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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EET

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we have time to talk , let's see, maybe something will be confirmed about this russian ship near the southern coast of crimea, but now khrystyna porobiy, my colleague is ready to talk about the most important events as of this moment, please give me the floor. congratulations, colleagues, thank you, i will tell you about the situation in the herring in donetsk region, after the russian shelling, in a moment, as well as about the attack on crimea and russia, wait. news on espresso air, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. the number of victims increased selidovma in donetsk region. at the moment, we know of three dead, including a child. another 12 people, including four children, were wounded, the local military administration reported. russian terrorists shelled
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the city twice during the night, nine apartment buildings were damaged. an enemy projectile hit a five-story building. 12 apartments in one of the entrances were completely destroyed. the occupiers also hit the local hospital, one of the buildings was damaged. a fire broke out in the premises, about a hundred patients are being transported to the medical facilities of pokrovsk and mirnograd. debris analysis is ongoing. local publications write about powerful explosions near the shores of the temporarily occupied crimea. one of the published videos shows an attempted attack on one of the russian vessels. it is currently unknown whether it is damaged, explosions were heard in the area of ​​cape mishor. eyewitnesses in crimean social networks write about the fire on the ship. meanwhile , the ministry of defense of the aggressor country reported that their air defense had allegedly shot down nine drones at night. drones
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were intercepted over belgorod region, one over voronetskaya and six over chorny by the sea there is one victim of enemy attacks and two injured in dnipropetrovsk oblast. the russians shelled nikopol, myrivska, marganitska and pokrovsk communities. almost four dozen artillery shells were fired, and drones were used seven times, said the head of the region, serhiy lysak. there is a hit on the territory of an industrial enterprise, it is damaged. an educational institution, a two-story building, 13 private houses, cars, power lines, about a dozen farm buildings and one garage in nivychchyna, and two more were destroyed. the russians also killed a resident zaporizhzhia region, a 66-year-old man died during the shelling of a small tokmachka. several private houses were damaged, the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said.
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polish farmers announced a complete blockade of ukrainian transport. on february 20, protesters plan to block all transport hubs with ukraine. among them are border crossings, entrances to railway stations and seaports. the union of individual farmers solidarity declared. the blockade will take place as part of a thirty-day strike that began on february 9. protesters allegedly oppose the uncontrolled influx of goods from ukraine. not to poland because of the eu decision. meanwhile, czech farmers threatened to join the blockade of the border due to ukrainian imports. they announced an action in prague on february 19, and on february 22 they plan to start protests at checkpoints. the main demands are compensation for compliance with new environmental rules, transparency in the subsidy system, as well as regulation in ukrainian... and to operational
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information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine: 71 combat clashes took place on at the front during the day. heavy fighting continues in the mariinsky direction, where our soldiers repelled 27 enemy attacks. another 22 assaults were repulsed near avdiivka. on the left bank of the kherson region, the enemy tried to storm ours five times. position, had no success. our aircraft struck 11 areas of concentration of russians, three areas where anti-aircraft missile systems were located, and one enemy control point. rockets and gunners attacked four areas, concentration of occupiers, seven artillery pieces, three anti-aircraft weapons, three control points, two warehouses of ammunition and one means of radio-electronic warfare of the enemy. oleksandr tersersky went to the front,
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for the first time in the position of commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. together with the minister of defense rustem umirum, he visited all hot spots to find out the urgent needs. military, president volodymyr zelenskyi said in an evening video message. the first front, and in particular avdiivka, kup'yansk, lyman, maximum attention, maximum support. golovkom syrskyi, minister of defense umirov, are currently on the ground, precisely there, at the front, all day. they visited all the hot spots of the front today, reported that the situation is being decided by the available ones. the problems of staffing units, strengthening management, there will be reinforcements with drones, rap, command positions will also be strengthened, there will be a detailed report later. lviv
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customs officers discovered smuggling of starlinks worth uah 1 million at the shegyna medica checkpoint. a resident of chernivtsi, forgot to declare the equipment, during customs control indicated that he was transporting used equipment. a refrigerator and a metal box, however, during during the inspection, 34 sterlink systems and medical equipment were found in the trunk of the minibus, lviv customs reported. the contraband was seized, and a report was drawn up against the violator. donald trump sent a dangerous and shocking signal to the world with his statements regarding nato, - emphasized us president joe biden. let me remind you that in one of his speeches... perednyk admitted that he would allow russia to attack alliance members who do not invest enough in the defense of their territories. according to biden, such statements only raise the stakes for the congress of the united states of america to to approve the financing of new aid to ukraine.
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he emphasized: the refusal would mean support for the president of russia, and putin's opportunistic plans would spread to other european countries. i say to the representative, to the republicans of the house of representatives, you have to decide whether you are going to stand for freedom, or we are going to stand with terror and tyranny, are you going to stand with ukraine, are you going to stand with putin, are you going to stand with america or trump? republicans and democrats in the senate united to to send messages about yeni to the world. it is time for house republicans to do the same, to pass this bill immediately. equipment for demining the territory worth a million dollars was handed over to ukraine by the united states of america, us ambassador to ukraine bridget brink said. according to her, the equipment will allow the deployment of more demining teams to speed up the recovery of ukraine. bridget brink reported that
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she met with minister of finance serhiy marchenko, and discussed further financial support for ukraine. to warm our soldiers and to save from hypothermia, lviv volunteers make reusable heating pads for the military. up to one and a half hundred of these are made per day. our correspondents will tell you how the heaters work. sophomore ulyana zhidovska pours the mixture into a container, which will become the basis for the future hot pot. we weigh 3 kg, admissible, and add 300 ml of water. i.e. 1:10, after which we proceed to the second stage, that is , we already dissolve our substance there until there are no crystals, after which we pour into sachets and boil for 10 minutes like this so that there were no crystals either.
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students of the faculty of pharmacy of the lviv national medical university proposed to make reusable hot sauces. in november 2023, volunteers created: the first samples, laboratory production is overseen by roman osyuk, an assistant at the department of pharmacognosy and botany. reusable , you can use the same thing up to 100 times, and the cost is 30 hryvnias. accordingly , you can buy a disposable heating pad at a cost of 30 to 70 hryvnias. and accordingly, that it is unprofitable, it is better, of course, use our reusable chemical warmers. pocket games. they save our soldiers from frostbite and hypothermia of the limbs in the field, the reusable warmer keeps the temperature from two to six hours, it is extremely easy to activate. so, we take our heating pad, smoke the package so that it interacts with the air in us, if
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necessary, we can in principle already observe that it is activated, we close it back, distribute our substance over the entire area of ​​ours. packages so that she evenly gave us heat, and we can already feel how it warms, in order to reuse the heating pad, it needs to be boiled. in hot water to transparency, according to natalia shapovalova, head of the department of pharmacognosy and botany of the lviv medical university, it is better not to make chemical heaters at home, because without special equipment and specialized education, it is dangerous. at home no, it has to be the proper equipment, there has to be a chemical lab, there has to be a hood and lots and lots of things that have to be followed, plus quality control, which must be carried out. after making heating pads. in three months , the student team produced and handed
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over 2,000 heating pads to the front. these means warm our defenders in the donetsk, kupinsky, avdiiv and other directions. volunteers buy raw materials for donations from benefactors. if you are able to join, you can now see the details on the screen. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. couple of the year was chosen among the residents of the odesa zoo, the contest was held until valentine's day, and everyone could vote for their favorites willing to the zvirenets page on facebook. ukrainians liked sheep the most, a pair of white lions came in second, and flamingos came in third. among the contenders were also camels, cockatiels, cichlazom fish, ducks, tula geese and white grebes. we will see you at 10 o'clock, read on our website, also on our social networks,
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join, put your favorites, then the broadcast will be continued by my colleagues, vasyl zima and roman chaika, do not switch, stay with the espresso team. here are these. news on this one hour, we welcome everyone who joins the espresso at this time of the morning, we remind you that we are gradually tracking information from our black sea, it was noisy there in yalta, in alupka, we are looking to confirm, well, the locals confirm that in in the place where there was a baboon, and they say that it is a new one, a new baboon has come aboard the ship, that a submarine has pulled up there, something is detonating there, and there is another ship that has come up,
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at least it can be seen from the shore, so we are watching according to this series, verify what, where and how we will be able to, when it will be confirmed information, but we are monitoring, well, we can say for sure that the swing is alarming and in my opinion, the swing is 100%, by the way, you will be with us, because somewhere 1.9 us, despite everything, employment, us, the spokesmen of our state emergency service will tell more about this last night's attack on the trail in donetsk region, there will be people and injured victims, and in the meantime, we will add to the conversation the head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, lyudmila denysova , a human rights activist, in contact with us, good morning, good morning, we have been more than once they talked with you, you explained, told and explained regarding the procedure for issuing payments to the families of those of our defenders who have gone
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missing and nothing is known about them yet, prisoners, and those who have died, we see that something has secretly shifted, at least they are officially talking about a simplified procedure, what does simplified mean and what exactly simplified, well, first of all, it should be said which payments it concerns, it concerns first. is the receipt of monthly financial support by family members, just the categories you mentioned, these are persons missing due to special circumstances, or persons who in relation to the established fact of deprivation of personal freedom, so we call them captives, this is who has the right to receive these payments, it is first of all the wife or husband, in the absence of adult children or... adopting guardians, custodians, minor children, dependents, if
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military serviceman or defender, the defender is not married and has no children, then the parents have the right to receive equal shares. the second concerns the receipt of one-time cash assistance in the amount of 15 million. the family of the deceased defender has the right to this. who has the right? this is one of the spouses who... did not remarry, parents, children who did not reach the age of majority and keep the fatal thing, it is for today, but i want to draw your attention to it and tell everyone. that from march 29, 2024, the number of persons will increase, and this will already be added to the right to receive a one-time cash benefit, in the event of the death of the defender of the female defender, adult children, grandchildren of the deceased deceased defender of the female defender, if at the time of death these grandchildren
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died or their parents died, and importantly many times we discussed this issue, including in your studio, such rights for civil wives or husbands who lived in the same family with defenders, who died, died, but were not married, and precisely the fact that they lived one family, proved by the court, and the court decision entered into legal force, so it was simplified, on february 2, the changes made by the cabinet of ministers to some regulatory documents came into force, and from now on the ministry of defense and other security forces have the right to defense use the simplified procedure and use and state registers, such as, for example,
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the state demographic register, then the state register of acts of civil status of citizens and special circumstances, where the only state register is the register of court decisions. what will it provide? this will give the families of defenders the opportunity not to look for additional certificates, if, for example, they have lost them, or in general, sometimes military units or tsk sp need them, bring us that certificate, etc. now you don't need to do this. now military or. or tsk sp, you can go to these registers yourself, where you can check which family members does a soldier have, who is in captivity, or with no one, we don't know where, disappeared without leaves, who exactly are family members and who has the right to receive such financial support, and also exactly in the
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case when the defense attorney died , exactly... the security and defense authorities can see the circle of persons that this defense attorney or defense attorney has, who are entitled to receive a one-time financial aid, well, of course, that is, they come, say that the certificate is no longer needed, we we have access to the registers, but suddenly, for example, there is a situation that well, we will now tell you about one situation from sumy oblast, but there is a situation that does not work out on... you can call your hotline, i understand, it is the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, hotline 08330709, here you are now at this time, when the procedure has changed and simplified to the hotline, they call precisely about these payments, is everything there working, accordingly , completely different questions are addressed to you by people,
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did it arise, unfortunately, unfortunately, it does not work, and that is why i am very grateful that you give the opportunity to tell everyone so that they ... know first about their rights, secondly, so that military units, teams, maybe also watch or tsk sp, so that they know their responsibilities. recently, just this week, we received a call from a woman who is the common-law wife of a man who went missing. his mother is very sick, she is already so old, she cannot go and receive this payment by herself, to appoint this payment in the form of monthly money. provision for his son who disappeared without growth because the military unit requires, give a certificate that he is single, give a certificate that he has no children dear, you don't need to do anything, just bring an application, this is a copy of the passport that confirms the applicant, and a
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birth certificate, even the birth certificate itself can be found by the military in these... government registries, so don't ask for these certificates, people and so are without any moral support, financial support, give them order, give and enforce these laws adopted by ukraine prior to this resolution, which regulate the application of these laws. i hope those who had heard, but look, mrs. lyudmila, we just spoke with ours, with our colleague from sumy oblast. our viewers have just heard the story, there is a decision to evacuate, first of all, children and families with five or more children. meter zone along the border, where they shoot, because it is a death zone there, even the local authorities call it, and there is a decision made that 200 uah will be given for each child, at least for support during evacuation, vasyl and i
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just talked to a colleague, and she he says, well , people apply, and they are told that we don't understand, they didn't explain the procedure to us, where to give money, how to issue it, and that's all. this is how it looks, i.e. the decision has been made, but the procedure seems to be hindered by some procedural issues, but i don't know, or maybe there is no money, but in such cases. and what would you advise people to do, i.e. when there is an employee sitting in front of you, spreading his hands and so on, where to call you, what to do on the spot, well, you need to understand what kind of employee this is, i think that it is department of social protection of the population in that sumy region, you need to contact the manager or this social protection first, why and the employee does not perform her duties, or you really said the key thing here, maybe... there is no money, but the person needs to look again, it doesn't matter, do you have money, no, there is a right, the right must be ensured, let her be this one, maybe
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an employee , or this woman that you had on the air, will call us on the hotline, we will try to figure it out, gathered information, this is a story that repeats itself, this is not one story, that is, this is how it turns out in practice, they say that, unfortunately, yes, but that is why we are with you. here to talk about how the law works, so that people are aware, first of all, of their rights and know how to use them, including reminding those who have the duty to ensure these rights, we will, mrs. ludmila, look, finish that story , people are urgently evacuating, for example, from a community that is constantly being shelled, you turned to the tsnap, the tsnap said, but we don't know, the procedures weren't explained to us, we won't give you this money, people. have left the zone of actual shelling of hostilities, they may already be in another region, and now what should they do, write letters back there to tsnap
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to sumy oblast, that you have not paid us these payments, or should we apply in another place, where they came as a temporarily displaced person? no, well, unfortunately, there is no need to return, because there is still nowhere for them to return, but this is how our state government works, that... it is necessary to make appropriate requests, it is necessary to emphasize, to write that we have not received the funds, or if there is a refusal, the refusal requires the circumstances of this refusal, and then it is the court, the court decision that will ensure, obliges the authorities to implement the law, that is the only way the mechanism works now, of course, mrs. ludmila, thank you for the clarification, i hope our viewers. did they manage to record the number of the hotline, in fact, to contact you, lyudmila denisova, human rights defender and head of the ukrainian center for the protection of human rights, in particular, we informed, maybe someone did not know,
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about this now simplified procedure for payments for the missing, captured and dead from the cabinet of ministers relatives, yes, yes, because people, in addition to the fact that they already have trouble and tragedy, if there is a missing person, or it is known that a person died, they are still lining thresholds in... knocking out help, which you somehow welcome , of course, there should be a simpler procedure here, well, we will go for a short break now, then we will return to the conversation, stay with us, there are discounts on pectol1 ivy, 10% in pharmacies, plantain, pam and saving oh, and we got wet, can you have some tea, mom, dad, what should i do to avoid getting sick? vitamin c, d3, zinc and the main one - quercitin to strengthen vessels. just take quertin immuno. all in one package. in one capsule, four components together. so simple, one capsule a day. so convenient. quertin
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays. 9:00 verdict with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy rudenko,
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every day on weekdays from 20:00 to 20:00 for espresso. according to the results of january, the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. welcome to the time of news on the air of the tv channel. this november we are 10 years old, we have updated the design, sound, we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. keep an eye on it. great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, search for solutions, ukraine's largest conversational format in the evening prime time. in general , i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. the most important thing - every thursday at 9:15 p.m. , velikiy lviv speaks in the project, on the
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espresso tv channel. fear of an opponent is what i've felt it more than once, and that's okay. recognize the fear, study the opponent, teach your body to defeat it. it's like fighting with veel. if you don't do regular tests because of fear, the ox may go into the breakfast stage. you may not feel the symptoms, and he will win. it's not easy, but science has studied your enemy for you. with regular antiretroviral therapy. therapy, your body will learn to control it and you will live a full life, without fear, knowing about difficult things is important, knowing about ox saves life, and we come back to the conversation, roman chaika and vasyl zima are with you, roman is currently looking for some information, and i will tell you about the fact that now, well,
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the first such ee... sources report what happened today in the waters of the black sea near the southern coast of crimea . so, the drones of the main intelligence agency hit the russian large amphibious ship caesar kunikov, as they say, caesar was never kunikov, well, kunikov was never tsar and kunikov was never caesar, so they are already writing about valentinka from budanov in the black sea, but anyway, here we are we will wait for this confirmation, they showed the video, maybe there will be an opportunity, now we can show it again, there is smoke, it means scheduled works, anxiety. well, it had the first stages of explosions, a series of explosions in the sea, then there were machine-gun rounds, people there heard machine-gun rounds, well, they were obviously trying to shoot down naval armor, and then they started saying where they heard it from, and there were yalta and alupka, and smyis and all the others began to say that there was a voice, even the windows were opened there, there was such an explosive wave, later the locals began
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to report that this is... not one explosion, but a series of explosions, as if a detonation, on the video taken from afar from the shore, it can be seen that some other ship approached there, then they also reported in the area of ​​explosions near this caesar on valentine's day, who was wounded , so close that he sank there, but interestingly , i checked, it means caesar livovich kunikov, it was a soviet officer, the commander of the amphibious detachment that captured... and that is why this ship was named in his honor, well , there was already a ship, as they say, launched after the death of lenid yelich 10 may 1989, well, but in any case, but in any case, it's
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just one from soviet times. such names were given to people by caesar kunikov.


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