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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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at work, borel said. well, actually, now we have some problems with the connection again, mr. general, again forgive the connection and the fact that this connection is interrupted. borel said that in march , russia may launch another major offensive in ukraine after the presidential, so-called elections in russia, how likely such a scenario is and whether our leadership is considering such a scenario. the scenario, because today an interview with syrsky appeared on the tsdf tv channel, this is a german tv channel, he says that ukraine is going on the defensive, and we are already in we are not going on the offensive now, well, we have already been on the defensive since the end of last summer, so we can clearly say that there was some activity in the zaporozhye direction, in other directions we actively moved to...
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defense, now the question is how much the authorities helped to organize this powerful defense , as regards the fortification equipment of the area, when we hear that there is no money for dragon's teeth in the zaporizhia region, which is in the war zone, but for some reason there is money for the european vision, then i ask the question, exactly this government wants to win this war, or them as samurai only interested directly... they don't have a way to wash, but they have only one way, how can they stay with this power for a long time, that's why they are not actively engaged in winning , they don't care about the country, they don't care about the economy, they don't care about their own people. mr. general, another piece of information that came from the military balance is a report by the international institute for strategic studies in london, they write that russia has lost more than 300 tanks over time. war in ukraine, but has
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enough lower-quality armored vehicles in stock to replace and can potentially hold out for more three years of heavy losses, do you agree with such a statement that russia still has this reserve for three years in terms of armored vehicles, but of an older model, probably from the 50s or 60s ? i will say that you consider the point of view as a pessimist, i consider as an optimist, but... yes, they have reserves, and they have actively learned to use these reserves. now our task is to continue the powerful work that was carried out in december, january and early february to destroy a huge number of enterprises in russia. if we will we continue to actively burn the gas industry complex, they will not be able to earn money for their own army if we destroy their factories, for the production of explosives, for the production of gunpowder, for the production. ammunition
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for the repair of equipment and weapons, their capacity will be significantly reduced, so the question will not be about three years, but a much smaller figure, so we understand which way to go to this, we understand how to carry it out, now the task, for questions to our authorities , whether they will be able to provide the necessary amount to the financial equivalent of our needs to destroy the enemy's infrastructure, that's all, well, the question is... will our partners also be in the same tone and , let's say, in the capabilities to help ukraine, because today german chancellor olaf scholz, at the ceremony of laying a new munitions factory in the town of unterlues , called for large-scale production of defense equipment so that europe could successfully deter aggressors. let's hear what scholz said. we must combine all our efforts
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now. in my opinion, this means that europe should contribute everywhere by providing sufficient arms and ammunition that can be delivered to ukraine. germany has taken a very big step, and other countries such as denmark have also, but not all have taken the necessary decisions yet. mr. generals, it is clear that it is good to hope for europe, but to have one 's own. this is certain, and also good, because one's own is one's own. yesterday we saw how searches were carried out in the apartment of serhiy pashinsky, who heads the association of defense enterprises, to him incriminating the case there from ten years ago in 2014, when oil products confiscated from kurchenko were diverted to the needs of the army, and this story is already these stories. 10
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years, but suddenly now it is back on the agenda, what is happening with the military-industrial complex now, because i remembered pashinsky, i... remembered how in the first days of the war, he gave the army, which was contracted abroad, to the soldiers , including tatyana chornovol, so that they defend kyiv from the russian invaders, now they want to bring him to justice, i i understand, to announce her preventive measure, well, we know how to deal with big green threads, let's once again remember the same chervinsky, the same general marchenko, general pavlo. major malakhov, we have more than enough such examples, they suck any case out of their fingers, and in the same way that they invent cases at the zhulyany airport, and there are more than enough such examples,
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the witch hunt has begun and continues, the authorities is trying to remove those who, through their work , show their ability to protect ukraine, no no more, no less, they don't need those. they want to control everything and influence all processes. but you mentioned this case regarding zhulyany airport, how did this case end? you were accused of damaging the airstrip when russian helicopters or russian planes could land on the airstrip and land russian landing forces right in the center of kyiv, which ended it, because i'm something, to be honest... never mind frozen, and when the authorities want to press down my throat once again, they will simply resume this case and that's it they will come directly with searches to me and arrest me, as well as my other brothers, that is, they simply take and
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hang all those who led it or lead its army and as a result, in this way they try to somehow keep them, they, what are they afraid of? that those who have more authority in society, in the army will come to power , or are they afraid that the military generals will one day make the leadership in the state change in some way, illegitimate, or what, what are they afraid of in general? they fear those people who are real ukrainians by spirit by birth, and not only by passport, and those who rule us have not one passport, but several passports and it is not clear. which is more familiar to them, and for us it is necessary to clearly understand that there is no need to be afraid, and our task is not to go on the path, as it is told by the authorities, who are afraid of some general coups or coups in general, we are a democratic free
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country, and unfortunately, they chose the wrong person, ukrainians made a mistake, but still time will put the dots over and those who are ukrainians will go to power by legal means by birth, by spirit and by perception. mr. general, over the past few days, the american propagandist tucker carlson has been torpedoing the idea that putin is ready for negotiations, that he is already tired of the war, that he is ready to sit down at the negotiating table, well, of course, not with zelensky, but with the leaders of the united states of america, how likely is this scenario in your opinion. according to the general opinion, how can it be that these generals and leaders of the armed forces of ukraine have been replaced, and in parallel there are some conversations or negotiations about the fact that, well, in some way it is necessary to complete the lash. well, we already had such a situation in
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march 22, when, without asking the ukrainian people , certain leaders went to negotiate, now they are superheroes, and... who defended ukraine was thrown directly outside the boundaries of the active defense of ukraine, so the situation can be considered so that the replacement for a young direct command was carried out with the aim of simultaneously carrying out work on certain agreements with our enemy. if such arrangements will be, what can be the reaction? in the army at the front those people who hold weapons in their hands? unpredictable, let's say it like this, it's unpredictable and not controlled, er, ukrainian society, as a show, shows the experience of the last 30 years
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of independence, it is able to channel its energy more than once in a difficult hour in this way and correct the situation, we already had... two maidans, and if the situation is under control and somewhere they want to anger us and betray us, then the situation may be such that the rescue government of ukraine. to rule this country, i do not rule out such moments, it may be with the participation of the military, time will tell. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was general kryvonos. friends, we are working live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching us live there now, don't be shy, please like this video and also about... comment what you heard from the general kryvonosa ahead of us, volodymyr ogrysko,
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a diplomat and politician, will join our team broadcast in just a few minutes. and don't forget, please, that we are conducting a survey during this broadcast. today we ask you about the following: do you expect zelenskyi to make further personnel rotations in the government, since zelenskyi announced that such changes will take place not only in the military leadership of ukraine, but also in the political leadership. which positions are in question, which positions are in question, is still unknown, but the fact that zelensky is announcing such and such a reboot, obviously, it must happen, so if you wait from zelensky's further personnel rotations in power, click yes, and if you are not waiting for no, well, on the corresponding button on youtube, if you are sitting in front of the tv and have a smartphone or phone in your hands, please call if you... are waiting for a submission from zelensky of personnel rotations at the number 0800-211381, no, 08021382, all
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calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will definitely sum up the results of this vote, and don't forget, please, friends, that we have a wonderful espresso tv website, you can enter on it, read the latest news and find out. everything about ukraine and the world, we work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. the most up-to-date information from ukraine, the world, and front-line news are all available on our website esreso tv. and of course, of course, what ukrainians are most interested in right now is how quickly the united states of america will resume financing projects in ukraine, in particular... the armed forces of ukraine, the supply of weapons here. for the past two months, we
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have been watching how the republicans have blocked the united states congress consideration of the issue of providing ukraine with 61 billion dollars. today, the senate voted to provide aid to ukraine, israel, and taiwan. an amount of more than 95 billion dollars, but next will be this bill, a complex bill, will be sent to the house of representatives. the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson , criticized the text of the bill the day before and made it clear that he would not bring it to a vote in the house of representatives if it passed the senate. biden called on the house of representatives to ... immediately pass this bill and help, respectively, ukraine, israel and taiwan. i will emphasize once again about her
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that the americans promise to allocate 61 billion dollars to ukraine, a huge amount, of course, which will be used to a greater extent in the united states of america for the purchase of weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, well , respectively, in order to help. ukraine is in a difficult situation, when the russian federation is trying to use weapons, including those of north korea, that is, we see how russia is trying to build up its forces, is trying to restore its military-industrial complex, is trying to do everything in the current situation so that their, their army prevails over the ukrainian and... er prevailed including on the er battlefield, and
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volodymyr ogrysko, a diplomat, is already joining us, former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, head of the russian research center , mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, mr. serhiy, good health, mr. volodymyr, well, first of all, i cannot but ask you about these major personnel changes in the military leadership in ukraine, obviously, such personnel... changes do not happen often, but i would say that there have never been such major personnel changes in the military leadership, especially during the war, and this in a certain way raises questions. ukrainians, to what extent foreigners have these questions, do they understand the logic of what is happening in ukraine and what they say to you, what they talk about with you and what they ask you in private conversations? well, you know, mr. serhiy, foreigners usually behave
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quite delicately here, because this is a direct competence. but also direct responsibility those who make such decisions are usually not discussed, because it can be similar to interference in the internal affairs of the state, that is , the president of ukraine has the authority to appoint and dismiss the commander-in-chief, other high- ranking military leaders, which he used, but... this also means that he took full responsibility for everything that will happen after that, it will not be the generals who will be responsible, the responsibility rests solely on him after his decision, our foreign colleagues take it, well, as a matter of course, of course, i repeat once again
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, such things are not discussed in the public sphere, well, when... it is about some such, well, personal moments, well, they differ from who how much is involved in such already very specific topics, but usually such topics are really not discussed much, but mr. volodymyr, these personnel rotations took place against the background of a difficult situation, when in the congress of the united states... of the states of america , the issue of providing aid to ukraine in the amount of 61 billion dollars, well it is clear whether or not in this situation it can be considered that these rotations were on time, or after all it was necessary to wait and wait for the vote in the senate, but it took place today, and obviously
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this bill will not pass so easily in the house of representatives , as can biden's opponents. to articulate what is happening in our country in order to say: well, listen, it is not at all clear what is happening there, he changed the head of the armed forces, he changed the entire military leadership, we do not know how to work with them, these are new people, and for this time is needed, let's postpone it, and this time will be played exclusively against ukraine, that 's true, but here, mr. serhiy, you can apply the kind of logic that you just talked about, and the other one that they said, look... well, there were certain problems with the offensive, the situation is actually frozen, we need a new look, new approaches, and here the president wants to take such a decisive step, then here, you know, how who will look at it and what interests this someone can
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pursue, so the situation, i think in this case... it's 50 for 50. it's very good that now the senate still voted in support, more than 20 republicans voted, which means that in the republican party, there is, and this is not entirely a discovery of america, there is a very powerful group of sober-minded, intelligent politicians who perfectly understand the importance of assistance for national security. of ukraine, well, the figure that you and i, pavios, have been talking about for a long time, 5% of the military, only the military budget of america and the destruction of half of the ground forces, the biggest adversary of the united states, well, they speak for themselves, that is, it is not necessary here to go to vorozhka, it is obvious that by helping ukraine, america is helping itself to reduce
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the capabilities of its main adversary. that's why both democrats and republicans understand it, not only those dirty trumpists who really dance to the tune of trump, for whom the main goal is not ukraine, not israel, not taiwan, or any other things, but winning the elections, and that's why he will drown everything that touches the democrats, the democrats support ukraine, so he will be against it, they support... are you israel or will he against this and so on, that is, this is a typical domestic political monster, which once again confirms that very often political ambitions, er... by some populist politicians , are put above national interests, and this is very sad. well, about the national interests, in particular of the united states of america, i
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also wanted to mention trump and his statements about nato and how the countries that are members of the north atlantic alliance, those that do not pay or do not pay their contributions on time to the north atlantic alliance, which they say we let's not fight suddenly. suddenly the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff of nato, charles brown , in an interview with nbc, commented on these statements of trump, this is actively being commented on in world politics, in the world press, and he, let's listen to what charles brown said. we have an alliance, we have a strong alliance. i think we have a responsibility to preserve this alliance. in each of our alliances at kona. faith in the u.s., and u.s. leadership is still greatly needed, sought, and looked up to. and olaf scholz warned about the danger, devaluation
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provisions on mutual defense of nato, let's also listen. one for all and all for one. any relativization of aid guarantees by nato is irresponsible and dangerous, and corresponds exclusively to the interests of russia. nobody should play with... is it possible to say , mr. vladimir, that trump is now playing with putin? i think, mr. sergey, that he is playing with biden, after all, not with putin, putin is the background for him, it is what he uses for his main goal, and let's understand what is really for him there is only one thing that matters, that is... the re-election of the president of the united states of america, this is due to many reasons, including his individual sins, of which there are many,
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including that he wants to secure himself for the next four years with total immunity, total immunity, which very important, because you know, a certain period of time passes. and what was relevant four years ago is being forgotten a little, that is, for him now it is, so to speak, a lifeline, which must be grabbed and won at any cost, so i think that here it is more about his use of all possible and impossible tools, whether it is putin, whether it is help to ukraine, whether it is help to anyone, whether it is a solution to the border issue. but listen, well, actually, there is no serious problem with this border. biden agreed that he made serious concessions to the republicans on this issue,
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both in terms of the amount of allocated money and in terms of the essence of the reform itself, which should regulate immigration problems, but biden, i'm sorry, trump is not going for it, why? well, because he wants to keep it as his own trump. in the whole election race , it's another thing that he can play, and now that the senate voted on aid, when it's obvious that these two topics should be separated, and they are already separated, the border and aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan, now he will be in in a weaker position, because now the democrats will target him. home steps, talking about what we see for, but this inadequate politician is against, so
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the situation here, it seems to me, is not clear, it does not mean at all that johnson's statement today that he will not put on the vote is final, there are a lot of procedural tools in there that will force johnson to put it to a vote, and if you think that... in order for this resolution to get a majority in congress, it only needs eight or 10 votes, i'm afraid to mention it now, but the small number of republicans, well, we really need a little more, because not all democrats want to help the same israel or taiwan, but this is really a mizar for the republican party, there will be a lot more people who will vote for, yes that... we won't don't give up, mr. volodymyr, on the eve of consideration in the senate and in the upper house, questions
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regarding ukraine, and not only ukraine. a big interview was thrown into putin, a supporter of trump and trump and a person in the information space , who is called the future vice president of the united states of america, tucker carlson , a well-known american propagandist and showman, i would say so, and obviously this interview did not come out by chance these days and not by chance . now putin is trying in some way to send signals to the world that he is ready for some negotiations there, how did you perceive that what putin said, not historical or pseudo-historical, but what he tried to say to the world, and did he succeed in saying anything? well, mr. sergey, there are many layers to this question of yours,
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you are very right when you say that... this carlson is actually the personification of anti-journalism, that is, i think that this so-called interview can then be taken as a sample, well, for students, journalists, who will learn how not to do it and disassemble it in parts, because there are really several of them when the interviewer. uh befits the person he is interviewing, er, such questions that a normal journalist cannot ask, but it is, so to speak, about his pseudo-professionalism, at the same time, i would thank him, you know what, for that , that he showed the whole world putin's inadequacy, even with this absolutely miserable interview, well, believe me, the way he looks... in the eyes
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of a western viewer, well, it's just a disaster, because the style of communication of western politicians with journalists, he is absolutely the opposite of what putin demonstrated, though he considers himself a great nobleman of the west, because he says that he was there in the first department of the kgb, that is, in intelligence, and he scouted in the cultural center in dresden, what they do there. employees of the stasi, probably , yes, interviews are not made for a western audience, it is a completely different style, a different dynamic, a different system and so on, but besides that, he really conveyed the main message through this carlson: i want negotiations, he repeated it during this two-hour interview, in my opinion, three or four times, and maybe five, what does that mean, it means that
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he is beautiful. understands the limits of his capabilities, and they are limited primarily in the field of economics, he is now puffing out his cheeks and telling that the russian economy there has grown by 3 or 5%, this is a fiction, this is something that is actually very far from reality, because it is about the fact that now he is simply transferring the russian economy to a war economy and throwing not... covered with nothing pieces of paper in the form of rubles for the production of weapons, this is something that will not work literally in 2-3 years, because it will not give what is called starting the economy for growth, what awaits the russian economy is called stagflation, that is, when the economy does not develop, and inflation goes up, and this means that for... the average
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russian, really very, very difficult times will begin, safety margin he has a maximum of 2 years. and he, realizing this, wants now , under any circumstances, to turn to this topic of negotiations, to record what he won, as he said recently, and this is the main topic for which he agreed to this interview, and i it seems that he is partly this i passed on the idea, but as always very, very tentatively. well, despite this public interview, carson, speaking just yesterday at the world government summit in dubai, said that putin wants to end the conflict and is ready to compromise. the fact that putin is ready to compromise is absolutely clear from the interview. here the only question is whether in this case ukraine is ready for any kind of conversation at all, because
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putin's main condition is. was and remains, this is the recognition of a new that


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