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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 1:00am-1:29am EET

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on their capabilities in the military-technical plan of weapons production, where for many years they actually lagged behind the united states both in terms of volume and new equipment, although there are also good results in france, germany, denmark, norway, great britain, and sweden , but the volumes are not ready for today's period, so i'll just remind you that actually putin's ultimatum in the 21st year is in play. which he sent through the ministry of foreign affairs of russia as a security draft of some agreement there was sent to nato and the united states, they did not accept it, two countries, now finland and sweden, will continue to join nato, but in terms of responding to this threat, they have only now woken up or are waking up. so there is one point that i try to explain to all partners, reminding them that i was right. were many
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of us right two years ago, now they think that ukraine will hold off the russian onslaught as much as possible, they will gain additional time, then prepare as much as possible, deploy the same bendisfera division, sorry, the bendisfera brigade materialized in to lithuania, what is already being added through the suval crossing will be increased further , they will increase even more opportunities to their eastern border, so i will say, putin will not wait, if ukraine... does not have what you said, which is concentrated now in this , well, the next few months of supply of those missiles, which are called long-range missiles, in fact, well, it is up to 500 km, it is essentially only behind the rear of the current surge at the front, that is, if there is not this stupid, absolutely senseless ban there, do not respond only on the territory of ukraine, and not outside, but like you will you
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repel even f-16 attacks in the air, no matter what they will do, they will simply hide there from the airspace, well, this is nonsense, so if this understanding comes and there will be concentrated assistance to ukraine, then they will not have to form a new line of defense actually already on their territories, well, now, in fact, they have one dangerous moment in this, on the one hand , they are dangerous for ukraine, on the one hand , they already agree that on... even during, even during the war with ukraine, if it such positional, entrenched, they can be attacks on them and rockets have already flown into poland, drones into romania, well, so far so far so far, but there may be an attack on sukhadol, very simply through estonia, through suwalki, 100 km through lithuania and poland, maybe, well, they are frightening there somehow informative to transnistria, though. this is
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a separate story, that is, they want to raise the escalation bar, if it were, and show nato's inability. so, the mistake now in the nato countries is that they think they have time, 3 years, there they called 3-5 years, there is no time, i claim that they should be ready for this already at the end, at the beginning of next year, at the end of this, at the beginning of the next, and if they do not strengthen us as much as possible by this time, they will face ... a direct, there will be a direct confrontation between nato and russia, or nato countries and russia, and that's all now, now they talk about this line of defense, well, it's absolutely clear, and their ministry of defense is talking about it, of course, in ukraine, which pays the highest price and there are armed forces that are ready now, well, just so you know, endure it and push back the occupier, give weapons, give the maximum, it can be...
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used, if they don't use it, then it will be a completely different situation for them, i will tell you, to be honest, it will be fair, because if you think that they will give you an ultimatum for you , as it was sent to russia, nato countries and the usa, and ukraine is fighting alone, thanks to the dosed, once again dosed supply of weapons, i say once again, the dosed supply of weapons, because the 23rd... could have been a completely different year if our partners did not lead the game in regulating the escalation, but now they have reached them, well but i'm sorry, time, time plays a role, so now , i think, the second time they should not make the mistake of thinking that it will stay somewhere there for a long time, no, i think that the understanding has come, i want to see actions, well, that is, you are sure that our western partners will no longer... continue this game of some kind
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of truce, peace, some lines, putin with some mediators, zelensky with some mediators, and they are now deciding something between themselves. the question, how to actually stop the war in ukraine? well, i will take the courage to say that such, well, it is possible to say, the backroom talks, let me refer to the leaks to the media, they went on in november, december between washington and moscow, and basically did not come to anything, because, well, if you believe these leaks, the americans said that without ukraine, we are such a solution. we cannot have, because the russian side demanded to recognize the de facto currently occupied territories, objects, so that they would be secured by them even in the agreement, well, that is, that these conquered territories would be secured, well, the approach, you know,
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is this , if hitler's approach, obviously, well, it is unlikely that anyone will go for it, that is why it has failed now, attempts by russia will continue, because it is beneficial to them, of course... the current situation, they will still try to conquer the territories, thinking that later it will be possible to achieve the fixation of these territorial zagarblin, but i believe that in the fall it is necessary to do so that in the fall, summer-autumn, we will enter into a completely different story, in order to force putin and russia on completely different terms until the end of the situation, and until this period, well, let's say. .. so: before the election, election day in the united states, for some reason, everyone formulated such a date for themselves , well, it is clear for what reasons, there are elections not only for the president, there is also the congress, there really a lot depends on the position of the united states, well, in russia they expect that this will be a very
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favorable period for them, so until at this time, i think, there will be no serious options to make this temporary suspension, as they say, a freeze. well, even if we theoretically assume that there may be some talks and, er, some agreements, but the recognition that russia occupied ukrainian territory, this will simply uh completely destroy the entire world security system, because if at some level there, even an expert , the agreement of this agreement and the fixation of the fact that... russia did the right thing, it means that all other participants of the world diplomats can no longer engage in diplomacy, but simply engage in the accumulation of weapons and by force to take back certain territories or reconquer certain territories, that is, it is unacceptable under
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any conditions, true, absolutely, i will tell you more, diplomats have already become less, i all the same, i will maintain from the point of view that... there will not even be any formal agreement with this russian regime and it will not be by definition, because it is impossible to do this with them, because they are simply an enemy who wants to destroy another the country, you can only force it, you can force it to do anything, but i see that now it is not the same as diplomacy, now international law is simply torn apart, broken apart, yes. it was spat out, because it had reached such things that it was impossible to imagine before, and in fact everyone was quite confused, but nevertheless two years already was, and in these two years it would be possible to do much more, well, i think, i really hope
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these statements that there are 800 thousand shells, there are half a million, there is production, there are already some budgets changing european ones, that it was still delivered ... on other lines of understanding, when they talk about a diplomatic end to the war, when, especially ukrainians answer this question, i asked those who conduct surveys, in fact , ukrainians do not mean signing an agreement with russia or with putin, but actually about capitulation, that's not what we're talking about, but it is said that through diplomatic means it will still be possible to push back this russian regime so that they... crawl away, because with all their mental problems, they also have mistakes, they are still, well, we understand why, that they they want to keep power, there is control in their country , because they will be torn apart if they don't keep it, therefore, in
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principle, there are ways for world pressure to really influence their approaches, that's true, and the first is weapons, the second is sanctions, the third... after all, the continuation of obstruction, political isolation, this is the most difficult, because there are many countries they don't want to do this in the world, you are looking for your benefits there, we see it, and all this together can be called a diploma there. there will be some influences, but all this will be less in the future, let's be honest , and this is a lesson for ukraine, the coming decades, the law of force will play a key role, not international law, not rules, but the law of force, you see, tanks enter first, first some actions, first 100 tamahawks were released there or cruise missiles, including tamahawks, then... they begin to understand, first hamas there, israel provoked it, got on them
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, then let's maneuver to lead, who is right, who is wrong, when to withdraw, that's how it goes , that is, if you have the strength, you can defend yourself, if you don't have the strength, any formal agreements, any previous ones the agreements will not work, everything will depend on what you have in your hands at the moment here and now, for ukraine it means to have, well , ideally it is clear that there is a security salt through precisely collective defense, well nato, this is a separate topic, and it is unfortunately difficult to implement now, but the fact that we should have a large, sufficient number of missiles in the near future, which , let's say, we call long-range, that's 500 km, it's not so, in fact, the average range of the missile is 5,500 km, the average range, less range it is thousands of kilometers away, at least to have our missiles without nuclear
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weapons, and 1,000 kilometers, several hundred missiles, which could be some kind of deterrent weapon, well, i am talking about other components, so we need to use this moment in order to strengthen your capabilities, and until let's be honest, we don't have an advantage over the russians in many types of weapons, we have a bit of a ... launch there in systems, well, air defense, thank you, and so on, we are very far behind in self-propelled artillery installations, something has been tightened up a little on the rszv, but very little, we will lose in all this direction, while they give us weapons, they gave us to replace what was lost in the war, that is, that is why it must be a completely different approach, and now we always talk about it, constantly discussing, but well... i think that, well, we should talk, i think
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more frankly, and not at the official level , you know, at such a level the parliament could get involved, well, so that there is not a little bit of another opera, but today our government there drove to the polish border with more than 9 thousand trucks, and this issue must be resolved urgently , the tripartite headquarters should work around the clock, and the issue of blocking the border should be... resolved much earlier than march 28, the date when a joint meeting of the governments of ukraine and poland was supposed to take place. otherwise , ukraine reserves the right to apply mirror measures at checkpoints. oh, this is some artistic amateur activity. i don't know how mr. valery, you perceive, as a professional diplomat, and i, how it is to come to the border and say: "listen, come out, let's talk." and we have plans with... with five points, well, that is , somehow it doesn't look professional, look,
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the fact that some institutional possibilities should have been involved a long time ago, we talked about it a few months ago, i know it, and we all know, and i also worked at one time, there is an advisory committee ukraine poland, which in principle, under the president, who should, in principle, have warned... such situations , they can arise, and it was warned, well, well, we do not want to bring it to the level of the president, although it was stated here that it was volodymyr zelenskyi who spoke with donald tusk, after this conversation, donald said that it can only be at the end of march 28th, it can be discussed objectively there, well , it’s really unclear what they are pulling, the situation is critical for us not only from the point of view there... supply of goods, yes, but with from the point of view that it is an informational tool, very much so
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serious, and it is clear that different forces are at play here, but they have also diverted some military cargoes, that is, this is absolutely unacceptable to us, so the decision, for example, the statement of the prime minister of poland that we are border crossings, that is, that all crossings we recognize it as critical infrastructure, which means that you can't do promotions there, that was a good decision, so if it can be unlocked at the expense of it, then okay, and if they don't want to see you, if you want to push the polish decision like that. .. the government is hardly the best option, what the plan is we propose, yes, it is good, what we propose together with brussels is also good, because brussels has distanced itself from this issue a little now, you know, that is, the issue is not about grain at all, so now we should talk with poland about common structures
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of collective defense, it's time to talk about it, and we are forced to talk about such and such an element... border blockades, this is absolutely unacceptable , and with all the elections that will be held in poland or new elections there, they say that they want to take revenge , a previous batch that does not got this power, that is, i am not completely satisfied with how to act here, let our, well, ours, when we say the government, well, not only the government here, i emphasize once again, it must be coordinated, the line of the state, i would start with... . the work of parliamentarians, diplomats, parliamentarians, well, the government got involved, okay, at this stage, well, but the picture itself is unlikely to affect now, it is unlikely to affect, and for us, honestly, it looks like a certain weakness, i don’t know what they calculated, because i know these people, some of them, as professional people, in the government, well, i don't know why such a decision
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was made, i think that this decision was made no no... in government buildings, in others, where such informative, informational steps are developed, well, this is an emotional decision, and it is directed first of all to give it to pr, to pr , yes, on the eve, but there should be actions directed at poland, because in principle, i understand that poland does a lot and did, well, let's say, did a lot more, yes, now there are questions lately. and in fact , everyone counted on donald tusk's government. he is a european politician, he does it differently sees i'll tell you, honestly, so far we don't see such drastic changes, and that's his authority. i met with him as part of the delegation, he is a person who understands this perfectly, a person who is for the unity of europe, i
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think that he will be able to take steps, and here we would not play to the public, but to find ways, but really there. .. of coordination, i am sure that donald tust is interested in solving this issue in the context of european security. another issue that has been debated, well at least the last few days, it is possible to hold a so-called congress of so-called deputies of various levels in transnistria on february 28, as if this congress of deputies should take place, and they say this unrecognized transnistria. the republic of moldova will request to join the russian federation. on february 29, putin is to address the federal assembly with an annual message. however, gur of the ministry of defense of ukraine says that information that transnistria will ask putin to join the russian federation is currently unconfirmed. and the ambassador
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of ukraine to moldova, marko shevchenko, said about necessary to create a new format for the settlement of the transnistrian conflict, since the previous format with the participation of russia has already been discredited, and assured that ukraine will provide assistance to moldova in the event of an escalation of the situation in transnistria. let's listen to what the ambassador said. ukrainian officials have repeatedly publicly said that if there is an official request for support or assistance from the authorities of the republic of moldova, ukraine will definitely provide it. in what way and how quickly it will be provided, it will be discussed later, and it will depend on the seriousness situation, if moldovan officials believe that there is a threat to security or stability, they can apply, and we will discuss what kind of assistance moldova needs, and that assistance will be provided as far as the circumstances,
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the situation, mr. valeriu, as likely as possible ... a scenario or a repetition of the scenario from the so-called lpr and dpr, or from the pmr? well, on the one hand , they are ready for this, because in fact this gathering of deputies of various levels in transnistria is taking place for some important moments, yes, that is, the past last time they made a decision there to turn to russia in principle, and they basically just need to... confirm it and that's all, that is, in the grand scheme of things, the development of events can be any, so i wouldn't discount exactly those.. . there are threats, it feels like there is some kind of behind-the-scenes constant struggle, something in russia is reducing their appetite for decisions, because it is from their point of view,
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what is their goal, to break through the corridor from the south of ukraine, well, it was through odesa and in transnistria, transnistria is cut off from border with russia, that is, both by sea and by land, so it's kind of serious here. it is difficult to carry things out, but from the point of view of such a game of destabilization, raising the stakes, it can in principle be played, if the russian political technologists come up with the idea that it is necessary to show the muscularity of their leader, everything can be, although, here are such statements that we we keep everything under control there, i would say that they are very brave. statements so far, well, but this ongoing conflict, well , not a conflict, but simply put, the occupation of the 14th army of the russian federation, it has been since 1992
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year, there was no way to get this army out of there, then you had this whole story with the transnistrian republic of moldova, and it is such an appendix between moldova and ukraine, but this is the territory of moldova, and it is a threat. moldovans and the threat to romania, including, that is, if the 14th army, which is there, if i am not mistaken, there is a contingent of about 50,000 people in transnistria, if suddenly they start hostilities, then this will somehow lead to that romania will also enter the war or not, well if separately, not as a northern member of the north atlantic, but as a territory that, let's say, helps moldova a lot. mr. sergey, this is a separate topic,
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probably because, well, i will say this, there are not 50,000, there are less, and there are fabulous, there are large warehouses, uh, which are embezzled there or corruptly stretched there or exported to russia , but nevertheless, it is not about weapons, it is not about the amount of equipment or special personnel, there... it is about the fact that even those who are there will not be able to oppose them militarily, but it should not be discounted it after all, under our border with the vinnytsia region, there, i will tell you that with any involvement of destabilization there, it is a very bad story, although it can really lead to the fact that the war will no longer turn into a war. one in defense of one country, ukraine. moldova may be involved, we'll see later. that is, what will happen next. therefore
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, putin can raise the stakes in this way, show escalation and threaten even more, and the kremlin can do it. what does this mean in military terms for us? i don't want to go into details now, let the military experts they talk about it, but there is nothing good in the development of such a situation. which has already been tested by them at such and such congresses, there is nothing good, especially in the international legal status - it is the occupied territory of moldova in essence, so that the top of the military is there, even what they have and those people who are there, they you know why they started all this, but i'll just tell you to explain why they're convening the congress, they want to get improvements in their economic issues, because uh... moldova had worse, it's paradoxical, but economically moldova, chisinau have worse conditions than transnistria, they have now equalized and they
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are outraged, how so, we will earn less of our corruption money, i.e. both direct and corrupt, that's what the problem is, that is, they want to scare, that is putin will come if you don't deduct our corrupt, corrupt profits, that is, they do, but i don't know how it will end from the kremlin's side. the kremlin can take advantage of this, we understand that everything is controlled from there, from russia, they do not have independent decisions, that is, that is why i would now, well, let's say that it so in practical terms, our main intelligence department reassured us, but i hope it reassured informationally, on the ground, as they say, appropriate preparations are being made and we will have to be careful, well , actually we are in a state of war and... and so we always have that flank to keep under control, yes, i will clarify, over 6 00, i was wrong, not 50 00, because it is the one, well, 7500, so somewhere yes, yes, yes, somewhere
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6-7, well, as of... the 95th year, i looked at the numbers, there are 6.5, the very end of our conversation, i am interested in your opinion, should the ukrainian state and ukrainian diplomats speak now before the 17th, and especially after march 17, about the illegitimacy of putin during the election in the territories temporarily occupied by russia, and which they consider their own, and this territory is a part of ukraine. of the state, it is necessary , it is necessary, moreover, now it is necessary to speak, it seems to me, three topics, the first is absolutely to continue its topic at a new stage, this is russia's self-proclaimed capture of the un and rodot without the un, the first, the second, it is absolutely clear , they will not give up these attempts to demonstrate something there in the occupied territories, not only that the elections themselves in russia we know how they conduct and no one
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recognizes these standards, but even in the occupied... territories there must be a clear non-recognition of the legitimacy, at least yes, if not by the whole world, then by part, of democratic education, this must definitely be done if they they won't go for it, they won't be able to agree, well , then, excuse me, what are we talking about, then putin will receive another signal, and a third one, i think that after that we need to be much more dynamic, more active in understanding what .. russia already has some kind of changes, the opposition, that what you said will not happen next time, russia already, putin and russia have shown that they have taken a one-way ticket, and we just need this one-way train of theirs, not in the direction they think, faster, and if putin is not recognize putin's legitimacy as the next president of the russian federation, what consequences will this have for him and for russia? it depends on which circle of countries
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will do it, how it will sound, he is already a criminal according to the definition of the international court, he is wanted, that is, where he is in the countries where the rome statute is recognized and ratified, they do not go there, that is, but it must be very important from the point of view of aggression, war, that is, we should not under any circumstances recognize, there is still such a moment here, you understand, we are not we can hold elections, yes, because we are in a state of war, that is, we have questions and we understand that suddenly, out of nowhere, the aggressor is holding elections in the occupied territories, well, it is clear that this is a demonstration , nothing will be there, but they, they just write their matrix here parallel education, and then we will demonstrate to everyone, we cannot let them create a parallel reality, because now this year will be very important from the point of view of fighting in
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another space. narratives, messages, these fakes, that is, we have to form our model, the true model, now clearly again, as a whole, and in this model putin's illegitimacy should play one of the key roles. thank you, mr. valery, for the conversation, it was a diplomat, the former ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america, valery chaly, friends, we work in live tv channel. as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching us live there right now, please don't forget to like us to keep this conversation trending on youtube and facebook, and vote in our poll today we are asking you about whether zelensky should run for the presidency of ukraine again, yes, no, everything is quite simple on the youtube channel.


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