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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EET

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greetings, it's news time on the spresso tv channel, the studio is working. kateryna shirokopoyas two years of the great war on february 24, 2022, at around four in the morning, kremlin dictator vladimir putin announced the start of the so-called special military operation in ukraine, in fact, a war. for the first time, ukrainian cities woke up to the explosions of russian rockets, convoys of armored vehicles openly drove into the territory of ukraine. the invaders invaded near kharkiv, kherson, chernihiv and sumy. entered from the territory. the russian federation of belarus and
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occupied crimea. kyiv declared martial law state and general mobilization in ukraine. the world was shaken by the atrocities committed by the invaders in the first days of the war in buch, borodyanka, makarov, and irpen. despite everything, ukraine persevered and is still fighting against terrorists. today, the president of the european commission , ursula funderlayan, will arrive in kyiv. she dedicated the visit to the second anniversary of russia's full-scale war against ukraine. details of the visit are not disclosed for security reasons. meanwhile , the european official emphasized on the x social network that ukraine has been heroically fighting for its freedom for two years. fonderlein published a photo from the building of the european commission in brussels, which was decorated with the colors of the ukrainian flag. a gesture of support. on the eve of the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion of russia, a delegation of democratic senators arrived in lviv. it
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was headed by senate majority leader chuck schumer. american lawmakers met with the president of ukraine, volodyr zelenskyi. there they discussed the supply of weapons necessary for ukraine. chek schumer also emphasized: after the visit to lviv, the democratic senators will convince the republicans to approve aid to ukraine. it is about a document which provides more than 60 billion dollars for our state. we are here to show the ukrainian people that america supports you and will continue to fight to get the funding you need and deserve. we will not stop fighting until we get this help. when we get back to washington, we will make it clear to speaker johnson and others in congress that the military is standing in the way. and economic
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support, exactly what is at stake here in ukraine, for the rest of europe and the free world, we will continue to work to for congress to step up, do right, and help our friends and allies. the main intelligence agency confirmed the disappearance of the russian a50 plane. this is a new modernized russian version in intelligence noted that this is an air command post, which state. used for long-range radar detection of control and for striking ukraine with missiles from strategic aviation. the cost of the downed plane, of which the occupiers have one left, is 350 million dollars. let me remind you, the day before, ukrainian defenders knocked down nad russian plane a50 over the sea of ​​azov. this is the second since the beginning of the year. one person died, three others were injured as a result of the attack. a good drone in odesa,
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reported oleg kiper, the head of the region. he noted that all three wounded were hospitalized in serious condition. in particular, an elderly woman was under the rubble for almost two hours, she has thermal burns on 40% of her body and fractures of her arms and legs. let me remind you that the occupiers are attacking odeshchyna with shahedes for the second night in a row. one of the strike drones hit a residential building in the primorye district of odessa. large-scale fire in in russia, this time the novolypotsk metallurgical plant was on fire, before that the residents of the city heard the sounds of explosions, they reported to the russian media, perhaps they call the drone strike the cause, the information about the fire was also confirmed by the local authorities, the ignition was allegedly in one of the plant's workshops, but the fire is convincing, quickly extinguished and there were no casualties. a break until monday, the higher anti-corruption court announced
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a break in the hearing on the selection of a preventive measure for ex-people's deputy serhii pashynskyi. the case was considered on february 21 prosecutors of the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office. they are asking for arrest with the possibility of bail of 300 million hryvnias. at the same time , the lawyers consider the accusations unfounded. let me remind you that the law enforcement officers have declared serhiy pashinsky a suspect in criminal proceedings registered 10 years ago. he is suspected of allegedly illegally selling almost hundreds of tons of state-confiscated oil products of the oligarch kurchenko. thank you to everyone who watched, thank you to everyone who came to support me. secondly, i think you have seen yourselves, my dear the defenders completely destroyed all the pseudo -evidence of the prosecutor 's office, everyone saw the absurdity of this case, the falsity of this case , what i basically said, on monday i
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will have the opportunity to express my position, and i want to say once again, i don't know, there will be an arrest , there will be no arrest, but... we have to fight the aggressor, the occupiers, and whether i am free or not, i will do everything possible and impossible to win, and then we will deal with the counterfeiters of this case. american diplomat kurt volker noted, that ukraine is unable to change the situation with the allocation of aid to our state by the american congress, because such a decision currently depends only on internal political processes in the states. at the same time, walker noted that we should continue public diplomacy and communicate directly with voters and congressmen. these are two different things, the reason for the delay in congress has nothing to do with ukraine, so you cannot
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influence it: it is about the southern border of the united states, legal migration, fentanyl coming to the us and the measures we take to monitor. the situation at the border, that's what it's all about, and it has nothing to do with ukraine. they survived the occupation, left, but returned home. the horbel family met a full-scale invasion in their hometown of balaklia in kharkiv oblast. it was captured by russian troops in the first days of march. how the family managed to escape and why the heroines of our next story returned, sharing memories from espresso. this is anna's former office in the local cultural center, where she worked for more than one year, she remembers the last one the holiday that was organized with colleagues , the day of unity on february 16, two years ago, it was
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like, you know, a feeling of pride, unity for one's country, and at that time one did not even think what would happen... well, such tragic events , the life of the horbel family changed radically already on the morning of february 24, they and their neighbors moved to live in a shelter nearby, the city was shelled by the occupiers from the first days of the great war , you had to run, bathe or wash, but it was shelled here and it was even scary to run out, this the shelter is now open, it is warm, clean and there is light, here... we constantly charged our phones, people brought it, you know, united, and whoever could did everything, someone cleaned, someone brought extension cords to charge the phones, there were a lot of sockets here,
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anna walks through the basement and remembers everyone around the corner, who lived and slept where? we sat here, there were still chairs from this building. we lived here, it was our home, for about a month, we spent the night and the day here, because it was scary to be in the apartment after the airstrikes, but after a couple of weeks it became scary to stay in the basement, anna recalls, the occupiers had already entered the city, they are here where there is a zaborshchik, here they stood up like this and folded their hands like this and waited, and what they were waiting for, i don’t know what they are standing for... but i don’t know, they did, they didn’t touch, they didn’t, they said the opposite : " get out, we have come, on purpose, we will not touch you, go home, don't suffer, don't sit here , i think people have gone home, but the houses
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continued to be shelled already in the evening of the same day, and the light, water and heating, the heroine recalls, anna's family decided to leave the city, she says, then in the first weeks it was still quite easy for the russian military were passed through roadblocks, and they and their family were able to break through. for more than a year, anna and her children lived in the west of the country, but she still decided to return, because she wanted... home, when you see it all live, when you come back and see the destruction of your city, what the enemies have done here, the heart bleeds. it pours when they returned, the woman got a new job, and now she is waiting for her husband konstantin to return from the war. at the very beginning of the full-scale invasion, he went to the front as a volunteer. i wouldn't say that it was a shock, something that, in principle, was somewhere deep down to my soul, it seemed to me that it would still be like
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that, well, knowing him, so if i reacted uh , not as emotionally as possible, my wife would have to, but i supported him, the most important desire of vanna is victory and for her husband to return home, and for the family to be together , that's... this is the main dream, well, in principle, the same as my husband's, because he says that if he did not see how his daughter grows, and while he is bringing victory as close as he can, from the kharkiv region for the espresso tv channel. for now, that's all the news for this hour.
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to salt for the sake of victory, such a goal is ahead were placed in the novus supermarket chain. back in may 2023, they started the project "sil volya" itself, which is supposed to provide for the military. the symbol of the artemsil volya project from the soledar mines. as part of the initiative, buyers have already purchased almost 41,000 packs, which is more than uah 5,600. all proceeds from the sale were transferred to drones for the hottest points of the front, in particular for the needs of the third separate assault brigade of the azov regiment. now we have received another batch of drones, this time they are fpv drones that have been purchased. for money from the same force that is sold in in order to become a part of the initiative, all newcomers
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need to buy volya souvenir salt from the soledar mines for uah 200. this can be done both in the store and on novus online. it is this salt that is converted into fprons. shoppers at novu supermarkets will say they are happy to join such a project. if i can get some 200 hryvnias, which i can hardly buy anything with, that will be it. it will be a great help to our boys, so why not, if we all together buy at least one packet of this salt, it will be a great help, my grandson is also at the front, if they sell salt and for some kind of help or there for the purchase of some drones or some other military equipment, then why not buy, why not help, the funds that are attracted from the sale. solivolya goes to the needs of the charity funds support azov and faith in ukraine. so far, benefactors
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have focused on purchasing fpv drones. the military, which has already received copters, is indebted for such support. we, fighters of the third separate assault brigade. we thank the people of ukraine for their trust and support. by buying the same salt, you help us to bring a joint victory closer. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. purchase of drones. an important mission for the company, because copters are the eyes of the military, thanks to them, good morning, our dear friends, february 24, today is the 731 day of the russian full-scale invasion. espresso continues to work and talk about how ukraine resists the russian empire and defends its independence. lesya vakolyuk, andriy saichuk, we are working today. for you , we will talk with the guests throughout the day, recall the events of two years ago
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the third year of our great war against moskal begins, ah, and actually we, we are standing, we are doing everything to ensure that the enemy leaves our land and that it never occurs to him to do such a thing again, well, let's talk about it today. to speak, by the way, russian nibendzia, ugh, this is their representative in this in the un, and nibendzia, that's how they are nibendzia there at first. something, they left the meeting hall and said that they did not like the wording of the meeting, about the occupation, about the occupation of ukraine, from ukrainian lands, they said that it is not an occupation, but it is just new russian territories, that is, that is what it should have been called, let's talk about new russian territories, here is our address house
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, the street where they washed their feet, there is also our sea, as benzia declared over there at the un, what... i will tell you this way, something is changing a little bit in their rhetoric, if two years ago they said that in two days, a year ago they said that we would still take everything all the way to lviv , already... now they are starting to say: well, maybe we will reach kyiv someday, and let's leave part of it to the west, let's see what they will say after another year of war, but it seems that there will be another year of war, this is what it looks like, and dear friends who are watching us, i don't know from where, from which countries you are watching those of us from which regions, you can write to us about it under our youtube broadcast, but if
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ukrainians who are currently abroad are watching us, we remind you that you are also you... ukraine is undergoing a full-scale invasion of russia, and this is normal in principle, that other countries live their lives, they do not can live our lives all the time, but we are the ones who remind that ukraine needs help, ukraine alone cannot cope with this maddened enemy, which believes in evil, by the way. maybe there are supporters of elon musk among you, still, still, well , if there are among you, because i don’t know if after that you can still be a supporter of elon musk, elon musk, and who, by the way, is some norwegian mp there whether the prime minister or whoever wants to nominate for the nobel peace prize. i don't know if he saw elon musk's last post
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on the network that was twitter, but became the network ha. ugh. so, elon musk recently posted joseph stalin, who depicts a heart, so-and-so, so-and-so stalin, what did this elon musk mean by this stalin and this heart, it is difficult to understand, elon musk is sometimes very untidy in his head, but if you loved elon musk and were disappointed in him, you can come to his... to his post in his network x and write to him what you think about it, and write to him maybe, maybe he didn't study history well and doesn't understand who such is stalin, then remind him a little about those millions of ukrainians whom stalin starved to death, about those hundreds of thousands of ukrainians whom stalin killed in the camps with a terrible death.
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actually, what else did i want to say, and by the way , those of... actually those of our viewers who are now near the polish border, there, listen, our people are stuck at the border, our whole delegation is asking who can bring some warm things, maybe some warm coffee, but they spoke now in a difficult situation, i don't know who it is, some faces, a little familiar, they say that they are in kyiv they hold some positions, well, i don’t know for sure, well , somewhere, somewhere, someone’s deputy’s office, deputy’s office... from the president, something like that in a word, go, treat the boys and girls to coffee, because it’s not easy for them there, they were sent to the border, they are there now instead of border guards, our border guards are under strict guard, dear friends, we are going for a short break, we will return and start our roll call after that, stay with us, there are discounts on... 20% in
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pharmacies plantain for you and savings. there are 20% discounts on tezin bio and tezin xylo in pharmacies plantain to you and savings. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov. na yatskiv and invited experts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events based on facts. do you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow? watch the saturday politics club every saturday on espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko is now in a new
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two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a telephone survey. turn on and... turn on the verdict with serhiy rudenko every weekday from 8pm to 10pm at espresso. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel koval. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements. political politicians and how will look like our entry into the eu in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in
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cooperation with seestreau. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. presenters that many have become relatives, as well as honored guests of the studio: the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring. espresso in the evening. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news exactly will the guests of the project analyze this week? and actually, we will find out who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk.
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sunday, 17:10 at espresso. good morning, dear friends, we are back on the air and we start our roll call, we start it from nikopol, which is constantly under russian fire. dmytro bychkov, acting chairman of the nikopol district council , is in touch with us. mr. dmitry, good morning. who is this morning in dnieper? good morning, well, probably morning, like all countries, two years since the start of a full -scale war, and of course, we all remember that day, that night, when such a massive shelling and offensive of terrorists, criminals, russians, who began an attack on a full-scale full-scale attack , began on ukrainian territory. as for... the attack on the nikopol district continues almost every day, every day and day and night, it means the shelling of nikopol, marganets, and rural
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communities of the nikopol district, yesterday and today the enemy fired on the territory of our district, using both artillery, and drones, which today they always already use almost every day on the territory of the nikopol district in large numbers, there were such attacks even late in the evening. the consequences of which are still being established and the official information that we expect will be a little later, do you remember your emotions on february 24, when you realized that the war had begun, well, the feeling that there would be a war was already there until a few days before, you still understood that the enemy would launch a full-scale offensive , emotions of course. well, you understand, well, we were all so close before that, the whole family was there to make appropriate decisions, and of course, at night, when the shelling
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of the nikopol district took place, rockets flew all over the country that day, they flew and to us therefore, of course, i felt it, saw the first minutes, and of course it was such, well, you can say, a shock for many people, and of course. and there, even then, what had begun already began, then what happened began to happen. is there any calculation of how many houses were destroyed in nikopol region, how many people left and are not going to return yet? well, if we talk about the number of the population that left, then we have a territory in nikopol, it is different, in some territories the number of residents has increased due to the fact that... people left from donetsk, luhansk, zaporizhzhia, kherson regions, a certain part came from the cities of nikopol and
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mar. that is, in these rural areas , where there is no daily shelling, the population of the area increased, in nikopol, marganka, of course , the population decreased significantly, because a lot of people left, well, i think, i can say that in nikopol, i think there remained approximately 60, 65%, from the number of residents that were before the beginning war, a lot of people still returned, and because they for various reasons this happened, because they did not find themselves... well, home is home, the house in which you live, it is yours, and you feel more emotional and spiritual at home state, than there children can be said to be visiting or having left some territory, therefore, in principle, i can say that the situation is changing, that certain people leave, certain people return, regarding the destruction, houses, well, such an account is taken by each, each and every local self-government body , that is, the total number now
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i can't say... but the situation usually changes every day, because the shelling is happening, every day the number of houses is increasing. at the expense of what has been the second year for two years and the third year is starting , nikopol is alive, do entrepreneurs return, develop some kind of business of their own or, on the contrary , leave the city? it happens from time to time, in different ways, i can say that, of course, a certain large number of small and... medium-sized businesses have closed down, not everywhere large enterprises are fully operational, this has significantly affected the budgets, the economy of our businesses, because a lot of people today have very minimum wages, a certain part of people were simply forced to go to another job, but there are cases when small and medium-sized businesses come back, recover and
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return to their activities, we are very ... grateful to all of them , to those who do it , because, of course, this is in addition to the fact that there are taxes corresponding to local budgets, but the most important thing is that it shows that life goes on, you have to adapt to all this, and that's why, of course, it's such a big such positive moment, as well as a positive moment, is the great work of many different humanitarian funds in the territory of the nikopol district, which for two years have been providing humanitarian, hygienic... psychological, monetary assistance to the residents of the nikopol district, this is also very important, and the 24th year and the third year of a full-scale war, it is like this , we tell everyone that we need to pay very significant attention to children, who today will be deprived of a normal education, the opportunity to engage in sports and cultural activities, to have adequate leisure time, and we we understand that there are already relevant statistics, that
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the number of... diseases among children for osteochondrosis, neurology, certain types of cases of alcoholism and everything else, unfortunately, has increased in our country, because children are constantly at the computer online, they in a sedentary way of life, and it is of course necessary to increase these directions and pay even more attention to this, you know, yesterday on the eve of the second anniversary of the full-scale russian attack on ukraine. latvian president edgard edgarkevits, he exhibited such and such a caricature, actually also latvian caricaturist, and there are actually two, relatively speaking, worlds depicted there, we have seen a lot of such drawings recently, that is , on the one hand, ukrainians are somewhere in some of those
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o... lesser trenches, who say that hold on, no, we can't to get tired, and there are some...


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