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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EET

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heroes of ukraine who gave their lives in the fight for our freedom and for innocent ukrainian citizens. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.
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greetings, this is svoboda ranok, my name is oleg galiy, and in this broadcast we are talking about the most important thing: the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr. syrskyi stated that the goal of ukraine's defense operation is to exhaust russian forces and inflict maximum losses on them. he made such a statement in an interview to the german zdf, however, even before his appointment to the post. according to syrskyi, this is possible, in particular, with the use of unmanned aircraft and rep, so what are the tasks facing the forces of unmanned systems, a new type of military that was created in ukraine? us president joe biden called on the speaker of the house of representatives, michael johnson , to put the bill on
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aid to ukraine is up for vote. earlier, this document was supported by its vote in the us senate. so what are the chances that there will be help from the united states. don't forget to subscribe to radio svoboda's youtube channel. this is important in order for us to understand what you think about what you saw, as well as to popularize this video on the network. i remind you that you are watching the svoboda ranok project, all the latest information appears promptly here, and... separately , in the course of this issue, we will monitor how the events surrounding the amphibious assault ship caesar kunnikov, which according to the ukrainian media and according to telegram channels could be damaged and could even sink in the black sea. this information was spread in the morning by a number of ukrainians the media, including ukrainian pravda and social media, which, citing their own sources , write that this ship could have been sunk by a russian warship as a result of strikes on it... russian warship workers in
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telegram channels also spread this information, this is preliminary data, i let me remind you that rfe/rl has asked for a comment both the representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine and the representative of the naval forces of ukraine, they said that they are waiting for official confirmation and only then will they be able to tell us more details well, president volodymyr zelenskyy has appointed lieutenant yevhen moysyuk as a special representative of the president of ukraine on the implementation of international security guarantees and the development of the defense forces of ukraine. this is a continuation of the reboot of state institutions, says zelensky. we are creating for ukraine a fundamentally new system of security relations with the leading states of the world, and every element of such relations must be fully implemented. so that there is no declarativeness, there is already a security agreement with great britain, we are preparing new agreements, ambitious agreements and... not only with european
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forces, every agreement with partners should be implemented as soon as possible. volodymyr zelenskyi also announced the strengthening of the ukrainian army with drones and electronic warfare systems. meanwhile , the german public broadcaster zdf published an interview with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine oleksandr syrskyi. however, he was recorded even before the appointment, just a few days. in a conversation with the correspondent , syrsky said in particular that it is better to lose positions than the lives of soldiers. the end of the war depends on the supply of ammunition and equipment, and the war enters a new stage. this war significantly increases the importance of technological progress in the armed forces and the process of armed struggle itself. we are already seeing, and this is not news for us, the use of ground robotic platforms, the use of modules that are controlled remotely, which again gives the opportunity to save the lives of our servicemen, that is, the war is entering a new stage. maria berlinska, head of
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the air intelligence support center, joins our broadcast at this moment, my greetings to you, greetings, ms. maria, thank you for your time, let's start with what was actually necessary. a whole separate line of troops in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, which will actually be responsible for unmanned systems and the development of the use of drones, which was headed by mr. sukharevskyi, how important is this from your point of view? this is obviously important, it is the need of the hour, the decision is long overdue, in fact, it was overdue as early as seven years ago, because already then drones would have started to play a bigger role in the war. however, now a large-scale invasion of me it seems that it has already become obvious to everyone, and it is clear that technology, i absolutely agree with the quote you made above, technology plays a key role in this
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war, the previous chief commander, valery fedorovych zaluzhno, and now the current chief commander oleksandr serki spoke about this , it is difficult to oppose something here, we see how even... the cheapest, simplest drones of the ftv type determine the situation on the battlefield, by the way, they are used with an opportunity, i immediately call on our viewers, listeners to bring the same to drones, not necessarily definitely to our charity fund bibnyatas, you can donate to anyone , anyone whom you trust, and most importantly , please work with technologies, work for a reason, but now there is a huge shortage of drones on the battlefield, there are very heavy battles going on right now. in the direction of avdiivka, in the direction of premina, therefore, of course, this decision is timely, of course , i would like it as soon as possible, these processes will be launched, i hope that vadim yekhshevskyi will join his team, we met, talked about this topic, we will
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help as much as possible, from her point of view, our team has been dealing with drones for the 14th year, in fact , we have a huge expertise and constantly... we help the state, we help, let's say so, we write, we write a fire, it's a pity that the state slept for so long and it has a very high price, but i hope that quick operational decisions will now be made, and i call on all citizens to participate in this process as much as possible, each at their own level, let's work with the causes, not with the consequences, the example is repeated very often, and then people say that it is very clear, so when the state goes to the position, it costs 2-3 million dollars there, but then it causes losses of hundreds of millions of dollars, because hundreds of dead, wounded, devastated families,
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businesses, prostheses, operations, payments to the families of the dead, and so on, it's all ours , that is why you need to consider not only the cost of your tank, everything is in the consequences, but... the reason is russian tanks, which can be destroyed even with the cheapest ones, there are conventionally 450 dollars, ms. maria, let's just urge you to work, to work specifically with prisinom, still idle as a condition, we will explain to the audience why it is important that the system of the armed forces of ukraine has a structure that is responsible for drones separately, why it could not work the way it worked before, that is, drones were supplied in separate volumes, volunteers purchased them. to donate to them and so on, why is it important that this structure be created, it will help with logistics, provision, perhaps it will provide for larger volumes of these drones that the state of ukraine will be able to purchase, so why is it important that there is a whole structure? well, let's go let's start with the fact that it is not only about drones, but about technology in general, because
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drones do not work in a vacuum, we always have to talk about the ecosystem around, the drone is only one of the sensors, or or, if we use it. that is, for example, for an attack drone we definitely need platinization, we need ammunition, or, for example, for a reconnaissance drone we definitely need, well, just like a video shock, yes, there we are talking about antennas, about repeaters, about the software there is the same nettles and many other things, this is the first, second, well, you really noted correctly, it is about... first of all, to make an adequate audit, and it must be digital, obviously, a paper army cannot work for a long time, and we definitely won't be able to fight with a paper army for a long time, in order to get relevant data, teams should
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not just submit reports there, as they submit it, spending 90% of their time there, just on unnecessary documents that no one ever touches, it should happen in this form, and when we understand where and how much we use different types of armor, what is the cost of one sortie, which crews are effective, which are not, how many do we need. crews, that is, everything starts with an audit , that we assess the real situation, we currently see what works, what does not work, what can be explained more simply, and after that we can already engage in planning, and plan the use of drones, in principle, build an ecosystem that is around of technologies, i.e. this is the workshop, this is also the production, which means that, unfortunately, ammunition is still happening now. mainly processed from those that exist, i.e. regular ammunition, supplies are still
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practically insufficient and so on, so based on this, on such tasks , the command was created, it is being formed in the process, it is not yet there, and i repeat, i consider this decision to be absolutely timely, of course, that like any what a healthy idea, it can be buried, but if you treat it uninitiatively and amorphously, but i hope that this will not happen and... the team that came, which will work on it, i see absolutely healthy approaches in them, fighting experience, the same vadim foharevsky, we know that this is one of the commanders who, in general, was one of the first to give news to the enemy back in the 14th year, and he came to this position from the post of brigadier general of the 59th brigade, he is known from the battlefield, and so accordingly, the expert environment of the obligation. will help to set up these processes as quickly as possible, we literally have less than a minute, regarding
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minister fedorov's statements about the production of thousands of long-range drones in 2024 and , accordingly, funding for them, how do you evaluate these statements, how much is this process uplifting for ukraine in the near future prospects? i appreciate it, look, i spoke with mykhailo just yesterday, i appreciate it as a lift due to the fact that... their team also really established constant communication with the manufacturers, so it is realistic, but very much, i repeat, the approach calls us all to join forces, the help of every ukrainian is needed, it is purely the armed forces, then it is impossible to win a war of this scale with such an enemy, so come on, i thank you for finding the opportunity to get involved, maria berlinska, head of the intelligence support center, we talked about what a challenge will face a new type of troops in ukraine that was created. the military coalition in support of ukraine will now meet for negotiations in the runpstein 19 format
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. the brussels meeting was supposed to be chaired by american defense minister lloyd austin, but he fell ill, so the meeting will be held online. zoriana stepanenko, a correspondent of radio liberty in brussels, will tell the details. this year , the ramshtein format was supposed to come alive for the first time , and the disease interfered with the plans, and it affected both the organizer and some of the participants loyt austin was hospitalized again and canceled his trip to brussels altogether. and on the night of tuesday , the italian minister of defense, who was also supposed to be at the nato headquarters today, ended up in the hospital. but despite the circumstances, which are impossible to predict, the gramstein club still meets only in an online format. and the head of the pentagon, who usually presides over these meetings, intends to join, if health permits. the american top general charles brown will also make a video call from washington. rustem umerov traditionally present defense needs of ukraine. at all recent meetings of this club, the focus was on air defense and ammunition,
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the situation with which is critical in ukraine, at least that is how the ukrainian defense minister assessed it in a letter to colleagues from the eu in early february. umerov reported that russia fires three times as many shells on the front line every day. ukraine's needs for this type of weapon were assessed the other day by the head of the german defense concern rain metal, by the way, he said that more than 2 million are needed per year and that german production is not able to... to meet a request of this magnitude. by the end of march of this year, the european union committed to hand over a million shells to ukraine, but only half of it has time to fulfill this promise, the rest are planned to be delivered by the end of the year. military aid from the other side of the ocean is also delayed. however, there is progress in this direction. 60 billion dollars to finance the next packages descend from the upper house of congress to the lower one. the senate approved the bill, the matter is now before the house of representatives. where the majority is republican, a large part of them focuses on ex-president donald
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trump, who criticized this bill. the ambassador of the united states to nato, talking to us the day before at the briefing, nevertheless expressed confidence that the aid will be approved. the top eu diplomat does not rule out that after the presidential elections in march, russia may launch another offensive and called for an urgent increase in support for ukraine. from brussels: zoryana stepanenko, marek hajduk, radio liberty. yana. i will remind you that you are watching the svoboda ranok project, we are talking about the most important things, well and to immediately put to a vote a bill with additional funding for ukraine, with this call american president joe biden addressed the speaker of the house of representatives: mike johnson. there is no doubt that if the senate bill were brought before the house, it would pass, and it will, and the speaker knows it. therefore, i urge the speaker to allow the full house of representatives to have its say and not allow the minority of the most extreme voices in the house to block this
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bill, even if it does not voted in the senate, the document received 70 votes for and 29 against, thus the lawmakers reached the necessary threshold of more than 60 votes to send the bill to the house of representatives. president biden will be able to sign the document on funding ukraine , israel and taiwan without migration reform after the house of representatives approves it. the speaker of the us house of representatives , republican mike johnson, criticized the bill passed by the senate, because the document did not include the issue of border security with mexico. president joe's request republicans and democrats in congress have been discussing biden's decision to allocate aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan for several months. opposition from the future us presidential candidate from the republican party, donald trump, and his allies in the congress every time promises to block the bill. the aid package includes total financing of almost 96 billion dollars, approximately 60 billion
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of which is intended for ukraine. oleksandr kraev, director of the north america program. of ukrainian foreign policy prisma joins our broadcast. good morning. yes, congratulations, good morning. thank you for the opportunity. us president joe biden called on the house of representatives to approve the bill as soon as possible, which, among other things, actually provides for aid to ukraine. will this statement have an impact on congressmen and how exactly can the votes of democrats and republicans be divided, that is, in the house of representatives? unfortunately, this particular statement does not particularly affect the situation. we've seen biden call out congressmen many times before. but for trumpists, this action is like a red rag, on the contrary, it provokes them not to vote, it indicates to them that they can continue to protest, they can continue to blackmail, it indicates that biden needs it, so biden will continue to negotiate , so it is unlikely that this particular statement will work in any way, what can really affect the congressmen is the approach of the budget period, the approach of the end of the month, when
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the issue with the federal budget really needs to be resolved, otherwise it threatens with huge stockflation. for all americans markets, this can really speed up their thinking process and, accordingly, making the decisions we need. please tell me that the topic of strengthening the borders of the united states due to migration, and this is essentially part of the ukrainian issue, if we take these bills as a category, is it still a topic of national security of the united states, or is it already one of the main topics of the election race? on which they also bet, and at the same time it exists in two such guises, that is, from one. parties, well, we cannot reject the fact that really at the moment the largest number of migrants in the last almost ten years is at the border of the united states. only now, their number is estimated at about 125 thousand, which is actually a lot and the border system simply cannot cope with processing, registering and taking such a number of people across the border at the same time. therefore, yes, there is indeed a crisis, a big crisis. is it a threat
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to national security? well, in the perception of the border states, yes. and as we know, according to the theory of... zation, if a large enough number of people perceive it as a threat, accordingly, it is a threat, but we see that trump has decided to use the topic of migration as a key theme of his own campaign, as something that he will drown biden on, as something that he will promote to the very end with all possible forces, because he did it since 16, since 16, trump has taken on the significant topic of migration and worked with it, both in relation to the wall, and in relation to budgets, and in foreign policy with mexico, that is, trump. will really use this topic, purely as a political tool. president of america current, joe biden is convinced that supporting the bill, specifically in the context of aid to ukraine, can become such a clear signal to ukrainians and allies of the united states around the world that america can still be trusted and america can be relied on. so how do you think a failed vote, if it happens in the house of representatives, will
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really shake the influence and power of the united states among its allies. let's put it this way, this will be the last straw that can break the camel's back, because it's not only this vote that has become a problem, this is the last almost four, almost five months, more precisely, when the house of representatives, because of the predominance of trumpists there, who are not so many, but who, unfortunately, are influential there, this predominance of trumpists provoked internal political bargaining, it provoked internal political problems, it provoked the blackmail that constantly poured from... parties, accordingly, the states could not just accept the aid package to ukraine, the states could not help their other partners, neither israel nor taiwan, the states could not can to adopt their own federal budget, and accordingly these matters. negative impact on the global economy, that is, the states show that they are not ready to continue at the same pace, or at least that there are significant and strong political forces in the states that do not want
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to continue to exist as the leader of the democratic world, and in this there is a huge the problem, that is, this whole conglomerate of events, that's what undermined the position of the united states as a world leader, and that's how it really frustrates the allies. insisting on support for aid to ukraine, joe biden, he strengthens his political positions in the united states, or on the contrary, weakens them, is this a question that he cannot give up, because it is one of the issues of his pre-election active campaign, specifically at the international level. this is exactly the question, he is trying to make a full-fledged success story out of this, because really joe biden is a president who actively works in foreign relations, he is a president who actively works with the topic of diplomacy, security policy and so on. and therefore, for him, ukraine should become such a platform where he can a show of strength where he can show that america is still a leader, america is still strong, and america can still save its
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allies, save other democracies from the power of autocracy, so we should expect biden to continue to work with this theme, that he will be with allies to actively talk about it, to involve them as well, well, the same germany, for example, as we see it now precisely in their bilateral negotiations, that is , this is the... topic with which biden will definitely continue to work, because it is beneficial to him, his voters love her, her allies love, and even more interestingly, the donors love it, because after all, even despite the fact that the bulk of the us defense and industrial companies, they are donors to the republican party, but biden talks to them a lot, biden convinces them a lot, and it seems that soon he will be able to convince at all, and why not then go along with the proposal of the republicans to strengthen the border, in fact, the issue that worries the republican party so much, to adopt it as well, that is, it is also politics, right, you understand, biden made these concessions, biden agreed to
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increase the amount of money for the border, biden agreed to strengthen legislation and increase penalties for illegal border crossing, biden made all the concessions that the republicans demanded, but trumpists, as soon as biden made these concessions, unexpectedly said, no, there is no problem at all at the border, biden saw something. and they do not need to vote for this project, i.e. here it is precisely the continuation of this blackmail that we have to rely entirely on the trumpists and even donald trump himself, who after how biden made these concessions, he stated that under no circumstances can we agree to this, because there is no problem as such, you invented everything, yes, there is a problem, but not the way you see it and how to solve it it should not be like that, that is, biden just showed himself to be a more balanced, more adequate diplomat with whom you can negotiate, what his... is ready to change his position in a certain way in order to reach an agreement, the trumpists, in turn , on the contrary, decided to use it again, and recalling trump, biden criticized
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the recent statement of donald trump, which specifically referred to nato. how do you assess this duel of views precisely in the context of the alliance, to whom is american society more inclined, the closer position of biden himself, who actually places great hopes on nato, says that nato's mission is there. and the mission of states in the context of nato, also or, after all, to what donald trump is saying now? in fact, trump's support is based on his domestic politics, that is, let's say, those people who vote for trump, they primarily vote for him internal politics, for reduced taxes , for protected borders, for the fight against what he calls leftist culture, they do not vote for leaving nato, therefore leaving nato is also not very popular among them, it is, well , first of all, not just a top - a topic for them. and if we talk about biden's voters, for them nato is the feast of the saints, for them nato is the basis of the modern world order and the basis of what they call american leadership, so with them
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it is clear, and we see that the absolute majority of americans are more 75% accept nato as allies perceive nato as a necessary part of american defense around the world, and therefore yes, rather, both allies' sympathies and american sympathies are on biden's side. what will my question be about. how kyiv and washington cooperate today, to what extent ukrainian parliamentarians, for example, who carry out their international activities, find common positions with the republicans, who are very, very detached from the ukrainian issue, in fact there is a huge problem there, because very often we simply do not we can communicate with them, we simply do not have access to them, they close themselves, they are not ready to work on these issues, they are not ready... to talk with them, but on the other hand, there are additional, let's say, levers of influence, there are for example, the so-called ukrainian caucuses, that is, inter-party associations in both the house of representatives and the senate, they are
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50x50. divided between democrats, democrats and republicans, and therefore in fact, through such detours, through some additional levers, through leaders of parliamentary groups, through so invitation letters of each party, we can reach even these deputies, but of course there is the same trumpist group in the republican party and a group of socialists in the democratic party, which there are no more than 20 people, well, with whom it is simply impossible to work, so we we just have to choose whom we can at least convince, and... who we don't even need to waste time on, and i understand correctly that as long as this vote drags on, over time it will be more and more difficult to make this aid package, which, in particular, includes money for ukraine to allocate, unless it is voted down, for example by the house of representatives. well, in principle, no budget issue in america can be resolved without the house, neither the issue of the federal budget, nor the issue of aid packages, it should be decided by the house of representatives, as the final body representing the will of the people.
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his money, so it cannot be said that we can somehow bypass the chamber, but we must clearly say that in principle there is a very, very high probability that by the end of this month the package for ukraine will be adopted in that or another form, why? because by the end of the month the house of representatives has to adopt the federal budget, as we talked with you, in the federal budget there is a large part for aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. therefore, either in the form of a package or in the form of the federal budget. if the trumpists want to avoid political problems for themselves, they should agree on some adequate alternative by the end of the month. thank you for your position, for your opinion. oleksandr kraev, director of the north america program of the ukrainian prizma foreign policy council, is our guest broadcast, we talked about aid to ukraine from the united states, president biden called on the house of representatives to support the document previously voted by the senate.
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congratulations, this is news for a minute, then briefly about the important ones. and interesting news: there are more opportunities in ukraine, i apologize for women in science, so say the authors of the forbes article , who noted 15 outstanding women in ukrainian science, they work in the fields of biology, physics, history, sociology, climatology, astronomy, mathematics. they became the authors of revolutionary studies and of ideas - this is what the publication notes. editor-in-chief edward enninful, uk's vogue editor says goodbye to... his career at the magazine and for his final cover, he has gathered 40 women who have embodied the brightest moments in the fashion industry. there are many celebrities there, but another moment attracted the attention of ukrainians: the russian model iryna sheik, who has lived in the usa for many years and, it should be noted, does not support the war, was dressed in a thing from a ukrainian brand. this caused a lot of questions for the brand itself, but they said that they did not know who exactly will pose in their underwear. olympic,
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olympic greco-roman champion. and people's deputy of ukraine zhan belynyuk took third place at the european championship in bucharest . in the bronze final in the weight category up to 87 kg, belynyuk defeated azerbaijan's islam abasov. this is ukraine's second medal at the 20-24 european championship. earlier, oleksandr grushin won a silver award, and for belonyuk , this is the third bronze medal at the continental level. that's all for today. look for more news on our social networks, facebook, instagram, tiktok and. it was katryna nekrecha with breaking news , which is also worth knowing, well, polish protesters plan to completely block the border with ukraine next week, the statement of polish agrarian solidarity, posted on their website, talks about blocking not only border crossings, but also communication nodes connection and entrances to transshipment railway stations and sea ports. the text emphasized that this is only the beginning of the long road to victory, it
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was a direct quote, blocking is planned. at least until march 10. polish agrarian solidarity called on polish society to support their protest. meanwhile, five checkpoints have already been blocked by polish protesters, the state border service of ukraine reports. and the day before , work was also stopped for an hour at the sixth korchova-krakivets crossing. czech farmers may also join the protest, as reported by the czech newspaper. on february 19, they want to protest in prague and will send a letter to the minister of agriculture. marik elected with the demand for the czech republic's withdrawal from the european grain agreement. alena tereshchuk, correspondent of radio svoboda, she is in touch with us at the moment. halyna, congratulations, what is the situation on the border now, what are the expectations and how high is the degree of tension, especially after the ukrainian grain spilled on the ground. greetings to all viewers of radio svoboda, i want to explain, here...


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