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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EET

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such an unexpected thing happened, because they hit ukraine, but somehow it turned out that there were many more victims in belgorod, and in belgorod, well, there is a very strange situation there, besides the fact that this is what fell on belgorod, it fell exactly when the air alert was announced in ukraine, something flew up in belgorod, we had an air alert, do you remember, then it was canceled quite quickly, something fell in belgorod for some reason, well, i can’t say for sure, what it fell what the russians launched, but with a high probability this is exactly what happened, and there are already several dead, children in that, well, in particular there are, with any, well, that is, it will be already then, i don’t know, the third or fourth descent of russian ammunition on belgorod . well, if it is confirmed, and
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there is a high probability that it will be confirmed, because now there are a lot of, you know, strange messages about this, then they reported that it was some kind of launcher, now they are telling look at the headlines that this is serbian ammunition that this is serbian ammunition that from somewhere it is not known where they came from in ukraine , serbia on... let me remind you, in general, it is an ally of russia in these countries, it constantly declares something like that there, all the russian propaganda goes to them, and suddenly serbian ammunition, well, it is more likely that they are just in russia will find that they are also talking about some české installations and ammunition, that is, they have received some, you know, too many different messages at the same time, well, let's see further, i hope that the situation will be clarified. as, by
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the way, again, they had a situation now with the shelling of the russians in selidovo, and here it is interesting to see what started there when selidovo was shelled, even i would say a little earlier, because it came out on february 13, such a message appeared on russian tv channels. according to yet unconfirmed official information, the russian army carried out a successful missile strike with ballistic iskanders on the training ground of the armed forces of ukraine in selidovo. there , the enemy was preparing reinforcements to be sent in the donetsk direction. there could be up to 15,000 fighters at the training ground. perhaps we are talking about the largest one-time losses from the ssu with the beginning of the conflict. and here, you know, it is enough to have such an interesting story in general. well,
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let's first take a look at these fighters in order to remove all questions at once. sleep, bro. we were sleeping, suddenly there was a bang. now we have neither a home nor a car. a man fell from the fifth floor to the first floor and was pulled out from under the slabs. and secondly, it is interesting here that all this was reported somewhere at 5 p.m. the day is february 13, and the blow that popov just mentioned was actually at 20:00 on the same february 13, i.e. the message came before the strike itself took place, and now in more detail about the strikes, well , it must be said that the occupiers fired twice at a security guard in donetsk region, a five-story residential building there.
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the hospital was damaged, among the dead was a 38-year-old pregnant woman and a 36-year-old mother of a nine-month-old son, these are all the deaths that occurred there, a total of 12 people were injured, and now let's find out what is there, in relation to this shelling of selidovoy, everything perfectly explained the spokesman of the tavria operational-strategic group, dmytro lykhovi, and he said that the matter is this, selidov , a royal town a little more than 20 km west of the current line of combat , the enemy has been hitting it for the first day, and there with rockets, in general, with everything they can get, formally considering , that they seem to be hitting there because there are ukrainian military personnel in the city, but in fact they are just hitting the city itself, because this city is in the pokrovsky district, which is a little further west of avdiyivka, and that's exactly what it is. .. there was a sequence
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on february 8 in the village of dove, one of them died seven civilians were injured, including a boy in 2017, schools, kindergartens, and residential buildings were damaged there. on february 12, 15 private residential buildings were damaged in the night shelling in selidov. three people were injured, including two children, again, these are children again. on february 13, in the morning , hurricanes shelled a nearby village, and two multi-apartment, two-story residential buildings were damaged there. and at the same time, on february 13 at 23:30, at first at 20:00, they hit somewhere behind selidov, where, well, it just in a field in some place there were no victims and no injuries already at 11:30 p.m. there was a new
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shelling of the same herrings had flown into a nine-story and a five-story residential building and there, well, enough had already died, well , there were at least six...wounded , and from them , again two children, the pharmacy caught fire, for the first time on the night of february 14, again after this missile hit the three-story building of the therapeutic department of the selidovsky center, the central city hospital, destruction, behind, that is, rubble, fire, and from under the rubble found the murdered boy in 2015 year, and lo and behold, there were already... two women, that is, look what the story turns out: popov so and so and this statement that you heard, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, even before all the destruction took place, after that at 8 p.m. they hit somewhere that they then declare a training ground, where there was nothing at all, no destruction, no
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victims, nothing, but twice a night they hit at 11 p.m. at 10 p.m. they hit residential buildings, let us know after that. and there in general there was such a, you know, rather strange situation, there, well, all these people suffered, everything, that is, it turned out that the russians, this whole propaganda machine, released this information before these shellings took place, and now, when it all became clear, an eight-month-old child died, two women, one of them pregnant. that it was a hospital, now they say that it was all a training ground, and the next day they already tell this whole beautiful story about how we don't know what it was, we can't confirm for sure, but we know for sure that it was there were military personnel, let's see,
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let's start with the attack on selidov, then there was it did not matter whether the ukrainians confirm this information or deny it officially.
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well, that is, once again they say that there are from 200 to 1,500 dead ukrainian soldiers, but the same osuf tavria says categorically, there was nothing like that in this area at all, there are arrivals in the residential sector, there are arrivals in the hospital, they died there absolutely children and women about... specifically children and women, that is, it is definitely an absolute war crime, just without any, and you know, well, this is not one such lie in one day, and they are not just telling this
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all these stories, that no, we were aiming at somewhere else, no, nowhere, they, they are just shelling this city, as they shelled avdiivka, you must also understand that, this is a continuation of all that. in other words, city after city is being demolished, these are all war crimes, and more than one city was shelled. nevertheless, on february 14, they shelled the village of velikiy burlyuk near kharkiv, where the story is the same, absolutely in residential buildings, this is the kupyan district of the kharkiv region, this big burlyuk, one woman was saved, three were killed, five were wounded, and i think you know that somehow it's time for our diplomats to get a little bit tougher, and after every such russian... attack
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, still invite a special meeting to the un security council to tell all about it, because it can, you know, a little everyone is used to the fact that somehow, if something arrives in russia, somewhere in belgrade, it is not known that, even maybe it is russian ammunition, then there is a scream, and everyone asks, my god, what is there , did peaceful russian people die, and when ukrainian civilians die. people every day, that's it somehow no one notices, as if this is, you know, the norm of life, but it is not the norm of life, and our ministry of foreign affairs in general should remember this and should convene these meetings and all our diplomats should regularly talk about it , every time after each such shelling , after each death of our civilians, they should talk about it separately, so that no one forgets and so that it... does not look like here we have a fog of war, some kind of incomprehensible, and there the unfortunate belgorod is suffering, this it's very important,
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let's finish with that, and i hope, me anyway after all, our diplomats will finally hear, see you, there are discounts on pe'. 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save. there are discounts on helpex of 20% in psyllium pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on mukaltin - 15% in the pharmacies of plantain pam and oschad. there are discounts on perfectil original of 15% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on sin and sinus caps, 15% at psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies.
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exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that cause resonance. in our society, drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. ukraine should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's win. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and thinkers politclub every sunday at 20:10 at
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espresso. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we hear the statements of european politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with seestreau. events: events that happening right now and affecting our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited experts soberly assess. actions, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio
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zahid with anton borhovsky at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 8 to 10 pm on espresso. welcome to the espresso channel. today, the topic of our program will be as follows: weapons made in ukraine, tested by war, and we will talk about the creation and production of domestic weapons and equipment for the security and defense forces in the most relevant
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areas, this is ammunition, armored vehicles, artillery, means of rey. on the examples of serial and new products and projects from two leading and well-known domestic companies , the directors of which will be discussed in this issue of the war and weapons program. my name is serhiy zgurets, i am the director of the information and consulting company defense express, which, together with the spresso channel, strives to highlight the most relevant trends in the field of security and defense. and now vladyslav belbas is joining us, he is the general director.' ukrainian armored vehicles company. mr. vladyslav, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you hear. thank you for making time for our viewers. good afternoon, thank you for the invitation. i have prepared a number of questions here, there are quite a lot of them, but as a warm-up i would like us to share your impressions of how the world treats ukrainian weapons. i know you've literally just come back from
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an exhibition in saudi arabia where our samples were presented there. european, american, south korean, chinese, even russian, and i am sure that representatives of various companies approached our stand and they asked about the war and about ukrainian weapons, what are your impressions, at what level are we now in relation to other countries, and are you ready to buy our weapons? unequivocally, partners are ready to buy our weapons. but, let's put it this way, it's not the time now, therefore, to be honest, such negotiations are not actively conducted during such international events by us, representatives of our company or participants of the naudia association with whom we participated in this exhibition, we usually talk more about organization of
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cooperative relations, more we say about the component base. about production capacities and so on, and because we are multiplying production volumes, and this requires certain, certain production capabilities, in addition to this, in terms of comparison and in terms of perception in the world , there is a very, let's say, positive perception there of the experience we have , but our capabilities have not yet been fully revealed in terms of the fact that the products that we use at the forefront of ukrainian production are not yet available for delivery, yes they are not, we do not present them, we do not pass tests in different foreign customers, so let's say so, from the media point of view, that's how we are known, from
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the point of view of actual deliveries there, i think it's ahead of us. and this is probably a topic that will be raised after the victory regarding the participation of the russians, i would like it to be important, because this is one of the exhibitions in which russia took part, unfortunately, and because most of the countries where such international large traditional exhibition events are held, do not allow russia to participate, with, i would like to draw some conclusions, firstly, that russians in general nothing new was presented there, there was no such keen interest in their products there, everyone understands the limitation or impossibility of supply from there, so
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there were no new products or anything else that would attract attention from the words of our saudi partners, this is good news for us . er, that is, because they came out , you probably know that yesterday, and today the financial times released, as well as the politician , information that the russians unexpectedly produce like 4 million artillery ammunition, that they unexpectedly quickly restore, lost their capabilities, eh -is, combat, so really, well, we have to , we have to know the enemy, we have to... rely on the real situation, and not the one made up in our heads, well, then let's go back to your products then, because we understand that now the ukrainian borontechnika supplies. to the armed forces and defense forces, there are products based on three main components, i.e. armored vehicles, ammunition, artillery systems and
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mortars, this is precisely what allows us to destroy the russian potential, but from your point of view, as the director of the company, which of these three directions for you are on the one hand the most complex, and on the other hand, well, the most massive in terms of workload for your enterprise and those enterprises that will provide cooperation in the production of certain samples? a very difficult question, unfortunately, we simply don’t have a simple direction, for some reason, this is probably the merit of our soviet republic, i don’t know, well, any production of any military equipment is a rather complicated process, and for the most part, it is... complicated because we make it complicated, we as a state, not because something is complicated there to produce, develop and so on, and we see
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on the example of drones, if we reduce , let's say, the pressure on this business, make it possible to earn on this money, then the opportunities multiply in a fairly short period of time, unfortunately, we are talking about security. i absolutely support this, but i would make such an experience to all manufacturers, that is , it is impossible to say that we need drones and not artillery ammunition, this is not wrong, therefore , of course, we have simple equipment, unfortunately, simple projects unfortunately we don't have armored vehicles, they require your attention , details for development, and you need to... you know, you need to take into account the experience of the enterprise, which we have had since the 15th year, and now, on video , the guards were tested and developed
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the innovator, which took into account precisely the development experience car is worth, ah, passing all the tests, that is, now we do all this, having previous experience, having, let's say, already some kind of background, ten years old, by the way. that's why, let's say, we are going through the process of developing equipment, as for mortars, the company is also already in in 2018-2019, lighter mortars were put into service from 2022. in january, right before the war , the tests, which continued for more than two years, on the 120 mm mortar were finished, this is the only mortar that was there, which passed the state tests. testing in full, successfully, fired more than 5,000 shots, the full resource of the mortar without
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losing its e-e technical characteristics, and as for the development of ammunition, it must be said that the company is the only company that put into service up to full-scale invasion artillery ammunition, it was 60 mm mine, we developed... er, mines and research and development work was carried out on 82 mm and 120 mm mines, and it must be said that for 82 mm we made a nato-type extension mine, which was developed at that time, and 120 mm was made analogue of f36 is a mine of increased power, ah, let's say this, a new, new mine, it wants a soviet type, but it is a new mine, of increased power, with an increased amount of explosive, so... that's why even before a full-scale invasion, these topics, which the company prioritized and had certain experience of just such developments, now
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with a full-scale invasion, some processes are simplified, and let's say so, taking into account this, and taking into account the availability of production opportunities in ukraine, we conduct just such cooperation with partners. e by, in these directions and we are increasing production volumes, increasing production volumes, you communicated with abc news, after that certain indicators of the capacities of your enterprise appeared, it was said that you can produce 20,000 mines per month and about 100 mortars of various calibers, and just two sub-questions: is all this now purchased by the security and defense forces and... second, how much do you plan to increase the volumes , at least in percentage terms, of the component related to ammunition and the component related to mortars? well, eh. er
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, we did not want, and we do not want to disclose the production volumes in detail, because these are large-scale military operations, now we have a situation where we have been trying to reach the authorities for a year, to slightly limit access to information by enterprise, about management, location, production plans, financial. indicators of enterprises of the defense-industrial, defense-industrial complex, because in our opinion, in my personal opinion, this should not be the case during a full-scale war, but in terms of production volumes, they, let's say, are not the declared volumes, there we talked about supplies, yes, in such volumes,
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including supplies, for example mintsen, that is , you can do much more, right, ah, we are, in general, private enterprises of the ukrainian defense industrial complex, when planning , the correct long-term, can do more than they are producing now, uh, without attracting financial resources for the organization of production from the state, i mean, for fixed assets. within the framework of the implementation of existing contracts, it is possible to do this, but planning is required, i gave and said last year and at the beginning of this year that this year we are entering a much better situation from the point of view of planning, and most of the contracted manufacturers understand their production plans, unfortunately, now there is a situation with the financing of this
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process which is related to the delay in the allocation of financial aid from the european union and the united states of america, and we hope that this situation will be resolved, and after that we will talk about the further increase in production volumes and the expansion of existing contacts. mr. vladyslav, then i still have a number of questions, let's go in such a fast-paced mode to get everything done in time. regarding the issue of your infantry fighting vehicle, more precisely your project with the european land system with the ascot project for the armed forces, this was said last year, then the ministry of defense was apparently preparing requirements for this machine, and then information appeared that the ministry of defense was negotiating with the swedes, with the bmp cv9 machine. simply
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and it seems that it is planned to purchase and then create a joint production, does this mean that your project goes beyond competition, in fact the ministry of defense does not announce a tender, but makes certain voluntary decisions in this area, this should probably be asked by the ministry of defense, and such a question , what they make, what decisions they make, but we are on our side we try to always give a choice to ee... here i will digress a little, look, the company carried out research and development work of bmpv back in 2018 and was on the short list of three companies that were to produce samples for the ministry of defense as part of the development of a new bmp, for the armed forces of ukraine, that is, the company gained some experience in 2018-19, now during the war we do not have time to develop bmps. therefore, as
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the best such example, we chose to cooperate with proven reliable and, according to our information, the lowest-cost technique, we presented it, we did some work with the general staff on testing this system with visits to production facilities and so on, which i would like to say that well... we do not have all the information, who, what the ministry of defense offers, we as a company we are trying to offer there the best solution in our opinion, the customer has to choose, but within the limits of assistance, within the limits of financial resources, and, let's say, upon reaching the necessary...


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