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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EET

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no one will implement this, this strategy was made for the international monetary fund, well, not in order to do this, but the imf simply wrote in a memorandum that an income strategy is needed, the ministry of finance, here is an income strategy, everyone is satisfied, but they themselves emphasize , that first the tax reform, or again to make a service institution that will have trust, so that later it can be used to tighten the nuts, again, the tightening of the nuts, when we talk about salaries in envelopes, these nuts must be tightened, it is necessary, when we are talking about what... the fop tool is being used by big business, it has to be covered up , it has to be covered up, because it's actually creating crazy injustice, inequality, that's actually the biggest threat to the world right now, the world thinks it's global warming, but it's actually inequality that's grown a lot , and it creates a demand for populists, for conditional trump, brexit and so on, these are all things with negative economic consequences, again, this is the result of inequality, we have very high inequality, we have higher inequality than there in europe. .. not enough, because
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it depends on the state, and the state in ukraine will never be able to give much. ugh. and finally, our post-war economy, i already understood from all your theses that we should bet on people, and look for these people so that they are talented, resourceful, ambitious. and give them the minimum ground so that they can realize themselves, but if we are talking about industries, where do you see the emphasis that should be placed, because as it was, we will not talk about it anymore, and it will not be, but i think again we don't have it to decide, it is the business that will decide for itself who will come to us, for example, the scandinavians will come with certain ideas and will implement them, but we have an idea, no, we have an idea, we do not have money, that is, there is already a question of capital technologies, this is what... that we don't have, that
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you can think that again the world is moving, the further, the more into services, and we are strong in services, this is our feature, the further, the more people will work less , more time will be free, this means that tourism, and again services, so i would looked in this direction, first of all, the industrial complex may be on the horizon, does the proximity of the neighborhood with russia exclude this option, not without war , maybe, maybe, but again, if we look even at the economy. of the united states, well, the industrial complex already creates very little, there is no such added value, it is a small part in the conditions of a huge modern digital economy. where our strength in the military industry is this drone story, where we are innovators, and we have a lot of startups now, a lot of ideas, i just think that the best startups are actually after the war will move to california, simply because they will leave, someone will buy them, and where they will have their headquarters, not in kyiv, most likely, we can. and we have to position
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ourselves due to the fact that there will be a certain fashion interest in ukraine as the center of eastern europe, where you can open offices for companies that want to cover both eastern europe, europe, and the countries there , the cis, the former, except for russia, we can be that bridge for business precisely because our mentality allows us to communicate both there and there, and this can be our idea again, i thank serhii for this conversation, as it seemed to me very important things. speech, serhiy fursa, an investment banker and economic expert, and joined our special espresso project for the second anniversary of the russian federation's large-scale invasion of ukraine, we are talking not only about these two years and the result of these two years for us, but also about certain visions for the future , this is extremely important, because without any efforts to build a vision, it is difficult to talk about achieving any goals. my name is khrystyna yatskiv and we... will meet you at all
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soon, there are discounts on afida max 10% in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. there are 10% discounts on bronchialik in the pharmacies psylansky, ban and oskad. there are discounts on helpex of 20% in psyllanyk fam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on psyk, 10% in psyllium fam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is
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vasyl zymai, we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. today we will discuss many important topics with you for two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. says serhii zgurets with us and what the world lives on now yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy good evening, please have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka from we, oleksandr, welcome you to sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather you will come for a day as well as distinguished guests of the studio, andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. 10 years
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of war, the war for freedom, from the revolution of dignity to today's battles. if something happens to me. if i do not rise, then i know that i died for the truth. 10 years of war, the war for our existence, this is the path that changed us. in the conditions of occupied territories, de-occupied territories, we have losses of the order of potential 7 million hectares of land that have not been cultivated for 2 years. 10 years of war, war for the future, what price do we pay for it? 200 of our citizens were taken to russia. it is not a passing thing. intellectuals, specialists, patriots talk about challenges, threats and our future in a special project for the 10th anniversary of the beginning of russia's armed aggression against ukraine, 10 years of the war for independence, from february 18 on espresso.
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a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special service of transport. the viewers of the espresso tv channel are asked to join collection of throne posts and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is sergey. i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next hour, we talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. kryna does not surrender. the armed forces of ukraine continue to hold a bridgehead on the left bank of the kherson region and beat the occupiers wholesale
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right on the training grounds. reach kyiv. medvedev once again dreamed of unattainable victories. where does it come from... national threat the existence of russia. the biggest ukrainian-polish conflict of the decade. the governments of the countries will meet in warsaw, where economics ends and politics begins. over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with the officers of the armed forces of ukraine, ihor lapin and volodymyr omelian, and political expert volodymyr tsibulek. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you take a look. video of the attack by the armed forces of ukraine on the concentration of russian troops at the training ground in the kherson region, where it was probably command of the occupation forces of the dnipro. according to preliminary information, at least 60 occupiers were killed. let's see.
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friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. if you're currently watching us on these platforms, take part in our vote. today we ask you about this, do you believe that the war will end with the return of all territories? yes, no, on youtube there is a button either yes or no, write your comment under this video if you have a special opinion. well, if you watch us in broadcasts, then call if you believe that the war, believe, or rather, will end with the return of all territories 0800-211-381, no, 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, phone, at the end of the program we will sum up this voting. and
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we have our first guest ihor lapin, a major of the armed forces of ukraine, a special officer, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation. mr. major, i welcome you, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. major, let's start our conversation with belarus we haven't heard anything from our northern neighbor for a long time, and here is defense minister hrenin. who, you remember, convinced reznikov two years ago that russian troops would not leave the territory of belarus, and this was a few days before the big russian offensive, he declared that ukraine had concentrated 112-114 thousand people near the belarusian border, and says that he promises to unceremoniously shoot down nato planes if they violate the airspace of the republic of belarus. let's hear what he said. to
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date, according to our estimates, there are about 112,114 thousands of this group. of these , slightly more than 17,000 personnel are involved in the direct protection of the ukrainian-belarusian border. our border guards see a lot of provocations, in particular, violations of airspace . we respond to all these violations. when necessary, our combat aircraft are brought up, brought down. the anti-aircraft missile forces are on standby, well, this is from our side, of course, if the brakes are completely lost on their side, of course we will shoot down and we will not hesitate. mr. major, you look so that belarus is preparing for the second stage, and a repetition of what happened in the 22nd year is possible, and it does not look like belarus is preparing for war? well , let's be honest, it's getting ready, not belarus is getting ready , russia is planning to use the troops
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of belarus against ukraine, well, they have that, they have, it's funny putin's troops, well, that's what you can call them the belarusian armed forces, we criticized them back in the 22nd year, a lot of citizens of belarus who were military personnel of belarus, the regular army of belarus, were destroyed on our territory, and this is a fact. concerning statement, well, i've already said it and i will do it more than once... in order to successfully carry out any military operations against ukraine from the side of belarus, it is necessary to concentrate there, well , at least, at least 40-45 thousand plus. the armed forces of belarus together with the security forces can in principle strengthen such a number of personnel. and then who will protect tsar lukashenko? you do understand that lukashenka's power rests on the security forces, it doesn't matter if it's the army, whether it's their police or the militia, it doesn't matter. and... lukashenka's government hangs on bayonets, that's it, full stop, now what's next, do they have such an opportunity, well, of course
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there is, but the question of military purpose and expediency, stretching our rear, stretching our armed forces, opening another front, such threats are quite realistic, but where are they going to reach, well, lukashenko once said that we will cut off ukraine from the western borders there, well , that is, as i understand it, they were going to reach somewhere in uzhgorod, probably, well, it is not... seriously, it leads from belarus to ukraine, if i'm not mistaken, 13 roads, well, i can make a mistake, but there are 13 such main roads, eh , tanks do not drive through forests and swamps, tanks drive on roads, we are not the same as we were in the 22nd year, we are not so naive, let's say this, and the fact that we have been for two years there we are digging and imitating, it is a fact, well, general naiv can tell more, i will not tell so much, further, is there any military potential at all and is there a possibility? have putin order lukashenka to shoot himself in the legs and then in the head,
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of course, putin can achieve this, in what way, in what way, this is not a question for me, but i emphasize once again, moving such a large number of troops and deploying them in combat formations, no one will say, as reznikov and arakhamia told us exactly two years ago, recently facebook reminded me that it was exactly two years ago that reznikov and arakhamia were told that there were no strike groups , zelensky said, let's marinate... there will be barbecues in time , don't panic, all this fake news, don't pay attention and so on, that is, we remember all this, today of course, any deployment of troops will not go unnoticed, it's true . this is the deployment i currently have i didn't see it, but for that we have budanov , who should do his job, observe there, watch from space, from a satellite, well, and the western partners too, if they will see that the authorities are preparing for the handover of kyiv, they will also publish, probably, the magazine bil will publish the main directions of the attack, and igor lapin
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will once again gather some partisan units in order to destroy them there, because i don't see any other option, but... there is another way to react, i emphasize once again that at the moment there is no possibility of such an opening at all in the direction are real, but we need more intelligence, will the russians try to destabilize our northern border, yes of course, by the way, they have another trick right now, it's on the 28th, if i'm not mistaken, someone is going to driving in the transnistrian moldavian republic, the so-called... dniester, regarding joining russia, they have already confused something there, and i am also watching this very closely, because this island, an enclave, which borders ukraine on one side , and on the other hand, it is the territory of moldova, and now it is very important for maia sandu serious challenges, and in this case we also have to be ready, because if you look at the number of weapons and personnel of the pmr
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together with their russian 14th army there, then... their forces outweigh the forces of moldova, so i think that romania should also be ready here in case such a request comes from maysand. i emphasize once again, this is another country's issue, they should decide, but for us, these are also very serious dangerous signals, so should we ignore it? of course not, well, we are not ignoring, we are preparing, well, you mention the leader's statement of the separatist moldovan movement, which is located in transnistria, volodymyr krasnos. he is talking about the fact that deputies of different levels will gather and ask for joining the russian federation, that is , the scenario that was in the 22nd year, well, since the 14th year, we have seen all these scenarios that unfolded on our territory of ukraine, and they repeat themselves, that is, they play the same card, when some group of people appeals to putin, putin is to
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address the federal assembly on february 29 with an annual message that... before the federal that with a message on the 28th, he is going to the so-called congress. by the way, we had this convention not only in 2014. do you remember that back in severo-donetsk in 2004, when the second round of presidential elections took place, they gathered in severo-donetsk and also talked about the need to call on putin to come. everyone has already forgotten about it, right? well, most people have forgotten. is it possible, can putin play the card with... nistrovia in the same way as with the so -called lpr and dpr, i.e. do the same thing? no, he won't be able to do the same, because you need to have a direct land corridor of some kind in order to play there, they don’t have it, that is, it is necessary to go through odessa, they are not in vain now medvedov got out of his drunkenness , began to tell again that odessa is a russian city there and so on, maybe they have such,
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you know, wet illusions and there are dreams , but i emphasize once again, well, we are not here today , not 20 no... february 20, 22, we are a little different now, and the army is different, and everything is different, and therefore i do not see such a scenario play this card in order to connect there, and if they are going to connect, then they have to then the entire south of ukraine will be bitten off, they fought here for avdiyivka for six months, well, you can imagine further, but in general, destabilization in this direction of distraction for european partners can happen, and it is necessary to pay attention to it, it is necessary. you pay attention, well, listen, well, let's speak frankly, well , moldova plays with transnistria even more than ukraine played with ordlo, well , no matter what, they play with them there, they drive calmly there, there are car signs, there is a peaceful movement there goods, people, passports, moss, swamp, goats, horses, pigs and everything climbs there, if they don't make an island there
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that has to sort itself out within its own country, i'm saying now moldova should close, and for transnistria all the more... and prepare for physical confrontation, because the russians have their 14th army there, so i understand that many representatives of moldova serve in that army, citizens of moldova, well, they also have citizenships there, i don’t think that all of them there are rushing into battle against moldova under the flags of russia, but this enclave has quite serious there opportunities for destabilization, i emphasize once again, the transnistrian army has several times more personnel than in moldova. and this can be a serious challenge for maisand, for her country and in general for destabilization in this region. the russians will set fire to all the regions they can. well , i must say that... in 1992, there was already a conflict, an armed conflict, they shot , that is, there was a war, it's just that, for some reason, everyone forgets about it very quickly, well
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, 30 years have passed, i understand that 32 , eh, let's go let's go back to the situation in kherson oblast, because shoigu already reported to putin that they took the krynks there, today zelensky said that they didn't... take the krynks and the armed forces of ukraine continue to get a bridgehead in the village of krynki on the left bank of kherson oblast, and about that the operational command of the south has already reported, earlier the propagandists, well, the russians rolled out this topic about the krynks, what is currently happening in the east and in the south and how it is connected to each other, well, they mean not only the east, but probably the northeast as well, there where is lyman and kupyansk, right. well, look, the lyman-kupyan direction, as i already said, is interesting to kupyansky for another , perhaps another statement by putin before the elections, that kharkov, kharkov is also
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a russian city, and kharkov region is a territory of russia, there is an annexation, perhaps in the constitution something is soldered in, they need to have a piece of kharkiv oblast, since they, having a piece of zaporizhzhia, said that the zaporizhia region is russia, well, that's all, they said, well, to them, this statement is, by the way, in the context of transnistria, for which we only that... this is also one of the statements putin's election program can easily happen, this is also a fact regarding the krynka, well, the shoigu there takes the krynka, i remember, they have already taken bahmud six or seven times, i don't remember how many, so what they are weaving there is not i know, our guys showed footage from a drone, how two faints ran out, took a picture and then ran, that’s the story, you know, look, we hold the bridgehead as long as we have the opportunity to cover it... the bridgehead with the help of artillery or drones, at the moment i know that there are ours such friendly drone teams , i will not name
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them, so as not to give away any units, but such famous teams are sitting there in them there is a socialist comparison, somewhere, some russian armored vehicles have not yet had time to leave, as the competition is already going on, who will be the first to fly and shoot down there is her, well, it looks like that somewhere, that's why we have the opportunity to cover up for the time being. there are still a few there from, as they say, from the reserves, from the firemen, a few shells were provided for the feed of the homeland, and while we have the opportunity to keep our comrades, we support it with artillery and fpv drones , if there is no such opportunity, of course we will be dropped by the dnipro, well, that’s understandable, that’s the logic of war, that’s why the story is what shaygu told, they took kyiv there in three days, well , let them open more chain of restaurants, they have already opened one chain of restaurants in moscow, called zaobishchiki, well... let them open the same chain of restaurants in st. petersburg, well , it is something like today's oteto ot krynks, and in general, what is done in the east and
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in the south , well, look, the risks are those that i already have i said that the swallow is held like a redoubt, but the main forces and artillery should concentrate on the prepared lines, it is a little further from the swallow and a little behind, this is the avdiivka area, how well we have prepared will be seen later, now i do not want to criticize or praise, but that that something was going on there. it was congested, but i didn’t see many concrete mixers there, so some boundaries are usually being prepared, against this background, the statements of western partners who tell us that the lack of weapons will lead to the loss of cities look strange, well, it’s true, this is a realistic scenario, and at the same time, in kramatorsk, 700,000 is allocated on this on prozoro, they trade 700, hryvnias there for the recovery of the kramatorsk market, oblagor. kramatorsk market, that is, a city 10 km from the front line, look at what they are spending money on, so the issue of defensive lines will be acute, and if these saboteurs do not stop doing this trash,
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well, to be honest, i don't know how still influence today's local self-government bodies so that they understand, esp near the front line, well, it’s generally some kind of trash, just like in the zaporizhzhia direction, they haven’t been able to hold a tender for the production of dragon’s teeth since january, there is money, money... allocated by the government from the reserve, but they haven’t held a tender yet, already people are running out, and they are still conducting a tender, well, how can we continue to talk, and then friends from zaporizhia call me, their parents are there and say, they write in private, listen, what will zaporizhzhia give, well, first of all, no one gives anything , we defend exactly as much as we can, and for that, if you want zaporozhye to sleep peacefully, then go to the local administration and give them a headache, well, what else can you say, i don’t know, so that they don’t consider it a call to some kind of violence, well, but secondly, i don’t i know how to influence the local self-government bodies so that they take the military-civilian administrations into their faberge and begin to close the issue of the construction of defensive lines, zaporizhzhia is certainly further than
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kramatorsk. there are as many as 47 km or 50 km from the front line, well, idiots, well, what else can i say, well i won't say it in another way, treason , maybe it's necessary that the sbu, counterintelligence was already involved, what is this sabotage going on, and maybe it's not sabotage, but maybe it's treason, we have to figure it out, but what about me, i ca n't for the kid to do everything, eh, further along the front , well, what else is so interesting, the yar times are fundamental for them, to complete the issue of the donetsk agglomeration, as they say, and to have the opportunity... already further to look either at konstantinivka to the left, or at slov yansk-kramatorsk to the right, well, this question must be considered, well, i think that the general staff is here the movement will be sorted out, the front has moved near vogledar, well, i think this is due to the fact that it is not far from avdiyivka, maybe some groups from the avdiyiv direction are starting to put pressure on ugledar, and they will look in the direction of pokrovsk, but pokrovsk is still far away, but nevertheless, they will look in that direction, maybe they will look
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just in the direction of the konstantinivka-pokrovka highway. maybe i am now , you know, here on the map we can run with you as you want, but operational information about the reserves and concentration of the enemy is of course in the main intelligence agency and in our general staff, so i think that they can better see the directions that are very threatening today, well, that's how i see it, and well, yes, before putin's election, they will try to those two villages of the last in the luhansk region, we will still be squeezed, well, we will see. today, nato secretary general jen stoltenberg said that ukraine will have... the right to strike russian military targets outside ukraine with f-16s, there is so much talk about the transfer of f-16s and apparently they these aircraft should already be in ukraine and used in ukraine, and it must be said that these are not the first aircraft, they are the first generation aircraft, not the last generation, what will change radically when the f-16s appear in ukraine? well, let's be honest, i don't know which one
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there is. we've used the weapon now, but look, once we got the weapon and we were able to use it closer to the front line, we actually started landing russian russian planes, it's superovo, superovo, f-16s have a greater ability to destroy enemy aircraft and they have a slightly longer range, well, from what we can use today, as they say, we can't push the patriot under the very front line in order to get a russian plane that drops a missile 70 km away, well , relatively speaking. so, you see, i'm sorry, i told the truth, so f16 will certainly have quite serious challenges, and having certain weapons, they will certainly have opportunities. now stoltenberg's statement, it's a very good statement, let's not relax, but let's be honest, we can always beat and look for patriots in order to to counter russian missiles, but i believe that it is still necessary to destroy
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the launchers, and how can we get to... those installations, can the f-16 help us with this? yes, they can help to some extent. but i think that not only the f-16 can help us in this, but also other weapons that our partners should give us. by the way, today's vote in the bundestag was very significant. i also want to draw attention to him, because today, while the americans make declarative statements and say how bad putin is, we still get the support of western partners, and germany carries, so to speak, one of the main... burdens of this support, the vote in the bundestag today actually put scholz on the ropes, because they called on scholz to allocate long-range missiles to ukraine, that's not how the word taurus was called , but we understand that this is taurus, let's say, further on in this vote and in the speeches of the bundestag, there were still very serious significant statements, well, first of all, they no longer say that the war has only been for two years, but they say that putin has already been for 10 years, as leads an aggressive war against ukraine, so the question
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is how many... years we have had a war for the germans for 10 years already, they admitted their foreign policy mistake, that they considered russia an element of european security, and not an element of threat to this security, they actually recognized the policy angela merkel, the one who was mistaken, well, this is such a diplomatic expression, in general, it was a real trash, nevertheless, the germans know how to admit their mistakes, and such statements were made today, so i give this to ... the news of the western partners so much attention because it is very important to us. against this background, we see such victorious reports of the green team and president zelensky about the signing of many security agreements with many countries. and here lapin sits like this and says: "well , it wouldn't be lapin if he didn't remember for that." namely: what are these security agreements? well, the representatives of italy spoke very nicely about this today, they said that it is nothing, it is not called anything, it is a contract...


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