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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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and look how quickly she copes with even thick branches. once it is ready, and unlike standard saws, it is so convenient to use it in hard-to-reach places. the set includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger. call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery. check with the consultants: the powerful strong saw is what you need. call! we summarize the informative morning in ukraine on espresso news. he works in the studio khrystyna porubiy. in kramatorsk , the number of victims has increased . the remains of an elderly woman's body were found under the rubble of a house. probably, this is the mother
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of the forty-six-year-old deceased, who was pulled out from under the ruins the day before. her son, who was 23 years old, also died, the prosecutor's office of donetsk region reported. russian terrorists hit the city with rockets in the evening, targeting the private sector and the industrial zone. two houses were completely destroyed, and more than two dozen were damaged. the russians also shelled slavyansk. in the morning, rescuers found a man's body under the rubble of the school. 65 died. year-old security guard of the educational institution, the mayor of the city, vadym lyakh, informed. in the premises there was a service station and a social dining room. two people have already died in kupyansk, kharkiv region. rescuers pulled out the body of a man from under the rubble of an apartment building. another victim, a 55-year-old woman , was pulled from the ruins the day before. five townspeople were also injured, oleg senigubov, the head of the region, informed. in the afternoon, the occupiers dropped
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guided aerial bombs on the residential quarters of kupyansk, targeting three two-story houses. also in the private sector at least 10 houses were damaged. there is destruction on the territory of several enterprises and in the garage cooperative. two women, 26 and 29 years old, were wounded during the evening shelling in the village of senkove, kupyan district. also in kharkiv oblast, the russians carried out a large-scale shelling of the village of svitlych. inflicted about 40 blows of hurricanes, miraculously no one was hurt, - said the head of the local administration viktor kovalenko. five private houses, two two-story houses and a building of the starosty district were damaged, three were beaten cars and a soviet monument. russia lost 47,000 killed and wounded during the five months of assaults on avdiyivka, the spokesman for the strategic said in an interview with the bbc. tavria
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dmytro lykhova. previously, the us intelligence also pointed to heavy losses of the russian army near avdiivka, although not so large-scale. 13,000 soldiers killed and wounded. the institute for the study of war named the reason for the enemy's capture of the city. the occupiers managed to take avdiivka due to a significant advantage in the air. terrorists attacked the positions of ukrainians with guided aerial bombs. in the last two days before the retreat, they directed. 250 such cabs in just one district of avdiivka. the russians began to advance in the direction of zaporozhye. the defense forces of ukraine managed to repulse the first large-scale attacks. this was reported by the operational command of the west. as a result of the battle, our defenders destroyed about 70 occupiers, another 80 were wounded. 18 units of enemy equipment were also turned into scrap metal, including... three tanks. in the offensive
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, the russians used a considerable number of personnel and 30 pieces of equipment. however, after the fight they had to retreat with the armed forces of ukraine. denmark will hand over all its artillery to ukraine, prime minister meta frederiksen said. she called on other european states to hand over to ukrainian defenders military equipment that they do not use, but to the armed forces of ukraine. it is critically needed. the prime minister also noted that europeans should not wait for the us congress to vote on new funding. europe must defend itself, because the war continues on this continent. let me remind you that the day before, the president was in munich volodymyr zelenskyi discussed with meita frederiksen the possible dates of signing the agreement on security guarantees for ukraine. the first ukrainian f-16 fighters. the lots can
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be received already in the summer of 2024, they are likely to arrive in june, this was the assumption made by the lithuanian minister of defense in munich, - foreign media write. at the same time, they they claim that another european official gave the same time frame, but he is not named . let me remind you that earlier the netherlands promised to increase the number of fighter jets that will be transferred to ukraine, it is said at least about 24 boards. another russian fighter jet was landed by the armed forces of ukraine. air force commander mykola oleschuk reported this. our defenders shot down an su-34. around six in the morning. also, ukrainian air defense forces found 12 enemy shaheds and an kh-59 air missile. in total, the enemy fired 10 missiles and 14 drones over ukraine at night. the russian pilot directed the burning plane to residential buildings.
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the enemy su-34, which was shot down by the ukrainian military, fell on residential blocks in the anthracite community in the luhansk region. the number of victims is currently unknown, the leader said luhansk oblast artem lysohor. the video of the plane crash was filmed by residents of the occupied village of dyakove. let me remind you that yesterday the air force of ukraine reported the destruction of two enemy su-34 and one su-35 in the eastern direction. in the temporarily occupied melitopol, russian invaders injured six people at children's competitions. ivan fedorov, the head of the zaporizhia region, told about it. the occupiers brought a grenade launcher to the gym, a sambo tournament was taking place. they decided to show the children the weapon and at that time they pressed the hook. the incident happened in sports complex crowded with children and parents. after the explosion, the propagandist russian media began to spread the version that one
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of the visitors allegedly brought the weapon into the premises, and then accidentally fired it. in the town of bobrenets in the kirovohrad region, adaptive clothing for the wounded is being sewn. seamstress arranged in the school carpentry workshop, things that do not need to be removed during dressings, students and teachers hand over to the military hospital. volunteers call themselves pixel witches. our journalists visited the workshop. it arm braces. these are adaptive cuffs that have the properties of stretching along the seam, and also for girls already more elegant details, but wounded. we have both girls and boys. the sound of sewing machines in this workshop has not stopped for almost two years. even on weekends and holidays, volunteers feel clothes, pillows, sleeping bags and ammunition. during the work, about 6,000 pieces of clothing were handed over to the defenders. we sew rps, it's
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a belt-shoulder system for summaries, it's first-aid kits, summaries, it's of course, summaries for dumping of empty stores. this is what for ammunition, it is also for boys on the front lines, it is warm hats, buffs, balaclavas and warm underwear, that is, turtlenecks on fleece and pants. regarding hospitals, we have a diverse list. they started working on machines that are more than 60 years old, now the craftsmen are happy, they have better equipment, they got modern machines when they joined the all-ukrainian volunteer initiative on adaptive sewing. it was started in dnipro, now pixel magicians work all over the country, i am pleased that the girls called and i work, i can also give some part of my warmth, even in my panties, but i can put in all the work,
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things for the wounded are felt according to their own recommendations, the main thing is that the defenders are comfortable, for example, in the adaptive pants, the pocket was lowered at the request of the soldiers. you have to put cigarettes somewhere, when crutches are under your arms, you don’t know where to stick your phone and some small trinkets somewhere, they are in pockets, and here they also ask us to make pockets every time, because personal personal things have to be put somewhere, no the pupils of the school also stand aside, help cut, sew on buttons, make simple seams. in the beginning, they explained, but now i think, there is no need to explain to them, they understand themselves, and even smaller children, fourth and fifth. class, they also willingly do all this. volunteers say that they will work until victory, after that, instead of adaptive clothes, they dream of sewing festive ones. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. ukraine commemorates the day of remembrance of those killed near
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debaltseve. on february 18, 2015, after a long defense, the ukrainian military left this city in donetsk region. the settlement was an important railway junction at the junction of the two. the route between luhansk and donetsk, so the russians sent over 1,900 soldiers there. ukrainian forces were much smaller, despite this, the armed forces bravely fought hard battles to the last. according to the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, during the most acute phase of the defense, from january 15 to february 18 , 110 of our servicemen were killed and 270 were wounded near devaltseve. such was the morning in ukraine, look for more on our website, also on ours social networks, join, put your preferences. this is the end of the issue, my colleagues will tell you more, stay with us.
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greetings, this is the saturday political club and vitaly portnikov, kristina yatsky, greetings, friends, we will talk about the war in ukraine, we will remember what is happening in the united states and about the munich war. security conference about the conclusions from it, in addition, we will also mention the ukrainian-polish border, which should be completely blocked from the polish side as of february 20. in the second part of the program, as always, we will talk with vitaly portnikov about the most important topics for ukraine and the world, but we will start with the war. oleksandr kovalenko, military-political viewer of the information sproty group, we welcome you, mr. oleksandr. good evening, well, let's start, of course, with avdiivka. the withdrawal of ukrainian troops, the disposition, the consequences for the front , let's talk about
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it, the situation is really complicated, we watched how the withdrawal process is happening now, but - we look at it this way: the russians captured avdiivka, they spent more than four months of active offensive actions, this is first of all time, ah, they spent a large resource of forces and means, this is a human resource, today there are different versions of how many russian invaders were destroyed, there are 15,000, there are 20,000, so i think it's still going to be verified somehow, but it's a lot of human resource, on top of everything else, just on verified data from a variety of different sources. was recorded destroyed, the destruction from october 10 to the end of january, i
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am not even talking now about the flights, namely on the end of january, january, from 400 to 650 pieces of equipment, specifically from the russian side, from the side of the russian occupation era, this is about verified data, we know that verification is when there is a photo or video confirmation of a destroyed piece of equipment, in addition to this.. . there are other indicators, that is , things that are not verified, but they are available, that is, this is also a coefficient that allows us to talk about up to a thousand units of destroyed equipment just for the sake of audio, so it was a very difficult defense for us, but the result that allowed to deplete considerably the resources of the garrison, and he, he was forced to use even units from other groups of troops and other in... directions, for example, from the lymansky direction, from the bakhmutu area, these units were constantly
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moved there, and were actually shackled precisely in the avdiivka area. now we have left it, we have now left it and are on three lines of defense, which immediately begin behind avdiivka. in the near future , the following type of developments may occur: the russians will try to create... a security buffer for the city itself, that is, push back our units for approx. to push their forces away from the samoevka to such a distance that they can manage to be more or less safe, that is, it is about 3-5 km, and this is the creation of a safety buffer, and they can draw this safety buffer for themselves along the line of the swallow on... ve, even, let’s say, water, northern, swallow steppe, and they can
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cover along the line northern, thinka, orlivka, semenivka, berdichi, variations may be different, it all depends on what resource they are able to spend now in field conditions, because i note that when the russians entered into the city, they started taking losses about one to two, one to three, and... until they were ordered to speed up the process itself, then they had increased losses, uh, so speed things up a lot. offensive actions, but when they were in the field and did offensive actions in the field, even the russian soldiers themselves and the russian talking heads, they said that we cannot attack like this, we are losing one to 10, we will not be enough for so long, and that's why in the field for them the moment may come when
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they will first start by securing a position, and they will not... they will spend a lot of resources on creating a security tower, and they can switch to other directions, other directions it may not be an eye or some directions near the widow herself, she is not some through the entrance gate, well, for example there to pokrovsk or konstantinivsky and so on, no, they are on the contrary, they are reoriented to a completely different direction in general along the bridgeheads, that is, it can be kupyansk. can't be liman, it can be bakhmut district, the direction of chasiv yar, and kupyansk and chasiv yar, they are the main ones in their plans for offensive actions in the future, and they can also resume activity in the south, this can be the direction of the coal miner, where they have been accumulating resources for a long time, and this can be
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zaporizhzhia oblast district workers , mr. oleksandr, you said that... russians can face difficulties when it comes to the field, we can also face the same difficulties, because we understand that the strengthened positions, strengthened for years, the positions of avdiyivka, not you can compare with the situation when you are in an open space. on the other hand, what prevents the russians from continuing to use the tactics of throwing kabami, because it is the kabami that are now called, in principle, one of the russian forces in avda. those from the side of our enemy, i.e. the active operation of aviation, today we have excellent news about the elimination of three russian su fighters, but here we are still not talking about some parity in the sky, no, it is not parity, this news, really, it is from me alone on the one hand, it made me happy, and on the other hand, well
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, a little so, let's say, it became so sad, because two su-34x were destroyed. they are front-line front-line bombers, fighters and the main carriers of cabs and one su-35, and the su-35 he accompanied them as a guard, it is a security aircraft, a multi-purpose fighter, its main function is protection for front-line bombers, and in this case it is in this trio, let's call them that , but here it must be understood that against the background of this joyful news... from february 16 to 17 , 94 cab descents were carried out on avdiivka, only on avdiivka, this is a record number of used cabs, and a total of 16 on the 17th in february, an absolute record was set in the entire combat zone of the use of 151 drones
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, that is, today we do not have parity, we cannot do anything... to oppose russia in the airspace of the temporarily occupied territories, they have complete dominance, absolute dominance tactical aviation, in relation to the field, here is a different point, it is much more difficult for them in the field than in the city, that is the case, conducting combat operations in the city, it is accompanied by a decrease in losses, a significant decrease in losses, greater progress in advancement. why? because in the city you can grab onto every building. each building is a firing point, it is a cover, it is a shelter, that is, it is possible to advance along the streets, quarter by quarter, and so on. in the field is so impossible, the most vivid example,
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they have been trying to capture a small steppe village in the field for four months. and they are trying to capture a small village in the north, the exit from the river, to the north of the river , north, in the northwest direction from the north, it is thin, they cannot do it, they have not been able to for four months capture this village, why? because they have to advance across the field, there is nothing for them to cling to, they are either under artillery fire, or under fire from drones and so on, although now... one cannot talk about artillery at all, because, well, we are actually fighting now without artillery, but today i was motivated enough by the endowment about... the statement of peter pavlo rang out, rang out, saying that 500 thousand shells of 155 caliber and 300,122
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caliber were found somewhere, well, i guess where they found them, it was expected, but the question here is when they are will appear with us and whether or not you can share with us the information, where did they lie down, khrystyna and i discussed this all the time before the broadcast, where did general pavel find the shells? well, he did not find them in europe, i will say this, he found them among those countries that have long helped us with humanitarian, non-lethal weapons, that is where he found them, and we will have hope that these ammunitions will be sent to us very quickly, because we need them, we need them as much as possible, i would say even if we had a proportional distribution for artillery ammunition full, not their complete absence, well, let's say for a battery, when the battery has the ability to last an artillery battery to fire 20-30 shots per day - it
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's nothing, it's nothing at all, it can be said, we are fighting without artillery, and a lot depended on it, i will not say it like that, if the supply of artillery ammunition continued in proportion to the supply of artillery ammunition, then we would not be talking about the fact that... the defense of ukraine would be forced to leave avdiivka, avdiivka would continue to be defended and enough effective the russians wouldn't be doing their dances with tambourines right now, exactly, well, celebrating, conventionally speaking, i can't call this a victory, but the capture of avdiyivka. and tell me, mr. oleksandr, after all, avdiyivka is primarily a political decision for putin, isn't it? does this pave the way for further capture of settlements in donetsk region? and any settlement, any city, village, they open some more opportunities
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for further advancement and capture of new territories, but here the question is different: avdiivka doesn't matter, ah, like some kind of entrance gate in one direction or another that was allowed. and to seize much larger territories, no, it just closes, let's say, on our line of defense, and what they started on october 10 continues, the meat grinder in the field, in fact along the borders, this is not the same option as with the cities, agglomerations or something else, that's why it 's primarily political, it was a political whim, ah, and... they will now be propagandistic to use it to the maximum, i don't even rule out that instead of taking a rational step, taking an operational
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pause, and restoring the potential, holding so-called elections, so that something does not happen according to the plan, they can start another wave of offensive actions on this courage, for example, at times or in the area for... zaporizhzhia region in the area of ​​non-recruitment work in order to return control over the territories that we liberated in the summer of 2023, but that is the risk that everything may not go according to plan, and it's already starting to go wrong and yesterday they tried to conduct reconnaissance by fighting in the vervovoy area. this reconnaissance battle ended in the complete destruction of the column, and this is what we call unplanned, on october 10 they should have had the first wave of the attack on
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avdiyivka successful, and the first echelon should have left at the main points along the inter- steppe taberdichi tanotonenka. they didn't even do it, and it already didn't go according to plan, if putin gets it before the elections, and especially after. at the end of february before speaking before the federal assembly, well that to put it mildly, he will be a slap in the face. mr. oleksandr, finally, what's next, at least the options for the development of events, very briefly, well, we understand that war is a story where you can play in two ways, and even though the russians free themselves with the liberation of avdiivka certain resources to put pressure on others. direction, we are also liberating, and in fact, a large number, a large group of us were able to leave avdiivka, although today there was an alarming report that
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something went wrong in the last stages. something may not go according to plan, and part of our military ended up in prisoners, options, what's next? defense, total defense and maximum pressure on our partners so that we are provided with everything in this defense. now it is important for us to keep this kind of tactics, and it will continue for some time. i think that the first half of the year will be almost only defense. along all our main directions, where we are located, along the entire line of hostilities, along all the main plasdar with the exception, well, it does not exclude one, it is the left-bank kherson region, there may be some other tactical level actions, but mostly it will be self-defense, that is, this about what general syrsky says, who says that in fact the ukrainian army should now move to such a planned
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strategic defense. right now it is. thank you, mr. oleksandr. oleksandr kovalenko, military and political columnist of the information resistance group. it was on our air. we 're going to break for a few minutes now, but stay with us. we still have a lot of interesting conversations. oh, and got wet. can you have some tea? mom, dad, what to do in order not to get sick? vitamin c, d3, zinc and the main que. acetin to strengthen blood vessels, just take quertin immuno, all in one package , four components together in one capsule, so simple, one capsule a day, so convenient, quertin immuno, there are 10% discounts on bronchialik in podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies, there are discounts on rezi table 15% in pharmacies plantain pam and save, turn on the heart-chilling investigation, the new
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allies? you know, to be honest, i paid more attention not to the speech of president zelensky, but to all the speeches of our partners, because in principle, what the president will say is obvious, and we support it, it is necessary to get more shells, more rap, more ppo, and actually, it is obvious that these signals have been sounded more than once... well, besides, i actually saw the press conference after the meeting with the vice president of the united states, kamalo hares, where president zelenskyi spoke about that we understand that in the usa there are internal issues, but nevertheless, we believe that there is no alternative and we count on the support of the united states, and here i would like to say what i just saw.


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