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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 4:30am-5:00am EET

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there was a single vision, and what to do with russia in general, the question is what putin still has to do in order to reach these conclusions, i am not sure that such conclusions will be reached, well, you see that even blinkin, who in principle occupies quite a clear position, he says, and if it is confirmed that it will be confirmed, this damn uncertainty, you know, well, yes, yes, yes, to bathe or not to bathe, well, olya, that’s all, well, anyway, oleksiy is talking about the fact that... that this could be about the elimination of putin, well , that is, whether it is possible, whether our current westerners can partners to take such radical steps, considering the fact that they do not even have, well , a single vision, and what to do, this is the first thing, i do not think that this is what we are talking about at all , we are talking about, and i think that and oleksiy had it most likely, simply strengthening the military component, i have already said that this is actually a blow to the concept itself. non-violent
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resistance, that is, that such a system is sufficiently strong and absolutely repressive, you can resist and you can do something with it, if you like, literally like on the eve of an attack on this of this large-scale attack, it seems 22 was february 202. when navalny wrote that the best way to help ukraine, to help ukraine, is to invest in advertising, wherever the russian opposition talks about what is really happening, here is the whole truth, he wrote there instead of javelin , you just give money for that, in fact, this concept is absolutely she, well she crashed because you can invest as much as you want and drive an audience and invest in youtube.
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channels of all russian oppositionists, to do excellent investigations, they really did excellent investigations , well, what’s up, and now it’s actually russian, these are all those who believe that they are foreign agents, they do so in order not to go beyond the legal field of russia, so that later they will be legitimate in russia, the new russia, if putin suddenly goes somewhere, then all this is aimed at non-violent, by some methods, you know, to conduct an investigation there, to do something else, and to reach someone, but all this has collapsed, that's why which turns out to be better to have, like a beauty, 25 thousand people with whom to go to moscow, and then, if you had reached the end, you would probably have much more success, and this speaks of this situation, that is, it is better to invest in the legion of freedom of russia, which is really fighting and give them an opportunity. to fight in the belgorod region,
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than to invest endless resources in the fact that they are sitting abroad and gathering the 25th congress, where they tell how they will share positions one day, all this does not make any sense, but you know, the world bureaucracy, she very slow, she doesn't understand that, she 's still going to be there , the fiscal year has to end, all these resources have already been allocated, they have to come to an end, they have to report, and so... i'm actually glad that at least biden is quite clear said that it is still necessary to invest in ukraine's defense capabilities. i hope that somehow this will be reflected in the american bureaucracy, which will stop paying attention to these strange propaganda efforts, which are so incomprehensible, which are done by a bunch of people abroad, who then suddenly they it turns out that they have property there in russia, it is their property... closer than a guarantor from
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the state department, and they are starting something there , also some strange things, here they will start to invest in some rather even those russian forces that, after all, carry out normal violent resistance with all that is there, because that is the only thing that makes sense. after all , nelson mandela, who spent 27 years in prison in south africa, well, at the same time, he led a violent regime. that's why it was possible to change the government there, and he became the president as a result, and not the other way around, well, that is, but there is no history , you know, other such, it is necessary to have such a very, you know, soft state, which wants to leave itself, which wants to transfer power, and then yes, you can suffer from gandhism, but if the state itself some kind of machine is not going to hand over power to anyone, so i guess you have to act a little differently. uh, how, natalie, how quickly,
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in your opinion, the west can change its position on putin and russia, or act more harshly, that is, how long will it take. in order for this whole western machine to start well, the actual destruction of fascist russia? you know, i am very pessimistic here, i see that the west really likes to play , you know, in such a change of russia for the better, that many projects are being implemented, which are aimed precisely at changes in russia, which... for some reason, they consider russia to be so, you know , democratic, a democratic structure that a little bit, you know, a little bit temporarily gave up a part of democracy, and therefore projects are implemented in principle, which provide for the development,
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so to speak, of civil society in russia, and not in russia even now, but russian outside the borders of russia, but still civil... society, some humanitarian projects, the european union is involved in the development of russian culture abroad, the americans finance some opposition clubs of russians also outside the borders russia, in fact, it all reminds me of the times of tsarat, well , imagine if all this revolutionary activity were to be removed not before nightfall... let it be remembered, but still lenin, yes , he was completely removed, and only leo was left tolstoy, and somewhere he would be prophesying from capri , but i think that if such a situation really
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happened, the russian tsars would still rule the russian empire, nothing would have changed, but remember how many... stages there were in the russian revolution and how the russians there gradually very slowly moved from some such dreams of vera pavlovna to really some kind of radical actions, and they were spot-on and then total, and the west was basically just watching what would happen, but it seems to me that there will be no west after all go first here... in these changes of the russians, for now part, even if the russians do not start to act and do not understand that they will simply lose their state, if there are no changes, really civilizational changes, then nothing will happen, only to me, here i see that the west together with
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the progressive russians, by the way , which i do not see at the moment, only then i hope that the west will start to act radically. thank you natalia, colleagues, we have to go for a short break, we will be back in literally two minutes. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it is not enough to know what's going on. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. zahid studio with anton borkovsky on espresso. friends, this is the verdict program. we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. if you watch we are live there, please
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like this video so that this video can be trended on youtube and facebook.also, during the program, we conduct poll. we ask you about this, whether you would like to see a professional military man at the head of ukraine. yes no. everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have your own opinion , please write in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone and vote, if you think ukraine can be led by a professional military man, 0800-211-381 , and if not, then 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these are free, and to these numbers are free, call, at the end of the program we will summarize this. we are visiting today journalists olga len, nataliya ishchenko and oleksiy mustafin, and colleagues, i would like to talk with you about the trust rating, which was published literally yesterday, the kyiv international institute of sociology published
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the rating of trust in politicians, in the military, there are different persons in this rating , of course, such as marijana bezugla or oleksiy aristovych, but... the fact and indisputable fact of this rating is that five of the first three are of the first five, three generals zaluzhnyi, budanov and syr'. are among those persons who ukrainians trust, most ukrainians trust zaluzhny, 94%, compared to 92% recorded in december, budanov is trusted by 66% compared to 60% in december, zelenskyi is trusted by 64%, compared to 77% in december, and serhiy uprytuli. 61% and 40% trust general syrsky, what does this
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trust rating actually indicate and whether it is indicative and reflects the processes that are currently in ukraine, it is meant, well, it is clear that generals are people on whom it depends not only the future of ukrainian politics, the future of each of ukrainians, the life of every ukrainian, and yet . oleksiy, let's start with you, what can you say about such a breakdown of the trust rating and does this mean that there could be other surnames in this list, i already mentioned that for some reason there is also an arresting officer, for me, too, so far it is unclear how these lists of trusted people are formed and whether this trust rating answers questions. orders this this this survey usually at least and so sometimes it's
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manipulative i have a question about some of the numbers that are in this survey about some of the there are some names on this list, but overall, i think it's possible that it's indicative of who actually, why this ranking appeared on this survey, but as for your first... question about why there are many generals on this list, and why is trust so high, well, because the war is going on, and it is obvious that ukrainians believe that they are primarily protected by the armed forces of ukraine, and people who are connected to the armed forces cause them the most trust, and it's basically good, uh, as far as whether it means that this rating of trust is a rating of trust in... these people as political persons, well, as for the generals it does not mean at all, because it is about the fact that these people
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hold certain positions, or held, at least for a time, when this survey began, these positions, and this is the trust in them in these positions, we do not know which politician is from budany or from syrsky or from zaluzhnyi, so it seems to me that we should not exaggerate the fact that trust in ... the president, this is also quite understandable, because the war is dragging on, and obviously, the responsibility for this falls primarily on the first person, and this first person is the president of ukraine, i would not connect it, relatively speaking, with the last personnel decisions, because it really does not have such a direct connection from my point of view, it after all, it is about trust, not about evaluating certain steps. oh, obviously. this trust rating reveals, as oleksii correctly says, the essence
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of today's history and today's events in general, yes, that is, there is a war, it is clear that the generals are highly trusted, but we we see a drop in the trust rating for zelenskyi from 77% to 64%, and this, too, probably has some underlying basis or reasons why... could the resignation of zaluzhny affect this trust rating or other factors that force, well , to say that the trust rating of zelensky is falling. this rating is the reason for zaluzhnyi's resignation, because the survey was conducted before the resignation, it is a technical survey, i think that when they made the decision to resign, they already knew what would happen, well, what would be there, so this rating is there is a reason zaluzhnyi's resignation. but you know, for me in general the fact that it was made public,
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the fact that it was ordered, first of all, with no corners, with everything, this is, you know, such an indicator of the disease of the political system and the power system of ukraine, it is absolutely accurate, because well you understand, well , first of all, to order such a rating, to hope that he will tell you something during the elections, well, that's just being a profoundly illiterate person, well, i have a little bit of some basic knowledge. of sociology, i will tell you this, that now to conduct a sociological survey, which would give you the opportunity to project elections are impossible because people have moved , someone... well, you can diagnose voters when a voter is in place, and you know for sure that he will reach the ballot boxes, and you have a voter now, some have gone abroad, some have not according to the place of registration, nobody, never to register, and well, he will not come to the elections, that is, in such conditions
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, it is impossible to make a correct sociological sample, it is simply physically impossible in order to design the elections, it is impossible, it will be a false story. to measure trust, yes, maybe that's why trust was measured, but it again, oleksiy said absolutely correctly, it does not superimpose on possible elections, because it does not simply show how people will behave during the elections and how they will vote for these people during the elections, and secondly, well, you understand , well, a reasonable answer would be that it is not a normal, just unconscious political leadership, to say banzai, we have high trust. to the army, let's use it, let's use the trust in the army ranks, so that they will pull us out of the political, well, really ass, in which we are found themselves, and let's transfer some of the work to them for this, no, they went the other way, let's now lower the army to them in general, well, this trust, we will do everything to
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destroy it, and in this way our trust will immediately grow, well, that is, well, i don't know , it's the impression that you're... dealing with some, well, just people, you know, idiots, excuse the words, so for me it's just a very publication of this rating, it's a really sad event, because i look at her and understand, well , there is no hope, everything is very bad there, just, well the fact that bezugla appeared in the rating, my colleagues, it means that they are trying to promote it, because they are trying to make it recognizable, or to promote it, or they want to continue using it. as an information torpedo and they are measuring whether they trust her or not, i.e. is it possible to do again through her what they did in good faith due to the publicity of mariana bezugly, or well, i don’t know what project might be under her, well wait, that’s the beginning of the journey, well, well, maybe now she was not very recognizable in her great, there you still need to look at simple
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recognition, if you see a diligent zelensky, then there are no people there who would say that they... do not know or do not have, cannot formulate their opinion, if you look, for example, on syrska , you will see that there is a fairly large percentage of those who simply cannot say anything about him, and the same story with bazula, there is simply a huge percentage of those who cannot make up their own minds because they have no idea green, who is this, well, but the story is interesting, you have already mentioned about the fact that many military personnel were dismissed, well, because... perhaps this rating was the reason for this, 16 commanders were dismissed by various branches of the forces and armed forces of ukraine, and it is still not clear at all, what exactly will happen to these generals who were dismissed , who fought for 10 years during the russian-ukrainian war, what
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they offered or did not offer, this is the fear of the military elite, which, one way or another, appears in ukraine and it is this military elite and it is obvious, obviously this military elite will have a high trust rating among the people and not only before our victory, but also after our victory. natalie, what are the chances that there will be a party in ukraine, maybe led by these generals, or some political force that will lead these people to power, because... they have a fairly high trust rating, we see, and this party of the military , i am not saying the generals, the military, can be at all levels, and these people know the price of ukrainian independence and the price of our future victory, you know, i would not exaggerate our admiration for the military in
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politics, because losha has already said, what... maybe they are good military managers , but what kind of politicians are they, and here i say , not even out of pretense, that maybe they will be bad politicians, maybe great, but for now, first of all, we do not know, and the rest we can predict, that in our politics , you see, it has always been such muddy water, and during the war, unfortunately, it becomes simply dirty, and... and when they enter this water, will they remain clean? i don't think they will succeed, moreover, they are not experienced and someone might just use... to advance their a political project in which well-known military figures will be in the first places,
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you see, i have many reservations here, so that we should be happy that now the dismissed generals will be able to enter politics and clean it up, yes, bring a new jet, it seems to me that it is the opposite politics can pollute them, and maybe... someone will use them, but i have such fears, i think, besides, we forget that in principle, now during the war , it is not very clear how to conduct an election campaign at all, and even if it will be canceled tomorrow martial law, how the elections will be held, technologically, it is not completely clear, and it seems to me that we have become too engrossed in theoretical... some kind of thinking about what political forces can be and what politicians can be, political leaders, and no one says about the organization of elections
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after victory or during the war or in some other situation, maybe there will be a temporary ceasefire, we don't know what will happen next, but how exactly will you conduct it... when many people have moved and we have to do a lot change even in approaches to voting. it seems to me that there are a lot of unknown factors, and for now, i have a call for everyone to investigate what is happening with our political system here and now, and then see how it will change, and ... after it, maybe , political forces will be added , where the leaders will be the military, well, i absolutely agree with you, especially since in the history of ukraine
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there have already been such cases when they waited for a strong hand, and then they did not wait for this strong hand, and there was the period of 2014, when on parliamentary elections were held by the military, front-line soldiers, and they also expected a radik. actions against those who were there in yanukovych's party , including. oleksiy, do you think that in ukrainian society there is a demand for a strong hand, or a third force, at least 20 years or 25 years ago, because there was such a concept, do you remember? well, i remember, well, first of all , the requests are different, so to speak, different years , i think we had a bigger request in 2010, when we were in the second round. contenders for this title, but they were not military, what about the third force, we saw this in 19 the third force actually won, it’s just
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that the first two quickly deflated, but again , it’s hard for us to talk about what will happen in the next elections, because you know, it happens, it happened in many countries and in ukraine too, there were charismatic military men, but they they mainly competed... so they had to compete for the sympathy of their supporters in emigration, you know, we have to defend the independence of the country, and only then think about how they will participate in the elections militarily. thank you oleksiy, ola, at the very end, do you think the hard worker will be the leader conditional opposition. against zelenskyi, or were these movements of zelenskyi useless in order to somehow destroy this rating of trust in zaluzhnyi, or through the resignation
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of zaluzhnyi as well? well, you know, i don't want to predict anything on this matter, i just refuse, because i think that everyone who thinks in one way or another about the elections and about the fact that they should be held in the right way, well, maybe it's really worth thinking now how it is... technically to do, if we are talking about the fact that perhaps there has come a moment to think, well, no there is already so much trust in the existing political force, which is, well, powerful, and something needs to be changed there, well, we need to think about how to do it , and that’s all, well, it will be meritorious, it will be undeserved, maybe he himself does not want to, well, where are we from we know how we can tell if he will lead something, if he, for example, decides that he wants to lead something in nato, and he does not want to. in ukraine, no, well, no politician, no president, no one, or well, he has a completely different plan, well, thank you, we will wait for his
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decision, olga, len, natalia and... thank you for participation in the program, i will remind you that during our program we conducted a survey, we friends asked you about this, whether you would like to see a professional military man at the head of ukraine, now we will watch the results of the survey on tv 91% yes, 9% no. these are the results of the survey, it was the program verdict about vv serhii rudenko, i say goodbye to you, until monday at 8:00 p.m. goodbye. my name is igor, i am a soldier of the national guard of ukraine, i entered the service in the 19th year, my civilian profession is a paramedic, which i received it at one of the colleges, served as a gunner. after
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the full-scale war began, my unit was ordered to defend mariupol, my unit was engaged in intelligence, if it were, but our main task was as a drg group, we went close to and identified them, came into contact with them, coordinated. actions of our artillery, transferred their positions so that our guys could pull up and we could attack them. our eyes told us that another group of drgs was moving in our direction, we were the first to open fire on them, then
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wounded my... commander that evening, we repulsed their, their attack, how close we worked, it was 50 m, it must have been somewhere, somewhere it can reach, it was a dark night, and it was very strong, i ran out of them then all the rounds, i shot everything, everything i had, and my friend, my gun doesn't catch, i didn't forget... the battle was going on, i just heard my commander screaming, the commander is wounded, the commander is wounded, i immediately ran to the side to the screams , due to landing, he was there 50 meters from me, and i already ran up, already one of my brothers, who unfortunately, now the missing person is missing, he already on... put
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a tourniquet on the commander's leg, i remember it well, there was a lot of blood, we had to remove the bulletproof vest from the commander, and so we dragged him by his things, by his jacket, they grabbed him, dragged him through the landing , dragged him to the nearest shelter, stabbed him in the side, because we had nothing else, and we quickly drowned him during the battle, i and my comrades were still there... we drowned him on the truck that we had and evacuated him there to the checkpoint, the commander was very cool, you know when, when all this movement began, he told us that, guys, we will fight to the last and said, i did not leave you under any circumstances, he unfortunately died during the evacuation from mariupol, the helicopter in which he was flying was shot down, the battle was brought to until... we
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were completely surrounded, a command came to break through the encirclement, and we followed the order, left mariupol and ran into russian and dnr troops, and that's how we were taken prisoner. we were interrogated, put in a cell, some detainees were still sitting in the cell, you can i'll smoke, because i can't remember calmly, then somewhere in the middle of the night.


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