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tv   [untitled]    February 23, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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so convenient to use in hard-to-reach places: the kit includes a powerful battery, a key and a screwdriver, as well as a charger, call and order a reliable and convenient tool from only uah 1,499 with the possibility of free delivery, check with consultants, a powerful strong saw and what you need, call ! greetings espresso viewers, this is news, annayavamelnik is with you. the russian occupiers continue to press on the bakhmut direction in the area of ​​bohdanivka and ivanivskyi. the enemy is trying to capture ukrainian positions defenders and get closer to the temporal chasm. the occupiers are constantly shelling this city. from
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artillery, anti-aircraft guns and even small arms. the heavy brigades of the cold ravine told the correspondent of the reuters agency that they are observing with the help of reconnaissance drones, the endless attacks of the enemy, and they could push back and destroy the putinists, and due to the lack of shells, the advantage is still on the side of the enemy, but it happens that everything there is fed up , that i don't have the strength anymore, and then somehow i'm going to yes. you're getting yourself into trouble, i just don't know what we're holding on to, well we keep going, here the wife cheers us up , the kids cheer us up, then it helps us , and then we continue to work, so i don’t know if it would have continued, we are alive, the most important thing is, yes, yes, yes, and they don’t get us , a 77-year-old woman was injured in her own home, the occupiers fired at a new train station in the kherson region, the victim was hospitalized, and in kherson itself , rescuers are still eliminating the consequences of the night shelling. the city is strewn
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with explosive objects, locals found remnants of russian missiles and ammunition on the roads and in the territories private households. pyrotechnicians conducted an inspection of the territories and removed explosive objects, the state emergency service noted. he forced the military to build an estate for his mother-in-law. the deputy battalion commander will be tried in odesa. the sbi completed the pre-trial investigation while its subordinates were working. construction workers, he charged them wages like military servicemen, thereby causing losses to the state in the amount of almost 2 million hryvnias, the state bureau of investigation reported, the deputy commander is accused of abuse of office in the position of misappropriation and embezzlement of property, he faces up to 12 years of imprisonment. an online porn studio was created. in kharkiv , the police have exposed a group of people who occupy
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distribution of pornography, content was distributed over the internet in real time, two women arranged everything in rented apartments, three administrators and about 13 web models worked there. for their work , the girls received funds in digital currency, then withdrew them to bank accounts, the police said. during the search , law enforcement officers found uah 45,000. mobile phones, system units, web cameras, etc. toys and draft records. suspicion was reported to five participants, they face from three to seven years of explanation. counterfeit worth uah 34 million was seized by law enforcement officers in the kyiv region. 424,000 packs of cigarettes without excise duty were found on the territory of the industrial zone, cigarettes were hidden in refrigerated trucks, boxes were disguised with pallets. with empty cans,
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this is how they were prepared for transportation and sale in the countries of the european union, the state border service noted. the channel of illegal border crossing was eliminated on transcarpathia, the organizers sent men to romania and hungary. customers had to cross the border by river on an inflatable boat. the law enforcement officers detained the smugglers in the area of ​​the village of hrushov. when receiving a part from men. money in the amount of 4.5 thousand dollars, another 5,500 were to be paid to them after the transfer, the state border service noted, now the organizers are in isolation. let them see, ukrainian farmers brought agricultural machinery damaged or destroyed by the russian invaders to the border with poland. it will be placed at the point krakow-korchova pass. agrarians want to ask the polish protesters in
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what conditions farmers in ukraine continue to work. signs were hung on everything , indicating which region it was from and to whom it belonged. according to'. during the first full-scale invasion, the invaders destroyed or damaged almost 6 billion dollars worth of agricultural machinery. the agreement on cooperation in the field of security and long-term support was signed by president volodymyr zelenskyi and prime minister of denmark mete frederiksen. this year is military the support of the kingdom will amount to at least 1 billion 800 million euros. the document contains provisions on support. ukraine's membership in the eu and nato, as well as denmark, will guarantee cooperation in the defense industry, help integrate f-16 fighters and develop the fleet, and provide high-tech weapons, the president's office said. validity period is 10 years. denmark is the first non
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-g7 country to sign such a document. the white house released a statement on the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion. american leader joseph biden announced the introduction of more than half a thousand new sanctions against russia for its war of aggression against ukraine and the death of russian opposition leader oleksiy navalny. the restrictions target people linked to the jailing of the opposition figure, as well as russia's financial sector, defense industrial base, procurement networks and those who evade sanctions. the list includes almost 100 companies that support the russian military machine. putin with... is paying an even greater price for his aggression abroad and repressions at home - said the head of the white house. minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmytro kuleba will take part in the un general assembly debate in new york today. they will talk about the situation in the temporarily occupied territories
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of ukraine. the head of diplomacy will also attend a ministerial meeting of the security council-un, dedicated to russian aggression. this was reported in the press service of the tv channel. esres will broadcast the meeting of the general assembly with simultaneous translation on our youtube channel and facebook page at 5 p.m., so stay tuned our broadcasts and we have good news from our colleagues from bila tserkva, as of today the espresso bila tserkva tv channel is also available in t2. so now our viewers will be able to see even more news, relevant comments, exclusive interviews. and inclusion from the scene. the development of regional broadcasting is detailed in our material. espresso bila tserkva tv channel received a digital regional broadcasting license in bila tserkva. such a decision was adopted by the national council at the end of last year. so
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during these months and a half, our team was technically preparing to become even more accessible to the audience and go out in t2. tv channel espresso bila tserkva za'. over 3.5 years has really become the number one channel in the city with the largest reach and diverse content. every day, we prepare fresh releases of the main news, interesting stories, interviews, so that our viewers can critically evaluate events in the community and receive only quality information from reliable sources. in addition, the tv channel is broadcast on all cable networks of the city. volya and larta rostelecom. he also has his own youtube channel with an audience of many thousands and represented in all. social networks our goal is to raise the awareness of the local population, respond promptly to social problems and influence their solution, as well as promote the education of politically educated, patriotic and caring citizens, and this will be possible, including thanks to digital television,
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because our audience is dramatically increasing. the kyiv region is best equipped with a stable t2 signal. the broadcast radius of espresso-bila tserkva is more than 30 k and will cover the territory of almost 290 thousand population. local news will now be watched by residents of trushkki, volodarka, taraschi, uzyna, hrebinok, skvyra, rokytny and other cities of the region. now the people of bilotserki are no less happy about this news. i see if you'll be watching espresso, if it's on digital i will. belozarkiiskyi, right? and do you know that we will leave in... t2, no, yes, but will you watch if we leave in t2? of course, the news, what is being done here in the white church, is very interesting. constantly, every day. and will you to watch if we are also in t2? well, of course, this is belotserk news, news
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of the belotserkivshchyna, right? we hope that obtaining a digital license will consolidate the leading position of the tv channel in information broadcasting in the region, which will provide viewers with relevant and objective news, as well as influence the life of communities. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. these are the cases. this minute i'm telling you see you at 5 p.m., the news team is working, we're watching what's happening in to ukraine and the world, in the next issue we will tell about the most important things, marta oliyarnyk and antin birkovskii will continue to work. salt for the sake of victory. novus supermarket chain set such a goal.
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back in may 2023, they started the project "sil volya" itself, which should provide the military with modern fpvidrons. the symbol of the artemsil volya project, from the soledar mines. as part of the initiative, buyers have already purchased almost 41,000 packs, which is more than uah 5,600. all proceeds. from sales were transferred to drones for the hottest points of the front, in particular on needs of the third separate assault brigade of the azop regiment. now we have received another batch of drones, this time drones that were purchased with money from the same force that is sold in nolus. to become a part of the initiative, it is enough to buy volya souvenir salt from the soledar mines for uah 200. this can be done both in the store and on novus online. it is this salt that is converted into fpuidron. shoppers at novus supermarkets say they are happy
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to join such a project. if i can , some 200 hryvnias, for which i have practically nothing i can buy it, and it will be a great help to our boys, so why not? if we all together buy at least one packet of this salt, it will be a great help. my grandson is also at the front. if they sell salt and for some kind of... such help, or the purchase of some drones or some other military equipment for the soldiers, then why not buy, why not help? the funds raised from the sale of volya salt go to the needs of the charity funds suport azov and faith in ukraine. so far, benefactors have concentrated on the acquisition of fpvones, the military, which has already received copters, are grateful for such support. we, the fighters of the third. of the assault brigade, we thank the people of ukraine for their trust, for their support, by buying
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the same salt, you help us bring the common victory closer, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, the purchase of drones is an important mission for the company, because copters are the eyes of the military, thanks to them, fighters can to see the enemies or neutralize their equipment, the project gives a minimal opportunity for people to join this gathering, that is... there are some, it doesn't force, it doesn't force anything, it's very easy, it's you here you come, take, but you are already investing a piece of yourself and a piece of your help for ours, for help for our country. in the novus supermarket, they are called to join the collection, because even the smallest contribution now helps to keep the defense and salt the enemy. yulia zubchenko, oleksandr nikolenko, espresso tv channel. today
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, the prime minister of denmark is in ukraine and there is an important message from her. denmark will deliver f-16 fighters to ukraine by the summer of this year. the delay is caused solely by technical reasons. this is what mete frederiksyn is talking about today stated in lviv at a joint press conference with the president of ukraine volodymyr'. i quote: we are all very happy that denmark is going to provide these fighters in cooperation with the netherlands, belgium and the united states, this is a very powerful weapon, i hope that we will be able to see the f-16 in the airspace of ukraine in the near future, before the summer, and prem denmark explained the delay in the transfer of fighters exclusively to technical issues that need time to be resolved. well, more about what to expect from denmark about the new aid package from. of this country we will talk with oleg katkov, military expert and chief editor of defense express. mr. olezh, we
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are glad to see you, welcome to the espresso studio virtually, as always, and glory to ukraine. yaroslav, thank you for the invitation. we would like to immediately ask you, as they say, hot on the trail, about what denmark promises to provide us. we have heard a lot of positive news lately from denmark and that they are ready to give us all the artillery they have and that they are ready to provide us with f-16s as soon as possible. technical inconveniences will be eliminated and a so-called security agreement was also signed, not a security guarantee, but a security agreement actually, which provides for close. cooperation between our states, we would like your own comment about what will be included in this new aid package and what valuable things we should expect? yes, but the fact is that there was such a statement that denmark gave all the artillery, or will give all the artillery, but here it should be noted right away that denmark has already done everything, she handed over 19 all her caesars, now she has
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there is simply no other 155mm hummingbird artillery, and this was done back in the spring of 23. that is, they announced this in march, at the beginning of the year on the 23rd they announced that they would do it, and in april, as the ex-minister of defense of ukraine reznikov already reported, this artillery began to appear directly in the formation, therefore here when the student of the danish government said that denmark had transferred all the artillery, it was a reference to what it had already done, and as an appeal to other countries, which may well transfer directly the weapons they have, which now... well, it is possible to replace it, because now weapons are not worth more than money, how much time can you order for yourself, transfer what you have, in relation to, well, directly what the value will increase, of course it is also about the 16th, which they are handed over to the jack, it is also about strengthening ukraine with artillery ammunition that will be located, directly there it is about
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the fact that the czech republic, well, denmark is ordering ammunition from the czech republic. caliber, and they will be transferred directly to ukraine, that is, data, despite the fact that there is no own production, find ways so that, having the desire, having the funds, it simply orders it from other countries, and then these ammunitions will already be transferred directly to ukraine within a few months, although the orders will again be fulfilled directly by the czech republic, but for denmark, this a standard situation where she actively supports, in particular she has funded such things. as leopard-1 tanks, as leopard-2 tanks for ukraine, together with other countries, t-72 tanks together with the usa and the netherlands, and they transfer leopards to the netherlands the first, and the leopards the second, that is , it is about the fact that denmark finds ways to strengthen the armed forces of ukraine, first of all having
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a desire, only then decides how to implement its assistance, or in cooperation with other countries, they order. weapons or transferring something from their own stocks. mr. editor, 200 brimstone missiles from great britain, grand shepst, the secretary of defense of great britain, announced this at a briefing. and accordingly, the key story, what are these missiles, their tactical and technical characteristics? brimstorm is very effective rocket, it was already transferred to ukraine in the 22nd year of the year, and was used extremely actively, this is in fact. a british-made missile, it is based , of course, on the hellfire, but with significantly expanded capabilities, especially since it is the latest version of the brimstone missile that is transmitted, well, at least the exchange defense of great britain has already at one time highlighted what the latest version of the briamstone missile transmits 2, dual mode, and it is distinguished , firstly, by an increased range in the case of
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use from airplanes, the range is up to 40-50 km, the declared range from the helicopter is up to 20 km. at the same time, we are unlikely to use the brimstoma, at least now, from airplanes or helicopters, they were used back in 223 directly from ground launchers, there is no significant complexity at the first stages, even such an ersatz launcher was definitely used simply on the basis of flying gadzels, because again to brimstovo, this is a rather small-sized missile, it weighs up to 50 kg, is 1.8 m long, and it... is intended specifically for defeating defense equipment, for it extremely accurate, it uses semi-active, semi-active laser guidance, like many other anti-tank missiles, including salfiire, it uses its own radar active homing head, which allows you to find targets independently, that is, it is a shoot-and-forget principle, moreover, an extremely complex algorithm is implemented there, when
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the missiles that are launched in one volley, they also communicate with each other, exchanging data, who else sees which targets, distribute the targets automatically among themselves and hit them, so it's really, cool, cool, mr. editor, we agree , something was not heard, it was just about the british storm shelter , somehow this topic got stuck, they used to be supplied, but now we do not hear anything about these relations from great britain, they are saving money, i think that it is simply a matter of quantity, quite significant , we do not know, the number of these missiles transferred was not publicly reported , nor... shed, nor their french name scalp, that is, from france, not perichna, not london did not say exactly how many missiles were transferred, but it is necessary to understand that the resource before... the number of winged rockets is quite limited in fact, and perhaps, in general, if we take all the known orders for this missile, we will come out somewhere on maybe
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1200-1400 units, it is not a fact that all this order has been fulfilled, and it is far from the fact that all these missiles continue to be in operational condition, that is, i am honestly sure that great britain will find opportunities to supply ukraine with stormshadow missiles, moreover, not only by them ... the only ones, in particular , have recently appeared confirmation, well, it's simple the enemy has already posted a video directly with the banshee drone, which was handed over by great britain , most likely, because it is a british drone, and according to the enemy, it was converted into a kamikaze drone, and then it is about ukraine using kamikaze jet drones and there, the power of the combat unit is estimated by the enemy to be about 10 kg, that is , again, not only the long-range weapons of great britain. transmits mr. olezh, i would like to clarify, today, actually, the prime minister of denmark frederiksen is visiting lviv, and she announced that f-16s will appear in ukraine
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by the summer. but we understand that the key story with the supply of f16s is, of course, that it is important that we have them, but it is also important that there is something to equip them with, because what is their value in general, what they can inflict on one or another strikes, and there must be one or the other on board this plane itself. missiles, we are talking now about, for example, the period of time until the summer, yes, do you now see what actual deliveries to these fighters can be offered by our partners, which range these missiles can be, and what kind of missiles can they be? the very bad situation with the f-16 in this matter is that their weapons are dependent on the us, which is now blocking aid due to internal political strife, of course there are direct stockpiles of weapons in the countries that transfer them. but this weaponry , well, firstly, the quantity of this weaponry, secondly, in any case, it is necessary to obtain consent from the usa regarding the re-export
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of this weaponry, and very strongly, it seems to me, this is a personal opinion, that in so called the destruction of the f-16 coalition for ukraine, the role of the united states was outlined as the country that will provide weapons for these fighters, that is, we are talking about the aim-120, aim9 missiles. about ajadamiers, about harms, about the directly large list of weapons that make a multifunctional fighter, weapons, and not just a plane for transporting one pilot to somewhere, because it is a combat vehicle, and without weapons it is worthless, in fact, it was, perhaps, the usa that depended on the transfer to ukraine of such missiles as jasm, which are cruise missiles tactically based missiles, and have similar characteristics to yo... scalp, and they are produced much more, there is objectively no such strong limitation in the number of units of the general resource, in principle, mr. auger, if we understand correctly, then without a solution the united states
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f-16 will not have such value, i don’t really, really don’t want to make this kind of statement, it’s really possible, but it is necessary to understand that the combat capability of the aircraft forces and their armament really depends on the united states as a whole, and maybe some kind of well it's just us... there was information in the public space that the f16 should be in the first quarter of the 24th year, that is, it is included with the month of march, now we are talking about summer, for some reason, that is, before the summer to be more precise, and maybe just such a situation connected with the fact that the usa simply cannot accept a defense package for ukraine in order to equip these machines with an appropriate stock of weapons, and this weaponry should be allocated precisely for the pda withdrawal program, and the money is already there, well, the pentagon said that the money ran out in december, that is, there is nothing there there is no, and maybe this is just an assumption that these events are connected
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to each other, but again, what will these machines be equipped with, maybe the same netherlands, belgium, other countries there, they will conditionally be able to launch themselves with certain missiles like the same ones just missiles for air combat, it will already be quite significant. strengthening, because they will be able to be used as fighters to shoot down cruise missiles there, hunters there for you shaheds, this is of course not the use that would be necessary, the important aspect here is that even when we if we are talking about their task of driving away enemy aircraft from the front edge, then it must be understood that it also depends on equipping these machines with long-range versions of the aim-120 missile, because when it comes to the aim -120, for example, the c8, that is, its latest versions, then it's so far away there. 160 km, if it will be old versions, aim 120s, then the range there is much less, where up to 100 km, this is a huge difference,
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thank you, mr. editor, oleg katko, military. an expert, the editor-in-chief of defense express was in touch with us, and what is important, notice regarding the funeral and farewell to the hero of ukraine stepan khmara, a three-term member of the verkhovna rada, a dissident, so the farewell will take place on sunday, february 25 , at maidan nezalezhnosti in the conservatory, architect horodotsky street 1311, starting at 10 a.m. and lasting until 12 p.m. 30 later , funeral service at the skoldova grave and burial at the baiko cemetery. dear kyivans and those who will be in kyiv at that time, this great man should be given a dignified funeral. so, this sunday, the farewell and funeral of stepan ilkovich, khmara, the hero, will take place of ukraine. we are moving on, now we will have literally a few minutes of break, after which we will return to our studio. more to come.
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current topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov. and the guests of the project are boring to us, because there is nothing to quarrel about, let's win, they help to understand the present and predict the future, for world, trump's second presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime . two hours of your time. two o'clock.


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