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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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and the russians were so proud that they were so invincible, well, everyone can see, especially in kyiv, that the patriot systems really have been around for 30 years, more than 30 years, are constantly developing and improving, so this is a unique opportunity for american companies, which produces, just test them and... show the world, for real, that american technology is not much better. in june 2023, the ukrainian counteroffensive on the southern front began. then the head of ukrainian intelligence kyrylo budanov announced a quick breakthrough and release occupied crimea. six months before the start of the announced counteroffensive, at that time the commander-in-chief of the armed forces valery zaluzhny said in an interview with the economist that he needed tanks. they are the game in offensive operations. "i know that i can defeat
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this enemy, but i need resources, i need 300 tanks, 600, 700 bmps, 500 howitzers, then i think it is quite possible to reach the border on february 23. in the winter of the 23rd, the partner countries responded to the request of ukraine and found leopard tanks, which they were ready to hand over, but were waiting for a go-ahead from germany, whose government then he hesitated whether to give the tanks himself and whether to allow third countries to transfer them to..." country from the decision to the physical transfer , almost six months passed, according to military experts, it was the lack of armored vehicles and tanks that slowed down the ukrainian counteroffensive, and we have to a large number to make such a breakthrough at the front, but also a large number of equipment to exchange, in general nato doctrine and american doctrine dictates that on... against such
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positions, which are so powerful fortifications, fortifications, it cannot be only infantry forces, there must be victory in the air, and of course, as they said, equipment for demining, and this is also armored equipment, so even this was not enough, unfortunately, the west did not give that it was enough, so that ... were able to advance and save the lives of their soldiers, because this is the most important, the most important asset. for a successful counteroffensive, the ukrainian command hoped for the transfer of aircraft by the allies, in particular f-16 fighters. ukrainian pilots started training as early as may 23rd, but the ukrainian planes are still the same did not receive. in august 23, during a visit to denmark and the netherlands, president zelensky announced that ukraine. began
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to form the so-called fighter coalition. a month later, 14 countries joined the coalition. belgium, denmark, the netherlands and norway agreed to provide ukraine with these fighters, and nine countries: great britain, greece , canada, luxembourg, poland, romania, portugal, usa, sweden and france. declared that they are ready to train ukrainian pilots. despite waiting for the entire 23rd year , the issue of the f-16 transfer was postponed until the 24th. however, ukraine did receive aircraft from allies, although not modern western fighter jets, but 29 from the soviets. in total, poland and slovakia provided ukraine with 23 combat aircraft, and they should not be underestimated, says expert ivan karychevskyi. the fact that, on... they just gave us at least planes that can
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perform combat tasks here and now, even if we generalize that we were given approximately two dozen such planes from the poles and slovaks, if we open the guide the military balance 2023, let's see what the figure is declared by our allies remains of the mig-29 in service at that time, then we will see that the number of types of these fighters has grown radically, we have radically increased the number of aircraft that we... can be used, you know, at least for the symbolic cover of our attack aircraft and bombers when performing strike missions. in 2024, the war in ukraine will enter a new stage, as oleksandr syrskyi announced to the german zdf in his very first interview as commander-in-chief of the armed forces. we are now watching drones come and go all the time every day increases increasing because the use of drones is increasing.
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the amount of use of drones on both sides, this war, it greatly increases the importance of technological progress in the armed forces and in the process of the armed forces itself. we already see, and this is not news for us, the use of observational robotic platforms, the use of remotely controlled modules, which again gives the opportunity to save the lives of our servicemen. to summarize, in 2024 ukraine is already investing in the production of its own long-range strike drones and launches programs for procurement and fpv drones continues to wait for modern aviation from western partners, in particular the f-16, just as it hopes that the ice will break and germany will provide ukraine with long -range taurus missiles, because the strategic goal of the armed forces of ukraine is a counteroffensive,
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expert mark is convinced voyager says that in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to liberate crimea. of course, this is such a big, big goal, strategists. and for this we need to destroy the crimean bridge and we hope that the germans are at the end they will forget about their worries there and be too careful, let's not provoke muscovy, russia, and they will provide you with taurus missiles, long-range missiles and , of course, the american administration will also ... pass long-range attacks, so destroying this bridge is a very important task, in my opinion, to liberate crimea. it is the loss of crimea for russia and putin, experts say, that will be decisive in this war. roman smolyar for radio liberty. and by the second anniversary
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of the full-scale invasion, there are statements about perhaps the most anticipated weapon for ukraine, this f-16 fighters, and ukraine should get them already. summer, the danish defense minister said. the country, together with the netherlands and the usa , leads the so-called coalition of fighter jets for ukraine. he did not specify the exact date of the delivery of the aircraft, but noted that the final transfer of the first danish f-16 combat aircraft depends on the progress of the training of ukrainian pilots and the availability of the necessary infrastructure in ukraine. and the german bundestag, in turn, approved the provision of long-range systems to ukraine, saying that they could be long-range. namely taurus rockets, which are very much expected in ukraine, the decision of the german parliament does not mention it verbatim. earlier that day , there was a vote on another document submitted by the opposition, which proposed to provide ukraine with taurus missiles, but the vote failed.
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denis popovych, a military analyst, joins the broadcast of freedom mornings. denis, welcome to our broadcast, thank you for joining. good morning. so far, germany has not dared to hand over taurus missiles to ukraine. but the us administration has officially confirmed that it is considering the possibility of transfer to ukraine attack missiles with a longer range than those already transferred to ukraine. and could it be that after the usa, if they transfer those long-range attack cams, germany will take such a step and transfer tauruses to kyiv? you see, the attack missiles were already handed over to us by the united states of america, and they were used from october 17 on the airfield. berdyansk and luhansk, after that we did not have the opportunity to hear that tausy was received by the armed forces of ukraine. therefore, here everything depends on the germans, german representatives, and in particular on scholz, who
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for some reason does not want to transfer them. that is, this decision is only up to him, as we can see, and the bundestag supported this proposal, although he did not say there that it should be taurus, there are long-range weapons. ugh , and anything that helps to destroy the enemy at a distance, that is, not direct physical contact, at a distance, can be considered a dust-busting weapon, well, in a broad sense, this fits the understanding of long-range weapons, but obviously taurus are meant, well, let’s just wait there , in fact, what is this, how will this pressure on scholz end? denis, but for why are the tauruses in ukraine, how are they different, for example, from storm shadow and scalp, which is already available? well, the question here is that the more means of destruction, the better, especially since, in principle, they are more long-range, they have a range of 500 km, and this is a slightly larger radius than skype, storm shadow, by and large , this is the main thing, and it is believed that they are more difficult to shoot down for russian
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anti-aircraft means, thanks to their design, and the principle of basing is the same, these are aviation missiles, long-range missiles, but another big question is whether their won't cut, i mean, won't it... uh, but if we talk about russian capabilities, reuters reported that iran has allegedly provided russia with powerful ballistic missiles of the earth-to-earth class, it is about providing allegedly. then about 400 short-range missiles as well, and experts told reuters that this missile, it is capable of hitting targets at a distance of 300 to 700 km, if this is true, because we have not yet seen other confirmations in the military, then how missiles can strengthen the armed forces of the russian federation? well, these are ballistic missiles, that in itself it's hard to shoot down, we understand that, it's a high-speed target and has a very... short reaction time, and so that's the main difficulty,
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besides, there were 400 missiles, up to 400 missiles can be transmitted, and for that, to shoot down the supposed 400 missiles, we need to have 800 anti-missiles, that is why i say that, that is , these patriot air defense systems, which are designed to shoot down ballistic air targets, they have a single missile target hit rate of 0.8, that means that for sure. .. defeat there you need two rockets, that's it does not say that one single missile cannot shoot down one air target, but for a more certain defeat two missiles are needed , and that is why i say that 800, do we have 800 anti-missile missiles for the petu air defense system, is a big question in the conditions of what we need the west is now cutting, cutting funding and supply of ammunition, and even yesterday they said that by the month of april we may have certain problems with ammunition, first of all, with kupo means. and whether it is possible to provide ukraine with f-16, especially if it happens that the partners will allow these planes to strike at
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military facilities on the territory of russia, could this be a turning point? well, i would not predict this, the big question is how many planes will be given to us, firstly, if they give us six, well, what is the turning point, if they give 24, it will be a little better, but the russians will still have more of them, so definitely they will help us, of course, and may even help us gain air superiority in certain areas of the front, but the turning point is unlikely to be helped by them, since the turning point is a complex task, it is not only the f-16 , it is a lot of other things, it is also ammunition, it is missiles, it is also drones, well, it is a complex, complex story, in fact, that is why one kind of weaponry of the wunderwaffe will not become, how critical the situation at the front is now there is news that russian troops have already advanced? to the west of avdiyivka and from the avdiyiv coke-chemical plant in the north, analysts of the american
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institute for the study of war report. in general , how critical is the situation at the front today? it is not critical, but it is there disturbing that is, there is an advance of the armed forces of the russian federation, so far it is of a tactical nature, but the problem is that it is in several areas at once, that is, they are advancing. that is, they feel our defenses and count on the fact that a breakthrough may occur somewhere. where there is a breakthrough, they will throw it there. reserves, and this is the main concern, in fact, in my opinion, which is multiplied by the fact that we still have problems with ammunition and problems with personnel, replenishment, and now the russian federation is on the cusp after avdiivka, so the situation is difficult, but it is not critical, although it is necessary to make decisions that would help us deter the russian federation, the russian troops of the russian federation, again, a complex decision, from the construction of fortifications to solving issues related to the supply of ammunition. in a broad sense, we talk about artillery everywhere, but artillery has a lot of nomenclature, there is caliber 152,
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there is caliber 155, nato, there is caliber 105, there is caliber 122, there is ammunition for mortars, that is, it focuses only on guns, howitzers and and well, that's wrong, that is, there is a wide range of problems and a list of ammunition that must be supplied to the armed forces of ukraine. forecast for this year for ukraine. it usually sounds like this is a year of defense for the armed forces of ukraine, could there still be a certain offensive by ukrainian forces, in your opinion, it is possible there in the second half of this year, well, if it is possible to solve these problems that have accumulated now, primarily ammunition and staff, well, nothing is really excluded, but at the moment it is spring, the beginning of summer, maybe it is absolutely correct. it is necessary to be on the defensive and restrain the troops of the russian federation, especially since it is highly probable
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that they can mobilize after the end of the presidential elections in the russian federation. ugh, and i will remind our viewers that they can also ask their questions there and comment on what they hear on our broadcast, and also a very important announcement that the current broadcast on radio svoboda on tv channel is coming to an end. i will remind our viewers that we are currently talking with military analyst denys popovych, we will continue communication, i have a few more questions, and for all viewers of radio svoboda on tv, i remind you that... svoboda mornings with you every weekday from 9 o'clock, watch, comment, be sure to also share the link to this video, it is very important to spread this content. dear friends , good day to everyone who watches us, espresso tv channel, the marathon continues, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, we in this studio work for
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you from the very morning and work until 12 o'clock, please join us. to our air, where you can in front of tv screens or in front of the screens of your gadgets, in the meantime, we are adding oksana savchuk, a non-partisan people's deputy of ukraine, to our broadcast. mrs. oksana, good morning , good morning, i greet you, that's how we see you, the only thing is that we don't hear, do you hear us, good morning, i greet you, great, we hear you too, let's go mrs. okslana, for sure we will talk a little about what is happening in parliament, well , first of all, how is the law on mobilization. what are the thousand amendments, which of them should really be adopted in your opinion and what are the prospects that this law will be adopted? well look, the situation is actually so difficult in the adoption of amendments, because every amendment that will be passed, and every amendment that will fail, no one will be satisfied, this is
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the first thing, that is, but there are amendments that are very not... . are acceptable because they involve a little more than a certain, you know, complete control over a person and a complete deprivation of their rights and freedoms, so there are amendments, for example, that relate to certain constitutional rights of each person, and they are not acceptable at the time of mobilization, since for... the last two years, and 10 years since the war, ukraine did not need restrictions on accounts, freezing of property, etc., in order to have the kind of volunteer movement that those guys who were on the front lines, who are at war today, the question in the change of policy and the general attitude towards the system of our military, this
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is the main issue, so when someone thinks that he will improve something with additional means... intimidation, er, through the mobilization law, then this is a known false opinion. i will tell you, i personally submitted the lion's share of my edits, v first of all, consulting with people whom i have known for many years, who are in the war, who are active military personnel, some from 2014, some from february march 2022, it was very important for me, their opinion, and that of private, private military , and the command staff that is lacking, and first of all, these are the rights, the guaranteed rights of military personnel during the war, which should not be violated, including the commanders, so i personally submitted amendments that relate to guaranteed protection, which means guaranteed leave , which cannot be like that
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short, and it is for those who have served more than 24 months. it should be at least a minimum of two to three months of leave, it is called recovery leave, because a person cannot do anything in 10 days, many boys of the family leave because they are practically not there, and when they come, at this time is not enough for adaptation, it is also her guaranteed right of a person voluntarily, after demobilization, to choose the path that he is ready to serve. it is the ability of people who have limitations, but at their voluntary request to perform a certain a function in the armed forces of ukraine, which they can perform with a guaranteed right that this function will be preserved for them, because very often a person is hired as a driver there and at the last moment is thrown into a trench, almost
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like an attack aircraft, unfortunately, there is such a situation and it does not lead to trust, what about the general so a few words: the law on mobilization, we understand that difficult work has begun, it concerns who will receive from the termination, through whether it will be, for example, if it will only be there certain people's deputies have questions from people, and why don't they touch the same police officers, other personnel security forces, who work with their hands , people have questions, let's give justice, so that the mobilization is fair, that's why i believe that today... justice is the draft law, in order to at least somehow preserve it, we really need openness in communication, and this, by the way, is the task of both the committee and... the ministry of defense, because they are not saying anything yet, and then everyone will say, and it is all the deputies' fault, they voted no voted, that's all of them
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, and there is still no openness, we do not fully understand what amendments will be voted on, but this is only in the committee, because we understand that the parliament is ahead, but if it will be as it always is in the parliament, when will it be there is a coalition of some deputies who always vote for anything, then the situation will not... be one that will satisfy ukrainian society, it will not calm it down, but will stir it up even more, by the way, about openness, president zelensky announced on sunday that , a big honest conversation in the form of a conference, after which he will give a press conference and share his vision of the future situation, whether the elected representatives of the people are discussing this honest conversation among themselves in the parliament, do you know any details, maybe this honest... language and whether it will finally be held in time after two years of full-scale invasion honest conversation?
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well, i am afraid that it will not be completely honest, and most likely this honest conversation, which took place in certain, in the first days of the active phase of the war and before that, will become known to all of us, completely honest, will become known only after the end of the victorious the end of this war, you know, when history will tell everything. in their places, rather it will be such a forced situation when the president has to say something, because the situation in society is really internally unhealthy, but also when we talk to society, we have to talk about those things that are not sweet candy to him and invest in everyone that everything will be fine, we have already dealt with a lot here, we just need to tell the truth and start. from the fact that we are ready to change, and it is necessary to change from everyone, that is, from the environment that is in the office of the president, with those people who
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may not be recognized by society today, that is, as a revenge for certain people who returned from yanukovych's power, from the reforms, the same higher education, which no one fully understands, why reorganize some higher institutions from the internal situation on corruption in the same army. i mean, well, all these scandals that are connected with people who were related to the tcc and other things, that is, i'm not sure, i'm sorry, that this will be an honest conversation until the end, but most likely it's a forced conversation, which the president goes to with his faction, and just talks, because already these videos, when the president speaks every day, they have exhausted themselves a long time ago and they are not working, but tell me, please, too... actually, president zelenskyi met with the slug faction people, for the first time in two years, maybe you know what they were actually
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talking about, that there were some shouts, smashing dishes and all that, look, in fact, this conversation took place because the issue of the passage of the draft law, i apologize a little, so eh. indeed this conversation took place since the votes for the draft law in the second reading are mobilized, there are really not enough, including in the service of the people, and if they are not given by colleagues in the service, then it will be difficult to collect votes elsewhere, so i think that this is such a forced story about the fact that, at first, during the whole of last year , they poured dirt on the deputies, on the opposition , they tried to deprive them of their legal rights.' or the same trips or whatever in a one-person manual mode, a lot of people don't have confidence anymore that something like that works, you know,
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ee this and that, parliamentarism, that is, even in war, parliamentarism must work, and we must throw all possible resources to ensure that everyone who has any opportunity to help this country or in his relations with europe or with the american world, he should be included in it. it should not be a limited circle of people, because today we will lose on this, because there was inside, you know, this is the individual impression of everyone who was there, there are people who said that they did not hear anything new for themselves, there are those who who said that well, the president came to us, and this is probably a good sign, he will probably come again, well , in the end, we will see if someone wants to draft a mandate there, and this does not have any... impact for him, that is, because he was disappointed in principle in that , where he got to, but in such a whole situation, i always say that if you already, excuse me, forcefully, no one dragged you into
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that parliament, right? no one bailed you out, didn't tie you up, if a person came there and gave, you understand, an oath, we swore, well, well, for example, it's very it is important, just as the military officers take an oath, they fulfill their duty to the end with dignity, so i believe that those people's elected representatives who have not fully understood, i am not talking about opzzh, they are clearly enemies for me, and for me i am ready do your best to ensure that there are no such people. not in this parliament , god forbid, in the next one, because we still have to come to the lustration, here, but i'm not sure that this conversation gave much, but most likely, maybe the president thought that it would change something , and so he met with his own faction and will do it there with other people, but you see, the time is missed because it should have been done earlier, now it looks to me more like an opportunity to show something that such meetings took place with...
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but the unrealistic results of that that someone at these meetings really wants to change something. ms. oksano, there are literally two minutes left, one more point that i wanted to discuss, you said that many deputies are disappointed, they are drafting mandates, by the way, there are a lot of them from the faction of the servants of the people, mostly people who are tattooed by the report, on the one hand i i understand that the most factions are where there are the most people, there are the most and all the statistics, but interestingly, the data, the declarations of the deputies, have also appeared , and it turned out that the majority are owners of cars or land. of the largest plots, this is also among the servants of the people, and on the one hand i understand people who say, what is the point of this graphic at all, what does it have to tell us, what is it bad to be rich, successful, wealthy, such people are successful, they should not go , that in the parliament or something, why not, and on the other hand, you know, i see such a cruel irony in this, in fact, people who called themselves servants of the people and exploited some such, i don't know , post-communist in fact, those things,
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during the campaign they turned out to be... not so much servants of 1600 ha, for example, property , say what 1600 ha is, and i'll tell you , there are approximately 100-150 medium -sized farms, those polish farmers who are currently blocking the ukrainian border, you know , where it is written that it used to be a people's deputy, and now his wife does everything, this is an example of the fact that such people's deputies do not need to be elected. in the next term, because this is political, law-making activity, parliamentarism in this form , pure, which we will come to someday anyway , in the event that we currently have a lot of legislation that restricts some of the businesses of people's deputies, they become unprofitable for them, then people should come who will be legislators, and legislators, if they usually receive a sufficient average
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salary, they fulfill their tasks... they are not lobbyists, then in principle, they show their activities, report, then such people deputies, they will restore trust in the parliament in the future, the main thing is that we do not always rush to various extremes during elections, you understand, and try to look at that person and not react to all kinds of buckwheat, etc., you understand, we as a society also have to to come, for this there is now a lot of monitoring. and of course, there should be both full monitoring of people's deputies, which exist today, and the right of a people's deputy to defend himself, including in court, if he is slandered or lies, and then this system will act as a counterbalance, so i am convinced that in the future, after all, maybe the ukrainian people will gradually mature to those people who they see as lawmakers, because every time new, young people are elected ,
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handsome because they will gain experience there, well, today experience shows that this is not the best practice, and the most important thing is to understand that the parliament is actually representatives of the people, not servants, but delegated by the people, not servants, it is true, but people who serve in his work that is, service in one's activity. thank you, oksana savchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, was with us outside the faction, kateryna shirokop appears on your screens, which means that we are watching a fresh selection of news from her. katya, you have a word. greetings colleagues, i will tell you about the main thing for this hour. greetings, it's news time on the spresso tv channel, kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio.


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