and here it is precisely here, if we rely on the statement of the respected seu rayontal armin paperger, then we can say that if, as he said, with the planned capacity of this enterprise. 200,000 projectiles per year, several hundred projectiles will be transferred to us already this year, so of course we are talking not only about this new enterprise, on which ranmetal could bet, but also about the rest of the enterprises, because the group is just enters more than one enterprise that manufactures projectiles and these enterprises are located not only on the territory of germany, and the company is expanding. own capabilities and capacities for the production of ammunition, responding to the need of the time, and of course, how is such a very organized and
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skillful business structure betting on a product that is currently in great demand, and i understand that this company, investing it, understands that for the coming years, this demand will not decrease, and therefore we can conclude that... currently, rymetal company is actively included in meeting the needs of ukraine in the necessary ammunition, and here we can count not only on the capacity of this new plant, which is currently being built by the red metal concern, but also on those current enterprises that already exist, and here we should remind that the company ranmetal reacted very quickly. just for ukraine's need for the same 35-caliber 35 -mm ammunition for these very accurate and very helpful
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cheetah anti-aircraft tanks, which were supplied by germany and in conditions when it was not received permission from switzerland, the company that almost remained a monopolist in the production of these ammunitions, the company. metal solved this problem literally in a matter of months and began to manufacture these ammunitions in commercial quantities, first of all, of course, to cover the needs of ukraine, so here the request of ukraine and the interest of germany, including the business interest of the metal company, coincide. mr. valery, look, there is still information that... in recent weeks, russia has more often used missile weapons, which were previously used in a limited way, or were at the stage of development.
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we are talking about the kha-69, tserkon, grom e-1 and missiles from north korea, would you like to understand how difficult it is for our air defense to detect such missiles and, in fact, how dangerous such weapons are? well, it should be noted here that this is precisely the extension of this one. nomenclature of missiles, it testifies to many things and, first of all, to the desire of the occupiers to test those samples that they previously declared only, well, on paper or in intentions, the same x69 missile you mentioned, it is already for several years it was declared as having been developed, and in fact, no one knows it yet... but what, however, the latest evidence indicates that this missile was used against ukraine, and here, let's put it this way, it may
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indicate that that a terrorist state can conduct such a kind of test of this missile and essentially in order to make a further decision regarding the investment of funds in the deployment of a large-scale. nitsva for now, well, we see what is actually the case with this missile, we know that this missile was developed for these promising interceptors, x57, and in essence, well, for now we can only talk about isolated cases of the use of such missiles, such as the use of the same zircon missile, which was also allegedly used. because there was no official confirmation, but there are certain indications and signs that such a missile was used during the large-scale missile attack
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on february 7, well, some. observers say that this was not the first use of this missile either, and indications are that a similar missile could have been used 29 in december of last year, during a massive attack, debris was found somewhere in the zaporozhye region, there is also a lot to talk about, because this missile is very, let's say, controversial and... and here there is every reason to say that that the same developers of cerkon can repeat the fate of the developers of that ill-fated for some developers of the rocket, which they dagger, which did not meet the declared characteristics, and here too, please tell us, here, civilians, in simple
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language, what this is? zircon, what is it danger and approximately how many such missiles can the russian enemy have in their fuses? well, look, the zircon missile is just evidence that this is not a superpower, which had certain technological capabilities, and which were inherited from the soviet union , entered a race with international tycoons, these are the united states, china, japan , and they decided to develop this hypersonic weapon, but of a new generation, which would, say, reduce the chances of the enemy to respond in time to strikes by such missiles, but what can speaking from the first analysis, this missile
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is not as it is claimed, that is why i say that the developers can repeat the fate of the developers of the same dagger, because after all, if it really was a dagger missile, then the parameters that were taken down, they do not correspond to what was declared by the same russian propagandists, hypersonic weapons are weapons, hypersonics are more than... five speeds, and this is a speed of 6125 km/h, no less, and essentially affairs, here are the last of the things that can be linked in this way with the same use of a dagger around kyiv, there was no such speed, and at the final stage, this speed there significantly exceeded it and was less than hypersonic,
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thank you. thank you, mr. valery , unfortunately we are running out of air time, valery ryabikh, military expert, director of development of the information and consulting company defense express, was on the air, but in the meantime, we are already passing the floor to iryna koval, who is ready to share with us fresh and up-to-date information, iro, we will give you the floor and tell us what this issue will be about? thank you marta, what's up of the issue about the search of pashinskyi, i will tell about the situation on the polish border, and more. about who joined and now also started blocking the borders, besides the polish farmers, wait. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the
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espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to everyone. and just now to the most important events. the russian occupiers are pulling up reserves to bohdanivka, which is near bakhmut, donetsk region.


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