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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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you already see her, ms. oksano, we congratulate you , yes, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, ms. oksano, one way or another, today we remember february 24, 22nd year, we understand that for you, the war started another year, too february, eh, but nevertheless, a full-scale war began, and which affected the whole of ukraine, do you remember your state? that morning, well, i was on the way to mariupol, on the train, we were stopped at the delivery point, because i was just expecting that there would be an attack, we thought at the time that it would still be from the side of mariupol volnovakha, up there, and i was going there, no considering the fact that i had a 22nd fracture, i could not walk well even then, and therefore i went this way with crutches, i had only one military backpack with me. a backpack, because i promised
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the doctors, i thought that i would still have time to return to kyiv and undergo repositioning there at the institute of traumatology, of course i did not have time, and yes, the next 20 months my life passed around the shelves and all my stopping points were around this very place, not far from this settlement, where i had to get off the train, because he, they said that the road was shelled and he didn't go any further is coming, it was hard to believe it, the first thing that happened to me... at that moment, it was general virba, who is now in charge of checkpoints in the donetsk and luhansk regions, he was already retired at the time, and he shouted down the phone to me that korchynsk , call somewhere to call me urgently, the war has started, i also want to be with you at the front, this is the first call and the first confirmation for me that a large-scale offensive has begun, well, then the shelling, then while i was heading across the fields, i was trying to get to... the nearest
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settlement of zaporozhye, i was recruited comrades, they said that in meliptopol and berdyansk there are more than 20 seriously injured with double amputation, women, and can i help to get them out of here, because the civil services are at a loss and do not dare to evacuate the wounded, and in the first hours of the war i had to organize the evacuation of the wounded there are more from melitopol and berdyansk... and there were operating tables, doctors rescued, and ours was really extremely difficult, there were those whose task was to organize, and i am very grateful to the zaporizhzhya hospital, which mobilized very quickly, there was a sensible very the leader, a young officer, lieutenant colonel pysanka, he extremely quickly took the leadership of all the zaporizhia services, because the civil medicine there was completely confused, they even tried not to provide us with blood for the wounded in
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melitopol and in berdyansk in the first hours, we had to knock out from this service, because the only thing that these hospitals in the zaporizhzhia region requested at that time was precisely blood products, because they had them very quickly, unfortunately, they were not ready, ukraine did not prepare them at that time, and the ministry of defense health did not have time to prepare the system for the war, and we felt it in zaporizhzhia on the third day, when... we had a meeting with the chief doctors and the chief doctors of the zaporizhia hospitals, this is a city, millions of cities, many millions of people, and they say that we are running out of narcotics, we only had a supply for 5 days, and for me it was a special blow, because a week before that i stormed mos on crutches, and there was such a deputy, mrs. iryna mykychak, as far as i understood, she was somehow there close person to mr. shmygal, he
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kept her there in this position, and she personally told me that i was a crazy person, that i demanded an urgent increase in the amount of narcotic drugs in the hospital, because even then i recruited okhmadit before the offensive, asked how much in ohmadite reserves , they say, we have for 10 days, all the other hospitals had for five days, and imagine how this large-scale nasub with such a flow of wounded people we had to unload at all, i was rescued at that time dnipropetrovsk volunteers, i don't remember on february 26, i went with the car of the zaporizhia hospital, they collected a ton of medicine for me in a day, dnipropetrovsk volunteers, because there was certainly no such movement in zaporizhzhia, but in dnipro, there was a queue, i found a queue in the central square near oda , there was a queue, a man of 400 people, and the same queue.
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there was a military police station nearby and a line to the volunteer center, people brought help, but of course we first needed to talk, my father was in trouble, there were no turnstiles, no... there were no tourniquets, and here she was a complete failure, people brought us such and such rubber bands for fitness, they did not fit like tourniquets, and they said: well , there is nothing else, well, at least try to save the lives of the soldiers, and those were of course critical days. and why did you storm the ministry of health the day before? and i stormed for two reasons, since my war began in 2014, i was the first... coordinator of the azov battalion, and then i became the coordinator of all, well, all volunteer units near olovaisk, and well, and later on, then the armed forces asked me a person not without a medical education, but i have organizational skills due to the fact that i have been a television
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producer for many years and understand what the organization of the process is, and plus i was at that time the chairman of the board of trustees of the volunteer board for more than seven years ohmadi and i had an understanding of logistics, how to deliver a seriously, seriously ill child from uzhgorod or somewhere from a small transcarpathian village to okmadit in order to save this child's life, that is , i understood what medical logistics was, something that few people understood at the front , at one time in in the 14th year, as it turned out, and in the 22nd year, not everyone was ready, and realizing that there would be an offensive, we just didn’t have such a thing that there was a panic, we were preparing, everyone of us, we distributed on their facebooks that, dear, make the suitcases alarming, even on your channel i explained what should be carried in this suitcase with me, i asked people to prepare first-aid kits, of course they took us for crazy, said that we were inflating, and in therefore, i
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went to the ministry of health, because i knew that we have a limit on the stock narcotic drugs, and when the flow begins, these stocks for 5 days... are used in one day, and that's it, you can't continue, continue anesthesia and and and the operation process, because you have them by order of the ministry of health the stock was on average in all hospitals of the country for 5-10 days, and the second reason was that when i tried on this topic, by the way, danilov, the head of the nsdc, heard about it at the time, he supported us at that time, i was surprised when we told him that the only factory that produces narcotics for hospitals, is located 17 km from the border in the kharkiv region, if we do not manage to save it, then we will be left even without replenishment if the offensive begins. he heard us and
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also tried to influence the ministry of health, and so did i, in the same way that the public tried to influence this ms. mykychak, to which she replied that we are crazy people, that we incite, and of course. unfortunately, she did not take any appropriate actions, this plant was good, the head of the nsdc insisted and they managed to move one line to the city of kharkiv itself, and the plant was seized, as you understand, the first hours of the war, well, a large-scale offensive. ms. oxano, are you saying that a lot of people looked at you like you were crazy, or did any of the people who thought you were crazy at the time, or did they apologize? no, no, of course no, the officials never apologize, they, they are not interested in our opinion, they are not interested, unfortunately, everything is bad with their conscience, they are interested in how they will report to their superiors, why they did not do , that as if they were doing something, most of them are interested in the tick, and the show
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ukrainian-speakers, because this mrs. mykachak , she was a woman from lviv, she was the head of the dos for many years, a ukrainian-speaker from a good ukrainian family, that is, she was not a separka... column, well, she is an official, for her the position was more important than the pre-caution than to prepare, the commander of the medical forces, ms. ostashchenko, behaved the same way , because two weeks before these events, we managed to insist, i was heard by the health care committee, then it is now called the verkhovna rada of health of the nation, this committee, they assembled a committee, we insisted on purchases or on humanitarian aid, ordering a large number of first-aid kits, and the committee of the verkhovna rada... found where to get 238 million, suggested to the commander of the medical forces, ms. ostashchenko, to order these first-aid kits, that they would allocate additional money, and i remember this amount, this is still a very large amount, 238 million, it would cover six months of our needs with all the new brigades, ms.
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ostashchenko came, well, general ostashchenko, excuse me, general ostashchenko, came to the committee and refused this money, she said that she did not have it needs, in first-aid kits there is no need. although at that time there were only 500 first-aid kits in the warehouse, i was able to get these first-aid kits when the warehouse was under fire and could have died, i asked for volunteers from the white church then, it was... february 27, 2022, when i asked to save these 500 first-aid kits, all the volunteers were under fire, and the general, our brother from the ministry of internal affairs of the national police, oleksandr facevych, also helped us, he gave us escort to our volunteers, they came under fire twice, but they took these first-aid kits to dnipro and thus the 93-25 brigade, which were already in the epicenter of the shelling, they were then right in the donetsk region on the line.
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going back to those first days, which i will literally just ask you, again , what were you feeling then, what were the emotions, well, irritation. who didn't prepare , what do you know, this is the 14th year for me, all that i could forgive the 14th year, and this time, when on the 24th, you, we all understood morally, because the hospital, he mobilized quickly, although he was a therapeutic hospital in zaporozhye before that, there were only two of them there surgeon, two anesthesiologists for the entire hospital, and here is viktor pysenka, this is our lieutenant colonel, who at that time headed the hospital, he applies on the same day to the zaporizhzhia medical university, and seven professors, vascular surgeons, come to our hospital.
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surgeons, traumatologists, these are amazing people , they are of the highest class, phd candidates are standing near the operating room, they spent the night with us in the corridor, we all slept, and they are with us when lining up, well, that is, i am a volunteer volunteer, this is a moment and they are just volunteers without salaries, and so on for several months , until a new manager came, until ostashchenko did not... did not remove from her position at the initiative of this lieutenant colonel pysanka and did not appoint the manager who, as a rule, kicked out all the volunteers from the hospital, i mean the doctors , who helped and lived there for several months saved lives, so of course we couldn't get lost here, well, it's good that there was an initiative officer who took over the leadership, including i had a problem, on the same day the center announced to me bloodshed for... that they didn't have time to dig up hemacones, and that there are volunteers who are ready and donors who are ready to donate blood,
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because there was a similar situation in dnipro when i arrived, but they didn't have time to bring hemacones for so that people can donate blood, they don't have anything in which bags to pour this blood into, and it was again a special operation for two days, when we took these hymakons out of the factory, where these manufacturers are, and how we distributed them, that is, that's all we have once again, we didn't have confusion because... we're all from year 14, but of course, it was painful to see our small hospitals, we took away all the wounded from near mariupol at that time, we had a point of transfer of the wounded there, and it was shocking when i saw the small hospitals that gave us the wounded, and they did not know that around valnavaka, the hospitals did not know that, in order to, how, how to provide care with gunshot wounds, they sewed up gunshot wounds, categorically, of course, you cannot sew up gunshot wounds. and it’s scary, when they gave me my first child, on the 26th , they handed it over, they took the girl out from under the takmak, and
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amputation of the lower limb, that is , the legs, if in simple language, and her mother also had an amputation, when we took her away, i saw how the local hospital processed their wounds and that they, how they sewed her up there with a pie, terribly, because this then leads to terrible consequences and purulent processes, and i was shocked that our hospital... in 8 years, excuse me, they didn't learn military surgery, in 8 years, that's what's scary now, and that's what we've managed to do now in kyiv, thanks to the fact that ostashchenko was finally removed, it still is communications with the ministry of health and finally the law of the ministry of defense was able to be passed by the department of health, and the deputy nataliya kalamikova was very much there, she finally pushed the law, where... the ministry of defense took over all pre -hospital care protocols, that is medicine, and the ministry
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of health after two years of offensive on the rest must make all protocols, surgical, anesthesiological, so that civilian hospitals provide assistance to all wounded and civilians in the same language and using the same protocols including mrs. oksano, even talking about her feelings about two years ago, continues to engage in advocacy for the really necessary changes in military medicine, thank you. thank you very much for this conversation, oksana korchynska, a frontline volunteer was with us, we are now going for a short break and then we will discuss with a military expert how the armament changed and what we want to get this year, stay with us. there are discounts on afida max of 10% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. turn on the heart-pounding investigation, the new chapter of the hbo series is already on me, real detective. find out what secrets
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the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for everyone. and thinkers politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. every week, maria gurska meets with the head of the committee on foreign affairs of the polish sejm, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine, pawel kowal. as always, we talk about the most important things that happened this week in poland, ukraine, and europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we
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perceive the statements of european politicians and how will our accession to the eu look like? the project is about politics and the world. with maria gurska every sunday at 15:30 with a repeat at 22:00 in cooperation with sestriaau. channels spresso and ukrainian pen present their own title project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, there will be topics. relevant, guests, special, proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. dear friends, we are coming back. anton mikhnenko, military expert, editor of ukrainian defense review magazine. defense express is joining us. mr. anton, we congratulate you. good morning. mr. anton, well, now, one way or another, we are summing up
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the results of the first two years of the full-scale war with the russian federation. er, and this is happening the day before, well, after the shooting down, for example, of the second a-50, the most advanced aircraft that only the russians have, and we don’t even know what was shot down, and who shot it down, well, less so with what, well, what do we know, because it was reported by our air force, but how have we technologically advanced in these two years, what is the ukrainian army now? in fact, it's simple, if you compare the ukrainian army of the 22nd model and the 24th model, it is, let's say, a completely different army. if we talk about the 22nd year, then we were mostly equipped with soviet and ukrainian- made weapons. certain steel equipment was modernized, updated, put into service.
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if we talk about the army of the model of the 24th year, then we can already see that here we have an arsenal of weapons. samples of western production, an arsenal of domestically produced weapons, in fact, we currently have a certain, let's say, vinaigrette of these weapons, we have state-of-the-art samples that are not even in service in european countries, in particular, if it concerns air defense equipment , we have high-precision weapons, of which we had units, if we say for the 22nd year, today we have a certain ammunition, a certain ammunition, which applied, so to speak. in the 22nd year, we did not have salvo missile systems like hymers, we did not have self-propelled artillery installations, american, british production, we did not have such a quantity. drones that we currently have, today we have a very powerful arsenal of anti -aircraft defense, a number
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of european-made, american -made anti-aircraft missile systems, which are already here in ukraine, no one could have thought that in the end in two years, even earlier , the patriot anti-missile complex will appear in ukraine, it is generally such a flag that meant a lot for many european countries, for many it was the fact that... the presence of the patriot complex itself on its territory, this means a certain umbrella, ensuring the political and economic integrity of the country and ensuring security, it meant conducting business opportunities for european countries that only recently deployed patriots on their territory, we now have it, and this such a large, such a serious indicator, that is, i will emphasize once again, if we compare, these are not comparable things, the army of ukraine in the 22nd year and the army of ukraine in the 24th year, it is a completely different thing, it is different training, it is different capabilities. different weapons, different equipment, shuigu, the russian minister of defense, visited somewhere in the area of ​​avdiivka, i don't know, i think somewhere in
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the area of ​​a hundred kilometer zone from avdiivka, we know that he does not dare to come close to the front, nevertheless, he was shown and demonstrated the ukrainian equipment captured in avdiivka, in particular there showed, there seems to be one max pro, but that's his name. max saw this, this, this, this armored infantry car, and he inspected it , after which he said that it was already clear to everyone that the best weapon in the world is a kalashnikov assault rifle. how do russian weapons actually show themselves now in a confrontation with western-style weapons in the hands of ukrainian servicemen? look, there really isn't an unequivocal answer here: bad or good, because there are really good samples of weapons in the russian federation, we have to give it. they have a good school of creation complexes defense air defense complexes and the creation of complex electronic warfare , they have certain achievements, and serious
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achievements, they made a certain conclusion from this in 2008 and have now carried out the modernization and updating of their radar warfare systems, for example, with regard to other types of weapons, we know very well , what is the bmp-1, bmp-2 , bmp3, we know what the t-55 tanks are, which are currently in mass use there, of course they have... bad examples of the t-90, t-72 tanks, but again, these samples of weapons are not as flawless as russian propaganda constantly advertises about them, they constantly screw up, they constantly say that their weapons are ultra-modern, have various properties that are not found in the west, in fact we see that, for example, the same missiles do not reach to the specified targets, the same rockets do not hit the point that was specifically laid for them, some infrastructural object or military. on the contrary , it removes it as a civilian object, i.e., the fact that russian propaganda created such a soap bubble around the armament of the russian
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federations, this is a fact, and we proved it during these hostilities, that these are not enough high-quality weapons, as they say about them, nevertheless, they really have certain models, which we still need to learn, which also perform their tasks well, which perform their functions quite well, trophies are found, things that are interesting to us are also found. to study, gain experience and create better models that could be countered by russian models. what is happening in ukraine now, what you said, is a bit of a vinaigrette of samples of western weapons, to what extent it complicates all logistical tasks of repair, and so on, there are different denominations, yes, of course, this is a certain challenge, i will emphasize again, and many experts, including myself, have already said about it many times, about the fact that really this is a certain challenge for our defense industry. on the one hand, on the other hand, this is a challenge for our military, because this technique needs to be mastered, repaired, a challenge to deliver logistics
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to western eastern europe, components , a challenge to repair this technique in ukraine or abroad, that is, it is such a big problem on the one hand, on the other hand it is again a combat application, we also have to understand how to use this vinegar correctly, where it is necessary... to use lightly armored equipment, where more armored equipment , where the technique, how it has proven itself quite well, what should be bet on in the future, what are the advantages, what are the disadvantages, this is also a legal process of learning for us, for our partners, learning and the process, let's say, of creating with of this vinaigrette, such a full-fledged salad, let's say so, which would really effectively provide our defense and allow us to conduct offensive operations in the future, so yes, it is a challenge, it is a problem, but we see it now... including a shift in our defense industry regarding partnership with foreign companies, we see efforts, including our foreign partners, to help us in
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organizing production. certain types of weapons on the territory of ukraine, in countries that are adjacent to, bordering ukraine, in countries, in particular eastern europe, that is, here, let's say , the process of creating such a full-fledged salad that would ensure the fulfillment of all tasks there, it goes and moves, i would like it to move much faster , there are literally a couple of minutes left before the moment of silence, i ask you you know, if you think back to two years ago, we were terribly happy about the opportunities that were about to be handed over to us, for example this one... and just then he appeared to us, this is such a miracle weapon, well, the muscovites are just finished, then we said, oh naby, haimars, haimars everything they would change, and they changed in the end , they changed a lot, but each time there was hope for some miracle weapon, a wondervafeen for some silver bullet that would kill that werewolf, or , nevertheless, valery zaluzhnyi wrote
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the same article at the end, which is technological only advantage. will give us the opportunity to win, what can be this silver bullet, at least a comprehensive understanding? in fact, i would say that the key silver bullet in a complex sense is the ukrainian soldier, he is the soldier who is able to master western weapons, is able to use an effective technique , the one that is provided to him, the one that he has, this is the key bullet that will be, let's say this, that, that, that... that that means that will destroy our enemy, but definitely , right here i again i emphasize, only technologies and modern technologies, they will allow us to gain an advantage over the enemy. the use of re-electronic warfare complexes, modern combat systems that would tie everything into a single one, means of intelligence, re-electronic warfare, means of fire impression, saturation of the front line with drones
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aircraft, the use of these... various types of reconnaissance, strike, tactical depth, operational-tactical, strategic depth, the use of ground robotic platforms, we must understand that our human resource is very valuable, very important for us, we have to protect the life of every serviceman, and the more we have these robotic platforms, technological means that would allow us, without human intervention, to hit the enemy's facilities, restrain his onslaught and continue on... operations, the more chances we have to win. well, thank you very much for this conversation, we were joined by anton mikhnenko, a military expert, editor of the ukrainian defense review magazine of the defense express company, and we talked about the technological challenges that, including , the armed forces of ukraine face, because it is precisely the advantage of technology that will give, gives we have the opportunity to restrain the enemy and inflict, well , but technology is only in the hands of the fighting spirit and from. weights of ukrainian
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soldiers, and dear friends, 900 hryvnias for this morning, you and i have collected for our soldiers from the 141st brigade, which is now in the direction of orihiv, they need , let me remind you, walkie-talkies, batteries, sterling, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, detectors, drone detection and many other necessary military equipment, please join our gathering or by qr code or by going to the espresso tv website and finding the espresso volunteers section. having found this collection, or some other collections that we just now have in the works, our military needs our help, the war continues, the third year of a full-scale invasion, so we must be together with our army, because otherwise, ah, because otherwise the enemy can advance further, he has not canceled his purpose in principle and still has appetites. and
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now, let's remember. not the silence of all those ukrainians whose lives were cut short by russian aggression. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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