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tv   [untitled]    February 22, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm EET

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obviously, it is uncomfortable for them to compete somewhere and now they are using political means to make their business more successful, after all, it often happened in ukraine that politics helped business, well, such is life, how to untie this gordian knot? i wanted to fully agree with what mr. oleksandr said, regarding the economy, regarding competition, regarding the fight against... on the market, for the market between, let's say, polish and ukrainian agricultural companies, we are definitely standing, our agricultural companies are standing a couple of heads higher from polish, it is true, and it was even recognized by prime minister tusk of poland, where he said that ukrainian agribusiness is already european, a real business, polish is still completely behind, it needs to learn, but there is a small but, our state declared, that we want to be members of the european union, that is...
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agribusiness, agricultural products that are ukrainian and that will enter the european market, it is not only the poles, it is also other countries that do not agree with the fact that ukrainian, ukrainian agricultural products enter the european market, because they lose, and we really, our country, our state can cover the whole of europe with its products, this is the truth, er, my proposal, i have already appealed to our government officials with this and that proposal several times, but unfortunately, they know...
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the best way out is that situation , we will hope, and today we need it, especially since the poles and lithuanians have long been ready to cooperate with us, in particular latvia and estonia, these baltic countries, they are ready to cooperate with us, if we would normally began to work in that direction, creating, for example, a joint hub of ours agricultural products for five countries, these are poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia and ukraine, and where we completely equalized the price policy and other. and we would sell all those five countries, regardless of whether estonia produces very little there, and ukraine produces a lot, there is more poland, but then we, together with these five countries , protect our common products and sell them together, and earn together , we would have removed ourselves as ukraine, this negative, negative approach to us, and therefore we will not be allowed to join the european union, this is true, and one more thing, you look when our first unit started.
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wheat products, when we did not let them go to europe, almost a year has already passed, only yesterday mr. president zelenskyi announced that he will finally meet with the top leadership of poland and will conduct some definite negotiations, to give something, but the whole year has come, the whole year has come, on those negotiations, i won't name the name, because i simply don't want to, but i have the information that the polish government told me when we met...
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talk, unfortunately, i can't see today from the ukrainian government, that they want to talk to someone, this is a big problem, you see, that's why we have a prime minister, and they send, let's say, fifth-rate officials there, someone else there, to those negotiations, in such situations, to which our polish-ukrainian relations have now led, this is a second front, an economic and political front is actually opening, it is very serious, and it will continue, nothing will change, and it will be even more so. .. that's why you have to sit on the highest one today level, to create a serious working group of serious representatives from our side and conduct negotiations on how to get out of this situation, this, by the way, will help us to join the european union, it will certainly help us to really remove a lot of questions that we will be asked and not only poles, but also other countries, and if we had already started to cooperate with what i am saying in five five countries, we would have fewer questions for us during the time when we...
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join the european union. mykola knyazhytskyi is with us, people's deputy of ukraine, co-chairman of the inter-parliamentary group relations with the republic of poland. mr. mykola, we congratulate you. congratulations. which one the information you have is the most up-to-date regarding the search for a solution to this conflict, someone is already calling it the second front that has opened up for ukraine, it is difficult, because on the one hand we hear the intentions of the president of ukraine to meet with the president of poland, and with the prime minister, he even called them to this joint meeting, but at the same time , the protesters in poland are going to hold mass protests again on tuesday already there in warsaw. announce how, how can we do it all solve how realistic it is in the near future? well, look, protesters in poland can walk polish, poland is a democratic country, and after the times of solidarity, it is not customary to disperse protests in any way, so
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there will be protests. the other thing is that when these protests block the border of a country that is at war, the border that connects with the european union with nato, obviously, this is absolutely unacceptable, and that is why... i welcome today's decision of polish prime minister tusk, which is in order to be included in the infrastructure list important strategic objects, in particular the borders with ukraine, and provision for the passage of military cargo and humanitarian cargo, this is important, because military cargo was allowed through before, if it consisted of weapons headed there from the countries of our allies, as for humanitarian cargo, i have humanitarian friends who are from poland. poles, by the way, have been standing there for more than two weeks in these traffic jams, so there are also such cases, there are cases when equipment for ukrainian military factories is standing in traffic jams and is not allowed to pass, so what prime minister tusk did is extremely important, the situation in general, well, it is not, is not
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simple, because, as you know, there is such a paradox that 80% of poles support the protests, and approximately the same number of poles support ukraine , they do not combine it in their heads. to drink in poland, our products pass phytosanitary control at the border, and eu representatives control it in ukraine itself, if these products go further. in general , only 5% of our agricultural exports go through poland, most of them go to grain corridor by sea, which was restored by our
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armed forces of ukraine. the protests will obviously continue, the problem is that polish politicians are very much using these protests for their own political capital, considering that... in april there will be local government elections in poland, then european parliament elections, then presidential elections, everyone is afraid to say something in order not to harm myself in front of the voters, and that is why such explanatory work is needed, i am now in warsaw, i had meetings with the leadership of the senate, the diet, with politicians, with government officials, and it seems to me that the ice has broken, because what we managed to achieve is that we managed to convince them that this is a matter of national security, both theirs and ours... at first , minister kubrakov said this, which was very good , but it happened only last week, then the president of ukraine, because it is security and economic, they block not only agricultural products, gas, for example, which is already more expensive in ukraine, but also products of polish manufacturers, because export from poland is growing, but they cannot sell their products
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deliver to ukraine, and the polish market is also suffering. obviously, i firmly believe that russia is behind this in one way or another. i talked here with specialists who research polish social networks. a huge wave of bots, provocations, which, firstly, divide poland and ukraine, and secondly, polish society among themselves, the way it happened in ukraine, the washington post wrote about it. this work is very active, and the poles are not ready to fight it and do not have the mechanisms to fight it. three of the leaders of these protests are pro-russian supporters, two out of three leaders of these protests are supporters of pro-russian political forces. but sober voices are heard: firstly, it is the voice of mrs. consul general. lviv, and eliza dzvonkiewicz, i want to thank her for the sober voice of true brotherhood and sisterhood, and it was heard very strongly in poland, the poles were simply stunned when they read what the consul said, many people's eyes were opened to what is happening, yes the polish
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women's congress itself made a statement today, ot now these statements have started, today i met with polish analysts, many who research this topic with polish syncnets, and also, well... they heard and they simply did not have information, they believed in that anti-ukrainian propaganda that is pouring out from everywhere. another thing is that i agree with mr. pavlyuk, who spoke about the need to negotiate. because objectively, with our integration into the european union, our biggest competitor will be poland. we have a similar structure of the economy, they have their own interests, and this was also the case when poland integrated into the european union. and of course, we should create joint groups in order to agree on issues between us and then move towards the european union with a common front. because we now have a government in poland that fully supports our european integration, integration into nato. this is very important for us, but this government also depends on those protests, it depends on its voters, and therefore this participation is very important, very important from us, i believe that
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there will be such a desire from the polish side as well, because here, too, many politicians shrug it off and say, we support you anyway, let's not get into it, it will be spring, they will go to sow and everything will dry out by itself, well, the russians will not let it go away, that's why our politicians, and polish people must be fully responsible to negotiate in the economy, while protecting their own security. thank you, mykola knyazhy. quite developed and everything is clear. people's deputy of ukraine, head of the group on inter-parliamentary relations with the republic of poland, this is important, mr. mykola, now is actually in poland. i made a short conclusion, then we will move on to the topic of the war and what will be difficult in the future, and how we will survive it. the fact that bots and pro-russian organizations can work in poland, well , this means that the russian federation, which is no longer... can, perhaps, conduct such effective propaganda on the territory of our state, and we have learned to fight it, so
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it seems to me, and it is important for the poles to convey that they are becoming victims of manipulation by the russian federation, and this is a hybrid confrontation and the doctrine of their commander-in-chief gerasimov continues, that is , they have to learn, maybe even from us, maybe even with our forces, mr. pavlyuk, briefly summarizing and moving on, he said and i would now like to appeal to all ukrainians who you... go to the internet, look, that they add to the posts about the poles and so on and so on, they are different, maybe these are russian provocateurs, i agree, but there are also a lot of ukrainians, not having understood our good-neighborly relations between ukraine and poland, they start such, you know, well raids on on poland, on the poles, don't waste it, you don't need to do it, dear friends, we don't do it, because really this confederacy party, it's a very small percentage, they led it today, it's... a pro-russian party and as said mr. mykola , before they listened attentively, and therefore we do not need to make such a big problem out of it
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, that because the farmers there did not pour the grain, the farmers themselves, it has already been proven, those representatives of that party poured it, and they themselves farmers yes, they protect their interests, and us ukrainians there's no need to stir up and make that enmity between our peoples again, there's no need for this, that's what i'm talking about, mrs. kuzik, i have a short word for you, you are a volunteer, a person who brings in many, many useful things, have you been? problems, are there any problems with this now , but it is possible that the poles really become victims of these pro-russian manipulations, but the majority of poles, the majority of poles are friendly to us, absolutely, ms. kuzyk, do you feel, look, in fact, we feel, we still have there are drones on the border that are sealed, and we cannot bring them into us drivers left, who still haven't returned, are standing in line, had to turn back, well, to at least be normal. but to live for a few days, because living on the border is not an option at all for them. accordingly, we
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, what i hear is that humanitarian cargoes and military personnel are passing through, maybe military personnel are passing through, but with humanitarian cargoes there is actually a very big problem, i will tell you more, we even talked like this with the volunteers, and i am already saying, well, should we leave there, or somehow we should carry them on foot, these same drones, in fact, and all these cargoes, this is not some kind of humanitarian cargo, who can... wait, these drones are actually very important, they are waiting for them at the front, and what do they say, well, you are driving, specifically, you are driving a drone, polish farmers are coming here, they are saying, but they are not saying anything, we are standing in line and very far, that is, we didn’t even get there , even closer to them, that is, there is some dialogue there, no, they, well, they are not interested in anything, they have their rally, they have their own, they have grain, theirs, theirs drones are not interested at all, so you understand, and you turned to the consulate so that the consuls would help you, well but you understand, volunteers should not
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do that either, it should be within the borders of the state to divide this thing that these are military goods and humanitarian ones, we deal with that, we let them through, we somehow discuss everything else , well, if it’s not normal, what is this it's still happening, mr. mirny and mr. stetsky, i 'll be brief, you have to, we have to understand who we're dealing with, once again, this is a polish farmer, it's a polish farmer in this situation, and it's not only in poland. these are, like, the brightest supporters of trump, that is, people who have a sufficiently low intelligence, a low level of education, who felt a threat to my peaceful life, because, i repeat, the european union is now trying to force them to be more efficient, who are used to not straining, and they will blame whoever they point the finger at, pointed the finger at the ukrainians, so they will blame the ukrainians, they pointed the finger at the drones
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, they will blame the drones, they care about nothing but their own well-being, everything and these people will never... not be interested in foreign policy, why are they talking about putin, this provocateur wrote about putin, and none of the poles who were walking by him did not take it off, because they are interested in their own, they do not connect cause and effect relationships, they do not need it, give me my piece and do not touch me, that's all, that's why we are suffering , we all believe that it will never come to this, but geopolitically, this banner for poland... can have very long-term consequences, because we also thought that those people who are coming out in donetsk are inviting a russian peace, well yes , the marginals are out, someone is invited, and this banner can, let's say, go down in history, i'm interested in your opinion on this matter, from the point of view of geopolitics, the situation with the polish protests is such a vivid example of how a certain, well, not so big problem
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can be turned around and used in the right direction for specific interests. aggressor countries, look, the initial cause of the polish protests was not on the ukrainian-russian border, in brussels, there are 3 million farms in poland, poles always protest and not only poles, germans protest, spaniards protest, they want more subsidies, since german farmers have more of them, they protest against the decisions of the european commission there, not to reduce their pesticides, herbicides, and so on and so on. second, in june 2022, the european commission made a decision and allowed ukrainian agricultural exports according to the rules of the european union, that is , ukrainians had an absolutely legal and legitimate right to trade in europe according to the internal rules of the european union, which we did, and for a year and a half no one cared. all of a sudden , the transporters panicked at the end of last
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year, and the farmers now. and the third circumstance: c the structure of ukrainian exports by... occupies 5% of agricultural, this is a relatively small number, but someone managed to very skillfully turn the anger of polish farmers or their dissatisfaction or their anxieties from brussels onto ukrainians, well, if, for example, ukrainian traders sold grain in poland, which is really cheaper than the polish ones, well, the poles bought it, that's right, that is, polish businessmen bought this grain, and this...
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it is called that it turns out that this grain goes somewhere to europe, returns back to poland, although not a single fact was recorded , none neither from lithuania, nor from germany, and then tusk said that it turns out that ukrainian agricultural exports are strongly europeanized, and you know that he meant that those traders who sell grain and transport it through poland have dutch, belgian and american founders, that's what he meant by the europeanization of ukrainian agricultural business, so what?
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a significant part of these politicians, and this is in the open, have very excellent connections with the russian federation, and here everything is just like a door, you should not think that the russian fsb is almighty, no, it just uses things like this in order to deploy very carefully, i agree, it was easy to scare the polish farmers, it was easy to scare them very much, that tomorrow they will all go bankrupt, and they did not do it themselves, it was done by those... people who organized the protests, and here i must say that neither the ukrainian authorities nor the polish authorities were up to the task, because it was all possible , there were at least three ways and they were called... as this problem could have been eliminated, but sorry, it exists it is the responsibility of the polish authorities to ensure the transit of the territory of poland to other countries of the european union and beyond the borders of the european union, it is no longer
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ukrainian, the ukrainians transported the goods to the polish territory and in transit seal and give passage, the polish authorities did not do this, and the worst thing that seemed to me, i i didn't really like zelenskyi's call to take the entire government to the border, but i really didn't like it... the forces that are in power, that in ukraine, that in poland, and such situations should not be allowed to happen, this is not a problem, she is exaggerated, it is far-fetched, and these protests
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could have been stopped, because today there is one poster with putin, there, putin is coming, and tomorrow there will be 10, and the day after tomorrow there will be 100, and then they will remind us of certain historical misunderstandings and what we will get to , you know, but does it mean that they are simply not afraid of any... they are not afraid of the threat from russia, no, they are not russians, they are not afraid of their government, they see inaction, they polish strikers saw inaction the polish government and the fear of the polish government before the upcoming local elections, this is the reason for such a prolongation of this conflict, mr. smilka wanted a word, then, you know, a lot of conversations, i am a military man, so he tries to get into politics, especially international politics. very, you know, don't comment , don't comment, because it doesn't bother me a little bit , but i want to say for myself, you know, i have a very good friend in poland, who was just last month, brought us three more
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cars, a pytefander and an outlander , he started going from the first days of the war, he started bringing help, he himself is a pole, jatsyk hugo-boss, he is more than that, he is a journalist of an electoral newspaper, and i talked to him a lot and also talked to him later, i also talked to someone who is a fairly high-ranking lawyer of judges. they are for us, and there is no need to put everyone under one side, let's say, those who are manipulating them now, those farmers, they,
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he said, we will find them, so we will need time, who is behind it, mr. pavlyuk said correctly, they will find them, so it will take time, we need political will first of all, but we will find them, he will find them secondly, he as he says, we know what you are doing, we know that you are doing corruption on the right with corruption, they know everything, but we help your people because we are next, we know it very well, and everyone, well the majority of the inhabitants of poland support you, don't look only at those short headlines, there's no need to incite this wave of some kind of hatred towards the poles, believe me, they are very friendly towards us , you can see them now, at such a time it is not profitable to show those who are friendly towards us , that is someone manipulates maybe that but in fact, citizens of poland, ordinary citizens, believe me, i was there in rehabilitation, i know how i was in the hospital, as they tell me to our ukrainian boys:
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you are our heroes, you are our heroes, that is, ordinary poles behave normally, and you have to understand, as they say , to be able to sift the chaff from the grain, but there is very little of that chaff there, and in fact we are very supported there, you know, when i listen to this political... aspect, that there are political forces in poland that have good relations with the russian federation, well, you know, it reminds me, well, we are also on these rakes stood up in our recent ukrainian history, you know, if someone behaves like putin's best man, speaks like putin's best man, then he is putin's best man, not a ukrainian politician, well, that's how we understand who we 're talking about, we have dariush maternyk, the head of polish steel issues, the main editor of portalunet, if it exists, we will remove it, if not, mr. peaceful.
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from the side of poland, who are you really, here we have basically come to the conclusion that these people who are active on the border are, well, just an absolute pittance, to put it mildly about polish society in general, yes, active people are often more visible, but nevertheless, what do poles think in general and how do you see the solution to this situation, given that the meetings of our government officials with top government officials, with top by polish government officials at the end.
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conflict on the border, well, conflict, and misunderstanding, conflict is a bad word, we still came to such, it seems to me, a general conclusion in the studio that these are not only problems between ukraine and poland, rather, it is the european union that should solve these issues, therefore let's hope, little by little , anxiety is spreading across the territory of our country, fortunately we are in a region where there is no anxiety so far, so we can continue to work in our studio, mr. magda, well, summing up
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somewhere here is this topic in poland, and here, well we talk a lot about the fact that if it is difficult for us here, we will not be able to hold this front line with the russian federation, then poland also has something to fear, after all, in germany they are talking about the fact that the eastern flank of nato is preparing for a hybrid russian attack there, which allegedly even this could happen at the end of february this year, at least that's what their publication bilt wrote, maybe in october, at the end of this year. closer to what this hybrid war will look like, is it some kind of cyber attacks, we don’t know, we don’t know, poland is not afraid of this, they don’t feel this threat, how much, in principle , does the european union really feel the threat of russia’s invasion of them, i think that the threat of russia's invasion is primarily felt by nato.


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