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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EET

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who very much dreams of returning to us in russia, and well, this is the thing, if, well, of course we can argue with him and we do argue, quite successfully, but the second question is that, for example, recently there was a story on radio svoboda about the anniversary there was a shooting on the maidan of the heavenly hundred, which actually started, the war with russia actually started, and they realized that ukraine was expelling yanoko. will not obey moscow, and here the plot was about nigoyan, one of the first to die on the maidan, and slavyat on serhiy negayan, yes, yes, in dnipro there is a street named after yes, but there is a village where he was born in bereznuvatovka, and it turns out that some residents were surveyed there, and something like 80, dad says, niganyana, says, something like 80% or whatever voted against naming his street after his son in the very name. in the village
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where he comes from, where he was born, i specifically went to see it, the village is small, there are not many streets, and i think, well, maybe the names are so cool that it would be a shame to even change them to nigoyan, because somehow they are already used to that to some historical names, but look, there is kvitkova street, myru street, street central, working street, youth street, beach street, naberezhna street, so as not to make a mistake, where is the shore and where is the embankment. there is pishchan street, and of course shevchenko street , there must be at least one in the ukrainian population, and artur miskiv street, artur miskiv is one of the first heroes who died in the 14th or 15th year, just at the beginning of the war with the russian federation, well, they actually named one street that way, but others, well, of course, well, it’s such a strange situation with that renaming streets, not streets.
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with respect to memory, i.e. for ukraine, serhiy nihoyan is a very important symbol, it seems to me , including, even in the fact that he is not an ethnic ukrainian, who knew shevchenko well, was a faithful son of ukraine, the very first street of serhiy nihoyan appeared in the city of stryi, lviv region, but it's just a village, where, where this guy lived, it's somehow, well , i think that you need to ask here. in people, how do they appreciate it so much, and in general, wherever a person comes from, people are proud of it origins, connections, er, sometimes it's for a cultural code, then after a while it leads to, say, tourist flow, let's not... turn a blind eye to it,
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because places like that they er must see, let's say so, there are still, well, i don't support , let's say, i don't support the decision not to name the street, and we have what i understand that in general, since we have a lot of losses, i understand , that maybe there is such a logic... that, relatively speaking, as the city has 50 streets, there are already 50 heroes from this city in two years who died on war , well, we can't rename all the streets, it's also true, of course, that there are truly heroic deeds, and we also have to be quite critical of them, and there are not very heroic deeds, and well, no one is born for war, and well, that's it case as
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they say, time will tell, but 10 years have already passed, and if then, well, there were some 5 years ago, there were still many, up to quite a lot of such disagreements, maidan, even i am not talking about who is for and who is against , but even these two orientations, they somehow... somehow already overlapped and there were some additional manipulative points of view, but after 10 years we see that this was the beginning, really the beginning and it was a hybrid war, and what we saw in donetsk, in luhansk, that it was russian people with those flags, the flags of russia, then a lot of russian... people came there, that is, time
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is falling into place, and i think that it will be the same in this case, thank you, ms. khrystyna, khrystyna kalyushik, paltek, deputy of the dnipropetrovsk region. maybe they will see our broadcast somewhere in bereznovativka and think about who we are really, well, at least now there are discussions, i don’t know if it will end like this, but, for example, in nikopol, they are somehow responsible for renaming streets, at least there are proposals to, for example, rename the street of afghan soldiers to the street of defenders of ukraine, the street of friendship to the street of dmytro yavornytskyi, the street of victory to the street of sichov shooters. glory street to heroichna street, festival street to petrikivska street, victory park to cossack glory park, at least you understand that these are not some meaningless names that have nothing to do with anything , someone could say: listen,
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the dnipro was shelled again today, you are talking about renaming streets, people were injured there, eight people, what a renaming of streets, renaming of streets, but my friends, look , what muscovites do, they only enter a ukrainian settlement . the first thing they do is rename these streets, that's literally the first thing, the first thing they did in avdiivka, they said, all the streets have already been renamed, the houses there are already not on those streets, moreover , they even said, we don’t even know when we will rebuild them, maybe someday, but the first thing they did was even the destroyed streets were renamed, well, in the meantime, for example, the city of komsomolsk, which once was, and now the lofty smooth ones, which to him, which also did not want to return this name to itself, there is something wrong with... the renaming of streets, because i see that gagarin street, lypova street, pushkin kashtanova street, krylova street, cozy, gorkogo- cossack, leonova, kalinova, and so on, shady, lozova, nezyanska, chumatsky, rainbow, sunny, main
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, flower, honey, garden, levadna , hetmansky, buskovy, voloshkovy, pivdenny, well, in the upper floodplains, i see fantasies in people, er, on flowers. that's enough, dear friends , we're going, now you see this list of streets, you see old names and new names, we're going further and moving towards mariupol, dmytro zabavin, deputy of the mariupol city council , is with us dear, mr. dmitry, we welcome you, good morning, please tell us what the situation is in mariupol, what news from there, so far yesterday there was information about the fact that... the occupiers were even forced to raise aviation, because there were flights of ukrainian cotton in the mariupol district, and there are corresponding consequences, i think that later our armed forces will report the details of this, and about
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what is happening in in the city, in principle , nothing changes, recently the head of the occupation administration... made a statement with pride that during the entire period of occupation they issued 3,000 warrants for housing, compensation for housing, and 300, while the occupiers destroyed mariupol, leaving more than 200,000 mariupol families homeless, i.e. half a million lived in mariupol. people, and they now say with pride that they issued 300 warrants, that is, in fact , 3% of what they destroyed and destroyed, and this is in two, in fact, in one and a half years of occupation, nothing
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changes in the communal situation either, that is, people they sit in half -destroyed houses without heating, the electricity goes off periodically. and, accordingly, it is not possible to heat, heat the premises, and they also record in mariupolka an increase in the prices of essential products, as well as a great pity, the occupiers are generally worried there, because it is expensive, vodka is more expensive, that is the main strategy. product, mr. dmitry , it is actually worth mentioning that today is february 23, which means that tomorrow we will sadly celebrate such sad acts of large-scale russian invasion, and in fact, i went to
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mr. andryushchenko's telegram and he posted a photo , who... wrote the last photo from still peaceful mariupol on the eve of the literal invasion, the day before the invasion, he just took this picture where he went out on a balcony somewhere with coffee, he writes at... 41 svobody avenue and took such and such in such a haze in such a fog below is mariupol the sun rises in such a this this haze symbolic, because such unknownness hid behind him whether there would be a war or not , or could anyone imagine that literally in a few hours and days mariupol would be surrounded, and i don't even know whether the prospect of freedom. everything called svoboda avenue, hardly. see, in relation to
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renaming, and in general, regarding those events two years ago, ah, on february 19, we held an extraordinary session of the city council, we allocated premises for the territorial defense of mariupol, and it was such a surprise to me then that even... traitors from the opz voted then for this decision, that is , it was actually a unanimous decision to strengthen the defense, and accordingly we now understand that they knew everything and they then fully voted for all the decisions of the city council, and on february 23 we held the last session of the city council, accordingly adopted a number of . that is, a day before the full-scale invasion
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of the russians, and then we all know how the events began to develop regarding the russian offensive and the destruction of our city, regarding the renaming of the streets, i will say this, that's how they renamed it, for example, prospect of peace, and again returned its name to the council. lenin avenue, but somehow they began to give out housing on the central street, not in a communist manner, that is, in those houses that the russians destroyed, they began to rebuild new houses there, but for mortgages, for sale, and to people who stayed on streets, they gave out some shacks from... in general there on the outskirts of the central district, and accordingly in these shacks there is not even
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a central sewage system there, everything is connected to the septic tank, cesspools, and accordingly, when people went there, they were horrified because , what kind of housing did they have before the russian invasion in the center of the city, on prospekt mir in the very center, and they were given such barracks, well, that's how... the renaming of prospekt mir to lenina avenue looks like, now the residents see the difference between so let's say what it is peace avenue and when these were completely restored houses that had a well-kept appearance and lenin avenue, where now russians want to earn more. on the mountain and on the genocide they committed in mariupol?
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you know, the last thing i want to say, i went to the program of the mariupol 24 tv program, this is a tv channel that was launched by the occupiers, and by the way, there are a lot of former employees working there, it turned out that the channels still belonged to the akhmetovs, they are the ones that they stayed and calm down, well, not all of them stayed there, some of them stayed, but of course the magazines. left mariupol together with the ukrainian troops, as they left there, well, the ukrainian troops, with those who were supposed to leave, let's say, the ukrainian troops just didn't leave, but just watch the program, and there is also a heavy one from the palace of pioneers, release yeralash, the feature film officers, chuk and huck, someone remembers it, it's gaidar, i remember because i'm an older person, a warlike documentary. the film is a feature film, go and watch it, you understand it, this is a
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soviet film about the atrocities of the fascists, and a documentary film, a great national one the repetition of history and the film the history of russia, this is literally literally 24 hours a week of some kind of thick terry soviet propaganda, you know, i'm not surprised at all, because when we were in... and at the beginning of march, we were able to catch only , because the russians jammed everything, only the dnrivske so-called council. and there they were just talking about birds that carry viruses for the slavic nations, well, that is, biological laboratories on bail, and that's all we listened to, well , there was nothing else, and they were already telling how they kyiv took, well, that is, this is some kind of parallel
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reality, so painful. manifestations that they broadcast in all seriousness to the residents of the occupied territories and to mariupol, which was still struggling to avoid being occupied, and accordingly, well, after everyone heard it, and the explanation of how the russians dropped aerial bombs on the maternity hospital , and then, probably, even the same stubborn ones. the laboratory assistants were surprised, because they knew for sure that there were no ukrainian soldiers in the maternity hospital, there were women with small children, and accordingly, after such propaganda moments, we in mariupolka are no longer surprised by the senseless, morbid, generally
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russian propaganda, well, now the russians are telling, at least one of their deputies... thinks that another, bacteriological war, eh, that the usa has unleashed against russia , it consists in the fact that it was the usa that spread the borschivka to the territory of russia, eh, and this is such an evil plan of the united states of america, in fact, the borschivka came to the soviet union from kabardino-balkaria, and it was then imported as a fodder plant, well, such the plant is quite aggressive, and if it has already taken hold somewhere, then immediately vopros. whoever seizes its territory behaves like real muscovites, putting only his foot in the door means that he will take that apartment for himself, but the muscovites believe that the americans threw a borschiv to them, moreover, that borschiv it has already been brought here from siberia to us through the muscovites, and it also grows here,
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in a word, we cannot get anything good from those muscovites, thank you, mr. dmytro, for the conversation, dmytro zabavin, mp of the mariupol city council, was in touch with us, we are going for a break, we will return, we will continue, we will talk about kherson and the kherson region. no one is immune to burst pipes, and even a small leak can cost you tens of thousands of hryvnias for repairs. unpack tv presents superprotect insulating tape, strong, rubberized, waterproof. permeable tape that will instantly stop any leakage, and the price is only from uah 99. superprotect has a triple thickness and is treated with a very strong adhesive. instant, super strong and airtight connection guaranteed, and even the strongest currents are not a problem. a hole in a bucket - super protect, a leaking pipe - super protect, a branch pierced the roof - super protect. the tape works great on wet
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i died for the truth. 10 years of war, the war for our existence, this is the path that changed us. in the conditions of occupied territories, de-occupied territories, we have losses of the order of potential 7 million hectares of land, which have not been cultivated for two years. 10 years of war war for the future. i... what price do we pay for her? 200 of our citizens were taken to russia. depopulation is not an inevitable thing. intellectuals, specialists, patriots about challenges, threats and our future in a special project for the 10th anniversary of the beginning of russia's armed aggression against ukraine, 10 years of the war for independence, from february 18 on espresso. a separate set of unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request
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to join the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! glory! so, dear friends! let's talk now about kherson oblast, yevgenia virlych , editor-in-chief of the kherson online publication cavuon city, we are in touch, ms. yevgenia, we welcome you, good morning, please tell us about the situation in kherson and kherson oblast, how the night went, how is it morning it was a terrible night, traditionally terrible, because the night is shelled, actually the russians have already said, they say about it, they shell throughout the day, but at night very densely, very loudly, among nights... very powerful explosions, now our users are already unsubscribing that the night was terrible, but alive, there were very powerful explosions and, as far as i know,
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the light disappeared at night, i don’t know where, we usually don’t say where, and in the morning already relevant services are working on recovery. what is happening in the occupied part of the kherson region, what is the news from there? on the occupied, if you take... the closest to the right bank, well, the closest to the dnipro, let's say this, is kakhovka nova kakhovka holapristan olezhka, there are very big communication problems there, for a long time, for several weeks there was no communication at all in kakhovka nova kakhovka, because there were problems with the light, there are different versions of why this happens, it is probably important for the russians to block the communication so that there are no reports about the movement of their equipment in those it does not help them, but only now is the restoration of some kind of light connection between kakhovka and nova kakhovka, if we talk
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about skadovsk, genichesk, there is a full-fledged propaganda and propaganda movement before putin's elections, mobile brigades are appearing there, there is crazy pressure is carried out on the population, there, again , it is not just offered, but... demanded of those who have not yet taken a russian passport, such and such people are so persistent that they have not taken it yet, they force them to take russian passports with threats and so on , and also a very powerful propaganda machine, operating in schools, they import books, they continue to import propagandist, newly printed, russian books, especially on history, and very powerfully now saldo and his company are telling... about how they are taking new territories, talking even about those which they didn't take and where they don't control, for example, krinkas in their
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information field, they already took krinkas, so i see, it writes a lot in the last days of the balance, tries to show some evidence of some destroyed houses, which they say are already krinkas, but there were some interesting news about the somersault itself, it was actively discussed in social networks. another death, but i understand that saldo, as well as the dead streamausom on his telegram channel , deny all this. well, unlike strymausov's death telegram, it continues to live him, information appeared that salda had been killed, it appeared immediately after the russians began to tell what they allegedly poisoned salda with in august of the 22nd year, they allegedly found a substance with which someone allegedly poisoned him, and immediately after that the news appeared. that the balance was killed, after this news, several posts in the telegram channels of the russians were that this is not true and he is alive, but after that, it seems, he did not show himself alive,
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the telegram channel... he leads he continues to lead it, and one of the versions is why it is necessary it was either kill or throw away about it, this is exactly what he invented about the taking of wells, because he wrote about it first, then the minister reported on it, he killed shoigu for putin, and then refutations of this thesis began to appear, rather after all, saldo is alive, but we don't know for sure. i don't know, when i look at him, it always seems to me that he might be alive, but somehow he doesn't look like a living person, but there is something about him, i agree, i know that you had a question, mrs. yevgenia, moon has already passed since the time you filed a complaint about that one a humorous number, a month, and just to remind you what it was about, there was a humorous number, where a woman from
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skadovsk was depicted... who does not speak ukrainian very well, and what she says causes laughter, and her interlocutor, he listens , in a word, after that the residents of izkadovsk were outraged that, how come, there are many victims actually during the full-scale invasion, who died actually for the ukrainian language, for their pro-ukrainian position, the commission on journalistic ethics answered, but whether, for example, the tv channel 1+1, which broadcast... in this number, did they somehow apologize, did the actress who portrayed this woman siskadovska, as she says there, she apologized, but it was such that it was as if i was apologizing, but not apologizing, was there something else after that reaction after people's indignation, maybe after all the person understood and decided to sincerely apologize, well, it seems to me that
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there... nothing has changed, by the way, you hit the right place with the question, because there is an answer and the national council on radio broadcasting and television, and the national council answered that they are grateful for the citizen's position, they will conduct monitoring and will respond if violations are detected, however, almost a month has passed, no three weeks have passed since the national council's response, i do not know whether they conducted monitoring or not, regarding. apology actions, that's all the apologies that were , that's all that you listed, that's all the apologies that were, that is, apologies as if they were sorry for it, but everyone here is about pro-russian zaprodanki in this style, channel 1+1, i i didn't see a public apology anywhere, they only apologized in response to the detector's request media, that is, it was a request from the media for a comment, and in this comment they
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seemed to apologize for what... did, the actress who portrayed this woman, supposedly from skadovsk, traveled and rested in the crimea in the 17th, 18th, in the 18th and 19th years, and ironically, i rested in my native places, because i was born in the crimea, grew up in the crimea, and this became the next straw for such hatred, the opposition from the people of kadovo, now it has calmed down somewhat, it became quieter, and the lady... the actress is touring again, planning tours, by the way, in lutsk and rivne, there are also the media have already reacted, wrote about it, there are articles about it, and they are calling on the institutions that will host this performance in march to boycott and cancel the performances, because after that scandal in january, the performances of the actors of the quarter were canceled, in particular ms. iryna, mr. yuriy, here that's right, iryna gatun, dear
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friends, rivne-lutsk, if you can see. what will happen, there will be posters with her name, do not buy tickets, think about the fact that by buying tickets, you are not supporting the residents of skadovsky, you are supporting this kind of bullying on her part. thank you, ms. yevheniya, yevheniya virlych, the editor-in-chief of the kherson online publication watermelon city was with us, and now kateryna shirokopols will tell you what happened there in ukraine and the world in the last hour. katya, congratulations, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of the night attack on ukraine, so... why was there so much fire in the moscow region, congratulations, it's news time on the espresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio.


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