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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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there is no doubt that the senate bill, if brought before the house , will pass, and the speaker knows it. so, i urge the speaker to let the full house have its say and not let a minority of the most extremist voices on the floor block this bill from even coming up for a vote. this is a critical step for the house of representatives to take. the bill must be passed, it provides urgent funding for ukraine so they can continue defend against putin's terrible onslaught. we've all seen the horror stories of recent weeks: ukrainian soldiers without artillery shells, ukrainian units saving ammunition to protect ukrainian families, worried that the next russian strike could plunge them into darkness forever, or worse, this...
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bipartisan bill sends a clear signal to ukrainians and our partners, as well as our allies around the world. america can be trusted. america can be trusted, and america stands for freedom. we are firm we support our allies. we never bow down to anyone, especially vladimir putin. so, let's do it. these are the words of the american president. speaker mike johnson is not against helping ukraine, but his actions are. by a group of far-right republicans who can remove him from office. this opinion was expressed by evelyn farkas, the director of the mccain institute, with whom we spoke this morning. despite this, she believes that the financing of aid to ukraine will eventually be approved by congress, because the support of kyiv in the house of representatives is not missing yes, the senate approved aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan, and that is fantastic. decision.
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long overdue and, as you well know, extremely necessary for ukraine. as for the house of representatives, i would say that the level of support for ukraine is high there. the problem is that there is a small group on the right that controls the leaders, and under the rules of the house of representatives, the leader has a lot of control, and in this case, because the leader is really controlled by the far right, the republicans have a slim majority, so he has to stick with those far right, so his hands are tied. i believe, based on what he has said in the past and what others behind the scenes have told me, that mike johnson is not opposed to helping ukraine. i think he is for it, but he is trying to maneuver to keep the speakership. there is something that can be done in the house of representatives to approve the bill, to approve aid to ukraine. it's a sophisticated and clever use of the rules behind the scenes. but, since there is a lot of support for ukraine, help for ukraine, i believe that they will be able to do it. to beat, therefore from this
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i belong to the optimist camp. see the full version of this interview soon in voices of america ukrainian programs. meanwhile, evelyn farka is less optimistic about the fact that ukraine may be officially invited to the alliance at the nato summit in washington this year. it is more realistic, she said, to expect a clearer plan for potential membership. us ambassador to nato julian smith made a similar statement today. more about it, as well as expectations from the next meeting of the contact group on the defense of ukraine. let's talk with my colleague ostap yarysh, which joins the ether. ostape, hello. congratulations, yulia! the us representative at the un said today that no official invitation is expected for ukraine at the summit in washington. how did she explain it and is this the official position of the us government? indeed, yuli spoke with the journalists of the ambassador of the united states, julien smith, and indeed stated that she did not expect an official invitation. for ukraine at the nato summit in
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washington this year, however, said that it expects certain steps towards rapprochement, which will also be announced in order to demonstrate that ukraine will still be a member of nato in the future. after all, let 's hear her words, exactly how she said it. as for this summer's summit, i don't expect the alliance to extend an invitation at this stage. i expect that the members of the alliance will be able to send a signal that nato continues to grow closer to ukraine and ... that we are taking concrete steps to serve as a bridge between where we are now and that full membership. so stay tuned for more information on what will happen at the summit. however, we are very we hope that president zelensky will be able to join us in person. i think he will continue to hear about the unwavering unity and determination of the allies for their country. and we will be able to signal , above all, to president putin, that we are not backing down from our support for ukraine. we will all support them as long as it takes. yulia, we also asked
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the national security council of the united states to clarify whether such comments are the official position of the united states, they answered that, julin. smith spoke on behalf of us administration. earlier, foreign policy wrote in its material that currently the united states and germany are expressing doubts about inviting ukraine to nato already at this summit in july. i also talked about it with the ambassador, the former ambassador of the united states to ukraine with tseven peifer. he said that there really are, this is how it looks now, certain disagreements, and in his opinion it would be important to adopt some kind and find a compromise solution for those countries that already support the invitation to ukraine. countries that doubt, in his opinion, such a compromise solution could be the announcement of the start of negotiations on ukraine's accession to nato, with the prospect of an early invitation to membership, he said, and compared it with the decision previously adopted in the european union, the
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ambassador said that it put nato, as he says, on a parallel track with the european union and would allow a compromise solution to be reached between those countries that have not yet decided on ... their position, we know that olaf scholz was in washington last week, he met with joe biden, they talked about supporting ukraine, and they also discussed the positions of the two countries before the nato summit in july and also discussed the preparation of this summit in order to coordinate their positions in this regard, and we are also waiting for yuli, maybe some statements that will be made at the munich security conference, let me remind you, it starts already this friday, it will be on the weekend, probably this issue will also be raised there, therefore... on monday, chancellor scholz visited the laying of a new factory where ammunition will be manufactured. does this indicate that european countries are ready to take more leadership in supporting ukraine? but in scholes, he visited the zavodal, or the future
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zavodal - this is one of the largest manufacturers of artillery and tank shells in europe. it is expected that this new plant will produce up to 200,000 such shells per year. let's listen to the german chancellor's comment. new production will start, not only so that ukraine can defend itself, but also for our own long-term defense interests, sustainable and large-scale production is important, in particular ammunition ostape, we have one minute left, there will be another meeting tomorrow . olaf scholz, that he also called on european partners to switch to large-scale production in order to deter potential aggressions, i think this issue will also be raised at renstein's meetings, already tomorrow lloyd austin will not be able to attend in person, he is recovering from another operation, but will visit this
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meeting in a virtual format instead his assistant seles wallender will be in brussels, where he will meet with partners, they will check their watches and discuss how to support ukraine in the future, we know that this is the second meeting in the ramstein format without announcements of packages to... from the united states, so in the pentagon expects that partners in europe, other countries will be able to help with this issue while there is a pause in supplies from the usa, julio. ostap, we will, of course, wait for updates from you tomorrow, my colleague ostap yarysh was in contact with the studio. you are watching we continue the release. the stabilization point is a place where combat medics evacuate the wounded from the front line. doctors are constantly on duty there, their task is to ensure that the soldier is in such a condition that he can be transported further to the hospital. there is no uniform standard for the equipment of stopping points in ukraine, but some of them, thanks to the efforts of volunteers, manage to get quality equipment for work. at one of them, near the front line in donbas,
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a mobile blood transfusion station was set up. about the expediency of hospitalization blood transfusions and problems of medical medical checkpoints, doctors asked anna kostyuchenko. 152. this stabilization point is located 10 km from the contact line in the donetsk direction. it went normally. anesthesiologist dmytro prysiazhnyuk has been working here for the fifth month in a row. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the russians, he left his job at kyiv's okhmandyt hospital and went to serve as a military doctor. according to dmytro, the wounds received by fighters at the front are often associated with a great loss. of blood until us hit this patient, he lost a lot of blood, up to 50% blood loss. blood transfusion at the stabilization point increases the patient's chances of survival, says prysiazhniuk. however, this requires special means for storing and heating the blood. thanks to this set
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, we connect here the blood, the heating element , as a result, when the blood passes through this set, it heats up, and immediately in... warm, heated, there, in this case we have, yes, the first negative blood, flows into organism. some combat medics transfused blood on at the pre-hospital stage since 2014 ato, but at the legislative level this procedure became permitted only in july 2022. this standard was approved on july 11, 22, that is , july 11, 22 is the reference point when the use of blood at the pre-hospital stage becomes legal, and from that moment we already had the opportunity, we, i, for example, a civil servant , i have p'. the legal right to contact military medics at various stages, and the stabilization point,
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including saying: we, as the ministry of defense health, as well as the state, are ready to help you in matters of obtaining whole blood, the first minus, if you have such a request. true, only people with medical education were allowed to transfuse blood. in september of the 23rd year, it was allowed to do this procedure at the stage of ... assistance to combat medics without a higher education, but who have undergone appropriate training, but blood transfusion is only a component in the process of saving the lives of military personnel, says andriy, a tactical medic with eight years of experience . the question is very relevant, the question was raised in society, but it passes through the necessary things, the necessary changes, which must happen now, even before a person gets to the stabilization point, there is a question of equipment. high-quality means of tactical medicine for the guys, which could really
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help him survive to the point of stabilization until the moment when he will start receiving blood transfusions. volunteers provided the modern equipment of this stopover, says dmytro prysiazhniuk. took this suitcase and went along with this ventilator, with the patient is already in the hospital. in particular, there are portable ultrasound sensors that allow you to find out whether a wounded soldier has. it determines the amount of co2 carbon dioxide on the output. doctors received equipment from various benefactors. one of them is tracy parnell, a doctor from the canadian city of cranbrook. just bought a blood heater for transfusion. she has already been to donbas seven times, the first time she came in spring 2022 to study medicine. when i
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returned to canada, i set myself the goal of finding medical equipment for ukrainians. they choose freedom for all of us. and i think, at a minimum, we should provide them with equipment. so i contacted friends and people i knew and raised a good amount of money and bought some equipment and then took it as far as i could. and... i also provided training, there's no point in sending a device if people don't know how to use it, so i help with both the equipment and the training. medical equipment for 100 points is also sent by ukrainians living in germany, and in may 2022 united in the project i am never alone, says the head of the association of ukrainian organizations in germany, rostyslav sukennyk. to be honest, we are. was it lucky with medicine, because our friends
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who helped us told us the contact of a german hospital, which at that moment was closing and moving to other buildings, and they decided to transfer everything they had in their warehouse to us. the ministry of health of ukraine claims that the death rate at stabilization points and mobile hospitals in the donbass is one-hundred. anna kostyuchenko, pavel sukhodolskyi for voice of america from donetsk region. and this is the end of the story about ukrainian fast food in america. the ukrainian house is not just a place where americans can eat delicious ukrainian dishes, but also get to know the culture and traditions. the institution was founded in the summer of 2022 in jersey city, when attention to events. in ukraine was at the highest level, which helped the owners to build a successful business.
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iryna solomko and pavlo terekhov visited the ukrainian house in new jersey. russian dish. borch is a ukrainian dish. the first mentions of it date back to 1584 in kyiv. this is one of many enlightening ones. videos that can be seen on the page of the ukrainian house on the instagram network. one of the founders of the institution is petro onysko, owner of a video production company. ukrainian hut - he says, tries in this format. in which language to tell foreigners about the specificity and authenticity of ukrainian cuisine, as well as about ukraine, and what is the traditional holiday food in ukraine, exactly the same depending on where and what region, the dish can be one and the same, called differently, dumplings, how different they are, that is, we tell
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about the entire cult, our entire cultural heritage in... astronomical format. petro and his partner opened the facility after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, when the world was talking about ukraine, mainly in the context of the war. and against this background, we wanted to tell about ukraine, that it is not only a war, that it is a very great cultural, traditional heritage of our ancestors. we have our own culture, we have our own traditions, we have our own food. for example a video clip about the corner to find. posted by his team on christmas eve has garnered almost 2 million views. we also decided to try this trend, where there is a parachutist who is parachuting, he is saying something to his friends and then he is released and it is shown how he is flying down somewhere, and the trend was such that people were parachuting there for some food, for
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some clothes, and we decided to use this trend with the ukrainian kutya, due to the fact that it was trending, that's right... also saw a lot of different foreigners. in addition, ukrainian house tells its customers about the war, various funds to which funds can be transferred to support ukraine, as well as about historical and literary figures. with each hero, for example, there is a forest hawk, it was tied to a specific dish, and we sell this dish, hawk, and every person could also become a hero of ukraine, that is, if he buys it dish, she supports us even afterwards. from the sale of this dish, we sent to support ukraine to the poverniy zhive fund. menu ukrainian houses combine classic and modern cuisine. here you can find both borscht and dumplings, as well as kiev-style cutlet and waffle cake. depending on the season, kutyu and olivier are sold and pashka is baked. some dishes, such as cheese cakes, are difficult to make, because the cheese in the usa is different
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from the ukrainian one. and in order to solve this issue, the team of the ukrainian house makes the cheese with their own hands. i remember. the first time, when we announced about cheesecakes, we made, i think, 40 portions of three pieces, we all disassembled them in two or three hours, on next weekend we decided to make twice as many cheesecakes, then people already wrote to us that they were stuck in traffic to leave cheesecakes for them, they will definitely come and take them away. in order for americans to better understand the dish, they decided to add the american counterpart to the ukrainian name. for example, we add dumplings to dumplings. so that americans or foreigners already have some associations with this dish, because it is not always possible to tell everyone individually what it is, so that people already have some first associations. significant pancakes and flatbreads are also popular, the assortment is wide, with strawberries, with cheese, and with chicken and mushrooms. pancakes are very
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popular, especially simple pancakes, as they are homemade here. especially when they are preparing at the station all this aroma, and cannot just pass by. yuliya bordyuk is the wife of peter, then the operational manager of the institution. most of the employees of the ukrainian house who cook and sell food are ukrainian immigrants. we have a woman, for example, from kramatorsk, where the situation is very difficult, yes, and she works for us alone, as the head chef, she, she worked in the kitchen in ukraine, in production, er. and she is very familiar with this product, that is, it is not something new for her, and she is so very interested, very motivated, and wants to work more, more dishes some, but we all slowly, little by little add something, improve something. yuliya says that they have close communication with customers, people write and call to find out if any
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new or seasonal dishes are being prepared. this year we are doing olivier because we asked last year we didn't do it, and it was us... here in december , we started like this at the very beginning, and it immediately diverged, people called, asked, that is , he was not here, we girls were running around, preparing. mariana zelenka, one of the sellers, came to the usa with her family already after the invasion, was looking for places where there are ukrainians, and saw a page of a ukrainian house on instagram. i came here, asked for a job, they told me that it was possible, and i have already been working here successfully for more than six months. maryana works. saleswoman, and also makes pancakes and cheesecakes. it is she who communicates with the most clients, - he says, he constantly hears words of support from them. americans really liked our waffle cake. we don't have time to cook it, borscht, we make very tasty home-made borscht, and they take borscht from us , it's something that
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they like more often, borscht, and especially those who are regular customers, so they come there, they can there bring flowers, just like today they brought us flowers in front of you, just like that, just like that, there are delicious products there, especially when the americans come to us there and they took some new product, the next time when... they don't come, they tell me for half an hour how delicious it is, and that's all, well , you know, with thanks, with love, that's very valuable, valuable, because you want to suffer even more, i want to cook even better, give more. petro and the team are happy with how the business is developing and are currently planning to expand to nearby new york. from new jersey, iryna solomko, pavlo terekhov, voice of america. and that's it, thank you. watch voice of america in ukrainian, see you tomorrow, good luck, take care yourself, pa-pa
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vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now about the war, let's be more to talk, serhiy zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now about what has happened in the world. what will yuriy fizar say, yuriy, good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much. line chechenna for information on cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of pradeshna. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also there. chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. according to
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the results of january, the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. welcome to the time of news on the air of the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we updated the design. we continue our studies with the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special service of transport. we appeal to the viewers of the espresso tv channel to participate in the collection of crown funds and technical equipment for ours. thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory, verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on
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in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with help. turn on and turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. rotation of military leadership. inspections have begun in the general staff and units of the armed forces. what changes in the management
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of the troops can be expected? help is coming. the us senate approved a bill with 60 billion for ukraine. will trump be able to stick the wheel sticks in him in the house of representatives? grain on the asphalt. ukraine calls for an investigation into the shameful incident at the border. who is behind the protests of polish farmers? we will talk about this and other things for the next hour with our guests , major general serhiy kryvo'. nose and former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine volodymyr mogrysk. the second part of our program will feature people's deputies of ukraine mykyta poturaev, rostyslav pavlenko and andriy osadchuk. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how soldiers of the national guard of ukraine continue to successfully eliminate the occupiers and their equipment. this time, the fighters managed to destroy the flame-throwing salvo system
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of the sun. let's see. in addition to the tv broadcast, we also work on our platforms in youtube and facebook, for those who now watch us live, there. please like this video, subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: do you expect further personnel rotations in power from zelenskyi? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube if you watch us
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on tv. pick up the phone and vote if you are waiting for new personnel rotations from zelensky 0800 211 381, no (0800-211-382), all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i want introduce today's first guest, this is serhiy kryvonos, reserve major general, first deputy, former first deputy. commander of special operations forces and former deputy secretary of the national security council. mr. general, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. general, in recent days there have been mass dismissals and appointments in the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. i counted 16 positions, 16, er, senior military officers, retired or in reserve, i don't know. about
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this is not reported by the office of the president of ukraine, and 16 new managers have arrived. how do you assess this large personnel rotation and how appropriate is it at the current stage of the war, and in general, how appropriate is such a personnel change, a large personnel change, now? from my point of view, it is impractical, not only that, such actions of the authorities with... after such a powerful mass of people have been released, they have not yet been released from the ranks of the armed forces, they issued their majority order, only major general ostashchenko, the former commander, was released military and medical forces, then i will say this, since the government has acted, it is shameful and simply , you know, indecent, to put it mildly, although i do not think that the existing government has the word decency, because in the 22nd... . year in february
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and march, when certain people there were quietly gnawing at mivina in the basement of the president's office for bank notes, it was precisely these generals , together with the ukrainian people under the leadership of general zaluzhnyi, who stopped the russian invasion, and i do not thank you for anything so simply vile, behind the corner decree fired, then you just know it, the highest point of cynicism and... but this is not the first time, let's remember how general muzhenko, who at that time represented ukraine at international meetings in brussels, was fired, he was fired and those meetings were multiplied by zero, general pavlovsky was also fired at the same time, yes it will happen, he was at the zbroyarska international exhibition and resolved issues, made successful arrangements for supply.


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