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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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led the troops from the first day, the first three days were especially tense, it was round-the-clock work, round-the-clock, such a tense situation, where we did not understand how much we would have, what forces would go for such, constant air strikes, we were then forced on the first day to launch damage to the enemy on its territory at the millerova airfield. because the complete superiority in the air prevented our troops from raising their heads, but the strikes on the airfields in the enemy's territory forced them to pause, move their planes to other airfields, and this gave us the opportunity also figure it out, concentrate and in the future already worked more effectively on their means of air direction, i understand that it
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was ... quite a risky operation, still moving the points, as far as i understand, forward, when the line shifts, the points, the points were moved literally to the line of contact with the enemy, which was very active, and the active struggle was precisely between the units that were defending and those that were advancing, and in that chaos it was difficult to understand where and which unit, well done artillerists, they were clearly doing their job, the panic among the russians was... huge, no one expected that they would attack the territory of russia on the very first day of the war. how did you, as a military man , perhaps think about it, you have the opportunity to strike on the territory of russia, well, one way or another, you waged war with russia while you were in donbas, commanding the troops, and there is an opportunity to strike here? it was a preemptive strike, we had to do it because there were no other options, but we clearly understood that this was... there was no other option, on the first
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day we destroyed seven planes, and many planes not as we would like, but many summers were destroyed on the airfields, and i think that russia understood then on the first day that everything will not be so simple, it will not be 2-3 days, and a fierce struggle is ahead of them, so it is and two years already, you have mentioned several times that the first three days were critical, and... can you explain to the civilian people, and what did it give, that is, after three days, the russian army stopped, why did it happen, why did it happen? after three days, we stopped the enemy's main forces, inflicted quite a powerful blow on them, we saw that the battle was already is mobilized, we shot a clear line of defense, and the main thing is that the first wave has passed, how to say, maybe panic.
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because the use of such a powerful amount of firepower, aviation means we did not have yet, the war, starting from the 14th to the 22nd year , took place without the use of aviation, so i will get used to this moment that you are constantly attacked by the air enemy, it will be until ready to repel these attacks, that too. you need to have a certain experience, a certain practice, and literally in three days, we managed to overcome, figure out how to proceed, people started confidently shoot down an aerial enemy, there was no longer the impudence that was in the first days, when a pilot would perform a task without being ordered, he would fly in front of the target, aim... drop
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the ammunition, harvest and leave the task area without being ordered, already after the third or fourth day , having lost a very large number of aircraft, of course the pilots were shot at a distance, mostly not impressive targets, and this gave us a certain opportunity to clearly fulfill the task, and how we managed to motivate people, well, it is not a secret that there are cases when people from... walk out of position was it possible to avoid this phenomenon? you know, it was possible to avoid this phenomenon , there was not a single case when people abandoned their positions, retreated, perhaps, first of all, it was the fact that the positions were occupied by people with combat experience, they had all been in the war for more than a year, they were all accustomed to shots, shelling, deaths, injuries. and received quite
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good training, in addition, starting on february 16 on the 24th, dozens of times... the number of shelling increased, that is, our positions were ironed out very powerfully, provoking the fact that we inflicted damage on residential facilities and population centers behind the contact line in order to have an excuse for waging a full-scale war, but our artillerymen were quite professional in destroying the targets. not shelling populated areas, not even taking into account the fact that sometimes from there, directly between residential buildings, the russians and our traitors set up cannons and shelled the offensive, we
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understood that if we gave a reason, it would be an excuse for the world community to start a war against us, i have to ask about mariupol, the place where the breakthrough took place, whether can you tell me how it happened , what went wrong, we managed to get out, because we received a blow from the west, after passing the isthmus, a powerful group went to the rear of our unit, we managed to regroup, but all the same forces and means, well, they were not able to stop such an armada that came upon us. they cut the main road and the group was surrounded, we immediately began to make arrangements to create a group to break through this corridor, i took the 95th brigade out, regrouped and began to prepare it
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to conduct a counterattack, but we could clearly see three oaks in the immediate vicinity. but the troops were constantly coming from the west of the cutting in order to create such a line that we could not do anything, and there really was the group that was in mariupol, it was binding, probably everything that was capable of fighting , to move on, well, the group mariupol... saved the south from completely cutting off ukraine from the black sea, we were not able to strike because another group went to the sides of the kharkiv
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region, the enemy regrouped again, focused and through raisin, struck a new blow in our back, and i was forced. with this brigade to close this gap that they found in order to hit us in the back, i will say that the brigade did a great job, the kharkiv group was swarming, it was stopped, inflicted quite powerful damage, the enemy suffered losses, stopped and the positional defense began, so somewhere in the middle of march. we already moved to the position, stabilized the line, moved to the positional defense, and there were no such large breakthroughs, this made it possible to regroup, document our troops and continue to hold this line
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, the most important thing is that it made it possible to bind the huge forces of the enemy around the grouping, the eastern grouping of troops, was it possible for you... with the available forces and means that you had under your command, to save the city, well that is in that situation , in the confrontation with those forces, it was impossible, because the enemy's advantage was somewhere from seven to ten times that of the enemy's zealous direction, so for a breakthrough i needed three or four brigades, at least to carry out a counterattack apparatus i had one brigade and not a full one, which i took off from the front, given the blow from the north, i had to save, because if they had completed their task, then again 10 brigades would have been
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slaughtered, i understand that things are not compared, but if we compare when it was more difficult, then or now in your opinion, the first days, the first weeks were very... very difficult, because at first it was impossible to assess everything that would happen, there was no understanding whether we would be able to endure, after all , there was a fear that... a huge country, huge army, can we last? the first three days showed that we can not only expose , we can also beat them, the first ground divisions of the brigade, that we can stand, there was confidence that we can not only defend and attack, a counterattack of the 95th brigade was carried out, we entered in horlovka in the very first days, but since there was no power for the means. to develop this offensive, i already gave the order to stop this work, because this brigade
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was needed as a reserve. one more clarification, you mentioned horlivka, i mentioned volnovakha, there is very little information about her, but i remember that it was repelled once, then squeezed out again, it changed hands every day for a week, it was simply leveled to the ground, because valnov was the key. a point from which we could conduct a counterattack towards mariupol, and the enemy did everything to level it and withdraw our troops, somewhere in the course of a week, or even 10 days, there was a battle called zavalnovach, crossing with the chedna, from us to them and on the contrary, but the advantage is still huge in their strong means was able to give them the opportunity to hold the waves, and what battles, for which settlements? but in those first days , which we often mention, they were decisive for maintaining the defense,
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let's say, the first battle, it was a bridge of happiness, when the bridge was replaced again, the enemy managed to overcome it, the battalion went there and tanks, bmp, taking into account , that i predicted that the enemy's drg could make the bridge so that it would not collapse, two... powerful artillery divisions of large, large caliber were placed, and these divisions simply crushed these two battalions that crossed, after that they were knocked out and the bridge is already blown up, they then they changed the direction to the trehonka, here for two days there were very fierce battles, during the first day two battalions of the enemy were also destroyed here, but... they moved like locusts, so to speak, that is why they had some success
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in this direction, but since the enemy went from here, from here, and this brigade 97 was completely encircled, a decision was made and it was withdrawn, although the brigade commander did not want to, well, we left literally before the corridor was closed, there was literally an hour or two left when the enemy chanted.. . was already closing the last road, leaving the direction to the starobilsk border, kamryh immediately organized a counterattack and went to the novidar border again, here during the week we had such dynamic actions, when we both advanced and retreated, the enemy was in shock, probably because they laid out packs of them, therefore... i will say that we worked very actively here, the 15th battalion also worked actively, which stood
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in the direction of kryminaya svatov and not only knocked out, attacked the enemy, but also carried out corresponding active actions up to svatov, well, i say it again , which is a huge, huge advantage in people, the number of forces and gave us the means, gave us one chance, to take such a solid position. positional defense and hold it, we did it, and regarding the movement , as i understand it, from the side of svatovo to kharkiv oblast, or is it svatovo, they went on a flintlock, and the group that was in the kharkiv area, it went through the raisin, we blew it up all the bridges, did not give them the opportunity to cross, immediately go to liman and... and the only thing, they made a crossing over
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the askul river in the forest and tried to cross it, and there were the main battles for this crossing, first we, although it was not area of ​​responsibility aos, well, i was forced to overturn the reserve, but the enemy bypassed the forces that were deployed on the northern outskirts. raisins went through the woods, they were led by local foresters, and they went to our rear. we managed to react and get to the border of the askol river and the northern part. the city was held for about a week, until it was completely razed to the ground by planes, during the week the enemy simply methodically leveled all our positions, and they defended themselves here, most of them were mobilized, who came from the east and took their place in the formation. they mentioned the missile strike in russian airfield, and do you remember the area from where it
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was applied? the blow is coming from somewhere in this area, and it is even close to the old demarcation line. yes, i take into account that the enemy was already here, we came as close as possible and damaged the airfield and the air attack vehicles that were there, it was more psychological, because it was impossible to damage a large number of you, what is it there is, but it had its effect so that the panic was crazier, we saw from the means of development that the planes took off in a panic and scattered all over russia. they said that by the middle of march , the line had stabilized, and you had already, as it should be said, transferred to kyiv, i was in kyiv on a rescheduled date, but at that moment, at the moment of your transfer, was there an understanding that russian troops could leave kyiv region , not only the kyiv region, but the north of ukraine in general, just when i arrived in kyiv, there was a very dangerous
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situation, the enemy captured the bridgehead in the maschun district. and there was a very great danger of going to the outskirts and breaking through them into the city. thanks to the powerful the defense and stability of our troops, the fact that we managed to blow up the dam and wash away all the crossings that they set up for the transfer of the main forces across the irpin river, we managed to cut off the group that crossed the river, which was entrenched, destroyed. to further exhaust the forces and means they had on the other side, which were like a crutch for advancing on kyiv, it was difficult to understand what they had, that they would continue to act, somewhere closer to the end of march, when
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we realized that there were no fresh reinforcements for them is coming, and a number of... measures were taken in order to cut off the access routes, logistic routes, access reserves, tried to sharpen, and with the beginning of this operation conducted by general syrskyi, the enemy banichno began to flee, because most of the units were behind this a month of battles were so wiped out that 30-40% remained. it was a surprise for you that they left, for us. was first of all a surprise, because we thought that they would still go to the end of the step, as they will tell from their side at the conclusion of the news there was no, there was a panic flight from our territory , in my opinion, simply by analyzing the forces and means that they had at that moment, they had to choose what to do, whether to finish
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the operation in the east or in the east, but since... where are they from could not finish, because this was the main goal that was declared, this liberation, as they call the luhansk donetsk region, that is why all resources were thrown there, and those units that were withdrawn from the kyiv region, after regrouping, also went to staffing there, and some went there in the morning, he was more or less capable of fighting. you had some calculated understanding of how long you could hold the defense. taking into account the available supplies, you know , we, in principle, understanding that a full-scale invasion is very likely, and with active hostilities, well, it was possible to hold out for several months, and in principle it turned out that way, somewhere in the month of may, we began to run out
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of ammunition of the soviet samples that were in our stock at that time. and therefore we hoped that the help of the west would come very much quickly, unfortunately, it was not so, and we lost many of the most trained guys, who with their lives held the enemy with insufficient ammunition, so if we, if we received ammunition in time, then those losses were much less, as they are now, when we again have... a certain problem in ammunition, for every day that less aid comes to us, is a day that we lose. our heroes, that is why the state leadership is doing everything in order to provide as much as possible, to do everything possible so that the troops
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received ammunition. if you look at the armies that are in europe, i do not think that they are capable of conducting such actions against such an army, and everyone will hope for collective security in the nato system, therefore... and the provision of our country has become such a problem that there is no munitions, we don’t need them, when millions of ukrainian munitions are needed to deter the enemy, and even more so to carry out appropriate offensive actions, you have already mentioned that there is a need for munitions, but that you communicate a lot with foreign representatives, what they say, do they have an understanding of what is needed under... detention for a long time and a large amount of resources, at least from communication, and are they ready to provide it? i will say this, we
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communicate both with the military and with civilians, and the understanding of all partners is that ukraine needs to be helped, that the fate of the entire civilized world is being decided in ukraine and how it will end. the war in ukraine depends on the future, the future of life, europe, the future world order, therefore there is a vision that ukraine need to help the second issue of capacity, that's another, as far as being able, as far as having the appropriate necessary resources, that's being addressed, we're working around the world to find. can you roughly say when it will be easier on the frontline given the lack of ammo unfortunately i
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would like to get that answer myself it is not up to us the war is moving into another phase the phase where drones are fighting without man . there will be no success, there will be no real action, without a soldier who does not will fulfill its task, will not enter the enemy's position, will not destroy everyone who is there, while drones can contribute to this as much as possible, but the percentage of destruction of the enemy is very different from what it was at the beginning of the free now, in recent months, the percentage of destruction by drones ... in general, about 70% are intact, but again, ammunition remains, the biggest problem, in addition to
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air defense equipment and equipment, especially artillery, so there are a lot of requests, considering that we are creating new units, we have to constantly replenish the units that conduct combat operations, so there are a lot of requests... unfortunately, we can't provide everything, it's not the capabilities of not only our country, but even our partners. and one clarification regarding the bill on mobilization, within the ministry of defense , the ministry must provide, and obviously the activation of mobilization, since it does not stop, will require more resources, from the ministry of defense, are there reserves, let's say, to provide for several hundred thousand people, that is equipment, equipment, weapons and so on , huh? the ministry of defense is working on this issue, i think that no mobilized person will go to the combat zone unequipped,
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unprepared, unsecured, we are very meticulous about this, especially for the sake of personnel training, a person who goes to war must gain experience, practice, to be ready for action, in terms of equipment and weapons, there is no question at all. therefore, i think we will solve this issue, the second issue is about equipment, about ammunition caliber, these are the questions we are studying, on which we are working, of course, thank you, that's all, thank you for the interview, thank you, there is a discount. 25% in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on zzilor in psarynskyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. tired of heavy and
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