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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EET

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they try to climb more en masse, well, in winter they go in twos, threes, ones, running, and so on, that’s why we want more shells, so that we can actually work and cover our infantry, during the day they don’t go out anywhere, they are somewhere damn... they even have their own pits, trenches , they sit there, they wait when it is night, or when the day turns to evening, and the bird cannot adequately fix them, then they try to advance and seize firing positions,
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trump in in case of victory in the presidential elections elections in november 24 is considering the possibility of putting pressure on russia and ukraine to force the parties to sit down at the negotiating table. this was reported by bloomberg with reference to unnamed sources. according to the interlocutors of the publication, trump's advisers discussed the possibility of such negotiations at the beginning of a possible new presidential term of trump. if, of course, he is elected president, he has not even received the status of a candidate yet. well, according to one of the advisors. they can pressure ukraine with threats stop american aid, russia , on the contrary, threatens to help ukraine. bloomberg's interlocutors added that so far no one from the trump team is conducting negotiations with russian and ukrainian mediators, because according to the laws of the united states , private organizations are prohibited from conducting negotiations of this level on behalf of the government of the country. well, in the meantime, vladimir putin, in the already mentioned interview i mentioned on the tv channel russia-1, said that he is the president of the united states.
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for moscow, joe biden is better than donald trump. for us, who is better? biden or trump? biden. biden, he is an experienced person, he is predictable, he is a politician of the old formation, but we will work with any us leader who will be trusted by the american people. well , donald trump has already reacted to putin's words. he said it was a compliment to him. trump recalled that during his presidency. it was he who introduced sanctions against the russian gas pipeline nord stream-2, but the biden administration canceled these sanctions in may 21 . russian president putin just did to me a great compliment. he just said he'd rather have joe biden president than me. these are compliments. a lot of people said, oh, that's too bad. no, no, no, actually, it's very good. even more, as the new york times writes. changed his rhetoric regarding ukraine
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after the us senate passed a bill on military aid to ukraine. trump is now saying that he will do more to protect ukraine than biden and that under biden's presidency, putin will get whatever he wants, including ukraine. what does this mean the change in rhetoric, why putin openly declares that biden is a better option for moscow than trump, and how likely pressure on ukraine is for peace talks with russia. we will talk about this. then, in fact, we can say, from the fields of the munich security conference, which starts already tomorrow, hanna gubko, the head of the board of the network for the protection of national interests joins us, hanna, good evening, good evening, well, i started with what the world press is writing , that putin sends signals for protection, to the west, whatever he wants negotiations, or the freezing of the war, what is happening from your point of view, and do these, these messages in the world have any real basis? well, actually
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the russian federation, putin , it would be important for them to get a strategic pause at the expense of, let's say, such a pseudo peacekeeping campaign, that is, when to force ukraine, which will not receive enough weapons, and we hear from our military, including many friends who are on the front lines , how many shells are missing, how many we expected to receive. from our western partners, unfortunately, it was not possible to receive even what was promised, so obviously the russian federations, this is compared to 2014, when it was only russia that invaded ukraine, annexing crimea, now russia already has the support of china, and the statement of the representative of china that if the west continues to help us, they will also help russia. also says
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that this coalition of tyranny, authoritarian regimes, they definitely have their own vision of how to shape the world order. a new agenda that is not based on respect for international law, for territorial law integrity, and i wanted, obviously , our western partners, in particular, here in munich there will be more than 50 heads of state, presidents, prime ministers, the minister of foreign affairs, defense, the secretary general of nato, and we will have a separate dinner on scenarios for ending the war for participation of stoltenberg, as well as the minister of defense of germany and many other high... officials, so it seems to me that the event in 2007, when putin spoke in munich and absolutely seriously said what he was going to do, someone thought that it was just such rhetoric of a public speech at an international conference, in fact he absolutely seriously
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said what he was going to do and georgia became it literally a year after his speech in munich. clarification or evidence base of his statements, so now we see how ukraine is being used by campaign companies in the united states of america, and not only ukraine, european security has also become a hostage of domestic political turbulence in the united states of america, and even the national interests of the united states have also become hostages and populism because any statements that we will force ukraine to sit down at the table. negotiations without providing us with weapons, well, this is not about leadership, it is not about the responsible leadership of a strategic partner who, when ukraine gave the third world its nuclear potential, promised us security guarantees, yes yes, but tell me please, in the glasses, but really in the political glasses , as of now, among american
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and european politicians, there is this topic of possible negotiations, pressure on ukraine to bring it to the negotiating table, this topic is from the point of view, but... as i mentioned to us, do you have enough resources to continue the war, and are you ready to put the whole young generation, when you see, there is no such support as you would like, that is, the west cannot admit its inability to help and its fear of the defeat of the russian federation, because part of the weapons that we asked for , they are warehouses, 500 taurus, which are in germany. they would significantly help us make a breakthrough in the crimea direction and speed up deliveries, in particular with f-16s and other weapons as well, so it seems to me that the west has driven itself themselves into a situation of loss of credibility and reliability in the eyes of both ukrainians and the countries
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of the global cock, by the way, here at the munich conference there will be many representatives of the global south, whom i have already heard many times, they criticize this abstract world order that the west is talking about, i was invited to speak at a panel discussion on corruption, where there will be the president of guatemala, the prime minister of bulgaria, the congressman from the united states of america, transparency international, and i would like to say, friends, you understand me, when russia is not even recognized by the state as a sponsor of global terrorism. equally, the wagnerites are not terrorist organizations , when ukrainians give their lives every day, and you cannot use the power of western institutions to stop terrorism, to stop genocide, that is, it seems to me that even corruption is still not perceived here in the way
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that tyrants used dirty money to buy western politicians to undermine their resilience. and undermine the world agenda that was based after the cold of war, formed on completely different principles, therefore, frankly speaking, i am observing what is reflected in the united states of america and hearing conversations that are heard or not, which also look like inciting ukraine to negotiations, but this only means that the russian federation will use this track, this direction so that... together with china, together with north korea, iran, de-sovereignization of belarus took place, that is, it is easier for them to attack nato member states even from belarusian territory. nato looks like an alliance frightened, and not as an alliance capable of deterrence, there was not even a decent reaction
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when russian missiles ended up on the territory of poland or romania. well, if, if nato looks scared, then i can imagine how they were even more scared by donald trump when he said that he would... return crimea to ukraine even before the outcome of the us elections, that is, let's not speculate, but what will happen when trump will win again, give ukraine everything it needs now to ensure the development of the situation on the battlefield before the elections. hanna, can you tell me, please? mentioned the need to help ukraine, and now you see some signs that soon the house of representatives will eventually vote for this help, which the senate has already voted for, because somehow it seems that this issue is hanging in the air, there will be a quick resolution ? well, what our people say. the source said that there are several options, scenarios, despite the pressure
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that trump and speaker johnson are putting on, and on the representatives of the house of representatives, because they not only have a presidential election, but also a congressional election, and many do not want trump to make such an endorsement of his candidates, creating competition to those who are, so it is considered as an option, well, various such workarounds until march 2, so that... still, well, that is, there is restrained optimism, to vote us this support, you see how european leaders have already joined, including german chancellor scholz, many others, how much this help is needed, and the west understands that it is no longer about the survival of ukraine, the stakes have increased significantly, and obviously, even now, on the one hand, europe was not there either ready for, and what to do, when the usa either goes into isolationism, or is completely... absorbed by its internal problems, therefore, on the one hand, this is a window of opportunity for europe, including
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the european union, norway, britain to think, and what to do , because the european security of the entire continent cannot depend on who will become the next us president. the last question, we have literally 3 minutes, but tell me, please, do you understand why putin openly stated in an interview that biden is a better option for him, for moscow, than... than trump, it’s not that such things are not announced by chance, well, it’s obvious that in the russian kgb system there may have been many subtexts and so on, but the war has been going on for 10 years already, during these 10 years, putin, when he attacked ukraine in 14 year, then he saw obama's weakness when there was no reaction, that 's obviously the hellish sanctions that we... expected against the usa, against the usa, what the usa will do against the russian federation,
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just so much on the day of meetings and flights, so obviously that didn't happen either, so putin, you know, this is the story when putin is trying to engage in geopolitical watershed, he is trying with trump, and with biden, and with everyone, but his goal remains unchanged, which is to return europe to the sphere of influence of the great eurasia. this is their goal, that is, it is not a war against ukraine, it is a war in europe for increasing influence, and our partners must understand this, no matter how many statements putin makes and no matter how he tries to play along with one or another candidate in the usa, but the goal of russian imperialism is unchanged, and it is not only that, it is about destroying nato, it is about disuniting the european union and divides its own and return, i say the european continent under. from vladivostok to lisbon, that is, it has not changed, and they will have china for this,
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they will have western components that are not under sanctions, or the sanctions have loopholes, and they will have, they already read the last article there by one general who writes, how russia adapts during the war, how it draws conclusions and prepares for a huge invasion already when this clash with nato will not be on the territory of ukraine, but already on the territory of one of the member countries of the alliance. and... thank you very much, hanna gobko, the head of the board of the network for the protection of national interests, joined us from munich, tomorrow, let me remind you, the munich conference starts, and we will also cover it. thank you very much! that's all for today, i urge you to subscribe to radio liberty's internet page, like this broadcast, in this way you will support our work and support independent journalism in ukraine, well , traditionally, questions, wishes, comments. welcome under this video in the comments and see you tomorrow,
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the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, and what is he doing world? and now about what is happening in the world. yuriy fizar will speak in more detail about what happened, yuriy , good evening, please speak to you. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the pig. oleksandr morchivka is with us. oleksandr, congratulations, please and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day to come and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine. was the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for
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the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what they say about ukraine in the eu, like us to perceive the statements of european politicians and how our accession to the eu will look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with au sisters. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you can get any information about disability and medical services
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and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist. volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable mecrain. welcome to voice of america in ukrainian and our program chas time, my name is ostap yarish the white house stated that the situation in
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avdiivka is critical, there is a risk that the city may come under the control of the russians. this was said by white's adviser. for national security communications, john kirby, he directly linked this to the inaction of the american congress and the lack of additional funding that would allow for the resumption of arms and ammunition supplies to ukraine from the united states. we can listen to this comment. unfortunately, we receive messages from ukrainians that the situation is critical. the russians continue to put pressure on ukrainian positions daily. there is a risk that it will happen. may fall under the control of russia. to a large extent, this is due to the fact that the ukrainian military is running out of artillery shells. russia is sending wave after wave of recruits to attack ukrainian positions. and because congress still hasn't approved the additional funding bill, we can't provide ukraine with the artillery shells it desperately needs to
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repel these russian attacks. russian troops are now catching up with ukrainian troops. hops in avdiivka and begin to make their way through ukrainian defense, the price without the action of congress is obvious and falls heavily on the shoulders of ukrainian soldiers. we need congress to pass a supplemental national security funding bill without further delay. if house republicans don't act soon, what 's happening in evdiivka could very well happen elsewhere on the home front, so we need congress to act now. meanwhile , the house of representatives is still discussing aid to ukraine and others partners congressmen decide whether to vote for the document as it was agreed in the senate, or to add to it. my own amendments and send them for reconsideration, our congress correspondent kateryna litsyunova spoke with the legislators, we will talk with her about this in more detail. katya, i congratulate you. congratulations ostap.
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katya, i know you had the opportunity to talk in more detail with republicans and democrats about their attitudes, including this aid for ukraine. what did they tell you, what did they learn at the congress? in the pallet representatives, democrats are mostly in favor of the bill in the format in which it was voted in the senate. instead, the republicans demand to change it and introduce it. amendments, the calls of the extreme right are also getting louder and louder to stop any aid to ukraine altogether. i suggest you listen to what exactly they told me. i do not think that the bill in the form in which it was passed by the senate will pass the house of representatives. at least, that's the mood right now. one of the issues currently being discussed is removal from the draft law clause on non-defense assistance, both for... and for ukraine. personally, i am satisfied with helping ukraine. i would like it to focus on military equipment. we also need to establish a stable and reliable system
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of checks. i strongly support this bill. this is probably our last best chance to properly fund the struggle in ukraine and israel. and in addition to this, to support our friends in taiwan in the face of a growing threat from outside. china. due to the fact that ukraine destroyed its nuclear weapons reserves, we agreed to support them into the future, but that future is not 300 years from now, but 30. and i believe the united states still has that commitment to freedom and opportunity for the beautiful people of ukraine. so i guess what happens next? further , the bill adopted by the senate will be brought to a vote in the house of representatives in parts, if. in general, and i expect that it will be approved. the bottom line is that this bill should not even come up for a vote. there is no reason for
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us to protect the borders of other countries if we are not we can protect our own. we did not see any military strategy from zelenskyi and his team. we have already spent 114.5 billion dollars, part of which went to corruption. they haven't done a 100% audit, they don't show us what their military plan is. i do not see how this is beneficial to stability, and i do not support further allocation of a penny for ukraine. we heard different opinions, including from american legislators, katya. it also currently appears that speaker mike johnson does not wish to bring this document to a vote, at least in the near future. is it possible to somehow influence him, or perhaps bypass the speaker's decision and put this issue to a vote without him. in general, both democrats and republicans with whom i spoke hope that the speaker is in one form or another. will eventually bring aid to ukraine and its partners to a vote, or divide this aid into separate packages for ukraine, israel, and taiwan, or introduce various amendments and then vote and
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return it to the senate for consideration, but if this does not happen and the speaker does not bring aid to ukraine in any form in any format for a vote, then the legislators are considering another option, a certain petition, which will actually force the speaker to do it, i suggest listening to an explanation from them right now. a... they do not know whether this bill will be put to a vote. democrats are trying to get republicans to do it. there is a certain technical point, such a concept as a petition. if we could get the support of three republicans to sign such a petition, we would be able to bring a relief package to a vote with all democrats. ukraine. on the other hand, if the speaker independently does what corresponds to the national interests of the country, then this petition will not be needed. i think yes, i would. supported this petition, but i would have to read the details. in general , i'm in favor of bringing each bill separately, that's the best way to vote. at the same time, we must not forget that the americans
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first of all want to guarantee security on our border. all options must be on the table to bring the supplemental package to a vote in the house of representatives, and i believe that there will be good bipartisan support behind the passage of this package. i won't go into details, i was the chairman of the rules committee, i know the process, i think the speaker should make a decision about the appropriate procedure. i personally would like to see the house pass its own bill because we need to add important legislation for our southern border. i think this is the most important of all questions. there are generally several different means of doing this, but in any case, i want your… the audience understood that we don't, it has to be a bipartisan decision, it's a divided government, and i believe in my heart of hearts that there are at least 100 republicans who believe that helping
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ukraine - or some time frame at least when the house of representatives can, maybe even start considering this issue? in general, starting tomorrow, congress goes on recess and will return to work only on february 28, and when it returns, unfortunately, the aid to ukraine will not be in time, because the previous short-term resolution on funding the us government expires on march 1. so when lawmakers return to work at the end of february, the main issue will be to avoid another shutdown in the united states. katya, thank you for your explanation, for your work, kateryna lisunova, our congress correspondent was in touch. russia has faced difficulties in ukraine due to poor situational awareness, a rigid command and control system, poor information sharing and a toxic leadership culture. this conclusion was reached by special inspectors of the pentagon, the state department and the us agency international development. the inspectors' report also states that the mobilization of 300,000 soldiers did not help the kremlin to resolve.
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problem with the lack of manpower, this in turn limited russia's ability to conduct offensive operations in ukraine. at the same time , the ukrainian military faces challenges with artillery, the inspectors write. due to the extremely active use of artillery systems, the risk of their breakdown, as well as injuries to the soldiers who use them, increases. a panel of inspectors aims to identify problems and make improvements operations in support of the armed forces. he also summarizes the aid that the us has already provided to ukraine. from the beginning of the full-scale invade. the us government has allocated more than $113 billion for ukraine, however, in order to continue this support, it is necessary for congress to approve additional funding. meanwhile, international human rights activists, who spent two years gathering facts about russian war crimes in mariupol, came to the conclusion that the destruction of the city was planned by putin and russia's top military leadership. a detailed report on this was presented today in the european parliament. more about how these testimonies will help bring the perpetrators to
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justice in the broadcast of the briefing. roman avramenko, co-founder of the truth hounds organization, which worked on the report, told voice of america. there were a lot of different accusations and different excuses from the russian side that, in fact, they did everything in accordance with the norms of international humanitarian law, this report, which, as you rightly said, a large team of three organizations, this is our organization, and to research did for almost two years and the latest data was collected already in... 2024 before the presentation in kyiv, which was last week, we managed to confirm most of those accusations from the russian side that during the attack on mariupol, during its siege, russia used tactics , which has nothing to do with compliance with international humanitarian law, deliberately destroying the city block by block, and in the end, what was documented, for example, only in the central area of ​​the city with... 477
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multi-apartment high-rise buildings 93% were damaged or completely destroyed. in this report you also write that it was possible to document exactly 10,000 dead mariupol residents, could this number be higher, how did you also collect data on this? and regarding this number, 10 thousand 10,400 seem to be new burials, it is to... calculate, thanks to the testimony of eyewitnesses, the analysis of satellite images, how the five city cemeteries have grown, and from this number subtract the number of people who could have died of natural causes reasons, took the last pre-spring year as a reference mariupoli, calculated the usual mortality in this city from natural causes, and got as a result a figure of 800 people who died or died from events related
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to... war, that is, this is the minimum limit from which you can start when estimating the number of victims townspeople during the eight-week siege of mariupol, that is, these are only the facts, the figures that we can document, and everything contained in the report can already be taken as a basis and turned into an evidence base for criminal proceedings within ukraine or in international institutions. on the 15th. in february, the world celebrates the day of children with cancer. in ukraine, with the beginning of a full-scale war, families with such children are experiencing a double struggle. many of the minor patients have to continue their treatment to the sounds of explosions, descending with drips into hospital bomb shelters. added to this is the fear of not getting vital medicines. how small ukrainians with cancer live.


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