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tv   [untitled]    February 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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talk about historical memory, but they don't want to destroy lviv or ternopil, because they don't like that ukrainians live there, civilized peoples talk even on topics they don't like, and barbarians, they kill, shoot, are raped, and this is exactly what we started our dialogue with today, which begins with killing strangers, and then there is a huge desire to kill your own , who do not agree with you, because ... this is the only opportunity to prove your political opportunity and one's power, it's just to kill wherever you can kill, we are dealing with such a situation, christ, thank you, thank you infinitely, vitaly portnikov, the saturday political club, were with you and we hope that by next saturday you will support the armed forces of ukraine, and think critically, this is extremely important today. good luck.
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news time on the espressu tv channel in the studio. greetings to all viewers, and now to the most important thing. in kramatorsk , the number of victims has increased . the remains of an elderly woman's body were found under the rubble of a house. presumably, this is the mother of the forty-six-year-old deceased, who pulled out from under the ruins the day before. her son, who was 23 years old, also died, the donetsk region prosecutor's office said. russian terrorists hit the city with rockets in the evening, hitting the private sector and the industrial zone. two houses were destroyed in shchen, and more than two dozen were damaged. so. the russians shelled
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slavyansk. in the morning, rescuers retrieved the body of a 65-year-old man from under the rubble of the school. he was a security guard of the educational institution, - informed the mayor vadym lyakh. in the premises there was a service station and a social dining room. in kupyansk, kharkiv oblast already two dead. rescuers pulled out the body of a man from under the rubble of an apartment building. another victim, a 55-year-old woman , was found from under the ruins on... five townspeople were also injured today, oleg sinigubov, the head of the region, informed. the occupiers dropped guided aerial bombs on the residential quarters of kupyansk, targeting three two-story houses. also , at least 10 homes were damaged in the private sector. there is destruction on the territory of several enterprises and in the garage cooperative. and during the evening shelling in the village of senkove , kupyan district, two people were wounded women 26 and 29 years old. also, in the kharkiv region
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, the russians carried out a large-scale shelling of the village of svitlychne. about 40 hurricane strikes were made. miraculously, no one was injured, said the head of the local administration viktor kovalenko. five private houses, two two-story buildings and a building of the starosty district were damaged, three cars and a soviet monument were damaged. the enemy is trying to knock out our units from the bridgehead on the left bank of the dnieper, the defense forces of southern ukraine report. the occupiers made two unsuccessful assault attempts, suffering losses, left currently, enemy aerial reconnaissance has been activated, artillery pressure continues, and the use of strike drones has increased. the southern defense forces continue the artillery duel, knocking the invaders out of their position on the left bank. in the last day , the russian command post was liquidated. two observation
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posts and five fortifications, eliminated 45 invaders and four guns. during the four months of the active phase of the avdiyiv defense operation, the defense forces eliminated 47,000 soldiers. our soldiers also destroyed 1,365 units of enemy equipment, including over three hundred tanks. this was reported by the commander of the troop group. tavria oleksandr ternavskyi. the general emphasized that the ukrainian defenders destroyed a significant reserve of the russian invaders, which they planned to use in other areas of the front. meanwhile, analysts of the american institute for the study of war note that the russians managed to capture avdiivka due to significant air superiority. the russians began to advance in the direction of zaporozhye. the defense forces of ukraine managed to repulse the first. staff attacks,
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this was reported by the western operational command. as a result of the battle, our defenders destroyed about 70 occupiers, another 80 were wounded. 18 units of enemy equipment, including three tanks, were also turned into scrap metal. in the next offensive, the russians used a considerable number of personnel and 30 pieces of equipment, but after a battle with the armed forces of ukraine, they had to retreat. missile danger from the sea. despite the storm , there are three russian ships on combat duty in the black sea, among them a submarine missile carrier. on board it can be up to of four calibers on... reported the defense forces of the south in the sea of ​​azov on duty one enemy ship. the missile threat from the sea has not gone anywhere. the russians continue to arrange logistics and infrastructure in the temporarily occupied crimea, noted the head of the united press center of the southern operational command, natalya
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gumenyuk. a large rally of families of prisoners is taking place in the capital. the families of the defenders are once again reminded that their closest ones. it's already the second year in russian torture camps. our correspondent kateryna galko works on the spot, and she is now with us live katya, i congratulate you. tell me, please, what is the current situation in the center? i congratulate iro, i congratulate the viewers of the tv channel. therefore, hundreds of relatives, friends and loved ones of our captured defenders gathered in the center of kyiv on maidan nezalezhnosti. these are mostly relatives. prisoners who defended mariupol and, in particular, azovstal, such peaceful actions are not taking place for the first time, and let's learn a little more about them. good afternoon, i welcome you, please tell me in more detail why you are here today? i am here every sunday because i have a husband, he
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a sea border officer-officer, has been in captivity for 21 months, waiting for him, i, the wife, a little son is waiting for him. we want him back. the entire mariupol garrison, because they have not had a normal life for two years, they defended mariupol for 86 days, they drew a large number of the enemy, and we were able to win back kyiv, chernihiv region, sumy region, we want the boys to finally return home, we conjure everything the peace community, the un, the red cross to help facilitate. exchange and that the mariupol garrison was at home. thank you very much, and in particular, thank you very much to all our defenders, so i would like to remind you that such actions take place every sunday in various places of the capital, in particular those where, as we can see, on independence square, the protesters
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are supported by cars passing by, they are honking their horns and whistles, the action started at 12 o'clock, but here at 2 o'clock there are still dozens of people standing with posters and drawing attention to the problem of returning from captivity. let me remind you that on february 16, 58 bodies were returned to ukraine of our fallen defenders, and on thursday, february 8 , an extreme exchange of prisoners took place, this is already the third exchange in 2024, during which 100 of our defenders were returned to ukraine. so we continue to work here, this is all the information. katya, thank you, it was our correspondent kateryna galka from maidan nezalezhnosti, where the action of families of prisoners is taking place. we remember everyone , both civilian and military, who are in polonia, and we remain worthy of our heroes. in
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the mariinsky park, the memory of the participants of the revolution of dignity, who died 18, was commemorated february 2014. on this day, exactly 10 years ago, security forces. announced the beginning of cleaning the square, then 17 protestors were killed, 14 more were fatally wounded and injured. after lunch , a memorial service will be held in the sviatomikhaiv gold-top cathedral in memory of the fighters for the independence of ukraine. what happened on february 18, 10 years ago, was a complete joke. then thousands, if not tens of thousands, of ukrainians came to this morin park to the top. come, we love our country and will fight for it, either we will make our ukraine a free, independent, flourishing state, or we will all
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die for it. that was the news for this time, we will see you at 15 o'clock, you can read more news on our espresso tv website, an overview of the main things in social networks and watch us on youtube, well, oksana vyschanska, roman chaika continue ether of the espresso tv channel . the poltava mining and processing plant faced the risk of stopping its work. the problem arose after the eastern commercial court of appeal made a decision on the repeated collection of uah 4,700 million from the poltava gzk. the company paid this amount back in... 2015, this was confirmed by the supreme court of ukraine in june 2022. if
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the company is forced to pay these funds again, it will have catastrophic consequences not only for tens of thousands of employees and contractors, but also for the entire country. the company will also not be able to support the armed forces of ukraine during this terrible war, neither with tax deductions nor with personal donations. we appeal to the supreme court with a demand to ensure justice for our enterprise. in this difficult time for ukraine, our entire workforce is put at risk of not receiving wages, they take away from us the opportunity to work fruitfully for the benefit of the state's economy during the war, to contribute to the needs of the armed forces. the company's employees wrote an appeal to the supreme court of ukraine to seek justice. veronika is an employee of the poltava mining and processing plant. her family has been working at this enterprise for several generations. together with her at the combine worked her a man who now defends ukraine in the ranks of the armed forces. a woman does not know what to do if there is no work. if
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our enterprise stops, 7 thousand, if not more, people will be left without funds. that is, it means that i, a person who was born and grew up here, where are my parents, i will have to leave here, where should i go? please protect us. poltava mining and beneficiation plant, a city-forming enterprise. the trade union of the enterprise emphasizes that such an illegal court decision can destroy the plant and deprive people of the opportunity to work and receive wages, and the state - taxes. if the enterprise stops, the city and its residents will have no means of livelihood, this will have catastrophic consequences not only for the employees, but for the entire country, because the enterprise produces products for export and ensures a stable flow of foreign exchange earnings to ukraine. workers and managers of the poltava kirnychi-enrichment company. count on judicial justice. yulia zubchenko, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel.
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congratulations, our viewers, we are back again, as promised. before our conversation, on our airwaves, an information marathon is going on and about the most important thing, first of all, what is happening on the front line and what concerns the russian-ukrainian war, will be in our focus further, so the most important thing is the actual successful completion of the withdrawal operation avdiivkas, we will now ask the press officer of the third separate assault brigade, oleksandr borodin, in connection with our studio, glory to ukraine, word, mr. oleksandr, we have all the time they emphasized that the operation to withdraw from avdiyka
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is ongoing, it is already completed, we are just looking at the fact that the maps have been updated, including the deep state, that is , the front line is already stabilized, is the operation still ongoing, er, it is ongoing, the operation is quite multifaceted, that is, many units take part in them, so i cannot say for the whole operation, if i speak for my brigade, then really we are in favor of... storming, but the situation is stable from the point of view of these positions, and as the majority of the lions, the majority of the people left, in in general, the work can be completed for the most part, but i am saying that this is a multi-complex part, that is, there is also the work of intelligence and other services, so here rather than the entire operation, let's say... there is the leadership of the general staff, well , specifically about your assault brigade,
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military experts in the last two days with us veterivych was told that the third assault unit , taking into account the lessons of bakhmut, actually performed the role of holding the perimeter with battles, gave the opportunity to other units that were in avdiivka to leave, and that was your own task, one of that is... we don't say about the complex task that was set for us, one of the tasks was to, the fact is that such operations are sometimes, rather more often, more difficult than. assault troops, this is such a synchronized dance in which each unit, each service must work perfectly every second, because any mistake can cost, firstly, the lives of soldiers, and secondly, a violation of the very sequence of such an operation, respectively , it is extremely important to us in such operations that the enemy should stop exactly where
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we think it necessary that he should stop, and therefore it is an extremely difficult operation. but it was successful, that is, firstly , the lines of defense were appropriate, and secondly, everyone performed their tasks synchronously, and hired them, left and so on. your colleagues report about attacks that are more powerful on swallows than in the previous period, 14 attacks have been repelled in the last day, and in particular also about the fact that the pressure on maryinka is also increasing in the direction where they are most active now, where after that , as they entered avdiivka. began to try to storm the most, or actually in to this lasochkin, are they also looking for other points, how do they behave, in fact, what is the manner, the same as what happened during the storming of avdiyivka, or are some other methods being used now? well, at the moment they are trying to carry out assault actions, it is clear that it must be understood that assault actions with such a line of defense, assault actions from the side of the enemy,
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is meant, and assault actions with the situation that was in the strength - these are slightly different moments . because it is much easier to maintain defense for us, because then they worked in some places with even 360° possibilities of defeat, here it is a plus-minus, well, a classic line of defense, respectively, those forces and means that, for example, cabs, they cannot use as seriously as they used before, that is, it is not a question of the amount of cabs being used, but rather its efficiency, so it is a more classic defensive line has already been established... it is much, well, not easier , but it is more understandable to maintain it, and the forces and means that they used there in such a way to make such a fire raid and wipe out positions, now they can already use them, but not so effectively and accordingly, for us, this is an advantage for defensive actions, and regarding specifically where they are
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in our area of ​​responsibility, they continue to attempt an assault, but... well, there is no success. mr. oleksandr , when they entered the city, because they were having a great time there, they shouted: this is a huge victory, this is what youtube and federal television in russia look like now, in this case, they went to see what they themselves were plowing with cabs to half a thousand, what they themselves the artillery was also destroyed, which gives them, that is, they went into... such a ruined city, as far as it is now makes combat tasks more difficult for you, or on the contrary, do they lose the potential they had before? let's say this, our infantry worked heroically and changed positions when they ceased to exist, that is
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, the fire pressure of the enemy was so strong, especially with the kabs, that the positions simply ceased to exist, ugh. accordingly, in most of these positions that we had, they simply do not exist, and therefore some kind of army, again here is my subjective assessment, but some, i believe that they have a more political value, than military, because they really, unfortunately, razed avdiyivka to the ground, well, no, not 100%, but i would not like to give any relation, but well, as much as they are able to level it, they leveled it like this. that's why i think that here they fulfilled a political order, this is my subjective opinion, no, well, how will they play it out during the elections, we already hear it and understand it, but we are least concerned about it from the point of view of re-appointment of one of the putins, putins for all, yes, we are more interested in one more at one point, unfortunately, general tarnavskyi informed us that during the exit there were non-combat losses,
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namely that those from the third assault unit were captured. did you lose fighters or have you taken prisoners? and i saw, well, first of all, he said this for the entire theater, that is, this is the theater of military operations, it is not only for my brigade, and secondly, it is now punishable to give any estimates, because some elements of the operation are not completed, although most of the personnel has been withdrawn, everything is successful, we will receive, but for example, some videos that could be seen on the network from the side of the enemy, but... there are no conclusions here yet, there is ipso, not ipso, so it is too early to simply give concrete conclusions on this, but we also saw videos of captured russians, well , the truth is that it is difficult to call them russian either. very different facial features and a very different age, geographical and ethnic background, you also managed to take prisoners, yes, we have prisoners, but
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so far the availability and number, well , i won't say more precisely the number yet, but i'm sure you will also see the material with them. mr. oleksandr, according to their actions, what are you observing now, what could be next plans, because we understand that after moving away from avdiivka , drones can fly somewhere, see something. and reconnoitre the situation, does the equipment remain in place, does the number of personnel that was established near avdiivka also remain in place, or do they begin to move a little further or disperse along the front line? well , for now, we need to understand, it is too early to talk about such moments, because they are not yet, they do not have strong positions yet, they are just starting to build, so to what extent they will... spray equipment is unknown, here rather it will be interesting to see, because we inflicted a rather strong fire injury on the personnel, that is, we almost wiped out two brigades, and
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it must be understood that this definitely reduced their potential, it’s just a question of how long they will be able to recover, because even before the withdrawal they had to is to regroup, it means, what is this regrouping, it means that... that the presence of forces and means, which they used according to the assessment, should have been enough for him to take avdiivka, they did not have enough, they had to regroup, in fact, accordingly, it was a serious damage , how it will affect, we will see, at that time , unfortunately, they had a large number of reserves, and they replaced the marked battalions with new and new ones, but still, considering that it is still line brigades of the russian army, then this is also a blow for them, because it is...
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mr. oleksandr, we cannot hear you, the sound has disappeared, mr. oleksandr, now we will try to redial, re-contact, very difficult information and deep state and others, in and investigative info, colleagues also confirm, do you remember this, the first pocket from which our fighters left in the south of avdiivka, midday. in this position, unfortunately, there were wounded and not all of them had time to evacuate, they were captured by the russians a day later, then the video
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was made public, and unfortunately, the relatives, and in one word, our prisoners, the russians executed, as always, that is, violating all conventions , including the geneva convention on prisoners of war, that's exactly what our fighters were, their ee... names and surnames are known, their relatives also recognized them among this video that appeared at the exit, this and ivan a farmer, andriy dumnytskyi and hryhoriy pavlov, they were wounded and taken prisoner precisely at this position of zenit in avdiivka. i would like to clarify, in fact, from this list of surnames, they also took relatives of one of these men, these defenders. the analyzes took dna samples in order to check , clarify that, because this information has already been made public, but there is no actual confirmation from
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the doctors, from the specialists that 100% this person was recognized by the relatives from the video, they said that yes, it is this was my relative's tattoo he used such a bottle of water, but it is clear that in this situation we still cannot say 100%, but there is already such data, so far the information about six prisoners is like this. there is, but it is all invested, even, even in all the things that we have seen for two years, how often exactly, the russian-fascist occupiers violate the very convention, not only from the point of view of phosphorous there, for example, ammunition or chemical application of chemicals in substances, but it is not like that for prisoners either... in principle , it looks, i think that in this case, no knowing, there is a meaning to wait for gaga, that is, maybe the brothers, because they always say that they will take revenge for such things, we will also hear.
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as these participants in the executions will be eliminated before the special tribunal in the hague starts. well, the russians immediately went in and started their traditional business, they want to film, they are filming, they are already working on propaganda materials about avdiivka. we captured avdiivka, we entered avdiivka, they serve it in different sauces as a huge victory, and immediately try to find some people who... who could tell about how wonderful it is, how the russians were waiting in avdiivka , how happy they were, well, it was not possible to find many, they wrote down one comment, obviously they will have to bring a certain amount there, so those at some point we resumed contact with oleksandr borodin, the press officer of the third separate assault brigade, mr. oleksandr, i still wanted to ask you about the brothers in general, because part of... on azovtsiyev
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is still in captivity, to hear something after everything that happened and everyone and turkish stages stages and tragic events in olenivka, what do you hear? well, look, in our country, regarding the azov citizens , the representatives of the azov national university should still comment, well, maybe you know something from your fellow citizens that you can share with the audience, i understand, well, this is the case, you see, that’s not the point , not in information. in the fact that they understand how to build a communication strategy, because it directly depends on the safety of the guys there, of course, these are our brothers, we are very worried about them, this is one of those motivations, which is one of the main motivations in fact, if not talk about the laws there, about the fact that we are trying to take prisoners as much as possible in order to increase the exchange fund, but i will not state any news or conclusions, because after all, this is what our comrades from...
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azov are for, they know better. ugh. and also, mr. oleksandr, we want to ask you the very end as well. there was information, at first everyone said that the trouble with avdiivka is due to the fact that there is not enough ammunition, not enough shells, although there are a lot of our defenders there, and today it recently appeared that after all, the day before, when it was already known how difficult the situation was, after all, for avdiyivka, everything necessary was allocated to this part of the front. can you... can you say something more here , add, actually, how the situation looked, well, because we understand that these shells are not falling from the sky, well, let's say this, it is difficult to assess the entire front line, the entire theater of military operations, because different units, different situations, the main difficulty here was, it was in the ratio, you understand, that is, it is not even about the number of shells, and when you have, well, okay, if we take the artillery, then we talked about the ratio
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in the infantry one to seven. in favor of the enemy, in artillery this ratio is at least 1:10, plus an infinite number of artillery shells, that is, if our artillerymen get used to the fact that you have to be careful, and try to hit the target with the third shell immediately, which for artillery is very accurate, then on their part, firstly, 10 times more artillery, and secondly, well, an infinite number of bk, infinite in the sense that they do not thought a lot about it. hit , hit, the main thing is to shoot, that's why it's more about the ratio, the ratio is such that, well , it's simply incredible how the infantry sat, held at that moment in order for this operation to take place there, because it is such a barrage of fire that cheka, which we talked about with you, which is simply that the positions do not exist, it is not just sitting under the artillery, it means that instead of a position, it is just
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a gate. well, that is, such a number of forces and means, so here the question is more about the ratio, rather, we know that in attack aircraft are slightly different , and the weapons and equipment are different from those of other units, but we are simply waiting, we are wildly waiting for f16, at least for the batch of the first 26 pieces, because we were explained that f16 is the only option to stop e... russian aircraft with cabs and shoot them down in the presence of usually correct air-to-air missiles, they will work, for example, with attack aircraft or with your brigade in sparta or whether it will be separate, it’s just interesting because you were the first to experience a massive blow by cabs, that’s why i ask, let's say, we actually got used to it which.


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