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tv   [untitled]    February 24, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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without food, the deputies of the state duma passed a law on financing the agreement with great britain on fishing, which allowed the sailors of the kingdom to engage in fishing in our sea waters. for almost 70 years, they caught more than half a million fish last year alone. millions of tons of cod alone are used to prepare the main british dish , fish and chips. putin returned crimea to russia. and he will forever go down in history as the president who returned our territory, protected novorossiya, and this is him again, this is his decision, exclusively, and returned our fish to us, because what, 68 years ago, the british, barely unscrupulous , announced sanctions on us, and they themselves are 40% right. he forms a fish menu from our cod
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, now let them lose weight, well, here it is interesting , of course, that the speaker of the state duma, you know, it seems that he is already waiting for some kind of gagavan tribunal and just in case he says: it's not me at all, it's not us here they voted unanimously, it was personal, everything was decided by putin, no, friends, it won't be like that, you voted for it. therefore, of course, the termination of an international agreement is a big deal hello to all those who believe that the russian federation is such a legal successor of the soviet union, and it should be treated like that there, you have a place in the security council, no, you know, people need to tie it with it, with a place in the un security council also, russia is not a legal successor for a long time, you see, it breaks agreements for which it should be responsible, violates international law, well, that is, the russian federation. this is a separate
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kind of, you know, tyranny, and well, actually, it should be introduced into the un in a new way, or removed from the un, well, something like that should be done with it, because in fact it is really very stupid and well there is little clear solution, well , this is only to show something to the british, so that they really eat less there, well, and i say, they are happy, happy about this, that finally, finally. from london, where now there will be no russian white fish, in 1956 for some reason we allowed london to catch fish in our waters, why, how much of our fish did the british eat during this time, how much during this time did the europeans and even the same british they burned russian gas, oil, well, you understand, a country that sells... only resources, well, at
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the same time, tell how much someone ate there fish, well, it’s funny, it’s just funny, but that’s the way it is, i’m saying there are only one conclusions from this: russia cannot be considered a normal country that just normally cooperates with others, it is an absolute violator now, and with which one should actually behave exactly like that , that is, they will exclude him from everywhere, they will expel him from everywhere, and in the end, again, i think that the british. they will finally understand that perhaps it is time to start transferring to ukraine the russian assets that are in britain, because, well, actually, there is not much to lose, and it's time to punish russia in a real way, and not within such limited boundaries, well, that's it, this week another such very significant event for russia happened, it was not discussed mainly there in some such... broadcasts, but it was very
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actively discussed among, i would say so, that part that directly participates in the war and in the aggression against ukraine, namely in the morning, on february 21, you know, this day in general was kind of, well, stellar for russia, immediately, several sources reported that a certain andrii morozov, who worked under by such a nickname. this is one of the most famous russian warlords, war propagandists, he himself fought, well, these are the russian occupation armies, he fought long enough, by the way, and he committed suicide, and he explained this by the fact that he was harassed from above because of his critical posts about the losses of the russian army near avdiivsk, avdiivka. morozov's suicide note was posted on his telegram channel. they write to us from yanina and
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inform us that morozov shot himself and in the same suicide note he wrote that he was baited by political whores. nightingale what exactly happened? on february 18 , morozovo published a post in which he mentioned the death of 16,000 russian soldiers in the battles for avdiivka since the beginning of october. the publication caused a huge scandal and discussion among russian propagandists, because they said that there were no deaths there, as usual. well, they immediately started harassing him. let's see. union. a great friend of tetyana montyan and her favorites writes: from october , from nevelsky to noveselyvka, 16 thousand irreversible losses on our side, and about 300 thousands of units of knocked-out equipment, and the enemy,
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having conducted defensive actions and inflicted in the best case for us irreversible losses of 5-6-7 thousand, says goodbye and collapses. doesn't this fall under the article about discrediting the armed forces of the russian federation? isn't that like inciting the soldiers of the armed forces to go and write denunciations to their command? you understand that this is damage. they also go on the streams and tell: all the projectiles released by the ministry of defense of the russian federation are released into milk. he understands that in the days of ... the passionately adored comrade stalin, his they would be pinned to the wall without the last word, for such a post, for such a punishment, after this monologue, some people will say, well, how can you believe the ministry of defense, here we have morozov, he is a light, he opened everyone's eyes, this is a real
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person, they lost navalny , they got morozov, but you have to beat them from the foot , there is such a crowd that you will definitely not miss, well... well, this story is beautiful, here is yuliya vityazana, ermen gasparyan, who work for solov'ov, they are all arranged, but of course it was not limited to that, because well from the fact that there is just some kind of shriek, but constantly, for example, the same solovyov says something about others, well, it does not lead to anything in particular, but here in this case it simply, well, you know, literally undermined the basis of the entire propaganda narrative of russia regarding their interests. avdiyivka, because they said that there were no casualties, they said that the ukrainian army lost literally thousands there and were captured, here murs comes out and says: you know, they just got together and washed away, we didn’t even manage to kill anyone there in particular capture, well
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some single people who by chance, who simply couldn't get out, but the cauldron, which russian propaganda talked about for a long time, did not happen, here they are trying to tell it, moreover, even in foreign media, the russians threw it all away , and here again the russian propagandist comes out and says that nothing happened, they didn’t just start taking an interest in him, her superiors, with whom he worked, well, he is a military serviceman besides, they literally started harassing him, they are the units with which this murs worked threatened that... they will not supply them with shells, bmps, they will not supply anything, no equipment, they will fight the hell with shovels. they threatened him, well, as i understand it, to throw him somewhere, to kill something else. as a result, he decided to go out on his own. well, for us
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, it’s not bad in principle, because the person was direct, let’s say, active, and maybe if he shouted more, they would have started to correct some mistakes, but no one corrects anything like that, well, that’s it... 20 in february he deleted this post, wrote a post about the fact that literally this , that, that he is being forced, that he is being ordered , there is a colonel, who is pressing a lot of this on him, complained, complained, and actually shot himself, well, another one, the same as he is a fighter there, such a soldier, and he literally arranged a whole song about him there as well. andriy murs, a member of the russian spring militia, a front-line soldier , one of the first to volunteer, like everyone else, shot himself today. what happened to him, i believe that solovyov, vytyazev and all these people can be blamed for his death, i i think that
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the investigative committee should initiate a criminal case for inciting suicide. and you know, this is... such an absolute discrepancy between the reality that exists and what is happening not only on tv, but apparently in the head of the russian leadership, because... at the moment when he was shooting there, shaigu met with putin, where shoigu told, that literally without losses, that they captured, captured everyone, destroyed everyone, surrounded everyone, and then, well, literally other venkors, who at least somehow have some idea about what was happening there, they said the exact opposite, and besides, it's not just this unfortunate person... murs , in fact, they all
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treated this epic victory, which they tried to tell the russians on tv, with such skepticism. the avdiiv operation lasted a little less than four months, it started on october 10. i am not a fan of estimating large numbers in ukrainian losses. a quick story, then it turns out that there are still many enemies, the enemy is still strong, and it is too early to say that the front has collapsed. we took near avdiivka avdiivka, but we did not take avdiivskyi ukrap district, we did not take the reserve positions that were there. it can be said that the enemy wavered, he wavered under avdiivka, but the ukrainian defenders are sitting in pits or under a rock, they look at avdiivka and say:
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the authority of the russian armed forces, because he says that it turns out that the ukrainians are sitting in pits, and this is at the moment when the same shoigu comes and tells everything. everyone was kicked out of the wells, with these wells, well, such an interesting story came out, shuigu also decided to tell putin that not only in avdiyivka, but also in krynyk, we won there, and now we will show you how it happened, because they told you how they hung the flags there, and now you can see, how it looked even from the ukrainian kupuk. let's take a look at everything, we marines of the guards 810th
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brigade, together with our paratrooper brothers , officially declare that the krynkas are ours, but the krynkas have not been cleaned, as of today there are not only observation posts there, troops are stationed there. well, that's how ours ran to some point, hung two flags and fled somewhere far, far away to a landing site across the road, somewhere away, well, i will tell you that even later they destroyed this point also with these flags, but apparently shuigu did not inform putin about this, well, judging by that. from everything that he did not inform putin, and about what happened again in the same week, when on february 20, from the impact of two
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high mars missiles, at the training ground near the village of trudivske, donetsk region, this is not far from volnovaga, it was eliminated, well the last figure i heard was 67 troops from transbaikalia, but it is interesting that there was a strike inflicted during the day, when russian servicemen were lined up at the training ground. three companies of the motorized rifle brigade, that 's somewhere around 200-400 people, waiting for the arrival of the commander of the 29th army of the eastern military district, major general oleg moiseev, and of course, this also caused a scandal literally immediately, because it turned out that it was not so it is easy to hide, gentlemen, front-line soldiers, maybe someone is not aware, i will explain everything to you now, but... general moiseev: 65 people died yesterday, these were losses only in the morning, by
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the evening the number was already different, i have the exact number i don’t know at the moment, the fact is that damn , just a huge number of guys, damn, died because some idiot decided to build a building, and as a result did not come to it, well, that’s such a great story, and what about you do you think, well... they started talking about it in general because there was a video of those killed, which we show you a little bit, but you are unlikely to see anything there, because we have to wash it all away, because it is real. it's just that there are corpses and everything in a heap, there are really a lot of people and that's what it's interesting that such a story happened, well, we also had such stories, it's true, and we also have this, well, no one was happy about it and they tried to find out how it happened, and they have their propaganda
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that it started to be told first by solovyov , who took it. constant interviews and not like that , by the way, a long time ago with the same oleg moiseyev, a major general, who is beautiful, wonderful, when it happened, the main thing, what confused and what caused solovyov's people, that they published the video, nothing more of him interesting, they just published the video, well, here it is, people died, whose fault is it, if pictures appear after that, why do we have enemies when we have such friends? well, really, why do we have such friends, if we are enemies, and the main thing right now is to write, write, you want stalin, so under stalin you are already busies, ruffians, montanans and all the rest, you would have been in the zone a long time ago,
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right at that moment they found themselves, that's all, it will literally be a day and solovyov's friend alauddinov is forced to admit that there was such a story. i am shooting a video about the gloomy events that happened in our area in the donetsk region, about the fact of the death and injuries of our soldiers of the 29th army, the ministry of defense of russia. so, i want to. i want to express my condolences to the families and relatives of the deceased boys. i want to ask the residents of russia not to trust the ukrainian public, not to think that everything is exactly as they write. yes, we have dead boys, there are wounded, but you know,
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on february 21, he had to talk not about... the story near volnovakha, but the story in the kherson region, the fact that on that day the same mass liquidation of russians took place nearby podokalynivky in the kherson region, at the landfill for on the instructions of the dnipro command, they brought future civilians from the 328th airborne assault regiment, the 810th regiment, the 81st, and there they all met the hymarses as well, but i think we need to support, madam... posts something about , that the russian military leadership is doing something bad , catch them more often, then they will just collect such buildings more often, and we will go there more often, of course we will throw our highmars or something like that, so we will not interfere, let
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them work, catch those who are there but you can still shoot a couple... of their warriors, that too will help us a lot, but you know, in general, if we say in general, why all this , why such rhetoric, why such aggression and such directness of these official propagandists against anyone who from the same russians is trying to reduce the death rate among the russian occupation forces army, but everything is simple, because in my opinion, in the russian propaganda environment in general, there is a form'. you know, such a certain social one, as if like a contract with the russians, they, well, it's not that they don't feel sorry for their military there, no, on the contrary, they welcome them more and more destruction, because for the most part it is advertised in every way that
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let's gather prisoners into the russian army, let's gather some criminal criminals, people who... somewhere, well, get drunk in some outback, so let's recruit them all into the army, and these people it's stupid, it's not a pity, and that's exactly it, in fact, russian propaganda is somehow, you know, subconsciously trying to convey to the russian masses what russian propaganda is telling you in general, to worry that another few thousand russian soldiers were killed there, but who are they, if they return home, they will be again to rob, rape someone. to kill, as it happens all the time there, if you read the russian criminal chronicle, it's every other day some messages, he came on vacation and killed someone, because he already. killed, arrived, assaulted someone, because that’s what he always does, that’s why he was imprisoned, or some robbery, robbery attack, so for people,
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they say, russian propagandists, it’s profitable for you, more will die there, you know, in ukraine, less will reach russia, and judging by everything, it is exactly this kind of, you know, that kind of idea is being formed there, and the further, the more, so well... well, solo'ov's position is exactly popular, why literally catch someone who, well, listen to someone who is trying to correct some defects, let it be better that these russian soldiers die in large numbers, well well, we can only support this point of view, we also believe that the russian occupiers should die in large numbers, let's do it together literally, see you.
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our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. when i start to remember, well, it's more like a feeling of anger and some desire for revenge in me present, it does not subside. pavlo, a 60-year-old resident of mariupol, painfully remembers the terrible russian invasion of his hometown. before the beginning of the great war, pavel and his wife svitlana had a happy life, he taught physical education at school and was a coach. martial arts, his wife had her own business. on february 24, 2022, a new life countdown began. paul says: those whom he considered
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his friends turned out to be traitors and marauders. they were so actively trading in this loot and i wonder with such joy where they got it from. it's a joy. you who did not see that in our country we are following the european, civilized path. the path of development, traitors, these are traitors , this is denerchyk, this is the former donetsk region, who took up arms and went to kill us, and then the regular troops already pulled up, they already pulled up the equipment, they pulled up not just modern equipment, they started to attack like mockers like this they will go there , the house is burning, they will go there, what was the need, god knows, shells were constantly pelting the city, russians dropped them from airplanes.
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then began to analyze, this is my mistake, dostoya, she is determined, how did i stay alive, it was a millimeter, 2 mm, a woman, she was now in the house, the icons saved her. so, the makukh family lived in the besieged mariupol for three months, because they could not leave svetlana's bedridden old mother. all those who remained in the city had to pass a mandatory check, the so-called filtering. the couple helped the local and ukrainian military. pavlo and... was on duty at his school. one day, svetlana, together with other people, hid in a drama theater, which was soon destroyed by the russians. and the children already
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thought that she stayed there, and the woman came to the theater, thought, thought, said , i was left alone with my mother-in-law, it’s hard for me there, she leaves this drama theater, which is 13-15 kilometers away, goes under bombings, returns home, at the end of may, on the streets already there was a corpse stench, pavlo and his wife were afraid that the city would be closed due to the risk of spreading. cholera, however, the couple managed to leave mariupol on may 31, 2022, two days before the departure , svitlana's old mother died, and pavlo decided to bury her in his yard, i dug it myself, i not very deep, i dug in the hope that in september, something, we had such information that we would be released to mariupol in september, well, that year, then we buried my mother-in-law in this, when we were already leaving,
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the saint says, well, now at least someone will be at home. to look after, we arrived at the customs office , well, men, there were some, several buses there, we were taken to a room, we were all separated into underwear, we looked at the pickaxes, he said, well, we will offer you a job here, stay, don’t go anywhere drive, and i i also answer that to their questions, that i will not stay anywhere, i need to understand myself, all the events that have taken place, and the woman is asked where you are, she is going to eat like this, and he... less like husband and wife have been living in germany for two years, for the first time during this time they met their relatives already here in ukraine. svitlana and pavla's son and grandson left mariupol in march. 12-year-old maksym lives with his mother in drohobych, lviv region. his father went to serve in the army. the guy remembers those humiliations and a long way to the territory controlled by ukraine. there was a large column, all
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seated. were occupied, we drove standing all night, and then, well, at night we arrived at the russian checkpoint, there was a gas station, and at that time we were told that we would not go any further, and we stood there for two days, the next where in the morning they brought us water from the sewage system, which was not drinkable, then they threw a loaf of bread at us for the whole bus. unless we just ate, on the day when that water was brought to us, a vehicle was just driving in front of us, this, well, the russian military, we saw it, and we were not allowed to pass because of this, that they simply drove the equipment. difficult circumstances and the war separated the makukh family, each of them dreams of one thing, when they will reunite and return to their native, ukrainian mariupol. i dream of restoring my home, this is my dream, and... and he perfectly understands that
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they will return there, it will be replaced, the border is 40 km from russia, for a while we will not destroy this rashka, we already have a team of mariupol officials who are immediately only those who pay off enter and each does their own thing business, doctors, education, housing and communal services, well, what is needed for the life of a full-fledged city.
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everything is fine, in short, everything, everyone have a good day, hugs, words to ukraine. history has a tendency to repeat itself, but if you look back at history, we had wars with the russian federation, another empire.


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