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tv   [untitled]    February 19, 2024 7:30am-8:00am EET

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because, because they were concentrated and the artillery fired quite well, so we are waiting for official information for yesterday, because nobody will be able to calculate it unofficially on their own. and the head of the odesa military administration, mr. fedorov, said that in two years, 120 large exporting enterprises left zaporizhzhia due to the security situation, in particular, but also due to some conditions that they could not create... that's how seriously the economy is suffering now frontline city? well, the economy of the front-line city suffers from several factors: firstly, this is the risk that at any moment a blow may be struck, and accordingly it reduces the number of people willing to work in this area, this is firstly, secondly, this is that a large number of workers ... were involved in one or another
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field, now they were relocated together with entrepreneurs, or simply left with their families, or were mobilized, this is also a big problem, but the economy in zaporizhzhia has somewhat balanced out due to the development of trade, because a large the population has arrived, the military is stationed here, population from the occupied territories, also certain territories are located, therefore... in the very place, of course, that there is a balance, but the city budget is decreasing, i am generally silent about the regional budget, which is much smaller due to the occupation, in berdyansk it is reported that they showed the students of the school or something, they showed the anti-tank grenade launcher how it works and by accident at the same time, it means that they fired it right away in the school , a lot of people went to the hospital, or children, as if not... no one died, well,
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but at least that's how they report it, eh, well tro a little bit wrong, it was happening , well, according to the available information, it was a sports competition, and either the military came to these sports competitions, or there were some employees of the local ala teroborona or the police, who had, had with them a grenade launcher, and his accidental , accidentally pressed, he shot either up or down. it is not clear there, and accordingly, six people who were nearby, including children, were injured, uh, how it was more exhausting, well, it is not yet known, it was in melitopol, but in occupied berdyansk, there are other entertainments, russians decided to arrange for the local residents, so to speak, accustom them to new holidays, the world day of pilmeniya, eh, actually, on that world day of pilmeniya, they hoped that the youth would come, well , in the end... if we can show
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the photo, the youth are present on this holiday , she was so far behind them, here they are in the photo, as you can see, an accordion, some girdled man, either in an embroidered jacket or in a braided jacket, it is not clear what the word of a woman is in an embroidered jacket, well, some such a mix of things that these people do not understand. by whom are they still ukrainians, are they no longer ukrainians, but russians, have they never been ukrainians, but were some kind of soviet people, they put an accordion, a samovar, a palm tree with salt, a coin, pepper and grass there, because there is some belief i mean, they are somehow trying to accustom people to new traditions, have you heard anything about this holiday, no, i haven't, but it's not surprising that i haven't, considering the number of people in the photo. it is possible the initiative of some
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dk club there or some conventionally speaking local club of lovers of something is not numerous and even the locals didn't know about this event, so i didn't hear anything about it, but the propagandists there used it in their broadcasts or somewhere else, so it went to the general public, in fact, they constantly invent some russian-oriented days there. events, so even to this day they hold appropriate events, the worst thing is when they do it in schools, that is, they could organize this day at the school with a total lunch among schoolchildren, pilmens, but then it would be really massive and look like it, but thank god it was not guessed, find a new, new way to pull children in propaganda, have you heard anything, mr. serhiu, also about the fact that some kind of disease is spreading in beredyansk?
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has an increased mortality rate, people say that it is something between the flu and the coronavirus, and since the doctors in berdyansk are a little bad with medicines, the mortality rate from this... disease is quite high, well, in general , the medicine in the occupied territories is not good enough, first of all , it is quite difficult to buy a large number of medicines, because they are transported from the territory of the russian federation, which reflects well, let's say, on their price or not good, and secondly, not all medicines are available due to sanctions, and again, medical for... provision is the direction in which they save, because they spend money on propaganda activities and military actions, so how as a result, the level of medicine has significantly decreased, and therefore the mortality rate among the population has increased, this is one factor, and the second
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factor that must be taken into account is that a large number of the local population that remained are elderly people who decided not to throw away their property, well and these people... are systematically included in the risk group, even if one of the visitors, and up to a third of the population in the occupied territories , died of an illness, then he is included in the mortality statistics for the territory where he is located, and accordingly, that negatively affects the statistics for berdyansk or melitopol or another occupied territory, to calls to come to berdyansk to resettle... do russian doctors respond, at least the occupiers accept such calls, and in general, is this movement from russia to berdyansk taking place, so that these people, respectively in the elections of the president of russia, they voted as the president of russia should, well, as
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a rule, it is usually voted out not voluntarily, but forcibly, and in my opinion , it is no longer connected with the elections, but with the need to ensure a certain, let's say so, still a certain level. life and a certain level of assistance, this applies to both teachers and doctors, as well as specialists in other specialties who , of course, are appointed to administrative positions there , or judges are appointed, among the judges there are many natives of of the russian federation, and not local collaborators, but in principle, many people with specialties are forcibly sent on business trips, they are encouraged there with additional... payments or the provision of housing, etc. , in order to somehow stabilize this situation, because high-quality specialists from all professions left, and and what is it that russians are not attracted to occupied berdyansk, russians are attracted to occupied berdyansk, russians are not attracted to the fact that sometimes there is pampering in berlyansk,
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well, let the cotton of ukrainian berdyansk flourish and reduce the number of russians, sir serhiy, thank you , we wish the zaporizhia region a peaceful day, serhii lyshenko, a volunteer and deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, was in touch with us, we are now going for a short break, then we will return and talk about the kherson region since the very morning in kherson explosions, we will talk about it with yury sobolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council after a short pause. stay with us. want to wake up from? energetic and full of strength, but the whole body constantly hurts from the old mattress, you can’t turn around on the sofa find a comfortable position, you need to improve your sleeping place, meet the stoper casper ortolight mattress from the experts of mattress tv. instant solution to the problem of an uncomfortable sofa or an old mattress at
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on, in the new two-hour format, even more analytics , even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso.
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dear friends, we are back on the air and now kherson oblast will be in touch with us, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council yuriy sobolevsky appears on our airwaves, mr. yuriy, congratulations. i congratulate you, in fact, the news from kherson says that
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the russians have been raiding the city since the very morning, and there are hits in the coastal areas, several explosions were heard there, what is the situation now and is it already known about the consequences of these russian shellings, well, now quietly, but yes, they started shelling somewhere around here, there. well, about ten shells arrived as a result of the consequences later there, i know there are challenges, but the details will come later, because there is no information yet, of course, how does kherson live in general, the situation is difficult, as it was, and it is, now there are slightly fewer shellings per day, we see, well, on average there are about 40, every day, well, in comparison. from 120 per day , well, a little less, but unfortunately , we have victims every day, one
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person died there the day before yesterday, another eight were injured, there are various and complicated cases, but everyone is provided with medical assistance, in general, so far well, it is too early to say that the security situation has become better there, how many residents remain in kherson, how many people have left and whether now are you watching again the outflow of residents, in kherson itself somewhere 25-30% compared to the date of the full-scale invasion, if there were about 3,000 there, somewhere it remains so now, in other settlements in various places, in fact , in berislav there is 10-15%, because there already the city practically did not remain, it was very badly broken by the russians there and the cabs, they used it systematically. lasted a long time, so the situation there is really much more complicated than in kherson itself, there are settlements that are not
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close to the dnieper, on the contrary, people there are returning, there are about 90% populated areas, there compared to the beginning of the full-scale invasion, well, that is, where the security situation allows, where there is a rebuilding of the side-by-side program, that is, there people are returning, where there is constant shelling, well, of course, there are practically no people , do you have any information? about those people who left, unfortunately, from settlements that are constantly under fire, who lost their homes, that they may have already used the credit program, that is for... forcibly displaced persons, or that they are at least waiting for any housing already in other cities of the country? there is a completely different situation, there are cases where humanitarian support was really, very well received, unfortunately, there are cases when our idps face employment problems there, there are problems, there were such
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problems, now they have decided that in order to... register there in educational institutions at the place of residence, well, we try to maintain contact with our people, wherever they are, and within the limits of our powers, we help to solve it, all problems, of course, unfortunately, cannot be solved , the main job is actually a job, it's a temporary job, the biggest request from people is to find a new job in the place where they moved, in general, do you know any cases when this yeoselya, it seems or whatever it's called, that it... somewhere at least it helped someone, and someone was already able to support themselves, i have no information about this particular program , i know that the regions that receive them, they provide free housing, somewhere in hostels, somewhere in sanatoriums, which have been converted to accommodate our people , these programs, they
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work, that is, people have the opportunity to live there and somehow further settle down, regarding this program, well, unfortunately, i do not have any statistics. i read that there are forcibly resettled people from the kherson region, and even from the three communities of novorontsov, kuchubey, and vysokpiysk, it turns out that they did not receive payments for almost a year and a half, because there were some mistakes and by chance these communities were considered safe. yes, there really was a problem, legal, technical, you can call it differently, or... such a factor employees who were preparing documents for the list of communities that are located in the zone in which active hostilities are taking place, and the communities there were not indicated, it was corrected, but then there were social security problems, so that they already brought their documents into compliance , now according to my information, this problem has been solved, but more than a year, it's kind of,
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it's kind of strange, it's not acceptable, because for people... definitely every month of delay, when they're in these conditions, where some of them just lost everything, when there is no property, there are no savings, these are also people who went through the occupation, and these savings actually belong to our people, they mostly ran out during the period of occupation, because the majority refused any cooperation with the occupiers, did not receive humanitarian aid from them, nothing, they lived on that, on their savings, but they ran out and lo... now they need support, of course, actually, what is happening now in the occupied parts of the kherson region, what is the news from there? unfortunately, there is no good news at all, because there the situation is only getting worse and the industrial integration processes that exist, well , they are partially working, there time is not looking in favor of
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ukraine for ukrainians, because they are really under constant pressure day after day, well, it is certain. first of all, this is the lack of actual medicine, because even according to the occupation administration, less than 50% of them are filled with doctors for those vacancies that are there, which are in the first place for medical personnel. it is an even worse situation for junior medical personnel, for doctors, and even where they are, they are mostly visiting tourists i would like to work from russia, well , it is very difficult for our people there to receive these medical services, firstly, if there is no medical policy, it is not realistic at all now, and secondly, in the majority of difficult cases, they
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simply send them to simferopol and all , they themselves do not provide medical services. in the occupied territories they are actively preparing for the elections of the russian president, putin, and i understand that now it is not only in the occupied part of the kherson region, the same is the case in the zaporizhia region in the occupied territories, there is such a thing that young or not-so-young people in special capes, like presidential elections, go around and inform everyone that they should come and vote for putin. there is such a story, there are no young people there at all, practically there are only a few, the vast majority are those who go there, they are the locals who are there, well, let's say. well, these are collaborators, let's call things by their names, who are constantly involved in some mass gatherings, some official meetings of someone who comes, well, that is, the same
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faces, they really go, they try to encourage people to at least some activity before the elections, so that they come, take this picture at the polling stations, but they understand that in reality they will leave again at the expense of visiting commissions and extraterritorial commissions. where they will be able to make any results there and check it is simply impossible, and yes, well, yes, they go around, distribute campaign materials, they try to tell something, but what people say, which they themselves do not fully understand, what needs to be told about there is the fact that they read the pamphlets there, that is they retell it, they don't have any other questions, and what do these brochures promise to the residents of the occupied kherson region? it will happen and everything will be simple , whatever you want, you will have everything, if it’s short,
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they don’t say, yes, why didn’t this happen earlier in russia, when this dictator is already there, i don’t know how many decades he has ruled there, well they avoid it because the situation worsened, but in the promotional materials, of course, they say that the best party is united russia, the best... the president, of course, is the dictator putin. but here is everything okay, for example, nova kakhovka, the electricity went out there a few days ago, has it already returned to homes, how is the situation in the occupied city? everything is very difficult there, because, first of all, it is next to the zone of active hostilities, so people left here, people there... there are not many people left with communal services there , electricity is cut off, if it is available everywhere and usually according to the schedule , the schedule is also
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very imprecise, sometimes it is there, sometimes it is not, well, the security situation is difficult there, there are a lot of russians there now, even the military, and the filtering measures there are quite strong, precisely because it is next to the zone of active hostilities, the closer to the dnipro, the more... well, you say that there are many russians, but here in oleshki, in the occupied kherson region, people noticed mercenaries from the african continent at the e-e bazaar, at least this is what the director of the center for middle eastern studies serhii danilov reports, can you confirm this information of his? it is very difficult to officially confirm this, because , you know, now there is... information it is confirmed there from certain, well, there is no, let’s say, full access to the territories , so it is difficult to confirm, there was information and
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repeated that there were also mercenaries from syria, they were seen several times in the same way in the same new kopovka, and in those in leskhs, and in the genichevsky district as well, and from some african countries there were also people there, they are really russians trying now... er, to lure these mercenaries, the partial - it is already er, let's say this, people who were on the territory of the russian federation, these are students who have problems with students who are promised to be given citizenship and to solve their problems with education if they sign this contract there, there are various other categories, but there are indeed people who have recently arrived, let's say, to the russian federation, have undergone some kind of training. they have now been sent to us, the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense says that the russians are forcibly connecting residents,
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households, actually residents in the temporarily occupied territories of the kherson region to satellite russian television and have already installed 18,000 relevant devices, have you maybe they heard something about it, ma'am, but why satellite, because there is no other connection, they are trying to establish a connection anyway. there are problems in this, but they are trying to create their own network in this regard, because it is very important for them the system of the propaganda machine, there is something related to industrial integration, they really invest, what about television, yes, they have enough of this program when they replace the packages and equipment that people have installed with their own, which is already requested. under russian channels, they do it for free, of course, the goal is for a person to constantly have access to this information of propaganda-zite channels,
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nothing. they don’t tell the real story, the channel is actually called русский мир , there are several packages, in fact, but yes, there are such, but their goal is for people to have access to russian content, it has actually been so well developed over the years in management putin for brainwashing, which is unnecessary. special channels, any russian channel is now propaganda, in fact, that's why they try to make sure that as many people as possible have access to these channels. mr. yuriy, is it possible to leave the occupied territories, or are there people who are ready, who can no longer tolerate the abuse of the occupiers, and are ready to drop everything and go with the shades, such, such, and there are, in fact, they leave all the time, this is... the way
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through crimea now, but people are leaving, some of them are returning to kherson oblast, well, there are such cases, although now, well, it is too early, because the security situation is difficult, but such the possibility remains, of course, this is a completely different situation, when there was an opportunity to pass through vasilivka, and it was just as difficult, but much easier than now there through the crimea, unfortunately, a large number of people simply cannot... to use this opportunity because they have either problems with the documents or, let's say, objective risks that they will not come to the filter. and reverse, reverse migration, as for example, people in mariupol, fearing that their housing, which survived after the russians bombed the city, will be taken away from them, decide to still return in order not to lose a roof over your head, is this something you track on...
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mass, mass definitely not, people do not return because they are afraid, they understand that there will be de-occupation, that there will be hostilities, that is why they do not return en masse, maybe there are individual such cases there, but not systematically, thank you very much, mr. yurii, sabelevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council was with us, they talked about what is happening now in the occupied territory. kherson oblast also has information that the enemy is not abandoning attempts to attack and dislodge the ukrainian military from bridgehead on the left bank, in particular taking advantage of the fact that now we have a little problem with shells, yes, and this was actually the key to keeping them at a distance from that bridgehead, so the difficult situation remains, well, soon.
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news, but i read that, for example, this enterprise that rhine metal is opening in ukraine, classified by the military, will produce shells of 155 caliber, nato, in the near future, they are going to reach a six-figure number of shells per year, production, this is enough and quite good, that is, you understand what it is from 100 thousand to 999 thousand, better 999 00, of course, but these things are little by little. serhii zorets will talk a little more about this topic in the next hour, because i read very interesting data about how china and turkey are helping russia now with the supply of this equipment for shells. china is not surprising, and turkey has decided to play a two -ground game, a nato ally, and dear friends, we are finishing our first hour of the marathon today, we are approaching 80 am, which means that at 8 am we are looking at what
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there... in ukraine and the world for the last hour, kateryna shirokopoyas already has a fresh selection of news. katya, congratulations, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of the night attack on ukraine and the situation at the front. greetings, time of news on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. in the morning , explosions rang out in kherson, the enemy attacked the coastal areas of the city. this was announced by the head of the city military administration , roman mruchko. in general, during the day, the enemy attacked the settlements of the kherson community 12 times, released 26.


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