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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EET

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we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on espresso. khrystyna perubiy works in the news studio. they do not want to admit the loss of the ship. the kremlin refused to comment on the attack by ukrainian drones on the large amphibious assault ship caesar kunikov. and the ministry of defense of the aggressor country is generally silent. the video of the close-up special operation was released by the main directorate of intelligence. one of the newest ships the occupiers had was sunk by our magura vi-5 naval drones. the day before, the general staff of the armed forces confirmed that the ukrainian military. together with
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scouts of gur destroyed a ship near the temporarily occupied alupka in the morning. as told in the main intelligence office, the ship caesar kunikov received critical holes on the left side and began to sink. it is symbolic that the soviet officer, after whom the ship was named, also died on february 14, 81 years ago. it blew up on a mine, but the ship that was blown up by our drones was actively used by russia not only in the war with our... country, but also in georgia and syria. it could accommodate 87 crew members, whether it took anyone with it to the bottom is currently unknown. the ministry of defense of the aggressor country does not provide any information, only that they destroyed six drones over the black sea in the morning. a rescue operation is underway in selidov region in donetsk region. three people died, including a child and a pregnant woman. another 12 people, including four children, were wounded,
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the local military administration reported. russian terrorists shelled the city twice during the night, fired four rockets, an enemy projectile hit a five-story building, 12 apartments in one of the entrances were completely destroyed. the occupiers also hit the local hospital, people died there. this is a 38-year-old woman who was in custody , as well as a 36-year-old mother with a 9-year-old son. a fire broke out in the medical facility, 45 patients were transported to pokrovsk and myrnograd hospitals. in the city of ponivechyna , there are still at least nine high-rise buildings, a store, a pharmacy and four cars. we were sleeping, suddenly there was a bang, now we have neither a home nor a car. a man from the fifth floor fell to the first floor, he was pulled out from under the slabs. russians killed a resident. the sunshchyna wounded another
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six, in a day, in a day they shelled the region, fired 164 shells from artillery, mortars, tanks, anti-aircraft guns, drones and aviation - reported the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. residential blocks, medical facilities, and an educational institution were damaged, and fires broke out at the sites of the hits. once it flowed, and you see that there is not a single light, look. and the roof, and everything , everything, everything, everything was literally broken, there was such a bang that it was something terrible, how it fell, and how everything fell, it was terrible that the neighbors began to come, and they took me from the first floor, and this it's all, now only me i was sleeping in the hall, and i jumped out into the second room, what was the blanket in, these are all the windows, this is my apartment, this is the balcony, the kitchen and the toilet, everything smelled like clockwork. a 61-year-old woman died
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due to enemy shelling in vovchansk , kharkiv region, another 50-year-old woman was injured. the russians shelled the city with artillery. at least 10 hits were recorded, in particular in the territory of the market, where locals were at that time - said the head of the region oleg synigubov. during the day, the occupiers attacked more than 20 settlements in the kharkiv region with artillery and mortars. the russians killed and a resident of the zaporizhzhia region. a 66-year-old man was killed during the shelling of mala tokmachka. several private houses were damaged, the head of the region, ivan fedorov, said. during the day, the enemy made 182 strikes on 17 settlements. in particular , the occupiers struck novodarivka and robotyn from aviation, and from drones malynivka and charivno. and in kyiv, the number of victims
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from the attack on february 7 has increased. an injured woman from a house in the holosiivsky district died in the hospital. and this is already the fifth victim. of this attack, doctors fought for the woman's life for a week, but she was in an extremely serious condition, - informed the mayor vitaliy klitschko. let me remind you that on february 7 in the capital of olamka, rockets damaged a high-rise building, a heat supply main and two high-voltage lines, 40 people were injured. in sumy, information about the alleged attack of the enemy was denied, the head of the city's military administration, oleksiy drozdenko , said that the enemy was spreading information about the alleged attack of occupation forces in the north of ukraine and the alleged occupation of sumy. he urged not to believe fakes and noted that there is a real threat there is no in germany, an unknown person attacked a
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15-year-old ukrainian. the teenager received multiple head injuries. there is no threat to his life - dol chevelie reports. according to the police. the incident happened on february 10 in a restaurant. the attacker uttered xenophobic expressions before hitting the ukrainian teenager with an unknown object. the attacker quickly fled from the scene. the police declared him wanted. witnesses indicate that the attacker was probably a pole. this is the second attack on ukrainian youths in recent days in germany. i remind you two boys, members of the youth national team of ukraine, were attacked the day before in the town of oberhausen. they were attacked. with a knife, probably because of their nationality, 17-year-old volodymyr yermakov died of his injuries in the hospital, and artem kozachenko was hospitalized. troops are being regrouped in the kupian and avdiiv directions in order to stop the enemy's offensive, - said the commander-in-chief of the armed forces oleksandr syrskyi.
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together with the minister of defense rustem omerov , they visited these areas of the front. they inspected the provision of servicemen. syrian emphasized that the command. takes all possible measures to minimize losses and preserve the lives of our soldiers. instead of valentines , another 1,060 russian invaders received a bullet from our defenders on valentine's day, and in total, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion , more than 398,000 of her sons have paid the price with their lives for the love of the aggressor's country. with fervor and passion , the defense forces were burned within a day. nine enemy tanks, 39 armored combat vehicles, 66 artists, 44 units of cars and special vehicles, three salvo fire systems and four means of the enemy's anti-aircraft defense, and another 39 operational-tactical drones romantically
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self-destructed. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, 71. a non-combat clash took place at the front during the day. heavy fighting continues in the mariinsky direction. there, our soldiers repelled 27 enemy attacks. another 24 assaults were repulsed near avdiivka. on the left bank of the kherson region, the enemy tried to storm our positions five times. there was no success. our aviation inflicted strikes on 11 areas of concentration of russians, three areas where anti-aircraft missile systems are located and one enemy control point. rocket and gunners. four concentration areas of the occupiers, seven artillery means, three air defense means, three control points, two ammunition depots and one means of radio-electronic warfare of the enemy. espresso tv channel asks you to donate to our initiative. for
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the second year in a row, we have been making our own vitamin mixtures for our defenders. ginger, citrus, cranberry, sea buckthorn, honey, caring hands and from in victory, such a recipe for hearty delicacies. in the cold season, they warm and give strength to our soldiers. we constantly have requests, which means that there is a need for vitamin mixtures at the front. so join in and support our warriors. you can see all the details on the screen. fleeing from ukraine, died in the mountains. in the morning, romanian border guards detained two men who illegally crossed into ukraine. co-romanian border. they said that there was another man with them who got lost, the state border service reported. during the search operation romanian rescuers found his body in the mountains. the border guards warn that the weather conditions have worsened and hiking in the mountains is dangerous. pointing russian
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missiles at kharkiv, another enemy informer was detained by the security service of ukraine. 58-year-old local. an ideological supporter of racism. last fall, the man began cooperating with the enemy on his own initiative. he found the places of arrivals and carried out covert photography and videography. having received this data, the russians hoped to bypass the air defense systems during the next attack on strategically important enterprises in the city. the man is currently in custody without bail, he faces up to eight years in prison. this was the morning in ukraine, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences. i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow, leave.
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join us, glory to ukraine, this is a verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine and the world. war and about our victory. today in the program. rotation of military leadership. inspections have begun in the general staff and units of the armed forces. what changes in the management of the troops can be expected? help is coming. the us senate approved a bill with 60 billion for ukraine. will trump be able to stick his sticks in the wheels in the house of representatives? grain. on the asphalt ukraine calls for an investigation into the shameful incident at the border. who is behind the protests of polish
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farmers? over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests , major general serhiy kryvonos and former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine volodymyr mogrysk. the second part of our program will feature people's deputies of ukraine mykyta poturaev, rostyslav pavlenko and andriy osadchuk. however, before starting. to our long conversation, i suggest watching a video of how soldiers of the national guard of ukraine continue to successfully eliminate the occupiers and their equipment. this time, the fighters managed to destroy the flame-throwing salvo system of the sontsepoks. let's see.
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in addition to the tv broadcast, we also work on our youtube and facebook platforms for those who now watch us live there. please put a favorite. this video, subscribe to our pages and take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: do you expect further personnel rotations in power from zelenskyi? yes, no , everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, pick up the phone and vote, if you are waiting for new personnel rotations from zelensky, 0800 211 381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers. free, vote at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. i would like
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to introduce today's first guest, serhiy krivonos, reserve major general, first deputy, former first deputy commander of special operations forces and former deputy secretary of the national security council. mr. general, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. general, during the last days of mass dismissals and appointments in the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, i counted 16 positions, 16 high-ranking military officers went to resignation or in reserve, i do not know, the office of the president of ukraine does not inform about it, and 16 new managers have arrived. how do you assess this large personnel rotation and how appropriate is it at the current stage? war and in general, to what extent such a change in personnel , a large change in personnel, is now expedient, from my
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point of view it is not expedient, not only that, such actions of the authorities release such a powerful mass of people, dismissed from their positions, they are not yet dismissed from the ranks of the armed forces, they brought in their majority at the disposal of the released only general major ostashchenko, former commander. of the military and medical forces, then i will say yes, yes, the way the authorities acted, it is shameful and simply, you know, indecent, to put it mildly, although i do not think that there is a word for the existing authorities... decency, because in 22 year, in the months of february and march, when certain people were quietly gnawing away at the minnow in the basements of the president's office on the bank street, it was precisely these generals, together with the ukrainian people under the leadership of general zaluzhny, who stopped the russian onslaught, and i do not thank anything so
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simply vile, for the corner was released by decree, then you just know, this is the highest point of cynicism and dishonesty, but this is not the first time, let's remember how general mozhenko, who at that time represented ukraine at international meetings in brussels, was fired , he was fired and those meetings multiplied by zero, yes general pavlovsky was released at the same time, he was also at the international arms exhibition and resolved issues, carried out successful agreements on... i also delivered weapons to ukraine, in fact, they were released and these negotiations were canceled, so i did not sell anything, let's say something new, this is just repeating such systematic dishonesty and ingratitude of people in power, well, where does their gratitude come from, they did not serve in the army and do not understand what officer cleanliness is, and
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in general, what honor is in the general sense. mr. general, you did not mention yourself in this list. general kryvonos was one of the first to be dismissed by the current government from the position of deputy secretary of the national security and defense council, it was in 2020, you can explain why you were dismissed then, why these generals were dismissed now, because you are all heroes of the russian-ukrainian war, you are the people who passed these 10 difficult years in this war. and just throwing out this cohort of people who carried the armed forces of ukraine, well, i mean the leadership, well , it looks absolutely absurd, in a rather difficult situation, in which we are now. in fact, everything is very simple, against the background of those people you listed,
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let's not touch me, it will not be entirely correct, but precisely against the background of those people who were called by the anger of the armed forces. and currently, who have now been dismissed from those positions, these are all people who sitting in the president's office, they look just like that, pitiful fools, no more, no less, so why should they be compared with those who look courageous, professional, who have lived brightly all their lives and defend their ukraine, fearing nothing, no one being jealous and doing their job professionally, that's why they removed them and... have now recruited a new team and they hope that it is the new team that will be silent, although i am more than sure that this is a temporary complacency, because both general syrsky and those who is with him they will also ask the authorities why the existing law on mobilization does not work , why the economy does not meet the needs of the armed
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forces, why the political leadership of the country does not implement the law on mobilization, why the mobilization plan is not signed... and not disseminated, why no enterprise of ukraine received a mobilization task, for many reasons, precisely what concerns the existing law on mobilization, and there is a huge number of points that are not fulfilled by the supreme commander-in-chief, his cabinet of ministers, and ministries, and the military in to this law are purely consumers of the powerful work that should be organized by the political leadership. unfortunately for ukraine, they did not do this, for whose benefit is it? well, it only benefits the enemy, so draw your own conclusions , dear ukrainians, why it is not being done, or they can’t, if they can’t, then let them make room for professionals, there are enough of them in ukraine, and let these professionals launch that system, the ability to protect themselves and
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powerfully prepare both their own people and use the power, the ability to our economy. after... after zelensky dismissed zaluzhny, there were many conversations and discussions about who oleksandr syrsky is and whether he can be, well, at least under the new zaluzhny, or let's say, the new syrsky and the leader of the armed forces of ukraine. you know very well the team that has now joined the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, they were in other positions, respectively in the second and third positions there. in the armed forces of ukraine, but these are also people who went through the war and are going through the war together with the servicemen and with you, including what this the team according to yours... is different from the team that left, that is, to simply understand what the difference is and why this team turned out to be better than the team that was retired, well, for zelenskyi, first of all,
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she, she did not appear absolutely, because it is just starting to work and has not shown any results, of course, in this team, there are certain people who do not yet have experience working at the operational-strategic and strategic levels, and this can be quite serious. to influence a certain situation, because green power already made such certain, you know, popular rotations for myself, let's remember the dismissal, the mass dismissal of the military commissars in the past, last summer, and exactly what it led to , the military commissars were removed, only one was put in prison, the others were simply covered with mud, nothing and thank you, and sorry, as a result... currently the situation is the same, cool cambric doesn't define that he will be a cool staff
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officer, or how long it will take him to become a powerful staff officer, so it 's just a battle for the popularity of one actor who standing on the stage and can't to carry all those who are more popular than himself. mr. general, but those who were dismissed from their posts, combat commanders, combat generals, obviously, no one is talking about them now and no one is talking about their prospects, because in principle, the knowledge that these combat generals possess, including and you, obviously , most of the world's armies do not have such experience, because they do not lead lashes. you have a unique experience together with those who were already released together with valery zaluzhny. why do you think the authorities do not
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use your experience and do not try to offer the generals some teaching positions in universities, some positions where you were useful, why does general kryvonos not share his experience. to those who study, to those who will go to the battlefield tomorrow. i pass on my experience, but i do it without phishing certain things, because the authorities persecute and ostracize those people who communicate with general kryvonos. even in the modern command of special operations forces, there is a survey, and they immediately ask what kind of relationship do you have with general kryvonoksky, what kind of relationship can you have with someone who served with me 5, 10, 15? 20 years in the same system , of course, we know each other, of course we are like brothers , but these people are now trying to be removed, the same way the authorities treat other people who have now been dismissed, and now the large
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number of generals placed at the disposal of the minister, two , receives a salary for two months, then it is not clear what, it is unclear, how they will supply in fact, or you will resign precisely because of your health, or you will simply beg, this is not the first time. this is done, and looking at it, for some reason i remember a russian song, it is in used to be heard in songs, the mistake of the resident and the family generously fed me with birch sap, nothing will change, you are used and then they throw out garbage, eh, and this does not mean that we have to hold a grudge against the state, because the state has nothing to do here , just like the leaders of some willful cases who fell into such chairs, oh... such things are done by simple green envy and the desire to spit in people 's souls instead of helping and er
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strengthening themselves, normal leaders surround themselves with professionals, and not sycophants and those who sing praises to you and for swaying that swimming. as for other generals, you are absolutely right, the experience of these generals can be actively used and... including foreign ones, i think proposals will come, and maybe these people, if the state does not see directly. now we will restore contact with general kryvonos, some problems arose, we had some problems with communication, please, mr. general, and these people can absolutely calmly transfer their experience in foreign armies, in their own time and i was repeatedly offered even to accept... the citizenship of one of the leading countries in the world and to resume my rank in the army and transfer my experience to nato countries, but ukraine is ukraine and it is my homeland,
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as well as... that the generals, no matter what, will remain in ukraine and will pass on experience to soldiers and educate the next generation. the government does not deal with this issue at all, let's remember how successfully it froze the five- step program, which precisely provided for the strengthening of ukraine's defense capabilities, not only armed forces forces, and of ukraine, but the authorities were not interested in it then and are not interested now, they are trying to appoint military officers as scapegoats, but... from the category that, unfortunately, when they serve, they do not have the right to criticize the authorities, but when is already being released, then probably there will be many of them who will be able to tell how it was really there in the sidelines and dungeons of the bank, when mice quietly rustled on the green lawn. mr. general, our youtube viewer serhiy popovsky asks, please ask what general kryvonos is doing now,
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so i'm forwarding this to you for. question, i will answer this question personally, because i have already answered, i help many, many soldiers who are currently preparing or fighting, consult, advise, well, i also try to protect our soldiers, take part in legal proceedings for the persecution of heroes of ukraine, real heroes of ukraine, the same roman chervinskyi, or today there was a trial of major malakhov, whom the authorities ... fellow employees, this is also now a part of my life. mr. general, in the previous broadcast , when we talked about the prospects of general zaluzhnyi, and then the question was resignation, not resignation, all these conversations that took place, and today, as i understand it, it became clear to me, now finally, what will happen next
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because of... you hinted about this, that the current authorities may initiate some cases against general zaluzhnyi and not only about general zaluzhnyi, we were talking about those people who know how to fight, who know how to lead large collectives in the armed forces of ukraine. mariana bezugla, the deputy chairman of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense, who held on to this chair after the devastating, simply devastating attacks on... zuluzhny, she wrote on her facebook page: the armed forces of ukraine began a functional review. the general staff , units, who is fighting, who is not, headquarters, rotations, well, you understand, who would have reported about this, if not bezula, what relation does it have to all this in general, and is it really important to conduct this is a functional review and some kind
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of revision. again, against the background of the russian-ukrainian war and what is happening at the front, what kind of revision can be discussed, when and who will conduct it, the people who came to new positions, people who came to leadership positions, know the situation inside the country very well and within the armed forces, so how can you directly deal with this, mr. general, the head of diplomacy of the european union borel said that russia may launch another major offensive in ukraine after the presidential elections in march, yet one major russian offensive may be launched a few months after the russian elections in march, but i have seen that the ukrainian people remain determined to continue the fight, and i have seen their resourcefulness and resilience at work. this was stated by borel. well, actually, now
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we have some problems with communication again. mr. general, forgive me again for the connection and for the fact that this connection is interrupted, borel stated that in march russia may launch another major offensive in ukraine after the presidential, so-called elections in russia, how likely is such a scenario and is our leadership considering such a scenario, because today an interview with syrsky appeared on the tsdf tv channel, it is... a german tv channel, he says that ukraine is going on the defensive, and we are already on the offensive we're not going now, well, we've been on the defensive since the end of last summer, so we can clearly say that there was some activity in the zaporizhzhia direction, in other directions we were actively moving to...


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