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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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secrets that were so awaited in kyiv, in particular, in order to understand how events will develop further. olena abramovych, correspondent of radio liberty, live about the situation following the results of the ramstein meeting. and now i will give the floor to katya nekrecchi, she has news in a minute, it is short news that is also important to hear. hello, below is a short summary of important and interesting news. european countries have joined together in an it coalition to help ukraine build a sustainable it infrastructure of the ministry of defense and the defense forces. so estonia, luxembourg, belgium, denmark, iceland, italy, latvia, lithuania and the netherlands have confirmed their readiness to help ukraine for six years. junior eurovision in 2024 will be held in spain. the city of the organizer and the date will be announced later. i will remind ukraine at the children's vurba' competition. 2023 was represented by nine-year-old
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anastasia dymyt. she comes from frankiv region. she sang the song kvitka. a song about a mother's love for her child. a feeling that always wins and has the power to heal the world. in the british bird park, a penguin with partial visual impairment found herself the leader a female african penguin named squith has had cataracts since childhood. another three-year-old african penguin named penguin became a guide for the female. he drives. squishes around the enclosure and helps during feeding when she loses her orientation in space. that's all for today, look for more news on our social networks: facebook, instagram, tiktok and network x. thank you katya for the selection of good news, in order to dilute this informative morning, which is really difficult. ukrainian carriers are starting a protest in response to blocking the border by polish farmers. about the start of the campaign at the checkpoint. hours
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of dorogusk on the ukrainian-polish border , the head of the public organization transporters of the western region, vitaly kotsenko, said. according to him, the participants of the action will not block the checkpoint itself, but they will fix polish drivers who pass the checkpoint out of line. the head of the public organization notes that the duration of the ukrainian transporters' protests will depend on the situation on the polish side border i would like to remind you that on february 9, farmers in poland started a general national strike, the protest will continue until... at least until march 10, they will block the movement of trucks at five checkpoints on the border with ukraine. we are talking about yagodyn to rugusk, ravarusk, grebenne, shegyna medika, dolgobuchyv to hrynyv and zosyn to stelug. they demand, in particular, the return of transportation permits for ukrainian drivers, which were canceled as part of the so -called visa-free transportation between ukraine and the european union. ambassador of ukraine to poland andrii zvarych in an exclusive interview. radio
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svoboda said that the further escalation of protests would not be in the interests of polish farmers, nor in the interests of ukrainians, but only in the interests of the kremlin. he believes that all parties are interested in stabilization. mr. ambassador, on february 20, polish farmers promise to intensify the strike even more, threaten to block all checkpoints, access roads to railway transfer stations and sea ports, what does this mean, what are they trying to achieve? with such actions, what is their purpose? well, it's hard for me to understand what they are trying to achieve, because frankly, it seems to me that they have no reason to further escalate the situation at the border. and so the whole of europe is already talking about the issues of the farmers of all europe, of all different countries, and everyone is looking for ways to improve the situation and take into account the interests of both ukrainian farmers and european farmers, so the further escalation of the situation... it will not
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meet the interests of it seems to me that neither polish, polish farmers, nor ukrainian interests, but will answer exclusively interests of the kremlin, unfortunately, and we all must understand this in order to prevent any further ill-advised actions on the border, we have all seen what unfortunately happens there on the part of polish protesters, and we would not like these cases to be repeated. i believe that we are capable, through a civilized dialogue , to discuss all the issues that concern us and to find those mechanisms of cooperation that correspond to our common interests, we can complement each other and not block, especially since we have the prospect of starting pre-accession negotiations into the european union, and ukraine will definitely become a member of the european union, so these blockade methods should be left in the past. spilled grain on the border, posters of farmers, where are they...
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draw parallels between the present and the events in volyn in 1943, the degree of emotions is very high, how the polish authorities act to somehow lower this degree and how to avoid similar provocations, as it was and ... by the breaking of seals, loading trucks and the spilling of ukrainian grain, well, it is an exaggeration to compare these two events, but in our opinion, what was done polish protesters, scattering ukrainian grain, this is an offense and they should be punished according to the applicable polish legislation, we are grateful to the polish police for responding appropriately to our... appeal for opening the case, and the case materials are already gathered, everyone was interrogated, and the case was transferred to the prosecutor's office of the city of helm, and we hope that in the coming days the prosecutor's office will make a correct, fair decision, and we
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cannot allow impunity here, because such impunity will only breed more more aggression, and we are all interested, i think, both the polish government and the ukrainian government, and everyone in ukraine. ordinary ukrainians who are surprised by what they see, we are all interested in the stabilization of the situation, the lifting of the blockade and the normal course of dialogue, as required by the civilized rules and norms of the european union. ukrainian drivers are planning a mirror protest at the border, do you think it should be held or will it further intensify the conflict, well, we cannot dictate how they like it to do if... they decided to show their position in this way too, it's their right, i'm sure there won't be any aggressive attacks from our side, we've already shown many times how we know how to properly protest, the only thing is simple, again still
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, to stay away from these processes that directly affect the interests of ukrainian farmers, as well as farmers, i remind you that the conditions in which ukrainian farmers work, they... are not comparable to the conditions in which polish farmers work, and this is necessary we all understand, and we must again unite around our common enemy , which is the russian federation, let's not forget that while polish farmers are blocking the border with ukraine, russian, russian goods, agricultural products, grain, enter the european market without any restrictions, and here we just need to do it right ask the question, what exactly... is destabilizing the european market, is it really ukrainian goods? i doubt it very much, and i think that if we were to approach this problem analytically, we would really see that what is most interested in such destabilization is in the destabilization not only of the market, but also in
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the destabilization of the unity of the european union and the decrease, the decrease in the level of support for ukraine, it is russia that is most interested, so here we must speak. with one united front, including together with polish farmers, with the polish government, in order to limit as much as possible, or at all prevent, the entry of russian goods into the european market, because those who buy russian goods in europe are actually financing sponsor further aggressive the war that russia launched not only against ukraine, but also against the entire civilized world. here, i think, we should unite our efforts, and not create some myth. that ukrainian goods pose some kind of threat to european consumers, in general, it seems to me that we need to reject such terminology, since these ukrainian goods that enter the european markets are of the highest quality, and without appropriate
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inspections, without quality standards, it is obvious that ukrainian goods would not get on the european market, to germany, to other countries of western europe, that's why all these... complaints that ukrainian goods are somehow worse, they are simply groundless, let's put it this way. thank you, mr. ambassador , for the conversation. thank you. denis marchuk, deputy chairman of the all-ukrainian agrarian council joins our broadcast. denis, good morning. i congratulate you. if from february 20, as previously reported, there will be a blockade of all checkpoints on the border between poland and ukraine, what then? what is it for? actively, it will stop really big exports from of the territory of ukraine, which transits through poland, and this was very correctly emphasized by mr. ambassador in his comment, because the de facto blockade for ukrainian products inside poland has been in effect since april 23 , when there was a ban on the import of agricultural products, there five
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nomenclature of goods, after the ban was lifted, and the poles continued the embargo, as well as slovakia, hungary, so in fact the raw material is not sold, it moves. transit, and it is very important to know and understand, because at this time, while ukrainian products are blocked in transit, someone in europe is expecting them, because the spaniards are very interested in products from ukraine. the germans too, the netherlands too, and this actually violates all those trade relations and the principle of free trade relations in the european union, when this is how polish producers act directly. what losses has ukraine already suffered, what losses can it still suffer due to the blocking of the actual border, if it begins at all checkpoints. financial losses are quite numerous, and in fact, if you count the first shares overlap, november, december, month, middle, january, and it is calculated more than one and a half. but we understand that with the continuation of such actions in the month of february , the financial, shall we say, capacity
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of product manufacturers and in general the chain of the economy, which is connected to production, exports, this is logistics, exporters, will lose significantly financially, and this is very negative, considering , that ukrainian commodity producers on the eve of the start of the culture seed company and many were counting on the funds that he would withdraw through the sale of his the products should be put into the purchase of all the necessary elements for work in the field. i also want to ask you your opinion about the position of ukrainian transporters and the announcement that today they will start a protest at the jagodyn checkpoint on the border with poland, against the background of the actual protests of polish farmers. how can this help or , on the contrary, hinder the problem that already exists with the blockade of the border from the polish side? well , in fact, this is not the first time, we have already seen protests by ukrainian farmers in june 23rd. when the mirror actions took place the hopes of polish farmers at several checkpoints, then the poles immediately stopped their
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actions, but the situation here is complicated by the fact that this issue is too much politicized, if we look at the leaders of the movement, who is leading these actions, then we will not see there, well, let's say so , ordinary farmers, yes , authoritative people who leave the industry, these are mostly politicians, politicians who are forming opposition forces today, politicians who are determined after... the parliamentary elections to participate in local elections today, because decentralization in poland is quite serious is working, and local elections are very important, then there will be elections to the european union, accordingly, all this will lay the foundations, well, let's say this, these are actions and further confrontations on the territory of poland regarding ukrainian products, so what the ukrainians will do today, sorry carriers , well, it's their right, it's also the right to express their position, the only thing we need... is to understand that two sides will suffer from this escalation, because on the one hand , ukrainians do not have the opportunity to transit
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or sell the products that are allowed, but also the polish business, which imports a lot into the territory of ukraine, will not be able to do so , and the third party, the aggressor country, which is very interested in destabilizing the economy and politics within europe, will really benefit from this. and how do you assess the actions of european officials, who actually have a direct impact on this story. in the context of the fact that it was their decisions that actually started this blockade by the polish side, who say that in fact their farmers cannot earn and so on, that is, can the work be more active european union, european officials in order to solve this issue and not exacerbate it even more? well, it should be expected, well, first of all, i would like to note the positive dynamics of the work of brussels officials of the european commission, in particular, because already on january 31, they announced the continuation of the policy. realization regarding ukrainian exports, and we know that in 22-23 years this program without washing,
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without quotas very significantly helped, and the ukrainian economy, our trade relations with the european union expanded significantly, if there is a pre-war period exports there reached about 35-37%, then in 2022-23, exports increased by more than 57%, and these are funds that ukraine needs so much, therefore, from the point of view of political support and understanding of the situation, it is positive... , there was a statement from the trade representative of mr. dombrowski, who stated that poland, hungary, and slovakia should lift the single-seat embargo, as there is a decision of the european commission, the european commission has developed a mechanism for the partial protection of producers in europe from ukrainian products, we know that there are certain possible restrictions , maybe for sugar, for eggs and for meat, chicken, if they exceed 22-23 years in total, and therefore from the point of view of their political actions. that's right, but the actions of polish carriers that slow down international traffic make a problem of international
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importance, in the context that it is moving through the european union, not only in the country of poland, and that during this period of time private property is deteriorating, then these are actually things , to which the european commission should respond more clearly. thank you, mr. denys, denys marchuk, deputy chairman of all-ukrainian of the agrarian council, a guest of our broadcast, and at the end of the broadcast. the third assault brigade confirms its presence in the avdiiv direction, calling the situation there the avdiiv hell. this is a direct quote from the telegram channel of the third assault brigade. in our previous broadcasts, we told that ukrainians. the party wants to strengthen its position in avdiivka in the avdiivka direction, additional units were transferred there, although the general staff officially named which ones, and here the third assault unit reports that it is their brigades now are in the avdiiv direction. read about avdiivka and other topics on other resources of radio liberty, in particular on the website, as well as in our telegram. thanks for being with us and take care. we
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are back, so thank you colleagues and thank you for watching. let 's briefly summarize what happened that night: 26 missiles of various types were launched by the russian federation over ukraine, winged, in particular caliber, ballistic, iskander, kn-23, guided s-300 and aviation x-59. our defenders shot down 13 rockets. neba nasha pppo 13 obviously somewhere there fell or open areas or unfortunately there are arrivals, we know for sure that in lviv there is a hit in a residential building in an infrastructure object, also in the days in dnipropetrovsk region, in kirovohrad region, in kharkiv region, in poltava region
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in myrhorod district , we now have such a picture, instead, everything was beaten over kyiv in the kyiv region. likewise, there is a downed rocket in the carpathian region, and it is also known that several rockets were shot down in the lviv region. yes, but this is a night, as they say, a deep body, with such shelling by russian terrorists, and it was even hotter on front, in particular, you just had the opportunity to hear how the third assault brigade is strengthening the defense of avdiyivka, because there are really, really hellish events happening there, including in some quarters of the city, the streets are closed. we will talk about it later, and we are now bringing oleksiy honcharenko, our next guest, people's deputy of ukraine, to the conversation. mr. oleksiy, we congratulate you. congratulations. mr. oleksiu, are you going to the munich conference? i understand that you will not be stopped, you will go, yesterday we read that the fifth president, petro poroshenko, was not released from
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some strange wording. if he is in danger, what kind of danger is there in munich? security conference? well, i’m starting right now, actually yesterday i received this order, about a business trip, accordingly , permission to cross the border, but everything that concerns and what is happening around petro poroshenko and his departures, well , frankly, it’s kind of crazy, well, for i 'm nothing new here, i had the same story last may, when it all started in may, it's not... releases, actually, i was then, i think, the first with whom it happened happened, and well, then there was this story that , as it were, the sbu informed the verkhovna rada that there was, therefore, a danger, well, then it happened to me, and there were a number of deputies, in general, and well, but they did not release only to me,
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it all sounds like complete nonsense, and now it seems that gur said that there is a danger to poroshenko. well, once again, we obviously understand with you that we are talking about something completely different, it is a great pity, because in the official participants of the conference, that is, not those who go there in the fields somewhere around, but those people who can to speak at a conference, to be directly present in the hall, to communicate directly with world leaders, there were only three people's deputies, petro poroshenko, myself and a deputy from the servant of the people and... and in fact, ukrainian opportunities from the point of view of parliamentary diplomacy are reduced there now for a third, so that one out of three is simply not allowed and that's it, and this is absolutely wrong, this is absolutely the wrong approach, well, we have already talked about all this so many times, and unfortunately, we see that no one draws conclusions, all this to be continued sir
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oleksiy, with whom and what will you go to this international-munich security conference, that is, what do you want to convey? and what do you expect to hear there? obviously, the main issue, there will be a large delegation from the united states of america, and the main issue is the support package for ukraine, that is the number one issue today, well, there are a lot of issues, it is the issue of aid from europe, it is the issue of sanctions against the russian federation, this is a question of frozen assets, their use for the benefit of ukraine, russian assets, so the question, of course, there is a large... number - this is the largest and most important security conference in the world, which takes place once a year, in which they take part, well, the highest world government officials, the usa will represent. germany , france, the european union, and so on, that is, this
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is a key, a key event in the world, it should definitely be used as much as possible to convey ukrainian messages, and as you can see, now everything that is happening around the support of ukraine, and what it is already felt at the front, the hunger for shells, the lack of weapons, demonstrates. as far as this diplomatic front is important, and it is really a front, and it is actually super important, and without it we will not win this war, this is just a reality, and therefore everyone must work here. ugh, mr. oleksiy, this is actually a powerful, powerful meeting, a more powerful conference, why is there such a small presence of ukraine at this conference, three people's deputies, we understand that our president was also invited. government officials can be, but don't we need to increase our presence at such events and actually try there too work extra? it does not depend on us,
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it is only the conference that decides who they invite, there are countries from which no parliamentarian is invited, just so you understand, this, well, this is a very serious conference, in which the number of places is limited, and three places - that's all, they decided that it's enough and we have no... unfortunately no influence on it, of course it would be better if there were not three, but 33, but it does not depend on ukraine in any way, this is the maximum which the organizers of the conference decided, and it's not by number, it's by name, it's the people they are consider it necessary and interesting to see there, and it is very difficult there, there are countries in which, so you understand, the quota for this conference is as follows: the minister of defense, the minister of... border affairs - period, that's it, here you go two months for these two ministers, well, of course, if the prime minister or the president wants to go, well, the door is always open, and
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so here you are for two seats without any deputies, without speakers, without anyone, and and and hello, well it is such a conference, but there are enough serious things happening in it, which we are now we see, we see that there is a key , as you say, with whom we need to talk, this is the american delegation in america, this is how events are unfolding, in fact an ultimatum is given: stop giving money and weapons, well, that is, putin’s dream through the mouth of candidate trump, and if i come, i will force ukraine to sit down for peace talks, well, that is, what putin wants, to actually leave the occupied territories occupied and make some kind of ceasefire in the background. uh, zero supplies from the usa, that's the putin game they're playing, and that's it in this case, there will be no one there from the trumpist wing that is currently putting pressure on
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europe, because europe is intimidated by the option that we will cancel collective security within the framework of nato for those countries that do not spend more than 2% of their gdp on defense, which is half of the european union, i i'm looking at bloomberg's map right now, so don't you think that you're actually going to a conference where... they'll try to put us, like czechoslovakia, before the start of world war ii, at the table of change at the price of capitulation and territories? it definitely won't happen on the munich security conference, and it will definitely not happen now, and donald trump still needs to win the us presidential election, which has not happened and it is not known at all whether it will happen. secondly, donald trump, known for his. unpredictability, he is predictably unpredictable, so what he is saying today, what he will do if he becomes president, it can be, as they say in
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odessa, two big differences, and we will see it only if he is elected, i repeat, which is far from a fact, representatives of trumpism the wings will be there too, and you have to talk to everyone, that's what diplomacy is for, that's what conferences like this are for, it's just an opportunity to speak... to take a stand, to explain, and we have to do it, because well, you might not like something , there is no other united states of america, and if donald trump is elected president there, then we will deal with him , and that's it, do we have risks, yes , there are colossal risks before us, just colossal risks, and this is absolutely obvious, and that is why you need to work today so that a year from now we didn't stay near the battleship karita, actually. that's all, that's why such conferences are just a place where you have a unique opportunity, well, such, it's just, probably, definitely
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unique, well, even yourself. nato, these are two such events a year, where in fact all those people who make key decisions gather in one place, and you can meet there within an hour with three or four people, starting from the head of state, key, ending there with key decisions -makers, that is, those people who make decisions right here on place, that is why it is necessary to do and that is why it is necessary to report, but yes, we have colossal challenges, it is true, but you say to report, sir. oleksiy, we remember how you supported your arguments with completely justified emotional moments, well, for example, the ukrainian battle flag that was shot, and this, well, at least opened the eyes of those who sat and were bored on various european platforms, that's about it , and all the rest of us mention, do you have any arguments if you have to make something specifically to the trump wing
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of the republicans that will be there? are you have you thought of what arguments you will use to get to them in order to remove this trump and elon mask in their heads? well , of course, there are arguments for everyone, because this part, they are such conservatives and right-wingers, and it is very important for them to report, first of all, to break all this russian propaganda, for example, that in ukraine they are persecuting christians, this is now is very actively spread in the united states of america, the moscow church is meant, and it is not for nothing that in this interview tatjor carlson asks putin the most christian leader, who the truth did not give the answer that tyker carlson wanted to hear there about lgbt, about abortion, about all that, but still he said, of course, i am a super christian leader, these are not completely random words and a random question, but this is very important for us today to explain that
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this is all an absolute lie, it is necessary... the ukrainian wing is concerned about the economy, and here the question concerns them is the price of oil, here the question is what will happen in the black sea, which is a key source of supply, what will happen directly with russian oil, this that question, that is, you can find it with everyone, that is, with trump, in ukraine there may be a plus in what trump says, i will drill, drill, drill, i will collapse the price of oil in the world, and who will suffer from this, the russian federation, is it possible to find a common language here, it is possible, so ... documents can be found , you have to search for them and you have to talk , there is no other way, these are the people who make decisions in part today, we see that the house of representatives is actually under control, the majority of it is republican under the control of trump, what will happen a year later, we we'll see, that's why we need to press the issue today, explain that these are very pragmatic things to them, that if they achieve their goal, ukraine will stop receiving support.
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and falls under putin's blows, then they will bear political responsibility for it, this will not please anyone in the usa, the usa has already invested more than 100 billion dollars in ukraine, and in fact, if putin achieves his goal, this money is gone, and it is the money of the american taxpayers, and they will ask their politicians, why did you use our money like that and how did it happen? more than 100 billion, i'm not talking now about the fate of an independent country, about the fate of millions of people, let's be honest that some part... it doesn't care, but what about our money, what about those colossal funds that we took away from us, the americans and gave ukraine to stand up, in the end you led to the fact that it fell, this is also an issue for which there will be political responsibility, and they should also talk about it. mr. oleksii, we wish you courage and success on this diplomatic munich front, oleksii goncharenko, people's deputy
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of ukraine, who actually gave us a comment and... and will be a delegate at the munich security conference, which, by the way, starts tomorrow, will last until sunday, as we heard, a very important event and it is important that there ukrainians will be present. now it's news time, khrystyna parubiy is ready to talk about the most important thing, after that stay with us, because we will have a direct connection with the mayor of lviv and we will inquire about the consequences of tonight's night attack. khrystyna, now you have a word and we listen to you. thank you. i'm talking about the consequences of a large-scale russian attack in ukrainian cities, i 'll talk about it in a moment, as well as about enemy losses, so stay tuned. news on the air of spress.


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