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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EET

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it is about what will be easier, on the contrary, it is a signal for everyone that there will be more competition, it will be necessary to take into account the opinion of these ukrainians, who are these ukrainians, who allowed them, which means that they will demand something from us and so on. we need to have answers to these questions, and there is only one minute left, but i cannot ask about such a threat, if you said the word victory, i will not ask what victory means to you, you put, by the way , in your excellent report, you put question, but you don't answer it, right? if this the victory will not be as ukrainian society expects, if it is, and it will obviously be like that, yes, because it will be associated with certain compromises, with certain things, that is, the people may not feel the triumph of victory , or it will happen that this will lead to isolationism, to anti-westernism, to resentment against western partners and the whole world, and to stagnation. certain, do you see this
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threat? i really hope we don't have to think about it, but i think it 's a test of maturity for us, we have instead of being offended by the circumstances , which are sometimes objective, we should all the time think about how we can be the strongest in every situation, and her answer to the question of what a ukrainian victory should look like, and... thinking about what ukrainian victory should look like should be a continuous process within each of us, within each sector, we must be very clear, aware that this is the answer we need and to a lesser extent our partners need, so in many cases we have to accept difficult solutions which will include angering our partners, who may not be... popular within
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the country and so on and so on and so on, it is very important for us not to primitize this question accordingly to, so , some kind of legal status, it's a more complicated issue, subjectivity is involved , identity is involved, culture is involved, security from future attacks is involved, so many factors are involved, the physical survival of the nation, absolutely. yevgeny, thank you thank you for the conversation, yevhen hlibovytskyi, a member of the nestor group, and the director of the newly established frontier institute, was my guest, thank you for being with us, we imagine victory, it’s great, thank you, thank you, great broadcast of vasyl zima, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to...
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learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become a native language to many, as well as distinguished guests studios, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for the intelligent and those who care, in the evening over espresso. we're going crazy. seven-year-old darynka kozachenko from kharkiv region. i know that the girl is an orphan and met the war in the border town of vovchansk. this is the chuguy district of the region, which was occupied from the first days of the war. in the fall of 2022, this territory was liberated, but there is still no information about the missing child. perhaps the girl was taken to russia or to the temporarily occupied territory. of course, it is not excluded that the child may be under control. country of the territory, so please
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anyone who has any information about daryna, call us on the hotline of the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for 16-year-old karina kanivets, who also disappeared during large-scale war, but already on the left bank of the kherson region. her mother told us about karina's disappearance. imagine, a woman knows nothing about the fate of her daughter for about a year. it so happened that karina's parents separated long before the start of the war and lived separately. the girl lived with her mother on a permanent basis, but on... the day of the full-scale
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invasion, she was with her father, and when the russians entered, she ended up in the occupied territory. from time to time, the woman says, she corresponded with her daughter on social networks, but in... april 2023, the connection with karina mysteriously broke off, the girl stopped logging into her accounts, and no one knows where she is now. i have already written everywhere, even here in this territory for the child's disappearance, because i don't know where to shout, how to find the child, i can't, i'm an adequate mother , for me a child is my life. the girl's mother is now also in the occupied territory, but continues to do everything in her power to find her daughter. i want to appeal to everyone who has seen or knows something about my child, who has been missing and stopped coming out since april 2023. this is karina igorevna konevets, h,
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date of birth 08/9/2007 h. if has anyone seen karina kanevets, or does anyone know anything about her possible whereabouts? do not delay and apply immediately. to the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free of charge. if it is suddenly not possible to call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i am asking my beloved child that if she sees me, she will hear me, that she will respond, i am really waiting for this. thanks to everyone who can help. i have told you only two stories of missing children. by. in general, since the beginning of the war we have received thousands of requests for help in tracing. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown, especially in the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is virtually paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems,
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anyone can help find the missing children. take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the child tracing service. here you can view all the photos of the missing, who knows, maybe you will recognize someone in the end help to find we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child, in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. there are discounts on emolium of 25% in the pharmacies of plantain, vam and ochad, there are discounts on the mold parasite, 10% in the pharmacies of plantain, pam and ochad.
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every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the sejm, the representative of the polish government on recovery of ukraine by pavel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like? in the project close to politics , close to the world with maria gurska. every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in collaboration with sisters eu. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, decisions, the largest conversation format in ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. every thursday at 21:15 in the project velikiy lviv talks about the most important things, on
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the espresso tv channel. hello, this is morning freedom, an informational project of radio liberty. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from behind border, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko,
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every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon. live now where you are,
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greetings, the central topic of russian propagandists, it
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's been a few days since putin's interview with tucker carlson, and it's clear why, because tucker carlson himself, and this interview is not a journalistic work, it is absolutely, you know, like that political, political action, and tucker carlson is not acting here as a journalist, but rather as a politician who is trying to use his communication with putin in certain political... well, let's say, solving political tasks inside, to a large extent, inside the united states. to a large extent, also, this interview, in principle, was done as it was, well, wanted and with the greatest, in the literal sense of the word, all the whims of putin, there were reworked the questions that carlson had written in different ways, there, well, they just gave speak. everything that they wanted was not interrupted and they did not even ask any such sharp questions, but
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if we remember that russian propagandists expressed certain expectations and hopes on the eve of this interview, then in principle it is clear that these expectations, well, let's put it this way, not very came true, or came true only partially , well, let's see, putin will say, listen, well , we agreed on an exchange, the il-76 flies, and you fly it from your shandarakh weapon, well, let's put a weapon, i would say, in its place, like this in simple language, let's put down our weapons, for example, in kusit, there are very few who will flounder, they are about it easily a few missiles, and they will be from our weapons on your aircraft carriers, what do you say, these are the words, and putin will definitely deepen them, and probably about this is also what putin should say. you arrested our, our currency there, that means
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the one you have in europe, mostly, because we haven't arrested it yet in yours, we suffer twice, you arrested us, we can't use our currency, and in that while we can seize your property, but until now, you don't let it out either, well, we don't let it out, but they weren't arrested, it doesn't work in the economy, it works for them, we're foreigners, it doesn't go anywhere, but it doesn't reflect. taken out, but not arrested, it works in our country, as it lies there, and the profit, what is the same plane there, you see, you can talk about propaganda, but if the plane is shot down in five hundred today, then how many how long will it take for a rocket to reach us, and how long will it take for you to reach america, should we to take some measures, will he intimidate the americans, but this is not intimidation, what you are leading fellow americans to do , he should say simply.'
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in order to, rather, show that the biden administration is not coping with something, but there were also expectations, which will not be in the interview, and they also did not come true. we already tried to become friends, you can remember yeltsin, how he praised there, you can tell the whole 90 years, how we stretched in front of them, and maybe, i don’t know, it will certainly be self-destruction, i don’t think that putin, he is a smart person, he will not return to these topics, putin did not turn out to be a smart person, he only
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talked about this, that is, most of the interview, it was delving into some historical fiction. images of putin, and it really became an event, you know, but somewhat not the event that the russian propagandists expected, and certainly not the event that tucker carlson himself hoped for. first of all, what has become clear to the world is that the aggression of the russian federation is taking place because of putin's desire to seize the territories of ukraine, and in fact, somehow there are very few other reasons, well, if you show putin's answers, well... tuckerson wanted to show the situation as if us politicians from the west provoked, did something like that, and here is putin's answer, he started aggression, he asked the question several times in the same way that, well, what that 's what they did, and you after that, and even he
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somehow twisted it so that it was very convenient for putin to give a firm answer, but literally from the first question everything went wrong. at the very first question of carlson, putin embarked on dubious historical excursions, which just showed that the reason the reason for the attack is not the expansion of nato, or some western policy, or what ukraine has done or not done there, the whole reason is that putin wants ukrainian territory. er, well, unfortunately, i don’t see something, something doesn’t work here, and for a very long time, at first,
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he asked there, he literally said directly, what the americans think, well, they heard from you... that america there, she tried to press somehow, to attack russia, and for them it sounds like paranoia, well, because where did you even get the idea that america is going to attack you to attack, how did you come to these conclusions, then putin began to tell a story from the 9th century, when i remember america, which did not even exist, he told something like that for a very long time, half an hour. how was it happening, why , where, what kind of principalities were formed, were not formed, as a result, well, it was some kind of very incomprehensible excursion that no one understood, judging by everything, and over which everyone began to gather there, including things, and very publicized in russia, who was also told, here is musk, here is ours, he is also in
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as a result, he read something and also wrote something , there was carson's question and on... he drew such a picture, where carson asks what, and putin tells him in response: so, in the zoo in 1996, in that year , a gorilla was killed, and it was in in principle, i also have the same impression , but i still think that the most important of all of this, well , the ex-president of mongolia, chekhia ginbeg, literally talked about it, after the interview, he published the map, wrote that i ... found a map of mongolia, but you didn't worry, mongolia is a peaceful country, we are a civilian country and everything is fine, like you you see, from this map you can see that this is what putin was saying all the time, and he was digging up insults and telling that russia was there, in fact, it was not russia, but mongolia at that
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time, big, one big mongolia and a tiny moscow kingdom, that's all. well, that's why, since i would say that the journalists of the world media have not really forgotten how last year putin and the head of the constitutional court of russia zorkin were looking at a map somewhere and were looking for a map that did not have ukraine on it, then this time putin decided not to show the map to tucker , he i decided to show him the letters, and here i will tell you. yes, something went wrong with the letters too, something with us. is happening at all, that is, i’m afraid that we won’t be able to show you anything at all today for some reason, they can’t explain why there are some technical problems here,
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in short, he also pulled out the cards, started showing the cards, oh these ee, i don’t know, it’s about not letters, not maps, but letters, otla er-e he showed about the letters he wrote. bohdan khmelnytskyi ended it like this: "well, we gave you and translated these letters into russian language, and you, already with russian, somehow translate it all into english." there is only one question left, if khmelnytskyi's letters were translated into russian, then from which language were they translated? well, definitely not from russian, and it turns out that russian is spoken on the territory of ukraine at that moment, somehow it was not... common, that even khmelnytskyi did not write about it, after all, and somehow this is how the whole story about the fact that ukrainians and the russian language are one and the
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same is falling apart, no, it turns out, no, even khmelnitsky did not know the russian language, i had to communicate with him through an interpreter, and then he delved even deeper and decided to tell everything about the nazis there, and there came out such a strange story... with conversations about zelenskyi's father, which also somehow showed the worst side of putin. putin remembers everything in detail, and what was clearly strange, nothing confuses carlson, since this has already begun. however, zelenskyi's grandfather fought in the ranks of the red army during the great patriotic war and was awarded two orders of the red star. and the grandson now stands and applauds the nazis. i somehow talked to him about it. i told him: "volodya, what are you doing?" i won’t say what he answered
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, it’s a separate topic, i consider it incorrect, well , you know, here after the words, how putin doesn’t confuse anything, in principle, even kiselyov can be said to have spoken to putin and literally said, you see, he confused er , grandfather and father, because these are all stories about how zelenskyi’s father odesa, who zelenskyi’s father was born in 47, already after the second world war, and well, it is very, i would say, confusing, moreover, after these of all the talk about history, about some incomprehensible depth that tucker carlson himself did not understand, he constantly questioned what this had to do with what we were talking about. in which century do you say this, the 12th, 13th, 15th, what does this have to do with what happened 2 years ago, and after that it somehow became clear
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that the whole image of putin itself is not closer to what russian propaganda tries to show how he is, you know, powerful, how he understands everything, and before what the polish filmmakers shot, they shot a movie about putin, for which he now has a teaser, let's show this teaser, such... pieces from it, where putin is in this form, even there they made such a sufficiently similar face to putin, and judging by everything this is exactly the interview , it strongly resonates with this film, because in it exactly putin had exactly that, you know, the look of an old, cranky grandfather who can't stop the flow that pours out of him, when even he doesn't know about it they do not ask, but simply tell him something, v his head got stuck there, and he pours what got stuck in his head into some carlson ftaker, literally like a diaper.
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the story became even more interesting when they began to discuss what putin thinks about hitler, and here it became, well, even, i would say, an incident, because putin just, after all the talk about how they fight. with the nazi, it really looked like he was justifying nazism. hitler has been dead for 80 years, nazi germany no longer exists, that's true. you say that you want to put out this ukrainian fire nationalism? hitler has been gone for so many years, yes, 80 years, but his cause lives on. after all, they were forced, the poles were forced, they took over. and forced hitler to start the second world war with them. why did the war start on september 1, 939, precisely from poland. she was not talkative. it remains for
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implementation. such a beautiful story, that is , literally how ukraine turned out to be such that it did not give what was wanted from it, it turns out that it, well, he had some plans to grab something, well, it was necessary to give him everything, well you know, this whole story is also beautiful, because in fact the whole story began with the czech republic, which was given to hitler, that is, it did not begin with... it began with the fact that hitler was first given austria, then the czech republic was given, and then it turned out , that he also wants poland, and here yes, the war has already begun. so, in this regard, putin, who puts himself on the same, well, literally, on the same level with hitler and says that he justifies it, well, what was left for hitler to do but attack poland, well, he had to give something again, what's the difference, tell me
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then? but here's what's interesting, that literally right there it's all about nazism, how hitler cries, it turned out that this whole story was confirmed once again, when ukrainian fighters, let's show this photo, just the other day they caught a fighter, under a soldier of the kantimir division was captured in kupiansk, it was our 25th sicheslav brigade that captured this russian soldier. and as you can see, well, yes, hitler’s case lives on, but for some reason it lives exclusively in russia, it lives in putin’s head, and it lives, well, actually in theirs of the military, which are mainly like this, and what do you think, here we come to what tataker carlson imagines himself to be, after hearing all this about hitler's justification, about the fact that poland had to be given more, about the fact that
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logic and same with ukraine. russia is not an expansionist state, sorry you shouldn't say that because all the tories and newlands and all the liars and idiots running the state department want to make it, you know, hitler's imperial japan, but the truth is that's just a lie , it's just nonsense, in fact, you have to be an idiot to to think so and you, what did he tell the whole interview, he literally started with this, that he pulled out something and began to tell there from the ninth century how russia has the right to seize other people's territory, and after that tucker carlson comes out and says: no, russia is not expansionist state, but from these words, in principle, everything is done with him , it is clear, it is clear that he is not a journalist, one, secondly, he is not an independent journalist, two, he is a politician
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and... who is trying to work for putin, nothing more , no less, this is his main role, and he his, again, main role is to justify any actions of putin, is he an american politician, well, you know, of course, there are also doubts, but, unfortunately, we have such a situation now, tucker carson is a representative of a certain part of the american politicians from the republican party, whose presidential candidate is donald trump. and this one is for us. should be interesting, first of all, not even the catch-up answers of putin, what we heard from tucker carlson, and that's exactly what i want to talk about in more detail, because it's exactly what we're going to be dealing with in american politics in the near future, and what we need to be aware of when we're hoping for support, for help, and for, you know, advancing our interests, because... it's very clear that in
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the interview tucker carson had three tasks : the main task is to attack the current president biden before the election and show that the policies of the biden administration somehow pose a threat to national security, because it seems that the biden administration does not want to give anything to putin, well, i already said that these are direct analogies with the munich conspiracy, which was with hitler when he was given territory. after that a world war broke out, otakerson says literally the same thing: let's give something more to putin, after you kill him right, a world war will actually break out, because that's how it works, if you give to a person who tries to grab more and more and a country that pursues an aggressive policy, one more thing, this country begins to try to conquer even more, that's
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all. therefore, from this point of view, the interview.


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